Guidelines and Instructions for UWMD Priority Needs Grant Process
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Stewardship Report All Applicants: Sunday, December 31, 2017 (Electronic only)
Basic Needs Grant Proposals Friday, January 12, 2018 – 5:00 p.m. (Electronic only)
ABOUT UNITED WAY OF METROPOLITAN DALLAS At United Way of Metropolitan Dallas (UWMD), we tackle complex social problems by surrounding North Texas with local solutions in the areas of Education, Income, and Health; essential components of a thriving community. We fight our community’s biggest social problems by surrounding them with efficient, impactful solutions.
We identify and evaluate the best programs in our community, helping them to improve effectiveness, efficiency, and navigate the non-profit world. We raise awareness, mobilize volunteers, create partnerships, and advocate to address critical issues. United Way also sets robust goals and measures progress as we invest in our local community, a community partnership that has existed for over 90 years.
PURPOSE OF THIS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to clearly communicate each aspect of the Basic Needs Grants process and, ultimately, to encourage organizations doing outstanding work in the Basic Needs Focus areas of Disaster Response, Emergency Assistance, Food, Housing/Shelter, and Information & Referral to apply for funding.
BASIC NEEDS ELIGIBILTY The Basic Needs Grants are not part of the Community Impact Grants process. Organizations interested in applying for funds in the Basic Needs Area must use this Basic Needs Request for Proposals. Programs applying for funding in the Basic Needs area must offer services that align with at least one or more of the following Basic Needs focus areas:
1. Disaster Response: Programs that help individuals prepare for, protect against, respond to, and recover from natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, tornados, floods, fires, hazardous spills, acts of nature, and acts of terrorism.
2. Emergency Assistance: Programs that help individuals manage a crisis situation by providing emergency materials or financial assistance.
3. Food: Programs that help individuals access nutritious food and avoid hunger.
4. Housing/Shelter: Programs that provide safe shelter and/or housing opportunities for individuals who would otherwise be homeless.
5. Information & Referral: Programs that offer referral services on a large scale that help connect individuals with social service providers during times of crisis.
The Basic Needs area is separate from the core impact areas of Education, Income, and Health. As a result, the strategies and metrics associated with the impact areas of Education, Income, and Health will not be associated with programs submitted in the Basic Needs area.
4 of 45 UWMD BASIC NEEDS RFP 2018-2019 Successful programs in the Basic Needs area will: Demonstrate a clear connection to at least one of the five Basic Needs focus areas.
Offer services that do not fit within the core Impact Areas of Education, Income, and Health.
Clearly track client progress and services.
Collaborate with other programs and service providers to help clients become self-sufficient.
Serve the entire UWMD service area (Dallas, Collin, Rockwall, Southern Denton counties*), or a portion of this area The applying organization must pass the Stewardship process (To see a complete list of stewardship documents see the Stewardship Documentation Checklist on page 41).
*Southern Denton County includes Lewisville, Flower Mound, The Colony, Highland Village, Double Oak, and Copper Canyon
BASIC NEEDS GRANTS STAFF CONTACTS The Senior Director, Community Impact Operations is responsible for implementing the Basic Needs Grants process, and is therefore an important resource for organizations interested in applying. Please call, e-mail, or set up an appointment if you have questions, concerns, or would like to discuss any aspect of the Basic Needs Grants process.
Title Staff Person Phone Email Senior Vice President, Ashley Brundage 214.978.0023 [email protected] Community Impact Senior Director, Community Mark Pollack 214.978.2012 [email protected] Impact Operations Senior Administrative Alicia Crews 214.978.0089 [email protected] Assistant
The UWMD Board of Directors sets the percentage of the Community Impact Fund for Basic Needs. Note: While these percentages are set, the dollar amounts will fluctuate depending on the size of the Community Impact Fund. The dollar amount listed in the “2018-2019 Estimated Dollar Amount” column reflect our best estimate of available dollars based on the most recent Community Impact Fund total.
2018-2019 Percentage of 2018-2019 Estimated Dollar Community Fund Amount Total Community Impact Fund 100% $18,105,165 Basic Needs 8% $1,448,413
There are six steps in the Basic Needs Grants process:
1. Stewardship Review 2. Proposal Compliance 3. Panel Proposal Evaluation 4. Program Site Visit Evaluation 5. Funding Recommendation 6. Funding Approval The process begins with Stewardship Review to determine whether or not an organization is eligible to apply for funding. After Stewardship is completed and proposals are submitted for review, each proposal is evaluated, by UWMD staff and a panel of community volunteers. Programs that pass the initial reviews are awarded program site visits and are thereby eligible to receive a funding recommendation from the panel. Funding recommendations must go through an approval process before being finalized.
All programs are evaluated using standardized tools that measure the relative strength of both the proposal and program site visit. Successful programs will demonstrate a connection between program goals and Basic Needs Focus Area(s), effective programming and evaluation efforts, and access to the resources necessary to achieve high impact. Final funding decisions cannot be appealed. Each of the above steps is clearly described below.
1. Stewardship Review A review of the Stewardship documents will be completed by UWMD staff in order to ensure the organization’s financial health. Please see the Stewardship Staff Review Form (pages 39) for a complete list of items to be reviewed during this process. Please note that if any of the non-shaded areas of the review form are marked “no”, your organization may be removed from the application process and sent notification in January with an explanation of the decision. If one of the shaded areas of the review form is marked “no”, your Stewardship documents will be moved to a volunteer panel of Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) for further review. The volunteer CPAs will then review your entire Stewardship Report and decide if your organization passes the Stewardship process.
If your organization does not pass the Stewardship Review, you will be notified of this decision via email correspondence in January 2018 and your grant will be removed from consideration during the 2018-2019 funding cycle.
*Please note that the Stewardship Report has a separate due date from the grant application. The Stewardship Report for all applicants is due December 31, 2017.
Please see the Stewardship Checklist (page 41), for a complete list of required documents.
