Student Senate Agenda

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Student Senate Agenda

Student Senate Agenda Wednesday, April 30th 2014 Sorrell Center 2018, 5:30pm 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Previous Minutes –Approved 3. Roll Call with Clickers 4. Guest Speaker: Tonya ?? 5. Advisor’s Report 6. Executive Council’s Reports: a. President a.i. UNMC Student Regent Parking Spot – Jery Inbarasu a.ii. UNMC Strategic Planning Meeting a.ii.1. More to come in the fall. a.ii.2. Student input was highly appreciated a.ii.3. Looking for ways to get certifications for individuals who have done leadership tasks. There might be some required courses. a.iii. Student Life Center Addition & Renovation a.iii.1. Jeremy Hosein started this project a couple years ago to help the committee determine student needs. Past through Business and Finance Office. Project is funded by donations from the Scott family, $6M. a.iii.2. We should created a thank you card for the Scott family. a.iii.3. PT has labs over in the SLC. a.iv. Education & Outreach Certificate – Update b. Secretary b.i. Senator Feedback Link c. Treasurer c.i. Budget & Financial Account Information c.i.1. See the presenation. 7. College Reports: a. Allied Health b. College of Medicine b.i. M4s are graduating c. College of Nursing d. College of Pharmacy d.i. Dr. Chris Schaeffer, has been chosen as Dean of Academic Affairs? d.ii. Senator Schomer will be leaving us. e. College of Public Health f. Graduate Studies f.i. Elections, 1200 people showed up for HOLI. There was video of the flash mob. 8. Committee Reports: a. Activities Committee a.i. Spring on the Green & Salsa Night Update a.i.1. Senator Sudbeck stated the BBQ had 350-400 people show up. Sodexo did most of the work. Next year changes will be needed to prevent Post-docs from eating on student fee cost. a.i.2. Salsa Night: Senator Wu stated 26 students showed up and everyone participated well. About $150 went to the instructor from the student payments. Students got chips and salsa as a gift. Suggestions to host this event more frequently and in the gym. Also, different dancing styles were requested. One student got a parking ticket for parking in a campus lot without a tag. Next time we should look into visitor parking. b. Issues Committee c. Academic Affairs Committee c.i. Education Council Meeting: We are going to a consolidated academic calendar. This might change the way the School of Allied Health is scheduled. 9. Liaison Reports: a. IT a.i. Mobile Device Application – August 2014 Rollout; β-testers needed over the summer a.i.1. It’s moving forward with the top 10 functions. August is the deadline to get it rolling. Senator Price and Zehr will lead the beta-testers for Senate. A list of volunteers is being sent around. a.ii. Printers: A new sign is being placed by the Sorrell printers to help students get these printers working. Let other students know about these resources. The number can be called or texted. b. Legislative c. LiveGreen c.i. Earth Week c.i.1. It was great, free ice cream was nice. 150 trees were given out along with some seeds. d. Security d.i. Safety Week Fall 2014 – recruit an additional Senator volunteer for planning events d.i.1. Senator Morales is leading the charge. A second senator is needed to help with planning the events. e. Student Health Services e.i. New Insurance plan – BCBS e.i.1. The plan looks really good. Some suggestions for the next plan were given. Dental is included. New cards will be going out about a month prior to the semester. Some programs start in May and will be eligible. Most students will enroll in the fall semester. e.ii. Formation of New Committee e.ii.1. A student health committee is being formed. Contact Senator Danielle Fenster for more information. e.iii. An online immunization group is being put together. 10. Shelved Items: a. Constitution Review & Revision: Alicia, Levi and Brian 11. Proposals: a. BOSS Proposal (Issues Committee) a.i. No discussion a.ii. Vote a.ii.1. 26 for zero against zero abstain a.ii.2. Proposal passed b. Readership Program (Issues Committee) b.i. Senator Tran asked if the papers were the only two available. b.ii. Senator Hosein stated that the Committee left open the options for other paper offerings. Washington Post, Wallstreet Journal, ect. b.iii. Senator Tran does this offer online subscriptions. No b.iv. Senator Wergin asked what the $2500 commitment was from. b.v. Senator Hosein said that this came form Cheryl Thompson’s office? Key Point: The money would be returned to the original donors if it is not used. b.vii. Senator Coburn asked if we should use this $2500 now? b.viii. Senator Hosein stated that right now the contract would not allow the other papers at the discounted price. The contract will expire and we can renegotiate. b.ix. Senator Tran asked how could we get additional papers. b.x. Senator Hosein and Schiller stated that the account manager could offer a two week trial for free of any paper we would like. “Jason” is the contact. b.xi. Senator Savalia suggested that we don’t have to have the changes in the proposal b.xii. Senator Hosein stated that we could trial different c. High School Alliance Mentorship Program (Academic Affairs Committee) c.i. Senator Hosein discusses the need for the Academic Affairs to fund this project. Senate can bring the manpower to the program. $1200 isn’t a whole lot to ask of this department. c.ii. Senator Ha feels that this is an acceptable spendature of money to make Senate visible. c.iii. Senator Savalia would like to support this with meals to get this program up and rolling. It would be just to get students involved. c.iv. Senator Price asked if there are other ways to fund this program? Senator Ha said that HSA wasn’t planning on doing lunch reimbursement before this proposal. HSA wasn’t planning on making these lunches organized. c.v. Senator Inbarasu stated that the original thought on the committee is to get people involved by using food as an incentive. This would allow students to recruit future health professionals and drive professional development. Senator Hosein has participated in this program for two years and feels that centralizing the meetings at the cost of other students isn’t ideal. c.vii. Senator Wu suggested getting faculty or other staff to come visit the lunches. c.viii. Senator Coburn stated that we have approximate excess of $8,500 in the academic year budget. c.ix. Senator Blake discussed the importance of the role models that we provide as growing health professionals to help other kiddos succeed in the medical field. c.x. Motion to amend the proposal by removing the budget –Senator Hosein c.x.1. Vote 9 for 15 against 2 abstain c.x.2. Motion failed c.xi. Vote on the Proposal c.xi.1. 23 for 1 against 4 abstained d. Fall Leadership Forum (Academic Affairs Committee) d.i. Senator Wergin introduced the proposal. d.ii. Senator Hosein would like to thank the Academic Affairs Committee for providing this proposal. Who else would be thinking of? Also, we need to have a plan on getting attendance. d.iii. Senator Wergin: no discussion has been had on strategy but the task force would figure this out. Senators need to spread the word. d.iv. Senator Price stated discussion on getting the event aligned into a class schedule so that it could be attended with smaller d.v. Senator Savalia Atul Grover?? Chancellor Gold has some other suggestions. Senator Mirilami wonders why food is always involved in these events. d.vii. Senator Tran does this have to be a lunch event? d.viii. Senator Wergin stated that the details are yet to be worked out, it could be a day long event. d.ix. Senator Zehr food is a good incentive d.x. Senator Inbarasu stated that charging is usually a large discentive to people attending. Advertising and the leader name is the best way to get people involved. d.xi. Senator Ha stated it’s important to stress what studetns will get out of the event. Breakout sessions would be helpful for the event. d.xii. Senator Savalia historically food is an effective way to get attendance. And getting people coming to the leadership forum early in the semester would really help them. Let the task force, Krupa, or Brett know about suggestions for the event. d.xiii. Senator Fenster thinks this is a great proposal and that the $10,000 is just a max to allow flexibility. d.xiv. Motion to vote d.xiv.1. 26 for 0 against 1 abstain d.xiv.2. Motion passed 12. Next Meeting: a. September 2014 Meeting: 5:30pm (Sorrell 2018) 13. Adjournment

