Scott-Coman Hall Constitution
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Scott-Coman Hall Constitution
Preamble For the purpose of establishing an academic atmosphere, cultivating a friendly and cooperative community, encouraging diversity within the hall, strengthening bonds between our community and the entire university, and promoting a spirit of camaraderie within Scott- Coman, we the people of Scott-Coman Hall hereby establish this constitution. For the purpose of being a self-governing body of men and women who desire a quiet academic atmosphere and a culturally diverse living environment, and who are willing to perpetuate such an atmosphere within the hall, encouraging cooperation with fellow students in the establishment and maintenance of such an atmosphere, encouraging mature behavior and acceptance of varied customs while advancing scholarship and promoting loyalty to Scott-Coman and Washington State University, we the men and women of Scott-Coman do hereby agree to be governed by this constitution.
Article I - Name The name of the Associationthis Community shall be Scott-Coman.
Article II - Membership All residents of Scott and Coman HallsScott-Coman Hall shall be members of this Community, including the Residential Education Director, Advanced Paraprofessional, and Resident Advisors. Association. Residents exclude the Hall Director, Hall Director’s Assistant, and resident advisors.
Article III – Hall Government The Hall Government, as defined in Article VII VIII, Section 1, shall have the responsibility of managing the hall budget, overseeing the general supervision of the Association Community, and establishing policies within the hall. The Hall Government shall serve from spring commencement until the following spring commencement.
Article IV - Meetings Section 1 – Regular Membership Meetings There shall be two regular membership meetings each year, initiated by the Hall DirectorResidential Education Director, to be held in August and January. Additional meetings may be called by the Hall Government, or by a petition of one-third of the entire AssociationCommunity. These meetings shall have the following purposes: reviewing and explaining the policies of Scott-Coman and Washington State 2
University; receive receiving feedback and suggestions from the AssociationCommunity; and provide providing a forum for properly signed petitions on those issues up for a vote of the AssociationCommunity. Section 2 – Hall Government Meetings There shall be one meeting of the Hall Government each week at the discretion of the Hall Government, with the exceptions of vacations. Attendance for these meetings shall be defined in Article VIII, Section 16. Section 3 – Executive Council Meetings There shall be one meeting of the Executive Council, separate from the entire Hall Government, each week at the discretion of the Executive Council, with the exceptions of vacations. Attendance for these meetings shall be defined in Article VIII, Section 16.
Articles V - Rules Section 1 – Amendments to the Constitution The Constitution of this Association Community may be amended according to the following procedure: A. A signed petition by at least one-third of the Community must be Association, presented to the Hall Government will put the Constitutional amendment to a vote, provided that all signatures of the petition were obtained within a three- week period. A two-thirds vote of the Hall Government may also put the Constitutional amendment to a vote in the same manner. B. The vote shall be the responsibility of the Hall Government. The Constitutional amendment must be posted in conspicuous locations throughout Scott and Coman HallsScott-Coman Hall for a period of one week prior to the vote. The vote must be held within one week of the petition’s presentation to the Hall Government or the Hall Government’s decision to vote excluding Dead Week, Finals Week, or vacation times. C. A quorum of one-half of the Community Association shall be required for a vote to be officially binding, of which two-thirds must be in favor of the Constitutional amendment for said amendment to pass. D. The vote shall extend for a period of one day, with the exception that quorum is not met, in which case the vote shall be extended to one week. E. Petitions may be used to put an amendment before the Association at any time other than Dead Week, Finals Week, or vacation times. Section 2 – Amendments to the Bylaws The Bylaws of the Constitution of this Community Association may be amended according to the following procedure: 3
A. A petition signed by at least one-third of the entire CommunityAssociation, presented to the Hall Government, will put the amendment to the Bylaws to a vote, provided that all the signatures were obtained within a three-week period. B. The vote shall be the responsibility of the Hall Government. The amendment to the Bylaws must be posted in conspicuous locations throughout Scott and Coman HallsScott-Coman Hall for a period of one week prior to the vote. The vote must be held within one week of the petition’s presentation to the Hall Government excluding Dead Week, Finals Week, or vacation times. C. A quorum of one-half of the entire Community Association shall be required for a vote to be binding, of which two-thirds must be in favor of the amendment for said amendment to pass. D. The Hall Government may amend the Bylaws by a two-thirds vote of a quorum of three-fourths of the Hall Government. Section 3 – Replacement of the Constitution If at any time, the membership of this Community Association or the Hall Government deems it necessary to replace this Constitution; , a new Constitution may be written and posted in conspicuous locations throughout Scott and Coman HallsScott-Coman Hall. A quorum consisting of one-half of the entire Community Association must vote for the vote to be legally binding, of which a two-thirds majority favorable vote in favor is needed for the Constitution to pass. The vote must be held within one week after the newIf the vote passes, the old Constitution shall be immediately null and void, Constitutions shall be null and void, and officers holding office under the previous Constitution shall remain in office under the new Constitution.