7 of 45 UWMD BASIC NEEDS RFP 2018-2019 2. Proposal Compliance The yes/no questions listed below will be assessed by UWMD staff in order to ensure proposal compliance. If a proposal receives a “no” to any of these questions, it will be removed from the process and the applying organization will be notified via e-mail in January 2018. There is no appeals process.
1. Was the organization application report submitted on time? 2. Was the program proposal complete (including all required sections and attachments)? 3. Did the organization pass the Stewardship Review?
3. Panel Proposal Evaluation Proposals that advance past Compliance will be reviewed and scored by members of the Basic Needs Panel using the Proposal Scoring Rubric (Page 42). The proposal will receive a score for each proposal section that reflects the average score from Basic Needs Panel members. Throughout the review process, Panel volunteers are trained to use the Best Investment criteria to make their decisions. When comparing programs in the Basic Needs Panel, Best Investment refers to the programs that most clearly demonstrate:
ALIGNMENT: Connection between program goals and UWMD Basic Needs Focus Area(s) IMPACT: Effectiveness of programming as reflected by meeting community need(s), and demonstrating internal and/or external linkages to programs that promote self- sufficiency RESOURCES: Access to the resources (staff, experience, financial, etc.) to successfully implement the program
The Basic Needs Panel convenes at the Initial Panel Meeting to discuss average proposal scores and Best Investment criteria in an effort to determine which programs will receive a site visit and which programs will be removed from the process.
Figure 1: Program Proposal Evaluation Scoring
Proposals with scores of 48 or lower (below 70%) will be reviewed by the leadership of the Community Impact Committee. If a proposal is removed it will be eliminated from the process and the applying organization will receive detailed feedback explaining the decision via e-mail in February 2018. There is no appeals process.
8 of 45 UWMD BASIC NEEDS RFP 2018-2019 Over the course of the Initial Panel Meeting, UWMD staff will capture key questions raised by the Basic Needs Panel. Such key questions will be communicated to the appropriate Contact Person if a Program site visit is awarded. This will allow program staff to respond to key questions raised by the Basic Needs Panel during the site visit.
4. Program Site Visit Evaluation a. Scheduling
Those programs awarded a program site visit at the Initial Panel Meeting will be contacted by UWMD staff. UWMD staff will then coordinate with organization staff to make arrangements for the program site visit (schedule/location/directions).
The Program Site Visit Schedule has been set for the Basic Needs Panel and can be viewed on page 44. Receiving this schedule now will allow agencies to make the necessary arrangements to be able to present on the dates listed. Please mark each date on your calendar now to ensure that you will be available on the date chosen for your site visit. Basic Needs site visits will be scheduled between 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Organizations need to indicate where they will host their Site Visit on the Program Request Summary tab of the FoundationConnect Online Grant Application. Please use the question that states “Preferred Location of Site Visit” (page 18) to provide UWMD with the name of the site where you will hold your Site Visit, the full address, emergency contact person, as well as (and most importantly) any special directions or landmarks to assist volunteers in finding your location.
Organizations have the option of presenting their Site Visit at their program location or the United Way of Metropolitan Dallas office at 1800 N. Lamar Dallas, TX 75202. If an organization chooses to have their Site Visit at the UWMD office, please contact Alicia Crews ([email protected]) to coordinate the room reservation and audio/visual resources needed.
Organizations have two opportunities to notify UWMD if they have a time conflict with a given site visit date:
1. Organizations can indicate the time conflict in the Program Request Summary tab of the FoundationConnect Online Grant Application “From Site Visit Schedule, Days/Times UNAVAILABLE for site visit” (page 17). 2. After the Submission Deadline, organizations have until February 1, 2018 to notify Alicia Crews ([email protected]) if there are dates/times that are unavailable to a Panel for a site visit.
After the February 1, 2018 deadline, if the time conflict has not been disclosed to UWMD the organization must accept the Site Visit that has been scheduled by UWMD staff.
After the Site Visit is scheduled, UWMD staff will send a list of the specific questions that were raised by the Panel at the Initial Panel Meeting. This will allow program staff the ability to specifically respond to key questions at the Site Visit. 9 of 45 UWMD BASIC NEEDS RFP 2018-2019 b. Content
The programs that receive a Site Visit are encouraged to include the following items during their presentation:
Review of key program activities and staff Review of key outputs and evidence of impact Response to Panel questions sent prior to the Program site visit Content that helps the Panel experience or understand the program
The total Program site visit is not to exceed 45 minutes. The organization will have the first 25 minutes to give a formal presentation and address the questions asked in advance of the site visit. The remaining 20 minutes are reserved for volunteer questions. In the event that the Panel does not use the full 20 minutes for Q&A, the Panel will give that time back to the organization to use at their discretion.
The Program site visit is an opportunity for the Panel to gain a deeper understanding of the proposed program. It is also the only opportunity available for the organization to share new information about the proposed program and provide answers to pertinent questions posed by the Panel. It is recommended and highly encouraged that the following organization staff be in attendance to help present material and answer questions that the Panel may have: President, Program staff, Grant Writer, and Finance staff.
10 of 45 UWMD BASIC NEEDS RFP 2018-2019 c. Evaluation
Site Visit scores will be determined using a tier-ranking system. Volunteers and UWMD staff will organize all programs that received a Site Visit into three tiers defined below in Figure 2:
Figure 2: Tier Rankings Defined
Volunteers and UWMD staff will maintain an equal distribution of programs across each tier. Each volunteer and UWMD staff member will only be permitted to rank a program if they attended the Site Visit. Volunteers who miss more than 50% of the scheduled presentations will not be allowed to rank any programs under consideration. Once all evaluations are complete, each program will have an average tier ranking between 10 and 30 (illustrated in Figure 3) which serves as their site visit score.
Figure 3: Program site visit Score Determination
5. Panel Funding Recommendation The Basic Needs Panel convenes at the Final Deliberations Meeting in order to develop funding recommendations for each program under consideration. UWMD staff will present an initial set of funding recommendations that are based on overall application score (Figure 4). Panel volunteers will then discuss the overall application scores and Best Investment criteria, adjust funding levels where necessary, and approve final funding recommendations.
