Upper Elementary School Student Handbook

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Upper Elementary School Student Handbook

Atlantis Elementary School Student Handbook General Information and Code of Conduct

Helen Payne Michelle Stecchini Superintendent Principal

Atlantis’ Astronauts… Reaching for the Stars! ATLANTIS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENT HANDBOOK


SCHOOL HOURS: School hours are from 8:05 a.m. until 2:50 p.m. daily. Students must be in class by 8:05 a.m. ready for instruction. Any student arriving at school after 8:05 a.m. will be considered tardy. All children living on Falcon Courts East or Fort Dix are afforded the opportunity of school district provided bussing to school. Busses should arrive between 7:35 and 7:45 a.m. If transporting your child to school, please follow all posted traffic regulations regarding the student drop-off location.

ATTENDANCE: In order for the Board of Education to fulfill its responsibility for providing a thorough and efficient education for each pupil, the complete cooperation of parents/guardians and pupils is required to maintain a high level of school attendance.

The frequent absence of pupils from classroom learning experiences disrupts the continuity of the instructional process and limits the ability of pupils to complete the prescribed curriculum requirements successfully. A pupil must be in attendance for 160 or more school days in order to be considered to have successfully completed the instructional program requirements of the grade to which he/she is assigned. (BOE policy #5113)

Tardiness – In setting up our policy, we considered the following items: When students are late coming to class, it causes a disruption to the class. It takes additional time to explain or catch the student up with the rest of the class. It is the parent and student’s responsibility for the student to be in school at the proper time. It is not necessary to determine whose fault it is for being late. The fact that a student was late and missed classroom time is sufficient to justify that lost time and/or work must be made up.

CHANGE IN STUDENT/PARENT INFORMATION: It is imperative that the school office be notified immediately of a change of address, home/office telephone number, or emergency contact information during the academic school year. In particular, emergency contact information must be correct.

INCLEMENT WEATHER – INSTANT ALERT: North Hanover Township Schools participate in the Honeywell Instant Alert System for Schools. When severe weather or other emergency conditions exist (power loss, etc.); parents will be notified through the school’s Instant Alert System. This system will notify parents of any changes to the regular school day, such as closings, delayed openings or early dismissals by notifying the parents with a telephone call to their home telephone. Parents may elect to add cell phone and e- mail notification as well. Notice will also be posted on the North Hanover Township Schools web.

CLASS PARTIES: The school day is the designated time for the learning process to take place. As such, “class parties” are discouraged. An occasional party, such as before the Christmas holidays or the end of the school year, is permissible at the end of the school day with the approval of the building principal.

Private party invitations MAY NOT be distributed in school unless given to all students.

PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES: Open and regular communication between parents and school is encouraged. Formal parent-teacher conferences are held twice a year. However, either the classroom teacher or the parent(s) may request a conference at any time in the school year. On matters of importance involving a child, personal contact is strongly encouraged.

CLASSROOM/SCHOOL VISITORS: Parents are welcome to visit classrooms and the other facilities of North Hanover Township Schools by arrangement with the classroom teacher. Unless otherwise directed by a member of the main office staff, all visitors are required to sign- in at the main office and to prominently display a visitor’s badge that will be provided after signing in. (BOE policy #1250) REPORT CARDS/STUDENT ASSESSMENTS USING TEACHER EASE: Student report cards are issued four times throughout the school year. Parents may access their child’s current grades on a daily basis 24/7, monitor completion of homework and communicate through e-mail with their child’s teachers through this system. In order to set up your account, parents need to respond to a welcome e-mail that will be automatically sent at the beginning of the school year by TeacherEase. This e-mail will inform you how to set up their own password and explain how to use the features available. Please note that TeacherEase is the sole reporting system used by the district. There are no mid-marking period reports.

RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS: Occasionally, there is confusion regarding where a child should attend school if the parents work at McGuire AFB or in the community, but live outside of North Hanover Township.

New Jersey State Law requires that children attend school in the community in which they reside (a minimum of four (4) overnights per calendar week).

If you live in a community outside of North Hanover Township, your child may not attend the Atlantis School. Leaving your child at a day care provider or the Youth Center does not meet the residency requirement.

Please be aware that failure to abide by New Jersey law regarding residency could have serious financial consequences. All parents are strongly urged to abide by this regulation.

TRANSFERS: Parents of children who will be transferring during the school year are asked to notify the office at least one week before your child’s last day in school to allow time for a transfer card to be completed and necessary documentation to be assembled. The card should be picked up the last day your child attends school in North Hanover.


