Information and Publicity: Table

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Information and Publicity: Table


Information and Publicity: Table

The information provided in the following table must be accompanied by the related supporting material to be sent to the JTS, in order to be checked by the I&P Officer, according to Regulation 1159/2000 obligations. Please note that the Lead Partner has to send one original of each publication (when appropriate) in all project languages (when appropriated). Add any item you need. INFORMATION EVENTS (please indicate which and how many of the following events were realized during the reporting period, number of participants, the implementing partner, if the event costs were covered by the ERDF and in this case the amount spent, which related material was published; these information must match the information in the Publication session below). In case of sample checks carried out by JTS/PA you might be requested to provide for a participant list or similar document that confirms that the event has regularly occurred. Amount spent Covered Item (e.g. (for the whole Quantity Description Implementing by ERDF Publication issued for the conference, seminar, (number .of (Name or title/date of realization) event) workshop) partner event participants) yes no Conference 80 Trans-national Scientific Conference, 27-28 June Regione x Posters, brochures, 23.000 euro 2005 Lombardia, invitations, badges, (approximately) Regione FVG, shoppers, nameplates, Regione Veneto certificates of attendance (in collaboration with Regione Piemonte) Workshop 16 Workshop among the case studies implemented Regione / / Dossier including the Internal by Regione Piemonte, 14 October 2005 Piemonte presentations of the case expenditures studies (4) implemented by (e.g. Regione Piemonte photocopies) Local workshop 13 First Local Workshop in Agordo (Regione Regione Veneto x Invitation cards, envelopes, n.a. Veneto), 8 June 2005 mail expenses, workshops documents Local Workshop 16 First Local Workshop in Santo Stefano di Cadore Regione Veneto x Invitation cards, envelopes, n.a. (Regione Veneto), 9 June 2005 mail expenses, workshops documents Meeting for the 11 Meeting for the presentation of the customer Regione FVG x Customer Satisfaction / survey’s satisfaction Questionnaire to the local authorities Questionnaire (Event hosted presentation and relevant stakeholders carried out in July 2005 by the Forni di Sopra – 16th November 2005 Municipality of Forni di Sopra)

I&P Report November 2005 ALPCITY PROJECT INFORMATION EVENTS (please indicate which and how many of the following events were realized during the reporting period, number of participants, the implementing partner, if the event costs were covered by the ERDF and in this case the amount spent, which related material was published; these information must match the information in the Publication session below). In case of sample checks carried out by JTS/PA you might be requested to provide for a participant list or similar document that confirms that the event has regularly occurred. Amount spent Covered Item (e.g. (for the whole Quantity Description Implementing by ERDF Publication issued for the conference, seminar, (number .of (Name or title/date of realization) event) workshop) partner event participants) yes no Seminar Nieder- x Invitation via e-mail to all / Libraries 8 “The perfect appearance” / 20.05.2005 oesterreich public libraries in Austria Conference 25 Public Libraries in the 21st Century Nieder- x Invitation Folder to all / Libraries oesterreich cities/villages in – Niederoesterreich, 300 to other contacts (public libraries), after the event: resolution (not finished yet) Workshops 44 Youth work in municipalities Nieder- x / / Youth oesterreich Conferences 23 Networking in youth agendas Nieder- x / / Youth oesterreich Workshop 11 Workshop “nature and sport” Grainau X / 30,00 20.07.2005 (Alpenforschungs instut (AFI) Prof. Bausch) Workshop 22 Workshop “family and children” Grainau X / 27,30 19.05.2005 (AFI) Workshop 11 Workshop “Wellnes and conference” Grainau X / 30,00 20.07.2005 (AFI) Meeting 11 Meeting local steering group Grainau X / 1116,10 09.06.2005 (Plankreis München, AFI, Büro Dr. Heider, Gouvernment Upper Bavaria)

