Catalogue with Synopses (C2)

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Catalogue with Synopses (C2)


Christian Churches of God

Catalogue with Synopses (C2)

Statement of Beliefs (No. A1) The Statement is a summary of the biblical position as held by the Apostles during the first century. It presents the Bible position in a clear, coherent form. It is comprised of seven chapters covering the Godhead, the Plan of Salvation, Doctrines Concerning Human Responsibility, Doctrine Concerning the Messiah, The Problem of Evil, The Church and The Kingdom of God. There is an introduction which deals with the question of the divergence between modern and ancient Christianity. There is also an Appendix which deals with the development of Trinitarian doctrines.

CONSTITUTION (No. A2) This is the legal constitution of the Christian Churches of God registered in Australia.

CCG Standing Operating Procedures (No. A3) In order to comply with the full structure of biblical Law the following Standing Operating Procedures in accordance with CCG Constitution are to be implemented.

Passover Calendar 2016 (A_P2017) The 40th Year of the 120th Jubilee begins on 1 Abib or 28 March 2017. The Passover season of the First month is the most important in God's Sacred Calendar. Observing all the Feasts in the correct manner is essential for a continuing relationship with God in the Holy Spirit, and for our progression in the Faith. This schedule outlines the requirements for keeping the full 21 days of Passover. A New Moon and Holy Day Calendar for 2017/18 is appended.

Bible Study Program (No. B1) In order to assist in the development of biblical knowledge, this study program by topics has been produced. In this way, the program can be developed systematically. The list is also to form the basis for sermon preparation in the Church. People are encouraged to attempt simplification of some items or to contribute suggestions for the improvement of texts.

Bible Study Program for Children (No. B1_1) Children’s Bible Studies are grouped into categories to assist in organising study programs.

Waldensians (No. B2) This paper is the translation of the condemnation of the Waldensians and the political arguments used by the Roman clergy to condemn the Waldensian Barbes after their Inquisition by the English monk Raymond of Daventry on the way to the Lateran Council.

Clement of Alexandria: Stromateis - Book 3 (No. B3) Book 3 of the Stromateis of Clement of Alexandria was not translated but left in the Latin in the Ante-Nicene Fathers when it was published. In the public interest, this translation by John Ferguson published by the Catholic University of America Press (1991) is reproduced with their permission. 2

On the Words: Monogenes Theos in Scripture and Tradition (No. B4) This extremely important dissertation on the text in John 1:18 has been suppressed for many years because it does not support mainstream theology. The preface explains the background to the work and the earlier examination by Dr. Tregelles. The reworking of the Nicene Creed by the Constantinopolitan conference of 381 CE is obvious from the discussion.

Creation: From Anthropomorphic Theology to Theomorphic Anthropology (No. B5) This work is directed at examining the logical basis of the Creation, Causation and the Attributes of God and the place of humans and sons of God in that Creation in harmony with the Scriptural account.

The Socratic Doctrine of the Soul (No. B6) This work by Professor Burnet is an important step in understanding the introduction of the Soul doctrine to Greco-Roman philosophy and thence to Trinitarian Christianity.

Introduction to Mysticism (No. B7_i) Here we see the origin, aims and thrust of the Mystical Systems.

Mysticism Volume 1 The Origin of World Religions (No. B7_A) In this paper we outline the contents of Mysticism Volume 1.

Mysticism Bibliography (No. B7_B) In this paper we list the sources of reference for Mysticism, Volume 1: The Origin of World Religions.

Mysticism Chapter 1 Spreading the Babylonian Mysteries (No. B7_1) This chapter gives an overview of and introduction to the relationship of Mysticism to the Mystery and Sun Cults and to the Babylonian Mysteries as they have influenced world religion.

Mysticism Chapter 2 The Egyptian Gods and the Exodus (No. B7_2) The story of the Exodus is of importance in looking at the ancient systems in Egypt from an independent view and tying them in to modern findings.

Mysticism Chapter 3 The Golden Calf (No. B7_3) The Golden Calf is a complete religious system found throughout the known world. Along with its related systems, it involved the sacrifice of children and adults. It was tied also the Triune system, the crescent-moon as the finger of Ashirat and the worship of the Moon god Sin.

Mysticism Chapter 4 Judeo-Christianity (No. B7_4) This chapter deals with the original Judeo-Christian system and the far-reaching effects the Mystery and Sun Cults have had on Judeo-Christianity.

Mysticism Chapter 5 Islam (No. B7_5) Islam is a logical extension of Judeo-Christianity and it arose as a result of the influence of the Mystery Cults on Christianity.

Mysticism Chapter 6 Origins of the Indian Religious Systems (No. B7_6) 3

This chapter takes the Indian system from its commencement on the Indus basin with the movements east from the Assyro-Babylonian system to the subsequent Aryan conquests and religious developments.

Mysticism Chapter 7 Buddhism (No. B7_7) This chapter takes the Buddhist system from its rise in India to the spread of the Theravadin system and the developments of the subsequent Mahayana and Hinayana systems.

Mysticism Chapter 8 East Asia - China and Japan (No. B7_8) The origins of the religious systems of China and Japan, like the history of their movements, have been obscured. Neither nation’s history is as old as has been claimed. Their religious systems show derivation from the ancient Indo-Aryan systems and are readily identifiable.

Mysticism Chapter 9 South-East Asian Systems (No. B7_9) The text examines the original South-East Asian religions and the subsequent influences of the Indian, Muslim and later Christian systems.

Mysticism Chapter 10 Summary of Volume 1 The Origin of World Religions (No. B7_10) This Chapter deals with the origins of Mysticism in Babylon and its spread with and through the national systems leaving a core religious structure of the Mystery Cults in opposition to the will of God.

The Treatise of Ermengaudus (B8) Ermengardus, or Ermengaudus, was a writer of the 12th or 13th century. His treatise Against the Waldensians was published in 1614 by Jacob Gretser of Ingolstadt, with Bernard, Abbot of Fons Calidus, and Ebrard of Bithynia. Later this trio of anti- Waldensian writers was discredited in Bibliothecae Patrum. The Treatise should be connected in turn with Gretser’s Works.

Creation versus Evolution (No. B9) In this paper we will look at the issue of the Creation versus Evolution argument.

Evolution and the Out of Africa Theory (No. B9A) Evolution claims that modern humans developed in Africa and spread throughout the world from there 78,000 years ago. The Bible says it happened differently. Both claims cannot be correct.

New Moon and Holy Day Calendar (No. C3)

Funeral Service (No. D1) Death is the cessation of our physical life. Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God, therefore the corruptible mortal body must change to put on immortality as God intended for us. This change necessitates the death of our human fleshly form. Our temporary human existence will be replaced by a higher form of life. And it is appointed unto man once to die, but after this the judgment.

Marriage Ceremony (No. D2) 4

Marriage is a holy institution ordained by God to represent the relationship of mankind to Jesus Christ and the unification of the nations under the Father. It is not a sacrament of the Church.

Baptism Ceremony (No. D3) We are baptised by the authority of God the Father. We are then placed, as betrothed, into the body of the Son. This is through the activity and power of God's Holy Spirit. It is based upon repentance and conversion in response to the calling.

Speaker's Guidelines (No. E1) The purpose of these guidelines is to help speakers avoid some of the pitfalls many public speakers fall into. It points out some of the logical steps one should take in order to give a comprehensive and easy to follow message, which is beneficial to his audience and fulfils God’s instructions to give a clear sound, so people can learn and be prepared. (1Cor. 14:8)

Commentary on Ruth (No. F008) The Book of Ruth deals with specific aspects of the laws of inheritance. It is also the story of an aspect of the lineage of Christ and is an analogy of the relationship between Christ and the Church. It is not just a simple story of a girl seeking the love and protection of a husband.

Commentary on Esther (No. F017) This is a detailed analysis of the Book of Esther. The implications contained in the Book of Esther have great significance for modern Christianity. The paper uses the rabbinical commentaries and exposes them to Christian biblical exposition, which produces some significant results.

Commentary on Esther Part II: Purim in the Last Days (No. F017B) Part II takes the Commentary on Esther to the Last Days and examines the days of Purim in the Last Days with the attempts to wipe out the Hebrew people and the consequent results.

Commentary on Hosea (No. F028) First in the Canon in the Twelve Prophets Hosea actually follows Amos chronologically and complements the style but God speaks through Hosea in a different mode dealing with Israel. The Commentary is based on the RSV and the MT notes. Bullinger’s notes re the KJV are appended.

Commentary on Joel (No. F029) Joel deals with the preparation of the elect particularly from the Messiah and in the last days. It has important aspects of the sanctification of the congregation of Israel as the Temple of God and precedes and is complementary to and preparatory for the writings of Ezekiel. Bullinger places it with Ezekiel from the fifth year of Jehoiakin’s captivity but it is undated. Some rabbis place it elsewhere. The canon places it between Hosea and Amos.

Commentary on Amos (No. F030) Amos is the Third book in terms of the OT Canon on the Twelve Prophets but is regarded as the First of them in time. The significance is examined in detail.

Commentary on Obadiah (No. F031) 5

This text refers to the fate of Edom in the Last Days and is actually a reference to the combined group of Edom and Judah in the Last Days from the dispersion to the Return of the Messiah and the advent at Jerusalem.

Commentary on Jonah (No. F032) The Sign of Jonah was the only sign given to the Church. It is thus of great importance to the understanding of the Faith.

Commentary on Micah (No. F033) God used Micah and Isaiah to utter similar prophecies one following the other. Isaiah is followed by Micah some seventeen years later and the comparison is contained in the appendix. Thus Amos, Hosea and Isaiah precede Micah and the entire structure of the prophecies covers from the Assyrian captivity to the Last Days and the Messianic advent and the establishment of the Millennium.

Commentary on Nahum (No. F034) Nahum is the last of the seven pre-captivity prophets being the last of the second group of three. Jonah was concerned with Nineveh as was Nahum. Zephaniah was related but to a lesser degree.

Commentary on Habakkuk (No. F035) The prophet Habakkuk lived in evil times and complains to the Lord concerning that and he is told that Judah will be sent into captivity to the Babylonians who will be successors to the Assyrians (cf. also Psalm 73).

Commentary on Zephaniah (No. F036) This important prophecy was written approximately a dozen years before the fall of Nineveh, and before the captivity of Judah. This last prophet before the captivity spoke directly of the Chemarim or Black Cassocked priests of Baal and Ashtoreth or Easter the Mother Goddess cult. These priests still inhabit Jerusalem in the thousands and soon they will be removed and forced to repent and teach no more heresy.

Commentary on Haggai (No. F037) Haggai was ordered by God to prophesy concerning the restoration and the construction of the Temple. The text complements Zechariah and is dual in nature. It looks to the millennial system and the conversion of the Gentiles.

Commentary on Zechariah (No. F038) The Book of Zechariah is of great significance to the Restoration of Israel under the Messiah in the Last Days. See also Part II for the future of Israel and Judah in the Last Days from Zechariah and the NT texts.

Commentary on Malachi (No. F039) This text of Malachi is the last text of the OT Canon. Its style also throws light on the finishing of the book of Zechariah.

Commentary on Hebrews (No. F058) The Book of Hebrews was written to the Hebrews in Parthia as the Lost Tribes to explain the purpose of the Messiah as the High priest of Melchisedek and the position of the elect as part of that priesthood

It was written from Italy, reportedly by Paul, in order to bring them all into the understanding of the purpose of the plan of God in the creation and salvation of the Host. 6

Commentary on James (No. F059) Most problems in the Churches of God can be distilled down to the principles enunciated in this Epistle of James to the Churches scattered abroad.

God Revealed Chapter 1 Ancient Monotheism (No. G1) This paper is released by chapters. It deals with the nature of God. It shows the history of the development of the doctrines within Christianity and shows how the system has become quite unlike and estranged from authentic Christianity.

El Shaddai Song Introduction (No. H1) The title “El Shaddai” comes from two Hebrew names of God and translates to "God Almighty". It is a Christian music song which was originally written by Michael Card and John Thompson and recorded by Michael Card. From a biblical point of view we found the theology of the work misleading so we rewrote two verses.

The Law of God (No. L1) The commanded Reading of the Law in the Sabbath year at the Feast of Tabernacles, explaining the structure of Biblical Law and the Prophets, is contained in this comprehensive series of papers centred on the Two Great Commandments. Scripturally, they are required reading for any professing Bible student.

Preface and Introduction to the Law of God (No. L1A) This text explains the sequence and method of reading the law of God and explains the continuing obligation to identify the Sabbath and why it must be read in the Sabbath Years.

Recipes for the Days of Unleavened Bread (No. R2) Most of these recipes have been re-copied from a collection of recipes previously compiled by members of the Worldwide Church of God in Canberra, Australia.

Introduction to the Commentary on the Koran (No. Q001) The Koran or Qur’an is an important work that is the Holy Testament of approximately one billion people. Few understand its original message and intent. It is correctly a commentary on the Bible by the Unitarian Sabbatarians in Arabia in the seventh century of the Current Era. This work explains its theology and its message. The Introduction explains the logical basis behind the faith and the language used in the Koran.

The Five Pillars of Islam or the Pillars of the Faith? (No. Q001A) The Five Pillars of Islam are used to determine an upright Muslim but how do they really accord with the Scriptures and the Qur’an? What are the Pillars of the Faith?

Commentary on the Koran: Surahs 1 and 2 (No. Q002) This section deals with Surahs 1 and 2 and shows the outline plan of the Koran and the Nature of God. We see the nature of the word of God and the infallibility of Scripture in the plan of Salvation. Surah 2 is the longest in the Koran and delineates the position of the Church of God in Arabia in the Seventh Century. It shows the complete corruption of the Koran by ignoring the OT and NT Scriptures.

Commentary on the Koran: Surah 3 (No. Q003) As we have seen Q2 takes the symbol of the Ruddy heifer and takes it on to the Glowing or Golden Heifer as Christ in the purification of the Temple of God. There Christ becomes High Priest of Melchisedek. Q3 takes the priesthood on from the Family of Imram as 7

Mariam the firstborn consecrated as prophetess and with Aaron and Moses on through the prophets to Christ and the Apostles as the Temple of God through to the last days with the priesthood of Melchisedek.

Commentary on the Koran: Surah 4 (No. Q004) Surah 4 follows on from Surah 3 which deals with the organisation of the priesthood. This text is termed Women as it deals with the rights of the families that were identified after the Battle of Mt. Uhud for the widows and orphans after the Battle of Mt. Uhud and then deals with their positions as the human families who are then part of the Bride of Christ.

Commentary on the Koran: Surah 5 (No. Q005) This Surah emphasises the covenant and concentrates on the Christians of the Covenant and the conflicts between the Trinitarians among the Byzantines who are trying to damage the faith of the Surrender. It is recognised as the last Surah of the Faith and takes the structure of the Covenant on to the last acts of the prophet at Mecca. It ties the covenant to the faith in obedience to the commandments and observance of religious duties. The main body of the text is tied to the period from the Fourth to the Seventh Years of the Qur’an and Pickthall ties the text to the Fifth to the Tenth Years of the Hijrah.

Commentary on the Koran: Surah 6 (No. Q006) Surah 6 “Livestock’ is a text that shows the responsibilities of mankind as the sheep in the plan of Salvation in order to become sons of God as Elohim in the sequence of God’s Plan of Salvation.

Commentary on the Koran: Surah 7 (No. Q007) Surah 7 takes its name from words in verse 46 “And on the Heights are men who know them all by their marks.” This text often is used to term the Surah as “Purgatory” (e.g. Rashad Khalifa) as the general theme is that of those who oppose the will of God from Satan on down through the ages and of Divine Guidance.

Commentary on the Koran: Surah 8 (No. Q008) Surah 8 deals with the results of the Battle of Badr and with the tithing requirements for the spoils of war when losses have occurred and leads into Surah 9.

Commentary on the Koran: Surah 9 (No. Q009) The function of Surah 9 “Repentance” and its placement following Surah 8 “Spoils” serves two purposes. One is that it shows the responsibility of the faith in supporting the widows and orphans from the spoils along the lines of the poor due of the third year tithe. The next is to show the function of the Calendar and the four sacred months that must be preserved. The 12000 paganised Arabs of the Post Meccan Battle with the Bedouin at Hunayn show the lack of Repentance and weakness in comparison to the 300 under the command of the prophet at Badr and Tubuk. It pointed to the Hadithic destruction of Islam.

Commentary on the Koran: Surah 10 (No. Q010) Surah 10 is a prophecy as well as instructions to the Church of God in Arabia. The failure and the incorrect application of the faith and the rejection of Scripture was seen by the Prophet, and the One True God, Eloah, warned the new Muslims what was to happen to the faith and to them with their attitude of rejection of Scripture and that they would fail and be removed from the First Resurrection. The text is taken point by point and through to the Sign of Jonah and what is to happen not only to Hadithic Islam but also to the Church of God in the Last Days. 8

The Sign of Jonah is the only sign given to the church and the application of the Sign of Jonah is critical to the understanding of the activities and the future of the Church of God.

