Bedford Street and Furzton Medical Centre
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Present: Trevor Powell (Chair), Frank Newberry (Vice Chair), Roger Bradbury, Terry Dawes, Peter Sears, Dr. H. Ullah, Laura Lucas, Brenda Kesterton
1. Liaison with Practice Manager
(a) Laura explained the practices were taking part in a national project from unidentifiable practice records. This information will go onto a national data record scheme. Information from health and social care will be included and will give a bigger a picture of referrals etc. Patients are able to opt in or out as they wish.
(b) The Practice survey is complete and the results are now online. Unfortunately there was not a very good patient response from the Furzton Surgery
(c) Staff numbers have increased at Furzton as have the phone lines. There are now positive reports on NHS Choices about Furzton Surgery.
PS queried the number of nursing staff at Furzton.
There is 1 x full time, (Specialist Nurse) specializing in asthma and COPD. 1 x 20 hours 1 X HCA. There are 2 ½ full time nurses to cover both sites, including specialist nurses.
2. Apologies Judy Lane, Jenny Haynes, Reg Haynes, Shirley Harrold
3. Minutes of the meeting held on 13 August 2013 These were accepted as an accurate record
4. Matters Arising It had been discussed at a previous meeting that the members would like an “Action Point” for answers to any item to come forward at the next meeting.
5. Feedback from: (a) Congress Frank had stood down as representative on this group. Roger had agreed to be our representative. Frank proposed this appointments, Terry seconded this. The meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. Frank stated that he had done as much as he could, there will be a new chapter starting, coming up with new roles and new vision and he was optimistic for the future of the group.
Mike Rowlands is the new Chair of the Patients’ Advisory Forum (PAF) and has been in post for 3 months and is keen to work with Congress on their terms and wants to engage with PPGs who do not attend Congress meetings.
6. Feedback from “Open” meeting in September The group was disappointed by the poor turnout for the “Open” meeting. Brenda will make contact with Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council office to see if we can display a poster at their offices.
Action: BK
The Chairman had received a letter from a founder member of the group, stating that at the Open Meeting in November 2012 he had been promised he would receive Minutes from the meetings. At that meeting we had formed the Core Group and Mr. C had been invited to join the group, which he declined. It was agreed that henceforth, all group minutes would be displayed on the Website.
Action: TP/BK
7. Redefining our role as a PPG in line with our Terms of Reference It was agreed that we need to review our Terms of Reference. This item will be discussed at a future meeting
8. Any other business TD queried the use of the loop system, for patients with hearing difficulties. He stated if the battery goes flat it takes 24 hours to charge.
9. Date of next meeting Tuesday 12 November 2013 Bedford Street Surgery – 1 pm