Figure 4: Overall Scoring Breakdown
6. Funding Approval The final funding recommendations of the Panel will be reviewed, possibly modified, and then ratified by the UWMD Community Impact Committee and the UWMD Board of Directors. The decision of the Board is final. There is no appeals process.
The UWMD Board will approve final funding amounts in June 2018. Funding decisions will be promptly communicated to each organization via e-mail. Detailed feedback explaining the funding decision will be communicated via e-mail.
Changes in Reported Information If reported information changes during the Basic Needs Grants Process (after submission of the application but before funding has been awarded), the organization must submit written (preferably via email) notification to UWMD immediately after the organization becomes aware of the change that explains: what the change has been, why the change was made, and what the effect of the change is on 11 of 45 UWMD BASIC NEEDS RFP 2018-2019 the program/proposal. Please direct such communication to the Senior Director, Community Impact Operations, Mark Pollack, [email protected].
If reported information changes after the proposal has been funded (after the grant has been awarded and organization has started to receive funding), the organization must submit notification to UWMD within 30 days after the organization becomes aware of the change that explains: what the change has been, why the change was made, and what the effect of the change is on the program. Please direct such communication to Ashley Brundage, Senior Vice President Community Impact, [email protected]. Unrestricted Funding UWMD allows up to 10% of the total program award amount to be used as unrestricted funding throughout the organization. For instance, if an organization was awarded $100,000, then up to $10,000 can be used for unrestricted funding and $90,000 must be used for program costs as detailed in the proposal budget. This will be allowed on each award received.
Basic Needs Grant Applications and Stewardship Report must be submitted through FoundationConnect, an online grant application system. All organizations must register online and create a FoundationConnect account in order to apply for a Basic Needs Grant and submit their Stewardship Report.
If there is a discrepancy in language between this RFP and FoundationConnect, default to the language used in FoundationConnect.
Logging into Foundation Connect Service Providers will create a FoundationConnect account by using this direct link to the Service Provider login screen: id=a4W41000000Q6M2EAK&ln=en_US
1. For a first time user, please follow these steps: 1.i. Click the “New User?” link 1.ii. Complete and save your registration 1.iii. Once you submit your registration, United Way staff will review and approve your organization. When the organization has been approved you will receive an email confirmation message. 1.iv. Follow the instructions on that message to login 2. For returning users, please enter your username and password, then click the “Sign in” button
More detailed FoundationConnect instructions are provided in this RFP on page 36. We have also included a list of Frequently Asked Questions about FoundationConnect on page 38. If you still have questions regarding how to navigate FoundationConnect after reviewing both of these resources, contact Mark Pollack at 214-978-2012 or [email protected].
RFP RELEASE December 1st, 2017
STEWARDSHIP DEADLINE The Stewardship Report for all applicants is due December 31st, 2017 (Electronically via FoundationConnect).
PROPOSAL SUBMISSION DEADLINES Complete applications (Electronically via FoundationConnect) must be submitted to UWMD by 5:00 pm on January 12, 2018. Late submissions will not be accepted.
*No paper applications will be submitted to or accepted by United Way of Metropolitan Dallas
VOLUNTEER PANEL PROCESS The Basic Needs Grant Panel holds their Initial Panel Meeting in mid-February. Site Visits will be held from February through April as outlined on page 44. The Basic Needs Grant Panel will hold their Final Deliberations meeting in May and the approval process will continue throughout May and into June. Final Approval will occur in June 2018. Funding decisions are final and there is no appeals process.
FUNDING PERIOD Funding will begin on July 1, 2018 and extend through June 30, 2019. The funding award is subject to change and is dependent on the amount of dollars raised by the Community Impact Fund.
COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS Failure to comply fully with the following two requirements will result in a proposal being removed from consideration:
1) On-Time 2) Complete
ON TIME Stewardship Report The Stewardship report for all applicants is due on December 31st, 2017 (Electronically via FoundationConnect).
Basic Needs Grants The deadline for receipt of electronic submissions (via FoundationConnect) of all applications is 5:00 p.m., January 12, 2018 . All submissions are time-stamped by the FoundationConnect grant system.
Note: Printed applications ARE NOT required to be submitted to UWMD.
15 of 45 UWMD BASIC NEEDS RFP 2018-2019 GRANT FUNDING ACCEPTANCE If the proposal is selected for United Way Grant Funding – either partially or fully – the Service Provider will receive the following documents:
Grant Funding Letter Proposal Feedback Form Annual Service Provider Contract
By executing the Annual Service Provider Contract, the Service Provider accepts all United Way grant funding as awarded in the United Way Grant Funding Letter. In order for the Service Provider to receive the awarded funds, the Service Provider must agree to all United Way requirements for the accepted United Way funding, as outlined in the Annual Service Provider Contract. The Contract must be signed and dated by both the Service Provider's President/CEO and Board Chair. United Way uses an electronic signature system (DocuSign) to distribute and execute contracts.
In the following situations, an email must be submitted to United Way outlining the reasons for changes or declined funding:
1. If any program requires material changes as a result of the level of funding awarded. Changes to the program and continued funding of the program are subject to the approval of the Community Impact Committee. 2. If the Service Provider elects to decline funding for a program.
Emails communicating material changes or declined funding should be sent to:
Ashley Brundage Senior Vice President, Community Impact United Way of Metropolitan Dallas [email protected]
Below are directions on how to complete each section of the application. This document cannot be submitted as your official Grant Application. All Grant Applications must be submitted online via FoundationConnect.
PROGRAM REQUEST SUMMARY Complete this form with reference to the proposed program being submitted for funding only. This form will need to be completed for each program being submitted for funding. All blanks must be filled in. Do not answer with “not applicable” unless question specifies “if applicable.” If a question is not applicable to the proposed program, please explain why.
a. Program Name: _____ b. Focus Areas: Select the Focus Area(s) that the proposed program is addressing. For each Focus Area checked, there must be corresponding Common Measurements.
