East Hampshire & Havant Local Implementation Group (LIG)
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East Hampshire & Havant Local Implementation Group (LIG) Minutes of the Meeting
Thursday 9th November 2017, Petersfield Community Centre, Love Lane, off Tor Way, Petersfield, GU31 4BW (Exhibition room)
People who were there: Florence Garland (admin) Keith Goffe, Peter Sitton, Kathie Tong, Karen Pollard, Andrea Fitzpatrick, Trudy Perlins, Poppy from Dolphin Homes, Richard Goldberger, Jason Norum, Hazel Chimombe, Mark Woodgate, Richard Dore Florence Garland, Helen Dayson, Shane, Rachel Driscoll, Choice Support and loads of service users.
Apologies: Margaret White, Judith Lesley Smith, Philippa Neathey, Sam Tong.
Mistakes from previous minutes:
Typo – longer should read “younger “
Matters arising Transport: issues with time tables-timings/boundaries. Jason will gather information for the group. He does not to wait too long and will remind Jess to tell him. 28 November – co-production meeting, Helen will clarify things with the group. Community transport issues as well as buses.
1 Dolphin Homes (residential)
12 properties, a new one opening in Netley Marsh (for people with Prader Willi syndrome).
Poppy lives in Horndean.
Residents are usually 18 to 65 years old. They can take people 65+ as long as the environment is suitable and if they have lived in the home for a long time.
They have monthly forums: reps come from each homes. They bring ideas. There are plans for a christmas party (Xmas jumper themed).
Talent Show – Hayling Island last week – very popular.
Sports day: Peter Hull MBE (paralympics for swimming). Sports inspired day. Bowls, disabled access bikes, poppy did not want to get off the bike! Skittles and new age curling (no icing), basket ball, football. Very popular. In So’ton
Coventry – snooker tournament championship. Very special time for the service users.
One of the service users is a keen photographer and he came to all the homes and took photos which have been added onto the website.
Staffing: recruitment is currently slow but it always includes service users. Poppy got involved to chose Richard.
Additional training with Makaton and intensive interaction. Care certificate to be completed.
Kathie thought that 2 weeks training is not long enough. Trudy said that staff is encouraged to study to a NVQ level 2. Kathie thinks that carers are not paid enough (raise the profile of the role of carers). Helen met with Damian Hinds MP and showed him the modules of the care certificate. If printed off, it is massive and people have to be observed too. Jason said the local government association and
2 ADASS lobby the government for more money for paid carers. It is national. National living wage is pushing people wages slightly but not enough. Louise Osborne for health has done a lot of work. Trudy said that someone from college took their details. Maybe look at apprenticeships.
Partnership Board matters –
Shared Lives:
Run by HCC for people with learning disabilities who live with families. It provides opportunities for respite (week end break, day break etc). The idea is that you are part of a family.
Claire (the lady who runs the service) recognised that it had not been the best service, but they have improved in in loads of different ways.. they changed the structure and are looking at active placement. Another 22 families to go through the process.
There is now a referral officer who can match people with families. Full training program that needs to follow.
They are hopeful that the changes made will enhance the service.
Flo has sent the video round.
Housing: Service users gave a full report which Flo has sent out. It is on the website. It takes a long time to get the right home!
Getting the right support can be difficult and it can take a long time. It can feel unsafe too.
3 Richard reported on behalf of the Green LIG. Shane asked a question about Bordon New Town Development. Opposite Tesco there is a new building being built. Jenny said that it was a residential home. 8 or 10 units going on the new Quebec estate (Mencap support and Radian housing provider).
Jason said it would be good to have feedback on how process is.
Developers have to invest in their community otherwise they should not get the planning application in the process.
It would be lovely to know where people live. Lisa lives in supported living near Portsmouth. Choice Support takes the ladies out. Lisa enjoys living where she is. Shane lives with his family and would like a bit more independence. Richard lives in Havant.
Plans: New builts in the north because land was available. They are also building new homes in the South. 22 more rooms in shared houses, 41 more flats in 2017, 46 more flats in 2018. Building flats for people with high needs but “Choice Based Lettings” is still the main option (points system).
£35 million invested from HCC.
There was a question about support for families who want to purchase a property for their loved ones: managing property, trust. Princess Royal Trust for Carers might be to signpost people with supporting carers in the process ([email protected])
New procurement system – guidance for housing maybe – Jason.
Next Partnership Board on 24th January – LD plan review update and Transformation to 2019.
Finance and Christmas
4 Christmas - agreed buffet. Everyone has to bring something but not too many crisps. Richard will bring walnut bread. Keith – chicken legs. Gluten free cake from Shane Flo can make sausage rolls. Paper plates Quiches from Helen (gluten free is possible) Poppy will bring mince pies. Cheese and onion sausage rolls Cheese and biscuits form Jason Bread sticks and humus from hazel Satsumas and mini rolls – Kirsty Crackers from Helen Drinks: squash, cordial – Flo Tomatoes ???
Christmas jumpers if you wish.
Finance: £545.26 left in the accounts. Richard raised the issue with Cllr Fairhurst. We need to write to councillors telling them what we do. Hiring of this room is the main expense and travel expenses paid if needed. It is an independent group that feed in the Board.
Digital Transformation – Rachel Driscoll
See Rachel’s presentation.
HCC currently work with people who are in need of, or potentially in need of receiving social care services. Up until now we complete our work using the phone, or emailing, or writing or visiting people in person. Now, more and more people are using the internet, or have a family and friends who could do this on their behalf.
So customer account is going to be linked to Adults Health care. It will enable HCC to share information securely with customers in real time.
5 It will enable customers to access to their own personal assessment, their personal plan, their care costs, pay online and manage the financial aspect of their care .details of appointments and access to the self review form to prepare for the meeting. These areas generate questions to the department that the customer will now be able to answer for themselves.
A customer can choose to have another person, family member of friend access their adults health and care Hants web account. This is called a proxy.
Proxies have the ability to do the same online activities through the account as the customer themselves.
Appointment system:
The appointment system allows the staff to create and allocate appointments to teams and available staff using technology that sends pre-appointments information to the attendees as well as appointment reminders.
Self review: Using their Hantsweb account, customers can now submit a review of their personal plan ahead of an appointment.
New on line referral form: The public can request new or additional support for an individual. Concerned members of the public can report an issue with a carer or care provider.
Other things and anything else whether want to discuss:
Hazel will talk about liaison nurses and health next time round (15 minutes).
6 2017 dates: should be 2nd Thursday of the month except August
2017 14 December and Xmas party
2018 11/01/18, 08/02/18, 08/03/18, 12/04/18, 10/05/18, 14/06/18, 12/07/18, 13/09/18, 11/10/18, 08/11/18, 13/12/18