Commentary on the Koran: Surah 11 (No. Q011) Surah 11 follows on from Q009 and Q010 dealing with the church and the prophets and goes on to the primary roles of the Arabian prophets from Noah on to the sons of Shem and through the sons of Abraham who failed to obey God and how they are divided into the two elements of those who are of the faith and those destroyed and sent to the Second Resurrection. Like Surah 10 it is a warning to the Arab peoples and those of modern Islam and also the sons of Keturah and Ishmael generally.

Commentary on the Koran: Surah 12 (No. Q012) This was a preliminary Surah explaining the story of Joseph and his sale into Egypt to the first converts from Yathrib or Al-Medinah in the early years when they went to the prophet and the congregation at Mecca. The impact of the story and of prophecy can be seen from the outline of the Surah.

Commentary on the Koran: Surah 13 (No. Q013) Surah 13 Ar Ra’d takes its name from verse 13. The text concerns Divine Guidance and the relationship of consequence flowing from the breaches of the Laws of God.

Commentary on the Koran: Surah 14 (No. Q014) Surah 14 derives its name (Ibrihim) from Abraham’s prayer in verses 35-41. It was stated to be uttered from the time when he was establishing his son Ishmael in the valley of Mecca, which was considered incapable of cultivation.

Commentary on the Koran: Surah 15 (No. Q015) This Surah is named for the location of the people of A’ad and Thamud of the sons of Shem who were actually the progenitors of the Arabs and those progenitors were not simply the sons of Abraham in Keturah and Ishmael. These were also the progenitors of Amalekites of the wars of the Last Days.

Commentary on the Koran: Surah 16 (No. Q016) Surah 16 is a message to the idolaters of Mecca and Arabia generally to keep the Covenant of God and the attendant commandments with them. The name and the symbolism of the Bee is to deal with the mother goddess system there, under the worship of Hubal and the goddess.

Commentary on the Koran: Surah 17 (No. Q017) Surah 17 begins and ends with references to the Israelites. It concerns the faith centred on Jerusalem as the vision of the prophet and his travel there.

Commentary on the Koran: Surah 18 (Q018) This text follows Surah 17 dealing with Jerusalem as the true place of worship. It deals with the churches over time also.

Commentary on the Koran: Surah 19 (No. Q019) Surah 19 was one of the earliest texts revealed and was issued in order to protect the Church of God in Arabia in its first major persecution.

Commentary on the Koran: Surah 20 (No. Q020) 9

Surah 20 was written in the Fifth year of the Prophet’s mission and nine years before the Hijrah of 622, in 613 CE and very soon after the flight to Abyssinia by the Muslims under Ja’far.

Commentary on the Koran: Surah 21 (No. Q021) Surah 21 Al-Anbiya “The Prophets” is named for its subject matter which is the history of the former prophets.

Commentary on the Koran: Surah 22 (No. Q022) Surah 22, The Pilgrimage, deals with the Prophets and their prophecies following on from Surah 21.

Commentary on the Koran: Surah 23 (No. Q023) Surah 23 Al Muminun “The Believers” follows on from the texts of the patriarchs and prophets to the elect of the Faith who will see Messiah in the First Resurrection.

Commentary on the Koran: Surah 24 (No. Q024) Surah 24 An-Nur “The Light” concerns the Light of God shining to influence the conduct of the elect, who are the believers of the previous Surahs, in the home and in society.

Commentary on the Koran: Surah 25 (No. Q025) Surah 25 deals with the Criterion of Right and Wrong which deals with the preparation of the Body of the Faith.

Commentary on the Koran: Surah 26 (No. Q026) Surah 26 delineates the difference between the prophets and those not of the faith described as poets.

Commentary on the Koran: Surah 27 (No. Q027) The Ant represents the warning to mankind through the prophets as does the Hudhud or hoopoe.

Commentary on the Koran: Surah 28 (No. Q028) This Surah “The Narration” is a story of the persecution of the church in Arabia referring back to the persecution of Moses and the Children of Israel in Egypt.

Commentary on the Koran: Surah 29 (No. Q029) Surah 29 deals with false beliefs as a flimsy web of lies.

Commentary on the Koran: Surah 30 (No. Q030) This Surah begins with the prophecy of Daniel and the Roman Phase of Daniel chapters 2 and 11.

Commentary on the Koran: Surah 31 (No. Q031) This Surah refers to the sentiments of the Gospel of Luke and despite the claims of the Arabs to associate it with a black slave and Aesop’s Fables the texts are obviously those of the Gospels and the ordination of the Seventy and their place in the Faith under the wisdom of Scripture.

Commentary on the Koran: Surah 32 (No. Q032) Surah 32 takes its name from the prostration in verse 15 where all who recognise and revere the Scriptures fall down in reverence and Hymn the praise of the Lord.

Commentary on the Koran: Surah 33 (No. Q033) 10

Surah 33 ‘The Clans” refers to the Battle of the Trench when the Qureysh at Mecca tried to exterminate the Muslims at Al Madinah and allied themselves with the Jews in order to do so.

Commentary on the Koran: Surah 34 (No. Q034) This is another warning to the Arabs based on Mecca and from the South using the affluence and fall of Sheba or Saba as an example.

Commentary on the Koran: Surah 35 (No. Q035) This text takes the creation of the Sons of God and their role as messengers on to the Second Resurrection and the fate of the disbelievers.

Commentary on the Koran: Surah 36 (No. Q036) Ya Sin is a Middle Meccan Surah and is intended to warn the Meccans whose fathers were held to not have been warned.

Commentary on the Koran: Surah 37 (No. Q037) This Surah is from the Middle group of Meccan Surahs and refers back to the Scriptures as the Word.

Commentary on the Koran: Surah 38 (No. Q038) This Surah is an early Meccan Surah which forms the basis of the outline of the prophets in later Surahs.

Commentary on the Koran: Surah 39 (No. Q039) This Middle Meccan Surah deals with the Plan of Salvation and the place of the elect in the Troops of the Army of God in the First Resurrection and the disobedient in the second group or Troops in the grave awaiting the Second Resurrection.

The Elect as Elohim (No. 001) This paper deals with the multiplicity of the elohim in the Godhead and the destiny of the elect to become elohim. The capacity to become elohim or theoi was the view of the early Church. This paper is related to papers on The Deity of Christ and also The God We Worship and The Holy Spirit series.

The God We Worship (No. 002) Much confusion exists about who or what the God of the Bible is. One cause is the translation of the many descriptive Hebrew titles/words for or about God into the single English word God, with consequent significant loss of detail and information, leading to a wide variety of fallacious doctrines such as Trinitarianism, Binitarianism, polytheism, and angel worship. This paper is concerned with identifying the entity that is the one true God of the Old and New Testaments and who should be the object of worship of humanity.

Frequently Asked Questions Series 1: The Nature of God (No. 003) The frequently asked questions in this series 1 paper relate to passages of Scripture and a view of the nature of God that are unexplained and unexplainable within modern mainstream Christianity. They also reflect erroneous views of some Sacred Names, Messianic Jewish and Chinese True Jesus theology.

Questions and Answers on the Christian Faith (No. 003b) Many people will be surprised to find out that what they believe is not in the Bible and not supported or believed by the historical church. Answer this quiz and see how close you are to the true faith once delivered to the saints. 11

Selecting the Ministry (No. 004) In today's information age we can only marvel at the number of groups and churches in the world using the name of Christ. Even when isolated to those who incorporate the words "Church of God" in their name, they still number in the hundreds. Do they all have credibility? How do we select the right ministry to lead us in Christ? Should we look for a continual line of leaders appointed consecutively from Christ down through the ages? How can we test them, and find the true Church?

Tattooing (No. 005) Tatuing or Tattooing is of great antiquity and has specific spiritual meaning. The Bible forbids it for good reason.

Mark 5:21-43 (No. 006) This text concerns two miracles that Christ performed and which have a symbolism for the Church.

Symbolism of Numbers (No. 007) This paper deals with the spiritual significance of numbers in the Bible.

Catholicism Frequently Asked Questions (No. 008) Frequently asked questions regarding the rituals and traditions in Catholicism are examined in this paper.

Freedom and Responsibility (No. 009) This paper looks at the responsibility of individual Christians in the light of the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ in the crucifixion in place of sinners like Barabbas is examined.

Giving (No. 010) Learning to give is the basis of the love of God.

Steps to Overcoming Sin (No. 011) This paper analyses the relationship between sin and the Exodus over the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Those lessons are developed.

One Bread, One Body (No. 012) Examines the concept of Christ as the Bread of Life and the Bread of God, commencing from John 6:24-63.

The Body of Christ (No. 012B) We have a responsibility to find the Body of Christ and join it and keep the Lord’s Supper with it and preach the gospel of the kingdom of God in and from it and then provide baptism through its organised structure.

The Sign of Jonah and the History of the Reconstruction of the Temple (No. 013) One of the most misunderstood concepts is that of the Sign of Jonah. This was to be the only sign given the ministry of Messiah. The sign relates to the reconstruction of the Temple and that of the seventy weeks of years. The sign extends on to and has relevance for our days. The prophecy is still in operation and ends in the near future. The understanding of the correct timing of the reconstruction of the Temple is vital. This paper interrelates the Gospels and Christ’s mission with the Books of Jonah, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Haggai and others. 12

Psalm 8 (No. 014) Psalm 8 is an important text in the prophetic structure and is used in relation to the Messiah and is critical in understanding the Nature of God, the Heavenly Host and their relationship to Messiah and mankind generally.

The Food Laws (No. 015) The Food Laws are examined from a scientific point of view and are validated as being correct and as important or more important today as they were when they were issued. They are vital to the correct and environmentally sound operation of the planet.

Let the Dead Bury Their Dead (No. 016) This paper explains the meaning behind this rather terse comment in Luke 9:59-62 of the Messiah during his ministry. The proper application of the principles behind this text is important for harmonious Christian living.

The Development of the Neo - Platonist Model (No. 017) This paper traces the development of the neo-Platonist Trinitarian system from Greek philosophy into the post-Christian synthesis. It shows the origin of the Cappadocian system using both ancient philosophy and modern Catholic theology in admission of the origin of the doctrine.

He Calls Them by Name: A Study of Psalm 23 (No. 018) This is an explanation of Psalm 23.

Christ's Age at Baptism and the Duration of his Ministry (No. 019) The year of Christ’s birth has caused a deal of concern over time. It seems to have been deliberately hidden. This is probably so we could not ascertain with absolute certainty the exact year to avoid the celebration of pagan ritual associated with his birth. There are, however, a number of important facts that are linked to his birth and time of baptism.

The Twleve Prophets (No. 021) The Twelve Prophets are the last in order of sequence in the Canon but by no means are they minor or least in the importance of God’s Prophets.

Commentary on Hosea (No. 021A) First in the Canon in the Twelve Prophets Hosea actually follows Amos chronologically and complements the style but God speaks through Hosea in a different mode dealing with Israel. The Commentary is based on the RSV and the MT notes. Bullinger’s notes re the KJV are appended.

Commentary on Joel (No. 021B) Joel deals with the preparation of the elect particularly from the Messiah and in the last days. It has important aspects of the sanctification of the congregation of Israel as the Temple of God and precedes and is complementary to and preparatory for the writings of Ezekiel. Bullinger places it with Ezekiel from the fifth year of Jehoiakin’s captivity but it is undated. Some rabbis place it elsewhere. The canon places it between Hosea and Amos.

Commentary on Amos (No. 021C) Amos is the Third book in terms of the OT Canon on the Twelve Prophets but is regarded as the First of them in time. The significance is examined in detail.

Commentary on Obadiah (No. 021D) 13

This text refers to the fate of Edom in the Last Days and is actually a reference to the combined group of Edom and Judah in the Last Days from the dispersion to the Return of the Messiah and the advent at Jerusalem.

Commentary on Jonah (No. 021E) The Sign of Jonah was the only sign given to the Church. It is thus of great importance to the understanding of the Faith.

Commentary on Micah (No. 021F) God used Micah and Isaiah to utter similar prophecies one following the other. Isaiah is followed by Micah some seventeen years later and the comparison is contained in the appendix. Thus Amos, Hosea and Isaiah precede Micah and the entire structure of the prophecies covers from the Assyrian captivity to the Last Days and the Messianic advent and the establishment of the Millennium.

Commentary on Nahum (No. 021G) Nahum is the last of the seven pre-captivity prophets being the last of the second group of three. Jonah was concerned with Nineveh as was Nahum. Zephaniah was related but to a lesser degree.

Commentary on Habakkuk (No. 021H) The prophet Habakkuk lived in evil times and complains to the Lord concerning that and he is told that Judah will be sent into captivity to the Babylonians who will be successors to the Assyrians (cf. also Psalm 73).

Commentary on Zephaniah (No. 021i) This important prophecy was written approximately a dozen years before the fall of Nineveh, and before the captivity of Judah. This last prophet before the captivity spoke directly of the Chemarim or Black Cassocked priests of Baal and Ashtoreth or Easter the Mother Goddess cult. These priests still inhabit Jerusalem in the thousands and soon they will be removed and forced to repent and teach no more heresy.

Commentary on Haggai (No. 021J) Haggai was ordered by God to prophesy concerning the restoration and the construction of the Temple. The text complements Zechariah and is dual in nature. It looks to the millennial system and the conversion of the Gentiles.

Commentary on Zechariah (No. 021K) The Book of Zechariah is of great significance to the Restoration of Israel under the Messiah in the Last Days. See also Part II for the future of Israel and Judah in the Last Days from Zechariah and the NT texts.

Commentary on Malachi (No. 021L) This text of Malachi is the last text of the OT Canon. Its style also throws light on the finishing of the book of Zechariah.

Gideon's Force and the Last Days (No. 022) This paper examines the story of Gideon as prophecy. The meaning of the story is unfolded with some interesting implications for today’s Christianity.

Are We on the Right Path? (No. 023) 14

God has given a direction to His Kingdom and it is up to each of us to stay on the right path if we want to get there. Jesus said: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but by me” (Jn 14:6).

The Angel of YHVH (No. 024) This paper develops the identity of the Angel of YHVH or Yahovah in the Old Testament. The result has some disturbing implications for the teachings of modern Christianity, including those of Herbert W. Armstrong and those of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Mark of the Beast (No. 025) The subject of the mark of the Beast has been one of ongoing intrigue and anticipation on the part of those professing the Christian faith. However, this concept has been one of the most widely misunderstood of all Bible prophecies. Careful reading of Scriptures and a willingness to let the Bible interpret itself will lead one to an understanding that is quite different from mainstream teachings. A thorough understanding of who the Beast is and what the signs of its mark are may help to bring one a better overall understanding of many other Bible prophecies and the all-encompassing Plan of God.

One Throne Two Pretenders (No. 026) The current formation of the European system has some ancient Church prophecies concerning it. The Beast will have some strange results for many people over the next three decades. One of them concerns the monarchy of both the United Kingdom and the other nations of Europe.

Ruth (No. 027) The Book of Ruth deals with specific aspects of the laws of inheritance. It is also the story of an aspect of the lineage of Christ and is an analogy of the relationship between Christ and the Church. It is not just a simple story of a girl seeking the love and protection of a husband.

Fire From Heaven (No. 028) In the Last Days God says through the prophet Ezekiel that He will light a fire in the Fields of the South and they will burn northwards and consume everything. Nothing will remain untouched and the system that is set in train will last forever. This is that system to be taken up by Messiah. This is the explanation of the Fire from Heaven that God has promised through His servants the prophets.

Lambs of God (No. 029) This paper was written by a pastoralist who trained sheep and goats for the highly acclaimed award-winning family film, Babe. He examines the lessons relating to sheep husbandry with the biblical message from creation. The roles of the sheep and the shepherd are also examined. The behaviour of sheep and the expectations of a shepherd are developed. The difference between the Egyptian and biblical systems and the spiritual implications are shown.

Timeline of the Churches of God (No. 030) A historical and contemporary view of the persecution of Sabbath-keepers, commencing from 27 CE.

The Sabbath (No. 031) This paper is an exposition of the Fourth Commandment and the obligations it imposes on the Christian. 15

Lord of the Sabbath (No. 031b) The title Lord of the Sabbath as applied to Christ is often misconstrued by Christianity to enable their Antinomian structure. Its true meaning is the absolute reverse.

Swearing By God (No. 032) Should a Christian swear by the Bible or by anything else? What does the Bible say about swearing and oath taking?

Musical Instruments in Worship (No. 033) Some people have doubts regarding the use of instruments and music in worship. In this paper we will see that music is in fact a central part of the worship of God.

