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NAME: John Ellis Bowlt


NAME: John Ellis Bowlt

DATE, PLACE OF BIRTH: December 6, 1943, London, England.


ADDRESS Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures University of Southern California University Park Los Angeles, CA 90089-4353 Tel. (213) 740-8280 E-mail: [email protected]

John E. Bowlt is a professor in the Department of Slavic Languages at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, where he also directs the Institute of Modern Russian Culture. A specialist in the history of modern Russian art, Dr. Bowlt has written extensively on visual culture, especially Symbolism and the avant-garde, three of his latest books being Moscow, St. Petersburg. Art and Culture during the Russian Silver Age, the two-volume Masterpieces of Russian Stage Design, and, with Elena Terkel’, Léon Bakst’s literary legacy, i.e. “Moia dusha otkryta”. Literaturnoe i epistoliarnoe nasledie L.S. Baksta. Dr. Bowlt has also curated or co-curated exhibitions of Russian art, including »A Feast of Wonders. Sergei Diaghilev and the Ballets Russes» at the Nouveau Musée de Monte Carlo, Monaco, and the State Tretiakov Gallery, Moscow (2009-10); “El Cosmos de la vanguardia rusa» at the Fundacion Marcelino Botin, Santander, and the State Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki (2010); and “L’avanguardia russa, Siberia e l’Oriente” for the Palazzo Strozzi, Florence (2013). He co-curated the exhibition “A Game in Hell” devoted to Russia’s role in the First World War at the Gallery of Russian Art and Design in London in September-December, 2014, and for the exhibition, “Avant-Garde Theatre: War, Revolution and Design” at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London (September, 2014- March, 2015). He and is also preparing a major retrospective of the work of Léon Bakst for the State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow in 2016. In September, 2010, he received the Order of Friendship from the Russian Federation for his promotion of Russian culture in the USA.

1 Джон Э, Боулт – профессор на Кафедре славянских языков при Университете Южной Калифорнии, Лос-Анджелес, где он также является директором Института современной русской культуры. Им опубликовано много книг и статей о русском искусстве, в частности о символизме и авангарде: среди его последних монографий -- Moscow, St. Petersburg. Art and Culture during the Russian Silver Age (Нью-Йорк, 2008). и, с Еленой Теркель, литературное наследие Л.С. Бакста: «Моя душа открыта»: Литературное и эпистолярное наследие Л.С. Бакста (Москва, 2012). Д-р Боулт часто курирует музейные выставки, в том числе «Видение танца: Сергей Дягилеве и русские сезоны» (Новый музей Монте-Карло, Монако; и Государственная Третьяковская галерея, Москва); «Космос русского авангарда» (Фонд Марселино Ботин, Сантандер; и Государственный Музей современного искусства, Саллоники). И «Русский авангард, Сибирь и Восток» для Палаццо Строцци, Флоренция. Он co-куратор «A Game in Hell” -- выставки, посвященной русскому участию в Первой мировой войне (галерея GRAD, Лондон, осень, 2014-го года и выставки «Avant-Garde Theatre: War, Revolution and Design” в Музее Виктория и Альберт, Лондон (осень, 2014/весна, 2015 гг.). В данный момент он готовит ретроспективную выставку работ Л.С. Бакста для Гос. Музея изобразительных искусств в Мосве (2016 г.). В сентябре, 2010-го года, от Российской Федерации. он получил Орден Дружбы за продвижение русской культуры в США.


University of Birmingham, England, B.A. in Honours Russian, 1965. University of Birmingham, England, M.A. in Russian Literature, 1966. University of St. Andrews, Scotland, Ph.D., Russian Literature and Art, 1971.


British Council Scholarship to Moscow State University, 1966-67 and 1967-68.

Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship, 1971.

National Humanities Institute, Yale University, Fellow, 1977-78.

Fulbright-Hays Award, Paris, France, Fall, 1981.

2 American Council of Learned Societies Award, Italy, Spring 1984.

International Research & Exchanges Board Award, Moscow, Spring, 1986; Summer, 1988; Spring, 1991; Fall, 1994.

Albert and Elaine Borchard Foundation grant. Issued for underwriting the conference "Signs of the Times: Culture and Emblems of the Apocalypse" at the Chateau la Bretesche, France, August, 1994.

National Endowment for the Arts, 1994

National Endowment for the Humanities, 1994

International Research & Exchanges Board Special Project Grant for registration and description of Art Nouveau architecture on the Black Sea Coast.

Social Science Research Council Grant - as supplement to IREX grant for registration and description of Art Nouveau architecture on the Black Sea Coast.

1995 Phi Kappa Phi Faculty Recognition Award, USC, for the book (co- authored with Nicoletta Misler) The Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection: Twentieth Century Russian and East European Painting, London: Wilson, 1993.

1995 Senior Fellow at the Wolfsonian Foundation, Miami (May-June).

1995 Fellowship from the Albert and Elaine Borchard Foundation, Los Angeles awarded for sabbatical leave in fall, 1995.

1995 Short Term Fellowship awarded for tenure at the Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies, in May-June, 1996.

1995 Short Term Fellowship awarded for tenure at the Russian Research Center, Cambridge, MA during summer, 1996.

1995-2013 Responsible for procurement of annual $15,000 grant for Russia- USC graduate exchange from the Albert and Elaine Borchard Foundation, Los Angeles

3 Responsible for procurement of $12,000 grant from the Undergraduate Research Program for project on non-conformist art and literature involving USC undergraduates.

Responsible for procurement of $32,000 grant from the James H. Zumberge Foundation for the Institute of Modern Russian Culture, USC (awarded for 2002-03)

Casden Institute, USC. $9000 for research on Russian-Jewish artists.

Center for Religious and Civic Culture, USC. $6000 for Undergraduate Research Project on Christian sources of the Russian avant-garde.

Grant from the Casden Institute for the Study of the Jewish Role in American Life, USC, 2004, to research the activities of Russian-Jewish artists in the USA, 2004-05,

Grant of $12,000 from IREX (International Research and Exchanges Board) to research the literary oeuvre of Léon Bakst, 2005.

Fulbright-Hayes Senior Research grant for research in Moscow, January-July. Research topic: “The Literary Heritage of Léon Bakst”., 2008

$4500 grant from the Casden Institute, USC, to investigate the life and work of Marc Chagall in the USA

$12.500 grant from ASHSS, USC, 2008

$1000 Phi Kappa Phi Faculty Recognition Award, 2008

USC Faculty Research Grants, 2009-13

Fulbright-Hays Follow-on Award to continue research on Léon Bakst in Moscow and Europe, summer, 2010

Order of Friendship awarded by Dmitrii Medvedev, President of the Russian Federation. September, 2010

4 FUIT (Fund for Innovative Teaching, USC): $10,000 for digitization of materials in Institute of Modern Russian Culture for undergraduate courses at USC. 2011

$17.000 from the Prokhorov Foundation, Moscow, towards publication of the literary legacy of Léon Bakst in English translation, 2012

$10,000 from Advancement of Scholarship in the Humanities and Social Sciences, USC, towards publication of the literary legacy of Léon Bakst in English translation, 2012.

$10,000 from the Albert and Elaine Borchard Foundation, Los Angeles, towards publication of the literary legacy of Léon Bakst in English translation, 2012.

$5000 from the Furthermore Foundation, New York, towards publication of the literary legacy of Léon Bakst in English translation, 2012.


Lecturer in Russian Language and Literature at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland, 1968-69. Lecturer in Russian Language and Literature at the University of Birmingham, England, 1970. Assistant Professor, Slavic Department, University of Kansas at Lawrence, USA, 1970-71. Assistant to Associate Professor, Slavic Department, University of Texas, 1971-81. Associate Professor to Professor, Slavic Department and Art Department (Joint Appointment), University of Texas at Austin, 1981-88. Professor, Slavic Department, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, 1988-Present. Visiting Professor in the Department of Art, Wellesley College, Fall, 1980. Guest Curator for the exhibition "Ilia Chasknik and the Russian Avant-Garde," University of Texas Art Museum, Austin, April-May 1981; also organizer of symposium to accompany the exhibition, April 1981.

5 Guest Curator for exhibition of Russian stage and costume designs from the collection of Mr. and Mrs. N.D. Lobanov-Rostovsky, originating from the Mississippi Museum of Arts, Jackson and travelling to other institutions 1982-84. Visiting Professor in Department of Russian, University of Otago, New Zealand, June-July 1982. Visiting Professor in Department of Art, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, April-June, 1985; and June, 2013.


Russian art of the 19th and 20th centuries; Russian literature; 20th century art of Hungary, Poland and Czechoslovakia.


The Russian Avant - Garde: Theory and Criticism 1902 - 34, New York: Viking, 1976.

Russian Art 1875 - 1975. A collection of Essays, New York: MSS, 1976.

The One and a Half - Eyed Archer. Translation, introduction, and annotation for the memoirs of Benedikt Livshits, Polutoraglazyi strelets, Newtonville: Oriental Research Partners, 1979.

The Silver Age: Russian Art of the Early Twentieth Century, Newtonville: Oriental Research Partners, 1979.

Russian Stage Design: Scenic Innovation 1900 - 1930, Jackson: Mississippi Museum of Art, 1982.

Co-Author with Rose Carol Washton-Long: The Life of Vasilii Kandinsky in Russian Art, Newtonville, Mass.: Oriental Research Partners, 1980.

Journey into Non - Objectivity. The Graphic Work of Kazimir Malevich and Other Members of the Russian Avant - Garde, Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, 1980.

6 Co-Editor with Stephen Bann of Russian Formalism, Scottish Academic Press, Edinburgh, and Barnes and Noble, New York, 1973.

Co-Editor of Kazimir Malevich. Special issue of Soviet Union, Arizona State University, 1978.

Translator of Treasure from the Kremlin (Exhibition catalog for Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYM., 1979).

Translator of Vera Krasovskaya: Nijinsky, New York: Schirmer, 1979.

Editor of Special issue of 1920s of Soviet Union, Arizona State University, 1980.

Editor of Special issue on Russian Stage Design for Russian History, Tempe, AZ, 1982.

Co-author of Russian Samizdat Art, New York: Willis, 1986.

Pavel Filonov: A Hero and His Fate. Collected Writings on Revolution and Art 1914-1940 Austin: Silvergirl, 1984. Co-authored with Nicoletta Misler.

Guest Editor (with Nadia Jernakoff): Translations, New York, 1982, Vol. 15, entire issue devoted to Russian art; appeared in 1983.

Editor: A Slap in the Face of Public Taste: A Jubilee for David Burliuk and the Cause of Russian Futurism. Special issue of Canadian-American Slavic Studies, 1986, Vol. 20, Parts 1-2.

Co-author with Alfred Senn and Danute Staskevicius: Mikalojus Konstantinas Ciurlionis: Music of the Spheres, Newtonville: ORP, 1986.

Author: Russian Art of the Avant - Garde: Theory and Criticism 1902 - 1934, Tokyo: Iwoten Publishers, Tokyo, Japan (in Japanese), 1987. This is the Japanese translation, updated and revised, of the Viking-Penguin book of the same title (New York, 1976). Re-edition by Thames & Hudson, London, 1989.

7 Author: Mansurov, Milan: Lorenzelli, 1987. This is the exhibition catalog for the retrospective exhibition of Pavel Manurov. (In Italian and English).

The Russian Avant - Garde: Theory & Criticism 1902 - 34, London: Thames and Hudson, 1988 (new, revised edition of the 1976 1st edition).

Gustav Kluzis, Cologne: Gmurzynska, 1988.

Varvara Stepanova by Alexander Lavrentiev; introduction by Bowlt, Cambridge: MIT, 1988.

(with Nicoletta Misler): Pavel Filonov Analiticheskoe iskusstvo [Pavel Filonov. Analytical Art], Moscow: Sovetskii khudozhnik, 1990 (in Russian).

Khudozhniki russkogo teatra [Artists of the Russian Theater], Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1990 (in Russian).

Die Russische Avantgarde und die Buhne 1890 - 1930. Catalog of the exhibition, Museum Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden, and other institutions, 1991.

(With Nicoletta Misler) Russian and East European Paintings in the Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection, London: Philip Wilson Publishers, November, 1993.

(With B. Hernad) Aus Vollem Halse. Russische Buchillustration und Typographie 1900-1930, Munich: Prestel, 1993.

Khudozhniki russkogo teatra. Catalogue raisonné of the Nikita and Nina Lobanov-Rostovsky collection of Russian stage designs, Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1994.

(With A. Lavrentiev) Alexander Rodchenko. Museum Series Portfolio, Moscow: Rodchenko/Stepanova Archives, and Schickler Lafaille, Los Angeles/New York, 1994.

Editor of, and contributor to, Experiment. A Journal of Russian Culture, Los Angeles, 1995, No. 1 onwards.

8 The Salon Album of Vera Sudeikin-Stravinsky. Princeton: Princeton University Press,1995 (reviewed in New York Times Review of Books for 31 December, 1995.

(coed. with Olga Matich): Laboratory of Dreams: The Russian Avant- Garde and Cultural Experiment (Stanford University Press, 1996).

Co-editor (with Natal'ia Chernova) and co-translator of materials for second volume of Experiment, Los Angeles, 1996.

L'Avant-garde russe et le scène. La collection de Nina et Nikita D. Lobanov-Rostovsky, Brussels: Musee d'Ixelles, 1998.

Theater of Reason/Theater of Desire: the Art of Alexandre Benois and Léon Bakst, Milan: Skira, 1998.

Co-editor (with Eric Schockman), issue No. 4 of Experiment, Los Angeles, fall, 1998.

Co-editor (with Matthew Drutt), Amazons of the Avant-Garde, Berlin, Deutsche Guggenheim, 1999.

