Remember, All Answers Can Be Found on Our Web Site

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Remember, All Answers Can Be Found on Our Web Site

Melton’s March is a trivia challenge consisting of over 300 Bible related questions. The questions are based on the writings of James L. Melton that are posted on our website ( The questions are basically the same as those given to the young folks who climb Melton’s Mountain, except that the Melton’s March questions are given to adults all at once rather than in three separate levels. Also, the graphics have been omitted, and there are no prizes given, only a certificate of honor upon completion. We feel that serious Christian adults can appreciate the merits of a challenging Bible study without the benefit of prizes.

Some of the questions will be rather easy, while others will offer you a significant challenge. All in all, Melton’s March should prove to be a good learning experience for anyone who takes the challenge.

Students of the Whole Bible Institute can complete Melton’s March and earn fifty credit hours, but only after the initial Romans study has been completed. WBI students who have used the 50 Melton’s Mountain credit hours may earn only 25 credit hours with Melton’s March.

INSTRUCTIONS: Please print out this document and staple (or clip) the pages together. Neatly PRINT your name, address, and e-mail address below. Then fill in the answers while working at your own pace. When you’ve answered all the questions, and you feel that every answer is correct (no guessing – you must find the answers), then mail this entire document to BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH, 125 E. MAPLE, SHARON, TN 38255. Please do not send this document to our Martin, TN, address. Use the above address.

Your certificate of achievement will be mailed to you after we’ve checked and approved your work. We will not return your worksheets.

NAME______OVER 17? ______


CITY______STATE_____ ZIP______E-MAIL______

Remember, all answers can be found on our web site. Many can also be found by turning directly to the Bible.

TIP: In Bible times, an army could march 10-20 miles per day, and an individual could cover as much as thirty miles per day. By covering thirty trivia miles per day, you can complete this march in only 11 days, which is about how long it should have taken the Israelites to reach the land of promise (Deu. 1:2). Instead, it took them forty years. MILE 1: Jesus said, If a man love me, he will . . .

a. share my love b. keep my words c. read my words

MILE 2: Which verse below is not considered part of the Roman’s Road?

a. Romans 3:23 b. Romans 8:28 c. Romans 6:23

MILE 3: Which verse below makes it clear that all men are sinners?

a. Gal. 2:20 b. Romans 10:9 c. Romans 3:23

MILE 4: Ephesians 2:8-9 stresses the fact that

a. works cannot save a person b. all men are sinners c. God wants everyone saved

MILE 5: Where in the Bible does someone say “in sin did my mother conceive me”?

a. Psalm 16:10 b. Psalm 51:5 c. Job 23:12

MILE 6: Imputed righteousness occurs when

a. God makes a person righteous by giving them his righteousness b. A person lives righteously c. A Christian prays for a lost person

MILE 7: All have sinned and come short of . . .

a. heaven b. the glory of God c. the love of God

MILE 8: According to John 1:12,

a. seeing is believing b. doing is believing c. receiving is believing

MILE 9: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of . . . a. my hand b. my church c. my body MILE 10: Which of the following is not a good verse on the Christian’s eternal security?

a. John 5:24 b. Philippians 1:6 c. Matthew 2:15

MILE 11: The teaching that God sometimes chastens his children is

a. a false teaching b. an Old Testament teaching only c. a true New Testament teaching

MILE 12: Revelation 3:19 and I Corinthians 11:31-32 both speak on the subject of

a. the chastening of believers b. the condemnation of the wicked c. the longsuffering of God

MILE 13: Romans 14:10 and II Corinthians 5:10 both speak about

a. the final judgment day b. the judgment seat of Christ c. both of the above

MILE 14: The Judgment Seat of Christ will be for

a. everyone, since Jesus is the King of Kings b. just lost people c. Christians only

MILE 15: Which of the following does God not expect from a new Christian?

a. be baptized b. join a Bible-believing church c. get involved in community service d. be a witness e. live a holy life

MILE 16: The conversion and baptism of the Ethiopian eunuch is found in a. Acts chapter 8 b. Matthew chapter 8 c. Acts chapter 18 MILE 17: The fear of the LORD is the beginning of

a. love b. happiness c. wisdom

MILE 18: Which verse below commands us to study God’s word?

