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Course Title: Human Anatomy and Physiology I Health Careers Textbook: Understanding Human Anatomy and Physiology: Longenbaker Teacher: Dr. John Murphy Phone: (732) 981-0700 Ext: 2436 E-mail: [email protected] (preferred) Extra help available after school Wednesday-Friday and by appointment
Course description Human Anatomy & Physiology Health Careers is a 5 credit High School course and a 4 credit College course ( If student fulfills Rutgers criteria outlined below), full year course for students in grades 11 and 12 who have successfully completed biology. This exciting course is a combination lab and lecture course that examines the anatomy and physiology of the human body. The structure of human body systems will be studied and the function of each system will be explored. This is an interesting and relevant course where students will have the opportunity to study about themselves. Students considering a career in nursing, medicine, teaching, public health, dentistry, or veterinary medicine will enjoy this course. During the course of study, students will develop the following skills: organization, the use of Cornell Notes, utilization of content specific vocabulary, and the ability to understand and properly answer a question.
Course Schedule: Scope and Sequence Approximate Time Frame Topic First Semester: Marking Period One Topics: Introduction to human anatomy, chemical basis of life, September through November cells, cellular metabolism
Specific Content: Characteristics of life Maintenance of life Homeostasis Levels of organization Organization of the human body Anatomical terminology Structure of matter Organic and inorganic components of cells Cell membrane and organelles Movement through the cell membrane The cell cycle Cancer Metabolic reactions Enzymes Metabolic Pathways
1 Nucleic acids and protein synthesis Clinical applications of the above Marking Period Two Topics: Tissues, Support and Movement November through January Specific Content: Types of tissues - Structure and function of epithelial tissues - Structure and function of connective tissues - Structure and function of muscle tissues - Structure and function of nervous tissues The integumentary system and skin - Layers of the skin - Accessory organs - Regulation of body temperature - Healing of wounds The skeletal system - Bone structure and function - Bone development - Organization of the skeletons - Bones and bony landmarks - Joints and movement Clinical applications of the above Second Semester Marking Period Three Topics: Support and movement, integration and coordination February through April Specific Content: The muscular system structure and function - Structure and function of skeletal muscle - Skeletal muscle contraction - Energy sources for muscle contraction - Major skeletal muscles location and function The nervous system structure and function - Neuron structure and types - The action potential and the nervous impulse - The synapse and neurotransmitters - Nerve pathways - Structure and function of meninges - Structure and function of the spinal cord - Structure and function of parts of the brain - Organization of the nervous system Clinical applications of the above Marking Period Four Topics: Integration and coordination, transport, absorption and April through June excretion
Specific Content: Somatic and special senses - Types of receptors - Sensory adaptation
2 - Structure and function of the somatic senses – touch, pressure and pain - Structure and function of the special senses – smell, sight, taste, sound, equilibrium Blood - Structure and function of blood - Blood volume and composition - Production of red blood cells - Types of white blood cells – structure and function - Blood plasma - Hemostasis - Blood groups and transfusions Student presentations - Endocrine system - Digestive system - Respiratory system - Cardiovascular system - Urinary system Immune system - Specific and non-specific defenses - Infectious disease Clinical applications of the above
Materials Needed: Notebook and folder or binder and three-hole punch (recommended) Pens and pencils Colored pencils Textbook
Grade Determination For Rutgers College Credit The minimum level of satisfactory performance in this course is a ‘C’ or better. To receive a ‘C’ or better, students must first complete ALL course requirements specified above, including meeting the minimum attendance expectation. Upon successful completion of the course students will be eligible to take the Health Science Careers standardized exam to determine college credit. High school students must attain a C (74) or better on the Medical Terminology standardized exam to earn college credits.
Evaluation and Grading For Rutgers College Credit Human Anatomy Physiology I - 50% Rutgers SHRP standardized exam grade + 50 % high school grade = Rutgers SHRP grade listed on transcript.
3 Health Science Careers Program Rutgers Grading System
Weighted Final Average of All Letter Requirements Grade
94-100 A
90-93 A-
87-89 B+
84-86 B
80-83 B-
77-79 C+
74-76 C
70-73 C-
Grading Distribution : Dr. Murphy’s class specifically Every assignment given (tests, quizzes, homework, classwork, labs, projects) will be assigned a point value. Your grade for the marking period can be determined by adding up all the points you received and dividing that total by the maximum number of possible points. There will be approximately 3-4 tests and 3-4 quizzes per marking period. Homework will be given on a regular basis and will be checked daily and will count for no more than 10% of the total points possible in each marking period. Participation will count for approximately 5% of the total points possible. There will be also be at least one project per marking period.
