And Counseling Psychology Phone 573.882.1326
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Department of Educational, School, and Counseling Psychology Phone 573.882.1326 University of Missouri-Columbia Fax 573.884.5989 16 Hill Hall [email protected] Columbia, MO 65211
Ph.D. Counseling Psychology June l978 (APA Accredited Program) Salt Lake City, UT University of Utah
M.S. Educational Psychology June l968 University of Utah Salt Lake City, UT Certificate: School Psychologist
B.A. Psychology and Mathematics June l964 University of Utah Salt Lake City, UT Certificate: Secondary Education
Psychologist: State of Missouri, March 2001-present (#2001006522)
Psychologist: State of Utah, June 1980-present (#22-109704-2501)
Associate Professor, Department of Educational, School and Counseling Psychology. University of Missouri-Columbia. Columbia, MO. 1999-present.
Director, University Counseling Center, University of Missouri-Columbia. Columbia, MO. 1999-2006.
Associate Director, University of Utah Counseling Center. Salt Lake City, UT. 1979-1991, 1992-1999.
Director of Training, University of Utah Counseling Center. Salt Lake City, UT. 1985-1991, 1992-1999.
Interim Director, University of Utah Counseling Center. Salt Lake City, UT. 1991-1992.
Adjunct Professor, University of Utah 2
Department of Educational Psychology, 1999-2000.
Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Utah Department of Educational Psychology, 1986-1999. Department of Psychology, 1992-2000. Department of Psychiatry, 1992-2000.
Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Utah. Department of Educational Psychology, 1982-1986. Department of Psychiatry, 1982-1992.
University of Oklahoma, 1997-1998. Department of Human Relations
Supervisor of University Testing Center, University of Utah Counseling Center. Salt Lake City, UT. 1979-1991.
Career Development Coordinator, University of Utah Counseling Center. Salt Lake City, UT. 1971-1981.
Coordinator for Veterans Administration Counseling, University of Utah Counseling Center. Salt Lake City, UT. 1978-1979.
Psychometrist and Assistant Supervisor of Testing, University of Utah Counseling Center. Salt Lake City, UT. 1966-1971.
Boggs, K. (2006). Campbell Interest and Skill Survey. In G. A. Callanan, & J. H. Greenhaus (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Career Development. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
Boggs, K. R. (2001). Review of the Campbell Interest and Skill Survey. In J. Kappes, & E. Whitfield (Eds.) A counselor’s guide to career assessment instruments, 4th ed. 194-201 Alexandria, VA: National Career Development Association.
Boggs, K., & Douce, L. (2000). Anticipating and understanding changes to psychology internships: Effects on counseling psychology training. In Goodyear, R. K. (Ed.) Issues influencing counseling psychology training as we enter the 21st century. The Counseling Psychologist, 28(5), 672-686.
Erickson Cornish, J. A., Roehlke, H. J., & Boggs, K. R. (2000). Half-time doctoral psychology internship programs in university counseling centers: Advantages and disadvantages. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 31(3), 349-350.
Boggs, K. R. (1999). Campbell Interest and Skill Survey: Review and Critique. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 32(3), 168-181.
Boggs, K. R. (1998). Career Decisions: The Campbell and Ms. Flood. The Career Development Quarterly, 46(4), 311-319.
Lapan, R. T., Shaughnessy, P. & Boggs, K. (1996). Efficacy expectations and vocational interests as mediators between sex and choice of math/science 3
college majors: A longitudinal study. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 49, 277-291. Boggs, K. R. (1992). University Counseling Center, University of Utah. In Schoenberg, B. M. (Ed.), Conceptualizations: Counseling center models (pp. 50-54). International Association of Counseling Services, Inc., Alexandria, VA.
Chartrand, J. M., Robbins, S. B., Morrill, W. H., & Boggs, K. (1990). Development and validation of the Career Factors Inventory. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 37(4), 451-501.
Lapan, R. T., Boggs, K. R., & Morrill, W. H. (1989). Self-efficacy as a mediator of Investigative and Realistic General Occupational Themes on the Strong- Campbell Interest Inventory. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 36(2), 176-182.