a. II Timothy 2:15 b. I Timothy 2:15 c. II Timothy 3:15

MILE 19: The correct answer above also commands us to

a. memorize the word of truth b. rightly divide the word of truth c. read the word of truth

MILE 20: Men ought always to ______, and not to faint.

a. fight the good fight b. study c. pray

MILE 21: Which of the following is not a proper subject of prayer?

a. thanksgiving b. wisdom c. personal needs d. others e. those suffering in purgatory

MILE 22: Psalm 22:3 says that God inhabits

a. heaven b. the praises of Israel c. the hearts of all people

MILE 23: Hebrews 10:25 commands Christians to not forsake

a. assembling together b. their friends c. the Lord

MILE 24: Which reference below does not speak of the “first day of the week” as the appropriate time for Christian worship?

a. Acts 28:20 b. Acts 20:7 c. I Corinthians 16:2 MILE 25: Which of the following references does not concern tithing?

a. Genesis 14:20 b. Malachi 3:8-10 c. Luke 13:3

MILE 26: The Bible says that if any man be in Christ, he is

a. a new creature b. a Christian c. a sinless person

MILE 27: How many fruits of the Spirit are listed in Galatians 5?

a. 12 b. 7 c. 9

MILE 28: Which scripture reference below teaches that the Christian should submit to the authority of civil government?

a. I Timothy 3:1-6 b. Romans 13:1-4 c. I John 5:13

MILE 29: The words Ye shall be witnesses were uttered by what man?

a. Paul b. Jesus c. Pilate

MILE 30: Which answer below supports the best application and understanding of scripture?

a. historical b. doctrinal c. spiritual d. all of the above

CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve just completed your first day’s journey. You have only 300 miles to go.

MILE 31: A period of time when God dispenses to man certain duties is called a

a. dispensation b. dissertation c. divination MILE 32: Study to shew thyself . . .

a. learned in the word b. approved unto God c. wise among men

MILE 33: Which of the following is not a good argument for the inspiration of scripture?

a. The Bible is a negative book b. The Bible is an authoritative book c. The Bible is a preserved book d. The Bible is a inexpensive book e. The Bible is a unified book

MILE 34: Biblical numerology is the design and significance of ______in the Bible.

a. time b. nations c. numbers

MILE 35: What book by Clarence Larkin would be good for a Christian’s library?

a. Times of the Jews b. Discerning Truth c. Dispensational Truth

MILE 36: A Christian who reads the Bible but doesn’t do the Bible will

a. teach only himself b. deceive himself c. condemn himself

MILE 37: Many of the so-called “archaic” words in the King James Bible can be looked up and defined . . .

a. in a Webster 1828 dictionary b. in a concordance c. in a standard thesaurus

MILE 38: The word amerce means to

a. add b. fix c. fine MILE 39: The word anon means

a. immediately b. unknown c. high

MILE 40: A coffer is a

a. jar b. box c. undertaker

MILE 41: A gin is a

a. small rabbit-like animal b. small spear c. trap

MILE 42: If someone is jangling, what are they doing?

a. falling down b. talking foolishly c. lying

MILE 43: A scrip is a

a. pencil b. knife c. bag

MILE 44: To vex someone is to

a. blame them b. trouble them c. pay them

MILE 45: A day’s journey in the Bible was

a. about five miles b. twenty to twenty-five miles c. ten to twelve miles

MILE 46: Job 25:5 says that the moon

a. shineth not b. is near the earth c. is round like the earth MILE 47: Many doctors now agree with the Bible that circumcision works best when performed

a. on the 8th day b. outdoors c. immediately after birth

MILE 48: Who said that the New Testament is the greatest book the world has ever known or ever will know?

a. Thomas Edison b. Abraham Lincoln c. Charles Dickens

MILE 49: Isaac Taylor once said that the Bible has survived three great dangers. Which of the following is not one of them?

a. the negligence of its friends b. the warfare of its enemies c. the skepticism of the world d. the false systems built upon it

MILE 50: Who said that Genesis is a myth?