I&P Report November 2005 ALPCITY PROJECT INFORMATION EVENTS (please indicate which and how many of the following events were realized during the reporting period, number of participants, the implementing partner, if the event costs were covered by the ERDF and in this case the amount spent, which related material was published; these information must match the information in the Publication session below). In case of sample checks carried out by JTS/PA you might be requested to provide for a participant list or similar document that confirms that the event has regularly occurred. Amount spent Covered Item (e.g. (for the whole Quantity Description Implementing by ERDF Publication issued for the conference, seminar, (number .of (Name or title/date of realization) event) workshop) partner event participants) yes no Workshop 5 Workshop “Experience path” 04.08.2005 Grainau X / It is not 4 Workshop “Experience path” 10.08.2005 (Grainauer promoted by 4 School, Forest the AlpCity Workshop Experience path” 24.08.2005 7 “ enterprises) program, Workshop “Experience path” 07.09.2005 however it was formed from the workshops above and is now independent Conference 25 Meeting of small Swiss communities of the Tschlin x / 1.922,35 network ‘’Alliance in the Alps’’ in Tschlin Press 5 Press Conference on the AlpCity Project in St- HEVs and St- x 500€ conference Maurice, St-Maurice, 11th July 2005 Maurice Seminar 80 Presentation of the AlpCity Project during the HEVs x 500€ Interreg IIIB Workshop organized by the Swiss Federal Office for Spatial Development, Bern, 4th nov. 2005

I&P Report November 2005 ALPCITY PROJECT PUBLICATIONS (please indicate which and how many types of the following publications of the reporting period were realized, the implementing partner, if the costs were covered by the ERDF and in this case the amount spent. Item (e.g. flyer, Covered brochure, poster, Implementing Amount spent Quantity Description(name or title/ date of issue) by ERDF booklet, CD ROM, partner newsletter, website) yes no Website 1 - Project’s web site Regione Piemonte x 15.000,00 website 1 - Partner project’s web site linked to the official project web Niederoesterreich x 4.871,88 site Posters 20 4 case studies’ posters to be shown at the exhibit organized at the Trans- Regione Piemonte x national Scientific Conference, 27-28 June 2005 Posters 12 3 Posters (two for the PPs and SSC meetings and 1 for the Regione Regione Piemonte x Piemonte cases studies’ meeting) 8.000,00 Greeting cards 1 Design of an AlpCity greetings’ card – Seasons Greetings 2005 Regione Piemonte x Logos 16 Design of the logos related to the WPs 5-9 (the logos have been designed Regione Piemonte x / with a English and Italian version) Brochures 4 Provision to Regione Veneto of the contents for the AlpCity brochures Regione Piemonte / (English – Italian – French – German) Brochures for 1000 Brochures in English and Italian languages with Alpcity Project description, Regione Veneto x 1.495,84 dissemination made in occasion of Transnational Scientific meeting (Milan, June 27 - 28, 2005) Brochures for 1000 Brochures in German and French languages with Alpcity Project description Regione Veneto x 1.047,08 dissemination made in occasion of Transnational Scientific meeting (Milan, June 27 - 28, 2005) Posters 200 Posters for Transnational scientific meeting (Milan, June 27 - 28, 2005) Regione Veneto x 753,33 Presence 80 Transnational Scientific meeting (Milan, June 27 - 28, 2005) presence Regione Veneto x certificates certificates Invitation cards 300 Transnational Scientific meeting invitations (Milan, June 27 - 28, 2005) Regione Veneto x 258,17 Personalized 300 Transnational Scientific meeting personalized envelopes for invitations Regione Veneto x 188,98 envelopes (Milan, June 27 - 28, 2005) Addresses 150 Transnational Scientific meeting addresses printing of invitations (Milan, Regione Veneto x 80,00 printing June 27 - 28, 2005) Badges 150 Transnational Scientific meeting badges for participants (Milan, June 27th- Regione Veneto x 332,84 28th, 2005) Speaker’s 15 Transnational Scientific meeting Speaker’s nameplates (Milan, June 27th- Regione Veneto x nameplates 28th, 2005) Shoppers 200 Transnational Scientific meeting personalized shoppers Regione Veneto x 652,50 (Milan, June 27th-28th, 2005)