NEW STUDENTS: Pupils who enter the district for the first time shall have a medical examination conducted at the medical home of the student by a licensed medical provider and shall receive immunizations in compliance with the current schedule as indicated by New Jersey Sanitary Code Chapter 14. A full report, signed and dated by the medical provider must be submitted to the school within 30 calendar days of registration or the student may risk exclusion. A parent/guardian who, because of bona fide religious convictions, does not wish his/her child to be examined and/or immunized must state so in writing and must be in compliance with the New Jersey Sanitary Code Chapter 14. (BOE policy #5141.3)

STUDENT ILLNESS: It is imperative that the school be notified by a parent or guardian on any day that your child will be absent by calling the ABSENTEE LINE at (609) 723-5612. Please state your child’s name, homeroom teacher, date of absence and reason for absence. All calls should be made prior to 8:00 a.m. If your child does not feel well in the morning, please keep your child home from school. If your child has had a fever, a standard rule of thumb is that your child should be “fever-free” for at least 24 hours before returning to school.

If your child becomes ill at school, you will be contacted by the school nurse or a member of the office staff. If you receive such a call, please come immediately to school to pick up your child. In the event your child is injured at school, you will be notified by the school nurse regarding the nature of the injury, any treatment that was administered and recommended follow-up procedures.

MEDICATION: New Jersey State Law prohibits providing or administering any medication, including over-the-counter items (Tylenol, Advil, etc.), to any student without proper documentation. For further information, please contact the school nurse. CODE OF CONDUCT Citizenship Program

PHILOSOPHY: We believe that students have a responsibility to behave in a manner that encourages learning in the school community. In order to help students, the following school Citizenship Program has been developed.

DISCIPLINE: Each staff member at the Atlantis School accepts responsibility for the maintenance of discipline and the promotion of a program for the development of wholesome human relations. Personal qualities emphasized include “Honesty,” “Effort,” “Responsibility,” and “Respect.” Student behavior is expected to reflect these qualities and comply with New Jersey State Law and Board of Education policies. The staff requests parental support in helping maintain appropriate conduct in the school.

CLASSROOM: - All teachers have a classroom Citizenship Program that includes: Classroom guidelines Positive reinforcement Discipline consequences

BICYCLES: Bicycles, roller blades, sneakers with wheels, skateboards, roller skates, scooters, etc. are prohibited on school grounds during the regular school year.

DRESS GUIDELINES: All students should dress in attire that is appropriate for school. The following guidelines should be used in assessing your child’s attire:  All shirts must be long enough to be “tucked-in.” Tank-tops, mesh shirts, half-shirts, halter-tops, tube tops, etc. are not permitted. Sleeveless shirts must not be revealing in any way.  Apparel should be weather appropriate.  Apparel must not be tight-fitting, sheer, brief or low-cut.  Shorts must be at least “finger-tip” length.  Outdoor apparel (hats, jackets, sunglasses, etc.) may not be worn in school without permission from the building principal.  Beach/shower type footwear is not permissible. All shoes must have backs or back-strap with covered toes. Shoes that are not permissible are flip flops, Crocs, and shoes with heels.  Any garment containing graphics, words or phrases that are suggestively obscene or offensive are prohibited. Apparel may not contain reference to alcohol, drugs (legal or illegal) or words/phrases with double meanings.

Students who are in violation of the DRESS GUIDELINES may be asked to call a parent or guardian for appropriate clothing. Students attending school related functions are required to adhere to these guidelines.

HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION OR BULLYING: The Board of Education expects pupils to treat each other with civility and respect, and will not tolerate acts of harassment, intimidation or bullying against any pupil.

“Harassment, intimidation or bullying” is defined as any gesture or written, verbal or physical act that is reasonably perceived as being motivated either by any actual or perceived characteristic, such as race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, or a mental, physical or sensory handicap, or by any other distinguishing characteristic, that takes place on school property, at any school-sponsored function or on a school bus and that

A. A reasonable person should know, under the circumstances, will have the effect of harming a pupil or damaging the pupil’s property, or placing a pupil in reasonable fear of harm to his/her person or damage to his/her property; or

B. Has the effect of insulting or demeaning any pupil or group of pupils in such a way as to cause substantial disruption in, or substantial interference with, the orderly operation of the school. (NJSA 18A:37-14; BOE policy #5131) Any school employee, pupil or volunteer who has witnessed, or has reliable information that a pupil has been subject to harassment, intimidation or bullying must report the incident to the building principal who will investigate the matter and, dependent upon the findings, take appropriate action. Such actions may include:

1. Restriction from building privileges or programs 2. Suspension from school, either in-school or out-of-school. 3. Filing a formal complaint with the appropriate district and/or state agency.