a. Pope John Paul II b. Mick Jagger c. Ted Turner d. Thomas Jefferson

MILE 51: The King James Bible was first published in what year?

a. 1116 b. 1611 c. 1776

MILE 52: Vaticanus is

a. a corrupt Bible manuscript b. the Latin word for Pope c. a Latin translation of the King James Bible

MILE 53: Where in the Bible did God promise to preserve his words

a. Psalm 12:6-7 b. Proverbs 4:7 c. Genesis 12:3

MILE 54: The King James Bible was translated during which church period?

a. Ephesus b. Philadelphia c. Laodicea MILE 55: In the Bible, Egypt is usually

a. not a good place b. a very good place c. God’s favorite place

MILE 56: The city of Alexandria was in what country?

a. Syria b. Persia c. Egypt

MILE 57: Which of the following is not really a King James Bible?

a. 1909 Scofield Reference Bible b. 1917 Scofield Reference Bible c. 1967 New Scofield Reference Bible

MILE 58: Westcott and Hort were

a. King James Bible translators b. corrupt Bible scholars c. the men who first printed the King James Bible

MILE 59: Good Bible manuscripts come from

a. Antioch b. Alexandria c. Rome

MILE 60: The King James Bible was planned and translated between the years

a. 1600-1611 b. 1604-1611 c. 1610-1611

CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve just completed your second day’s journey. You have only 270 miles to go.

MILE 61: Which Bible below has no copyright?

a. New King James Bible b. King James Bible c. New International Version MILE 62: Where did Jesus say his words would not pass away?

a. Matthew 6:33 b. Matthew 11:28 c. Matthew 24:35

MILE 63: The book Final Authority is a fine book for defending the King James Bible. It was written by

a. William Grady b. Charles Spurgeon c. David Otis Fuller

MILE 64: The original King James Bible was translated in what language?

a. Spanish b. German c. English

MILE 65: Which verse below is completely missing from some new versions?

a. Acts 16:31 b. Acts 8:37 c. Acts 20:7

MILE 66: Which one of the following people did not write a book defending the King James Bible?

a. Gipp b. Ruckman c. Riplinger d. Hort

MILE 67: The first new Bible translation, since the King James Bible, was produced in the year

a. 1881 b. 1914 c. 1967

MILE 68: Erasmus was a

a. King James translator b. Dutch scholar c. monk and scribe

MILE 69: How many lines of Bibles are there?

a. two b. one c. four MILE 70: How many examinations did the King James Bible have to pass before going to press?

a. 3 b. 7 c. 14

MILE 71: Many people do not believe in a literal hell because they think the Bible is a highly ______book.

MILE 72: Hell is located in the center of the ______.

MILE 73: “For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them ______to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;”

MILE 74: “Though they ______into hell, thence shall mine hand take them; though they climb up to heaven, thence will I bring them down:”

MILE 75: Jehovah’s Witnesses teach that hell is the ______.

MILE 76: The Greek words for hell are ______and gehenna.

MILE 77: Hell was originally created for “the ______and his ______.”

MILE 78: The above answer is found in the gospel of ______.

MILE 79: We know that God will allow people to suffer in hell because his word declares it, justice demands it, and ______displays it.

MILE 80: “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the ______damnation.”

MILE 81: Some wrongly teach that Jesus’ story about the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31) is not real, but is instead a ______.

MILE 82: ”And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am ______in this flame.”

MILE 83: “The ______shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.”

MILE 84: “He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the ______of his father David:” MILE 85: John the Baptist was preaching that the ______was at hand in Matthew 3:2.

MILE 86: When Jesus returns he will reign over the earth for ______years.

MILE 87: The Bible speaks of the restoration of the nation of ______before Jesus returns.

MILE 88: “And I will plant them upon their ______, and they shall no more be pulled up out of their ______which I have given them, saith the LORD thy God.”

MILE 89: Hitler and the Nazis killed six million ______.

MILE 90: Israel became an independent nation in the year ______.

CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve just completed your third day’s journey. You have only 240 miles to go.

MILE 91: In Matthew 24:32-34, Jesus compares Israel to a ______tree.