Editor: "Vasilii Kandinsky and the Science of Art". Special issue of Experiment, Los Angeles, 2002, No. 8

Co-editor (with Nicoletta Misler and Sandro Parmiggiani): Francisco Infante. La dimensione metafisica. Catalog of exhibition at the Palazzo Magnani, Reggio Emilia, 2002

Editor for: Spheres of Light, Stations of Darkness: Solomon Nikritin. Catalog of retrospective exhibition at the State Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki, spring, 2004 (catalog in Greek, English and Russian)

Translator: The One and a Half-Eyed Archer, St. Petersburg: Palace Editions. 2004 (October)

Moscow and St. Petersburg 1900-1920. Art, Life and Culture of the Russian Silver Age, New York: Vendome Press; London: Thames and Hudson, 2008. Simultaneous editions in French (Paris: Hazan) and German (Vienna: Brandstätter/Munich: Deutsche Taschenbuch)

9 (with Yuliia Balybina): Nikolai Kalmakov i labirint dekadentsva [Nikolai Kalmakov and the Labyrinth of Decadence} (in Russian), Moscow: Iskusstvo SSI vek, 2008

Editor with Nathalie Giordano-Rosticher and Zelfira Tregulova: Etonne- moi! Serge Diaghilev et Les Ballets Russes, Milan: Skira, 2009. English translation: A Feast of Wonders. Sergei Diaghilev and the Ballets Russes; Russian translation: Videnie tantsa. Sergei Diagilev i russkie sezony.

With Nicoletta Misler and Maria Tsantsanoglou, eds.: El Cosmos e la vanguardia rusa: Arte e exploración especial 1900-1930. Catalog of exhibition at the Fundacion Marcelino Botin, Santander, Spain; and the State Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2010

With L. Garafola, eds.: The Ballets Russes. Special issue of the journal, Experiment, Los Angeles, 2011.

With E. Terkel’, eds.: Lev Bakst: “Moia dusha otkryta”. Literaturnoe i epistolarnoe nasledie L.S. Baksta, Moscow: Iskusstvo XXI vek, 2012, two volumes.

Artists of the Russian Theater. The Catalogue Raisonne of the Collection of Stage Designs of Nina and Niktia D. Lobanov- Rostovsky. From Antique Collectors' Club, Ipswich, England, 2012, Vol. 1; 2013, Vol. 2.

With Nicoletta Misler and Evgeniia Petrova, eds., introd. and essays: L’avanguardia russa, Siberia e l’Oriente. Catalog of exhibition at the Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, 2013-14.

With Nicoletta Misler and Elena Sudakov, eds.: A Game in Hell. The Great War and Russia. Catalog of exhibition at GRAD (Gallery of Russian Art and Design), London, 2014

Ed: Avant-Garde Theatre: War, Revolution and Design, London: Nick Hern Books for Victoria and Albert Museum, 2014

Serebrianyi vek, Moscow; Iskusstvo XXI vek, 2015 (in Russian)

10 Forthcoming

A Century of Russian Art from Academic Press, Boston, 2016 with Graham Howe and Oleg Minin: One Hundred Photographs. E.O. Hoppé and the Ballets Russes, Pasadena: Curatorial Assistance, 2015

(with Elena Terkel’) contracted by the Art of the XXI Century Publishing- House, Moscow, to write a monograph on Léon Bakst.


"Russian Art Exhibitions, 1904-1922." Form (Cambridge, England), No. 8, 1968, pp. 4-13.

"Konstantin Somov." Art Journal, New York, Fall, 1970, pp. 31-36.

"Russian Art in the 1920s." Soviet Studies, Glasgow, 1971, pp. 575-94.

Introduction to The Russian Avant - Garde, exhibition catalog for Leonard Hutton Galleries, New York, 1971-72. Translated and reprinted in Novoye Russkoye Slovo, New York, 1971, 30 December.

Introduction to Diaghilev and Russian Stage Designers, catalog for exhibition of the collection of, New York, Austin, and other cities, 1972-74, pp. 5-11. Reprinted in Novoye Russkoye Slovo, New York, 1972, 5 March.

"The Failed Utopia." Art in America, July/August, New York, 1971. Reprinted in Museums in Crisis (ed. by Brian O'Doherty), Braziller N.Y. 1972.

"Maritiros Saryan Obituary" in Great Britain - USSR Bulletin, London, Fall 1972, No.37, pp. 3-4.

"The Virtues of Soviet Realism." Art in America, November/December, 1972, pp. 100-107.

"The World of Art." Russian Literature Tri - Quarterly, Fall, 1972, pp. 184-218.

11 "Russian Formalism and the Visual Arts." 20th Century Studies, July/August, 1972, pp. 131-146. Reprinted in Stephen Bann & John Bowlt, eds., Russian Formalism Scottish Academic Press, 1973.

"The Early Years of Sergei Diaghilev." Transactions of Russian - American Scholars in USA, no. 6, 1972, pp. 94-114.

"Synthesism and Symbolism." Forum (St. Andrews), January, 1973, pp. 35-48. Reprinted in Literature and the Plastic Arts, 1880-1930. Seven Essays, edited by I. Higgins. Scottish Academic Press.

"Russian Symbolism and the 'Blue Rose' Movement." Slavonic & East European Review, London, Vol. II, No. 123, 1973, pp. 161-181.

"Russian Portrait Painting in the Late Eighteenth Century." Apollo, London, July, 1973, pp. 5-13.

"Pavel Filonov." Studio International, London, July/August, 1973, pp. 30-36.

"Russian Formalism and the Visual Arts" in Russian Formalism (S. Bann & J. Bowlt eds.) Barnes and Noble, N.Y., 1973, pp. 131-146.

"Malevich's Journey into the Non-Objective World" in Art News, N.Y., December, 1973, pp. 16-22.

"Two Russian Maecenases: Savva Mamontov and Princess Tenisheva" in Apollo, London, December, 1973, pp. 444-453.

"Nikolai Ryabushinsky: Playboy of the Eastern World" in Apollo, December, 1973, pp. 486-493.

"Recent Art Publications in the Soviet Union" in Great Britain - USSR Bulletin, London, Sprint, 1973, pp. 6-8.

"Concepts of Color and the Soviet Avant-garde" in The Structurist, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, No. 13/14, 1973/74, pp. 20-29.

12 "The Construction of Space" for exhibition catalog From Surface to Space/Von der Falche zum Raum, Galerie Gmuzynska, Cologne, 1974.

"Neo-Primitivism and Russian Painting" in The Burlington Magazine,London, March, 1974, pp. 486-493.

"Kazimir Malevich: ego putshestvie v bespredmetnyi mir" in Russkaya mysl Paris, March, 1974 (in Russian).

"Aleksandra Exter" in Russkaya mysl', Paris, June, 1974 (in Russian).

"Aleksandra Exter. A Veritable Amazon of the Russian avant-garde" in Art News, N.Y., September, 1974, pp. 41-43.

"The Art of Construction" in exhibition catalog The 1920s in Eastern Europe/Die 20er Jahre in Osteuropa, Galerie Gmurzynka, Cologne, 1975, pp. 5-18. Reprinted in Art and Artists, London, 1975, October, pp. 40-45.

"Dibujos y acuarelas de la vanguardia rusa" for exhibition catalog Dibujos y acuarelas de la vangyardia rusa, Caracas, Sala de exposiciones, 1975, April.

"The Marionettes of Alexandra Exter" in exhibition catalog Alexandra Exter Marionettes, Leonard Hutton Galleries, New York, November, 1975 - January 1976.

"Aleksandr Blok: The Poem Neznakomka" in Texas Studies in Literature and Language, University of Texas, Austin, Spring, 1975, pp. 349-56.

"Art and Politics and Money" in Art in America, New York, March/April, 1975, pp. 20-24.

"Pavel Filonov: His Painting and His Theory" in The Russian Review, Stanford, July, 1975, pp. 282-92.

"Pavel Filonov" in Russian Literature Tri - Quarterly, Ann Arbor, 1975, No. 12, pp. 371-92.

"Pavel Filonov: An Alternative Tradition?" in Art Journal, New York, 1975, No. 34, pp. 208-16.

13 "L'Atmosphere esthetique dans laquelle s'est developpee l'oeuvre de Georges Yakoulov" in Notes et documents (edites par la Societe des amis de Georges Yakoulov), Paris, November, 1975, No. 4, pp. 32-40.

"Simon Lissim" in Art News, New York, November, 1975, pp. 123-25.

"The Art of Change" in Journal of Russian Studies, Nottingham, England, 1975, No. 30, pp. 35-44.

"Early Soviet Art" in Art and Artists, London, 1975, November, pp. 34-43.

"The Soviet Art World: Compromise and Confusion" in Art News, December, 1975.

"Mstislav Dobujinsky" in Transactions of Russian - American Scholars in the USA, NewYork, 1975, Vol. 9, pp. 248-86.

"Arkhip Kuindzhi: A Russian Luminist School?" in Metropolitan Museum Journal, New York, 1975, Vol. 10, pp. 119-29.

"From Pictures to Textile Prints" in The Print Collector's Newsletter, New York, March, 1976, pp. 16-20.

"The Blue Rose" in The Burlington Magazine, London, 1976, August, pp. 566-74.

"El Lissitzky" in New Lugano Review, Zurich, 1977, Vol. 3, No. 1-2, pp. 49-55. Reprinted from Catalog to the exhibition El Lissitzky at the Galerie Gmurzynska, Cologne, 1976.

"A Unique Malevich Lithograph" in Art News, New York, 1976, April.

"From Surface to Space. The Work of Liubov Popova" in The Structurist, Saskatoon, 1976, No. 15-16, pp. 80-88.

"The Union of Youth" in Russian Modernism (a collection of articles edited by G. Gibianand H.Tjalsma), Cornell, 1976, pp. 165-87.

14 "A Soviet School of Painting" in exhibition catalog of Soviet Art, Woodward & Lothrop, Washington, D.C., 1976, January.

"Twentieth Century Russian Stage Design" in exhibition catalog Stage Design and the Russian Avant - Garde, Lincoln Center, New York, 1976 and elsewhere.

"Berlin/Hanover: the 1920s" in Berlin/Hanover: the 1920s, Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, 1977.

"Between East and West" in exhibition catalog Russian and Soviet Painting, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1977.

"Constructivism and the Stage" in Performing Arts Journal, New York, 1976, Fall. Translated into Russian as "Russkii konstruktivism i khudozhestvennoe oformlenie stseny" in Novyi zhurnal, New York, 1977, Book 126, pp. 109-27.

"Art and Violence: Russian Caricature in the Early XIX and Early XX Centuries" in Twentieth Century Studies, Canterbury, 1975, No. 13/14, pp. 56-76.

"A Monument to Bakunin" in Slavic Studies, Pittsburgh, 1976, Winter, pp. 577-90.

"The Spirit of Music" in Die Kunstismen in Russland/The Isms of Art in Russia, exhibition catalog, Galerie Gmurzynka, Colonge, 1977, pp. 5-18.

"Art and the Child in Early Soviet Russia" in The Structurist, Saskatoon, 1977-78, No. 17-18, pp. 94-100.

"Symbolism and Modernism in Russia" in Artforum, New York, 1977, November, pp. 40-45.

"Fra suprematisme til kostruktivisme" in Louisiana Revy, Humlebaek, Denmark, 1978, January, pp. 4-13.

"The Art of Jacques Hnizdovsky" in The Graphic Arts Council Newsletter, Los Angeles, 1978, No. 2-3, pp. 1-11.

15 "The Russian Fin-de-siecle: New Concepts of Design" in The Print Collector's Newsletter, New York, 1976, November-December, pp. 137-41.

"Soviet Unofficial Art: Ethics or Esthetics?" in Cornell Review, Ithaca 1978, No. 3, pp. 33-45.

"Moscow: The Contemporary Art Scene" in N. Dodge & A. Hilton eds.): New Art From the Soviet Union, Washington, D.C., 1977. pp. 20-26.

"Das fotografische Werk Alexander Rodchenkos" in exhibition catalog Rodtschenko, Cologne and other cities, 1978, pp. 12-24.

"Une conscience eclatee" in exhibition catalog Suprematisme, Galerie Chauvelin, Paris, 1977, pp. 70-81.

"Jenseits der Horizonts" in exhibition catalog Malewitsch at Galerie Gmurzynska, Cologne, 1978, pp. 232-52.

"Soviet Surprise: Kitsch at the Met" in Art in America, New York, 1977, November-December, pp. 120-21.

"Gentle Visions in an Age of Discontent" in Art News, New York, December, 1978, pp. 85-86.

"Malevich & His Students" in Soviet Union, ASU, 1978, Vol. 5, Pt. 2, pp. 256-86.

Introduction to exhibition catalog Louis Lozowick, Long Beach Museum of Art, 1978.

"Shukman" in exhibition catalog Side by Side with America, Magnes Museum, San Francisco, 1978-79.

"From the Classical to the Romantic: Russian Art of the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries" in exhibition catalog The Art of Russia: 1800 - 1850, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis and other cities, 1978-79, pp. 22-37.

"Comrade Collector" in Antiques World, New York, 1979, January, pp. 36-44.

16 "New Soviet Publications on Art" in The Russian Review, Stanford,1979, July, pp. 348-58.

"Some Truth, Not the Whole Truth" in Art News, New York, 1979, March, p. 161.

"L'Oeuvre de Vladimir Tatlin" in Cahiers du Musée National d'Art Moderne, Paris, 1979, No. 2, pp. 216-27.

"Paris-Moscow: The Russian Avant-Garde" in Arts Canada, Toronto, December, 1979 - January, 1980, pp. 38-46.

"Journey into Space: Vladimir Tatlin and the Concept of the relief" in Ron Kostyniuk (ed.): The Evolution of the Constructed Relief, University of Calgary, 1979, pp. 13-25.

"The Ideology of Furniture: The Soviet Chair in the 1920s" in Soviet Union, Arizona State University, 1980, Vol. 7, Parts 1-2, pp. 138-156.

"Some Very Elegant Ladies" in the exhibition catalog Kunstlerinnen der russischen, Avant Garde/Women-Artists of the Russian Avant-garde, Cologne, Galerie Gmurzynska, 1979-80, pp. 34-40.

"Art and Architecture in the Age of Revolution, 1860-1917" and "Art and Architecture in Soviet Russia, 1917-1972" in Robert Auty and Dmitri Obolensky (eds.): Companion to Russian Studies. An Introduction to Russian Art and Architecture, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980, pp. 112-81.

"An Hour of Reckoning." Introduction to K. K. Kuzminsky (ed.): The Blue Lagoon Anthology of Modern Russian Poetry, Vol. 1, Newtonville: Oriental Research Partners, 1980, pp. 15-19. (In Russian.)

"Henry Elinson" in exhibition catalog Henry Elinson, New York: Eduard Nakhamkin Fine Arts, 1980, unpaginated.

"Alexandr Rodchenko as Photographer: in exhibition catalog The Avant - Garde in Russia 1910 - 1930: New Perspectives, Los Angeles County Museum, 1980, pp. 52-58.