I&P Report November 2005 ALPCITY PROJECT PUBLICATIONS (please indicate which and how many types of the following publications of the reporting period were realized, the implementing partner, if the costs were covered by the ERDF and in this case the amount spent. Item (e.g. flyer, Covered brochure, poster, Implementing Amount spent Quantity Description(name or title/ date of issue) by ERDF booklet, CD ROM, partner newsletter, website) yes no Brochures for 1000 Brochures in English and Italian languages with AlpCity Project description, Regione Veneto x 1.495,84 dissemination made in occasion of Transnational Scientific meeting (Milan, June 27 - 28, 2005) Posters for 100 Case studies posters (Comelico and Agordina areas) made in occasion of Regione Veneto x 904.00 dissemination Trasnational Scientific meeting (Milan, June 27th-28th, 2005) and for future promotional events and dissemination Invitation cards 26 Invitations cards for first local Workshop in Agordo on June 8th 2005 Regione Veneto yes N.A. Envelopes and 52 Envelopes and mail expenses for first local Workshop in Agordo on June 8th Regione Veneto x N.A. mail expenses 2005 Workshop 3 Workshop documents for first local Workshop in Agordo on June 8th 2005 Regione Veneto x N.A. documents Invitation cards 26 Invitations cards for first local Workshop in Santo Stefano di Cadore on June Regione Veneto x N.A. 9th 2005 Poster 1 Poster for the Project Trans-national Scientific Conference illustrating the Regione FVG In x Cost covered by activities of the two pilot cases which are being carried out in selected collaboration with the the mountain areas of the Region of FVG University of Udine implementing partners Second 1 Second customer satisfaction survey referred to the area of Forni di Sopra Regione FVG In x Expenditure customer carried out in July 2005. collaboration with included in the satisfaction O:sistemi srl overall cost of Questionnaire the relevant agreement signed between the Region and the O.sistemi srl Posters 8 2 Posters (8copies) presenting the actions carried out by Région Franche- Région Franche- x 423,14 Comté for the Trans-national Scientific Meeting, 27-28 June 2005 Comté Flyer Libraries 1500 Invitation flyer for the Libraries-Conference (to all cities and libraries in NOE) Niederoesterreich x n.a.

I&P Report November 2005 ALPCITY PROJECT PUBLICATIONS (please indicate which and how many types of the following publications of the reporting period were realized, the implementing partner, if the costs were covered by the ERDF and in this case the amount spent. Item (e.g. flyer, brochure, poster, Implementing Covered Amount spent Quantity Description(name or title/ date of issue) booklet, CD ROM, partner by ERDF newsletter, website) Website 1 – www.grain Grainau yes 3.480,00 AlpCity – information about the project for all interested persons Brochure 7765 Brochure Geological Hiking trail “Geologischer Wanderweg” Grainau x 3.693,74 Newsletter 35.300 Publication at the Kreisboten about the AlpCity Partnermeeting Grainau no see attachment (Kreisboten)

Newsletter 18.500 Publication at the Garmisch-partenkirchner Tagblatt Grainau 19.09.2005 AlpCity-Project – Presentation through Prof. Bausch at the Council of Grainau Consultancy n.a. Market publication in “Journal Officiel” (marché public) Rhône-Alpes X 668.38

Information and publicity activities: description

I&P Report November 2005 ALPCITY PROJECT Please describe for each information event listed above: a) the purpose, b) the target group, c) the accordance with the communication plan provided in the AF, d) the level of involvement of project partners, e) the expected outputs and the realized ones)