MILE 92: The Rapture, or catching up, of the church is addressed in I Thessalonians chapter _____.

MILE 93: The Rapture is also addressed in I Corinthians chapter _____.

MILE 94: “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised ______, and we shall be changed.”

MILE 95: “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the ______shall rise first:”

MILE 96: The Rapture of the church occurs before the Great ______.

MILE 97: After the Rapture, Christians must stand before the ______seat of Christ.

MILE 98: Romans 14:10 and II Corinthians 5:10 both speak about an event called the ______.

MILE 99: The Great Tribulation occurs in chapters 6 through 19 of the book of ______. MILE 100: Once Satan has been cast down to the earth, he will incarnate himself into a man called the ______.

MILE 101: In Revelation chapter 13, the Antichrist is called the b______.

MILE 102: “And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the ______of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.”

MILE 103: After Jesus returns, Satan will be chained in a bottomless ______.

MILE 104: When Jesus returns from heaven, he will be followed by the ______of heaven on white horses.

MILE 105: “Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, and saying, Where is the promise of his ______? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.”

MILE 106: One of the very clear signs that Jesus is coming soon is the fulfillment of some of the prophecies of Matthew chapter _____.

MILE 107: Paul wrote in Romans 11:26 that “all Israel shall be ______.”

MILE 108: God allowed the Romans to destroy Jerusalem in the year _____ A.D.

MILE 109: In the late 1800’s, the ______began migrating back to Palestine in large numbers.

MILE 110: The Roman Empire and the Revised Roman Empire were foretold in Daniel chapter _____.

MILE 111: The Revised Roman Empire concerns the continent of ______.

MILE 112: We learn that the mark of the beast is 666 in Revelation chapter _____.

MILE 113: Those who take the mark of the beast will take it in their right hands or in their ______.

MILE 114: Those who refuse to take the mark, the name, or the number of the beast will not be permitted to ______or ______.

MILE 115: Satan is presently trying to form a New W______O ______.

MILE 116: God’s judgment on the United Nations is foretold in Zephaniah chapter ____. MILE 117: The coming 1,000-year kingdom of Christ will be God’s Millennial S______Rest.

MILE 118: II Peter 3:8 compares 1,000 years to one ______.

MILE 119: Men have been on earth for about ______years.

MILE 120: Paul told the Corinthians, “For other ______can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.”

CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve just completed your fourth day’s journey. You have only 210 miles to go.

MILE 121: The text of one of our publications reads “no one goes to Hell at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Some people lose ______, but they are still SAVED.”

MILE 122: Jsus said, “Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy ______.”

MILE 123: At the Judgment Seat of Christ, the fire will try every man’s work of what ______it is.

MILE 124: Our tract Escape Planet Earth deals with the ______of the church from this world.

MILE 125: Concerning atheists, the Bible says, “The ______hath said in his heart, There is no God.”

MILE 126: Romans chapter one, verse ____ makes it clear that atheists are without excuse.

MILE 127: The heavens declare the ______of God.

MILE 128: The Bible says that people “. . . show the work of the law written in their hearts, their ______also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another.”

MILE 129: Hebrews chapter 13 commands us to “Obey them that have the ______over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.”

MILE 130: Luke 13:3 commands men to ______or perish. MILE 131: Jesus began his ministry preaching, “______: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

MILE 132: Christians who enjoy being the center of attention, often fight with other Christians, have trouble staying clean and are easily offended are spiritual ______.

MILE 133: Being numbered with ______, He had two thieves close by; Both would draw their final breath, Yet only one would really die!

MILE 134: The Father turned His head From beholding the cursed Son; Then Emmanuel yielded up His spirit, And the ______was done.

MILE 135: Oh, but then came the third day, And what a story of glory to tell! The Son of God sprang forth to life, Victorious over ______and Hell!

MILE 136: Deeper you go into the fiery bath, Having traded God’s mercy for His never-ending ______.

MILE 137: D is for the Deception That has spread so far and wide; ______is trampled in the street And justice has all but died.

MILE 138: Twas the last days of ______, when all through the land The church goers were lukewarm, and none would take a stand;

MILE 139: The word E______means God with us.