Disaster Response: Programs that help individuals prepare for, protect against, respond to, and recover from natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, fires, hazardous spills, acts of nature, and acts of terrorism. Emergency Assistance: Programs that help individuals manage a crisis situation by providing emergency materials or financial assistance. Food: Programs that help individuals access nutritious food and avoid hunger. Housing/Shelter: Programs that provide safe shelter and/or housing opportunities for individuals who would otherwise be homeless Information & Referral: Programs that offer referral services on a large scale that help connect individuals with social service providers during times of crisis.
c. Program Summary (500 Characters)
Please share the goal of the proposed program and include a brief list of key program activities and outcomes. This answer will be included on the Portfolio section of the United Way website.
d. What is the Geographic Area Served? (300 Characters): _____
Do you have a specific geographic service area for the program? If yes, please describe what the area is.
e. Request Amount: _____
Please indicate the dollar amount being requested to fund the proposed program. There is no minimum or maximum request amount. Please round to the nearest whole dollar.
17 of 45 UWMD BASIC NEEDS RFP 2018-2019 f. From Site Visit Schedule, Days/Times UNAVAILABLE for site visit (300 Characters): _____
Please refer to the Site Visit Schedule and indicate here which dates/times are unavailable for a Site Visit. It will be assumed that, unless otherwise indicated here, you are available for a Site Visit on all dates and times listed.
g. Preferred location of Site Visit (300 Characters): _____
Please provide the name of the location, full address, parking instructions, and any special directions or landmarks.
h. Name and cell phone number of person to contact DURING the site visit in case of emergency:
Name: _____ Phone Number: _____
This person should be someone that will be at the Site Visit with a cell phone OR able to reach someone at the Site Visit with a cell phone. This is in case the Panel is running late, is lost, or had some sort of emergency arise.
Complete this form with reference to the proposed program being submitted for funding. This form will need to be completed for each program being submitted for funding. All blanks must be filled in. Do not answer with “not applicable” unless question specifies “if applicable.” If a question is not applicable to the proposed program, please explain why.
1. Key Program Staff
List the key job positions involved in the operation of the proposed program as well as volunteer activity (3,000 Characters): _____
Please include all employee and volunteer roles that directly oversee, manage, and/or implement the proposed program. A satisfactory description should include the job title and brief job description. If you plan to hire any additional staff that will be involved with the proposed program, please describe the qualifications required. Briefly explain how volunteers are used in the program, list the number of volunteers, and the total volunteer hours utilized. If volunteers are not used, please briefly explain why this is the case.
Rationale: Successful programs depend on qualified staff members and/or strong volunteer networks. Highlighting the job descriptions of staff and the use of volunteers helps illustrate the capacity of the program to provide high quality services that are relevant, current with industry best practices, and able to adapt as new information becomes available.
2. Statement of Needs
What is the specific need(s) your target population faces? (1,500 characters)
Please share quantitative and qualitative data specific your geographic focus areas. We encourage you to provide data from zip codes/local cities instead of macro data from Dallas County or Texas.
3. Program Plan
How does the proposed program meet the need within the community? Provide the plan for the proposed program. Please address all bullet points when answering. Bullet points do not need to be addressed in order presented, just be sure to provide a response to each one (4,000 Characters): _____
Detailed Description of Primary Program Activities – Primary program activities refer to essential tasks, projects, or services that directly impact program goals and outcomes.
19 of 45 UWMD BASIC NEEDS RFP 2018-2019 Please describe each primary activity in detail and explain how the activities are accessed by clients; a reader with no previous knowledge of the program should be able to understand how the primary activities function and interact. If applicable, include how many days and hours or units of service are delivered through the primary activities.
Brief Description of Secondary Program Activities – Secondary program activities refer to tasks, projects, or services that provide important program support but do not directly impact program outcomes. Please describe each secondary activity briefly and explain why such activities contribute to the program’s success.
Rationale: This question provides the opportunity to present a thorough description of the specific program for which funding is being requested. Being able to answer all of the topics outlined in the question demonstrates a well-conceived program that addresses a clearly defined issue.
4. Client Flow Client Flow – Please provide a narrative description of what the client experiences as they progress through your program. Indicate the duration of the program from the perspective of the client as well as when key milestones occur. If specific dates are associated with key activities such as enrollment, graduation/completion, volunteer recruitment, advocacy efforts, or other activities, please include them (1,500 Characters): _____
Client Flow Chart – Additionally, please attach a visual client flow chart to aid the panel in understanding how your program operates.
5. Collaborative Efforts List the top 5 most important partnerships the agency has with Community Based Organizations. For each partnership listed, please describe if the relationship is Coordinated or Collaborative and then describe the relationship (2,000 Characters): _____
o Coordinated: Organizations refer their planning or service provision (example: external referrals, joint advocacy, etc…). o Collaborative: Partners share a common agenda for program activities, provide integrated program activities, and/or share administrative/fiscal responsibilities.
Rationale: Successful programs typically utilize collaborative networks. Regardless of form – partnerships, collaboration, cooperation, or coordination – these relationships, or strategic alliances, can serve a variety of purposes, including resource sharing, policy influence, and improved operational efficiency.
20 of 45 UWMD BASIC NEEDS RFP 2018-2019 6. If your Basic Needs program was funded by United Way of Metropolitan Dallas in 2017-2018, please answer these questions. If this program was not funded by United Way of Metropolitan Dallas in 2017-2018 please enter N/A. a. Over the past year, what changes have you seen with the target population? What needs or gaps have been identified? (500 Characters): _____ b. How did you adjust your program to meet the unmet need or gap? (500 Characters): _____ c. Did the program encounter any unexpected difficulties? What changed or will change as a result? (500 Characters): _____ d. With the benefit of hindsight, what, if anything, would you do differently? (500 Characters): _____ e. What new partnerships or collaborations were created or have you entered into in the past year to help mitigate the need? Will these collaborations continue? (500 Characters): _____
21 of 45 UWMD BASIC NEEDS RFP 2018-2019 NUMBER OF UNDUPLICATED CLIENTS 2018-2019 Complete this form with reference to the proposed program being submitted for funding only. This form will need to be completed for each program being submitted for funding.