Article VII – Budget and Dues Section 1 - Dues Each member of the CommunityAssociation, with the exceptions of the Resident Advisors, Hall DirectorResidential Education Director, and Hall Director’s AssistantAdvanced Paraprofessional, shall be required to pay dues. Dues shall be paid according to Residence Life policy. Section 2 - Budget A. The Budget for Scott-Coman will be prepared by the Executive Council of the Hall Government in conjunction with the Hall DirectorResidential Education Director and/or Hall Director’s AssistantAdvanced Paraprofessional, and presented to the Hall Government during the first meeting of each semester. B. The Hall Government may amend the proposed Budget by a simple majority vote. 4
C. The Hall Government will approve the Budget for Scott-Coman by a simple majority vote. D. The Hall Government may amend the Budget by a simple majority vote.
Article VIII – Hall Government Section 1 – Voting Membership Voting Membership of the Scott-Coman Hall Government will consist of the Executive Council, as defined in Article VIII, Section 3 with the exception of the President; the President in the event of a tie vote; and sixteen Senators as defined in Article VIII, Section 11. Section 2 – Non-Voting Membership Non-Voting Membership of the Scott-Coman Hall Government will consist of the President except in the event of a tie vote, Resident Advisors, Community Assistants, Residence Hall Director, Residence Hall Director’s AssistantResidential Education Direction, Advanced Paraprofessional, and guests. Section 3 – Executive Council The Executive Council of Scott-Coman shall be comprised of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Facilities Coordinator, Activities Coordinator, Historian, Webmaster, and two Residence Hall Association (RHA) Representatives. Each executive member, with the exception of the President, will receive a stipend for each semester for duties performed. Stipends for RHA representatives will be one hundred fifty dollars. Stipends for all other executives, excluding the President will be seventy-five dollars. The duties of the Executive Council include, but are not limited to: A. Attending meetings of the Hall Government in accordance to the attendance policy stated in Article VIII, Section 16. B. Attending meetings of the Executive Council in accordance to the attendance policy stated in Article VIII, Section 16. C. Working with the Hall DirectorResidential Education Director to establish the Budget. D. Working together on the creation and revision of the Constitution. E. Returning to the Pullman Campus of Washington State University during Week of Welcome, before the majority of incoming students arrive, to assist them the Saturday before Week of Welcome begins to assist students with orientation and check-in. F. Meeting on the Sunday night beforeduring Week of Welcome to be introduced to the staff, Hall DirectorResidential Education Director, and Hall Director’s AssistantAdvanced Paraprofesesional, as well as review this Constitution and the 5
procedures to be used in governing Scott-Coman. G. Planning activities and events for residents during Week of Welcome. H. Acting as mentors for incoming executives from the time of the announcement of the new executives until the Spring Semester finishes. I. Chairing or co-chairing at least one committee, as defined in Article III of the Bylaws, excluding the President and RHA Representatives. J. To retain membership, members of the executive council must abide by the Attendance Policy in Article VIII, Section 15, and maintain a minimum, cumulative grade point average of 2.3 on a four-point scale. Section 4 - President The President of Scott-Coman shall: A. Preside over all meetings of the Hall Government and general membership. B. Act as the official representative of the AssociationCommunity, particularly when representing views and policies established by the Hall Government. C. Direct the setting of goals and objectives for the Hall Government. D. Serve as the executivea temporary representative to the RHA council, or elect to assume the position, if two representatives are not found. or in the event that they (President/s) elect to assume the position. E. Be responsible for working with the Vice President to write the a Scott-Coman Welcome Letter sent to incoming students during the summerplaced in the mailboxes of incoming students during Week of Welcome. F. Be given all free privileges provided by Housing and Food Services. Receive a housing discount according to the Residence Life policy for Hall Presidents. G. Advise the Hall DirectorResidential Education Director of the actions of the Hall Government. H. Meet weekly with the Hall DirectorResidential