MILE 140: Matthew 1:23 quotes from ______7:14.

MILE 141: Micah 5:2 says that Jesus is from ______.

MILE 142: One argument for the deity of Jesus Christ (the fact that he is God) is the fact that he has divine ______.

MILE 143: In Matthew 28:19, John 14:9, and John 10:30, Jesus claimed e______with God.

MILE 144: Jesus has the ability to be everywhere at once, which means he is omni______. MILE 145: Jesus is omniscient, which means he has all ______.

MILE 146: In John 20:28 and Matthew 8:2 Jesus received w______.

MILE 147: Jesus forgave sins in Mark chapter _____.

MILE 148: “Judge not that ye be not judged” (Mat. 7:1) is often quoted out of ______by people who are terrified at the idea of someone preaching against sin or pointing out error.

MILE 149: “The mouth of the righteous speaketh wisdom, and his tongue talketh of ______.”

MILE 150: I Corinthians 2:15 says that a spiritual person ______all things.

CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve just completed your fifth day’s journey. You have only 180 miles to go.

MILE 151: Although there is a time to judge, we should not judge when God’s word is ______.

MILE 152: According to Proverbs 24:23, wise people do not have ______of persons in judgment.

MILE 153: A person who loves God will enjoy God’s word, God’s fellowship, praising God, ______for God, and thinking of the Lord’s return.

MILE 154: Christians who plan to have a successful life need to remember that “where there is no ______, the people perish.”

MILE 155: “The fear of man bringeth a ______: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe.”

MILE 156: Two kinds of people who never get anywhere in life are people who refuse to do as they are told and people who do ______as they are told.

MILE 157: Human suffering began in Genesis chapter _____.

MILE 158: Hebrews 12 says, “For whom the Lord loveth he ______. . .”

MILE 159: All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer ______.

MILE 160: The only “great” woman in the Bible is found in II Kings chapter ____. MILE 161: A great woman will practice the ______rule.

MILE 162: A great woman is ______minded.

MILE 163: Music has often been called the universal ______.

MILE 164: Ephesians 5:10 speaks of our need to prove what is ______unto the Lord.

MILE 165: Good music has an acceptable purpose, an acceptable ______, and an acceptable message.

MILE 166: Johann Sebastian Bach once said that ‘Music’s only purpose should be for the ______of ______and the recreation of the human spirit.”

MILE 167: Ephesians 5:19 says, “Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making ______in your heart to the Lord.”

MILE 168: If music has too much ______, then the music is sick.

MILE 169: The Christian life is depicted in the scriptures as a f______movement.

MILE 170: Because music has such power, people should learn to guard their ______zone.

MILE 171: A church’s worship services should major in ______music.

MILE 172: A church’s worship services should promote worship, not ______.

MILE 173: Music is not for evangelizing the lost because God chose the foolishness of ______to save them that believe.

MILE 174: There are over ______musical references in the word of God.

MILE 175: Christians should burn their bad music just as the Christians in the nineteenth chapter of the book of ______burnt their bad literature.

MILE 176: One of the greatest pieces of music ever produced is called Handel’s ______.

MILE 177: Halloween has never been a Christian holiday. It was introduced to Christianity by the pagan R______C______C______.

MILE 178: Most of the customs of Halloween came from an ancient people called the D______. MILE 179: The word Santa contains the same letters as the word ______.

MILE 180: Santa Claus is a c______god who was invented to keep the minds of children off of Jesus Christ.

CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve just completed your sixth day’s journey. You have only 150 miles to go.

MILE 181: What is meant by the term Roman’s Road?

MILE 182: Although the Roman’s Road is good, some people misuse it. How?

MILE 183: Psalm 51:5 and Romans 3:10 make it clear that all men are sinners. Please list one other reference that makes this clear.

MILE 184: True or False? All people are born with a sin nature.

MILE 185: In Genesis chapter 3, man lost the i______of God.

MILE 186: Explain the meaning of imputed righteousness.