17 "Flight into Egypt" in Art News, NYC., 1981, April, pp. 158-59.

"Beyond the Looking Glass," introduction to exhibition catalog of the same name, Temple Cultural Activities Center, Temple, TX, Fall, 1980.

"The Suprematist from Blue Lagoon" in Art News, Oct., 1980, 106-10.

"New Pespectives on the 'Great Experiment'" in Art News, Oct., 1980, 106-10.

Introduction to the exhibition catalog Russian Theatre and Costume Designs, San Francisco Museum of Fine Arts, 1980, pp. 12-16.

"Alexandr Rodchenko as Photographer" in The Avant - Garde in Russia 1910 - 1930, Hirshhorn Museum & Sculpture Garden, D.C., exh. cat., 1980, pp. 52-59.

"Ilya Chashnik. A Student of Suprematism" in Ilva Chashnik & the Russian Avant - Garde, exh. cat., U.T. Spring, 1981, pp. 13-16.

"Das Ziel sind Blider mit malerischen Werten" in DU, Zurich, 1981, June, pp. 32-40.

"Through the Glass Darkly: Images of Decadence in Early 20th Century Russian Art" in Journal of Contemporary History, London 1982, v. 17, 93-110.

"Recent Publications on Modern Russian Art" in The Art Bulletin, New York, 1982, September, pp. 488-94.

"Lado Gudiashvili" in Luigi Magarotto (ed.): L'avanguardia a Tiflis, Venice, 1982, pp. 7-15.

"A Child's Topography of Typography" in Art News, New York, 1982, September, pp. 13-17.

"The Society of Easel Artists (OST)" in Russian History, Tempe, 1982, Vol. 9, Pts. 2-3, pp. 203-26.

18 "One Engineer is Worth More than a Thousand Aesthetes" in The Structurist Asakatoon, 1981-82, No. 21/22, pp. 57-65 (published Fall, 1982).

"Abstraction as Realism" in Times Literary Supplement, London, 1983, 8 April.

"Report on the Exhibition & Symposium on Ilya Chashnik" in Leonardo, San Francisco, 1983, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 31-33

"Ivan Kliun" in Ivan Vasilievich Kliun. Catalog of exhibition at Matignon Gallery, New York, April-May, 1983, pp. 3-6.

"Lajos Kassak: The Wolf outside the Cage" in exhibition catalog Lajos Kassak, New York: Matignon Gallery, April-May, 1984, pp. 7-13.

"The New Old Wave" in New York Review of Books, New York, 1984, February 16, pp. 27-30.

"Gold in Azure" in Design Book Review, Berkeley, Spring, 1984, pp. 38-40.

"Immagini del decadentism nell'arte russa dell'inizio del secolo" in John E. Bowlt, Janet Kennedy et al.: Mir iskusstva. La cultura figurativa, letteraria e musicale nel Simbolismo russo, Rome: E/O, 1984, pp. 7-16.

"Le vol des formes" in Jean-Claude Marcadé, ed.: Malévitch. Cahier 1, Lausanne: L'Age d'Homme, 1983.

"Liubov Popova, Painter" in Nadia Jernakoff and John E. Bowlt, eds.: Transactions, New York, 1982, Vol. 15, pp. 227-52. Whole issue devoted to Russian art; appeared only in 1983.

"The Letters of V. Chekrygin to Mikhail Larionov" in A - Ja, Paris, 1982, No. 4, pp. 40-43. Appeared only in 1983.

"Russian Painting in the 19th Century" in T.G. Stavrou (ed.): Art and Culture in Nineteenth Century Russia, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1983, pp. 113-39.

"Nineteenth Century Russian Caricature" Ibid., pp. 221-236.

19 "V. Tatlin and S. Dymshits-Tolstaia" in Design Issues, Chicago, 1984, Fall, pp. 70-75.

"Constructivism and Early Soviet Fashion Design" in Abbot Gleason ed.: Bolshevik Culture, Indiana University Press, 1985, pp. 203-19.

"H2SO4: Dada in Russia" in Stephen Foster (ed.): Dada/Dimensions, University of Michigan: UMI, 1985, pp. 221048.

"When Life Was a Cabaret" in Art News, New York, 1984, December, pp. 123-7.

"Cabaret in Russia" in Canadian - American Slavic Studies, Irvine, 1985, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 443-63.

"The Dynamic Use of Immobile Form" in Apollo, London, 1987, April, pp. 271-78.

"Vom Symbolismus zum Suprematismus" in Karin v. Maur (ed.): Vom Klang der Bilder.Die Musik in der Kunst des 20 Jahrhunderts, Stuttgart: Prestel, 1985, pp. 390-93.

"L'arte di Rodčenko e Stepanova: una costruzione umana" in Rassegna Sovietica, Rome, 1986, March-April, pp. 24-30.

"Esoteric Culture and Russian Society" in On the Spiritual in Art. Catalog of exhibition at the Los Angeles County Museum, New York, fall, 1986, pp. 165-82.

"The Stalin Style: The First Phase of Socialist Realism" in Sots Art. Catalog of exhibition at the New Museum, New York, spring 1986, pp. 16-23.

"David Burliuk, the Father of Russian Futurism" in Canadian American Slavic Studies, Irvine, 1986, Vol. 20, Nos. 1-2, pp. 25-37.

"The Presence of Absence" in exhibition catalog Of Presence and Absence, Kent Fine Art, New York, spring, 1986.

20 "Mikhail Larionov" in catalog Mikhail Larionov, Galerie Aronowitsch, Stockholm, October, 1987.

"The Russian Avant-Garde" in Art of the Russian Avant - Garde at Friedman Gallery, New York, October, 1987.

"The Art of Actuality. Photography and the Russian Avant-Garde" in El Palacio, Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe, 1987, April number.

"From the Pale of Settlement to the International Style" in catalog of the exhibition "The Jewish Contribution to the Russian Avant-Garde" at the Israel Museum, Jerusalem, opening in June, 1987. Pagination not yet available.

"The Ballets Russes" in Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts, Miami, 1987, No. 5, summer issue.

"Stage Design and the Ballets Russe" in Age of Enchantment. Catalog of exhibition at the De Young Museum, San Francisco, 1988.

"Letter from Moscow” in Apollo, London, 1988, October, pp. 269-70.

"How 'Glasnost' Is It?" in Art News, NY, 1988, November, p. 216.

"Straightening the Zigzag" in Apollo, November, 1988, pp. 373-74.

(with Nicoletta Misler): "Russkie kartiny v kollektsii Tissen-Bornemisa" in exhibition catalog Shedevry zhivopisi XX veka iz sobraniia Tissen - Bornemisa, Milan: Electa, 1988,pp. 19-25.

(with Nicoletta Misler): "Con gli occhi dell'Oriente" in catalog of exhibition "Arte Russae sovietica 1870-1930", Turin: Lingotto, 1989, pp. 79-92.

"Suddenly" in catalog of the exhibition of "Francisco Infante", Philadelphia: International Images, 1989, pp. 12-15.

"Wassily Kandinsky" in catalog of the exhibition "Kandinsky", Kunshalle, Frankfurt, 1989.

21 "The Presence of Absence" in The Structurist, Saskatoon, 1988, No. 27-28, pp. 15-22.

Introduction to catalog of the exhibition “Russkoe teatralno - dekoratsionnoe iskusstvo iz sobraniia Niny i Nikity Lobanovykh - Rostovskikh”, Moscow, State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, 1988.

Introduction to catalog of "Evgenii Rukhin" -- exhibition organized by the Fonda del sol, Washington, D.C., April, 1989.

"10 + 10" in catalog of exhibition of the same name, Fort Worth Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, and other institutions, 1989.

"Plotzlich" in Artefakte. Francisco Infante. Catalog of exhibition at the Wilhel-Hack Museum, Cologne, 1989 (summer), pp. 15-22. English translation also appeared under the title "Suddenly" in the catalog of the exhibition Francisco Infante, Pittsburg: International Images, 1989, September, pp. 12-15.

"Un ingénieur vaut mieux qu'un millier d'esthètes" in Ligeia, Paris, 1989, September, pp. 42-53.

"Some Thoughts on the Condition of Soviet Art History" in Art Bulletin, New York, 1989, December, pp. 542-51.

"The Peasant Motif in the Wrok of Kazimir Malevich" in C. Emerson and N. Rzhevsky (eds.): Slavic and East European Arts, Stony Brook: SUNY, 1990, Winter, pp. 51-61.

"Natalia Goncharova and Futurist Theater" in Art Journal, New York, 1990, Spring, pp. 44-51.

"The Quest for Self-Expression" in catalog of exhibition The Quest for Self - Expression. Painting in Moscow and Leningrad 1965 - 1990, Columbus: Columbus Museum of Art, 1990, pp. 12-13.

"A Catafalque of the Senses" in catalog of the exhibition The Procrustean Bed, New York: Edward Nakhamkin, April, 1990, pp. 2-5.

22 "Malevich and the Energy of Language" in catalog of exhibition Kazimir Malevich at the National Gallery, Washington D.C., the Armand Hammer Museum and Cultural Center,Los Angeles, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1990-91, pp. 179-86.

"Die Anatomie der Phantasie" in catalog of exhibition Pawel Filonow at the Stadtische Kunsthaus, Dusseldorf, September-December, 1990, pp. 50-69,

"A Brazen Can-Can in the Temple of Art: The Russian Avant-Garde and Popular Culture" in K. Varnedoe and A. Gopni: Modern Art and Popular Culture, New York: Abrams, 1990, pp. 134-58.

"From Avant-Garde to Avant-Garde" in catalog of exhibition Moscow Treasures, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., 1990, fall, pp. 208-36.

"Faces Painted with Fanciful Patterns" in Avant Garde, Amsterdam, 1991, No. 5/6, pp. 67-88.

"The Moscow Art Market" in E. Clowes et al. (eds.): Between Tsar and People, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1991, pp. 108-130.

"Alexandre Sakharoff e l'ambiente di San Pietroburgo" in P. Veroli, ed.: I Sakharoff. Un mito della Danza, Bologna: Bora, 1991, pp. 97-100.

"Hungarian Activism and the Russian Avant-Garde" in S. Mansbach, ed.: Standing in the Tempest. Painters of the Hungarian Avant - Garde 1908 - 1930, Cambridge, Mass., MIT, 1991, pp. 143-168.

"Moscow. Francisco Infante" in Art News, New York, January, 1993.

"Tempest in a Teacup: Soviet Porcelain and the October Revolution". Essay in catalog of News from a Radiant Future. Soviet Porcelain, Chicago: Art Institute 1991-93.

"Orphism and Simultanism: The Russian Connection" in The Structurist, Saskatoon, 1992, No. 31-32 pp 72-80 (published spring, 1993).

"Polutoraglzni strelets" in Literaturnoe obozrenie, Moscow, 1992, December (in Russian).

23 "Utopia Revisited" in Art in America, New York, 1993, May pp. 98-105.

"Tatlin und sein Antitisch" in J. Harten and A. Strigalev, eds.: Tatlin, Dusseldorf: Du Mont, 1993, pp. 184-95 (in German and Russian).

"La Fuite des formes. Jean Pougny et l'esthètique fonctionelle". Essay in catalog of Jean Pougny, Paris: Musée national d'art moderne, 1993, pp. 22-29.

"Il dono segreto della visione". Essay in catalog of Kandinsky tra Oriente e Occidente, Florence: Palazzo Strozzi, 1993, pp. 19-37.

(with Nicoletta Misler): "Der Primitivismus und die russische Avantgarde" in Russische Avantgarde und Volkskunst. Catalog of exhibition at the Staatliche Kunsthalle, Baden-Baden; and the State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, 1993, pp. 15-26.

"Costume and Stage Design Masterpieces: in Russian Heritage, Moscow, 1993, No 2, pp. 74-82.

"Il piano supersonico". Essay in Kazimir Malevic. Catalog of exhibition at the Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Florence; and Milan, 1993-94, pp. 213-28.

"Where Is My Home?" Essay in exhibition catalog The George Riabov Collection of Russian Art, New Brunswick: Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers University, 1993, pp. 135-60.

"Savelii Sorin" in M. Parkhomovsky (ed.): Evrei v kul'ture russkogo zarubezh'ia, Jerusalem, 1993, Vol. 2, pp. 493.506.

"The Collection of M. and Mme. Michel Brochetain" for Art News, New York, December, 1993

(With Nicoletta Misler): "Primitivizm i russkii avangard". Essay in exhibition catalog of Avangard i ego russkie istochniki, St. Petersburg: State Russian Museum, 1993, pp. 15-27.

"Flucht der Formen: Iwan Puni und die funktionale Aesthetik". Essay in exhibition catalog of Iwan Puni, Berlin: Museum fur Moderne Kunst, 1993-4, pp. 35-50.

24 "Stravinsky and Diaghilev's 'Mir iskusstva'" in Joseph Horowitz (ed.) The Russian Stravinsky, New York: Brooklyn Academy of Music, 1994, pp. 27-32.

"The Dictates of Design: Stalin and the Ceramics Industry: in B. Groys et al.: The Aesthetic Arsenal. Socialist Realism under Stalin, New York: The Institute for Contemporary Art, 1994, pp. 173-81.

Editor of the Art and Architecture section (and contributor) for The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Russia and the Former Soviet Union (ed. by a. Brown et al.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994.

"Orfeizm i simul'taneizm: Russkii variant" in V. Ivanov et al.: Russkii avangard v krugu evropeiskoi kul'tury, Moscow: Radiks, 1994, pp. 132- 42.

Introduction to (pp. vi and vii) and "'Where is My Home' Russian Artists in Emigration" in The George Riabov Collection of Russian Art. Catalog of the exhibition at the Zimmerli Museum, Rutgers University, New Jersy, 1994, (edited by A. Rosenfeld), pp. 135-60.

"Ya vzial by kostium Kleopatry" in Mir muzeia, Moscow, 1995, No. 4, pp. 60-64.

"Khudozhniki des Ballets Russes" in Nashe nasledie, Moscow, 1995, No. 33, pp. 129-34.

"L'enseignement artistique à Saint-Petersbourg et à Moscou pendant les années de formation D'Antoine Pevsner" in J.-C. Marcadé, ed.: Pevsner, Paris: Art edition les amis d'Antoine Pevsner, 1995, pp.40-57.

Introduction to Experiment, Los Angeles, 1995, No. 1, pp. 1-5.