Boggs, K., & Hall, J. (1987). Implementation of accepted policy: Summary of working group nine. In Belar, C., Bieliauskas, L., Larsen, K., Mensh, I., Poey, K. & Roehlke, H. (Eds.), Proceedings: National Conference on Internship Training in Psychology (pp. 57-58). Association of Psychology Internship Centers, Washington, DC
Boggs, K., & Hall, J. (1987). Review of initial policy: Summary of working group nine. In Belar, C., Bieliauskas, L., Larsen, K., Mensh, I., Poey, K. & Roehlke, H. (Eds.), Proceedings: National Conference on Internship Training in Psychology (p.48). Association of Psychology Internship Centers, Washington, D.C.
Boggs, K., & Hall, J. (1987). What should be the entrance criteria for internship training? What are the appropriate exit criteria?: Summary of working group nine. In Belar, C., Bieliauskas, L., Larsen, K., Mensh, I., Poey, K. & Roehlke, H. (Eds.), Proceedings: National Conference on Internship Training in Psychology (pp. 33-35). Association of Psychology Internship Centers, Washington, D.C.
Boggs, K., & Peterson, R. (1987). Review of initial policy statement: Summary of working group seven. In Belar, C., Bieliauskas, L., Larsen, K., Mensh, I., Poey, K. & Roehlke, H. (Eds.), Proceedings: National Conference on Internship Training in Psychology (p. 45). Association of Psychology Internship Centers, Washington, D.C.
Boggs, K., & Peterson, R. (1987). What is the purpose of internship training? What is the product of internship training?: Summary of working group one. In Belar, C., Bieliauskas, L., Larsen, K., Mensh, I., Poey, K. & Roehlke, H. (Eds.), Proceedings: National Conference on Internship Training in Psychology (pp. 17-18). Association of Psychology Internship Centers, Washington, D.C.
Robbins, S. B., Mullison, D., Boggs, K. R., Riedesel, B., & Jacobson, B. (l985). Attrition behavior before career development workshops. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 32(2), 232-238.
Boggs, K. R. (l980). Career decision-making. In W. H. Morrill & J. L. Hurst (Eds.), Dimensions of intervention for student development (pp. 302- 3l4). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Stoddard, K. (l973). Characteristics of policemen of a county sheriff's 4
office. In J. R. Snibbe & H. M. Snibbe (Eds.), The urban policeman in
transition: A psychological and Sociological review (pp. 28l-297). Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.
Wolszon, L., & Boggs, K. (2004). Instructor crises in the classroom in Teaching at Mizzou: A Guide for New Faculty, Graduate Instructors and Teaching Assistants. Available at
Boggs, K. R. (1999). Helping students reduce internship application costs. APPIC Newsletter, XXIV(1), 6-7.
Boggs, K. R. (1999). APPIC membership meeting and conference: Summary report. APPIC Newsletter, XXIV(1), 1,3.
Boggs, K. R. (1999). Tips for trainers. APPIC Newsletter, XXIV(1), 18.
Boggs, K. R. (1996). APA Education Directorate advocates for internships. APPIC Newsletter, XXI(1), 15.
Boggs, K. R. (1994). Emotional impact of termination. OCM Transitions, Fourth Quarter, 6-7.
Boggs, K. R. (1993). Advantages of postdoctoral training programs in university counseling centers. ACPA Commission VII Newsletter.
Boggs, K. R., & Gray, J. M. (l98l, November). Your career: Plan! In S. Ritchie (Ed.), Utah's Career Guide, Salt Lake City, Utah: Utah System of Higher Education, pp. 3-4. Reprinted in L. K. Dobson (Ed.) (l983, January) Utah's Career Guide, Salt Lake City: Utah System of Higher Education, 4-5.
Boggs, K. R. (l98l, January). Your career: Choice or chance? In J. Nelson (Ed.), Utah's Career Guide, Salt Lake City: Utah System of Higher Education, 3-4.