MILE 187: A person who takes a position of uncertainty toward God and the Bible is called an

a. atheist b. agnostic c. Arian

MILE 188: If a person does not believe in the 1,000 year kingdom of Christ, he is a

a. post-millennialist b. pre-millennialist c. a-millennialist

MILE 189: Where in the Bible are angels called “ministering spirits”?

MILE 190: A single word for “son of perdition” is a______.

MILE 191: The Bible says that “the ______require a sign.”

MILE 192: The term “backsliding” was originally used in what Bible chapter?

MILE 193: What single Bible verse speaks of three baptisms? MILE 194: True or False? Baptismal regeneration is a false doctrine.

MILE 195: What is literally meant by the word “Bible”?

MILE 196: True or False? The blood atonement is a Bible truth, but it is not a fundamental doctrine of Christianity.

MILE 197: The letters “T.U.L.I.P.” are connected with the teachings of what man?

MILE 198: Give one word for the phrase “called out assembly.”

MILE 199: Our ______is a lot like our alarm clock: it's no good unless we keep it set and working properly.

MILE 200: The ______of Christ is the doctrine that Jesus Christ is God.

MILE 201: Give a Bible reference where Jesus allowed someone to worship him.

MILE 202: True or False? The Bible even calls Jesus the “everlasting Father.”

MILE 203: I John 5:7 is a great verse on the ______.

MILE 204: Instead of using the word demons, the Bible uses the word ______.

MILE 205: Which of the following is not a Biblical dispensation?

a. liberty b. family c. law d. righteousness e. innocence f. grace g. conscience h. human government

MILE 206: Please write the seven dispensations in their correct order:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

MILE 207: What Bible verse defines faith?

MILE 208: If a person is not a Christian or a Jew, he is a ______.

MILE 209: The Bible definition for “the gospel” is found where?

MILE 210: A single word for unmerited favor is what?

CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve just completed your seventh day’s journey. You have only 120 miles to go. MILE 211: The seventieth week of Daniel chapter 9 is also known in the Bible as the G______T______.

MILE 212: True or False? No one knows what the original Bible manuscript says because no one living today has ever seen one.

MILE 213: In the Bible, heaven is in what direction?

MILE 214: The term “hell fire” was first used by what man?

MILE 215: “. . . before honour is ______.”

MILE 216: Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any ______interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.”

MILE 217: What country’s name means having power with God?

MILE 218: The word Christ means what?

MILE 219: The kingdom of God is a s______kingdom.

MILE 220: Paul said that the ______was a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ.

MILE 221: True or False? Mary worship began in the Roman Catholic Church in the first century.

MILE 222: The Roman Catholic perversion of the Lord’s Supper is called the _____.

MILE 223: What book of the Bible tells about the missionary journeys of Paul?

MILE 224: Which of the following statements is true?

a. prayer is conditional b. prayer is unconditional

MILE 225: What does a person do when he repents?

MILE 226: Another word for “the adversary” is ______.

MILE 227: True or False? Satan is presently chained in hell with his angels.

MILE 228: Where in the Bible would one turn to read about spiritual circumcision?

MILE 229: A homosexual in the Bible is called a s______.

MILE 230: True or False? Tithing is first mentioned in Genesis 28:22. MILE 231: Those who believe in an unpardonable sin have a misunderstanding of what portion of scripture?

MILE 232: Isaiah 7:14 is the original prophecy of what?

MILE 233: Jeremiah 10:7 says that God is the king of what?

MILE 234: Give a scripture reference that says God can plant or pluck up a nation.

MILE 235: True or False? The covenant that God made with Abraham in Genesis 12:1-3 was unconditional.

MILE 236: America’s Independence Day is July 4. Whose independence day is May 14?

MILE 237: Those who curse Israel will receive a ______from God.

MILE 238: Explain how America bought an insurance policy in 1948.

MILE 239: When did Isaiah 31:5 see its first literal fulfillment?

MILE 240: What does Allenby mean?

CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve just completed your eighth day’s journey. You have only 90 miles to go.

MILE 241: Why is the above question important?

MILE 242: Don’t Mess with ______.

MILE 243: Give a scripture reference for showing that hell is down.

MILE 244: The Hebrew word for hell is ______.