The Spirit of Adoption (No. 034) This paper deals with the concept of salvation by adoption as a Son of God. The doctrine of Born Again is examined and the concepts as held from the original Church are advanced. The Old Testament background is examined and the process of initiation by the Father is shown. The process requires total subjection to the Father which requires an act of redemption.

Why was Abraham called "the Friend of God"? (No. 035) This paper examines, in short form, the remarkable relationship that Abraham had with God.

The Fall of Egypt (No. 036) The prophecy of the Fall of Egypt is examined in five sections from Ezekiel chapters 29- 32. This little understood prophecy has enormous implications for the last days and the wars of the end. The five part series consists of an overview with four sequential developments explaining in detail the time-frame presented in the overview. The nations mentioned are examined. Egypt is seen to have experienced a detailed prophetic sequence of activity which shows that God is going to deal with that country as part of a sequence in the subjugation of the nations shortly to occur. Understanding of this prophecy is important to the general framework of the return of Messiah and the wars of the Host and the end of the times of the Gentiles.

Fall of Egypt Part II: The Wars of the End (No. 036_2) The current events in Egypt should be no surprise to a student of Bible prophecy as the sequence is part of a time scale which goes from the Assyrians and the Babylonians at the Battle of Carchemish in 605 BCE where Egypt was defeated and ends from the close of the Time of the Gentiles or Nations and the beginning of the last thirty years of the end from 1997 to 2027. This paper deals with the key points and the latter phase.

How to Ask a Question (No. 037) We are commanded to provide an answer to those who want us to explain the reason for our faith and our hope (1Peter 3:15). Therefore, we study to show ourselves approved (2Timothy 2:15).

Signs in the Heavens: Part I (No. 038A) Many people assume that the Signs associated with the Coming of the Messiah and the Biblical Restoration of Israel are all a result of tragedy and war. Whilst war is associated with them, some of these signs are in fact specific movements of the planetary bodies delineating the time sequence according to the Ancient Temple Calendar.

The Heavenly Signs of the Sixth Seal in Context (No. 038B) 16

This paper is Part II of the Heavenly Signs and puts them in context with the prophecies and Warnings of the Last Days pointing to the coming of the Messiah.

The Cross: Its Origin and Significance (No. 039) This paper deals with the origin of the cross in history and examines the significance of the cross in pre-Christian worship. The use of the cross symbol by the Church is examined, as is the development of the form in religious symbolism. The relationship of the cross to the Second Commandment is also examined.

The Beatitudes (No.040) This paper examines the place of the Beatitudes and their meaning. The place and accuracy of a health-wealth or prosperity gospel is also examined. Each of the Beatitudes is examined in order. The place of the Church in the application of rulership is also discussed.

The Dilemma of Youth (No. 041) The writer relates his experiences with problem youth and their rehabilitation. The meaning of the biblical words for the young are examined. The necessity of service for both young and old is the message that the nation must learn.

Blessed are Those Invited (No. 042) Genesis Chapter 24 is the story of Abraham finding a wife for his son Isaac through his servant. The story is rich in symbolism. We will see that a greater purpose is being played out in the story of finding Isaac a wife. It has a direct co-relation to God seeking brides for His Son, Jesus Christ.

The Devil's Designs (No. 043) The struggle between the spiritual forces in which the Church finds itself involved is mentioned. The types of Satanic or common lies that are advanced to undermine the Faith are examined from a biblical viewpoint.

The Warning of the Last Days (No. 044) God does not destroy a people without first warning them. This warning is executed through His servants the prophets. The warning of the Last Days is executed through a process which is itself set in prophecy. This process is examined.

Sons of Ham: Part I (No. 045A) This paper is the first in a series that provides an overview of the settlement after the Flood and the distribution of the Sons of Ham.

Sons of Ham: Part II Cush (No. 045B) This paper deals with the illustrious first son of Ham and the dispersion of the Cushites throughout the world. The sons of Cush, including Nimrod, will be studied and the present locations of their descendants revealed from both genetic sampling and linguistic clues. The eventual conversion of Cush is shown in Scripture.

Sons of Ham: Part III Mizraim (No. 045C) Mizraim was a son of Ham that played a very important role in the history of the world. Our current understanding of his descendants and the time-frame in which they lived is dependent upon a reconstruction of history ordered by Ptolemy II and completed by the Egyptian historian Manetho. This work and the subsequent Appendices will produce a more correct understanding of Egyptian History and its place in the world.

Sons of Ham: Part IV Phut (No. 045D) 17

The sons of Phut are the most mysterious of the sons of Ham and the most misunderstood. The identity and location of his descendants are given in this paper.

Sons of Ham: Part V Canaan (No. 045E) Canaan is a most important historical character and features prominently in the Bible. Understanding who his descendants are is important for an understanding of modern nations and the unfolding of Bible prophecy.

Sons of Japheth: Part I (No. 046A) The location of the sons of Japheth is an important task of identifying the nations of the world and the blessings given to Japheth by God through Noah.

Sons of Japheth Part 1A: The Sons of HN (No. 046A1) The Sons of HN are a large group of the Sons of Japheth and we will take this aspect on now from the Sons of Japheth Part 1.

Sons of Japheth Part II: Gomer (No. 046B) This paper deals with the Sons of Gomer who inherited the Northern areas and settled in Europe to Eurasia.

Sons of Japheth: Part III Magog (No. 046C) The descendants of Magog are the so-called Scythians and the numerous tribes, such as the Goths and part of the Swedes that grew out of them. From both historical sources and recent genetic research, we are able to trace the movements of these people and determine where they are located today. The Magogites were long displaced by other tribes from the ancient land of Scythia. They also have a strong connection with the British Isles. A comprehensive history and genealogy of one particular group, the Irish, is given in the Appendix.

Sons of Japheth: Part V Javan (No. 046E) The Sons of Javan were given their inheritance in the islands and coastlands throughout the world. From both historical sources and recent genetic research, we can see how this has been remarkably fulfilled over the past few millennia.

Sons of Japheth: Part VI Tubal (No. 046F) Tubal has traditionally been identified with Russia and the Ukraine as Meshech and Tubal, but it extends far beyond those areas and into the New World.

Sons of Japheth: Part VII Meshech (No. 046G) Meshech, sixth son of Japheth, is the father of the Slavic peoples. Initially an insignificant, repeatedly subjugated Indo-European group living north of the Carpathian Mountains and the middle Dnieper river area, the Slavic farmers through their persistence managed to survive and ultimately succeeded in occupying a vast territory in Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkan Peninsula. We trace their movements here.

Sons of Japheth: Part VIII Tiras (No. 046H) The break-up and distribution of Tiras over Europe and elsewhere is of some interest and contains a few surprises for many students of the History of Nations.

The Shofar and the Silver Trumpets (No. 047) 1Corinthians 14:8 states: “For if the trumpet gives an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself for the battle”. This concept is an interesting one with far-reaching connotations. The trumpet has a long and important history in the Church. The importance thereof will 18 be examined in this paper. It is our responsibility to give a clear message to the people so they know what to do.

The Doctrines of Demons of the Last Days (No. 048) The basic doctrines of demons that are listed by the Bible as being set to undermine the Faith in the Last Days are examined. Essentially, the paper deals with the two demonic doctrines concerning marriage and meats.

Seven Days of the Feasts (No. 049) Keeping the seven days of the Feasts is often not understood, and even when understood is too often ignored. The Church has to prepare for the Feast of Passover and Unleavened Bread in diligence as it must prepare for all three Feasts in diligence. Each individual is responsible for attending and dedicating himself or herself to God.

The Significance of the Wedding in Cana of Galilee (No. 050) In the synopsis of John we have the only recording of the sign of water being turned into wine at a wedding in Cana of Galilee. We will see that there is not one, but two covenants being described in this account. The second is the covenant Abraham and his seed entered into to follow and obey the One True God.

Passover Questions and the Reasons for Our Faith (No. 051) This paper is issued to the Church for the conduct of the Meal at the Night to Be Much Remembered. At this meal the asking and answering of the questions of the reasons for our actions and faith are required of us.

Repentance and Baptism (No. 052) This paper deals with the doctrines concerning predestination and the calling of God. Repentance and conversion are shown to be prerequisite to baptism and also follow it in the life of the Christian.

Repentance and Rehabilitation in the COG (No. 052B) Two entire church groups in the last days are to be wiped out and sent to the Second Resurrection because of their failure to understand baptism and rehabilitation and their use of defamation as a result.

Hebrew and Islamic Calendar Reconciled (No. 053) The Islamic calendar has been dysfunctional for centuries and in fact not all that long after the death of the Prophet. Despite attempts to reform it by administrators, the clergy, following a bizarre interpretation of the Surah by the Hadith, have frustrated all attempts at reform or restoration. What is the problem and what is the true answer? Why are Judaism and Islam so wrong and so divergent? The answer lies in understanding the perversion of the true Bible Calendar by both religions. The solution is simple.

The Name of God in Islam (No. 054) Since September 11 2001 there has been an extraordinary amount of misinformation and childish vilification occurring as a result of the approach to history and debate in the United States of America, particularly among its religious systems. The derivation of the name of God is one such example.

FAQs in Islam (No. 055) These are very important keys in understanding the Koran. Because the Church and its function is avoided by the Hadithic commentators, the meaning of the Koran (Qur’an) is 19 trivialised and misconstrued so that the followers of Islam can make no real sense out of it.

Keeping the Feasts (No. 056) This paper deals with the background to the keeping of the Feasts of Leviticus 23 that flow on from an understanding of the Fourth Commandment.

FAQ Bible Study Old Testament (No. 057) Frequently Asked Questions on Old Testament texts are listed herein. All answers are predicated on the premise that God exists and that the Bible is the inspired word of God as revealed to His servants the Prophets.

FAQ Bible Study New Testament (No. 058) The Frequently Asked Questions on New Testament texts are listed herein.

FAQ Bible Study General (No. 059) Frequently asked questions on Bible-related matters are listed herein.

FAQ Bible Study Comparative Religions (No. 060) Frequently Asked Questions on Comparative Religions are listed herein.

Anger (No. 061) This work is on the types of anger referred to in the Bible and the way in which we should react to and use anger in our Christian lives.

Role of the Christian Woman (No. 062) This paper looks at the role of women in the Plan of God and the myth that women are relegated to the position of second-class believers. There is One God, one Faith, one Body, one Church but many (male and female) members.

Commentary on Esther (No. 063) This is a detailed analysis of the Book of Esther. The implications contained in the Book of Esther have great significance for modern Christianity. The paper uses the rabbinical commentaries and exposes them to Christian biblical exposition, which produces some significant results.

Commentary on Esther Part II: Purim in the Last Days (No. 063B) Part II takes the Commentary on Esther to the Last Days and examines the days of Purim in the Last Days with the attempts to wipe out the Hebrew people and the consequent results.

The Seven Spirits of God (No. 064) The Seven Spirits of God are the key to understanding the salvation of the Body of Christ, which comprises the Church.

The Leaven of Pentecost (No. 065) The leavened loaves of Pentecost were entirely misunderstood by the Church of God in the last half of the twentieth century. The understanding of the purpose of de-leavening in order to become sons of God in power from the Resurrection of the Dead as Christ was lost for some time. The aim of this paper is to revive that understanding.

From David and the Exilarchs to the House of Windsor (No. 067) 20

In this paper we will review the matter of the Davidic lineages and their place in the British Royal Family. This paper is concerned with the lineage from the biblical Zorobabel or Zerubbabel through the Exilarchs, down to the Houses of Hanover and Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, and from there into the House of Windsor and the British Monarchs from George III. It will be seen that Her Majesty Elizabeth II, Queen of England and the Commonwealth, is the direct lineal descendant of David the son of Jesse, King of Israel, in the acknowledged royal line.

The False Messiah (No. 067B) We often come across some of the propaganda from the Rabbis regarding why Yahoshua (Jesus/Iesou or Joshua) the Christ did not fulfil the scriptures and hence could not be the Messiah. It is a good time to deal with this fiction and expose some of this rabbinical propaganda for the fallacy that it is and where it is directed.

Hittites in the House of David (No. 067C) There are many surprising and little understood aspects to the size and extent of the House of David and how it has expanded to cover the nations. It has extended the Messianic families and incorporated what are basically Hittite lineages.

Formation of the Christian Churches of God (No. 068) Due to increasing interest in the Church, the how and why of the formation of the Christian Churches of God is explained so that a more informed approach can be adopted by those people studying us. We also look at the names allocated to the Church and its common generic name, which is shown to be the Church of God in the singular and Churches of God in the plural.

The Acts 15 Conference (No. 069) In this paper we will talk about an erroneous view that has been pushed into the Churches of God from late Protestantism. It is based on the forgery in Acts 15 in the Textus Receptus that strikes at the Law of God.

The Ascents of Moses (No. 070) Moses was to take Israel out of Egypt and take them before their God to receive the Law though the hands of the Being that spoke to them from Sinai. Moses was to ascend the mountain of God six times to speak with the elohim who later became Jesus Christ. The journey has great significance for the Calendar and the spiritual journey for all of the faithful.

The Angel and Abraham's Sacrifice (No. 071) The proposed sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham is examined from a point of view which seeks to explain the role of the Angel of YHVH (Yahovah) in this activity and explain how this activity does not compromise the omniscience of God. The role of the Angel in the protection of Abraham is seen also in the establishment of Isaac.

Conversion and Truth (No.072) The concept of conversion as a process of turning from error is shown to be a fundamental teaching of Christ.

Samson and the Judges (No. 073) The activities and evils of Israel under the Judges were to eventuate in the raising of Samson as Judge of Israel from the tribe of Dan. The story is examined from a spiritual point of view, showing the sequences as they apply to the development of the Holy Spirit 21 in the individual under the direction of Jesus Christ. This story has some interesting and surprising lessons for today in our understanding of the activities of Messiah.

The Cult Mentality (No. 074) This paper examines the cult mentality in people who have been associated with churches not concerned with the acceptance of, and adherence to, truth. The definition of a cult is examined as is the modern application of the term. The main impact of placing anything before the love of the Father is seen as identifying a group as a cult.

The Blessings and the Curses (No. 075) This paper examines Deuteronomy 28 and its application to the nation.

Binitarianism and Trinitarianism (No. 076) This paper deals with the logical basis of both Binitarianism and Trinitarianism. The non- biblical nature of the doctrines and their establishment is demonstrated. The paper examines a series of logical inconsistencies developed from Trinitarian exposition which are framed in terms of questions arising from Trinitarian contradiction of New Testament doctrine arising from key Scripture.

The assertion of some Churches of God that the early Church was Binitarian is an unqualified late twentieth century fabrication.

Ditheism (No. 076B) This paper will review WCG publications and will shed light on the errors of Ditheism, which is a form of pagan polytheism and is currently taught by ministers within the WCG offshoots even to this day. These ministers are unable to overcome this error in their understanding of God and Christ’s nature, and their relationship to each other. The understanding within the congregations of these ministers suffers as a result of this false doctrine. Some in the offshoots are now trying to cover up this heresy by asserting that WCG was Binitarian, as it is asserted was the early church. The assertion is a fabrication on both counts. The writers of this paper have over 130 years combined experience with the WCG, its offshoots and the Churches of God.

Christ and the Archangel Michael (No. 076B2) The elohim of Israel in the OT texts was never understood as the One True God. Rather he was a subordinate elohim who had himself an elohim or God above him which was Eloah. This being and His God Eloah are clearly identified in the OT and NT texts and to assert otherwise is a serious fabrication.

Origins of Radical Unitarianism and Binitarianism (No. 076C) Many purporting Christians seek to explain the nature of God in terms of Radical Unitarianism or Binitarianism not realising that the doctrines they claim are in fact the doctrines of pagan gods and have been used to destroy the church set up by Jesus Christ.

Effects of 20th Century Churches of God Doctrine on the Nature of God (No. 076D) In this paper we will examine some serious errors in the Churches of God that entered it in the 20th century with the Ditheism of Herbert Armstrong.

Why the Churches of God Collapsed from the US (No. 076E) In this paper we will examine why the Churches of God and particularly the Worldwide Church of God collapsed and what could have been done to save them.

Sanctification of the Nations (No. 077) 22

The Last Days have a sequence of the reduction of the Nations to a position where they can be brought in to a relationship with God and the world prepared for the millennial reign of Jesus Christ. Those last years of the end are reflected in the period of Sanctification of the Temple and the conduct of the Feasts of the First and the Seventh months.

How to Determine the Day of the Next Conjunction, Easily (No. 078) The modern Islamic and formerly the ancient Jewish community have attempted to estimate the time when a first crescent moon can be seen. With the ancient lists of approved witnesses it proved difficult to predict the day in question and made publishing a lunar calendar impossible. Even with modern equipment and available quick computations, regularly knowing the time when a first crescent moon can be seen has proved to be impossible. The conjunction – the time of the true New Moon – cannot be seen. However, by obtaining the number of centimetres separating the Sun and Moon at sunrise and multiplying this number times two, anyone can easily determine the time and the day of the next conjunction.