Boggs, K. R., Johansson, C. B., Schultz-Duarte, S., & Sears, P. A. (l982). Discovery: The career development workshop. Minneapolis: NCS Interpretative Scoring Systems.
Schultz-Duarte, S. S., Johansson, C. B., & Boggs, K. R. (l980). My career, myself: A career decision-making workshop. Minneapolis: NCS Interpretative Scoring Systems.
Stoddard, K. (l972, August). A career development general education seminar. In J. Pappas (Chair), Career development symposium. Symposium presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI. Programs and practices in life career development. (l974) APGA-Impact- ERIC/CAPS workshop on life career development. 5
Boggs, K. R. (l978). The effects of scholastic ability, role orientation, fear of success, need for approval, and cultural values on the college major choices of women (Doctoral dissertation, University of Utah, l978). Dissertation Abstracts International, 39, 2823A.
Worthington, R. L., Flores, L. Y., & Boggs, K. R. (2003). Proposal for Student Undergraduate/Graduate: Grants to Departments for Innovative Programs. Commission on Ethnic Minority Recruitment, Retention and Training in Psychology (CEMRRAT). Funded for $4,000. ¡Sí Se Puede! A series of three workshops focused on developing research skills and facilitating applications to graduate school for Latino(a) students. Dean of the Graduate School at University of Missouri-Columbia contributed an additional $1800.
Salerno, L., & Boggs, K. (2002). Conflict Resolution Training Camp for Adolescents. The Department of Public Safety. Funding declined.
Boggs, K., & Ladehoff, P. (2007, May). Difficult dialogues: Demonstration and discussion of a method for handling controversial issues in the classroom. Wakonse Conference for Excellence in College Teaching, Shelby, MI.
Boggs, K. (2006, May). Dealing with psychologically difficult students. Wakonse Conference for Excellence in College Teaching, Shelby, MI.
Boggs, K. (2006, March). Dealing with student death. In M. Olona (Chair) Cutting edge counseling center practices: Collaborations, crises, and cantankerous administrators. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA), Washington, DC.
Boggs, K. (2005, October). Counseling centers with excellent multicultural training programs. In D. Hays (Chair) From paper to practice: multicultural competency...the next steps. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Association of University and College Counseling Center Directors (AUCCCD), Minneapolis, MN.
Boggs, K. (2005, August). Center Director’s Perspective. In B. Mallinckrodt and K. Boggs (Co-Chairs) Promoting counseling process research at university counseling centers. Conversation hour presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association (APA), Washington, DC.
Moreno, M., Padilla, P., Hernandez, J., Garcia, D., Mendoza, R., Krill, J., Gomez, A., Benavides, M. E., Uribe, C. Flores, L. Y., Worthington, R. L., & Boggs, K., (2005, March). Latino/a psychology: A trend analysis of five professional psychology journals. Paper presented at the Cambio de Colores Annual Conference, Columbia, MO. 6
Flores, L. Y., Worthington, R. L., Boggs, K., Moreno, M., Padilla, P., Hernandez, J., Garcia, D., Mendoza, R., Krill, J., Gomez, A., Benavides, M. E., Uribe, C. (2004, November). Latino/a psychology: A trend analysis of five professional psychology journals. Paper presented at the inaugural convention of National Latino Psychological Association, Scottsdale, AZ.
Boggs, K. (2004, October). Dealing with tragic student death. In R. Chapman (Chair)“It will never happen to us”: Responding as counseling center directors when tragedy strikes you or your staff. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Association of University and College Counseling Center Directors (AUCCCD), Lake Tahoe, NV.
Boggs, K. (2004, October). Partnerships with faculty. In R. Shadick (Chair) Strengthening alliances between academic affairs and counseling: It’s all academic. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Association of University and College Counseling Center Directors (AUCCCD), Lake Tahoe, NV.
Boggs, K. Bishop, R., & Nichols, R. (2003, April). Take a look at us now: The MU counseling center. Presented at the conference on Celebrating 50 years of APA Accreditation in counseling psychology. Columbia, MO.
