6.3 - Struggles in the Middle States

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6.3 - Struggles in the Middle States

US History Fort Burrows 6.3 - Struggles in the Middle States

Nathan Hale – spy for Washington during the New York campaign, he was captured and hung, “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country” Haym Solomon – Jewish immigrant that secured loans {money} and provide his personal funds for the American revolutionary cause Marquis de Lafayette – convinced France to send several thousand trained soldiers to help the Patriot cause; GW’s trusted French friend Wentworth Cheswell – African American New Hampshire school teacher; he rode all night from Boston to warn his community Lexington and Concord, that the British were coming {like Paul Revere did}; he also fought at the Battle of Saratoga, 1777 James Armistead – African American spy for the Continental Army; told GW about British General Cornwallis’ decision to go to the peninsula of Yorktown Bernardo de Galvez – Governor of New Spain [Florida-Louisiana-Texas] secretly supplied the Patriots with medicines, muskets, gunpowder, and cattle. He orchestrated the 1st cattle drive from Texas and delivered about 10,000 head of cattle for the Patriot Army’s food supply; Galveston was named after him. John Paul Jones – Naval Captain from Philadelphia; he enjoyed raiding British ships and seaports; Captain of the Bonhomme Richard, became the winner of the ‘Greatest America Sea Victory’ of the American Revolution by capturing the powerful British warship Serapis in 1779 in the North Sea {England’s backyard}

After a series of Patriot defeats, an American victory at Saratoga marked a major turning point in the Revolution.

Battle of Long Island - a 1776 battle in New York in which more than 1,400 Americans were killed, wounded, or captured Battle of Trenton - a 1776 battle New Jersey in which George Washington’s troops capture a Hessian encampment in a surprise attack Battle of Saratoga - the first major American victory in the Revolution; this ended the British threat to New England ally - nation that works with another nation for a common purpose cavalry - troops on horseback Valley Forge - Pennsylvania site of Washington’s Continental Army encampment during the winter of 1777-1778

Setting the Scene: Early one morning in June 1776, Daniel McCurtin glanced out his window at New York harbor. He was amazed to see ‘something resembling a wood of pine trees trimmed’. He watched the forest move across the water. Then, he understood. The trees were the masts of ships!

“I could not believe my eyes…the whole bay was full of shipping as ever it could be. I declared that I thought all London was afloat.” George F. Scheer and Hugh F. Rankin, Rebel and Redcoats

McCurtin had witnessed the arrival of a large British fleet in New York. Aboard the ships were General Howe and thousands of redcoats. Thus began a new stage in the war. Previously, most of the fighting of the American Revolution had taken place in New England. In mid- 1776, the heavy fighting shifted to the Middle States. There, the Continental Army suffered through the worst days of the war. 1 of 6.3 Printer Copy  2016 US History Fort Burrows The British Take New York Ï Washington led his forces from Boston to New York City Ï British General Howe had 34,000 troops, 10,000 sailors and ships Ï Washington had less than 20,000 poorly trained troops and no navy Ï In August 1776, Howe’s army landed on Long Island Ï 1,400 Americans were killed, wounded or captured in the Battle of Long Island Ï Washington needed information about British troop movement Ï Nathan Hale, a Connecticut officer, volunteered to go behind enemy lines Ï He was seized by the British, given no trial and hanged Nathan Hale declared as he walked to the gallows, “ I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country”

Washington Turns Retreat Into Victory in New Jersey Ï In December 1776, Washington described his troops as sick, dirty and “so thinly clad as to be unfit for service” Ï Washington wrote to his brother: “I am wearied to death. I think the game is pretty much up.” Ï Washington made a bold move: a surprise attack on Trenton on Christmas night Ï Americans surprised the Hessian troops (German soldiers) guarding Trenton Ï Captured 1,408 soldiers and 39 officers in the Battle of Trenton Ï British General Cornwallis set out to retake Trenton and capture Washington Ï Washington fooled Cornwallis – he attacked a force moving towards Princeton Ï Continental Army won another victory and moved to Morristown for the winter Ï The victories at Trenton and Princeton gave the Americans new hope

A Turning Point In the War Ï In early 1777, British General Burgoyne presented a new plan to crush the rebels Ï If British troops cut off New England from the other colonies, the war would end Ï Burgoyne’s Plan ‡ Burgoyne wanted 3 British armies to march on Albany from different directions – Howe, St. Leger and Burgoyne ‡ Burgoyne’s plan called for General Howe to march on Albany from New York City ‡ King George III wanted Howe to capture Philadelphia first ‡ In July 1777, Howe captured Philadelphia, defeating the Americans at the Battles of Brandywine and Germantown ‡ Instead of moving towards Albany, he retired to comfortable quarters in Philadelphia for the winter ‡ St. Leger was driven back from Albany by Benedict Arnold ‡ Only Burgoyne was left to march on Albany

Ï Victory at Saratoga ‡ Burgoyne recaptured Fort Ticonderoga ‡ Americans captured or wounded 1,000 redcoats at the Battle of Bennington ‡ Green Mountain boys helped Americans surround the British at Saratoga ‡ In October 1777, Burgoyne surrendered to the Americans ‡ The Battle of Saratoga was a major turning point in the war

1. It ended the British threat to New England 2. It boosted American spirits when Washington was suffering defeats 3. It convinced France to become an ally of the US

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¿¿ How did the American victory at Saratoga affect the war ? 1.______2.______3.______

Ï Aid From Europe

France and Britain Conflict between France and American appeal to  in conflict for many  Britain increases after the  France for support   years French and Indian War during the Revolutionary War    Victory at Saratoga  Americans defeat  France gives American rebels proves to France that British at money and supplies but stays Americans can win Saratoga neutral

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN persuaded    FRANCE to give MILITARY AND NAVAL SUPPORT to American Forces

The Hardships of Valley Forg e Ï The victory at Saratoga and the promise of help from Europe boosted American morale Ï Washington’s Continental Army had to suffer through a harsh winter at a makeshift camp at Valley Forge Ï Conditions were terrible – damp, drafty huts, frozen ground, no shoes, frostbite, disease

“I am sick – discontented – and out of humor. Poor food – hard lodging – cold weather – fatigue – nasty clothes – nasty cookery – … a pox on my bad luck! There comes a bowl of beef soup, full of burnt leaves and dirt. … Away with it boys! – I’ll live like the chameleon upon air” Albigence Waldo, Diary, December 14, 1777

Ï Patriots heard of the suffering at Valley Forge and women collected food, medicine, warm clothes and ammunition; drills helped train the army to fight with new skill Ï By Spring of 1778, the army at Valley Forge was more hopeful Ï Washington could not have known at the time, but the Patriot’s bleakest hour had passed!!!!!

¿¿ Why do you think soldiers remained in the army even after the hard winter at Valley Forge ? ______

1. What battles were fought in New York and New Jersey ?

New York – ______3 of 6.3 Printer Copy  2016 US History Fort Burrows

New Jersey – ______

2. How did the Battle of Saratoga mark a turning point in the war ? 1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

3. What hardships did the Continental Army suffer at Valley Forge ? 1 . ______2. ______

3. ______4. ______

5. ______6.______

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