ALPCITY TRANS-NATIONAL SCIENTIFIC MEETIN, 27-28 JUNE 2005 a) purpose The ambition of this meeting was the setting-up of a platform, at a trans-national level, for discussions and exchange of information, experiences and lessons learned in order to provide an added value and some concrete inputs to the AlpCity overall successful implementation, development and follow-up. This trans-national meeting represented a key project’s event during which AlpCity project (2004-2006) was widely presented in terms of strategies, activities and concrete results. A special focus was on the project’s case studies which was also exploited through a dedicated posters’ session. b) the target group All the Project Partners, the SSC Experts as well as the Institutions involved in the AlpCity case studies (Universities, NGOs, Research Institutions and some case studies’ local counterparts). Representatives of key institutions such as the Interreg IIIB Alpine Space Managing Authority and JTS, CIPRA, Alpine Convention and ISCAR were officially invited. c) the accordance with the communication plan provided in the AF Full accordance with the communication plan described in the AF (e.g. exhibit of posters). d) the level of involvement of project partners High level of the PPs involvement both in relation to the 3 official organizers (Regione Lombardia – Regione Veneto and Regione FVG) as wellas the others who attended the meeting and contributed to its success. e) the expected outputs and the realized ones The realized outputs (e.g. PPs posters exhibit, I&P material, documents to be used during the conference, presentations etc …) were fully in line with the expected outputs.

EVENTS ORGANISED BY REGIONE PIEMONTE a) purpose Exchange of information, lessons learned, experiences among the different case studies implemented by Regone Piemonte. Furthermore a special attention was paid to the project’s activities related to the search for Best Practices to be carried out by the different teams involved in the case studies. b) the target group The institutions (universities, researchers) involved in the case studies’ implementation as well as some local actors. c) the accordance with the communication plan provided in the AF Fully in line with the overall project’s communication plan

d) the level of involvement of project partners The PPs were not directly involved in this Regione Piemonte local event. However all the PPs are informed concerning the activities (ref. to the case studies) carried out by Regione Piemonte through the Co-ordination Reports (uploaded on line) and the Partners’ meetings.

I&P Report November 2005 ALPCITY PROJECT e) the expected outputs and the realized ones Presentation of the case studies finalized by the different institutions/consultants involved in the case studies’ implementation.


LOCAL WORKSHOP a) purpose The two workshops has been oriented to present the project initiatives foreseen by AlpCity to the local public and to survey local requests and suggestions on rural buildings recovery issue. b) the target group The two workshops has been addressed to Local Administration delegates (Mayors and persons in charge of technical offices) concerned in case studies (Canale d’Agordo, Cencenighe, Falcade, S. Tomaso e Vallada Agordina for the Comunità Montana Agordina and Comelico Superiore, San Pietro di Cadore, San Nicolò di Comelico, Danta, Santo Stefano di Cadore,Sappada for the Comunità Montana Comelico e Sappada) and to technicians working in the local background (architects, agronomists and forest graduates, geologists, geometers, ect). c) the accordance with the communication plan provided in the AF The specific workshop goals reflect the general object of WP Urban Environment. d) the level of involvement of project partners The project partners are not involved directly in local workshops but they are informed about the realisation during trans-national project meeting and they can examine, if required, all documentation produced as regard to the two local events. e) the expected outputs and the realized ones The realisation of two local workshop starts the cooperation with two Comunità Montane areas, first of all as regard to collection of data and information, among local administrations, useful to set the work.


MEETING FOR THE SURVEY’S PRESENTATION, FORNI DI SOPRA, 16.11.2005 Purpose: local meeting to increase the stakeholders’ involvement in the project activities Target: local authorities and stakeholders (Hotel Association, people working in the tourist field) Level: local meeting Outputs: data collection to be used for improving the local tourist offer


Network Libraries: Seminar “The perfect appearance” / 20.05.2005 Purpose: Empowering the employees of libraries in training public appearances / volunteers and employees in public libraries / the project partner was informed / the seminars help to establish relationships between libraries / relationships only seem to be stably established when people meet face to face.

Conference ‘’Public Libraries in the 21st Century’’ Purpose: Spreading information about the network-idea, presenting libraries and the possible role of libraries in the 21 st century / volunteers and employees in public libraries / the I&P Report November 2005 ALPCITY PROJECT conference was part of the project plan / the project partner took an active part by presenting the Alpcity project / again it was a possibility of intensive and structured face to face communication.