Boggs, K. R. (2002, November). Issues in counseling centers in medium large institutions (18,000-28,000). Discussion leader at the annual meeting of the Association of University and College Counseling Center Directors (AUCCCD), Honolulu.
Boggs, K. R. (2002, November). Managing upward: Lessons learned. In M. Wells (Chair) Trials by fire: An elements of excellence program on administrative challenges in changing times. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Association of University and College Counseling Center Directors (AUCCCD), Honolulu.
Boggs, K. R. (2002, August). Counseling center internships: Preparation and application. In C. D’Archiardi, J. L. Hitch. S. Summers (Co-chairs). The insider’s view: Discussing internship information with those who know. Roundtable conducted at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago.
Boggs, K. R., & Gysbers, N. (2002, February). Career development with adults. Presented at the annual meeting of the Career Conference, Columbia, MO.
Boggs, K. R. (2001, October). When the electronic records system crashes: Lessons learned. In D. Jones (Chair) Trials by fire. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Association of University and College Counseling Center Directors (AUCCCD), Toronto.
Boggs, K. (2001, April). Chair and discussant. Postdoctoral training programs: Support required for quality and growth. Symposium presented at the meeting of the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers, New Orleans.
Boggs, K. (2001, March). Considerations in selecting an outcome measure. In J. 7
Okiishi (Chair) Outcome research in counseling centers. Symposium presented at the National Conference on Counseling Psychology, Houston.
Boggs, K. (2001, March). Counseling centers: Campus collaboration for prevention. In J. Romano (Chair) Perspective on prevention in counseling psychology. Symposium presented at the National Conference on Counseling Psychology, Houston.
Boggs, K. (2001, March). Discussant. In J. Rosenberg (Chair) Problematic trainees: Addressing the impact from multiple perspectives. Symposium presented at the National Conference on Counseling Psychology, Houston.
Boggs, K. (2001, March). Preparing for positions in counseling centers. In S. Summers (Chair) Counseling psychology training for professional diversity. Roundtable presented at the National Conference on Counseling Psychology, Houston.
Gysbers, N., Boggs, K., & Johannesmeyer, L. (2001, February). A dialogue on working with adult career concerns. Presented at the Conference on Career Centers for the Millennium, Overland Park, KS.
Boggs, K. (2000, October). The Problem Resolution Outcome Survey (PROS). In K. Boggs (Chair) Selection of outcome measures for use in a college counseling center: Issues and analysis of four instruments. Symposium presented at the meeting of the Association of University and College Counseling Center Directors, Snowbird, UT.
Boggs, K. (2000, October). Factors to consider in selecting an outcome measure. In K. Boggs (Chair) Selection of outcome measures for use in a college counseling center: Issues and analysis of four instruments. Symposium presented at the meeting of the Association of University and College Counseling Center Directors, Snowbird, UT.
Boggs, K. (2000, October). Reflections of a first-year director. Presented at the meeting of the Association of University and College Counseling Center Directors. Snowbird, UT.
Boggs, K. (2000, August). Counseling center training: Trends and challenges. In D. Petersen (Chair) Critical issues for university counseling centers in 2000 and beyond. Symposium presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
Boggs, K. (2000, May). Interpretation of the Campbell Interest and Skill Survey. Workshop presented at the Department of Defense Education Symposium on Education in the 21st Century: Challenges, Directions, & Technologies, Dallas.
Gysbers, N., & Boggs, K. (2000, February). Issues in career counseling with adults. Presented at the Career Conference, Columbia, MO.
Boggs, K., Clark, M. P., Baron, A., & Nafziger, M. (1999, August). Issues in the selection of an outcome measure for university counseling centers. Symposium presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston.
Boggs, K. (1999, August). Creative funding: Collaboration between a university 8
counseling center and a department of medicine. In R. Margolis (Chair) Show me the money: Postdoctoral funding crisis. Symposium presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston.
Boggs, K., & Goldberg, R. (1999, March). Workshop for new training directors. Presented at the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers Membership Meeting and Conference, Orlando.
