Academic Professional Advisory Committee
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1 ACADEMIC PROFESSIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE 2 Minutes 3 August 8, 2013 4 9:00 a.m. – BRK 204D 5 6 1) Call to Order 7 a. Maureen Hoover called the meeting to order at 9:10 a.m. 8 b. Members present include, John Snyder, Jeri Frederick, Greg Mayes, Jo 9 Barnard, Helene Bea, Mae Noll, Donna Haynes and Maureen Hoover 10 c. Guests: Patti Sims and Laura Alexander 11 12 2) Approval of Agenda 13 a. Greg Mayes motioned to approve the agenda 14 b. The motion was seconded by Donna Haynes 15 c. Motion approved. 16 17 3) Approval of Minutes 18 a. Motion to approve was made by Greg Mayes 19 b. The motion was seconded by Helene Bea 20 c. Motion approved. 21 22 4) Treasurer’s Report 23 a. There were no expenditures over the past month, so the balance in our 24 account remains $487.28. 25 26 5) Announcements 27 a. No announcements 28 29 6) Old Business 30 a. Committee Appointments: 31 Donna Haynes gave us all a list of the current committee appointments 32 and the following changes were made: 33 i. Jeri Frederick, Mae Noll and Helene Bea were added to the 34 APAC Website committee. 35 ii. Helene Bea was added to the CAPE Awards Committee 36 iii. The Compensation Review Committee remains inactive 37 iv. Keith McMath has filled Amanda Winters position on the Civil 38 Service Advisory Council 39 v. Maureen Hoover has filled Amanda’s position on the 40 Committee on Student Discipline 41 42 b. September Meeting with the Chancellor: 43 Maureen asked Committee members if there was anything that they’d 44 like to have addressed at the September 6th Executive Committee 45 meeting with the Chancellor. Maureen would like to discuss a plan 46 about implementing a Welcome Committee to hold events a couple of 47 times annually to meet and greet with new members of the UIS 48 community. 49 Greg will be reviewing his ideas about the SMTD bus pass 50 arrangement that he kicked off at last year’s meeting. 51 52 7) New Business 53 a. APAC Website: 54 Mae Noll, Helene Bea and Jeri Frederick met on August 5th to discuss 55 making changes to the website. Mae showed the committee members 56 some of the sites that were viewed at that meeting and we discussed 57 ideas for making changes to the current website. Ideas include: adding 58 member’s photos to the contact information, a section called News & 59 Announcements, links to informational sites i.e., NESSIE, Human 60 Resources, SUCCS, SUAA, SURS, and the Campus Senate. We 61 talked about the old Academic Professional Handbook that used to be 62 issued when APs were hired and Patti Sims pointed out that an updated 63 version of the handbook is available on the Provost’s website at: 64 We will add this link to 65 our website. Some of the information that new employees might need 66 will also be offered in the new Employee Orientation being developed 67 through Human Resources. 68 We also talked about other members receiving Word Press training in 69 order to be able to make changes/updates to the website in Clay’s 70 absence or if he is unavailable. 71 Maureen suggested that maybe this fall APAC could offer a staff 72 seminar on Security Awareness and ask Clay to facilitate. 73 74 b. Joint CSAC and APAC Meeting: 75 Maureen would like to think about holding a joint meeting with CSAC 76 and APAC members. She thought we should have an opportunity to 77 get together and discuss issues that we might have in common. Jo 78 Barnard thought this might be difficult as the daily schedules for many 79 Civil Service staff vary widely. Jeri suggested that maybe we could 80 have a morning coffee type of get together. Maureen has spoken with 81 CSAC Chair, Bobbi Fults and will follow-up and report back in 82 September. 83 84 8) Committee Updates 85 a. Campus Senate – Raymond Barnett was not present at today’s meeting 86 b. APAC Website – Clay was not present at today’s meeting. 87 c. CSAC – Jo Barnard reported that CSAC is not interested in joining 88 with APAC to carry out a Welcome Committee for new employees. 89 CARE Award nominations are being accepted and the Civil Service 90 Appreciation Day is being held on September 18th. There will be a 91 luncheon and a drawing for door prizes will go on throughout the day. 92 93 9) Public Comments: 94 a. Patti Sims reported that the Notices of Appointment for the next fiscal 95 year will be released on September 14th. AP raises for the year will 96 appear in the September paychecks. 97 98 10) Motion to adjourn was made by Helene Bea and seconded by Mae Noll. 99 100 Meeting adjourned at 9:50 a.m. 101 102 Next meeting – September 12, 2013, 9:00 a.m. Brookens 204D