Education Director to sign bills and discuss issues related to the Hall Government and the entire Community., if the Hall Director was not present during the Hall Government meeting.. I. Establish one or more office hours per week and post these hours on or around his or her door and at the front desks. Section 5 – Vice President The Vice President of Scott-Coman shall: A. Assume full duties of the President in the event of presidential incapacitation, whether temporary or permanent. B. Act as administrative assistant to the President. C. Act as a parliamentarian, if needed, at the meetings of the Hall Government. D. Serve as a substitute delegate to the RHA council if there is a vacancy in an RHA position., when able to do so. 6
E. Serve as the Scott-Coman Intramurals Representative if no other person has been appointed to do so. F. Establish one or more office hours per week and post these hours on or around his or her door and at the front desks. Section 6 - Secretary The Secretary of Scott-Coman shall: A. Prepare and distribute a phone listan email list of and to all the members of the Hall Government. B. Take attendance at all Executive Council and Hall Government meetings. C. Record, compile, and distribute the minutes of the Hall Government meetings within two days after said meetings. Minutes are to be posted in the bathrooms, lobbies, and at the front desk. D. Handle official correspondence for Scott-Coman, the Hall Government, and the Executive Council, and preserve records of these communications. E. Prepare, with the Historian, a Hall of the Year bid in the event that no committee has been formed to do so. F. Submit, within two days of the last Hall Government meeting of the academic year, a compilation of all of the Hall Government minutes from the entire academic year. This compilation will be placed on file in the Scott-Coman office, with copies given to the incoming Secretary. G. Establish one or more office hours per week and post these hours on or around his or her door and at the front desks. Section 7 – Facilities Coordinator The Facilities Coordinator of Scott-Coman shall: A. Oversee the general upkeep of all hall supplies and facilities, including but not limited to: the pool table and equipment, the kitchen and its associated equipment, and games and sporting equipment kept at the front desk. B. Be responsible for the maintenance, supply, operation, and upkeep of the Scott- Coman computer room, as well as enforce the Scott-Coman Acceptable Use Policy. C. Be in charge of new acquisitions. D. Establish one or more office hours per week and post these hours on or around his or her door and at the front desks. Section 8 – Activities Coordinator The Activities Coordinator of Scott-Coman shall: A. Coordinate all programs planned and sponsored by the Hall Government. B. Act as a representative of the Hall Government for programs planned and sponsored with other halls in conjunction with Scott-Coman. 7
C. Serve as the Scott-Coman Intramurals Representative if no other person has been appointed to do so. D. Implement two programs over the course of the academic year if no programming committee has been formed. E. Establish one or more office hours per week and post these hours on or around his or her door and at the front desks. Section 9 - Historian The Historian of Scott-Coman shall: A. Be responsible for recording all of the programs, events, and activities that Scott- Coman sponsored and participated in a manner he or she best sees fit. B. Prepare, with the Secretary, a Hall of the Year bid in the event that no committee has been formed to do so. C. Establish one or more office hours per week and post these hours on or around his or her door and at the front desks. Section 10 - Webmaster The Webmaster of Scott-Coman shall: A. Work in conjunction with Scott-Coman Hall Government to maintain its image and events by means of the Scott-Coman website. This includes but is not limited to: posting picture in conjunction with the historian, posting hall government “minutes” (Accounts of all Hall Government meetings)minutes in conjunction with the Secretary, and keeping the website up to date on hall events in conjunction with the activities coordinator. B. Establish one or more office hours per week and post these hours on or around his or her door and at the front desks. Section 10 – Residence Hall Association Representatives The two Residence Hall Association Representatives of Scott-Coman shall: A. Attend all Residence Hall Association council meetings, and represent the view of the Hall Government and general membership. B. Report on RHA actions at the Executive Council, Hall Government, and general membership meetings. C. Serve as a member on one or more RHA committees. D. Establish one or more office hours per week and post these hours on or around his or her door and at the front desks. Section 11 - Senators Each floor shall elect two Senators to serve as their representatives to the Hall Government. Each senator shall: A. Represent the views and opinions of his or her floor at the Hall Government meetings. 8
