Faculty Agenda: Wed

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Faculty Agenda: Wed

English Faculty Meeting Minutes, Wed., Sept 27

Present: Muriel, Bob, Linda H., Andy M., Linda F., Kevin, Betsy, Debra, Gary, Amy, Eunice, Miriam, Dale

Cosgrove Seminar: We recommend that we combine Cosgrove seminars with Remele presentations next semester. ND Humanities foots much of the bill, if not all, but we could make arrangements and be co-sponsors. We have two this year—Linda H and Mark A.

Scheduling: Dale is working on schedule for Spring now and trying to accommodate concerns sent to him in response to email request last week. He will post a revised schedule for feedback before he sends it to Gene.

Search: We have settled on a position and announcement (attached), and the request to recruit has been sent to the Dean. Details about the English-English Ed arrangement are still to be worked out.

Minors: We had extended discussion of the minors, and decided to ask the curriculum committee to revise the literary studies side of the minors form. When the revision is complete and approved by the faculty, we will send it to AHSS curriculum and on to Academic Affairs. The partially revised minor form is attached.

DCE departmental portion: We discussed the college’s concern about differing policies in department around the college as to what is done with departmental portions of DCE money. The college would like to have a common policy. We discussed problem of a head-count pay policy, especially in light of our writing and writing intensive courses. Dale will take our concerns to the chairs’ meeting next week.

Ph. D. status and planning: We decided to let the graduate committee appoint a planning committee with representation from doctoral students to do more planning on implementing the PhD.

------This is all the further we got------We meet again next week to take up the following topics that we did not get to today.

Grad Committee, Korean U., etc.: RA for Perveen: Romy Linders: Betsy: Assessment of Gen Ed Debra: Policies on attendance and syllabi List of low quality space, Pioneer Building:

 Literacy center  Tech comm. center for ConnectND or other tech comm. projects  Classroom access for Engl 320  An extra computer lab/instrumented classroom.

Next faculty meeting is Wednesday, Oct 4, noon, seminar room.

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