MILE 245: What is the Biblical explanation for the creation of hell?

MILE 246: Do some sinners receive a worse punishment in hell than others?

MILE 247: Give one good reason why Luke 16:19-31 cannot be a parable. MILE 248: A sinner goes to hell . . .

a. after dying b. after being judged c. when Jesus returns

MILE 249: What began at the Azusa Street Mission in Los Angeles?

MILE 250: True or False? All believers are baptized in the Holy Ghost, and all sinners are baptized in fire.

MILE 251: The Campbellites, followers of Alexander Campbell, attend churches with what name?

MILE 252: True or False? There were no Charismatic groups around before the year 1,900.

MILE 253: Mary Baker Eddy founded what religious cult?

MILE 254: Which of the following beliefs is not a Church of Christ heresy?

a. baptismal regeneration b. musical instruments forbidden in worship c. speaking in unknown tongues

MILE 255: Charles Taze Russell was the founder of what cult?

MILE 256: The word transubstantiation is associated with what religious group?

MILE 257: The Mormon cult was founded by what man?

MILE 258: The angel that supposedly appeared to Joseph Smith was named

a. Mormon b. Mason c. Moroni

MILE 259: True or False? Mormons do not believe in a literal hell.

MILE 260: We know that it’s wrong to call a priest “father” because the scriptures command us to call no man our father in Mathew ______. (give chapter and verse)

MILE 261: Polytheism is the belief in what?

MILE 262: True or False? Purgatory is a Mormon belief. MILE 263: The father of the Seventh Day Adventists was a man named William ______.

MILE 264: The Worldwide Church of God and the Plain Truth magazine were started by what man?

MILE 265: Who succeeded Joseph Smith as the Mormon leader in 1844 and had seventeen wives and fifty-six children when he died in 1877?

a. Ira Sankey b. Brigham Young c. Garner Ted Armstrong

MILE 266: True or False? Though most modern scientists claim that the earth is around 4.5 billion years old, the Bible record indicates that the earth and the universe are less than 10,000 years old.

MILE 267: The oldest living coral reef is

a. less than 4,200 yrs old b. about 6,000 yrs old c. less than 2,000 yrs old

MILE 268: The oldest living trees in the world are the ______pines in California.

MILE 269: True or False? The Southern Baptist Convention has never claimed to be a denomination.

MILE 270: True or False? To remain in good standing with the Southern Baptist Convention, a church must take a firm stand on the King James Bible.

CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve just completed your ninth day’s journey. You have only 60 miles to go.

MILE 271: What percentage of Masons are Southern Baptists?

a. about one third b. about ten percent c. less than five percent

MILE 272: The unscriptural Southern Baptist missions program is called the ______.

MILE 273: True or False? All Southern Baptist churches are required to use the word “Baptist” in their church name. MILE 274: What preacher defeated Abraham Lincoln in a race for a seat in the Illinois legislature in 1833?

a. Hyman Appleman b. D. L. Moody c. Peter Cartwright

MILE 275: What Christian lady has a gravestone in Bridgeport, Connecticut, which reads, “She hath done what she could”?

MILE 276: ______served as pastor of First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana, for over four decades, beginning in 1959.

MILE 277: What did Martin Luther do on October 31, 1517?

MILE 278: Who was Ira Sankey?

MILE 279: What man raised over $7,000,000 in his life by going to God for his needs?

MILE 280: Who founded the Pensacola Bible Institute in Florida?

MILE 281: What man published an excellent reference Bible in 1909?

MILE 282: What great Baptist preacher received Christ as a teenager after hearing a message on Isaiah 45:22 by a layman in a Primitive Methodist church?

MILE 283: What major league baseball player received Christ at the Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago in 1887 and became a great evangelist?

MILE 284: Who was the founder of the Methodist movement?

MILE 285: What famous evangelist was once heard a mile away by Benjamin Franklin?

MILE 286: Who was John Dewey?

a. a humanist promoter of progressive education b. a creationist who opposed Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution c. an Irish missionary in the 1700’s

MILE 287: True or False? There were no government schools in America prior to the 1800’s.