B. Participate in at least one Hall Government committee. C. Work in conjunction with their RA to provide information of the actions of the Hall Government during floor meetings. D. Work in conjunction with the Resident Advisor to establish a proper atmosphere on his or her respective floor, and to assist in the planning of the use of floor funds. Section 12 – Resident Advisors The Resident Advisors of Scott-Coman, pertaining to the Hall Government, shall send at least one representative of the Resident Advisors to each Hall Government meeting to represent the views of the Resident Advisors and to inform the Hall Government on the actions of the Resident Advisors. Section 13 – Community Assistants The Community Assistants of Scott-Coman, pertaining to the Hall Government, shall send at least one representative of the Community Assistants to each Hall Government meeting to represent the views of the Community Assistants and to inform the Hall Government on the actions of the Community Assistants. Section 14 – Hall DirectorResidential Education Director and Hall Director’s AssistantAdvanced Paraprofessional The Residence Hall DirectorResidential Education Director of Scott-Coman and Hall Director’s AssistantAdvanced Paraprofessional of Scott-Coman, pertaining to the Hall Government, shall: A. Assist the Executive Council in preparing the Budget. B. Advise the Hall Government. C. Inform the Hall Government of relevant information. D. Attend the meetings of the Hall Government when able to do so.
Section 15 – Hall Government Membership A. All executive members of the Hall Government, in order to retain membership, must abide by the Attendance Policy in Article VIII, Section 15, and maintain a minimum, cumulative grade point average of 2.3 on a four-point scale. Any voting member of the Hall Government shall not hold an office in other student government organization (i.e. ASWSU, RHA, and etceteras) consecutively, seeing that it may provide a conflict of interest. The voting member must resign one position of his or her choosing. Section 165 – Attendance Policy The Attendance Policy for the meetings of the Scott-Coman Hall Government is as follows: A. The Secretary shall at all Hall Government and Executive Council meetings take 9
attendance. B. If any member of the Executive Council is going to be absent from the Hall Government or Executive Council meeting, then it is his or her obligation to inform the President and or the Secretary of this intended absence. This notice should be given no later than one hour prior to the meeting. C. If any Senator is going to be absent from the Hall Government meeting, then it is his or her obligation to inform the President and or the Secretary of this intended absence. The Senator is also responsible for finding a replacement for the meeting. This notice should be given no later than one hour prior to the meeting. D. It is up to the judgment of the President to determine whether or not an absence is to be considered excused or not. E. After one unexcused absence, a written warning will be issued to the offending party. After two unexcused absences, the offending party will forfeit his or her position in Hall Government. Appeals will be heard at the next Hall Government meeting. After one unexcused absence, the President will issue a warning to the individual. After two unexcused absences, if the individual is a Senator, the funds of his or her floor will be temporarily frozen. That is, the floor may not access floor funds until a resolution has been reached with the Hall President. If the individual is an Executive member, the Executive Council shall decide on an appropriate action, which may include recall or reduction of stipend. Section 176 - Recall The process of Recall is as follows: A. A Hall Government member is subject for recall if he or she has failed to do his or her duties as stated in the Constitution and/or violated any of the regulations of Washington State University. B. The charges against the Hall Government members subject to recall are to be brought before the Executive Council to decide validity of the charges. C. If the charges are valid, a hearing shall be held at the next Hall Government meeting. The Hall DirectorResidential Education Director or Hall Director’s AssistantAdvanced Paraprofessional shall serve as mediator. The accusers will have an opportunity to speak, followed by the accused. The accusers will then have an opportunity to speak a second time, followed by the accused. Hearsay shall not be admitted. D. Any Senator can be relived of his or her position by a four-fifths vote of the Hall Government or a two-thirds vote of his or her floor. E. Any Executive can be relieved of his or her position by a four-fifths vote of the Hall Government or a two-thirds vote of the entire membership. F. Voting shall be by secret ballot. 10