Network Youth: Purpose: establishing a network concerning youth agendas in the region of Niederösterreich and in small towns Target groups: people who work with young citizenship in small towns of Niederösterreich; politicians; young people who are interested Accordance with plan: full accordance with the purposes to bring people together, to discuss on youth-themes and projects, structures and aims Level of involvement: training offers for target groups, workshops in towns, regional meetings, pubic work Expected outputs: contacts between involved, concerned and interested persons and target groups, business plans for further co-operations, publications

EVENTS ORGANISED BY GRAINAU Workshop “nature and sport”, Grainau, 20.07.2005 a) Continue of the workshop “nature and sport” b) the locals of Grainau c) it was foreseen d) The PP is completely involved e) E. O.: to create further structures and improvement at “aktive experiences with sport and nature” at all levels, R.O.: the participants came to the conclusion, that some more workshops are needed to realize it

Workshop “family and children”, Grainau,19.05.2005 a) Continue of the workshop “ family and children” b) the locals of Grainau c) it was foreseen d) The PP is completely involved e) E. O.: to create basis supplies for families with children at Grainau R.O.: the participants created some first test examples to see how it could work. They came together for a next workshop, to improve the practice

Workshop “wellnes and conference”, Grainau, 20.07.2005 a) Continue of the workshop “wellness and conference” b) the locals of Grainau c) it was foreseen d) The PP is completely involved e)E.O.: to learn about the project WellVital – to adopt some methods for wellness at Grainau – how could it work and what is needed. R.O.: The participants worked out some details, but they have to create some more. Prof. Bausch will speak at the council of Grainau, to give a resume of the work done until now.

Meeting local steering group, Grainau, 09.06.2005 a) to continue the work of the steering group b) Municipality of Grainau, Plankreis, AFI, Büro Dr. Heider c) it was foreseen d) The PP is completely involved e)E.O.: presentation of the Integrated Aktion Plan (IAP) through the Plankreis and to continue the plan for the renewal of the “Unterer Dorfplatz”, as well through he Plankreis. –R.O. The Plankreis has started with the IAP but not finished yet. The Plankreis presented some plans and structures for the renewal of the “Unterer Dorfplatz”, but didn’t finished it. The Municipality Grainau urge the Plankreis to speed up with the work

EVENTS ORGANISED BY TSCHLIN Meeting of small Swiss communities of the network "Alliance in the Alps" in Tschlin: I&P Report November 2005 ALPCITY PROJECT a) purpose: presenting the actual concept of the transformation of the unused school house into an hotel with an economic impact to the village b) target group: mayors of small Swiss towns an their consultants c) AF: no event foreseen d) partners: none e) outputs: nothing on paper: exchange of views, know-how transfer

Please describe for each important publication you realized: a) the purpose, b) the target group, c) the level of involvement of project partners, d) the expected outputs and the effective ones you achieved, e) if it supports any information event.


CASE STUDIES POSTERS a) the purpose Awareness of the existence of AlpCity project and in particular of case studies that are taking place in Agordino and Comelico areas oriented towards the individuation of good practises to the recovery of rural and productive abandoned building. b) the target group Local inhabitants of Bellunese mountain area. c) the level of involvement of project partners Case studies posters by Veneto Region have been presented to all partners of Trans-national project Meeting in Milan, June 27 – 28, 2005. I&P Report November 2005 ALPCITY PROJECT

d) the expected outputs and the effective ones you achieved: /

e) if it supports any information event. Posters will be used during next local workshops (foreseen in November/December 2005) and during the regional seminar in conclusion of case studies (foreseen in March/April 2006).

WORKSHOP TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS ISSUED BY REGIONE VENETO a) the purpose Help the workshop participants in comprehending the AlpCity project, the objectives, the technical aspects of two case studies of Veneto region.

b) the target group The participants in two local workshops.

c) the level of involvement of project partners The project partners can examine, if they required, all documentation that is produced as regards the two local events.