Any act of reprisal or retaliation against any person who reports an act of harassment, intimidation or bullying will not be tolerated and appropriate action will be taken. Any person found to falsely or maliciously accuse another of an act of bullying will be subject to the same penalties listed above.

CELL PHONES AND OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVICES: Cell Phones, I-pods, Zunes, Electronic Games, etc. may not be used or visible during the course of the regular school day. Children may use or listen to electronic devices at the bus stop and on the school bus itself both on the way to and from school. Once a child has left the school bus to enter the school, all devices must be turned off and stored in the child’s book bag until the end of the school day. The devices may not be taken out or turned on until the child has re-entered the bus for the trip home.

Any device, such as a cell phone, being utilized or visible during the school day will be confiscated and will not be returned to the child until a parent comes to school to claim the item. Electronic devices may not be used on the bus during field trips or other related school activities. Please note that the school will incur no liability, financial or otherwise, should any electronic device be lost or damaged on the way to school, at school, on the way home from school or at any school- related function.

BUS SAFETY: Students are expected to act in a respectful, safe manner on the way to the bus stop, at the bus stop and on the busses. The bus driver is fully in charge of the school bus at all times and shall be responsible for order on the bus. Any incidents of misbehavior on the bus shall be reported to the building principal. At the discretion of the principal a student maybe excluded from the bus. A student excluded from the bus by the principal for disciplinary reasons must be transported to and from school by a parent/guardian.


Number of offense Consequence

1 Conference with the Principal/Warning Letter

2 1 Day Suspension from Bus

3 3 Day Suspension from Bus

4 5 Day Suspension from Bus

5 10 Day Suspension from Bus

6 Permanent Suspension from Bus OTHER DISCIPLINARY CONCERNS: All other matters related to student health, safety and well-being, be they emotional, psychological or physical will be addressed on a case by case basis by the building principal or his/her designee.

CONSEQUENCES ASSOCIATED WITH VIOLATION OF SCHOOL RULES: Atlantis School believes that all children are entitled to the best classroom education possible. Additional benefits to the regular education program include field trips, assembly programs, etc. Violation of Board of Education policy and/or school regulations may include forfeiture of any or all additional benefits.

Consistency in handling matters of discipline is essential in insuring impartiality to any consequences that may be imposed for matters of discipline. Students of Atlantis School, in particular, must be aware of the possible consequences associated with their actions.


Number of Offense Consequence

Conference with the Principal/Notification to 1 Parent(s)/Guardian(s)

1 Day Lunch Detention/Notification to 2 Parent(s)/Guardian(s)

3 Day Lunch Detention/Notification to 3 Parent(s)/Guardian(s)

1 Day After School Detention/Notification to Parent(s)/Guardian(s)


3 Day After School Detention/Notification to Parent(s)/Guardian(s)


All Subsequent Offenses In-School or Out-of-School Suspension for a length of time to be determined by the building principal, and/or and other penalties as may be indicated by New Jersey State Major Infractions Law and/or North Hanover Board of Education policy.

The Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee will be notified of all In-School and Out-of-School Suspensions. Recognition for Positive Citizenship

Discipline in Atlantis School will be operated as much as possible on a positive and individual basis. Children displaying good citizenship will be recognized monthly. In order to develop some degree of consistency in our “Citizenship Award” we have developed criteria upon which a student can be selected. Time should be taken to review this list with your child.

A Good School Citizen is one who…

I. Observes and respects school rules in the following areas… Playground Area - Good sportsmanship - Safety on the playground - Sharing Lunchroom Area - Politeness - Appropriate table manners - Appropriate behavior while in line - Respect for lunchroom assistants - Cleanliness. Returning trays in an orderly manner, removing debris from the floor and table after eating. Classroom guidelines as developed by individual classes and teachers Appropriate behavior during assemblies programs Walking at all times within the school building II. Helpful to his/her teacher, as well as the other students III. Displays a positive attitude toward school IV. Accepts responsibility V. Works well with others VI. Accepts suggestions well VII. Listens well and follows directions VIII. Respects the rights and property of others IX. Displays good school work habits X. Respects teachers and all other adults supervising him/her XI. Improves in any or all of the above areas

Updated: July 22, 2011; RS

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