Classroom Procedures: Regarding safety in the laboratory: When asked, you must wear safety goggles Personal apparel should be appropriate for lab work Know what you are doing Know the proper fire drill procedures and the locations of the fire exits and the emergency equipment Report all accidents to the instructor, no matter how minor
4 Do not perform unauthorized experiments or use equipment and apparatus in a manner not specified by the instructor Stay alert in the lab Food and beverages are never allowed in the lab Use extra caution when working with hot plates or other heating devices Use extra caution when working with electrical equipment Keep the work area clean and neat Soap and water are available Observation of all Piscataway High School rules and regulations as noted in the official student handbook.
Classroom Rules: Respect yourself, each other, and authority. Be prepared for class each day. Always follow classroom procedures and safety guidelines. Put forth your best effort at all times! Always come to class ready to work!
Classroom procedures: . A pen or a pencil and a notebook must be brought to class everyday. No student will be allowed to go to his or her locker for these items. Do not ask. You do not need to bring your textbook to class unless I tell you to do so. . When the bell rings: o All students must sit in their assigned seat. Any student not in their seat will be marked absent. o Homework will be out to be checked. o Students must begin working quietly on the DO NOW activity. Occasionally, these will be collected without warning for a grade (complete/incomplete). . Bathroom breaks may be taken only in case of an emergency. Only one student, with the designated pass, may use the restroom at a time, after asking for permission. . Do not call out answers. Please make sure to raise your hand. This allows every student a chance to think about and answer a question. . The ringing of the bell does NOT dismiss class. I will tell you when you are permitted to pack up materials and leave.
Homework Policy: Homework will be assigned and checked on a regular basis. Periodically, a “homework quiz” may be given to check your progress. Late assignments will receive a grade of zero. An assignment that is collected for a grade (such as a lab write-up or take-home test) will lose 10 percent of the total points possible for each day it is late. Any assignment that is over one week late will receive a maximum grade of 50 percent.
Extra help: If you have a question, ask for an explanation during class. Please do not hesitate to come for extra help. I will be available after school on Wednesday and Friday by request for anyone who wishes to come. If for any reason, you cannot make it after school, I will make every effort to set up a time before school.
5 Unsatisfactory Performance/Progress Unsatisfactory performance which may include late assignments, failing grades, and/or attendance or progress problems will be discussed individually on an as needed basis.
If You Are Absent: . If an assignment was handed out or any papers were returned, it is your responsibility to check the file on the side of the room. Check here automatically upon your return. . You will have one day for each day absent to complete any make-up assignments. . If you miss a test or a quiz, you will be expected to make it up before or after school, no later than the day after you return. No make-up exams will be administered during class unless absolutely necessary. There is no guarantee that the make-up exam will be exactly the same as the one given originally. . If you miss a laboratory activity, you will be expected to make it up after school, as soon as possible within the following week. Please try not to be absent for required labs, as they are very difficult to make up. . If you cut during a class period in which a test or a quiz is given, or a laboratory activity is completed, you will receive a zero for that exam or lab.
Extra credit: Will be available on some tests and is possible at the end of the marking period for only those students who have completed ALL the required assignments.
Evaluation and Grading For Rutgers College Credit Human Anatomy Physiology I - 50% Rutgers SHRP standardized exam grade + 50 % high school grade = Rutgers SHRP grade listed on transcript.
Health Science Careers Program Grading System
Weighted Average Final of All Letter Requirements Grade
94-100 A
90-93 A-
87-89 B+
84-86 B
80-83 B-
77-79 C+
74-76 C
70-73 C-
6 Rutgers Honor Code and Academic Integrity (Refer to your Rutgers, SHRP Student Handbook at http://shrp.rutgers.edu/current_students/handbook.pdf)
The faculty of Rutgers School of Health Related Professions believes that students must observe and support high standards of honesty and integrity. For this reason, all students in this course are expected to abide by the School's Honor Code and uphold its Code of Academic Integrity. As described in detail in your Student Handbook, violations of the Code of Academic Integrity include cheating, plagiarism, fabrication and/or academic misconduct. All such violations will be considered with gravest concern and may be punishable with sanctions as severe as suspension or dismissal. If you have not previously affirmed the School's Honor Code (either in writing or electronically), you must submit a signed and dated copy of the Honor Code to the instructor by the end of the first week of the semester. The Honor Code form is provided in the current Rutgers, SHRP Student Handbook.
Please read these guidelines, sign and detach at the dotted line. Keep these guidelines for future reference and return the bottom portion to Dr. Murphy. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time. Thank you.
I have read, understood, and will abide by the above classroom guidelines and procedures.
Student Name: ______Student Signature: ______
I have read and understood above the classroom guidelines.
Parent Name: ______Parent Signature: ______
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