Discipleship Principles Pertaining to Our Worship

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Discipleship Principles Pertaining to Our Worship

“Discipleship Principles Pertaining To Our Wealth” Matthew 6:19-34


It may be helpful to understand again how these lessons began... (Matthew 5:1-2) And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain:and when he was set, his disciples came unto him:{2} And he opened his mouth, and taught them… In Matthew 5:1-12 He taught them lessons concerning their Will In Matthew 5:13-16 He taught them lessons concerning their Witness In Matthew 5:17-48 He taught them lessons concerning His Word In Matthew 6:1-18 He taught them lessons concerning their Worship In Matthew 6:19-34 He taught them lessons concerning their Wealth

1. Christ Speaks Of Our Treasure (Matthew 6:19-21) What does it mean to lay up treasures in heaven? It means to use all that we have for the glory of God. It means to “hang loose” when it comes to the material things of life. It also means measuring life by the true riches of the kingdom and not by the false riches of this world. (Warren Wiersbe) A. He Recommends A Protected Investment vs. 19-20 1. Heavenly Treasure Is Not Subject To Rot 2. Heavenly Treasure Is Not Subject To Robbery B. He Recommends A Preferred Investment vs. 21 1. Notice Our Deposits treasure treasure – [Greek thesaurus] a deposit, i.e. wealth (literally or figuratively). 2. Notice Our Desires hearts hearts – [Greek kardia] a derivative of a Latin word; means the heart, figuratively it means the thoughts or feelings.

2. Christ Speaks Of Our Taskmasters (Matthew 6:22-24) A. What Is Your Mentality In The Area Of Wealth? vs. 22-23 1. This Passage Reveals A Good Focus vs. 22 2. This Passage Reveals A Grievous Focus vs. 23 Wealth not only enslaves the heart, but it also enslaves the mind (Matt. 6:22-23). God’s Word often uses the eye to represent the attitudes of the mind. If the eye is properly focused on the light, the body can function properly in its movements. But if the eye is out of focus and seeing double, it results in unsteady movements. It is most difficult to make progress while trying to look in two directions at the same time. If our aim in life is to get material gain, it will mean darkness within. But if our outlook is to serve and glorify God, there will be light within. If what should be light is really darkness, then we are being controlled by darkness; and outlook determines outcome. (Warren Wiersbe) B. Who Is Your Master In The Area Of Wealth? vs. 24 1. Are You A Servant Of God? 2. Or Are You A Servant Of Greed? mammon

3. Christ Speaks Of Our Trust (Matthew 6:25-34) A. He Exemplified God’s Fatherly Care vs. 25-29 1. By Mentioning The Fowls vs. 26 2. By Mentioning The Flowers vs. 27-29 B. He Emphasized God’s Faithful Care vs. 30-34 1. Notice His Providential Assurance vs. 30-32 2. Notice Our Primary Aim vs. 33

Conclusion: Most of us will remember the legend of King Midas of Phrygia, a kingdom in Asia Minor. It is said that he was a good and gracious man, though overly fond of luxury and wealth. Because he had done a kindness to Dionysus, the god of wine, Dionysus offered Midas the grant of any one wish, and Midas asked for the gift of the golden touch. Soon enough Midas learned that even his food would turn to gold. Midas said, “A piece of bread is worth all the gold on earth!” He begged Dionysus to take back the gift, which he could not do, but he told Midas instead to bathe in the River Pactolus. He did, and the golden touch of the king was somehow transferred to the river. And so the Pactolus in historical times was far famed for the grains of gold that could be washed from its sands. Now greed abides within each of our hearts, but if we will wash in the crimson flow of Calvary, our revenues will be channeled in the right direction.

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