For the purposes of this proposal, a client is the actual person being served by program activities and included in the program outcomes (i.e. the child in the afterschool program or child care program, not the parents). Be sure numbers are of individual clients and are not duplicative.
Include all program clients, not just those funded by UWMD. If you are not collecting the information asked for, please fill in numbers as unknown. Make sure that the values in each of the five “Total” sections are equal within each of the funding year columns.
Funding Year is July 1 – June 30 for each respective year.
Actual Estimated Proposed Category (Funding Year (Funding Year (Funding Year 2016-2017) 2017-2018) 2018-2019) Male Female 1. Gender Unknown Total Gender Ages Birth-5 Ages 6-12 Ages 13-18 Ages 19-21 2. Ages of Ages 22-44 Clients Ages 45-59 Ages 60-64 Ages 65+ Unknown Total Age African American/Black Asian/Pacific American Caucasian Hispanic/Latino 3. Native American Race/Ethnicity Two or More Races Other Unknown Total Race/Ethnicity
22 of 45 UWMD BASIC NEEDS RFP 2018-2019 Estimated Proposed Actual (Funding Category (Funding Year (Funding Year Year 2016-2017) 2017-2018) 2018-2019) Collin County Dallas County 4. Rockwall County County Southern Denton County of (see page 4) Residen Other County ce Unknown Residence Total County of Residence Under $24,250 5. $24,251-$35,200 Househ $35,201-$56,300 old Over $56,300 Income Unknown Level Total Household Income Level
Complete this form with reference to the proposed program being submitted for funding. This form will need to be completed for each program being submitted for funding.
Funding Year is July 1 – June 30 for each respective year.
Complete Program Budget Form in FoundationConnect
Each revenue and expense figure included below should be specific to the proposed program. Shaded areas will be automatically calculated. UWMD allows up to 10% of the total program award amount to be used as unrestricted funding (see page 12) annually throughout the organization.
1. United Way Request as a Percent of Total Expenses
Amount Requested from UWMD 2018-2019* Total Program Expense Percent Budget Amounts
2. Program Revenue
Actual – Estimated – Projected – Funding Year Funding Year Funding Year 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 Government Grants Foundations Corporations UWMD – CIG/Basic Needs UWMD – Initiatives/Projects UWMD – Designations Individual Contributions Fundraising Events or Products Government Contracts Fee for Service/Earned Income Other** Total
* The amount requested from UWMD 2018-2019 represents the annual dollar amount being requested to fund the proposed program. **In order to enter data into “Other Item” in FoundationConnect, click on the word “Other Item” and type in the program expense. Click on the + icon to the right of the table if more than two lines are needed. Be sure to label what the “Other Item” category is.
24 of 45 UWMD BASIC NEEDS RFP 2018-2019 3. Program Expenses
Actual – Estimated – Projected – UW Funding Funding Funding Request – Year Year Year Funding 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 Year 2018-2019 Salaries & Wages Benefits & Payroll Taxes Consultant/ Professional Fees Office Supplies/ Materials Rent/Occupancy Utilities Marketing Other* Total
*In order to enter data into “Other Item” in FoundationConnect, click on the word “Other Item” and type in the program expense. Click on the + icon to the right of the table if more than two lines are needed. Be sure to label what the “Other Item” category is.
4. Program Costs/Expenses
Actual – Estimated – Projected – Funding Funding Funding Year Year Year 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 Total Program Expenses Total Unduplicated Clients Average Cost per Client
25 of 45 UWMD BASIC NEEDS RFP 2018-2019 Reviewing the Budget
Once the budget is complete, it is helpful to read through the budget in order to identify any potential gaps or inaccuracies. When reviewing, pay attention to the following questions.
1. Accuracy: Are the numbers listed in each section accurate? 2. Consistency: Are figures that appear in multiple sections of the proposal, such as program request, total program expense, and clients served consistent throughout the proposal? 3. Alignment: Are the items and amounts listed under “UW Request (FY2018-2019)” supported by the information in 1) of the Budget Narrative? 4. Variances: Are there any significant variances in the budget when comparing actual and projected budget numbers? If so, please explain in section 2) of the Budget Narrative.
Complete this form with reference to the proposed program being submitted for funding. This form will need to be completed for each program being submitted for funding. All blanks must be filled in. Do not answer with “not applicable” unless question specifies “if applicable.” If a question is not applicable to the proposed program, please explain why.
1. How will UWMD requested funds be used, specifically? How will UWMD requested funds impact the program overall? (600 Characters): _____
Please detail exactly how the proposed program plans to use the funding amount requested (i.e. expansion of program, additional staff, more locations, etc.).
2. Please explain any significant budget variances as well as areas of the budget that may require additional explanation. The response must also indicate if UWMD funds will be used as a match grant. (2,000 Characters): _____
Rationale: Nonprofits have an obligation to act as responsible stewards in managing their financial resources. Developing a budget is a key step in managing a program. It reflects active decision making in regards to how resources will be allocated to accomplish the program’s goals and objectives.
3. Was this specific program awarded funding in the previous Basic Needs Grants process? Yes or No
27 of 45 UWMD BASIC NEEDS RFP 2018-2019 COMMON MEASURES FORM Applying programs will be required to develop projections for common measures that align with services offered in the proposed program.
Please review the Standards of Measurement and Practice document or the detailed information below to see how a common measure is specifically defined.
Actual: Projected: Projected: Measure July 1, 2016 – July 1, 2017 – July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2017 June 30, 2018 June 30, 2019 Disaster Relief Services Number of DISASTER INCIDENTS responded to
Number of CLIENTS served by disaster relief services
Shelter Services Number of HOUSEHOLDS who received emergency shelter services
*Emergency Shelter is defined as any facility whose primary purpose is to provide temporary or transitional shelter for the homeless in general or for specific populations of the homeless for a period of 90 days or less. Supportive services may or may not be provided in addition to the provision of shelter.