Boggs, K. (1998, August). Reflections on a CISS profile. Fellow talk presented at meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.
Boggs, K. (1998, August). Moving your internship program toward APA accreditation. In R. MacNair-Semands (Chair), Contemporary issues in university counseling centers. Roundtable program presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.
Boggs, K. (1997, September). Preparation and facilitation of an APA site visit. In J. Levin (Chair), APA accreditation under the new guidelines and principles. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Association of Counseling Center Training Agencies, Estes Park, CO.
Boggs, K. (1997, September). Training issues from 1990-1992. In E. Rodolfa (Chair), Internship training: An historical view (former presidents). Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Association of Counseling Center Training Agencies, Estes Park, CO.
Boggs, K., Nichols, C., Clark, M., & Huebner, L. (1997, August). Influential factors on women's career paths: Initial expectations, pregnancy, childrearing. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago.
Douce, L., & Boggs, K. (1997, August). Internships: Present dilemmas, future prospects. In R. Goodyear (Chair), Counseling psychology training: Responding to current forces and anticipated futures. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago.
Boggs, K. (1997, May). Campbell Interest and Skill Survey. Presented at the Conference on Vocational Interests: Their Meaning, Measurement, and Use in Counseling sponsored by the Society for Vocational Psychology, a Section in the Counseling Psychology Division of the American Psychological Association, Bethlehem, PA.
Douce, L., & Boggs, K. (1997, February). Internships: Present dilemmas, future prospects. Presented at the midwinter conference of the Council of Counseling Psychology Training Programs, LaJolla, CA.
Boggs, K., Lamb, D. & Steibe-Pasalich, S. (1995, March). Three models of postdoctoral training in university counseling centers. Presented at the annual meeting of the American College Personnel Association, Boston.
Erickson Cornish, J.A., Roehlke, H., & Boggs, K. (1994, October). Part-time psychology internship programs. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Counseling Center. Training Agents, Truckee, CA.
Boggs, K. & Ellingson, A. G. (1994, March). Assessing the university learning 9
disabled student: Illustration of a successful program. Presented at the annual meeting of the American College Personnel Association, Indianapolis.
Boggs, K. & Weigel, R. G. (1994, March). The postdoctoral fellowship in the University Counseling Center. Presented at the annual meeting of the American College Personnel Association, Indianapolis.
Boggs, K. & Steibe-Pasalich, S. (1993, October). Development of postdoctoral training programs. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Counseling Center Training Agents, Bellaire, MI.
Boggs, K., Spivack, J., & Roehlke, H. (1992, October). Developing criteria for postdoctoral training programs. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Counseling Center Training Agents, Jekyll Island, GA.
Boggs, K. (1991, September). Post-doctoral training in counseling centers. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Counseling Center Training Agents, Asilomar, CA.
Swenson, N. K., Bluhm, H. P., & Boggs, K. R. (1991, August). Male versus female pilot interests: Same or different. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.
Boggs, K., Hayes, M., Lamb, D., & Grenard-Moore, S. (1989, September). Dealing with impaired interns. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Counseling Center Training Agents, Sebasco, ME.
Illfelder-Kaye, J., & Boggs, K. (1986, October). APA accreditation workshop. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Counseling Center Training Agents, Lesterville, MO.
Lapan, R., & Boggs, K. R. (1986, August). Effects of self-efficacy on women's interests in math/science careers. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
Kochenour, E., Boggs, K., & Wade, S. (1986, April). The metacognitive strategies of effective studies. Paper presented at the annual convention of the American College Personnel Association, New Orleans.
Boggs, K. R. & Keener, B. J. (1985, August). Linking high touch and high tech for career decision-making: An experiential focus on fantasy and fact. Workshop presented at the International Conference on Women and Organizations, San Diego.
Boggs, K. R. (1984, August). Furthering the dialogue on cultural issues. Panel moderator at the Higher Education Resource Services Institute at the University of Colorado, Boulder.
Robbins, S., Boggs, K., Riedesel, R., Jacobson, B., Mullins, D., & Millet, M. (l983, August). Attrition from career development workshops. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Anaheim, CA.