The Basis of Biblical Leadership (No. 079) The responsibility of biblical leadership is examined. The Elder is shown to have some significant responsibilities which cannot be avoided. The responsibility of each of the members of the Church is also highly significant.

The Judgment of the Demons (No. 080) This paper deals with the period at the end of the millennial reign of Christ when the demons are judged against the performance of the elect in the last Millennium. The process of the judgment has some surprising conclusions regarding the judgment and punishment of the demons from the point of view of the logical necessities of the nature and attributes of God.

Consubstantial with the Father (No. 081) This paper examines the modern theological understanding regarding the Trinity and the Unitarian nature of rational and biblical Theism. The purposes behind the Trinitarian doctrine of Consubstantiation are examined. The action of the divine nature is examined, and the interaction of God with the Host and humanity is shown to be dependent upon consubstantiation. The creation of the Holy Spirit is discussed, as are the philosophical conflicts arising from Trinitarian doctrines. The Shema of Deuteronomy 6:4 is discussed, as is the way in which God is One.

The Relationship between Salvation by Grace and the Law (No. 082) This is the first of a series on the Grace and Law issue. The paper commences with the biblical position of God as the source of salvation. The position of the Law in relation to salvation by grace is discussed. The obligations under the Law are discussed and it is explained why Christians keep the Law.

The Koran on the Bible, the Law, and the Covenant (No. 083) The Koran has a very definite message concerning the Bible or Scripture and the Law and the Covenant. The Koran confirms the message of the Bible and the Law and the Testimony and the Covenant of God. No professing Muslim can be of the Faith without adherence to Scripture and the Law of God within the baptism and the body of the Church of God.

Know Ye Not? (No. 084) 23

The phrase “know ye not” is used 15 times in the New Testament. This paper examines what it is the writers felt important that should have been understood by the early Church.

The Basis of Christian Living (No. 085) This paper shows the biblical position to be that the Ten Commandments are the basis of Christian living. This is then discussed. It leads into the other works in the Grace-Law series.

Faith and Works (No. 086) This paper shows the relationship between Faith and Works. It shows the requirement to repent from dead works. The demonstration of faith is seen to be held, by the Apostles to be from works.

Psalms from the Temple Worship (No. 087) The Temple system used specific Psalms in its daily sacrifice. Here we reproduce and examine those Psalms.

The Original Doctrines of the Christian Faith (No. 088) The Trinity did not come into existence until it was defined at the Council of Constantinople in 381. At Nicea in 325 the Trinity was not formulated. Only the foundation of the Binitarian structure was laid down here. All the Catholic Church was Unitarian until the Modal structure entered Rome from the worship of Attis in the beginning of the third century.

Heresy in the Apostolic Church (No. 089) This paper deals with the nature of the Colossian and Galatian heresies. It is logically part of the Grace-Law series and deals with the position on the Law according to Paul. The text goes on to develop the position in John’s Churches. The Gnostic doctrines are also discussed. The first-century position on the Messiah of two Advents is also discussed from the Dead Sea Scrolls’ evidence. Paul’s position is shown to be misconstrued by modern orthodoxy. This paper leads into the next paper Distinction in the Law (No. 96) and also to The Works of the Law Text - or MMT (No. 104).

Cursing the Fig Tree (No. 090) The cursing of the fig tree by Jesus Christ has great significance for the ritual of the Church of God. It falls in the sequence of the Cleansing and Sanctification of the Temple of God.

Abraham and Sodom (No. 091) This paper covers the activities which built up to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. The movements of Abraham are critically examined, as is the treatment of Sodom and Gomorrah. The lessons for today’s world are evident from the narrative. The activities of Lot and his family are also significant.

The Soul (No. 092) The Soul doctrine is an inherently rebellious proposition that says that man shall not surely die. In general, the religious systems of the world assert that the soul is eternal. The biblical position on the soul was altered by syncretism within the early Church, as we see examined in this paper.

Preparation for the Passover Meal on the Night of Watching (No. 093) The annual Passover Meal, when prepared for and correctly observed, will provide an excellent environment to instruct the children and the unconverted. It is a good opportunity for all to develop their understanding and their ability to explain the reasons for their faith. 24

Our Dwelling Place (No. 094) This paper deals with the fall of humanity from the Garden of Eden. The implications for the Church are examined and the basis of our struggle with Satan is outlined. The dwelling place of Satan in Revelation 2:12-13 is contrasted with the dwelling place of the elect. The division of the creation caused by the fallen Host is shown to be the central problem facing the restoration and the Church. The original representation of God on the Earth was not through the Gentile Church but was of and through Scripture.

The Millennium and the Rapture (No. 095) This paper examines the early millennialist position of the Church against the modern theories of the rapture. The early doctrines are developed from the early writers. The origins of the rapture doctrine are discussed. The production of the modern doctrines and also the activities of the Jesuit priests Ribera and Bellarmine are discussed. The activities of Samuel Maitland in the production of this false doctrine are also discussed.

Distinction in the Law (No. 096) This paper examines the distinction between the moral and sacrificial law. The distinction forms part of the basis for the activities in Genesis. The paper also deals with the broader aspects of the Laws of God. The specific distinctions made by the Reformers are listed as the Articles of Faith from the Second Helvetic Convention through the Thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England of 1571 and of other important Reformation articles up to the Methodist Articles of Religion of 1784. The statements are important in their own right.

First and Second Statements of the Covenant of God (No. 096B) The myth that God established another separate covenant which did away with the Law of God is an Antinomian fiction. The truth is much simpler.

The Holy Days of God (No. 097) This paper deals with the significance and purpose of the Holy Days. The Feasts as part of the Plan of Salvation are explained. The Feasts are also shown to be Law. The early theological argument for the abolition of the Feasts which were kept by the early Church is shown to be theologically incorrect. The relationship of the Feasts to the Church and also of the Temple and sacrifice is also discussed. The Feasts are shown to be central to the Faith and form part of the seal of God.

The Passover (No. 098) This paper deals with the timing and significance of the Passover and the distinction from the pagan Easter festival. The different phases of the Passover festival are examined. These are broken into the Lord’s Supper, the Passover night proper or Night To Be Much Remembered and the Feast of Unleavened Bread.

Significance of the Footwashing (No. 099) Together with the paper Significance of the Bread and Wine (No. 100), this deals with the significance of the elements of the Lord’s Supper, which constitutes the second sacrament of the Church. The footwashing signifies the laying aside of the life of Messiah.

Significance of the Bread and Wine (No. 100) This paper denotes the body and blood sacrifice of Christ and the symbolism of the elements of the Faith. 25

The Night to be Much Observed (No. 101) It is written: And this day shall be unto you for a memorial; and ye shall keep it a feast to the Lord throughout your generations; ye shall keep it a feast by an ordinance for ever.

I Thirst (No. 102) The final words spoken by Christ at his death have prophetic significance and relate to the entire structure of the sacrificial laws and the expiation of sin and reconciliation to God, as foretold in the Psalms and other testimony.

The Lord's Supper (No. 103) This paper examines the complex meaning behind the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. The preparation day and the Passover are explained. The sequence of the foot-washing and the bread and wine are expounded as they are enacted. The relationship to the Exodus and the Passover are also explained. The blood of the New Covenant and the entry to the Holy of Holies of the High Priest who was Messiah is the forerunner to us all becoming sons of God. The meaning of the Passover symbolism in relation to other texts is examined. The texts of John 14 and John 17 are explained.

The Lord's Supper (No. 103A) This is a shorter paper that may be read at the Lord’s Supper. It examines the sequences and meaning of the foot-washing and the bread and wine. The texts of John 14 and John 17 are explained.

Procedures for the Lord's Supper (No. 103B) Provides information for individuals who are unable to attend with a group.

False Doctrines re Timing of the Lord’s Supper (No. 103C) The apostle Paul warns that the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into fables (2Tim.4:3-4).

The Works of the Law Text - or MMT (No. 104) This paper explains what it is that Paul refers to as the Works of the Law in his epistles. This most misunderstood subject is explained in view of the more recent archaeological evidence using the Dead Sea Scrolls. The texts translated by Qimron and Strugnell are examined. It shows that the Works of the Law is a body of writings extant in the first century, the Miqsat Ma’ase Ha-Torah or MMT, and which have only recently been recovered. This makes Paul more intelligible to modern Christians.

Moses and the Gods of Egypt (No. 105) This paper explains the way in which Moses dealt with Pharaoh. The tasks and plagues inflicted on Egypt are explained in relation to each of the gods of Egypt that God was refuting. The plagues can be seen in their original theological context. Moses’ life is explained in terms of the general divisions of the Plan of Salvation which show the approximate nature of the time-frames. The Exodus is compared with the structure of the Book of the Dead and a better understanding of the terminology is obtained. This paper is important to a proper understanding of the Exodus.

The Old and the New Leaven (No. 106a) The symbolism of leaven in the New Testament is used in reference to old and new leaven. We are to remove one sort of leaven and replace it with another. This symbolism has great spiritual significance for the Christian. The Feast of Unleavened Bread is understood in this light as replacing the old leaven of malice and wickedness with the leaven of sincerity and 26 truth. There is also leaven in the offerings at Pentecost and this also has symbolism for the Church in relation to the great leaven of the Holy Spirit.

The Wave Sheaf Offering (No. 106b) The significance of the Wave-Sheaf Offering in the context of Messiah’s Advent and return on the Sunday after the resurrection the previous evening is explained. The sequence of the offerings and the concept of the first-fruits are explained. The meaning of the Old Testament offerings which show what Christ was accomplishing through his ascension and return that evening is explained.

The Seven Great Passovers of the Bible (No. 107) This paper explains the sequence of the seven great Passovers of the Bible and their meaning in the build-up to the coming of Messiah in the Incarnation. The forerunners to the Passover are explained and then the meaning behind the Passovers in the Exodus, the fall of Jericho, and with Gideon, Hezekiah, Josiah, Ezra and, finally, the Messiah are discussed. The framework of the Passovers is explained in relation to the life of a man, the Jubilee system and the parables in Genesis 2:9, Zechariah 4:3-6 and Luke 3:7-14 are explained. The years of the tree from Luke 13:6-9 take on a much fuller meaning or significance from this paper.

The Meaning of Ezekiel's Vision (No. 108) Ezekiel’s Vision has been explained as being spacecraft with wheels and wings and other fanciful objects. The Bible clearly identifies them as Cherubim. What does the vision mean? What lessons are there to be drawn from the vision? Here we see the significance.

Ezekiel 34 and the Shepherds of Israel (No. 108B) The prophet Ezekiel was given a most important prophecy dealing with the Shepherds of Israel. It speaks directly to us today.

The Tongues Question (No. 109) This paper examines the full meaning of the tongues question and the historical position of the Church on the matter over the centuries. The biblical texts are examined for their context and meaning. The position of the Apostles in relation to the matter is demonstrated.

Theory of the Just War (No. 110) This paper is an historical and philosophical analysis of Just War Theory that demonstrates the development of the process with Augustine of Hippo and through the Orthodox or Catholic system from the fifth century. The meaning of the papal bull Unam Sanctam is explained and the implications that holds for war and Just War Theory as well as for the concept of the Church as an exclusive organised body, membership of which is essential to salvation. The history of the doctrine up until modern times is of great importance to Christians who adopt any position on military service or warfare.

Teach Us to Pray (No. 111) This paper examines the correct structure of prayer under the direction of Jesus Christ. The meaning of the terms and the significance for prayer in worship are explained. Hindrances to prayer are examined and guidelines in prayer are suggested.

Praying to Christ or Beings other than the Father (No. 111b) In the last half of the Twentieth Century a badly educated ministry began to teach that it was permissible sometimes to pray to Christ as well as to the Father who is the main object of prayer. Although they never actually did it in the Churches of God until the great apostasy of 1993/4, and only in some churches, the error is starting to permeate many of the WCG offshoots and needs to be exposed. 27

Forgiveness (No. 112) The concept of forgiveness is central to the relationship we develop with God through prayer. This paper examines forgiving others, including our enemies, in order to achieve forgiveness from God. The flow of mercy from repentance and the parables in relation to forgiveness are also examined.

Reconciliation through Forgiveness (No. 112B) This text follows on from the paper Forgiveness (No. 112) and deals with the reconciliation to the Church and the brethren.

Proverbs 30 (No. 113) The purpose of this paper is to analyse Proverbs 30 in a way that stimulates the reader to think deeply about his or her life. It is written in a way that hopes to make the reader ask pertinent questions.

Proverbs 31 (No. 114) This most misunderstood and misapplied text is examined for its spiritual intent. Too often have women been subjected to this text by an unenlightened theology. The real meaning behind the texts gives real power to women and greater responsibility to the Church.

Pentecost at Sinai (No. 115) This work follows on from the papers on the Exodus involving both Moses and the gods of Egypt (see the paper Moses and the Gods of Egypt (No. 105)) and also Moses and the Exodus (see the paper The Passover (No. 98)). It deals with exactly who gave the Law at Sinai and how. The sequence of the move to Sinai is explained in terms of the meaning of the stops and a better understanding emerges. The power of the Host as given from God is also examined in relation to the giving of the Law and the events at Sinai.

The Names of God (No. 116) The names of God are given and explained. The context in which they are used is important to an understanding of how God is acting and through whom He speaks.

Dialogue on the Name and Nature of God (No. 116A) This is a dialogue between people of various views on the Name and Nature of God.

The Holy Spirit (No. 117) The Holy Spirit is explained in detail. The original disputes concerning the operation of the Spirit and the application in the Testaments are examined. The Spirit is shown to be a power of God and not a person. The way in which the Spirit operates is seen to be the enabling factor for the elect to become elohim or theoi as the early Church contended and as Zechariah 12:8 holds. This paper is central to an understanding of the Godhead.

The Problem of Evil (No. 118) This paper deals with the problem of evil, the omniscience of God and the theory of obligation.

Genealogy of the Messiah (No. 119) The significance of the genealogy of the Messiah from Adam is explained in this paper. The texts in Matthew 1 and Luke 3 are examined and the apparent contradiction between them and Chronicles is also explained. The correct and true meaning shows that Messiah was indeed sent to save sinners. 28

The Harvests of God, the New Moon Sacrifices, and the 144,000 (No. 120) This paper shows the complex interrelationship between the Plan of Salvation and the significance of the sacrificial system. The examination shows that there is a definite relationship between the numbers involved on a yearly and Jubilee basis (using both the prophetic year and also the sign of Jonah), and the composition of the seventy and the 144,000. The New Testament Church’s adherence to the New Moons, Sabbaths and Holy Days is seen in a more comprehensive structure.

Micah 5:2-3 (No. 121) The use of this text by Binitarians is examined and shown to be incorrect. The exposition of the Dual Power heresy is demonstrated as false. This paper examines the prophecy of this text in relation to Messiah and his relationship to God.

General Distribution of the Sabbath-keeping Churches (No. 122) This important paper traces the Sabbath-keeping Churches from the first century into the Middle East, Europe and throughout Asia. Covering a span of some two millennia, it is a comprehensive record not only of the Churches but also of the lengths to which the Sunday- worshipping system went to wipe them out under persecution.

The Fate of the Twelve Apostles (No. 122B) What happened to the twelve Apostles? Some died by martyrdom and others died from natural causes. In this paper we look at where each of them preached and where each met his end, according to the writings of Hippolytus.

The Death of the Prophets and Saints (No. 122C) The death of the prophets is of significance to Israel and to their fate in the Last Days.

Leaving Babylon (No. 123) The departure of Ezra from Babylon on the First Day of the First Month and his arrival at Jerusalem on the First Day of the Fifth Month is often incorrectly used as an example that Ezra did not keep the New Moons. When we examine the powerful Spiritual message behind these dates, it adds immense power to the understanding of the New Moons and God’s Plan of Salvation as revealed in Scripture.

Commentary on the UCG Doctrinal Paper: Should Christians Observe New Moons? (No. 124) This paper issued by the Doctrinal Committee of the United Church of God, an International Association (UCG aia) is correctly an appeal to ignorance. It shows an appalling lack of understanding of Ancient History, Paleoanthropology and Archaeology at best. At worst, it is wilful ignorance to justify an incorrect position. It is published here in full with comments in the public interest.

Letter to the Churches of God re the New Moons and the Hillel Calendar (No. 124B) During the recent two centuries the Churches of God ceased keeping the New Moons, and in the twentieth century they introduced Ditheism and the Hillel calendar and some later Binitarianism with the result that very few of the Churches of God worship the right God on the correct days. This is a very serious situation for the Churches of God in the Last Days.