"Mikhail Larionov" in ibid., pp. 183-200.

“Nikolai Lozovoi” in ibid., pp. 141-58

"Marc Chagall" in ibid., pp. 251-56.

25 "Alexander Rodchenko as Photographer" in S. Yates: The Knowing Eye, University of New Mexico Press, 1995.

"An Interview with George Costakis" in The G. Costakis Collection Catalog of the exhibition at the National Gallery Alexandros Soutzos Museum, Athens, 1995 (edited by A. Kafestsi), pp. 34-48.

"Towards a Historiography of the Russian Avant-Garde" in ibid., pp. 591-613.

"Jewish Artists and the Russian Avant-garde" in Russian Jewish Artists. Catalog of the exhibition at the Jewish Museum, New York, 1995) edited by S. Goodman), pp. 40-53.

"Petr Galadzhev: in Pjotr Galadschew. Catalog of the exhibition at the Galerie Lachmann, Cologne, 1995 (edited by A. Lachmann), pp. 9-34.

(With Nicoletta Misler) "Creatura del infinito" in Francisco Infante. Artefactos: Catalog of the exhibition at the Sala de Exposiciones Rekalde, Bilbao, 1995 (edited by Maya Agiuriano), pp. 36-65.

“Contemporaries of Pavel Filonov” in A. Kafetsi, ed.: Russian Avant- Garde 1910-1930. The George Costakis Collection, Athens: National Gallery, 1996, pp. 610-16 (= Vol. 2).

“An Interview with George Costakis” and “Towards a Historiography of the Russian Avant-Garde in same, pp. 34-49 and 591-613 (=Vol. 2).

“Boris Aronson and Nilolai Evreinov” in Evrei v kul’ture russkogo zarubezh’ia, Jerusalem, 1995, No. 4, pp. 56-63.

“Nikolai Lozovoi” and “Mikhail Larionov” in Experiment, No. 1, op. cit., pp. 141-58 and 169-83.

“Body Beautiful: The Artistic Search for the Perfect Physique” in Bowlt/Matich: Laboratory of Dreams, op. cit., pp. 37-58.

“Alexander Ponamarev” in Alexander Ponamarev. Catalog of exhibition at the Tretiakov Gallery, Moscow, 1996.

26 “Discrete Displacement” in From Gulag to Glasnost: Non-Conformist Art in the Nancy and Norton Dodge Collection. Catalog of the exhibition at the Zimmerli Museum, Rutgers University, Brunswick, NJ, 1995, pp. 294-302.

"Ippolit Sokolov and the Gymnastics of Labor" in Experiment, Los Angeles, 1996, No. 2, pp. 411-22.

"Korabelnoe iskusstvo" in Alexander Ponomarev. Catalog of exhibition at the Trefiakov Gallery, Moscow, 1996.pp.5-9.

"Wreckart" in Art News, New York, 1997, March, p. 29. Entries on Delaunay, Exter, Mukhina, and Orloff for the Dictionary of Women Artists, Chicago: Fitzroy & Dearborn, 1997.

"Stil' modem" in Moskovskie novosti, Moscow, 1997, 27 July, p. 22. "Profil: Frantsisko Infante" in Kontekst: Frantsisko Infante/Nonna Goriunova. Catalog of Exhibition at the State Trtiakov Gallery, Moscow, December 1997, pp. 16-29.

"Of Miracles and Simple Nonsense: the Petrograd Diaries of Vera Sudeikina: in Europa Orientalis, Bologna, 1997. No. 2, pp. 249-55.

"Alek Rapoport" in M. Dunaev, ed.: Aiek Rapoport, San Francisco: Dunaev, 1998, pp. 15-26 "The Cow and the Violin: Towards a History of Russian Dada" in S. Foster, ed.: The Eastern Dada Orbit, New York: Hall, 1998, pp. 137- 63. "After the Avant-Garde: Dmitrii Sarabianov and John E. Bowlt Discuss Postwar Russian Art" in Artletter, Pasadena, 1998, Spring, pp. 1 and 9.

"Drugoi Kandinsky" in N. Avtonomova, ed.: Kandinsky, Moscow: Gil, 1998.

"The Voice of Silence" in Dmitri Plavinsky. Catalog of exhibition at Mimi Ferzt Gallery, New York, 1999, p. 3. "Women of Genius" in J. Bowlt and M. Drutt, eds.: Amazons of the Avant-Garde, Berlin: Deutsche Guggenherim, 1999, pp. 21-37.

27 "Pavel Mansurov and Organic Culture" in N. Baschmakoff, ed.: The School of Organic Art in Russian Modernism, Helsinki: 1999, Vol. 16, No. 22, pp. 24-36.

"Natalia Sergeevna Goncharova" in T. Serra, ed.: Do impressionismo о fauvismo, Madrid, CGAC, 1999. "Sovetskie nonkonformisty i nasledie russkogo avangarda" in E. Barabanov, ed.: Zapreshchennoe iskusstvo, M:GTG, 1999.

"Russkoe obshchestvo i ezoterism" in T. Kotovish, ed: Malevich. Klassicheskii avangard, Vitebsk, 1997, No. 3, pp. 69-73 (appeared fall, 1998).

"Khudozhestvennaia novatsiia i voennaia strategiia" in G. Kovalenko, ed.: Avangard 1910-kh-1920-kh godov, Moscow, Gil, 1998, pp. 25-35.

"Infinite Variations" in Art News, New York, 1999, March, pp. 124-26.

"The Cow and the Violin. Towards a History of Russian Dada" in S. Foster: The Eastern Dada Orbit Boston: Hall, 1998, pp. 137-71. "Vdrug—vnezapno" in Frantsisko Infante et al.: Monogradiia. Moscow: Center for Contemporary Art, 1999, pp. 230-33. "V. Kandinsky i teosofiia" in N. Avtonomova et al., eds.: Mnogogrannyi mir Kandinskogo, Moscow: Nauka, 1998, pp. 30-42. "Begstvo form" in G. Kovalenko, ed.: Russkii avangard 1910-20-kh godov v evropeiskom kontekste, M. Nauka, 2000, pp.228-33. "Un enfer monstreux et éblouissant" in Alain Juppé, ed: Le Symbolisme Russe, Bordeaux: Musée des Beaux-Arts, 2000, pp. 39- 58. “Natal'ia Goncharova i futuristecheskii teatr" in M. Meilakh and D. Sarab'ianov, eds: Poeziia i zhivopis'. Sbomik trudov pamiati N.I. Khardzhieva, M. Yazyki kul'tury, 2000, Kandinskogo, M. Nauka 1999, pp. 30-42.

"Pavel Mansurov" in A. Povelikhina, ed.: Experiment, LA: IMRC, 2000, pp. 26-33.

28 "Dvigai svoe telo!" Ippolit Sokolov i teoriia dvigatel'noi kul'tury" in T. Klim, ed.: Iskusstvo dvizheniia. Istoriia i sovrenmennost', Moscow: Bakhrushin Museum, 2002, pp. 9-19

"La gravità dello zero" in Sandro Parmiggiani: Walter Valentini. Sulle trace dell'infinito, Reggio Emilia: Palazzo Magnani, 2001, pp. 35-41

"Voskresnyi den'. Marianna Verevkina i russkii Serebrianyi vek" in G. Kovalenko, ed.: Amazonki avangarda, Moscow; Nauka, 2001, pp. 69-80

"Neizvestnoe pis'mo M.F. Larionova" in G. Kovalenko, ed.: Natal'ia Goncharova, Mikhail Larionov, Moscow; Nauka, 2001, pp. 244-47 (appeared 2002)

"4 + 4" in Two Generations of the Russian Avant-Garde. Catalog of exhibition at the Mimi Ferzt Gallery, New York, 2001, p. 2.

"Le mythe de la destination" in Alexandre Ponomarev. Mémoires de l'eau. Catalog of exhibition at the Cité des Sciences et de l'industrie, Paris, 2002, unpaginated.

"Stalin as Isis and Ra: Socialist Realism and the Art of Design" in Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Art, Miami Beach, 2002, No. 24, pp. 35-63 with Nicoletta Misler: "Verbi migratori: le nostre parole perdono il volo" in Claudio Parmiggiani: Alfabeto in sogno, Milan: Mazzotta, 2002, pp. 343-404

"David Burliuk i Yaponiia" [David Burliuk and Japan] in T. Omuka ed: S Dal'nego Vostoka Rossii v Yaponiiu, Tsukuba: University of Tsukuba, 2002, pp. 39-45 (in Russian and Japanese)

"Artistic Innovation and Military Strategy. The Russian Avant-Garde and the First World War" in V. Karasmanis et al.: The Russian Avant- Garde (1910-1930). An Unfulfilled Plan, Athens: Fine Arts Museum, 2002, pp. 69-80 (in Greek and English)

"The Russian Avant-Garde. Art into Life" in M. Papanikolaou, ed.: Behind the Black Square, Thessaloniki: State Museum of Contemporary Art. 2002, pp. 17-35; 141-55 (in Greek and English)

29 "1907-1917-1927-1937. What Happened to the Russian Avant-Garde" in M. Papanikolaou, ed.: Behind the Black Square, Thessaloniki: State Museum of Contemporary Art. 2002, pp. 71-83; 185-95 (in Greek and English)

"Rassudok i chuvstvennost'. Iskusstvo Petra Konchalovskogo" in N. Avtonomova, ed.: Neizvestnyi Konchalovsky, Moscow: Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, 2002, pp. 33-54.

"Transcending Reason" in G. Magnagnano et al.: 0.10. Puni, Basle: Museum Jean Tinguely, 2003, pp. 36-53 (in German and English)

Coauthor with Nicoletta Misler: "The New Barbarians" in G. Vikan ed.,: Origins of the Russian Avant-Garde, Baltimore: Walters Art Museum, 2003, pp. 27-45

“Manipulating Metaphors” in N. Perloff, ed.: Situating Lissitzky, Los Angeles: Getty Institute, 2003, pp. 129-52; reprinted in Russian as “Manipuliatsiia metafor” in V. Gusev, ed.: The Russian Avant-Garde: Personality and School, St. Petersburg:Palace Edition, 2003, pp. 62-69.

“Kazimir Malevich and the Zero of Form” in Newsletter of the Chinati Foundation Newsletter, Marfa, TX., 2003, No. 8, pp. 33-40.

“Les Marionettes d’Alexandra Exter” in J. Chauvelin, ed.: Alexandra Exter, Chevilly-Loire: Milo, 2003, pp. 284-303.

“Vasilii Kandinsky and Nikolai Kul’bin” in Experiment, Los Angeles, 2003, No. 9, pp. 69-82. “Robert Tobin” in J. Blake, ed.: An Eye for the Stage, San Antonio: McNay Museum, 2004, p. 93.

“Jacks and Tails” in The Journal of the Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, Vol. 60-61, 2002-03 (appeared in May, 2004), pp. 15-20.

“Na kraiu/On the Edge” in F. Infante et al.: Monografiia, Moscow: IMP, 2004, pp. 91-97.

“Objects Have Vanished Like Smoke” in M. Muller et al.: Modernism. 25 Years, San Francisco: Modernism, 2004 (October), pp. 19-36.

30 “The Old and the New” in J. Bowlt, ed.: Spheres of Light, Stations of Darkness: Solomon Nikritin. Catalog of retrospective exhibition at the State Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki, spring, 2004, pp. 375-80.

“Go, Man, Go” in S. Ivanova et al.: Ekho-zerkal’nyi mir/Echo-Mirror World. Catalog of exhibition at the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. Moscow, 2004, pp. 13-15.

“A Century of Russian Art” in V. Rodionov et al.: In the Russian Tradition. Catalog of exhibition at the Smithsonian International Gallery, Washington, D.C., December, 2004, pp. 15-22.

“Spheres of Music” in Alexander Ney. Catalog of exhibition at the Mimi Ferzt Gallery, New York, November, 2004, p. 1.

“Schwarz” and “Farbvorstellungen” in A. Kostaki et al.: Licht und Farbe in der Russischen Avantgarde. Catalog of exhibition at the Martin- Gropius Bau, Berlin and other venues, 2004-05, pp. 48-50, 91-94.

“A Coat of Many Colors” in S. Kantor et al.: My People Is the World!, Moscow: MAGMA, 2005, pp. 94-97.

“Russian-Jewish Artists in America” in H. Glassner and J. Schoenberg, eds.: The Jewish Role in American Life, Los Angeles (USC), 2005, Vol. 4, pp. 67-102.

:David Burliuk” in M. Rubin, ed.: 20 th Century Russian Émigré Writers, Detroit: Thomson, 2005, pp. 53-71

“Il teatro dell’eccesso” in F. Bernarbè et al. : La Danza delle Avanguardie. Dipinti, scene e costumi: Da Degas a Picasso, da Matisse a Keith Haring, Rovereto: Museo d’arte contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto, 2005, pp. 85-94

“Nichego ne pishite!” [Write Nothing!] in M. Karasik: Dlia golosa. Knigi russkogo avangarda, St. Petersburg: Museum of Anna Akhmatova, 2005, pp. 24-44 (in Russian)

“Ser Gerbert Rid: Sviashchennaia missiia” [Sir Herbert Read. A Sacred Mission] in (editor not indicated): Gerbert Rid. Kratkaia istoriia sovremennoi zhivopisi, Moscow: XXI vek, 2005, pp. 264-68.

31 “Alexander Lozovoi. High Voltage” in A. Lozovoi et al.: Traditsii peterburgskogo avangarda, Moscow; Museum of Contemporary Art, 2006, p. 21

“Luch sveta v temnom tsarstve” in E. Petrova et al.: Vremia peremen. Iskusstvo 1960-1985 v Sovetskom Soiuze [Time of Change. Art in the Soviet Union, 1960-85], St. Petersburg: Palace, 2006, pp. 81-84. Also English-language edition.

“Agentes de la Anarquia” in T. Llorens, ed.: Vanguardias rusas, Madrid: Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, 2006, pp. 31-44.

“Russian Art in Los Angeles” in Pinakotheke, Moscow, 2006, No. 1-2, pp. 63-69 (in English and Russian)

With Irina Men’shova and Nicoletta Misler, coeditor of Pavel Nikolaevich Filonov. Special issue of the journal Experiment, Los Angeles, 2005, No. 11.

“Predislovie” [Introduction] in J. Bowlt, I. Men’shova and N Misler, eds.: Pavel Nikolaevich Filonov. Special issue of the journal Experiment, Los Angeles, 2005, No. 11, pp. 1-8.