Boggs, K. R. (l982, March). Functional skills to identify students' talents; Counseling case-studies related to cooperative education; Occupational information resources; Cognitive development of college students; and Using testing as an aid in making coop and career decisions. Presentations at Northeastern University national workshop on Career Development and Cooperative Education: An Integrated Approach, Boston.
Boggs, K. R. & Bridges, K. (l982, March). Career course: Integrating campus/community resources. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Personnel and Guidance Association, Detroit, MI.
Boggs, K. R. (l98l, May). Choosing and implementing your ideal career. Workshop presented at the Spring Retreat for Women in Management with United Airlines, Golden, CO.
Boggs, K. R. (l98l, March). Career counseling skills and techniques; Developing decision making skills; Goal setting and learning contracts; Career resource guide; Interest, aptitude and ability testing. Presentations at Northeastern University workshop on Cooperative Education: A Tool for Career Development, Tampa, FL.
Boggs, K. R. (l980, May). Developing decision-making skills; Career resource guide; Developing learning contracts and goal setting; and Interest and ability testing. Presentations at a national workshop on Cooperative Education: A Tool for Career Development sponsored by Northeastern University, Boston.
Boggs, K. R., & Pappas, J. P. (l979, September). Psychosocial variables influencing women's choices of traditional versus nontraditional careers. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York.
Boggs, K. R. (l976, October). Career development at the University of Utah Presented at the Annual Conference of Counseling Center Directors, Snowbird, UT.
Boggs, K. R. (1976, May). Implementation of career programming at the University of Utah. Presented at workshop on The Cooperative Education Director as a Career Counselor. Northeastern University, Boston.
Boggs, K., Rigdon, M., DeWitt, J., & Empey, M. (1996, April). Postdoctoral training: A collaborative venture between a counseling center and a department of medicine. Presented at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Park City, UT.
Christiansen, M. & Boggs, K. (1995, July). “Still crazy after all these years” or just plain nuts: Tangential thinking about postdocs in counseling psychology. Presented at the Rocky Mountain Regional Conference of the American Psychological Association Division 17, Laramie, WY.
Boggs, K. (1994, May). Vocational assessment issues related to reducing drop- out rate and introduction to the Campbell Interest and Skill Survey with veterans. Presented at the VA Vocational Rehabilitation Regional Conference, Snowbird, UT. 11
Boggs, K. (1988, June). Internships in Counseling Psychology. Presented at the American Psychological Association Division 17: Rocky Mountain Regional Conference, Denver.
Boggs, K. R. (l979, November). Cooperative education in four-year colleges and universities; Developing a model for merging career education, placement, job development and cooperative education; The counselor and cooperative education/career education; and Liberal arts co-op programs. Presentations at the Upper Midwest Institute for Co-op Training and Management, Cooperative Education Workshop, Dallas.
Boggs, K. R. (l979, October). Merging co-op, placement, and career education. Presented at the meeting of the Midwest Cooperative Education Association, LaCross, WI.
Boggs, K. R. (l979, May). Developing a model for merging career education, placement, job development and cooperative education; The counselor and cooperative education/career education; Cooperative education in four- year colleges and universities; and For four-year colleges and universities: Diversity of programming. Presentations at the Upper Midwest Institute for Co-op Training and Management, Cooperative Education Workshops, Minneapolis and Chicago.
Boggs, K. R. (l979, February). Career education: Its organization and function. Workshop presented at Monroe Community College to 52 administrators, faculty, and counselors from ll community colleges, Rochester, NY.
Stoddard, K., & Pappas, J. (l972, April). Psychometric discrimination between command and deputy ranks in a county sheriff's office. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Portland, OR.