Include hotel vouchers paid for by agency
Number of CLIENTS who received emergency shelter services
*Emergency Shelter definition as above
Include hotel vouchers paid for by agency
Average length (days) of stay at emergency shelter
Number of HOUSEHOLDS who received transitional housing services
**A type of supportive housing used to facilitate the movement of homeless individuals and families to permanent housing. Generally, homeless persons may live in transitional housing
28 of 45 UWMD BASIC NEEDS RFP 2018-2019 for up to 24 months and receive supportive services that enable them to live more independently. The supportive services may be provided by the organization managing the housing or coordinated by them and provided by other public or private agencies. Transitional housing can be provided in one structure or several structures, at one site or in multiple structures at scattered sites.
Number of CLIENTS who received transitional housing services
**Transitional housing definition as above
Average length (days) of stay at transitional housing
Percent of CLIENTS who received emergency shelter or transitional housing services interviewed using HMIS
Number of HOUSEHOLDS who received emergency shelter or transitional housing services who transitioned to Permanent Supportive Housing or to their own housing.
Number of HOUSEHOLDS who maintained permanent supportive housing or their own housing for 3 months after exiting your emergency shelter or transitional housing program.
Prepared Meal Services & Food Pantry Number of CLIENTS who received prepared meals Include Meals on Wheels, emergency meals for Meals on Wheels clients, meals at disaster relief sites
Total number of prepared meals provided
Number of HOUSEHOLDS who received food pantry services
Number of CLIENTS who received food pantry services (include all members of the family)
29 of 45 UWMD BASIC NEEDS RFP 2018-2019 Average number pantry visits by households
Total pounds of food distributed
Total pounds of healthy food distributed
As defined by NTFB’s guidelines
Total number of hours the Food Pantry is open per week (Sunday to Saturday)
Emergency Assistance Number of HOUSEHOLDS who received rental/mortgage assistance
Number of CLIENTS who received rental/mortgage assistance
Number of HOUSEHOLDS who received rental/mortgage assistance who maintained housing 3 months after
The average amount of rental assistance provided
Number of HOUSEHOLDS who received utility assistance
Number of CLIENTS who received utility assistance
Number of HOUSEHOLDS who received utility assistance who remained connected to utilities for at least 3 months after
The average amount of utility assistance provided
Number of CLIENTS who received transportation assistance (Car, DART, Taxi/Uber)
Number of HOUSEHOLDS who received furniture/home goods/housewares
Information & Referral Number of CLIENTS who received Information & Referrals
Number of CLIENTS who received Information & Referrals and accessed recommended services at
30 of 45 UWMD BASIC NEEDS RFP 2018-2019 external agencies
Transition to Self-Sufficiency Number of CLIENTS who received Basic Need services who also accessed workforce development services by your agency or another agency:
Vocational training (including college), Adult basic education (ESL/GED), Internships, Apprenticeships, Small business training and development, Job readiness support, Resume writing, Mock interviews, Mentoring, Career exploration and navigation, Job placement support & Job retention support
Number of CLIENTS who received Basic Need services who also accessed financial capability services by your agency or another agency:
Financial education, Financial coaching, Financial counseling, Goal setting, Budgeting, Matched savings products, Credit building products
Number of CLIENTS who received Basic Need services who also accessed physical health care services by your agency or another partner agency
Example: flu shots, pre-natal visits, well-child visits
Number of CLIENTS who received Basic Need services who also accessed behavioral health care services by your or another agency
Behavioral health is defined as mental health or substance abuse
Number of CLIENTS who received Basic Need services who also accessed income supports by your agency or another agency
Benefits screening, VITA, IDA
1. Would you like to share any context about the common measures you reported? (500 characters):
31 of 45 UWMD BASIC NEEDS RFP 2018-2019 ORGANIZATION INFORMATION Please enter the information below as it applies to your organization. If you would not have this information please enter N/A.
Account Name: _____ EIN: _____ Phone: _____ Facebook: _____ Twitter Handle: _____ Instagram Username: _____ LinkedIn Profile: _____ Website: _____ Primary Street: _____ Primary City: ______Primary State/Province: _____ Primary Zip/Postal Code: _____ Primary Country: _____
32 of 45 UWMD BASIC NEEDS RFP 2018-2019 ORGANIZATION AND CONTACT INFORMATION Organization Information 1. Organization Information Organizational Mission Statement: _____ Did this Organization run a United Way campaign during the 2017-2018 funding year? Yes No
Contact Information 1. CEO or Executive Director Contact Information
This person cannot be the same as the Board Chair.
Salutation: _____ Title: _____ First Name: _____ Last Name: _____ Phone: _____ Email: _____
2. Board Chair Contact Information
Please enter contact information for the Board Chair that will serve in JUNE 2018. This person cannot be the same as the CEO/President or the Program Contact.
Salutation: _____ Title: _____ First Name: _____ Last Name: _____ Email: _____ Phone: _____ Address: _____ City: _____ State: _____ Zip Code: _____
33 of 45 UWMD BASIC NEEDS RFP 2018-2019 3. Program Contact Information Please enter the contact information for the person who will be responsible for handling all communication specific to this program proposal. All notifications, reminders, and messages related to grant applications and grant reports will be sent to this contact!
Salutation: _____ Title: _____ First Name: _____ Last Name: _____ Email: _____ Phone: _____
34 of 45 UWMD BASIC NEEDS RFP 2018-2019 APPROVAL FORM Approval is required from the Service Provider President/CEO and Board Chair verifying that they have reviewed and approved the application, before submission to United Way.
1. President/CEO By entering the President/CEO’s name, you are verifying that the application has been reviewed and approved by the President/CEO.
Review & Approval Date: _____
President/CEO Name: _____
2. Board Chair By entering the Board Chair’s name, you are verifying that the application has been reviewed and approved by the Board Chair.