The New Moons (No. 125) The biblical importance of the restoration of the New Moons and the basis of the festivals under the Law are examined in this paper. The early rabbinic practices are examined, as are the texts from which they worked. The New Testament adherence to the New Moon festivals is a matter of fact. 29

David and Goliath (No. 126) This paper deals with the story of David and Goliath and develops the spiritual and prophetic significance of the activities surrounding the conflict. The underlying theme of the story cross- relates to the Messianic victory over the world systems. The background to the Philistine occupation of the Holy Land is given. The establishment of Israel in Canaan is developed and the details of the story of the removal of the Ark of the Covenant are also given in the build-up to the battle and the establishment of the monarchy. The establishment in the line of David is the end result of the activities.

Early Theology of the Godhead (No. 127) This paper examines the early patristic writings and isolates their view of the Godhead. It establishes beyond dispute that the early writers were neither Trinitarians nor Binitarians, and did not believe that Christ existed from the infinite past. This paper is useful in tracing the gradual distortion of theology into the Trinitarian structure.

Binitarian and Trinitarian Misrepresentation of the Early Theology of the Godhead (No. 127B) Some Binitarian and Trinitarian advocates misuse the early writings of the Church to assert that the Early Church was Binitarian or Trinitarian. Such views are known and admitted to be incorrect by responsible academics yet these advocates persist with the fabrication.

Melchisedek (No. 128) The identification of the entity known as Melchisedek has always been a problem for many Bible students. This paper looks at the rabbinical traditions as well as showing the probable identity and reasons behind the activities of this figure. The significance of the Melchisedek priesthood can be better understood from this paper.

Encouragement and Discouragement (No. 130) Trials are necessary for our development as Christians; however, they often bring discouragement and despair. To counter this, it is necessary to be able to give and receive encouragement as a tool of love. Encouragement can help motivate a person, give a feeling of self-worth, and promote emotional and even physical well-being, as examined in this paper.

The Mysteries of God (No. 131) The revelation of God is examined in the terms of the Mysteries and their stewardship in the elect. The parables of the talents and the wise and foolish virgins are also examined. The stages of the revelation of the Mysteries of God are examined and placed in sequence.

The New Moons of Israel (No. 132) This paper carries on from the first paper, The New Moons (No. 125), and deals with the spiritual significance of the New Moons. The keeping of the New Moons by the Church over the centuries is also examined.

Eternal Life (No. 133) The concept of eternal life is examined here, with the assertion of the co-eternality of Messiah with God being examined from the biblical texts. The concepts of Time and Immortality are examined, as are the assumptions of the Trinitarian structure. The philosophical problems that arise are compared with the biblical texts.

Joshua, the Messiah, the Son of God (No. 134) 30

This paper deals with the object of worship that is Eloah. The son who was elohim of Israel and Joshua the Messiah is shown in the correct biblical context. The use of Joshua in the Bible is also discussed.

The Witnesses (including the Two Witnesses) (No. 135) This work deals with the identity of the Witnesses and poses the only source of biblical identification. The two viable alternatives are discussed as well as the option that involves time travel. This perhaps overlooked solution is nevertheless an important and exciting possibility. Various terms are used for the Two Witnesses that stand on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in the Last Days. The terms are the Two Witnesses, the Two Lampstands and the Two Candlesticks. They are also referred to as the Two Olive Trees or the Two Golden Lampstands that stand before the God of this Earth.

Trumpets (No. 136) This paper deals with the two aspects of the Feast of Trumpets, the first being the return of Messiah. This phase goes on through the development of the Church to the Advent and millennial reign of Christ and the gathering of Israel. The second aspect is the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Here the Gospel accounts are examined in detail and the sequence surrounding the marriage of Christ to the Church is discussed. The major factor of the nature of the wedding garment of the elect is of importance to all Christians.

Measuring the Temple (No. 137) This paper is a lengthy exposition of the measuring of the Temple of God and the prophecies involving Israel and the nations over the last phase of thirty years up to the commencement of the Millennium. The removal of the three classes of leadership, namely the Priests, Prophets and Princes, is examined. The judgment of the sheep in relation to the way they treat each other is central to the last phase of the measurement. The parable of the sheep and goats is perhaps better understood from this text. The paper interrelates with the understanding of The Witnesses (No. 135) and The Warning of the Last Days (No. 144) together with the wars of the end.

Atonement (No. 138) The understanding of the Day of Atonement is also critical to an understanding of the role of Messiah in the process. The purpose of atonement in the Temple sacrifices is discussed, together with the function of atonement in the Jubilee system.

Ingathering (No. 139) The Ingathering offering that commences the Feast of Tabernacles is regulated by ordinance and has a series of requirements which the Christian should know. The three offering sequences are regulated. This paper covers the Feast of Ingathering, the Atonement census and tax, full moons, Pentecost, Trumpets, the judgement of Satan, jobs of the resurrected, and training in the army of God.

The Seven Seals (No. 140) This paper deals with the seven seals of Revelation and explains their meaning. The development of the seals over the last two thousand years is examined and the sequence up to the return of Messiah is given. This process culminates in the seventh seal, which is in fact the seven trumpets.

The Seven Trumpets (No. 141) The seven trumpets of Revelation lead up to Messiah. The wars of the end are part of this sequence. The actual sequence is detailed with a flow chart of the seals and trumpets. 31

Wars of the Last Days and the Vials of the Wrath of God (No. 141B) The Wars of the Last Days will force the intervention of Messiah to save those who eagerly await him. At the Return of the Messiah the world will be brought into subjection to Jesus Christ under the Vials of the Wrath of God. This is how it will occur.

The Fall of Jericho (No. 142) This paper deals with the prophetic implications of the fall of Jericho and explains how the sequence of the seven seals and trumpets with the vials of the wrath of God is prefigured in the story of Jericho. The significance of the story of Rahab is shown to prefigure the conversion of the Gentiles and points to Messiah as ruler of the nations.

The Resurrection of the Dead (No. 143) The paper deals with the First and Second Resurrections of the dead. The purpose of each resurrection is discussed, as is the end result of the process. The identification of the Nephilim and the denial of the resurrection to them is examined and explained. This paper also deals with the explanation of pre-Adamic man and is important for all who would seek to reconcile the Bible with scientific findings in the 20th century.

Heaven, Hell or the First Resurrection of the Dead (No. 143A) The First Resurrection of the Dead is the resurrection of the Churches of God at the Return of the Messiah. On no other doctrine was the faith of the true Christian so clearly defined.

The Second Resurrection and the Great White Throne Judgment (No. 143B) The Second Resurrection of the Dead and the Great White Throne Judgment is the end of the physical existence as we know it. This takes the sequence from the end of the millennial system through the release of Satan and the General Resurrection of the Dead and the judgment and re-education of all who have ever lived.

The Eternal Kingdom of God (No. 144) This paper deals with the final outcome and objective of the Plan of Salvation. The City of God is explained (see also the paper The City of God (No. 180)) and the spiritual significance is identified. The movement of God to this planetary system necessitates the reordering of the administrative structure of the universe. This is examined.

Song of Songs (No. 145) This paper is a detailed commentary on the Song of Songs using the rabbinical commentaries themselves to isolate the clear Messianic intent of the Song. This surprising story is a must for all who would see the possibility of the conversion of Judah and understand better the nature of the Church and its relationship with Messiah.

Fruit of the Holy Spirit (No. 146) Further to the paper The Holy Spirit (No. 117), we proceed to develop the concepts of the place of the Holy Spirit and its relationship in the Godhead. From an understanding of that position we might then be able to more correctly understand, from the biblical narrative, its purpose and hence its end product in the elect.

The Deity of Christ (No. 147) This most important paper examines the biblical position on the deity of Christ. The paper examines and discusses the various positions from Radical Unitarianism to Trinitarian Process Theology. The pre-existence of Christ is demonstrated from Scripture. The paper On Immortality (No. 165) complements this paper. 32

The Noahide Laws (No. 148) The fraud of the Noahide Laws has been passed on the world to distance Judaism from Christianity and to deny the Laws of God coming from His nature and the absolute relationship of the Law and the Patriarchs and the extension of the Laws of God to mankind. Its purpose is to establish antinomianism and the fiction that God gave the law to Levites to place in Israel and that the Trinitarian Sunday worshipping church is not bound by it.

The Toronto Blessing, Hysteria and Demon Possession (No. 149) There is a recent phenomenon that is sweeping the English-speaking world which has its origins in the city of Toronto, Canada. It derives its name from that fact, together with the assertion that it is some form of blessing as a spiritual manifestation. Hence, it is termed The Toronto Blessing. It is assumed that this phenomenon is a manifestation of the Holy Spirit and that those affected by this phenomenon are somehow in receipt of the Holy Spirit.

The Sacraments of the Church (No. 150) Most churches claim to have power over various aspects of human life, and that members must have the participation of the church in those activities for them to be valid. This paper examines the claims of the Sacraments of Marriage, Last Rites (Extreme Unction), Eucharist (Holy Communion), Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, and concludes there are only two authorised by the New Testament.

God and the Church (No. 151) This paper deals with the Church. It explains how God is dealing with people and how He forms and uses the Church among the nations of the world.

The Covenant of God (No. 152) A common fallacy is that God has made completely different covenants in Old Testament times and in the New Testament era, as if God had made a mistake with ancient Israel and failed them and is now trying to correct the blunders with a New Covenant. The truth is that God is reliable and trustworthy and does not make mistakes. He deals fairly and consistently and the covenants illustrate these qualities. His Covenant with mankind throughout history is neither fragmented nor capricious. This paper examines the purpose of the Covenant and its involvement with three groups important to God: Abraham, Israel at Sinai, and New Testament Christians.

The First Commandment: The Sin of Satan (No. 153) The Bible is predicated upon the story of the creation and the rebellion of the heavenly Host within that process. The chief figure in that rebellion was one of the sons of God who the Bible refers to by various names – the most common is Satan. Satan was known by other names which bear light on his nature and indicate his sin.

The Nephilim (No. 154) The Nephilim are first mentioned in the Bible in Genesis 6:4 as the offspring of "the sons of God" and "the daughters of men". This is a general theme found throughout the ancient world and is not confined to the Bible. This paper examines ancient records, the titans, the raksasa of the Ramayana, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Genesis Apocryphon, the Gibbowrim and Rephaim. Using a variety of reference works, particularly The Companion Bible, conclusions about the Nephilim are drawn.

The Gender of the Holy Spirit (No. 155) One of the most controversial topics of Christianity is the Holy Spirit. All agree he/it exists but there are many ideas of what he/it is. Some use Greek Scriptures, which they claim refer 33 to the Holy Spirit as “he” and conclude that the Holy Spirit must be a person. In this paper, these Scriptures are analysed and conclusions on the gender of the Holy Spirit are drawn.

God's Calendar (No. 156) The Calendar put in place by God was set in motion at the creation. It does not depend on man or on any system of observation to determine. It was in place during the entire Temple period of Israel and is not the same calendar as observed by Jews today. Christians are obliged by Law and the Testimony of the Bible to keep this Calendar and no other.

The Sabbath and the Lunar Cycle (No. 156B) There are some people trying to assert that the Sabbath is determined from the New Moon and the Lunar Cycle. The argument is ludicrous and has never occurred.

The Origin and Basis of the Karaite Division (No. 156C) In this paper we will examine the Origin and Basis of the Karaite heresy and its attitude to and conflict with Rabbinical Judaism.

God’s Calendar, Temple Worship and the Books of Enoch and Jubilees (No. 156D) Here we will address the issue of when we worship as the strange and satanic idea is going around advancing the Calendar based on the Book of Enoch and the Book of Jubilees both emanating from the second century BCE. This heretical belief emerges from time to time in the uneducated offshoots of the Churches of God.

Commentary on Isaiah Part IV: Messianic Prophecy through Isaiah to Hezekiah (No. 157D) God spoke to Hezekiah through the prophet Isaiah. Judah did not fully understand that it was concerning the Messiah and the exact timing of his mission and the formation of the Church of God. Modern Judaism is completely blind to it.

Frequently Asked Questions: The New Moons (No. 158) One of the most difficult aspects of the Law of God is that of the New Moons. Should they be kept? If so, how? Should they be kept as Sabbaths? If so, what about our jobs? The world system operates in such a way as to make it very difficult for the New Moons to be kept as Sabbaths and the world’s calendar hides them. There are many questions raised on this issue.

Timing of the Crucifixion and the Resurrection (No. 159) Conventional Christendom teaches a Friday crucifixion and Sunday resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. Historical records show this doctrine was not taught by the Apostles or the early New Testament Church. This paper examines the Scriptures, history, lunar calendar data, and recent research evidence and lets them provide the truth of the timing. Evidence is presented that Christ’s ministry was for two-and-a-half years, not for three-and-a-half years as has sometimes been inferred from some translations of Daniel 9. A detailed analysis of the events during the six days before the Passover is provided. This paper includes new work which shows that the year of the crucifixion was 30 CE rather than 31 CE or 33 CE as many have believed.

The Purpose of the Creation and the Sacrifice of Christ (No. 160) This paper deals with a misconception of the nature of Christ. Some believe that, if Christ were not both God and an eternally existing uncreated being, then his sacrifice would be inadequate to reconcile mankind to God. The root of this belief is shown to lie in the inadequacy of Greek philosophy and the misapprehension of the nature of the Bible system and the purpose of the creation. 34

Tithing (No. 161) Tithing is common to many religions. Some leaders have made high demands on their followers, even preaching up to three separate tithes at times. This paper investigates tithing in the Bible and draws conclusions relevant to Jews and Christians today. Persons who have paid three tithes are in for some pleasant surprises.

The Sin of Onan (No. 162) For centuries the Christian churches of various persuasions have identified the sin of Onan with masturbation and identified this act as the reason for the fact that the Lord slew Onan. This has become part of secular myth and entered the language in specific terminology. This paper points out the error in this belief and exposes a related sin committed by many of the churches themselves.

Christ and the Koran (No. 163) Christianity, Judaism, and Islam have the same roots in Abraham. The great theologians (e.g. Calvin, Harnack, Brunner) agree that Rational Theism, Judaism, the Bible, and Islam are Unitarian. Theoretically, the faiths should be able to agree on the God they worship, and work towards a unified world family. Why is that not so? This paper examines similarities and conflicts in history and beliefs. It analyses the God of the Bible and the Koran, the names of God, historical developments, concepts and details of a Messiah, beliefs in a Millennium and resurrections. Many Christians will be surprised with the Mohammed’s teachings in the Koran about the Christ of the Bible.

The Bible (No. 164) Is the Christian Bible the inspired word of an all-powerful, loving God as some people claim, or is it merely a collection of writings of wise men as some others claim? This paper is a response to an enquiry from a guild of the Roman Catholic Church which teaches that the Bible is not the sole rule of faith.

Alleged Bible Contradictions (No. 164B) This paper deals with commonly quoted Bible texts alleged to be contradictory and their explanations. They are often quoted by Atheists who have no real knowledge of the Bible. The text is to assist members of the churches of God to answer the claims.

Antinomian Destruction of Christianity by Misuse of Scripture (No. 164C) The Christian Faith has been attacked and undermined from its very beginning. The attacks are based on the Gnostic structures that have attached themselves like parasites onto both the Pagan and Jewish systems that preceded it. The two main thrusts of Gnosticism are aimed at the Nature of God and the Laws of God. The Scriptures here can assist in Bible marking.

Antinomian Attacks on the Law of God (No. 164D) It has been brought to our attention that the doctrine of Antinomian Gnosticism that entered the Churches of God through the errors of the WCG and the Binitarian/Trinitarians in that system was far more well-entrenched and extends into the Antinomian Trinitarians of the US religious system. Very much like the US political system, these Antinomians talk past each other and anyone speaking or trying to hold a serious discussion about the Biblical structure and especially the law of God. It is also important that we understand the function and origins of the attacks on the Law of God.

Antinomian Denial of Baptism (No. 164E) Antinomians deny the necessity of the sacrament of baptism and the laying on of hands. 35

Forgeries and Additions/Mistranslations in the Bible (No. 164F) It has been said before that there were several forgeries and mistranslations in certain Bibles. We will list these for our reference and identify what is the correct translation. We will try to deal with these and at least examine the implications of the most important errors or forgeries.

Forgeries and Mistranslations Relating to the Position of Christ (No. 164G) Binitarianism is not a doctrine of the Churches of God. It is pagan heresy that was inserted into the Churches of God in the RCG/WCG system by Armstrong and his Ditheist heretics and then those who tried to make the two god’s of Armstrongism make sense in Bintarianism.

On Immortality (No. 165) Many Christians have grown up with the concept of a Trinitarian Christian Godhead, which was introduced several centuries after Christ and the Apostles, and have accepted it without question and without verifying it in the Bible. Paradoxically, the Bible does not teach the Trinity. The Apostles never even heard the word “trinity”, and certainly never taught a three- party Godhead. A related concept of a dual, co-eternal Godhead was introduced and spread by Herbert Armstrong in the twentieth century. This paper addresses the basis of the Armstrong Binitarian (or more accurately, ditheist) doctrine and finds it wanting. The paper promotes the Unitarian teaching of the Bible, namely, that there is only One True God.