MILE 288: True or False? The National Education Association strongly encourages homeschooling. MILE 289: True or False? The National Education Association promotes world government.

MILE 290: Prayer was banned from public (government) schools in what year?

MILE 291: Since prayer was banned from schools, the moral condition of our nation’s schools has

a. actually improved b. remained about the same c. grown far worse

MILE 292: Before prayer was banned from America’s schools, the top three problems in the schools were talking, chewing gum, and ______.

MILE 293: By 1985, the top three problems in the schools were rape, robbery, and ______.

MILE 294: What famous reformer and preacher stated in the 1500’s that schools would become the “gates of hell” if we neglected to teach the word of God?

MILE 295: What percentage of America’s first 100 colleges were originally Christian schools?

a. a low percentage b. a proportionate percentage c. a high percentage

MILE 296: True or False? The Department of Education is mandated by the U.S. Constitution.

MILE 297: How many children are homeschooled in America annually?

a. over 10,000 b. over 50,000 c. over 500,000

MILE 298: “______up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

MILE 299: Global Warming is

a. not happening b. happening slightly, but not because of man c. happening because of man’s irresponsible ways MILE 300: What is a good book to read on Global Warming?

CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve just completed your tenth day’s journey. You have only 30 miles to go.

MILE 301: “For God hath not given us the spirit of ______; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” (II Tim. 1:7)

MILE 302: True or False? If the polar ice caps melt, this will cause a rise in sea level and possibly flood major cities.

MILE 303: The hockey stick graph used by the global warmers is

a. a fabrication b. about the only scientific argument they have c. proof that global warming is not really global

MILE 304: Where does the Bible give warning about the use of “flattering titles”?

MILE 305: The theory that there is a time space between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 is known as the ______theory.

MILE 306: “Death and life are in the power of the ______: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.”

MILE 307: Which Bible chapter is the following verse from? “For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body.”

MILE 308: Homosexuals are not called “gay” in the Bible; they are called s______.

MILE 309: “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is ______."

MILE 310: Does the American Psychiatric Association consider sodomy to be a normal way of life?

Traveling alone has allowed you to move quickly. You will be at the banks of the Jordan in only 19 more miles. MILE 311: Can a sodomite be cured?

MILE 312: How many unborn babies are aborted each day in America?

a. about 500 b. 1,100 to 1,300 c. about 4,000

MILE 313: True or False? The Bible acknowledges both good witches and evil witches.

MILE 314: “But Elymas the sorcerer (for so is his name by interpretation) withstood them, seeking to turn away the deputy from the faith. Then Saul, (who also is called Paul,) filled with the Holy Ghost, set his eyes on him, and said, O full of all subtilty and all mischief, thou child of the ______, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord?”

MILE 315: “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather ______them.”

MILE 316: Where does the Bible support public ministry by saying, “Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled”?

MILE 317: Does the Bible ever use the word “publickly” in reference to preaching and witnessing?

MILE 318: The New World Translation is the official Bible of which of the following groups?

a. Jehovah’s Witnesses b. Mormons c. Roman Catholics

MILE 319: The Watchtower magazine is published by what religious cult?

MILE 320: True or False? The only people who ever talk about a New World Order are right wing conspiracy theorists.

MILE 321: What famous American made the following statement to crooked financers? “You are a den of vipers. I intend to rout you out and by the Eternal God, I will rout you out.”

MILE 322: Which U.S. President used the term “New World Order” at least five times during his term in office?

MILE 323: Does the Bible say that a world government is coming? MILE 324: “For thou shalt eat the labour of thine hands: happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee.” Where is this verse found in the Bible?

MILE 325: Name one man in the Bible who was exceedingly wealthy, yet a righteous man in the sight of God.

MILE 326: The bridge from capitalism to communism is called ______.

MILE 327: The parable of the laborers that promotes capitalism is found in what New Testament chapter?

MILE 328: Socialism is based upon the violation of two of the Ten Commandments. One is Thou shalt not steal. What is the other?

MILE 329: When was America’s first experiment with socialism?

You may cross Jordan into the promise land by providing the correct password.

MILE 330: “And having food and raiment let us be therewith ______.”

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