Lesson plans and activities for 1/15/08-1/18/08

This is what we will be doing in algebra this week.

Tuesday, January 15--Students will view ratio and proportions grades 7-12 www.unitedstreaming.com segments 1 and 2. Students will take notes from a power point on unit rate, converting rates, and using cross products to solve proportions. The Sunshine State standards covered are MAA 342, MAB242 ( to use shortcuts for writing number comparisons, find ratios and rates, and to solve real-world problems using proportions.) Homework p. 185-186 (2-40) even.

For some mathematical fun with ratios try this website. Extra credit will be given for the answers. http://regentsprep.org/regents/Math/ratio/Tratio.htm http://math.rice.edu/~lanius/proportions/

Wednesday: Students will correct their homework P. 185-186 even.

Studens will view video segments from www.unitedstreaming.com below.

TEAMS: Number Concepts for Middle School: Problem Solving Involving (29:00) Proportions Select To Add Using Proportions to Determine Similar Shapes and Comparing Polygons (08:00) Proportions: Determining Similar Shapes (03:35)

Students will take notes from a powerpoint concerning similar figures and draw similar figures using GeoGebra software. Students will find the missing side of similar figures by solving the proportions. Homework p. 192 (1-20). Sunshine state standards are MAB 143 and MAB 241( to find missing measures of similar figures).

Thursday --Students will correct their homework p. 192 (1-20). Students will complete the activity found at http://www.indiana.edu/~atmat/units/measurement/mea_act4.htm using scale drawings.

Friday--Students will review using boss/secretary unit rates, ratios, proportions, similar figures and take a quiz on ratio and proportion and similar figures. Lesson plan 1/15-1/18 [01/18/08]

Activities and lessons for week

Tuesday January 15 --Students will observe segment 1 and 2 of Fractions and all their parts www.unitedstreaming.com. Students will then take notes from a power point on how to add and subtract fractions with like and unlike denominators. Sunshine state standards MAA 332, MAA331 (to know the appropriate operation to solve real-world problems involving fractions and to add and subtract fractions.) Students will complete for homework p.194 ( 1-34). Students may wish to practice their addition and subtraction of fractions using these websites this week: www.telacommunications.com/misc/games/mathquiz/fract01.htm - 16k , www.funbrain.com/fractop/index.html - 8k

Wednesday January 16-- Students will correct p. 194 (1-34) homework. Students will observe segment 3 of fractions and all their parts www.unitedstreaming.com and take notes from a powerpoint on addition and subtraction of mixed numbers. Homework will be p. 199 (2-40) even.

Thursday, January 17--Students will correct p. 199 (2-40 even) homework. Students will observe multiplying fractions and whole numbers www.unitedstreaming.com. They will take notes from a powerpoint on how to multiply fractions and whole numbers and how to multiply two fractions, and fractions and mixed numbers. Sunshine state standards are MAA 331 and MAA332 and MAA333(to multiply fractions, to select the appropriate operation to solve real-world problems and to multiply mixed numbers.)Homework will be p. 205 ( 1 -30). Students may practice multiplying fractions using the following website: http://www.321know.com/fra66mx2.htm

Friday, January 18--Students will correct p. 205 (1-23). Students will then play boss/secretary as they review addition and subtraction of fractions and multiplication of fractions. They will then have a relay of addition and subtraction of fractions using the document camera. The final activity will be a quiz on addition, subtraction, and multiplication of fractions.