Article I – Hall Government Meetings Bylaws pertaining to Hall Government meetings are as follows: A. At the first meeting, the Constitution must be handed out to each Hall Government member. B. Hall Government meetings can be called by the President or by one-half of the Hall Government. At least three days notice must be given for an unscheduled meeting to be called. Except in the case of extraneous circumstances, all Hall Government meetings are to be held on the same day of the week at the same time. This day and time are to be set at the beginning of each semester. C. Two-thirdsOne-half of the Hall Government constitutes a quorum. D. Decisions of the Hall Government may be overturned using the petition procedure of Article VI, Section 2 as stated above. E. If a decision needs to be made before the next meeting, a simple majority vote of the quorum is required to decide on the issue.
Article II - Elections Section 1 – Executive Council The Executive Council for the next academic year shall be elected by the general membership in a general election in the spring of the current academic year. The procedure for these elections is as follows: A. Sign-ups for the Executive Council are to be held the two weeks before Spring Vacation. to begin four Mondays before Dead Week and last for two weeks. B. All residents, except for the Residential Education Director, Advanced Paraprofessional, and Resident Advisors, are eligible to vote. C. Voting will take place take place the second Monday after returning from Spring Vacationthe Monday before dead week and continue through that Tuesday., provided that this day is not a University holiday. In the event that this day is a University holiday, then the voting shall be held the next available day. D. The intervening week between Spring Vacation and voting dayweek after signups have closed will be used exclusively for campaigning. E. During actual voting, there shall be no campaigning near the room where actual voting is taking place. This includes, but is not limited to, posters, publications, and verbal advertisements that may promote a candidate. Failure to comply will result in a disqualification of the offending party. F. Voting shall be done by registered ballot at the front desk of Scott-Coman, or a 11
nearby locaScott front desk (or a nearby location) and at the Coman front desk area during the desk office hours. tion, between the hours of 10:0 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. Ballots are to be distributed in each mailbox by the time the election begins.before 10:00 a.m. to each voter’s mailbox. G. Each candidate will be given the chance to make a speech, limited to three minutes, at the Hall Government meeting preceding the elections. Section 2 - Senators Floors shall elect two Senators each before the fourth third week of the Fall Semester or the first Hall Government meeting, whichever occurs first. The procedure for these elections is to be determined by each individual floor. In the case of vacancies in Senator positions, the floor will be responsible for filling such positions. Section 3 – Special Elections Elections held to fill vacancies in the Executive Council during the school year will use the following format: A. There shall be two weeks of sign-ups, followed by one week of campaigning. B. The election will be held at the conclusion of the week of campaigning. C. The voting process shall occur as specified in Article II, Section One, Parts B, E, and F. During actual voting, there shall be no campaigning done near the room where actual voting is taking place. This includes, but is not limited to, posters, publications, and verbal advertisements that may promote a candidate. Failure to comply will result in a disqualification of the offending party. D. Voting shall be done by registered ballot at the front desk of Scott-Coman, or a nearby location, between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. Ballots are to be distributed before 10:00 a.m. to each voter’s mailbox. E. F. In the event that there is only one candidate for a vacancy, a two-thirds vote of the Hall Government will instate the candidate into the vacant executive position.
