JABG – Monthly Report Due Dates

Please submit the correct monthly progress and financial reports by the dates specified below. You should always write your grant number on each report.

Monthly Progress and Financial Reports Due Dates

July 2009 August 20, 2009

August 2009 September 20, 2009

September 2009 October 20, 2009

October 2009 November 20, 2009

November 2009 December 20, 2009

December 2009 January 20, 2010

January 2010 February 20, 2010

February 2010 March 20, 2010

March 2010 April 20, 2010

April 2010 May 20, 2010

May 2010 June 20, 2010

June 2010 July 20, 2010

Note: Grant cycle ends on June 30, 2008. If the grant cycle is extended for any reason, you must continue to submit monthly reports. Please make a copy of a blank reporting form. The report due dates will continue as normal, due on the 20th day of the following month (starting August 20, 2008). The final report would then be due on the 20 th day of the month following the ending grant cycle date. JABG – Juvenile Crime Enforcement Coalition

Quarterly Evaluation Report Due Dates

Quarterly evaluation reports are to be discussed at the Juvenile Crime Enforcement Coalition (JCEC) meetings as a group. Your elected or appointed chairperson of the JCEC should fill out the report and submit them to DCJS by the following due dates.

Quarterly Report Period Covered Due Date

First Quarterly Report July – September 2009 October 20, 2009

Second Quarterly Report October – December 2009 January 20, 2010

Third Quarterly Report January – March 2010 April 20, 2010

Fourth Quarterly Report April – June 2010 July 20, 2010