Note to Applicant Organizations: This board resolution should be submitted with the record book and fulfills a number of key elements. The reconfirmation coversheets will indicate which key elements are fulfilled through this resolution.

National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations Board Resolution for Reconfirmation

Resolution Regarding Reconfirmation of Compliance with National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations

WHEREAS, the Council on Foundations’ Community Foundations Leadership Team first adopted National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations in June 2000, the community foundation field approved the National Standards in September 2000, and the Community Foundations Leadership Team released revisions to the National Standards in March 2009;

WHEREAS, (NAME OF FOUNDATION) was confirmed in compliance with National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations for a period of five years in MONTH YEAR;

WHEREAS, the organization’s President/CEO and Board Chair previously indicated the organization’s intent to pursue reconfirmation of compliance with the National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations for an additional five-year period,

BE IT RESOLVED, that upon review and consideration of the current National Standards and the Foundation’s record book of reconfirmation materials, the ( NAME OF FOUN DATION )‘s Board of Directors (or Board of Trustees or Governing Board) took favorable action on ( DATE ) to authorize ( NAME ), Chair of the Board and ( NAME ), Executive Director/President to submit the reconfirmation materials and any additional information requested by the Community Foundations National Standards Board during the reconfirmation process.


 Remains in compliance with the current National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations;  Is submitting all documents which have materially changed, as defined by the Community Foundations National Standards Board, since the date of confirmation;  Continues to meet the public support test set forth in Internal Revenue Code Section 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) as modified by Treasury Regulation Section 170A-9(e)(10);  The governing board: o Exercises authority over mission, strategic direction and policies o Approved the most recent annual budget on DATE o Accepted the most recent audit or financial review on DATE o Approved the current whistleblower policy on DATE o Approved (or delegated the approval) of the current investment and spending policies on DATE o Approved the current confidentiality policy on DATE o Approved the current written record retention policy on DATE  Has met all required federal, state and local filings;  Has written personnel policies that comply with federal, state and local requirements or, alternatively, certifies that the Board has had its written personnel policies reviewed by legal counsel and the legal counsel has determined that organization’s policies are consistent with federal, state and local requirements;  Is not currently under any state, local or federal investigation or audit which is not disclosed on an attachment to this resolution;  Will immediately notify the Community Foundations National Standards Board if the foundation chooses to cease its pursuit of reconfirmation of compliance.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a complete record book of compliance documents shall continue to be maintained, reviewed and updated annually and shall be made available for audit or review by the Community Foundations National Standards Board or its designee(s) upon request.

______Printed Name: Date Board Chair

______Printed Name Date President/CEO