Review & Approval Date: _____
Board Chair Name: _____
B. Access Go to “FoundationConnect Service Provider Login” under “For Nonprofits” at the bottom center of the main UWMD web page at Or enter the following web address into your internet browser: id=a4W41000000Q6M2EAK&ln=en_US
C. Logging In 1. For a first time user, please follow these steps: 1.i. Click the “New User?” link 1.ii. Complete and save your registration 1.iii. Once you submit your registration, United Way staff will review and approve your organization. When the organization has been approved you will receive an email confirmation message. 1.iv. Follow the instructions on that message to login 2. For returning users, please enter your username and password, then click the “Sign in” button
D. Home Page At the top left of the FoundationConnect home page are four tabs: 1. Grantee Dashboard – Provides an update on open or closed grants, grantee reports, inquiries, and/or amendments that have been completed or are in the process of being completed by your organization. Open items are active and closed items are historical items that have been previously completed 2. Grant Opportunities – Please select the Basic Need Grant Application. Click the “Create Application” button to begin the grant application.
36 of 45 UWMD BASIC NEEDS RFP 2018-2019 3. Profile – Has two tabs that allow an agency to review the organization and contact information that was entered when the account was created. To make changes select the “Edit” button at the top right of the page. 4. Stewardship Forms – This is where the organization completes the Stewardship forms that are required to apply for funding.
E. Stewardship Review Below are instructions for submitting the Stewardship Report: 1. Locate the Stewardship Forms tab on your FoundationConnect homepage 2. Click the “New Stewardship” button 3. Complete the following Stewardship forms: a.a. Stewardship Ratios a.b. Stewardship Review Questions a.c. Patriot Act Compliance a.d. Stewardship Attachments 4. Submit the Stewardship Review
F. Completing a Basic Needs Grant Application 1. On the Grant Opportunities Tab select the Basic Need Grant Application. Click the “Create Application” button to begin the grant application. 2. This will open a new grant application. If you get a notification that there is already an existing application for this type of grant please go to the Grantee Dashboard to check. Unless you wish to submit multiple programs, please only complete one application. 3. The first screen is the Basic Needs Eligibility Tab. Please review this information and if you remain interested in applying select the “Save and Next” button 4. At this point you can select any of the additional tabs that are required for submitting an application. 5. Remember to select the “Save” buttons at the bottom of each tab before navigation to a different screen or tab, otherwise you will lose any data entered into that tab. 6. When all forms are complete, select the “Review/Submit” button to submit the application to UWMD. The “Review/Submit” button will only display the Program Narrative tab, the Organization Information tab, and the Approval Form tab. To review the other tabs, you must click on each one individually. 7. This button brings up the option to return to your application, print the application, or submit the application. To submit click the “Submit” button. Once submitted, you cannot modify the application or the attachments. The Stage column will change from In Progress to Submitted when this step is completed. You will also receive a confirmation email message.
NOTE: If changes have to be made after submission, contact Mark Pollack ([email protected]).
37 of 45 UWMD BASIC NEEDS RFP 2018-2019 G. Printing the Application If you wish to print a copy of the application for your reference, the “Review/Submit” button will only display the Program Narrative tab, the Organization Information tab, and the Approval Form tab. To print the other tabs that are part of the application, you must click on each one individually.
Note: Printed applications ARE NOT required to be submitted to UWMD.
Q: My password for accessing the FoundationConnect website isn’t working. What should I do?
A: Use the password reset function on the FoundationConnect login page. Click the “Can’t access your account?” link and follow the instructions to reset your password.
Q: Do spaces and hard returns count in the character/space limit?
A: Yes, spaces and hard returns are counted in the character/space limit. Hard returns are counted as 2 spaces.
Q: I input data into a Form last time I logged in and now the information is missing. What happened?
A: You should ALWAYS click Save before closing a Form; otherwise, you will lose the information/data you just entered.
Q: I’m trying to save a form, but it won’t allow me to. Why is this occurring?
A: Scroll through your entire form and see if there are any error messages in red letters. If there are, make sure those errors are corrected and then try saving again. If you are over the character limit or place letters in numeric fields, the system will not allow you to save and leave a form.
Q: Are there tabs with two pages?
A. Yes. Some tabs may require two pages of information. This means that you cannot see the save button or save the entered information until you get to the bottom of the second page within that tab.
Q: The data I entered has changed since the last time I logged on. How did this happen?
A: If more than one staff person at your Organization has access to the online application system, it’s likely that another Organization staff person has modified the grant application. If you are working with another Organization staff person to complete a specific application, please make each other aware when you have accessed an application and made revisions.
Q: The character/space count feature in FoundationConnect is not counting down as I type or when I copy and paste info from a Word document. Why isn’t this feature working?
A: There is a technical glitch on some of the tabs with the character/space count feature. Each answer field does have the character limit displayed in the question, but it may not count down as you type. If you write in a Word document and then copy and paste into FoundationConnect and you are receiving an error message that you have exceeded the character limit, please adjust your answer.
Agency Name: Staff: Audit Date (mo/day/year): Date Completed:
Audit YES/NO 1. Did the agency submit an independent audit? 2. Was the year-end covered in the audit within 18 months of review date? (No older than fiscal year-end 06/30/2016) 3. Is there a management/internal control letter included with the audit? 4. If there is a management letter included, is it absent of any material weaknesses and/or significant deficiencies? 5. If there is a management letter included, was it absent of a “going concern”? 6. If there is a management letter included, was it absent of an adverse opinion and/or a disclaimer opinion? 7. Does the auditor’s report indicate that the agency complies with all GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles)? 8. Is the auditor’s report an “unqualified” opinion? 9. Liquidity: Does the agency have 20 days of cash or more? 10. Program Expenses: Is the percentage 70% or more? Comments:
990 YES/NO 1. Did the agency submit a 990 or 990EZ? NOTE: Churches are exempt from filing a 990. If applicant agency is a church, select NO, but enter comments in the below indicating that the agency is a church. 2. Was the year-end covered in the 990/990EZ within 18 months of review date? (No older than fiscal year-ending 06/30/2016) Comments:
Agency Operating Budget YES/NO 1. Did the agency submit an annual operating budget, with comparison to previous year and current year-to-date actual revenues and expenditures? (2018 budgeted, 2017 & 2016 actuals) Comments:
Board Governance YES/NO
40 of 45 UWMD BASIC NEEDS RFP 2018-2019 1. Did the agency submit a current Board roster, indicating officers and membership on the Executive committee and on all standing committees? Unaudited Financials YES/NO 1. Did the agency submit unaudited financial statements dated within the previous 3 months? No later than September 2017 Comments:
USA PATRIOT Act Compliance YES/NO 1. Did the agency indicate that they comply with all areas of the Patriot Act? Comments: Disclosures YES/NO 1. Is the agency absent of any disclosures that would negatively impact current financial health? Comments: The following documents are only required if agency is a new applicant, did not pass Stewardship in the 2016-2017 process, or if the documents listed below have changed since December 2016.