“Diaghilev and the 18th Century” in S. Scheijen, ed.: Working for Diaghilev. Catalog of exhibition at the Groninger Museum, Groninger, Holland, 2005, pp. 38-49.

“Il piano supersonico. Kazimir Malević e le figure del suono” in C. Zevi et al.: Kazimir Malević. Oltre la figurazione, oltre l’astrazione. Catalog of exhibition at the Museo del Corso, Roma, 2005, pp. 169-84.

“Boris Grigor’ev v Amerike” in R. Antonova, ed.: Materialy III Grigor’evskikh chtenii, Pskov: Pskovskii gosudarstvennyi muzei, 2004 (published in 2005), pp. 142-50.

With Nicoletta Misler: “Demise of Power. Rebirth of Reason” in A. Dodge, ed.: St. Petersburg, 1900. Catalog of exhibition at the Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth, 2005, pp. 29-46.

32 “Tainstvennyi sad” [A Secret Garden] in E. Petrova, ed.: Pavel Filonov. Ochevidets nezrimogo, St. Petersburg: Palace Editions, 2006, pp. 19- 32. Also English-language edition.

“Ethnic Loyalty and International Modernism. The An-sky Expeditions and the Russian Avant-Garde” in G. Safran and S. Zipperstein: The Worlds of S. An-sky. A Russian-Jewish Intellectual at the Turn of the Century, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2006, pp. 320-45.

“Begstvo v Berlin. Ivan Puni v emigratsii” in O. Vasilevskaia and M. Vasil’eva, eds.: Russkii Berlin 1920-1945, Moscow: Russkii put’, 2006, pp. 223-38.

“National in Form, International in Content: Modernism in Ukraine” in A. Melnyk et al.: Ukrainian Modernism, Kiev: National Museum of Art, 2006, pp. 75-83 (in English and Ukrainian)

Member of editorial team for N. Misler et al.: Filonov. Khudozhnik. Issledovatel’. Uchitel’, Moscow: Agei Tomesh, 2006. Contains introductory essay, coauthored with Nicoletta Misler, “O tekstakh Pavla Filonova”, pp. 7-12.

“Chagall in America” in Chagall delle meraviglie. Catalog of exhibition at the Complessio Vittoriano, Rome, 2006, pp. 69-78.

“Excited by their pranks and dances” in Zimmerli Journal, New Brunswick, 2006, Fall, pp. 106-17.

“Ogon’ i led” in Frantsisko Infante. Catalog of exhibition at the Moscow Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow, pp. 10-14.

“Pavel Filonov” in Tret’iakovskaia galereia, Moscow, 2007, No. , pp. 45-57.

“A Silken Whirlwind” in Aleksandr Volkov. Catalog of exhibition at the State Tretiakov Gallery, Moscow, 2007, pp. 7-19.

“Respiration, Inhalation, Initiation” in Canadian-American Slavic Studies, Idyllwild, Ca, 2007, Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 217-18

33 “Kazimir Malevich and Fedor Rerberg” in C. Douglas and C. Lodder: Rethinking Malevich, London: Pinder, 2007, pp. 1-26.

“Ecléctical. Eléctrical. Excéntrical. Rusia y la vanguardia” in P. Alarco, ed.: Un Laboratorio de formas, Madrid: Museo Thssen-Bornemisza, 2006, pp. 9-24 (publsiehd in 2007)

“A Prophet in the Wilderness” in V. Nasedkin et al.: Vladimir Nasedkin, Ekaterinburg: Tatlin, 2008, pp. 11-16 (in Russian and English)

(with Nicoletta Misler): “Touch and Go” in Mikhail Kulakov. Catalog of exhibition at the State Tretiakov Gallery, Moscow, 2008; and the Palazzo Venezia, Rome, pp. 1-4 (in Russian and Italian)

“Vera Sudeikina” in Experiment, Los Angeles, 2007, No. 14, pp. iii-iv (in Russian)

“Poised” in M. Tsantsanoglou: Five Seasons of the Russian Avant- Garde. Catalog of exhibition at the Museum of Cycladic Art, Athens, 2008, pp. 38-43

“Léon Bakst” in J.-C. Marcadé, ed.: Le Dialogue des arts dans le symbolisme russe, Geneva : L’Age d’Homme, 2008, pp. 82-90

(with Elena Terkel’): “Lev Bakst» in Tret’iakovskaia galereia, Moscow, 2008, No. 1, pp. 41-45

(with Zelfira Tregulova): Introduction to J. Bowlt, N. Giordano- Rosticher and Z. Tregulova, eds.: Etonne-moi! Serge Diaghilev et Les Ballets Russes, Milan: Skira, 2009. English translation: A Feast of Wonders. Sergei Diaghilev and the Ballets Russes; Russian translation: Videnie tantsa. Sergei Diagilev i russkie sezony, pp. 21-26

“Silver Strands, Silver Age. Sergei Diaghilev and the Modernist Aesthetic” in J. Bowlt, N. Giordano-Rosticher and Z. Tregulova, eds.: Etonne-moi! Serge Diaghilev et Les Ballets Russes, Milan: Skira, 2009. English translation: A Feast of Wonders. Sergei Diaghilev and the Ballets Russes; Russian translation: Videnie tantsa. Sergei Diagilev i russkie sezony, pp. 57-62.

34 ”Preface” in H. Yoo and K. Regina: Visual Resources from Russia and East Europe in the New York Public Library, New York: Ross, 2008, pp. vii-x

“Freedom Is Freedom” in” J. Tulovsky, ed.: The Claude and Nina Gruen Collection of Contemporary Russian Art, New Brunswick; Zimmerli Museum, 2008, pp. 47-74

“Osservazioni” in L. Tonini, ed.: Il collezionismo in Russia, Formia: Artstic Publishing Company, 2008, pp. 238-41

“Montipiia v Russii. XXI vek. Aleksandr Lozovoi” in Russkoe iskusstvo, Moscow, 2009, No. 2, p. 21

“Mir iskusstva” in E. Sabashnikova, ed.: Russkaia zhivopis’ nachala XX veka, Moscow: Slovo, 2008, pp. 76-83

(with Nicoletta Misler): “Armonia Celestis: The Artifacts Take to the Heavens” in Frantsisko Infante i Nonna Goriunova. V nebesakh— oblakakh. Catalog of exhibition at the Polina Lobachevskaiaa Gallery, Moscow, 2008, unpaginated

“Tango with Cows. Book Art of the Russian Avant-Garde, 1910-1917” in X-tra. Contemporary Art Quarlerly, Los Angeles, 2009, No. 4, pp. 32-36.

“”Designing Dance”in A. Purvis, P. Rand and A. Winestine: The Ballets Russes and the Art of Design, New York: Monacelli, 2009, pp. 13-38.

“Predislovie. Prazdnik chudes” in J. Bowlt, Z. Tregulova and N. Rotischer Giordano, eds.: Videnie tantsa: Sergei Diaghilev i Russkie balety. Catalog of exhibition at the State Tretiakov Gallery, Moscow, 2009, pp. 21-26

“Serebrianye priadi” in J. Bowlt, Z. Tregulova and N. Rotischer Giordano, eds.: Videnie tantsa: Sergei Diaghilev i Russkie balety. Catalog of exhibition at the State Tretiakov Gallery, Moscow, 2009, pp. 57-62

“Los motores del cosmos ruso" in J. Bowlt, N. Misler and M. Tsantsanoglou, eds.: El Cosmos de a vanguardia rusa. Arte y ezploracion espacial 1900-1930. Catalog of exhibition at the Fundacion

35 Marcelino Botin, Santander (Spain) and the State Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki, 2010, pp. 13-40. Bibliography and biographies for the same (pp. 357-65)

“Transcendence" in Tanya Badanina and Vladimir Nasedkin: Transit. Catalog of exhibition at the Ober Gallery, Kent, Conn., October- November, 2009, unpaginated

“La Danse comme Design” in A. Purvis, P. Rand ad A. Winestine, eds.: Les Ballets Russes. Arts et Design, Paris: Hazan, 2009, pp. 13-35.

"Ukrainskaia krest'ianka. Vladimir Burliuk" in Antikvarnyi mir, Moscow, 2009, Nov., p 56

Untitled in In Pursuit of Meaning. Alexander Ney. Catalog of exhibition at the State Center of Contemporary Art, Moscow, October, 2009, Conn., October-November, 2009, p. 69

“Neobkhodimo ukrasit’ povsednevnuiu odezhdu” in Teoriia mody, Moscow, 2010, Spring Issue. pp. 244-55

“Léon Bakst, Natalia Goncharova et Pablo Picasso” in J. Pritchard, ed.: Les Ballets Russes de Diaghilev. Catalog of exhibition at the Musée National des Beaux-Arts du Québec, 2011, pp. 103-28.

"Cose che non sono" in M. Folini, ed.: Artisti russi in Svizzera. Marianne Werefkin. Catalog of exhibition at the State Tretiakov Gallery, Moscow, September-November, 2010; and the Museo Comunale d’Arte Moderna, Ascona, March-July, 2011, pp. 93-106 (in Russian and Italian)

“Kaleidoskop” in R. Gosin: Alexander Lozovoi: Vessel So White, San Francisco: Grom Publishing, 2010, pp. 6-7 (in Russian and English)

“Vessels of Time” in J. Langhe et al., Alexander Ponomarev, Ekaterinburg: Tatlin, pp. 10-21 2010 (in English and in Russian),

”Andrei Belyi i khudozhniki-simvolisty (Marianna Verevkina)” in A. Vranesh, K. Ichin and M. Spivak, eds.: Andrei Belyi, Belgrade: Belgrade University, 2011, pp. 796-811.

36 “Il’ia Chashnik” in Il’ia Chashnik. Suprematicheskie raboty. Catalog of exhibition at the James Butterwick Gallery, Moscow-London, 2011, unpaginated.

“Il nomadic museum” in M. Cristofano, C. Palazzettti and N. Dalai Emiliani, eds.: Il museo verso una nuova identità, Rome: Gangemi, 2011, Vol. 1, pp. 163-70.

“Il realismo vittorioso” in M. Bown et al., eds.: Realismo socialista. Catalog of exhibition at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome, 2011, pp. 129-34.

“Zhizn’ korotka, iskusstvo vechno” in Solomon Rossin v Russkom muzee. Catalog of exhibition at the State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, 2011-12, pp. 14-17.

With N. Misler: “Icone e modernità. Capolavori dell’avanguardia russa dai musei regionali” in G. Bazoli et al.: Avanguardia russa. Esperienze du un mondo nuovo. Catalog of exhibition at Galerie d’Italia, Vincenza, 2012, pp. 21-27.

With N. Misler and M. Tsantsanogolou: “Dvigateli russkogo kosmosa” I n Mir muzeia, Moscow, 2011, No. 4, pp.6-9.

Various Russian manifestoes in English translation and annotation in D. Ioffe and F. White, eds.: The Russian Avant-Garde and Radical Modernism, Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2012, pp. 85-149; 277- 95.

“Gor’koe-sladkoe. Mikhail Kuzmin i Konstantin Somov” in M. Nashchokina, ed.: Dukh simvolizma. Russkoe i zapadnoevropeiskoe iskusstvo v kontekste epokhi kontsa XIX-nachala XX veka, M: Progress-Traditsiia, 2012, pp. 550-70.

“Vitrina i afisha” in L. Kleberg and A. Semenenko, eds.: Aksenov and Environs, Huddinge: Soedertoerns hoegskola, 2012

“Art” in N. Rzhevsky, ed.: Modern Russian Culture, Cambridge, UK: CUP, 2012, pp. 213-49 (second, updated edition).

37 “Darkness and Light. Solar Eclipse as a Cubo-Futurist Metaphor” in R. Bartlett and S. Dadswell, eds.: Victory over the Sun: The World’s First Futurist Opera, Exeter: University of Exeter, 2012, pp. 165-77.

Preface and “Ivan Miasoedov, radikal’nyi konservator” in T. Liptuga, ed.: Materialy mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii, “Vozvrashchenie avangarda, 1-4 iunia, 2004, Odessa, Odessa: Odessa Literary Museum, 2012, pp. 4-5; 120-26.

“A.N Benua, Volshebnik” in Aleksandr Nikolaevich Benua. Catalog of e xhibition at Our Artists Gallery, Moscow, 2013.

“Leon Bakst as Ethnographer” in Lev Bakst. Otkrytie materii. Catalog of exhibition at Our Artists Gallery, Moscow, 2013, pp. 125-55 (in Russian and English)

“Die Zeichen as der Wand/The Writing on the Wall” in W. Otten et al., eds.: Transkriptionen. Sechs Kunstschaffende aus Moskau. Catalog of exhibition at the Otten Kunstraum, Hohenews, 2013, pp. 29-48 (in German and English).

“The Samovar and the Chasm” in S. Scheijen et al., eds.: Die Grote Veranderung/The Big Change. Developments in Russian Painting, 1895-1917. Catalog of exhibition at the Bonnefantemuseum, Maastricht, 2013, pp. 34-41.

“Time and Motion” in M. Baryshnikov: Art I’ve Live With. Works from the Collection of Mikhail Baryshnikov. Catalog of exhibition at the ABA Gallery, New York, 2013, unpaginated.

“Kingdom of Mystery: The Artistic Ideas of Nicholas Roerich” in H. Danuser and H. Zimmermann, eds.: Avatar of Modernity. The “Rite of Spring” Reconsidered, London: Boosey and Hawkes, 2013, pp.356-79.

With N. Misler and E. Petrova, eds.: L’Avanguardia russa, Siberia e l’Oriente/The Russian Avant-Garde, Siberia and the East. Catalog of exhibition at the Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, 2013. Introduction to the same, «Fire and Ice», pp. 18-27; and essay, «A Profound and Endless Space», pp. 36-

38 “Solomon Nikiritin: The Old and the New” n C. Lodder et al., eds.: Utopian Reality, Leiden; Brill, 2013, pp. 153-68.

“Freedom is Freedom” in I. Stoliarova, ed.: Flying in the Wake of Light, St. Petersburg: Palace, 2013, unpaginated

“Notwithstanding” in H. Milner, ed.: Klucis Lissitsky, Rodchenko, Tatlin. Catalog of exhibition at GRAD (Gallery of Russian Art and Design), London, 2013, p. 7.

