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Time/Place: 9:30 10:45 Tu/Th; Bldg

Miami-Dade College – Kendall Campus SPC 1017 – FUNDAMENTALS OF SPEECH COMMUNICATION Fall Term (2010): Thursday

Professor Marie L. Knepper Phone: (305) 237- 0308 Email: [email protected] Website: faculty.mdc.edu/mknepper Office: M213 Office Hours: TBA; also by appointment

Textbook: Essentials of Human Communication. Joseph DeVito. 6th edition. ISBN# 0-205-49146-4 Materials: Small package of 3 x 5” index cards

COURSE OBJECTIVES: To develop and improve the following communication skills: Public Speaking: your ability to select, organize, and effectively deliver information in a professional, confident manner. Small Group Communication: your ability to enhance critical problem-solving, conflict management, and listening skills in a small group setting. Interpersonal Communication: your ability to understand the types and stages of interpersonal relationships, and to communicate more effectively one-on-one. MDC LEARNING OUTCOMES: #1. Communicate effectively using listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. #3. Solve problems using critical and creative thinking and scientific reasoning. #4. Formulate strategies to locate, evaluate, and apply information.

Course Policies: to ensure your success in this course, please read carefully! Instructor Assistance: If you have any questions about an assignment, or need help with your presentations, please contact me. I can be reached through telephone, e-mail, during office hours and by appointment. Keep your syllabus handy; answers to many of the questions that will come up during the semester appear in your syllabus. E-mail: Consider your e-mail to be received and read by me when you have received an e-mail answer. You must have a “working” e-mail account on file with MDC, as there may be times when I will need to contact you about important issues. Attendance: Because this is a performance-based course, to receive credit for having attended class you are required to: 1) arrive on time to class 2) remain in the classroom until class is officially dismissed, and

1 Miami-Dade College – Kendall Campus SPC 1017 – FUNDAMENTALS OF SPEECH COMMUNICATION Fall Term (2010): Thursday

3) come prepared to participate intelligently in class activities. Red Dots and What They Mean: Please read carefully: If you are not in class at the time I take attendance, you will be marked with a “red dot.” If tardiness, leaving class early, or absenteeism are a problem, then this is not the class for you! 1 red dot : no penalties 2 red dots: lose one-half letter grade from final grade 3 red dots: lose one letter grade from final grade 4 red dots: lose two letter grades from final grade 5 red dots: fail the class Assignments, Presentations and Examinations : Assignments: You are responsible for all class assignments whether you attend class for that day or not. If you are absent, find out what you missed, either from a classmate, or from me. Please keep the following in mind: 1) Late and/or missed assignments will result in a grade of 0 for that assignment. 2) No assignments will be accepted through e-mail. 3) No hand-written assignments will be accepted. Presentations: If you are absent on the day you are scheduled for a presentation, you will lose all points associated with that project. It is your responsibility to know when you are scheduled to give all of your presentations. Please keep the following in mind: 1) There are no provisions for missed presentations. 2) If you arrive late on a day you are scheduled to do a speech, you may not be permitted to deliver your presentation. If you arrive late for the group discussion meeting or the final presentation, you may not be allowed to participate! Examinations and Final Presentations: There will be one midterm examination, and a final presentation. Final presentations cannot, under any circumstances, be made up. Miss the final, and you fail the class.

Other Important Issues:

2 Miami-Dade College – Kendall Campus SPC 1017 – FUNDAMENTALS OF SPEECH COMMUNICATION Fall Term (2010): Thursday

Cell Phones: Cell phones are not allowed to be on in the classroom. Anyone using a cell phone during class time will receive a red dot for that day. In this course, your full attention as an observer and evaluator is crucial. Turn off all cell phones before class begins.

Dress Code: On the days you are scheduled to make a presentation, you are expected to dress professionally. The clothes you would wear to a corporate job interview are typically regarded as professional dress. Appearance, professional or otherwise, will affect your presentation grade. Academic Dishonesty: academic dishonesty of any type is always a serious matter and will result in sanctions ranging from a grade of zero for assignment to failing the class, and possibly, suspension or expulsion. If you are having difficulties with any materials in the course, see me! Also, there are other resources available on-campus to assist you (see Labs/Tutorials/Learning Resources below). Grading: Your final grade will be determined by total points you earned during the semester, divided by the total number of graded assignments for that semester. Missed or incomplete presentations, assignments and examinations will receive grades of zero (0), which will be computed in your final average grade. Also, attendance affects your final grade.