The Fallacy of the Third Resurrection (No. 166) The resurrection from the dead is the future hope of Christians who do not believe in the Immortal Soul doctrine adopted by the Church of Rome from pagan philosophy centuries after the time of Jesus and the Apostles. However, there is disagreement over the number and nature of the resurrections, namely, who participates and how and with what end result. This paper promotes the doctrine of two resurrections for humans, the first for those called and chosen before that event, immediately followed by the Millennium paradise, and a second resurrection at the end of the thousand years. Special treatment is given to Herbert Armstrong’s doctrine of a third and later resurrection.

Arianism and Semi-Arianism (No. 167) The purpose of this paper is to delineate as simply as possible the difference between the Unitarian and Arian positions and also to delineate what came to be seen as the semi- Arian position.

Truth (No. 168) Pilate said to Jesus Christ, "What is truth?" In this paper we are concerned with examining just what truth is in relation to the Holy Spirit. What did the Church get when it received the Holy Spirit?

Numbers 20:1-13 (No. 169) Numbers 20:1-13 concerns the activities of Moses and Aaron in the wilderness, the comments made by Jesus Christ as the Angel of the Presence and their interaction together. 36

The Role of the Fourth Commandment in the Historical Sabbath-keeping Churches of God (No. 170) It is conveniently assumed by the Sabbath-keeping Churches of the last two centuries that the central theme and identifying mark of Christianity was the Sabbath and that the Churches throughout history were persecuted for their adherence to the Sabbath. This position is at best only partly true and at worst hides the true fundamental aspects of the Faith for which the Church of God was persecuted and those other aspects which form the signs of the elect. This paper shows that there are in fact a series of signs identifying the elect that were used to isolate them and to extract them from society over the periods of persecution generally referred to as the Inquisitions.

One Hundred and Fifty Three Fish (No. 170B) Here we discuss the significance of the miracle of 153 fish in John 21.

The Commission of the Church (No. 171) The Church has one commission given to it by Jesus Christ, as shown in Matthew 28. One recent phenomenon that has arisen in the Sabbath-keeping Churches of God is that a significant number of people – not under persecution but simply disillusioned at the happenings in organised churches – are withdrawing from this commission of Christ and going into house churches and not participating in the work of extending the Gospel to all nations. This is a dereliction of duty as imposed by Jesus Christ, and is the exact same sin that Christ condemned as the burying of the talent.

Forming a Church (No. 171B) Many people wish to be part of a church yet find they have no church in their area that is biblically based. Some are part of a church or group that has collapsed doctrinally or are part of a group from a system that has collapsed doctrinally. They do not know what to do to re-form away from the aberrant leadership that caused the collapse or which has become irrelevant or, worse, hysterical in the ministries’ charismatic representations of the biblical position.

Search for the One True Church of God (No. 171C) We are being approached by people from all nations and walks of life. There is a question that is on the lips of many people and that is: what is the true faith and what is the correct way of approaching things to deal with spirituality?

Born Again (No. 172) Most people are aware of the term to be born again in a Christian sense. Most do not understand the process involved and the meaning of the term. Christ delivered the teaching on the subject as recorded by John in John 3:1-21. This paper examines the biblical explanation and exposes alarming differences with that used by most Christian groups.

The Omer Count to Pentecost (No. 173) In the twentieth century, the Churches of God went awry in their determination of Pentecost from the wrongful implementation of the Hillel Calendar and through Judaisers in the Churches of God. This text explains the errors and the process that was followed originally. It replaces the paper Pentecost: Comparing Leviticus 23:11-22 in the Septuagint (No. 173).

The Government of God (No. 174) God’s direction for government is also the most abused of the biblical concepts. It is determined by men within concepts that are attributed to Scripture but generally are based on the principles of the Gentile systems of this world. Most of modern-day Christianity do not understand that there are multiple sons of God and that Satan was a son of God among them 37 in the Council. Dispute over the structure of government was the original problem within the heavenly Host and was the cause of the rebellion involving Satan and a third of the Host. The structure of God’s government is examined in this paper.

Tishri in Relation to the Equinox (No. 175) In defending the postponement system under the Hillel calendar, some reactionary ministers of the Churches of God have resorted to misinterpreting Scripture to justify their arguments. This paper analyses these claims in light of the irregularity that occurred for example in 1997.

The Pre-Advent Judgment (No. 176) Dr Samuele Bacchiocchi of Andrews University has recently done some research into the Holy Days and come to the conclusion that they have to be kept. This, of course, has always presented a problem for the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, as the Atonement symbolism and the judgment of the elect have rested on a premise of Ellen G. White which is flawed. Sam Bacchiocchi is presented with the problem of making sense out of the Holy Days within his SDA cosmological view. This is extremely difficult for the reasons outlined in this paper. Judaism has a similar problem because it does not understand the Messianic advents and the formation of the Church. Thus their understanding of the judgment sequence is also flawed.

Psalm 45 (No. 177) Here is a beautiful Psalm which is entitled “A Song of Love”. It is a prophetic depiction of Jesus Christ as royal bridegroom and his Church as the royal bride. This Psalm also depicts or describes the relationship of Jesus Christ and God the Father.

Psalm 110 (No. 178) This Psalm is short but very important. The text is one of the 134 texts altered by the Sopherim where Yahoweh or Jehovah was altered to Adonai. It begins with the identification that it is a Psalm of David. Thus, the verse is not referring to David but to David’s Lord; hence, the being is Messiah.

The Song of Moses in Exodus 15 (No. 179) This commentary is on the first of the two songs of Moses in the Pentateuch. It concerns the deliverance of Israel.

The City of God (No. 180) The Book of Revelation tells of a time when the City of God will be established. This paper discusses this New Jerusalem, its symbolisms and significance.

The Other Side of Star Wars (No. 181) The Book of Revelation foretells of humans fighting Christ at his return as King of Kings. Why will they do this? The twentieth century saw a growing proliferation of science fiction stories centring on an invasion of Earth by alien beings with the earthlings valiantly fighting and eventually overcoming against massive odds. This paper discusses the Star Wars movie/book as factors in conditioning people to adopt this stance against their Saviour. Exercises on film themes of the end days are included.

Tongues Were to Cease When? (No. 182) On the first day of Pentecost of the New Testament Church, the Apostles "spoke in tongues". This paper by an editor of The Bible Advocate discusses what is meant by "tongues" and for how long this phenomenon was to persist. Advice on how to test for genuine "speaking in tongues" is included. 38

Vegetarianism and the Bible (No. 183) Many religions in the world espouse vegetarianism as a mode of religious development. Some see it as a rite of purification. Others see it, on ethical grounds, as cruel to animals. This paper traces religious vegetarianism from ancient times through to present Christianity. Abstinence from wine is also treated. It relates to the paper Wine in the Bible (No. 188).

The Oracles of God (No. 184) Some groups follow the rabbinical calendar and its dates for the annual Holy Days of the Bible because Herbert Armstrong decided the Jews have sole authority for the determination of these dates. This decision resulted from his inability to find any basis for the calendar in the Bible and from Paul’s reference in Romans to the Jews being the keepers of the "oracles of God", which he assumed included the calendar. This paper examines these "oracles of God".

Socinianism, Arianism and Unitarianism (No. 185) The term Socinianism has been applied quite indiscriminately over a large body of anti- Trinitarian doctrine. The Godhead is the central issue of Socinianism. From both the Catholic and the Unitarian point of view, they rightly held that God is absolutely simple. They concluded that distinction of persons is destructive to that simplicity. From this logic, they denied the Trinity is unsound. The distinction between Trinitarianism and Unitarianism is that homage to Christ is in view of his relationship to the Father and of a secondary type, whereas the Trinitarians hold it is of the cult of the latria, where he is in fact God as the Father is God.

Christianity and Childrearing (No. 186) Though there are currently many theories and opinions about childrearing, this paper will cover the basic biblical tenants of family relationships and childrearing.

How God Became a Family (No. 187) In the empty void before the beginning of time and space, there was the One. He was singular and alone. He did not come into existence because He was self-existent and, therefore, immortal. The ancient Hebrews referred to Him as Eloah and the Chaldeans as Elahh. This word came down to the Arabs as Allah. This paper examines the extended Being that God is creating.

Role of the Family (No. 187B) Why did God create humans to function as a family unit? The Scriptures reveal that a family structure existed within the spirit realm before the creation of humans. Scriptures also reveal that responsibilities were given to the spirit-created sons of God to guide the human family into a loving relationship with the Father of creation. In the human family, God-ordained responsibilities are given to the father, mother, children, brother, sister, and grandparents in order to maintain the family’s physical and spiritual welfare. What are these responsibilities? This paper will deal with those questions. It is crucial for society’s survival to understand God’s purpose for the family, and vital to understand each member’s responsibility within the family structure.

Wine in the Bible (No. 188) The purpose of this paper is to complement the paper Vegetarianism and the Bible (No. 183) and to produce a correct and balanced view of the use of alcoholic beverages within the laws of God.

We Are Not Saved by Good Works (No. 189) 39

The punch line, You aren't saved by Sabbath-keeping, although valid, has been used to the point of unnecessary irritation, and the current use of it is misleading rather than helpful. One of the current uses of the statement is to drive home the point that we need to focus on saving souls rather than on doctrinal distinctives. But the validity of the point and that focus depend on the audiences we address. Our faith is in the expectation of a system which is symbolised by the Sabbath as a mark of the obedience of the people of God. Our Master was obedient unto death, as one of us, even death on a cross.

Preparing for the Passover (No. 190) The Passover is the most important period in the Church calendar. Preparation to take part in the Passover is a problem central to every Christian. Many did not prepare to take the Passover correctly over the years and have paid for the error, or lack of diligence, with their spiritual lives.

Jeroboam and the Hillel Calendar (No. 191) This paper deals with King Jeroboam, first king of the ten tribes of Israel, and the taking of the kingship from the son of Solomon because of the idolatry of his father Solomon. It deals with the sins of Jeroboam regarding the feasts and idols. It deals with the Quartodeciman and later Easter determinations of the ancient Church and the determination of the month of Nisan under the ancient rules. This is examined against the early practices of Judah which led to the formation of the so-called Hillel calendar.

The Day of the Lord and the Last Days (No. 192) The terms Day of the Lord and the Last Days or the Latter Days are often confused and misstated in general Christian literature. Here we examine the terms for their biblical application and see from the various texts that the Day of the Lord is not the Lord’s Day scenario of Sunday-worshipping Christianity. Instead, it is a powerful and cataclysmic time- frame which commences with the Advent of Messiah and spans the entire period of divine intervention in human affairs. We will also see that the terms Last Days or Latter Days cover the entire Messianic Age and are specifically covered in prophecy to a definite purpose and end.

Introduction to the Godhead (No. 193) The Godhead has been deliberately made obscure by traditional Christianity. However, with careful study of the Bible, we can gain a clear picture. This paper shows as clearly and simply as possible what the Bible says about the Godhead.

The Place of Safety (No. 194) For many years the Churches of God in their variant forms and others have taught a doctrine that the Church would be taken to a place of safety during the persecution and tribulation of the world over the period of the end times. This was located by various groups in various places. At one time it was to have been in Canada. At another time it was to have been in Petra. Some groups locate it at other places. The concept has a powerful appeal to those who see the world in physical and not spiritual terms. The purpose of this paper is to explore the biblical basis for such a doctrine and establish the true place of safety for the dedicated Christian.

The Calendar and the Moon: Postponements or Festivals? (No. 195) With the aid of extensive quotes from authoritative sources and Scripture, this paper is designed to enable the reader to see the uncertain and ad hoc derivation of the Judaic postponement system. The postponements were not fully in place until the eleventh century from the admission of the proponents of the postponement system themselves. 40

Distortion of God’s Calendar in Judah: Part I (No. 195B) The current calendar of the Jews is not the original calendar used in the Temple period. The destruction of the God’s Calendar began in the Temple period and was fully accomplished in 358 CE under Rabbi Hillel II. Many of the Churches of God have been misled into keeping the false calendar of Judaism and some unprincipled ministers continue to make false claims about the Temple-period calendar. In seven years of any 19-year cycle they keep the Feasts in the wrong month entirely, and when they do keep the correct years they postpone the Sabbaths to keep their traditions. It thus follows that God’s Holy Days and Feasts are kept on the wrong days under the Hillel system most of the time, and almost forty percent of the time they are kept in the wrong months entirely. There is no excuse for following that system.

Hillel, Babylonian Intercalations and the Temple Calendar (No. 195C) This paper deals with the introduction of the Babylonian system to Judah and its catastrophic effect on the Temple Calendar in Judaism and in the Churches of God under the 20th and 21st Century Churches under Armstrongism.

The Four Fasts of Judah (No. 195D) We deal here with the texts in Zechariah 8:19 and the four fasts of Judah. These fasts were in the Fourth, Fifth, Seventh and Tenth months and are not commands of God. The fast of the Fifth month was on 10th of Ab and deals with a serious crisis in the body of Israel.

The Ark of the Covenant (No. 196) The Ark of the Covenant is the central feature of the Holy of Holies within the Tabernacle and the Temple of God. It is rich in spiritual symbolism and represents the centrality of the nature and Government of God. It is a physical representation of a spiritual entity. It had to give way to the greater structure and was removed and hidden, allegedly by the prophet Jeremiah. Here we examine its construction, symbolism and the prophecies surrounding its location and restoration.

The Origin of the Wearing of Earrings and Jewellery in Ancient Times (No. 197) This paper is concerned with tracing the origin of earrings and other apparel within ancient Israel and associated civilisations. There are many traditions associated with the use of cosmetics and jewellery generally that deny their legitimate use within Christianity or see in them a non-scriptural basis. Some of the words used concerning earrings in the Bible involve mistranslation in the English and convey an incorrect meaning.

God Our Saviour (No. 198) The identity of the Saviour is often confused among Christians. The Bible seems to identify both God and Christ as Saviour. Does this mean they are the same, as the Trinitarians would have us believe? What is the real explanation?

Lost Sheep and the Prodigal Son (No. 199) The parables in Luke 15 have an extended meaning that is not well appreciated. Many apply the parable of the prodigal son to wayward sinners but most do not understand the powerful scope and symbolism of these parables. Nor do many understand that they are interlinked and the central parable, which is itself a key, is found only in Luke.

Love and the Structure of the Law (No. 200) This paper is concerned with explaining the emanation of the Law from the nature of God. It deals with the structure of the Law in the Two Great Commandments and the Ten Commandments which comprise the Two Commandments. The Love of God and the Love of Neighbour become the basis for all the other substructure of the Law that subtends from the 41

Two and the Ten. Hence, on the Two Great Commandments hang all of the Law and the prophets.

Deuteronomy 20 (No. 201) Today the world judges by numbers of people and battalions and God is left out of the fight. This text shows the underlying thinking behind the employment of troops in battle. The message here is for the Church of today.

The Nicolaitans (No. 202) The doctrines of the Nicolaitans are condemned in Revelation 2:6 in the message to the Ephesian Church, which did not have the doctrines and hated them. The Pergamos Church was censured because it had those among it that held the doctrines of Balaam and the doctrines of the Nicolaitans (often spelt Nicolaitanes) which Christ states he hates. Who are they and what were their doctrines? Does modern Christianity understand the ramifications of this condemnation by Christ?

Start of the Month and the Day (No. 203) Understanding when the Month and the Day commence is important for correctly keeping all of the weekly Sabbaths, the monthly New Moons and God’s annual Holy Days. The twenty- four hour day starts at the end of evening nautical twilight (EENT), at dark. This paper is written to complement the paper God’s Calendar (No. 156) and should be read with that paper.

The Doctrine of Balaam and Balaam's Prophecy (No. 204) The doctrine of Balaam is often linked with the doctrines of the Nicolaitans and both are condemned by Christ. The link is made from the Greek text of Revelation which can be construed so as to make the link. The doctrines are thus thought to go hand in hand. They do coexist to a certain degree but they are in fact quite distinct doctrines, as we will see. Here we examine how they are derived and how they coexist with the doctrines of the Nicolaitans.

Colossians 2:16-17 (No. 205) The text at Colossians 2:16-17 is an important text in determining the attitudes to the Sabbath, New Moons and Feasts. It has often been misused in trying to prove that the Church has changed or eliminated God’s Holy Days. This paper examines the background to the text and looks at some interesting aspects of the Church and its problems at the time. The writer is a minister of the United Church of God in the USA. It is reproduced here, with his permission, because of its value to the subject. The American spelling is retained. The paper has a series of end notes that identify aspects of the work and which require some expansion or tie-in to other papers to give a more complete explanation of the problem or subject mentioned.