IRS Determination Letter YES/NO 1. Did the agency submit an IRS determination letter showing a non-profit status? Comments:
Agency Score An agency will receive a “fail” if any (other than highlighted areas) areas are checked “no”. Agency Documents To be Reviewed by CPA
Note: If any of the highlighted portions (#s 4-10 in audit section & disclosure section), are triggered as a “no” that agency’s documents will go to a volunteer auditor committee for review and determination if agency is allowed to submit grant applications for the current year.
Agency Name:
Please use this form as a reference. All organizations will need to complete the Stewardship Report in FoundationConnect by December 31, 2017.
Please submit these documents. Items 1-8 are required for all applicants. 1. Independent Audit - Most recent audited Financial Statements. Service Providers are expected to obtain an audit of their Financial Statements within six months of the end of their fiscal year. The audit is expected to be done within Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. To qualify, the Audit must have a year-end no older than 18 months before the Stewardship deadline (year-end no older than 06/30/2016). 2. Management Letter – If the most recent audit had a management letter (also known as internal control deficiency letter) with it, please submit a copy of that management letter and your service provider’s formal response. (A management letter is a detailed letter from the auditor that is usually addressed to the board of directors or the audit committee. It presents weaknesses identified during the audit and offers recommendations to address them.) 3. Tax Return - Most recent IRS Form 990 or 990EZ. To qualify, the Tax return must have a year- end no older than 18 months before the Stewardship deadline (year-end no older than 06/30/2016). NOTE: You MUST SUBMIT an IRS Form 990/990EZ unless your organization is a church or other house of worship, and thus not required by the IRS to file a return. This exemption DOES NOT apply to general faith- based nonprofit service organizations. 4. Budget - Most current Board-approved budget with comparison to previous year and current year-to-date actual revenues and expenditures. 5. Board Roster – Most current roster of your Board of Directors indicating those who are officers, members of the Executive Committee and all standing committees. 6. Unaudited Financial Statements – Most recent financial statements, no earlier than September 2017, should include a Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet) and Statement of Activities (Financial Stability Statement). 7. Patriot Act Compliance –If the Service Provider receives United Way funds and donations, in compliance with the USA PATRIOT (Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism) Act and other counterterrorism laws, the United Way requires that each Service Provider certify that those United Way funds and donations will be used in compliance with all applicable anti-terrorist financing and asset control laws, statutes and executive orders. 8. Disclosures –Please list any major changes and/or circumstances, fraud, litigation, investigation or other related occurrences since your most recent audit that would affect the financial health of your organization. If there are not any disclosures, please indicate such when completing form online. 9. IRS Determination Letter - Most recent IRS determination letter. This document is required only if new applicant, agency did not pass Stewardship or was not funded in the 2016-17 process, or agency had changes/edits to these documents since December 2016.
Program Narrative (40 points) Questions Value Score Comments In reference to 1) & 2) in the Program Narrative Form, does the 10 applicant clearly provide: Job description of key individuals who are involved in the operation of the program? A statement of need that the program plans to address or currently addresses?
(1 - Not at all, 3 – Not Adequately, 5 - To Some Extent, 8 – To a Good Extent, 10 - Completely) In reference to 3) & 4) in the Program Narrative Form, does the 25 applicant clearly provide: Descriptions of primary program activities Brief descriptions of secondary program activities A clear picture of how the client flows through the activities How the proposed program makes linkages to other programs or organizations that support the needs of clients?
(1 - Not at all, 6 – Not Adequately, 12 - To Some Extent, 18 – To a Good Extent, 25 - Completely) In reference to 5) in the Program Narrative Form, does the applicant 5 clearly list 5 organizations, list if each relationship is coordinated or collaborative, and how the agencies work together
(1 - Not at all, 2 – Not Adequately, 3 - To Some Extent, 4 – To a Good Extent, 5 - Completely) SUBTOTAL 40 0
Program Budget (10 points) Question Value Score Comments In reference to the Program Budget: 10 Is the information clear and does it make sense? Is the budget complete with all arithmetic correct? Are figures that appear in multiple sections of the proposal, such as program request, total program expense, and clients served, consistent throughout the proposal? Are there any significant variances in the budget when comparing actual and projected budget numbers? Does the budget narrative support the budget and program activities? (1 - Not at all, 3 – Not Adequately, 5 - To Some Extent, 8 – To a Good Extent, 10 - Completely)
43 of 45 UWMD BASIC NEEDS RFP 2018-2019 SUBTOTAL 10
Common Measures (20 points) Question Value Score Comments In reference to outputs in the 20 Common Measures Form: Does the selected common measure(s) align with the focus area that the proposed program is addressing? For each Focus Area, does the applicant clearly include and explain historical outputs and/or outcome results? Do the results or evidence support an investment in this program?
(1 - Not at all, 5 – Not Adequately, 10 - To Some Extent, 15 – To a Good Extent, 20 - Completely) SUBTOTAL 20
Below is the schedule of Program site visits for Basic Needs. Receiving this schedule now will allow agencies to make the necessary arrangements to be able to present on the dates listed.
Basic Needs: Monday Afternoons: February 26; March 5, 12, 19, 26; April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
Afternoon Program site visits will be scheduled between 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
45 of 45 UWMD BASIC NEEDS RFP 2018-2019