“Mark Shagal i Lev Bakst” in O. Leikind et al., eds.: Mark Shagal v Peterburge, St. Petersburg: Evropeiskii dom, 2013, p. 89-93.

“Svet moi zerkal’tse, skazhi, da vsiu pravdu dolozhi. Ya l’ na svete vsekh milee” in I. Svetlov, ed.: Iskusstvo XIX-XX vekov. Kontrasty i paralleli, Moscow: Kanon-Plius, 2014, pp. 52-61.

“Russian Artists and the Orient/Russkie khudozhniki i Vostok” in S. Kurasov et al., eds.: Sergei Kurasov. Put’ poznaniia, Moscow: Stroganov, 2013, pp. 6-7.

“Igry s nostal’giei. A. Benua i kul’turnaia istoriia” in L. Zhebranskaia, ed.: 100 rabot A.N. Benua. Catalog of exhibition at Our Artists Gallery, Moscow, 2013, pp. 226-39.

“Vremia i dvizhenie” in Iskusstvo kotorym ya zhivu. Catalog of exhibition of the Mikhail Baryshnikov collection at the State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts Moscow, 2014, unpaginated.

“Things That Are Not” in R. Blakesley and M. Samu, eds.: From Realism to the Silver Age, DeKalb: Northern Illinois Press, 2014, pp. 201-08.

With N. Misler: “Goncharova: Sleduia uzoram” in Sleduia uzoram. Catalog of exhibition at Our Artists Gallery, Moscow, 2014, unpaginated.

“Khudozhniki avangarda na voennom fronte” in K. Ichin, ed.: Russkii avangard i voina, Belgrade: Philological Faculrty, 2014, pp. 271-82.

39 “David Kakabadze” in Zh. Zhakkar and A. Morar, eds.: 1913. Slovo kak takovoe. Yubileinyi god russogo futurizma, St. Petersburg: Evropeiskij universitet, 2014.

“Telo i dusha” in N. Kurnikova: Aristarkh Lentulov. Plot’ veshchei. Catalog of exhibition at Our Artists Gallery, Moscow, 2014, pp. 12-23.

“Playing with Fire” in J. Bowlt and N. Misler, eds.: A Game in Hell. Catalog of exhibition “A Game in Hell: The Great War and Russia” at GRAD (Gallery of Russian Art and Design), London, 2014, pp. 47-80.

With Elizabeth Durst: “The Art of Concealing Imperfection. Léon Bakst and Southern California” in Experiment, Los Angeles, 2014, No. 20, pp. 118-45.

“From Studio to Stage. From Surface to Space” in J. Bowlt, ed.: Russian Avant-Garde Theatre: War, Revolution and Design. Catalog of exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, October, 2014- January, 2015, pp. 9-15

“Laiks un Kustiba” in M. Baryshnikov et al.: Maksla Man Lidzas. Catalog of exhibition at The Art Museum, Riga, 2015, pp. 24-28

“Higher, Ever Higher!” in D. Millard, ed.: Cosmonauts. Birth of the Space Race. Catalog of exhibition at the Science Museum, London, 2015, pp. 60-73

“Georgij Dinisovic Kostaki” in M. Francone et al., eds.: Avanguardia Russa: da Malevic a Rodcenko. Capolavori dalla collezione Costakis. Catalog of exhibition at the Spazio Mostre Polo Reale, Turin, 2015, pp. 27-30

“5 x 5 = 25?” in A. Erjavec, ed.: Aesthetic Revolutions and 20th Century Avant-Garde, Duke University Press, 2015, pp. 43-79


"Modern Russian Art" at the National Gallery, Wash., January, 1971.

40 "Modern Russian Art" at J.F. Getty Museum, California, January, 1971.

"The World of Art," University of Texas, Austin, January, 1971.

"Modern Russian Art," Philadelphia Museum of Art, March, 1971.

Chairman of panel on "Russian Modernism," Bi-State Slavic Conference, University of Kansas, Lawrence, November, 1970.

"The Union of Youth Group," Cornell University, March, 1971.

Lecture on Russian Art at Great Britain-USSR Society, London, England, July, 1971.

Lecture on Russian Art at University of Coleraine, N. Ireland, July, 1971.

"Visual Analysis and Poetry," University of Missouri, June, 1971.

"The Soviet School of Painting" at the Central Slavic Conference, University of St. Louis, November, 1971.

"Soviet Painting" (seminar), February, 1972.

"The Russian Avant-Garde in Art," U.C.L.A., February, 1972.

"Russian Modernist Painting," Northwestern University, Chicago, April, 1972.

"Symbolism in Russian Painting," Connecticut College, New London, April, 1972.

"Modernist Russian Art," Victoria and Albert Museum, London, England, July, 1972.

"Russian Expressionism in Painting," American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages Convention (AATSEEL), December, 1972.

"Russian Expressionism," University of Pittsburgh, February. 1973.

"Surrealism in Russian Painting," American Association for the

41 Advancement of Slavic Studies Convention (AAASS), April, 1973.

"An Approach to Soviet Socialism Realism," School of Slavonic and East EuropeanStudies, University of London, England, November, 1973.

"Russian Abstract Art," American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages Convention (AATSEEL), Chicago, Illinois, December, 1973.

"Lenin's Plan of Monumental Propaganda" at the symposium Artand Politics held at M.I.T., February, 1973.

"Pavel Filonov," American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies Convention (AAASS), Banff, Canada, September, 1974.

"Modern Russian Art," University of Miami, Oxford, Ohio, October, 1974.

"Stage Design and the Ballets Russes," Oberlin College, Ohio, October, 1974.

"Soviet Fashion Design of the 1920's," Central Slavic Conference, St. Louis, November, 1974.

"Soviet Socialist Realism," University of Wisconsin, Madison, December, 1974.

"Nineteenth Century Russian Caricature" at AATSEEL, December, 1974.

"Russian Symbolism and the Move Towards Abstraction," Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, February, 1975.

Cycle of five lectures given to Seminar in Modern Ballet, University of Chicago, July, 1975.

"Approaches to the Teaching of Russian" at S.W. Association for Slavic Studies, San Antonio, April, 1975.

Lecture for the seminar "Why the Russians Don't Dig Modern Art" at Columbia University, new York, December, 1975.

42 "The Influence of Russian Folk-Art on Russian Painting in the 1880's," at AATSEEL, Chicago, December, 1975.

"Russian Nineteenth Century Painting" at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, February, 1976.

"Berlin/Hanover: the 1920s" at Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, February, 1977.

"The Iconology of Patriotism: the Year 1937 in Russian Art" at AATSEEL, Chicago, December, 1977.

"Trends in Soviet Art Criticism" at AAASS, Washington, D.C., October, 1977.

"Ethics or Esthetics: Unofficial Soviet Art" at Cornell University, November, 1977.

"The Theme of Flight in Modern Russian Art" at Bowdoin College, April, 1978.

"Socialism Realism" at Yale University, October, 1977.

"Stage Design and the Russian Avant-Garde" at University of Minnesota, May, 1978. Repeated at CSU, Long Beach, September, 1978 and University of Iowa, November, 1978.

"Contemporary Soviet Art" at University of Connecticut, June, 1978.

"Russian and Soviet Painting" at Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, May, 1977. Repeated at Legion of Honor Museum, San Francisco, October, 1977.

"The Students of Malevich" at AAASS, Columbus, October, 1978.

"19th Century Russian Art" at University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 7 November, 1978.

"Caricature & 19th Century Russian Art" at University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 7 November, 1978.

43 "Between Ethics & Esthetics" at Michigan State University, E. Lansing, 8 January 1979.

"The Society of Studio Artists (OST)" at AAASS, Columbus, Ohio, December, 1978.

"Between East and West" at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 16 February, 1979.

"The Demonic Element in Filonov" at OSU, Columbus, Ohio, 26 April, 1979.

"Later Russian Icons in the Kremlin Collection" at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC, 19 May, 1979.

"19th Century Russian Art" at University of Chicago, 21 May, 1979.

"19th Century Russian Art" at University of Wisconsin, Madison, 12 April, 1979.

"The Russian Avant-Garde" at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, November, 1979.

"Collectivism in the Arts" at AAASS, New Haven, November, 1979.

"From Surface to Space" at University of Calgary, Canada, November, 1979.

Chairman (and introductory and concluding remarks) for the symposium "Geometric Abstraction" at the Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, January, 1980.

"Constructivist Fashion Design" at the symposium on "Constructivist Design and Composition," Southern Methodist University, Dallas, 19 February, 1980.

"Here and There: the Question of Space in Blok's Poetry" for the symposium on Aleksandr Blok at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 3-5 April, 1980.

44 "Russian Icons of the 17th and 18th Centuries" at Christie's, New York, 3 April, 1980.

"The Art of Megalomania," U.T. Student Union, 18 February, 1981.

"Whom Are You Laughing At? You're Laughing at Yourselves," Wichita State University, October, 1980.

"Inside Out. The Formal Method in Contemporary Soviet Art Criticism," International Conference of Slavicists, Garmisch, W. Germany, September, 1981.

"H2SO4. Dada in Russia," University of Iowa, 10 April, 1981.

"5 x 5 = 25. Russian Constructivism," Nelson Gallery, Kansas City, February 6, 1981.

"From Cubism to Constructivism," Carnegie Art Institute, Pittsburgh, November, 1980.

"The Silver Age in Russian Art," Boston College, December, 1980.

"The Art of Pavel Filonov," Russian Research Center, Harvard University, November, 1980.

"A Slap in the Face of Public Taste," Harvard University, November, 1980.

"Constructivist Dress Design," Kennan Inst., D.C. May, 1981.

"Russian Art of the 1920s," Columbia University, April 1981.

"From Cubism to Russian Constructivism," Milwaukee Art Museum, July, 1981.

"Dada and Ilya Chasnik," U.T., "Ilya Chashnik and the Russian Avant-Garde." Symposium, April, 1981.

"Letatlin" at Sky Art Conference, M.I.T., October, 1981.

"The Russian Avant-Garde," Amherst College, October, 1981.

45 "From Cubism to Constructivism: The Avant-Garde in Russia," Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, March, 1982.

"David Burluik" at conference "A Slap in the Face of Public Taste," New York, May, 1982.

"19th Century Russian Art," University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, June, 1982.

"Modern Russian Art," University of Sydney, Australia, June, 1982.

"Pavel Filonov," Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.

Cycle of lectures on Russian art for the National Gallery and Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand, June, 1982.

"The Russian Avant-Garde," City Art Gallery, Dunedin, New Zealand, June, 1982.

"Exhibitionism" at the annual conference of the AAASS, Washington, D.C., October, 1982.

"Stalin's Socialist Realism" at Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, Blacksburg, VA., 20 October, 1982.

"The Avant-Garde: Russian or European?" at the conference The Avant-Garde, in Russia, Indianapolis Museum of Art, 6 November, 1982.

"Russian Cabaret" at the conference, The Aesthetic of Performance, Cornell University, Ithaca, November, 1983.

"Symbolism & Russian Painting" at the Istituto Universitario Orientale, Naples, Italy, 10 January, 1983.

"The Concept of Official/Unofficial Art in the Soviet Union" at the conference Offizielle and inoffizielle Kultur in der Sowjetunion," Univ. of Bielefeld, West Germany, 15 January, 1983.

46 "The Russian Avant-Garde" at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, 25 January, 1983.

"The Soviet Union Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" for Wellesley n Wheels lecture tour in San Antonio, Dallas, Austin & Houston, March, 1983.

"Pavel Filonov: The Early Years" at the conference Pavel Filonov: Painter of Metamorphosis at the Guggenheim Museum, NYC, organized by the Institute of Modern Russian Culture, 22 April, 1983.

"Exhibitions of the Russian Avant-Garde" at the conference Futurism, YaleUniversity, 29 April, 1983.

"Sergei Konenkov & the Tradition of Russian Wood Carving" at the conference The Uncommon Vision of Sergei Konenkov, Columbia Univ., 21 May 1983, organized by the Institute of Modern Russian Culture.

"Francisco Infante" at American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Kansas City, November, 1983.

"Kandinsky and the Russian Avant-Garde" at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, January, 1984.

"Rodc¸enko e lo spazio" at the Rodchenko-Stepanova Conference, Comune de Perugia, Italy, April, 1984.

"Moscow Kinetic Art" at AAASS, New York, October, 1984.

"Vasilii Kandinsky and the Russian Avant-Garde" at Guggenheim Museum, 24.

"The Russian Avant-Garde" at Williams College, Williamston, February, 1985.

"The Art of Russia: Official and Unofficial" at the Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Israel, June, 1985.

"Modern Russian Art" at Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, July, 1985.

47 "Socialist Realism," ditto.

"Soviet Culture," for IREX, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, July, 1985.

"The Presence of Absence: The Work of Naum Gabo," Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, November, 1985.

"Constructivism--Post-Modernism" at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ., Blacksburg, November, 1985.

"The Art of BAM" at World Congress of Slavists, Washington, D.C., November, 1985.

"A Communist Cabaret" at Performance, conference sponsored by Univ. of Iowa, October, 1985.

"Russian Art Books in the University of Texas Libraries" at AAASS, New Orleans, November, 1986.

"Marc Chagall and the Russian Avant-Garde" at Marc Chagall Festival, Univ. of Texas, March, 1987.

"Contemporary Russian Painting" at Russian Research Center, Harvard Univ., February, 1987. Repeated at Brown Univ., Providence, February, 1987.

"The Russian Realist Movement" at University of Chicago, January, 1987.

"An Alternative Tradition? The Art of Russian Officialdom 1860-1917" at the Fogg Museum, Harvard, April, 1987.

"The Enigma of Russian Culture" at TCU on 7 April, 1987.

"The Presence of Absence. The Russian Avant-Garde" at Stanford Univ., CA., November, 1986.

"La scenografia russa del ventesimo secolo" at Italia-URSS, Rome, January, 1987.

48 "Contemporary Russian Painting" at the Russian Research Center. Harvard Univ., February, 1987. Repeated at Brown Univ., Providence, February, 1987.

"The Russian Realist Movement" at University of Chicago, January, 1987.

"An Alternative Tradition? The Art of Russian Officialdom 1860-1917" at the Fogg Museum, Harvard, April, 1987.

"Spaced Out. The Concept of Nothing and the Russian Avant-Garde" at University of Southern California, Los Angeles, 16 April, 1987.

