1) Briefly Describe Each Branch of the Fascist Norsefire Government (Pg.15)
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Book 1: Ch. 1-4
1) Briefly describe each branch of the Fascist Norsefire government (pg.15):
a. Eye
b. Ear
c. Nose
d. Fate
2) “Everybody is special. Everybody. Everybody is a hero, a lover, a fool, a villain. Everybody.” (panel 4, Pg. 26). How have you seen this concept played out in a movie/book/video game? Describe a character who meets ALL of these requirements.
3) Why would the Labor Party’s removal of American missiles on British soil be a victory for the party (Panel 1, pg. 27)
4) How do we as the reader know that what is happening to Lewis Prothero is set up by V? What visual and text based clues reveal that? Book 1: Chapter 5-11
1) Why would a man like Adam Susan, a fascist leader, love Fate? (pg 38-39)
2) Who does “Justice” “love” now? Why is V so upset about his “lover” betraying him?
3) V quotes a Rolling Stone song on Pg. 54, panels 4-6. It is a song called Sympathy of the Devil. Who is truly the devil in this scenario, V or Bishop Lilliman? Explain your answer with quotes.
4) Why does Delia say “Thank God” when V wakes her up? (pg. 70)
5) Is Delia good or bad? Did she deserve to die? Book 2: Prologue-Chapter 4
1) Explain the metaphor between Evey being left on the street and the rabbit magic trick. How are these two events similar.
2) Summarize the dialogue happening on TV on pgs 107-111. What are the programs about? Summarize what is happening visually in the panels. How do these align and how do they contrast?
3) There are five different perspectives happening during V’s broadcast. One is the broadcast itself, the other is the general population watching the broadcast. What is happening in the other three perspectives? Book 2: Chapter 5-7
1) Look back on Chapter 4 (The broadcast), how do you know that it wasn’t V who was killed, but it was actually Roger Dascombe. What visual evidence shows that?
2) Describe Gordon (Gordie). What kind of people does he associate with? What is the relationship between him and Evey? How did Evey come to be with Gordon? What happens to Gordon?
3) What is Rosemary Almond’s situation like right now?
4) Other than Gordon, we meet two new characters in this section, Creedy and Ally Harper. Fill out the character chart for these two. Who are they? What are the relationships with the other characters? Book 2: Chapter 8-13
1) Who was Valerie?
2) What’s the last inch
3) Evey Character Study Book 3: Prologue-Chapter 3
1) How does the Overture of 1812 set the tone for this book? How does that differ from the tone set by “Vicious Cabaret” from the second book?
2) Read the article about “Magic Faraway Tree” . Answer the following question:
a. Why would Alan Moore, author of V For Vendetta, choose a simple children’s book to be the most important literary allusion in this anarchist book?
3) Describe what happens to Adam Susan over the course of this section.
4) Explain the symbolism of the dominoes that V is setting up?
5) Fill in the character chart for the following characters (where are they in the plot, what is happening with them):
a. Mrs. Heyer
b. Conrad Heyer
c. Rosemary Almond
d. Peter Creedy
e. Ally Harper Book 3: Chapters 4-7
1) Look at the last panel on page 216. We have seen this same type of image twice before. Compare the journey of V, Evey, and now Finch’s revelations.
2) “Anarchy wears two faces, both creator and destroyer. Thus destroyers topple empires; make a canvas of clean rubble where creators can build a better world.” We have now heard everything about V’s views on anarchy. Summarize what anarchy is and how is it different from fascism?
3) How is Adam Susan handling being around actual citizens of the country he “leads”? How is he different compared to when he is around Fate?
4) “Ideas are bulletproof” What does this mean? Book 3: Chapters 8-11
1) Four people die in these few chapters. Who are they and how does each die?
2) Why does Finch “not remember” where he killed V? What would be his motivation for lying?
3) When Evey thinks about taking off the mask, she sees Gordon, her father, her mother, and then her younger self. What do all of these people have in common?
4) “Viking’s Funeral: Another kind of burial was for the Vikings to sail their dead out to sea. The lore of this practise often involves the burning of the ship before the dead are cast out. It was common for the dead’s goods to travel with them out into the water. This type of burial was not common however, and was likely reserved for sea captains, noble Vikings and the very wealthy.” Why is this type of funeral fitting for a figure like V?
5) Why does Finch leave Mrs. Heyer behind?