Article III - Committees Section 1 – Committee Membership Each committee, with the exception of the Constitutional Review committee, shall be comprised of two members of the Executive Council, at least four Senators, and any other interested parties. One or more members of the Executive Council shall serve as chairperson of each committee. Each Senator must serve on at least one committee. Section 2 – Committee Meetings Time for committee meetings will be allocated each Hall Government meeting. Reports on committee actions are to be given at each Hall Government meeting. 12
following the committee meetings. Section 3 – Activities Committee A. The Chairpersons of the Activities Committee shall be the Activities Coordinator and one other executive. B. The purpose of the Activities Committee is to plan and conduct programs for the benefit of Scott-Coman and others. C. The Activities Committee is required to conduct at least one program every month. Section 4 – Philanthropy Committee A. The Chairpersons of the Philanthropy Committee shall be two of the executives. B. The purpose of the Philanthropy Committee is to plan and conduct activities in the realm of community service. C. The Philanthropy Committee is required to conduct at least one program each semester. D. The Philanthropy Committee shall have the option of meeting in conjunction with the Activities Committee, at the discretion of the Executive Board. Section 5 – Hall of the Year and Decorations Promotions Committee A. The Chairpersons of the Hall of the Year and Decorations Promotions Committee shall be the Secretary and the Historian.Historian and one other Executive. B. The Hall of the Year and Promotions Committee shall inform the Community of upcoming and ongoing events, change one of the bulletin boards at least once a month, and decorate the hall for any holiday or occasion the committee sees fit, including RHA and all-hall competitions. The purpose of the Hall of the Year and Decorations Committee is to plan and prepare the Hall of Year bid for Scott- Coman in the spring. C. The secondary purpose of the Hall of the Year and Decorations Committee is to inform the Association of upcoming and ongoing events, to change one of the bulletin boards at least once a month, and to decorate the hall for any holiday or occasion the committee sees fit. D. The Hall of the Year and Promotions Committee shall plan and prepare the Hall of Year bid for Scott-Coman in the spring. E. The Hall of the Year and Decorations Promotions Committee is required to conduct at least one program each semester. Section 6 – Facilities and Hall Improvement Committee A. The Chairpersons of the Facilities and Hall Improvement Committee shall be the Facilities Coordinator and one other executive. B. The purpose of the Facilities and Hall Improvement is to assist the Facilities Coordinator in his or her duties as stated in Article VIII, Section 7 of the 13
Constitution. C. The Facilities and Hall Improvement Committee is required to conduct at least one program each semester. Section 7 – Constitutional Review Committee A. The Constitutional Review Committee shall be comprised of the Vice President, Secretary, one Senator from each of the other committees, and any other interested parties. B. The chairpersons of the Constitutional Review Committee shall be the Vice President and the Secretary. C. The Constitutional Review Committee shall meet once at the beginning of each semester, and thereafter as needed, to review the Constitution and draft necessary changes.
Article IV – Co-Presidency If there is an absolute tie in the elections then Scott-Coman may have two Co-Presidents in place of one President, provided that the following rules are abided by: A. The Co-Presidents must share the duties as stated above in Article VIII, Section 4 of the Constitution. B. The Co-Presidents must share the duties as stated above in Article VIII, Section 4 of the Constitution. C. One of the Co-Presidents shall act as a Chairperson on the Activities Committee, and one of the Co-Presidents shall serve on a committee of his or her choosing.
Article V – Adoption of this Constitution Any person holding office under a previous Constitution will be allowed to retain his or her office under the current Constitution.