Grading Scale: 90- 100 points = A 80 – 89 points = B 70 – 79 points = C 60 – 69 points = D Below 60 points = F

Labs/Tutorials/Learning Resources:

1) Speech Lab, Room M221 at http://www.mdc.edu/kendall/english/speechlab.asp

2) Writing Center, Room 2207 at http://www.mdc.edu/kendall/english/writing_center.asp

3) Kendall Campus Library, Building 2, Second Floor at http://www.mdc.edu/kendall/library/about.asp

4) Kendall Campus Computer Courtyard, Building 2, First Floor athttp://www.mdc.edu/kendall/kendallcourtyard/

Study Suggestions: The textbook contains a Summary of Concepts and Skills and Key Word Quizzes at the end of each chapter. Read these carefully. You should also log on to

3 Miami-Dade College – Kendall Campus SPC 1017 – FUNDAMENTALS OF SPEECH COMMUNICATION Fall Term (2010): Thursday

www.mycommunicationlab.com for a variety of study aids. Keep up with the reading assignments! And start preparing and rehearsing your presentations well in advance of due dates. The projects in this course are doable, but they involve time and effort. Don’t fall behind! OVERVIEW OF POSSIBLE ASSIGNMENTS FOR THE SEMESTER: 1. Speech of Introduction: (handout): a. You will have one minute to introduce a classmate to the class, using the format provided in the handout. Although this is a non-graded presentation, you will receive written feedback. It is expected that this practice will help you deliver better presentations in the future. 2. The Old Bag Speech: (handout): 100 points possible. a. You will have 3 to 4 minutes to introduce yourself to the class, using directions shown in the handout. Instructor will supply evaluation form. 2. The Persuasive Speech: (handout, pp. 293-306 and pp. 318-330 in textbook): 100 points possible. You will have 4 to 5 minutes to deliver a speech to persuade your audience to change their beliefs, opinions, and/or behaviors. Consult the handout, which will be thoroughly discussed in class, and pp. 293-306 in the texbook for guidelines for visual aids. Instructor will supply evaluation form for this project. 3. Participation in a Group Problem Solving Discussion: (handout, and pp. 181-194 and 200-211 in textbook): 100 points possible Your group will have 50 minutes to address a problem using the problem-solving strategy described in the handout, based on John Dewey’s Reflective Method. After the discussion concludes, group members will participate in a Question and Answer session with the audience, as time permits. Evaluation forms will be supplied by the instructor. 4. Group Discussion Notes: (handout ): 100 points possible. 7. Midterm Examination: (study guide handout will be discussed in class). 100 points possible. 8. Final Presentation: (handouts): double grade. Students are to create and display a poster that summarizes an area of content or significant concept from the textbook. Students can work alone or with one other partner, and will be provided with an easel or table to display their poster exhibits in class. Poster topics will be discussed and selected in class. Instructor will supply evaluation form. Note: This is your final exam, and represents a double grade! It cannot be made up.

4 Miami-Dade College – Kendall Campus SPC 1017 – FUNDAMENTALS OF SPEECH COMMUNICATION Fall Term (2010): Thursday

9. Teachers for a Day Communication Assignments: (100 points possible, each). You and your group members will be asked to prepare/present mini- presentations related to the textbook. To receive credit for these assignments, you must participate in the preparation and be in class for the delivery of the activity.

Date Activities Reading Assignments August 26 FIRST DAY OF CLASS! Introduction to Course; Discussion of Syllabus; Assign Group Letters; Teambuilding Activity

Film: Speaking to 1 or 1000

Guidelines for Old Bag Speeches Guidelines for Walk of the Matador Sept. 2 Lecture: Chapter 1 Read Chapter 1 Lecture and Film: Public Speaking Read pp. 218-221; Apprehension 252-260; 267-273; Lecture: Public Speaking Delivery Walk of the Matador Activity Final Review: Old Bag Speeches

Sept. 9 Old Bag Speeches Due: Entire Class Read pp. 293-306 Guidelines for Persuasive Speech and 318-330. Teachers for a Day: work on Assign.#2

Sept. 16 Teachers for a Day: Assign.#2 Due Lecture: Persuasion Persuasive Speeches: In-Class Activities

Sept. 23 Persuasive Speeches Due: Entire Class Lecture: Small Group Communication Read Chapter 8; and Guidelines for Group Problem-Solving pp. 200-211 Project

Sept. 30 Group Work

5 Miami-Dade College – Kendall Campus SPC 1017 – FUNDAMENTALS OF SPEECH COMMUNICATION Fall Term (2010): Thursday

Oct. 7 Wrap-up of Group Work Review of Guidelines for Final Presentations Oct. 14 Group Projects Due: Groups A & B Review for Midterm

Oct. 21 Group Projects Due: Groups C & D Review for Midterm Oct. 28 MIDTERM EXAM Wrap-up of Guidelines for Final Presentations Nov. 4 Lecture: Interpersonal Communication Read p. 130 and 138-142. Teachers for a Day: work on Assign. #3

Nov. 11 Holiday. MDC Closed.

Teachers for a Day: Assign. #3 Due Nov. 18 In-Class Activity: work on Final Presentations

Nov. 25 Holiday. MDC Closed

Dec. 2 Final Presentations Due: Groups C & D

Dec. 9 Final Presentations Due: Groups A & B Congratulations! Last Day of Class! You Made It!


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