Names: ______Period: _____ “I want to see if different colors of light help plants grow better. I am going to take four plants (all the same type) and set them up underneath different lights. One will be a white light, one will be red, one will be blue, and one will be green. Everyday, I will water them the same amount at the same time. I will also record how high each plant grows for two weeks and then look at my results.”

What is the independent variable? ______

What is the dependent variable? ______

What are the constants? 1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

What is the control? ______

“I want to see how taping my thumbs will affect my time it takes to button up a shirt. I will test the same person – they will do three trials buttoning up the same shirt with their thumbs taped to their palms. Then I will do three trials where their thumbs are not taped up. I will average the time in seconds that it takes to button up and shirt with their thumbs taped and without their thumbs taped.”

What is the independent Variable? ______

What is the dependent variable? ______

What are the constants? 1. ______

2. ______

What is the control? ______

“I want to see if there if drinking a lot of milk will affect how much you eat at dinner. I will take 5 people. For three days, I will give them two glasses of milk to drink before they eat dinner. I will serve the same food for those three days and they will eat at the same time every day. After three days of drinking milk, I will then have the people eat for three days without drinking milk before they eat dinner (again, same food, same time). I will measure how much food they eat in the three days that they drink milk and the three days that they don’t drink milk and compare my results.”

What is the independent variable? ______

What is the dependent variable? ______

What are the constants? 1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

What is the control? ______