The Consolidation Of The Large Nation-States, 1859-1870

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The Consolidation Of The Large Nation-States, 1859-1870


13:63 Background

1. What is the meaning of nationalism? The nation state? Of what special importance for the growth of nationalism were the dozen or so years after 1859?

2. Of what Significance was the Crimean War for European national movements? How did the major European powers become involved in the dispute between Russia and Turkey?

13:64 Cavour and the Unification of Italy

1. Describe the state of political affairs in Italy in the 1850s. How did Piedmont differ from the other Italian states? 2. Explain the political, economic and social views of Cavour. How did he differ from Mazzini in his program for Italian unification? 3. What was the status of unification in 1861? How was it eventually completed?

Risorgimento Orsini War of 1859 Victor Emmanuel “Garibaldi Thousand” Magenta Savoy Crimean War Solferino Piedmont Napoleon III Italia irredenta Sardinia

13:65 Bismarck and the German Empire

What lessons for national unification did the failure of the Frankfurt Assembly seem to teach? How did economic and social changes affect German nationalist attitudes?

Explain Bismarck’s political outlook and describe the nature and outcome of his dispute with the liberal in the Prussian parliament. What was the meaning of his famous “blood and iron” statement? What does the illustration of him in the text tell you about him?

What did Bismarck hop to accomplish by a war with Austria? A war with France?

Which provisions of the new German constitution were democratic? Which provisions were neither liberal nor democratic?

German confederation of 1815 Seven Weeks’ War Siege of Paris Battle of Sadowa treaty of Frankfurt Junker North German Confederation “indemnity act” of 1867 Schleswig-Holstein question Ferdinand Lassalle Prussian constitution of 1850 Danish War “Ems Dispatch” Battle of Sedan 13:67 Liberalization in Tsarist Russia: Alexander II

1. How did the autocracy in Russian differ from absolutism in the West? 2. Explain the role of the “intelligentsia” in Russian life. 3. Summarize the legal and judicial reforms introduced by Alexander II and the steps taken in the direction of self-government.

Alexander II mir Alexander Herzen Westernizers Act of Emancipation Bakunin Slavophiles redemption money People’s Will Muzhik zemstovos Alexander III “Third Section” nihilists

13:68 US and the Civil War

Describe the growth of population in the US during the 19th century. How were the problems created by immigration being met?

How did the Industrial Revolution affect the growing estrangement of North and South?

Discuss economic changes during the Civil War and period immediately following.

Compromise of 1850 Morrill tariff Union Pacific Railroad

13:69 Dominion of Canada, 1867

What sources of friction were there in Canada in the early part of the 19 century?

What did the British North America Act of 1867 provide? Why was a federal plan rejected? What further developments took place in the years after 1867?

What was the long-rang significance of the “dominion” idea?

Quebec Act of 1774 Upper Canada “responsible government” United Empire Loyalists rebellion of 1837 dominion status Lower Canada

13:70 Japan and the West

What major developments were taking place in Japan during the years of seclusion from approximately 1640 to 1854? What parallels may be observed between the history of Japan and that of Europe? Who did the early Tokugawa shoguns exclude foreigners?

What is meant by the “opening” of Japan to the West? Explain the nature of the commercial treaties signed. Describe the westernization of Japan in the Meiji era (1898-1912). To what extent was the new parliamentary system faithful to liberal principles?

What general comments may be made about the westernization of Japan? What aspects of western civilization did the Japanese seem most interested in adopting?

Tokugawa Yedo lords of Choshu and Satsuma Shogun Shinto Emperor Mutsuhito Daimyo Commodore Perry constitution of 1889 Samurai extraterritoriality

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