"Goncharova and Futurist Theater" at McNay Art Museum, San Antonio, 11 October, 1987.

"Imperial Patronage in Later 19th Century Russia" at AAASS, Boston, November, 1987.

"Conjuring with Space" at the Guggenheim Museum, 17 November, 1987 (Rebay Lecture).

"Death to Art!" at the Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities, Santa Monica, 3 December, 1987.

"Alexander Rodchenko" at the American Institute of Architects, NYC October, 1987.

"Pavel Florenskij et il mondo d'arte" at Univ. of Bergamo, Italy, 12 January, 1988.

"Every Home Should Have One: Design in the Stalin Era" at AAASS, Honolulu, 20 November, 1988.

"The Esthetics of Aerobics" at the Hirshhorn Museum, D.C., November, 1988.

"The Russian Avant-Garde" at Reed College, Oregon, 13 Nov., 1988.

"Socialist Realism" at Reed College, Oregon, 14 Nov., 1988.

49 "Marc Chagall" at the Houston Museum of Fine Arts, 14 April, 1988.

"Jewish Modernism" at Jewish Museum, NY, 27 March, 1988.

"Redesigning the Human Body in the 1920's at Washington U., St. Louis, 25 March, 1988.

"The Russian Avant-Garde" at Boston University, 9 and 10 February 1988 (in English and then in Russian).

"The City of the Sun" at opening of Ivan Leonidov exhibition, American Institute of Architects, NY, 13 Dec., 1988.

Three lectures on 20th century Russian art to Sotheby's Education Dept., Moscow, 5, 6, 7 July, 1988.

"The Russian Avant-Garde and Diaghilev's Ballets Russes" at the De Young Museum, San Francisco, 21 January, 1989.

"The Russian Revolution and Art" at Baltimore Museum of Art on 5 February, 1989.

"Kazimir Malevich" at the State Russian Museum, Leningrad, USSR on 8 February, 1989.

"Contemporary Creativity in the Soviet Union" at Fort Worth Museum of Modern Art on 1 April, 1989.

"Contemporary Russian Art: at the Odessa Art Institute, Odessa, Texas, 8 February, 1990.

"The Jewish Experience in the Russian Avant-Garde" at the Skirball Museum, Los Angeles,25 February, 1990.

"Beyond Reason: Radical Experiments of the Russian Avant-Garde" at the University of Washington, Seattle, 5 March, 1990.

"Collecting Modernism" at the World Congress of Slavists, Harrogate, 22 July, 1990.

50 "Pavel Filonov" at the StaÆdtische Kunsthall, DuÆsseldorf, 16 September, 1990.

"The Russian Avant-Garde" at the College of New Rochelle, New York, 17 September, 1990.

"Art into Life" at the Walker Art Gallery, Minneapolis, 7 October, 1990.

"The Russian Avant-Garde" at SUNY, Stony Brook, 23 October, 1990.

"May There Always Be Sunshine" at the Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., 18 November, 1990.

"The Aesthetics of Aerobics" at the Armand Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, 12 December, 1990.

"Body Beautiful: The Artistic Search for the Perfect Physique" at The Russian Avant - Garde Conference organized at the University of Southern California; 1 December, 1990.

"Kazimir Malevich". Docent lectue at the Armand Hammer Museum of Art, Los Angeles on 4 December, 1990.

"Kazimir Malevich and the Search for a New Human Species" at Spaso House (U.S. Ambassador's residence), Moscow, on 26 March, 1991.

"Kazimir Malevich i energiia yazyka" (in Russian) at the conference Kazimir Malevich at the Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, on 28 May, 1991.

"Soviet Ceramics of the 1930-50s" at the Art Institute, Chiago, 24 October, 1992.

"L'enseignement artistique a Saint-Petersbourg et a Moscou pendant les annees de formation d'Antoine Puevsner" at the Colloque Internatinal Antoione Pevsner, Paris: Sorbonne, 10 December, 1992.

"Russian Orphism" at the conference on "The 20th Century Russian Avant-Garde in the Context of European Culture", Moscow: Academy of Sciences, 5-7 January, 1993.

51 "Dressing up and Dressing Down: Tensions between Ornament and Exposure on the Modern Russian Stage" at the McNay Museum, San Antonio, 23 January, 1993.

"The Stalin Style" at the Cooper-Hewitt Museum, New York, 7 March, 1993.

"Jean Pougny" at the Musee national d'art moderne, Paris, 1993, 15 May, 1993.

"Death to Art!", Orange Coast College, La Mesa, 20 October, 1993.

Paper on modern Russian art for conference celebrating the George Riabov Collection at the Zimmerli Museum, Rutgers University, New Jersey, November, 1993.

"Stalin and the Decorative Arts" at the Russian Reearch Center, Harvard University, Cambridge, 7 December, 1993.

"Pavel Filonov and the Baroque Tradition" for the conference "Avant- Garde-Baroque/Baroque Avant-Garde" organized by the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 12 December, 1993.

"Igor Stravinsky and Primitivism" for Stravinsky conference organized by the Brooklyn Academy of Music, New York, 8 May, 1994.

"Vladimir Tatlin and Nikolai Punin" for the Vladimir Tatlin Internatinal Symposium at the State Tretiakov Gallery, Moscow, 25 May, 1994.

"Witnessing Revolution. Russian Artists of Our Time", University of Oklahoma, 26 September, 1994.

"Russian Sculpture of the fin de siecle" at AAASS, November, 1994.

“Jewish by Birth, Cubist by Nationality” at the Jewish Museum, New York, January 1995.

(With Maria Polinsky and Sarah Pratt) "Russians in Los Angeles" at the CMTS Diaspora Conference, Los Angeles, 25 February, 1995.

52 “Roerich and Talashkino” at Nikolaj Rerikh, Italia-Russia, Milan, March 1995.

"Michel Larionow et le cirque" at "Natalia Gontcharova et Michel Larionov" at the Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, 26 June, 1995.

"The Avant-garde Goes South: Russian Artists in Tiflis and Baku" at the V World Congress on Central and East European Studies, University of Waraw, Poland, 6 August, 1995.

"Russian Artists and the First World War" at "The Avant-garde of the 1910s and 1920s" at the State Institute of Art History, Moscow, 24 October, 1995.

"Russian Women Artists" at the Galerie Gmurzynska, Cologne, 20 November, 1995.

“Military Strategy and Artistic Space” at The Russian Avant-Garde, Institute of Art History, Moscow, November 1995.

“Pavel Manurov” at Elena Guro and the Organic Esthetic, Helsinki, May 1996.

“The Dodge Collection” at the Zimmerli Museum, Brunswick, NJ, February 1996. "Russia at War. Russia in Revolution. Marc Chagall and the Tragic Muse" at Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 3 November, 1996.

"Pavel Fedetov" at AAASS, Boston, November, 1996. "Ivan Puni and the Flight of Forms" at conference on the Russian Avant-Garde and the Theater at the State Institute of Art History, Moscow, 17 February, 1997.

"Studying Russian Art in America" at the State Institute of Art History, Moscow, 25 February, 1997. "The Western Rediscovery of the Russian Avant-Garde" at Society of Art Historians, Moscow, 10 March, 1997.

"Begstvo form: Iskusstvo Ivana Puni" at the State Institute of Art History, Moscow, November, 1997.

53 "Zero" at Rutgers University, New Brunswock, April, 1998.

"Bakst e Benois" at the Villa Favorita, Lugano, July, 1998. "May There Always Be Sunshine" at the University of Bochum, Bochum, Germany, 20 February, 1999.

"The Aesthetic of Zero" at the Zimmerii Art Museum, New Brunswick, NJ, 20 April, 1999

"Russian Stage Design" at the Marion McNay Art Museum, San Antonio, 6 May, 1999.

"Russian Amazons" at the Deutsche Guggenheim, Berlin, 8 July, 1999.

"Constructivism and Composition" at the State Museum of Contemporary Art. Thessaloniki, Greece, March, 2002

"David Burliuk in Japan" at the The Russian Far East: International Symposium on Issues of Art" at the University of Tsukuba, Japan, 5 July, 2002

"Ivan Kliun: Between Symbolism and Suprematism" at the international symposium Modernist Movements and the Byzantine Tradition, State Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki, 21 November, 2002

"Soviet Expressionism and Surrealism" at the international symposium Modernist Movements and the Byzantine Tradition, State Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki, 22 November, 2002

"Kazimir Malevich and the Zero of Form" at the Chinati Foundation, Marfa, Texas, 15 February, 2003

"Yellow Sound, Black Square, Blue Four" at the Norton Simon Museum, Los Angeles, 11 April, 2003

"Breaking Lines" at the Palaia Dance Project (international sympisium and dance laboratory), Palaia, Italy, 23 May, 2003

54 “Yellow Sound, Black Square, Blue Four, Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, 11 April, 2003.

“The St. Petersburg World of Art” at Middlebury College, 19 September, 2003.

“Vasilii Kandinsky” at the Ojai Retreat, Ojai, 20 September, 2003.

“Vasilii Kandinsky” at the Anthroposophical Society, Pasadena, 4 October, 2003.

“The Transformation of the Leningrad Avant-Garde” at Yale University, 20 October, 2003.

“Kandinsky: Colore e suono” at the Università di Napoli, Naples, 26 November, 2003.

“The Diaries of Alexandre Benois” (in Russian) at the Solzhenitsyn Foundation, Moscow, 15 December, 2003.

“Malevich and Rerberg” at the Malevich Society, CUNY, New York, 6 February, 2004

“Ivan Miasoedov” at the Odessa Literary Museum, Odessa, 6 July, 2004.

“The Ukrainian Avant-Garde” (in Russian) at the National Art Museum of the Ukraine, Kiev, 29 October, 2004.

“Kandinsky and Theosophy” at the Theosophical Society, Ojai, 10 November, 2004

“George Costakis” at the symposium “Licht und Farbe in der Russischen Avantgarde” at the Martin-Gropius-Bau. Berlin. 3 November. 2004

“A Chant of Universal Flowering. The Art of Pavel Filonov” at the Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, 30 September. 2005

“The World of Art and Russian Symbolism” at the Weisman Art Museum, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 9 October, 2005

55 Chair of panel on New Developments in Russian Art History for AAASS, Salt Lake City, 3 November, 2005

“Conjuring with Nostalgia. Alexandre Benois and the Culture of History” at the Boston Public Library, Boston, 28 January, 2006

“Chair of panel on Contemporary Trends at the conference “Collezionismo Russo” at the Università di Napoli,l’Orientale, Naples, Italy, 4 February, 2006

“Eclectic! Electric! Eccentric!” at the Museo Thyssen-Bornemsiza, Madrid, 10 February, 2005

Chair of the symposium ‘Un Lboratorio de Formas” at the Museo Thyssen-Bornemsiza, Madrid, 10-11 February, 2005

“A Stalin Portrait” at the conference “Illicit Relics: Icons of Stalinism” at USC, 18 February, 2006

“Constructivism” at The Literary, Visual and Material Culture Initiative, USC, 6 March

“Pavel Filonov and the Concept of Universal Flowering” at the UCLA Slavic Symposium, UCLA, 28 April, 2006 : "Nomadic Museum" at the State Tretiakov Gallery, Moscow, 9 November, 2006

"Pavel Filonov", Yale University, 28 March 2007

"Il museo nomadico" Univ of Roma, Italy, 25 may, 2007

"Book Art pf the Russian Avant-Garde", Getty Research Institute, LA, 17 April, 2007

"May There Always Be Sunshine” at the Shadow of Stalin, USC, 19 May, 2007

“Bitter Sweet: Konstantin Somov and Mikhail Kuzmin” at the conference ‘Mikhail Kuzmin”, USC, 19 October, 2007

56 “Other Spaces” at the seminar and display of artworks on 7 March, 2008, entitled “Sacred Space” at the Holy Troitskii Novo-Golutvin Monastery at Kolomna, near Moscow.

“Material Culture” at the conference on “Russian Symbolism and Moderne” at the Hungarian Culture Institute, Moscow, on 3 April, Moscow, 2008

"Léon Bakst" at AAASS, Boston, November, 2009

“Diaghilev’s 1905 Exhibition” at “The Spirit of Diaghilev” -- Ballets Russes Symposium, Boston University, 19 May. 2010

"Engines of the Russian Cosmos” Lecture at the Mortar Board Honor Society, USC, on 17 February, 2010

"The Russian Cosmos" at the Fundacion Marcelina Botin, Santander, Spain, 17 June, 2010

“The Old and the New: Solomon Nikritin and Polyrealism” at the Courtauld Institute, London, 25 November, 2011. Repeated at “Legacies of the Russian Avant-Garde” -- conference at Columbia University, New York, on 24 February, 2012.

“Arte e cosmo” at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome, 1 December, 2011.

Chair and commentator for section “Nuovi orrizonti e nuove interpretazioni artistiche” at the conference “Verso Oriente: Tendenze orientaliste e arte russa fra Otto e Novecento” at the Università degli studi di Napoli, “L’Orientale”, Naples, 13 December, 2011.

Chair and commentator for the section “New Man, New Woman” at the “Legacies of the Russian Avant-Garde” -- conference at Columbia University, New York, on 24 February, 2012.

“Russian Émigré Collections” at Amherst College, Amherst, 31 March, 2012.

57 “Léon Bakst, Natal’ia Goncharova, Pablo Picasso” at “The Culture of Russia Abroad” at St. Petersburg State University. 26-28 May, 2012 (unable to participate, but contributing to published transactions).

“Higher, Ever Higher: Letatlin” at the Museum Tinguely, Basel, 27 September, 2012.

“Kingdom of Mystery: Nicholas Roerich and The Rite of Spring” at the Music Center, Los Angeles, 2 February, 2013.

“The Russian Avant-Garde”. Three lectures for graduate seminar at Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 2-4 June, 2013.

“The Russian Avant-Garde and War” at “Avant-Garde and War” at the University of Belgrade, 26 June, 2013

“David Kakabadze” at the National Gallery of Art, Tbilisi, 30 June, 2013

“Vasilii Kandinsky i formal’nyj metod” (in Russian) at “100 Years of Russian Formalism” at the Russian State Humanities University, Moscow, 26 August, 2013.

“Tainstvennoe tsarstvo: Nikolaia Rerikha i ‘Vesna sviashchennaia’” at the Maiavkosky Museum, Moscow, 9 September, 2013

“Higher, Ever Higher! Flight and the Russian Artistic Imagination” at the Norwegian University Centre, St. Petersburg, 12 September, 2013.