Commentary on the UCG Doctrinal Statement on the Calendar (No. 206) This commentary is made because of the many requests for an analysis of the paper sent to this church. The paper has serious shortcomings which will be evident from the comments.

The Blind Man (No. 207) This is a simple story about a man that was given a property and could not see the consequences in the way he dealt with the property entrusted to him outside of the rules laid down for its care by the owner.

Modern Christian Fundamentalism: A Contradiction in Terms (No. 208) Most modern Christians assume that the religion they follow is derived from the Apostles and was taught by Jesus Christ. Yet the world is in a mess and Christianity has caused and is 42 causing much of the misery and devastation. Their Christian leaders in fact appear to be part of the problem. What is the true position and the answer to the problem?

Balance (No. 209) There is often a conflict in what is seen as a sane and logical approach according to Scripture and one pursued by people, with what the Bible describes as zeal but not according to knowledge. Such an approach is described as unbalanced. Some would even go so far as to describe it as not being according to a sound mind. This paper tries to give some guidelines on this subject of balance.

Advent of the Messiah: Part I (No. 210A) The Bible says that no one will know the day or the hour of the return of the Messiah. However, prophecy has some fairly specific things to say about the matter and the approximate year can be determined from a full analysis of prophecy. This paper is aimed at linking together the prophecies and providing the clear understanding of the Plan of God in the Last Days.

Advent of the Messiah: Part II (No. 210B) The Return of the Messiah or the Second Advent is the most pivotal event in human history. Most people do not believe that it will occur and most so-called Christians think that when it happens they will go to heaven and the ones they hate will all go to hell.

The Significance of the Term Son of God (No. 211) This paper is an explanation of the term Son of God as it is used in the Bible and as it was understood by the Jews and the early Church.

Sons of Shem: Part I (No. 212A) The birthright was passed to Shem, the youngest son of Noah, as priest of God in the order of Melchisedek. The descendants of Shem carried the priesthood down to Abraham and on into the lines of the descendants of Abraham. Shem produced a number of children and from them sprung a number of important nations of the world. The sons of Shem intermingled with the sons of Ham and Japheth, and God’s promises to the world would be fulfilled in that mixing of nations.

Descendants of Abraham Part II: Lot, Moab, Ammon and Esau (No. 212B) The blessings conferred on Abraham also extended to the children of Lot and the sons of Isaac. They will be united under Messiah for the millennial system.

Descendants of Abraham Part III: Ishmael (No. 212C) Abram and Lot were a tribe, but as yet Abram had no children of his own. They decided not to wait for Sarai to bear a child so Hagar, her handmaiden, was given to Abraham and he had Ishmael by Hagar. This paper identifies many of the descendants of Ishmael.

Descendants of Abraham Part IV: Sons of Keturah (No. 212D) The identity of the sons of Keturah is not well known and is often confused with the sons of Ishmael. The truth is important to understanding the destiny of the sons of Abraham in prophecy.

Descendants of Abraham Part V: Judah (No. 212E) 43

Scripture tells us that a hardening came over the hearts of Judah and that in the Last Days they will turn and be converted so that Messiah might return to his own people and his own inheritance.

Descendants of Abraham Part VI: Israel (No. 212F) The nation of Israel was divided into two kingdoms: one of Judah and the other of Israel proper.

This section deals with the nation of Israel often referred to as the Lost Ten Tribes and their role in prophecy.

Sons of Shem Part VII: Charts for P212A-212F (No. 212G) These charts are for use with the 212 Series.

Descendants of Abraham Part VIII: Thirteen Famines of Rebellion (No. 212H) Thirteen is the number of rebellion and the mark of Satan in the activities of the descendants of Abraham as the Seed of the Woman and the Nation of Israel.

The Moon and the New Year (No. 213) God told us to determine the New Year from Nisan (or Abib) as the beginning of months. Judaism holds the New Year in Tishri. Both Judaism and the Bible cannot be correct. What is the New Year? Is it a solemn feast of the Lord? The Bible position on this important day has been deliberately obscured by later rabbinical Judaism to justify their traditions over the Bible and the instructions of God. God has chosen to reveal Himself in this symbolism of the New Moon commencing the New Year, and shows us from that symbolism His relationship with the Church under Messiah.

Azazel and Atonement (No. 214) The significance of the goats at Atonement is often confused and the name Azazel is often mis-constructed or misused. There is a long-standing interpretation of the symbolism which stems from ancient Israel and is found embodied in the texts of the varying periods. That symbolism is examined here in its Messianic and end-time typology.

DNA Change Rates: Modern Science vs. The Bible (No. 215) Modern Science works on the premise that mtDNA does not cause mutation of the Human Genome. This premise has been shown to be false by the Pasteur Institute. The mathematical models are thus far too extended.

Messiah and the Red Heifer (No. 216) Modern Judaism has commenced to speak of the Red Heifer and have artificially inseminated a beast with an embryo that produced a red heifer. This act was then taken to be a miracle which, of itself, is held to justify the rebuilding of the Temple. What is the significance of the Red Heifer and how does it relate to Messiah and his sacrifice? The answers are surprising.

Golgotha: the Place of the Skull (No. 217) The location of the site of the crucifixion is an important story in its own right. Where is it and what was the significance of the events that transpired there? What do the names of the places mean?

Global Warming and Bible Prophecy (No. 218) A few years ago people used to speak about Global Warming as though it is a long-term or far-off problem. Many thought it would be 100 years before the water rose 60 centimetres (2 feet). Now there is a groundswell of misinformation about Climate Change for political 44 purposes to achieve social manipulation or “engineering”. Since the original paper we have watched the political misinformation and the media complicity in the fraud continue and grow in intensity. Scientists make mistakes because they are not aware of the historical implications and historical facts about which they write and some are just plain contrary to the rules of logic. The Bible has a lot to say about the climatic conditions in the Last Days. What does it say about Global Warming? Is it all that far off, and what do we have to do about it or what can we do about it? The updated edition has been issued to deal with some of the recent fallacies. The sentiments and comments/interviews of the original have been retained to give a sense of development in the argument.

Global Warming: Historical Cycles (No. 218B) Modern Political obsession with carbon emissions is clouding the real science and history of Global Warming Cycles and is nothing more than a political scam for the purposes of social engineering. We have had Global Warming and Ice Age Cycles every thousand years for millennia.

The Last Thirty Years: the Final Struggle (No. 219) The understanding of the events leading up to the coming of Messiah has been the most misused and controversial in history. The problem lies in the failure to deal with all aspects of prophecy. Most constructions have simply been built on faulty theology and do not take into consideration the exact words of the many relevant texts. In this work we put together the texts and the sequence of activities as the Bible says they will unfold. In this way we will see that there is an identifiable period with a number of serious requirements that have to be met. The events prophesied to occur by 2001 are updated and explained here by editor’s notes whilst retaining the original paper.

The Etymology of the Name of God (No. 220) Many people seem to make an issue of the pronunciation or the use of the name God and also of the name Jesus. The derivation of the name God and the names applied to the beings in the Old Testament and to Messiah in the New Testament are examined for the basis and meaning of the names within language, both Hebrew and Greek as well as English.

Respect of Persons (No. 221) One of the most common sins in the Churches in the twentieth century is the sin of respect of persons. Many do not understand it and many do not even know it is sin. What does the Bible say about it and how do we tell if we are in respect of persons?

The Golden Calf (No. 222) Most people know of the symbol of the golden calf made by Aaron for Israel when Moses was up on the mountain. Most, however, do not understand what the calf stood for or what association it had then with Israel and what significance the calf had for the religious structure in the Middle East. The calf was not a simple idol of a calf. It was a symbol of a system of worship that was to penetrate Israel and destroy the religious system of Judah.

Lucifer: Light Bearer and Morning Star (No. 223) The term Lucifer is attributed to Satan as a name. The term has become personalised and has taken on a negative sense. Similarly, the term Morning Star has been attributed to Christ in a personalised fashion. When the Bible appears to refer to Satan as Day Star or Morning Star and to Christ as the Light-bearer, which is the sense of Lucifer, people apply the names in this personalised way and come to the wrong conclusion. Some have even gone to the extent of confusing Christ with Satan.

Isaiah 9:6 (No. 224) 45

Isaiah 9:6 is often used in support of Trinitarian or Binitarian/Ditheist theology. This paper examines its use and understanding in the various translations both ancient and modern.

Introduction to Christianity (No. 225) Christ was a Jew. He kept the Laws of God and obeyed God in every respect. He was without sin and sin is transgression of the Law. Christ kept the Bible Sabbaths in accordance with the calendar in use at the time in the Temple at Jerusalem and among the Samaritans.

Role of Messiah (No. 226) God’s Anointed, His Messiah or Christ, had a pre-incarnate spiritual existence with the other sons, a first Advent as the Lamb of God to deal with sin, a forthcoming second Advent as both priest and king to save those who wait for him. The different roles are all part of the plan of the One True God. There has been an ongoing attempt by Judaism, Islam and mainstream Christianity to disguise the different sequences of his position in the plan of the Most High.

God's Feasts as they relate to the Creation (No. 227) This presentation takes a look at the appointed Feasts of God and the Sabbaths and New Moons and their relationship, where applicable, to the “week of creation” in the Book of Genesis. The paper also examines the interrelationship of the Feasts and their lead periods.

Lazarus and the Rich Man (No. 228) The parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man has been used by traditional Christianity for a number of incorrect purposes. It has been used to support the doctrines of the Soul and also to support the doctrines of Heaven and Hell as abodes of the dead. What does the parable mean? To whom was it addressed?

Arche of the Creation of God as Alpha and Omega (No. 229) The arguments of modern Christianity regarding Christ have much of their origins in Greek philosophy and ancient religious practices running contrary to the Bible. Some of the biblical texts in English have been mistranslated to conceal the intent and structure of the application of the terms because they run counter to Trinitarian theology. The application of the terms Arche, Alpha and Omega, first and last, beginning and end, are explained taking into account the various texts.

The Use of the Term Hypostasis (No. 230) Hypostasis is a term fundamental to Trinitarianism. God is held to be three hypostases in one ousia. These terms are Greek philosophical terms. They are used in the New Testament and Septuagint (LXX). What do they mean?

Old Mill Yard Tract (No. 231) This tract is an early English document of the Sabbath Church. It demonstrates beyond dispute that the original doctrines of the Mill Yard Seventh Day Baptist Church on the Godhead were Unitarian, as the Mill Yard theologians themselves attest, and accord with the doctrines of the Christian Churches of God.

The Virgin Mariam and the Family of Jesus Christ (No. 232) Contrary to popular belief, the mother of Jesus Christ was not named Mary. She did not remain a virgin but bore her husband many other children, who, along with Christ’s brothers and nephews, came to play a significant part in the development of the early Church. What happened to them is a surprising condemnation of the Christian religion. 46

Elijah? (No. 233) This paper examines the proposition that has been put by some churches that Herbert W. Armstrong was Elijah and that his son, Garner Ted Armstrong, or later his successor, Joseph W. Tkach, typified Elisha.

The 18 Restored Truths of Herbert W. Armstrong (No. 233B) This paper examines the 18 Restored Truths claimed by Herbert W. Armstrong. It will be seen, from their magazine article that on this claim rests the WCG assertion that he was the promised Elijah.

Valley of Dry Bones (No. 234) God speaks through the prophet Ezekiel at chapter 37 referring to the Valley of Dry Bones. This is understood as being the Resurrection of the Dead. However, which resurrection is it and when does it occur, and what does it mean in relation to the Restoration of Israel?

The Origins of Christmas and Easter (No. 235) Christians have been conditioned to accept that Christmas and Easter are essentially part of the Christian tradition. The facts are that neither is at all Christian and both have their roots in the Mystery cults, the Saturnalia, the worship of the Mother-goddess system and the worship of the Sun god. They are directly contradictory to the Laws of God and His system.

Article on Christmas and Easter (No. 236) This article on the origins of Christmas and Easter was requested to be written after discussions with the editor of an Australian newspaper. The research paper entitled The Origins of Christmas and Easter was written as the background paper for this article, which does not contain the detailed and necessary scholarship that some readers find a little tedious.

Christ and Deity (No. 237) This work by A.E. Knoch was completed some time ago and is a significant contribution to the study of the theology of the Godhead. It deals with a number of biblical details which demonstrate the Unitarian nature of God. The relationship of Jesus Christ to God and the structure of the concept of the deity of Messiah are put in a proper perspective. Knoch’s theological perspectives are further examined in the audio.

Calling the Peoples to Jerusalem (No. 238) The birthright obligations of the end-time tribes of Zebulun and Issachar contain a very important commission for them. The identification of these two tribes is also important in understanding this prophecy.

Why Is Passover So Late in 1997? (No. 239) This article was published in the Jewish Bible Quarterly, Volume 25, No. 1, 1997 and is reprinted with permission. The Jewish Bible Association maintains a website at

Abracadabra: The Meaning of Names (No. 240) 47

Names are often used as words of power. In theology, the general use is for purposes of invocation. They are used to give the person doing a mantra control over the deity summoned and to force the one or ones called to grant their demands. This use is generally associated with the occult, the numbers and symbols of Kabbalah, and the various forms of mysticism, including primitive witchcraft and shamanism. Its present use remains akin to its use in the early Mystery Religions and Secret Societies.

Sanctification of the Temple of God (No. 241) Israel was commanded to sanctify the Temple prior to the Passover. There was a process of sanctification leading up to the Passover. In some cases, the Passover was actually delayed because this sanctification was not done correctly. The significance of the process has serious implications for Christianity.

The Death of the Lamb (No. 242) Many Christians do not fully appreciate what is happening over the period of the Passover and the timing and significance of the death of the Messiah as the Lamb of God. This paper will provide a better understanding of the entire sequence.

The Death of the Lamb (No. 242B) This is a shorter paper that may be read at the death of the Lamb service on 14 Abib.

The Pre-Existence of Jesus Christ (No. 243) Radical Unitarianism denies the non-physical pre-existence of Jesus Christ, claiming his existence commenced from his birth though Mariam. Binitarianism seeks to assert two persons to the Godhead. Ditheism asserts the existence of two gods from eternity. Some people jump from Binitarianism to Ditheism not understanding the doctrine of either nor their origins. What is the Bible position?

The Doctrine of Antichrist (No. 243B) The Doctrine of Antichrist has been altered in the Bible text so that the false doctrines that have been inserted in Christianity from the Sun and Mystery Cults and into Islam from the same cults and pagan doctrines could not be detected. Just what is the true doctrine and how did it affect Christianity?

Genesis 22, Judaism, Islam and the Sacrifice of Isaac (No. 244) This text looks at the arguments regarding the literal sacrifice of Isaac advanced by Rabbi E. Ben-Yehuda and also examines them in context with the Bible and the Qur’an or Koran.

Josiah's Restoration (No. 245) The Restoration under King Josiah had a number of significant features which are of importance to our understanding as Christians today.

The Doctrine of Original Sin Part I The Garden of Eden (No. 246) This work is concerned with the question of the Garden of Eden, the fall of Adam and Eve and the Doctrine of Original Sin.

On Hymns in Christian Worship (No. 247) The work is a commentary on the Preface to Joseph Stennett’s Hymns for the Lord’s Supper. It examines the history of the use of hymns in the English-speaking Sabbath- keeping Churches and the biblical base of hymn singing not only in the Lord’s Supper but also in its general application. It shows the insidious infiltration of our early systems of Sabbath-keeping worship and theology by false doctrine. 48

Doctrine of Original Sin Part 2 The Generations of Adam (No. 248) The lines of Adam through Seth and Cain have a significance for the Plan of Salvation that is not generally understood and expounded. The two structures have an explicit meaning and a story that explains the Plan of God and declares it from the beginning.

Rome's Challenge: Why do Protestants keep Sunday? (No. 249) This is an old Adventist document relating to a series of articles published by the Roman Catholic Church in the United States in 1893, which reflects their views on the subject of the Sabbath versus Sunday worship. It verifies why no Protestant can worship on Sunday as the lawful Sabbath.

Reading the Law with Ezra and Nehemiah (No. 250) The Restoration under Ezra and Nehemiah was of great significance. The way it was done and the time in which it was done was in implementation of biblical Law and the Jubilee system. This system has equal relevance today.

The Fall of Jerusalem to Babylon (No. 250B) The dating and significance of the fall of Jerusalem to Babylon has a specific part to play in prophecy and in the Calendar.

Purification and Circumcision (No. 251) Laws regarding Purification of women and Circumcision of men have a bearing on the Faith and are part of the Law of God. This paper examines their relationship to Judaism, Christianity and Islam with some interesting facts and conclusions.

The First Great Commandment (No. 252) The Law is comprised of two Commandments. These Two Great Commandments form the basis of the entire Law and the testimony of the prophets including Jesus Christ, written in what is understood as the Bible. The First Great Commandment is written as: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength and the Second Great Commandment is like unto it. You shall love your neighbour as your self.