AGENDA ITEM NOTES 4. Guest Speaker: none 5. Advisor’s Report

6. Executive Council’s Reports: a. President a.i. Student Regent Parking Spot – Jery Inbarasu a.ii. UNMC Strategic Planning Meeting a.iii. Student Life Center Addition & Renovation a.iv. Education & Outreach Certificate Program Update b. Secretary b.i. Senator Feedback Link c. Treasurer c.i. Financial Account Information 7. College Reports: a. Allied Health b. College of Medicine c. College of Nursing d. College of Pharmacy e. College of Public Health f. Graduate Studies 8. Committee Reports: a. Activities Committee a.i. Spring on the Green Update a.ii. Salsa Night Update a.iii. Fall Welcome Back Event b. Issues Committee c. Education Committee c.i. Education Council Update 9. Liaison Reports: a. IT a.i. Mobile Device Application Update b. Legislative c. LiveGreen c.i. Earth Week d. Security d.i. Safety Week Fall 2014 e. Student Health Services e.i. New Health Insurance Plan (BCBS) e.ii. New Committee Formation 11. Proposals: a. High School Alliance Mentorship Program (Academic Affairs)

b. Fall Leadership Forum (Academic Affairs)

c. BOSS Proposal (Issues)

d. Readership Program (Issues)

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