“Pussy Riots” at “Problems of Russia”, USC, 22 October, 2013

“The Society of Free Aesthetics” at ASEEES, Boston, 22 November, 2013

“Malevich through the Looking-Glass” at Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 16 January 2014

“The Russian Cosmos” at Occidental College, Los Angeles, 13 April, 2014

58 “Representing Genesis: The Bible as a Symbolist Repertoire” at The Bible in Russian Culture. International Workshop at Universita’ Ca’ Foscari, Venice, 24 June, 2014.

“The Theatre of the Avant-Garde” at Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 24 January, 2015

“Dazzling! Leon Bakst and the Ballets Russes” at McNay Museum, San Antonio, 2 April, 2015

Organizer of the conference “Russian Los Angeles: Dancers, Artists, Musicians, and Impresarios in Southern California, 1920-50”, 18 April, 2015


In charge of the cycle of lectures on modern Russian art held at the UCLA Extension Service (Dept. of Visual Arts) during April and May, 1989 and presented two lectures within that cycle.

"Genetics of Abstraction" in Life of the Mind series hosted by Dean Marshall Cohen, Humanities in April, 1989.

Four lectures on the Russian avant-garde: "L'Avanguardia russa" at the Istituto italiano per gli studi ilosofici, Naples, Italy on 22-24 February, 1989.

"Socialist Realism" at annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Honolulu, November, 1988.

Chairman of panel "Russian Art Criticism" at the College Art Association, New York, 15 February, 1990.

Chairman of panel "From Center to Periphery" at the World Congress of Slavists, Harrogate, 25 July, 1990.

Discussant for the panel "Futurism as Parody" at the AAASS annual conference, Honolulu, 20 November, 1993.

59 Discussant for the Elena Guro International Conference, Museum of the History of the City of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, 28 May, 1994.

Organizer and Chairman of "Signs of the Times: Culture and the Emblems of Apocalypse", an international symposium sponsored by the Albert and Elaine Borchard Foundation (Los Angeles) at the Chateau LA Bretesche. France, 1-3 August, 1994 (transactions to be published).


Director of the Institute of Modern Russian Culture at Blue Lagoon, L.A.

Visiting McDermott Curator at the Dallas Museum of Fine Arts for Fall, 1979. During my tenure there I organized and curated two exhibitions for the Museum: a) "Constructivism and the Geometric Tradition: Selections from the McCrory Corporation Collection"; b) "Journey into Non-Objectivity: The Graphic Work of Kazimir Malevich and Other Members of the Russian Avant-Garde.

Chief Consultant and translator of Russian texts for the exhibition "The Avant-Garde in Russia 1910-1930: New Perspectives" at the Los Angeles County Museums and Hirshhorn Museum & Sculpture Garden, Washington, D.C., June, 1980 - March 1981.

Humanities consultant for the project "Contemporary Soviet Society. A Study Based Emigration," coordinated by Professor James Millar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Humanities consultant for the exhibition "Beyond the Looking-Glass" The Other Art of Russia" scheduled to open at the Cultural Activities Center, Tempe, Texas on 7 September, 1980; ten travelling to the University of Houston at Clear Lake City and other institutions.

Guest Curator for the exhibition "Ilya Chasnik and the Russian Avant-Garde" scheduled for the University of Texas Art Museum, Austin, Texas, April, 1981.

Consultant and translator of Russian texts for the exhibition Kunstlerinnen der russischen Avantgarde/Women - Artists of the Russian Avant - Garde, Cologne: Galerie Gmurzynska, 1979-80.

60 Chronologist and translation editor for the exhibition catalog Sieben Moskauer Kunstler/Seven Moscow Artists 1910 - 1930, Cologne: Galerie Gmurynska, 1984 (April-July).

Committee member for organization of the exhibition "Mysticism and Abstract Art" at the Los Angeles County Museum: exhibition opened in 1986-87.

Co-organizer of many art exhibitions in the U.S. and Europe, including Russian and Soviet Painting at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, 1977; Stage Design and the Russian Avant - Garde, Lincoln Center, New York, 1976-69; and The Art of Russia 1800 - 1855 at the University of Minnesota and other institutions, 1978-79.

Consultant for the Smithsonian exhibition "Russia, the Land, the People," toured the U.S. fall, 1986 through summer, 1987.

Consultant for the exhibition "The Jewish Contribution to the Russian Avant-Garde" at the Israel Museum, Jerusalem, summer-fall, 1987.

Chief art consultant to Thames and Hudson, London, for books relating to the Soviet visual arts (contract valid from March, 1987 onwards).

Consultant to Intercultura, Inc., Fort Worth, an exhibition sponsorship and publication foundation. We are presently organizing two exhibitions related to Russian art: 1) "Art of the Christian East" (icons from SU, Bulgaria, Ethiopia, Greece) for Walkers Art Gallery, Baltimore, then LACM, 1988. This involves lengthy discussions with Soviet Ministry of Culture; 2) "The Primitive Influence on the Russian Avant-Garde" (working title); planned for 1991.

Guest editor of special Russian issues devoted to Russian/Soviet design for Journal of Decorative & Propaganda Arts, Miami, summer, 1987; and winter, 1988. This has involved lengthy negotiations through VAAP and with Soviet authors.

Member of AAASS Sub-Committee on Archives and Manuscripts of the Bibliography & Documention Committee of IREX/ACLS.

61 Chief consultant for cycle of lectures on Russian art for the UCLA visual Arts Extension Service. Cycle began on 29 March, 1989.

Academic Consultant for Eduard Nakhamkin Fine Arts, NYC.

Consultant for Ideas in Motion, San Francisco.

Was chief consultant for exhibition of Russian and Soviet painting at the Hirshhorn Museum, D.C., fall, 1988.

Coorganizer (with Olga Matich) of the conference "The Russian Avant-Garde" held at USC on 29-30 November and 1-2 December, 1990.

Consultant for the exhibition Kazimir Malevich at the National Gallery, Washington D.C., the Armand Hammer Museum and Cultural Center, Los Angeles, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1990-91.

Recipient of award from the International Research and Exchanges Board for the Academy of Sciences, Moscow, for January-July, 1991.

Consultant for the exhibition "Russian Constructivism on Stage" being organized by the De Young Museum, San Francisco, 1991.

Recipient of International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX) fellowship for the spring semester, 1991; affiliated with the USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow for the duration of the award (January-July).

Helped organized academic exchange between USC and the State Institute of Art History, Moscow.

Established and edited the new journal of Russian studies, Experiment, the first number of which, devoted to the classical avant-garde, appeared in May, 1995. The second volume (devoted to dance) is in preparation for May 1996, and the third (repression of writers and artists in the 1930s, based on hitherto unpublished dossiers from the KGB Central Archive) for May, 1997.

62 During the fall, 1994 and spring, 1995, prepared and/or co-organized exhibitions of the Russian avant-garde for the National Museum, Athens, "Russian Jewish Artists" at the Jewish Museum, New York.

Appointed curator of exhibition of Bakst and Benois for the Thyssen- Bornemisza Foundation, Lugano, Switzerland.

Appointed curator of exhibition of Russian state design from Lobanov- Rostovsky collection for the Musée d'Ixelles, Brussels, Belgium, and for the Yokohama Museum of Art, Japan (all to open 1998).

Invited by the Foundation for International Arts and Exhibits, Washington, D.C., to curate exhibition of the Russian avante-garde for American regional museums. Preparation in progress through out 2000- 2001. Also, responsible for accompanying catalog.

Invited by the Yokohama Museum of Art, Japan, to curate exhibition of Russian state designs and prepare catalog for the same (exhibition opened in October, 1998) Also, responsible for accompanying catalog.

With Matthew Drutt of the Guggenheim Museum, New York and Zelfira Tregulova of the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow, Bowlt is organizer and curator of "Amazons of the Avant-Garde," an exhibition of experimental paintings by the Russian women artists Alexandra Exter, Natali'ia Goncharova, Liubov' Popova, Ol'ga Rozanova, Varvara Stepanova, and Nadezhda Udal'tsova, now open at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Inaugurated there by President Vladimir Putin on September 7, 2000, "Amazons of the Avant-Garde" is the first exhibition ever to have visited all the Guggenheim locations worldwide (1999-2000) in Berlin, Venice and Bilbao, as well as the Tate Gallery, London and - in February, 2001- the State Tretiakov Gallery, Moscow. The accompanying catalog, co-edited by Bowlt, Drutt and Tregulova, and with essays by Russian, European, and American scholars on the cultural socio-political context of Russian Modernism, has editions in German, English, Italian, Spanish, and Russian. The exhibition draws substantially on Russian public and private collections, including regional museums, and some of the works are being seen in the West for the first time. In mid-November, Bowlt will also be co- chairing the seminar on women in Russian art at the Guggenheim, New York.

63 Chief curator of the exhibition and editor of the catalog for "Painting Revolution: Kandinsky, Malevich and the Russian Avant-Garde" now being circulated in the U.S. by the Foundation for International Arts and Education. Currently, the exhibition is open at the Chicago cultural Center, Chicago, and will travel on to the Portland Art Museum, Portland in November. "Painting Revolution" is a survey of paintings by famous and less familiar members of the Russian avant-garde such as Al'tman, Baranov-Rossiné, Filonov, Kandinsky, Malevich, and Rodchenko.

In March, 2000 the Fisher Galley at USC opened "Myriad Thoughts, Myriad Desires: Luidmila Ivanova. An Artist in Soviet Russia", an exhibition that grew out of the graduate seminar that Bowlt conducted in the spring of 1999. Drawing on the Ivanova collection in the Institute of Modern Russian Culture, "Myriad thoughts, Myriad Desires" was complemented by a published catalog, seminar, and docent tours.

Continued directorship of the Institute of Modern Russian Culture and, with Associate Director Mark Konecny, to supervise its activities (newsletter, journal, exhibitions, collection development).

Supervisor of “Documenting Dissidence”. Project at the Institute of Modern Russian Culture conducted by Adele Di Ruocco (graduate student, SLL), fall, 2004.

Member of College Tenure and Promotion Committee, 2004-05

With Tatyana Akishina Coordinator for “Remembering the Soviet Union” – Undergraduate Research Project, summer, 2005.

Invited to be co-curator of the exhibition, "Origins of the Russian Avant- Garde" at the De Young Museum, San Francisco: scheduled for June- September, 2003

US organizer of the Palaia Dance Project (international symposium and dance laboratory held in Palaia, Tuscany, Italy 23-30 May, 2003)

Director of the Institute of Modern Russian Culture, USC, and responsible for its newsletter, journal Experiment, membership program and related activities.

Interim Chair of Dept of Slavic Languages and Literatures., 2003-04

64 Organizer of Departmental Retreat in Ojai, Ca., 20 September, 2003.

Supervisor of student Jeff Rich for the Center for Religious and Civic Culture, USC – Undergraduate Research Project on Christian sources of the Russian avant- garde.

Co-organizer of “Nikolai Khardziev, A Centenary Conference”, Odessa Literary Museum, Odessa, Ukraine, 27 June – 3 July, 2004.

Consultant for exhibition “Licht und Farbe in der Russischen Avantgarde” travelling to Berlin, Vienna and Thessaloniki, throughout 2004-05

Consultant for exhibition “La Danza delle Avanguardie. Dipinti, scene e costume: Da Degas a Picasso, da Matisse a Keith Haring” at MART (Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto), Italy, December, 2005-April, 2006

Consultant for exhibition “The Russian Avant-Gardes” opening at the Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid, on 13 February, 2006.

Chief consultant for the exhibition “Crossroads: Modernism in the Ukraine” to be circulated by the International Arts and Education Foundation, Bethesda, 2006-07.

Chief consultant for retrospective exhibition of Pavel Filonov being organized by the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation and traveling from the State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg; to the Musée de la Ville de Paris, Paris; the Royal Academy, London; and one venue in the US throughout 2006-07.

Organizer of the performance and conference “A Chant of Universal Flowering: The Poetry and Painting of Pavel Filonov” at the Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, 30 September, 2005

Chief consultant for the exhibition Vanguardias Rusas at the Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid, spring, 2006

65 Consultant for the exhibition “Ukrainian Modernism” being circulated in the US by the International Foundation for Art and Education, Bethesda, July, 2006-07

Consultant for the exhibition “La Danza delle Avanguardie. Dipinti, scene e costumi: Da Degas a Picasso, da Matisse a Keith Haring” at the Museo d’arte contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto, 2005-06.

Consultant and contributor for "Sergei Diaghilev and the Ballets Russes" by JAK FIlms, San Francisco, 2005-07

Member of the Editorial Board of the Moscow publishing-house

Iskusstvo XXI vek

Consultant for Shadow of Stalin music festival and conference, LA

Philharmonic, May-June, 2007

Head of USC Book Prize Committee. Awarded at AAASS, Boston,

November, 2009

Co-curator (with Zelfira Tregulova) of the exhibition «Etonne-moi!: Sergei Diaghilev et Les Ballets Russes»/«A Fête of Wonders. Sergei Diaghilev and the Ballets Russes» open at the Nouveau Musée de Monte Carlo, Monaco, and the State Tretiakov Gallery, Moscow, June 2009-January, 2010

(with Nicoletta Misler and Maria Tsantsanoglou) Curator of “Engines of the Russian Cosmos: Art and Astrophysics in the Modern Age” – exhibition of the Russian avant-garde for the Marcelino Botin, Santander, summer, 2010, and the State Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki, fall, 2010.

Co-curator of the exhibition, “L’Avanguardia russa, la Siberia e l’Est” [Fire and Ice. The Russian Avant-Garde Siberia and the East], September, 2013-January, 2014, at the Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, Italy.

66 Co-curator of the exhibition “A Game in Hell: The Great War and Russia” at GRAD (Gallery of Russian Art and Design), London, September-November, 2014.

Co-curator of the exhibition “Russian Avant-Garde Theatre: War, Revolution and Design” at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, October, 2014-January, 2015.

Co-curator of “Léon Bakst” at the State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow, opening June 2016

Curator of “Le Spectre de la Rose” at the Nouveau Musée National de Monaco. Monte-Carlo, opening December, 2016.

Slade Professor of Art History for Michaelmas Term, 2015, Cambridge University, UK


Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies (ASSEEES).

Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages (ATSEEL).

Association of Russian-American Scholars in USA.


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