Law and the First Commandment (No. 253) The first element of the First Great Commandment is what we understand as the First Commandment of the Ten Commandments. This law is developed by an entire body of legislation which goes to make up the Law of God.

Law and the Second Commandment (No. 254) It is written: You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them and serve them. This paper deals with the Second Commandment in the Old and New Testaments, its legislation, its social order and crime and punishment as it pertains to all the people.

Law and the Third Commandment (No. 255) It is written: You shall not take the name of your Lord in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guitless that takes his name in vain. The Third Commandment involves the entire concept of the power and authority of God in His system of Law Order. This commandment not only deals with the profane use of His name in idle speech but also relates to the entire civil and religious law order and the calendar laid down for its function within that order. Purporting to act for God under another system is also a breach of this commandment.

Law and the Fourth Commandment (No. 256) 49

It is written: Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy as the Lord your God commanded you. The Fourth Commandment covers the weekly seventh-day Sabbath, the monthly New Moons, the annual Feasts and Holy Days, the Seven Year Land Sabbaths and the Jubilee system.

The Second Great Commandment (No. 257) The Second is like unto it: You shall love your neighbour as yourself. The Ten Commandments were divided into Two Great Commandments. This structure is easily identifiable, in that the first four commandments deal with the love of God and the last six deal with the love of fellow man.

Law and the Fifth Commandment (No. 258) It is written: Honour your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God gives you. The Fifth Commandment is the first commandment with a promise and forms the basis of the society. It is the first of the sequence of commandments which form the Second Great Commandment namely: To love one’s neighbour as one’s self.

Law and the Sixth Commandment (No. 259) It is written: You shall not kill. This paper explains the entire structure of the Law of God as applied to its Commandment, and as explained by the prophets and the Testaments in compliance with the reading of the Law in the Sabbath years.

Abortion and Infanticide: Law and the Sixth Commandment Part II (No. 259B) The degeneration of a society historically has been marked by its treatment of the foetus and in its infanticide in rejection of the Law of God. This work examines the logic and the philosophical positions that are used in our modern society to justify abortion and infanticide and its rights based theory in justification.

Law and the Seventh Commandment (No. 260) It is written: You shall not commit adultery. This paper explains the entire structure of the Law of God, as applied to its Commandment as explained by the prophets and the Testaments in compliance with the reading of the Law in the Sabbath years.

Law and the Eighth Commandment (No. 261) It is written: You shall not steal. This paper explains the entire structure of the Law of God as applied to its Commandment, and as explained by the prophets and the Testaments in compliance with the reading of the Law in the Sabbath years.

Law and the Ninth Commandment (No. 262) It is written: You shall not bear false witness. This paper explains the entire structure of the Law of God as applied to its Commandment, and as explained by the prophets and the Testaments in compliance with the reading of the Law in the Sabbath years.

Law and the Tenth Commandment (No. 263) It is written: You shall not covet your neighbour's house, you shall not covet your neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is your neighbour's. This paper explains the entire structure of the Law of God as applied to its Commandment, and as explained by the prophets and the Testaments in compliance with the reading of the Law in the Sabbath years. 50

The Dutch Connection of the Pilgrim Fathers (No. 264) General history sees the arrival of the Pilgrim Fathers in 1620 in Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts as the foundation of the United States. They are considered as people from England that sailed to the promised land for a new future. However, few actually know that the Pilgrim Fathers are tied to Holland in an everlasting way that cannot be neglected. Their true history sheds a surprising light on the faith of these founding fathers. It also gives an insight in the persecution that existed in Protestant England under Queen Elizabeth I.

The Genetic Origin of the Nations (No. 265) The Bible gives a clear and definitive origin of the nations that allegedly does not accord with what modern Science is asserting. When we examine the scientific record against the historical evidence and the known movement of tribes, we find that the Bible and Science can be in accord. The problem lies in the grossly elongated mathematical models that the evolutionists have constructed based on false assumptions.

Origin of the Christian Church in Britain (No. 266) People often ask when the Church came to Britain and what it believed. The truth is quite astounding, and the mysteries surrounding some of it are also important aspects of its history.

Eating Together in Worship (No. 267) The Laws of God command us to eat together in worship. How we do that, in both dress and manner, reflects on us as a church and as ambassadors of the Kingdom of God on this Earth.

The Unitarian/Trinitarian Wars (No. 268) When Constantine came to power he attempted to unify the Roman Empire under one system and he sought to do that through Christianity. What he did not realize was that the Roman faction was not the dominant faction and that the doctrines of the Church had become confused from those of the original Church. This confusion led to a series of wars between two factions, both of which contained doctrinal error. The end result of this doctrinal error and desire for political domination through religion was continuous war and persecution for seventeen hundred years. The error and conflict will ultimately bring the planet to total ruin.

False Prophecy (No. 269) In this paper we will deal with the question of false prophecy in the Churches of God over the last two centuries. Over this last period it has become an epidemic. Each of the major churches was founded on and developed false prophecy. These false prophets exploited the credulity of the members who were drawn by a desire to know the truth. In this way, they affected the course of the Churches of God and the lives of millions.

The Messages of Revelation 14 (No. 270) The messages of the four angels of Revelation 14 are important to the lead-up to the coming of the Messiah. They hold great significance for the message, direction and thrust of the Church in the Last Days.

PAUL: Part I Paul and the Law (No. 271) This paper is the first of a series of papers in number parts which deal with the position of Paul and an overview of what he teaches and the historical framework in which he operated. Paul was the founding father of the modern church. A dynamic leader, often persecuted and attacked for his teachings, he led the church through tumultuous times. Without Paul’s teachings and guidance many would never be able to understand the complexity and wondrous nature of God and the son/Messiah He sent to us. In this part we deal with Paul and the Law. 51

Outline Timetable of the Age (No. 272) The age we live in has a finite time scale, a plan and a specific purpose. This timetable gives an overview of what has happened over the period of Bible prophecy leading up to the end of this age. Soon the god of this world will be removed and the new millennial system will commence under Jesus Christ. This work helps us to understand what is happening in that process.

Timetable of the World Wars and the Kings of the East (No. 272B) This text deals with the sequences and timings of the conflicts that will come to be known as World Wars I, II and III and the Battles that involve the Wars of Armageddon and the Vials of the Wrath of God. It adds to the Outline Timetable of the Age which events are also listed in paper 272.

Blue Ribbons (No. 273) As a reminder of the Law of God, the Bible commands that we wear blue ribbons placed on the fringes or borders of our garments.

The Sabbath in the Qur'an (No. 274) This paper looks at the placement of the Sabbath in the texts of the Qur’an or Koran.

Offering (No. 275) This work explains the significance of Deuteronomy 16:16: "Three times a year all your males shall appear before the LORD your God at the place which he will choose: at the feast of unleavened bread, at the feast of weeks, and at the feast of booths. They shall not appear before the LORD empty-handed.”

The Piñata (No. 276) A practice has entered the Church of God in the USA from Mexico. The practice relates in fact to the ancient pagan systems and has no place in the Church of God. The Quartodeciman Disputes (No. 277) The Quartodeciman disputes were seen as pivotal to the determination of the Christian Faith. They were the second series of innovations to occur in the Christian Church and perhaps the most fundamental. After Sunday worship had been introduced from Rome in the middle of the second century, the Roman system then set about introducing the pagan Easter system over the Passover. In 664 CE at Whitby in England, they finally succeeded by force of arms in having the British or Celtic Church accept Easter.

Sacrifice Offering (No. 278) The concept of sacrifice and an offering is not understood correctly in the Churches. For many years the Church of God has not kept Pentecost correctly and has not really come to an understanding of what is required in the Feasts and the sacrifices. Man should live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God, but that is not happening correctly in many areas in the Churches of God. This paper looks at the concept of what a sacrifice is and what the Feasts are.

Epistle of James (No. 279) Most problems in the Churches of God can be distilled down to the principles enunciated in this Epistle of James to the Churches scattered abroad.

Jesus the Christ, King, Priest and Prophet (No. 280) This article deals with the John 17:3. It has been written by a Messianic Jew, and shows the relationship between God the Father and Jesus the Christ as Messiah. Furthermore, it shows that the three Messianic functions of King, Priest and Prophet are inseparable. 52

Rachel and the Law (No. 281) The history of Rachel is full of drama and is one of the proofs that each of the Ten Commandments was fully in force before Sinai. Here we deal with a number of aspects and parallels in the story that normally escape attention. This story has major significance for the Church and the concept of God’s love and intervention in our lives.

Rule of the Kings Part I: Saul (No. 282A) The period of the rule of the kings from Saul, to David and to Solomon has a specific prophetic symbolism that relates also to the plan of salvation. There is an important message in the sequence, reigns and actions of the three kings of Israel, beginning here with Saul.

Rule of the Kings Part II: David (No. 282B) This section deals with the second phase of the kingship lasting for the second forty-year period, namely the kingship of David.

Rule of the Kings Part III: Solomon and the Key of David (No. 282C) The last phase of the Plan of God as reflected in the rule of the kings of Israel is that of King Solomon. This sequence was to point towards Christ and the establishment of the Church as the Spiritual Temple of God.

Rule of the Kings Part IIIB: Man as the Temple of God (No. 282D) In Part III (A) we saw the Key of David and the place of Solomon in the Temple of God and its place in the coming of the Messiah. In this section we see the Spiritual Temple of God in man and its relationship to the DNA structure of humans and the relationship of the books of the Bible to explain the plan of Salvation and the Temple of God as the human creation.

The Pillars of Philadelphia (No. 283) The promise to the smallest and most faithful of the Churches of God, the Church of the Philadelphians, was that they would be made Pillars in the Temple of God. This is a much more powerful promise than it might first appear.

Deuteronomy 12:17-28 (No. 284) This text concerns our responsibility under the Law towards getting to God's commanded Feasts.

The Juma'ah: Preparing for the Sabbath (No. 285) The sixth day of the week now termed Juma’ah in Islam has become a holy day in its own right to the neglect of the Sabbath. Judaism has only partly understood it and Trinitarian Christianity ignores it. The Preparation for the Sabbath and the Sabbath Day are enshrined in biblical law and the Koran. What does it mean? What are the Fires on the Sabbath? How are they related to the Day of Congregation or Juma’ah?

Significance of the Year 2000 (No. 286) The Pope has declared the year 2000 a jubilee year. The pundits say it is really 2001 anyway. When is the true Millennium and what is the real significance? Who said it was the year 2000 anyway, apart from a priest who got the start date wrong?

Birthdays (No. 287) What do Birthdays really mean? They are based on the Solar Calendar and have nothing to do with the Bible system of God’s Calendar. The star-gazers make much of them in 53 relation to the stars and base so-called horoscopes around them and the position in which the constellations appear at the time of the birth. Where do Birthday celebrations come from and what is the philosophy behind their observance?

The Last Pope: Examining Nostradamus and Malachy (No. 288) Nostradamus has made some startling prophecies that have come true. He has also made some which have been misunderstood and dismissed incorrectly. The purpose here is to examine and perhaps explain two prophecies he made which have a religious significance and one of which has come true and one of which is due to come into play in the near future. Malachy was a Catholic Archbishop of the twelfth century who wrote an uncanny list of every Pope until the end. We will examine them both here. According to Malachy Francis I is the last pope.

Annex A (No. 288a) A List of Popes and Antipopes over history compiled and with the prophetic names given by Malachy bishop of Armagh in 1139.

Marriage (No. 289) Marriage is the most important institution in the nation. It is the basis of the nation and reflects on the physical plane our relationship with God and Christ on a spiritual plane. It is so fundamental that the salvation of all humanity is predicated on a correct understanding and implementation of these relationships among the elect as brides of Christ in the nation of Israel.

Forty Years for Repentance (No. 290) In the period up until 1972 and then 1975, the Churches of God, especially the Worldwide Church of God and the Jehovah’s Witnesses, declared that the Messiah would come during the wars of the end in 1972-1975. Nothing happened in 1975 and the Messiah did not come. They got it wrong. What was the significance of this time?

The Inquisition in Britain: Forty Decades for Repentance (No. 290B) The last “burning at the stake” in Britain occurred in 1612 and was conducted by the Church of England. It was not the last execution as they continued on through the century, but it was the last burning of a martyr for so-called “heresy” against the Trinitarian Church in Britain.

The Inquisition in Britain: Forty Decades for Repentance (No. 290B2) The last “burning at the stake” in Britain occurred in 1612 and was conducted by the Church of England. It was not the last execution as they continued on through the century but it was the last burning of a martyr for so-called “heresy” against the Trinitarian Church in Britain. Here we look at the period of the last Four Hundred Years and the Settlement of America also from 1620 to 2020 and their last chance for repentance.

Sanctification of the Simple and Erroneous (No. 291) On 7 Abib we fast for the simple and erroneous. This process is for those who have not yet come to understand the glory and mysteries of the Kingdom of God. It is part of the sanctification process of the Temple system commanded by God.

FAQs on Ezekiel Chapters 36-48 and the Sanctification of the Temple (No. 292) The text in Ezekiel 36-48 is a prophecy for future days and covers the millennial system under Jesus Christ. The entire world will do what Ezekiel says is to be done in the Millennial system at Christ’s return. The instructions there are reiterations of the Law of God and, except for the implementation of the sacrifices, are binding on the Christian Church today in its application of the Law of God. 54

Polygamy in the Bible and the Koran (No. 293) The Bible has clear instances of polygamy over the millennia. The purpose here is to ascertain what it is that God wants from us and why it has been evident over the centuries both in the Old and New Testaments.

War of Hamon-Gog (No. 294) In the Last Days God says through the prophet Ezekiel that he will bring a number of nations down to the Middle East and destroy them in the valley of Hamon-Gog. A number of nations descended from Gomer and Meshech and Tubal and Togarmah are named. Who are these people? Where are they now, and how and when will they be brought down to Israel to be destroyed?

Leah and Rachel (No. 295) Leah and Rachel prefigure Christ in his relationship to physical and spiritual Israel as both the nation and the Church of God.

Predestination (No. 296) The Bible says we are chosen by God and predestined to be called. What does that mean exactly? When did it happen?

War with Rome and the Fall of the Temple (No. 298) The prophet Daniel was given a vision of the Seventy Weeks of Years. The events of the last week of years were a disaster for Judah and the Edomites. The prophecy can only be understood in relation to the Temple. Christians have generally mistranslated Daniel 9:25-27 for their own ends. The war with Rome and the behaviour of Judah over this time resulted in the dispersion of Judah until the time of the end.

World War III: Part I The Empire of the Beast (No. 299A) This paper deals with the beginning of the period of the last Thirty Years of this age before the commencement of the Millennium under Christ. It covers the beginning of the War and the establishment of the system of government described in Revelation as the Beast.

WWIII Part II: The Whore and the Beast (No. 299B) Part II continues the organisational structure of the Last Days into the religious system of the Whore and the destruction of that system with the coming of the Messiah.

Commentary on Daniel Chapter 7 (No. 299C) Daniel chapter 7 relates to the last days and the wars before the coming of the Messiah.

2012 and the Antichrist (No. 299D) There is a fuss being made at present on the significance of the year 2012. This paper is to explain the sequence of the events and the significance of the year 2012 in occult understanding and symbolism so that we are not deceived and can recognise the False Prophet and the Antichrist system when it is brought into play in the near future.

The Man of Sin and the Apostasy (No. 299E) The coming of the Man of Sin to the church of the Last Days is of great significance and the identification is important to the Body of Christ.

Antichrist in Early Church Theology and the Last Days (No. 299F) 55

The system and identification of the Antichrist was made by the Early Church Theologians and was recorded by Irenaeus and followed up by his assistant Hippolytus. The teaching has been quietly ignored by the mainstream Christian system except for a basic error of misidentification which seems to have stemmed from an Anti-Semitic mindset that sought to identify the origin of Antichrist of the Last Days with the tribe of Dan.

The Last Olympiad (No. 299G) This text deals with the facts of the 2016 to 2020 Olympiad to be held in Tokyo and the text explains the significance of the years and the Olympiads and the place in the position of Satan as God of this earth and the future of the Olympics as we know them.

The Golden Jubilee and the Millennium (No. 300) The Golden Jubilee or the Fiftieth Jubilee since the Restoration of the Temple by order of Darius in 423 and under Ezra and Nehemiah by the Jubilee of 374/3 commences on 1 Abib of the First year of the 121st Jubilee or 2028. The Jubilee ends in 2077 CE. This Jubilee is the beginning of the Seventh Millennium since the closure of the Garden of Eden and the end of the formal rule of Satan. By this date in 2027 Satan’s rule has been cut short and he will be imprisoned, with the fallen Host, in Tartarus for one thousand years. This period commences the final phase of the Key of David and the restoration of the Temple and the administrative system in Jerusalem.

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