Masters Programs Committee
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MASTERS PROGRAMS COMMITTEE October 4, 2011 3:30 – 4:45 p.m. - N520H MINUTES
Present: G. Ragatz, K. Sedatole, G. McNamara, R. Spreng, J. Anthony, K. Butler, N. Rangan, B. Popielarz, K. Shaw, C. DeClercq, S. Mulally, and guest L. Maillette
G. Ragatz called the meeting to order at 3:34 p.m.
G. McNamara moved to approve the April 12, 2011, seconded by K. Butler and approved unanimously by the committee.
Action Items None.
New Business a. MKT 829 – new course – R. Spreng Marketing is initiating a new course. It will be the graduate version of MKT 412, which is currently being taught to the MS in Marketing Research students. Marketing wants to offer it to other master’s students in the college.
Old Business a. Continuation of dual degree discussion – potential models and implications – L. Maillette Lucy Maillette provided an update on the dual degree program discussions. The colleges interested in dual degrees are Human Medicine, Osteopathic Medicine, Engineering, Social Science and the Veterinary School. Currently some of these colleges are implementing shadow business courses, similar to our business courses, since their students are asking for them. She provided a list of peer and aspirant schools to show what dual degree programs are out there. The envisioned dual degree program would require our business core to be taken and allow up to 15 credits to be shared, with a 25% rule being used, depending on whether the student would enter a 58 credit MBA or 45 credit WMBA program. L. Maillette queried the committee on whether the students should be required to take one of our concentrations or whether their shared credits could make up the concentration, freeing them to be more creative with the remainder of their program. She stated that none of the other schools required a concentration. Students would have to apply to both programs and be admitted into both programs. K. Shaw stated she is trying to meet with Dave Byelich to discuss how this could work with program plans and tuition. She also stated that peer and aspirant schools are now using the GRE test for admissions and also mentioned a potential for the MCAT for medical students. The MBA will look into piloting the GRE to see if they wish to propose such a change. The committee discussed the potential of piloting the medical programs and engineering. L. Maillette sought direction on whether the Dean should initiate a task force to design the program or whether a subset of the MPC committee should do so.
Information Sharing and Updates a. AACSB Assurance of Learning K. Shaw discussed the need for the committee to improve our approach to assurance of learning overall (including review of the measures, metrics, and decision making process based on AOL data/metrics). The committee needs to review each program’s measures to determine what is in them, how they are defined, the method and timing of data collection, and the bases for determining when MPC should recommend changes in a measure or the curriculum itself. The committee will hold off on the FT MBA measures until the Redesign Team produces the curriculum. An important item for the committee to consider is that the metrics have to be meaningful. K. Shaw also stated the work would begin in the respective department with the chairs and relevant directors who would propose new measures to MPC. K. Shaw will be shepherding this process at this point with each chair. WMBA and FT will be last. The new MS in Marketing Research program has to develop AOL measures, as it has not done so to date. b. FT MBA Redesign K. Shaw updated the committee on the progress of the Redesign Team. They are moving forward with recommendations based on the strategic direction provided by last year’s task force, but know now that holding to ‘resource neutral’ directive is not practical. According to the marketing analysis done for the Dean, the MBA is the lead program and to be successful, the program must do things better. I.e., if we go forward with the current design plan, in order to differentiate our program from the competition, we must execute the curricular and co-curricular program elements exceptionally. The team is laying out what is needed, but will not push this out next fall. Procedurally, when the program is ready, it will be brought to MPC. MPC representatives will discuss with departments prior to the vote at the next meeting. Once approved at MPC, it would be considered and voted on at the College Faculty meeting.
K. Shaw moved to adjourn, seconded by K. Butler. Meeting adjourned at 4:48 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Michelle McNure, Recording Secretary
MPC Minutes 10-4-11 Page 2