Graduate Courses
University of Missouri-Columbia
Career Development Theory for Women, ESC PS 8990, Fall 2007 Counseling Methods and Practices, ESC PS 8040, Winter 2007 Counseling Psychology Practicum: Hickman High School Success Center, A420 Counseling Psychology Practicum: Adolescent Conflict Resolution, A425-3 Counseling Psychology Practicum: MU Career Center, A425 Counseling Psychology Practicum: Supervision, ESC PS 8940 Problems: E & CP Topic-Supervision, N=2, Winter 2001, A400 Problems: ESC PS Topic-Clinical Supervision, N=2, Winter 2003, A400 Problems: E & CP Topic-Organizational Career Development, N=1, Summer 2001, A400 Studies in Supervision, A428, ESC PS 7400, ESC PS 9400 Fall 2000; Fall 2001; Fall 2002; Fall 2003; Fall 2004; Fall 2005; Fall 2006; Fall 2007 Internship in Counseling Psychology, 9091 Fall 2004; Winter, Summer, Fall 2005; Winter, Summer, Fall 2006; Winter, Summer, Fall 2007 Research Educ & Couns Psy, N=1, Winter 2002 A450 12
Research Educ & Couns Psy, N=1, Winter 2003 A450 Research Educ & Couns Psy, N=1, Winter 2004 A450 Research Educ & Couns Psy, N=2, Fall 2004 (3 credits each) Research Educ & Couns Psy, N=2, Winter 2005 (3 credits each)
University of Utah Introduction to Counseling, ED PS 620 Tests and Measurement, ED PS 630 Use and Interpretation of Tests, ED PS 631 Vocational Psychology and Career Development, ED PS 633 Practicum in Counseling, ED PS 671 Interest and Ability Assessment, ED PS 716 Career Development Theories, ED PS 733 Practicum in Counseling Psychology, ED PS 771 Testing Practicum, ED PS 790 Supervision Theory and Practice, ED PS 795, ED PS 725
University of Oklahoma in Naples, Italy Career Development: Organizational and Individual Perspectives, Human Relations 5110-225
Undergraduate Courses
University of Utah Career and Life Planning, ED PS 261 Turning Career Fantasies into Realities, ED PS 261R-1 SP-Career Cooperative Education, ED PS 396 Career Decisions: Planning Your Future, ED PS 396R Exploring Self: Assertion Training, ED PS 262 Exploring Self: Behavioral Self-Control, ED PS 262-1 Exploring Self: The Art of Wellness, ED PS 262R-1 Career Development Seminar I, LIB ED 502R-1 (4 weeks) Career Life Planning Seminar, GEN ED 191 Seminar: University Externship, GEN ED 275
Workshops: Developed and Conducted
University of Missouri-Columbia Career Transitions Workshop for MU Faculty and Staff
University of Utah Career Development Workshop Career Mini-Workshop: Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory Career Workshop for Non-Traditional Students Resume Writing and Job Interviewing Workshop Couples Communication Program Assertion Training Workshop
University of Missouri-Columbia
Department of Educational, School and Counseling Psychology Planning Committee for Conference on Celebrating 50 Years of APA Accreditation, 2001-2003 13
Practicum Committee, 1999-present Dissertation and theses committees, 1999-present Advisor for 8 Counseling Psychology Master’s Students, 1999-present Department Internship Training Director, 2004-present Coordinator of Practicum and Field Placement, Fall 2006-present Strategic Planning Committee (SPC), 2006-present Chair of Assistantship Expansion Committee, 2005-present Chair of Master’s Comprehensive Exam Committee, Fall 2003, Winter 2004 Member of Master’s Comprehensive Examination Committee, Spring 2003 Member of Master’s Admission Committee, Community/Agency, 2003-2006 Clinical Supervisor for individual practicum counselors, 2000-2005 Clinical Supervisor for Instructor of ESC PS 8940 Counseling Psychology Practicum: Hickman High School Fall 2006, Winter 2007 Member of Student Problem/Probation Committees, 2005-present Member of Assessment Committee, 2007
MU Task Force on Disabilities, 2005-present
Campus Mediators, Member, 2002-present
Coach for Basic Civil Mediation Training Workshops provided by the Center for the Study of Dispute Resolution at the School of Law at the University of Missouri-Columbia, 2004-present
Colleague Circles, 2003-2004, facilitator of small group of new faculty in science and engineering, sponsored by Office of the Provost