PUBLICATIONS ISSUED BY REGION FRANCHE-COMTE’ POSTERS a) the purpose: presentation of actions carried out by Région Franche-Comté via the AlpCity project b) target group : participants to the scientific meeting in Milan (experts, local representatives…)

PUBLICATIONS ISSUED BY GRAINAU Website – WWW.ALPCITY.DE a) information about the AlpCity-project for all interested persons b) locals and all interested persons c) The PP is completely involved d) to publish the AlpCity-Project and to inform all interested persons about it e) ./.

Brochure Geological Hiking trail “Geologischer Wanderweg” a) In order to inform the guests and the population about the geological hiking trail and to strengthen the associated interest in nature and in the environment b) locals and guests, who are interested c)The PP is completely involved d) Expected: That the interest in nature and the environment is strengthened and thus a better understanding is present by guests and locals. Effective: Already guidance were held for teachers and pupils of Grainau. Here the interest was very large and the experiences showed that the young people show now more understandings for the environment. With the guests this is likewise noticeable.

Publication at the Kreisboten about the AlpCity Partnermeeting, see attachment (Kreisboten) a) to inform the population and interested persons about the partner meeting in Grainau and about the AlpCity project in general. I&P Report November 2005 ALPCITY PROJECT b) the population and interested persons c) the partner is completely involved d)./. e)./.

Publication at the Garmisch-partenkirchner Tagblatt, 19.09.2005, Presentation of the AlpCity program - component quality of life – at the local council Grainau Publication at the Kreisboten about the AlpCity Partner meeting, see attachment (Kreisboten) a) to inform the population and interested persons about the AlpCity project – component quality of life. b) the population and interested persons c) the partner is completely involved d)./. e)./.

PUBLICATIONS ISSUED BY REGIONE PIEMONTE AlpCity official web site Purpose: To inform the different internal and external actors of the project concerning its strategies, activities, aims and outputs and provide high visibility to the project in view of future development and new collaboration.

Target groups: Internal project’s actors (PPs, SSC Experts, MA/JTS/NCP) as well as the wide public

Level of involvement of project partners: High level of PPs involvement both in relation to the provision of contributions (e.g. documents, information etc …) as well as remarks, suggestions for the web site’s improvement

Expected outputs and the effective ones you achieved: the implementation of the web site is fully in line with the foreseen output

Support to any information event: the web site is the basic project’s toll both for information both internal as well as in relation to the organisation and implementation of project events such as the AlpCity trans-national conference. Actually the web site was used before the conference for the uploading of information (e.g Agenda, logistics, list of participants, working documents) as well as after the meeting (ref. to the list of participants, presentations etc ….)

Case Studies’ Posters

Purpose: To inform the project’s actors as well as the wide public concerning the activities/case studies carried out by Regione Piemonte.

Target groups: Project’s actors (PPs, SSC Experts) and the wide public

Level of involvement of project partners: Full involvement of the different PPs in the realisation of the project’s exhibit

Expected outputs and the effective ones you achieved: 4 posters (one for each case study carried out by Regione Piemonte).

Support to any information event: AlpCity trans-national conference (27-28 June 2005, Milan)

Posters for the project’s meetings

Purpose: Visibility to the event

Target groups: Partner and/or SSC Experts

Level of involvement of project partners: Provision of information concerning the places hosting the meeting I&P Report November 2005 ALPCITY PROJECT

Expected outputs and the effective ones you achieved: the realisation of these posters was not foreseen in the AF

Support to any information event: the PPs and SSC Experts’ meetings

AlpCity Logos’ design and realisation

Purpose: Graphic visibility to the project’s activities in the web site as well as project’s reports

Target groups: wide public

Level of involvement of project partners: /

Expected outputs and the effective ones you achieved: the realisation of the logos related to the Working Packages was not foreseen

Support to any information event: support to information material (e.g. reports)


(delay in flow of expenditure, problems encountered, any relevant note…)


The I&P Material sent with the present Progress Report is partial if compared to the above listed I&P Publications filled in by each PP. This selection has been made by the LP with the aim at providing the JTS with the most relevant I&P material both in relation to the key project’s events, activities and balanced contribution provided by the different Project Partners. Additional information could be sent upon specific request of the JTS.

I&P Report November 2005

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