MU Committee for Review of Campus Emergency Plan sponsored by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services, 2001-2002
Wakonse Council, elected as one of the initial members, October 2001
Wakonse Conference for Excellence in College Teaching, Staff Member, 2002- present
Student Death Protocol Committee, 2003-2006
Detection, Intervention, and Referral Action Team of the Alcohol Summit, 1999- 2000, 2004-2006
University of Utah
University Housing Renovation and Expansion Steering Committee, (Olympic Village), 1997-1999
Ad Hoc Committee to Review Student Health Insurance Requirement, 1997
Student Health Insurance Task Force, 1993
Strategic Management Committee for Division of Continuing Education, 1992-1993
Health Advisory Board, 1991-1999
University Task Force on the Recruitment and Retention of Part-Time Women Students to Campus, 1991
Advisory Planning Committee for the Women's Resource Center, 1990 14
Department of Educational Psychology Alumni Advisory Board, 1990-present Counseling Psychology Practicum Committee, 1994-1999 Faculty Search Committees, 1986, 1987, 1988 Dissertation and thesis committees
Educational Collaborator for the Graduate School of Social Work, 1984-1985
Campus Coordinator for Utah Consortium for Women in Higher Education, 1983-1985
University Writing Program, 1983
University Committee on Career Mobility, 1983
University of Utah Ad Hoc Committee for Cooperative Education, 1974-1976
Women's Advisory Council, 1975
Ad Hoc Task Force for University Externships, 1973
Journals Editorial Board, The Counseling Psychologist, 2004, 2005, 2006 Editorial Board, Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Consulting Editor, Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 2006, 2007 Consulting Editor, Journal of Counseling Psychology, 1999 & 2000 Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Counseling Psychology, 2001-present Ad Hoc Reviewer, The Counseling Psychologist, 1988-1989, 2000-2003 Ad Hoc Reviewer, Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 2000- 2002
Association of University and College Counseling Center Directors (AUCCCD) Board of Directors, 2004-2006 (elected position) Katrina Response Committee, Member 2005-2006 Diversity Committee, Member 2004-2006 Membership Committee, Member 2004-2006 Planning Committee for 2002 Conference, Member
Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (APPIC) Board of Directors, 1994-2000 (elected for 2 consecutive terms) Board Contact to Postdoctoral Membership Committee, 1994-2000 Secretary/Treasurer, 1995-1996 Member of Interorganizational Council for Accreditation of Postdoctoral Programs in Professional Psychology (IOC) Committee, 1995-1997 Liaison to Council of Counseling Psychology Training Programs (CCPTP), 1995-2000 Liaison to Council of Credentialing Organizations in Professional Psychology (CCOPP), 1997 Chair of 1999 APPIC Membership Meeting and Conference, Orlando Planning Committee for 2001 Membership Meeting and Conference, Member Organized and Chaired Consortia Task Force, 1998-1999 Organized 1995 APPIC Workshop on APA Accreditation 15
Conducted 1995 APPIC Membership Survey
American Psychological Association, Society of Counseling Psychology, Div-17 Elected Fellow, 1998 Secretary, 1999-2002 (elected position) Special Task Group to Revise the Executive Board Handbook and Society By- Laws, Member Fall 2005-present (appointed) Liaison to Division 49: Group Psychology & Group Psychotherapy, 2001-2002 Publicity Committee for Houston 2001 Conference on Counseling Psychology, Member 1999-2001 Liaison to APPIC, 1996-2000 Fellows Committee, Member August, 2003 – August, 2006 Committee on Nominations to APA Boards & Committees, Member 1995-1998 New Professionals Committee, Member 1993-1995 Postdoctoral Task Force, Member 1992 Centennial Committee, Member 1987-1992 Program Committee, Member 1988-1991
American Psychological Association, Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues, Div-45 Elected Fellow, 2006 Original Member of Division
American Psychological Association Board of Educational Affairs (BEA) Standing Accreditation Appeal Pool, 2006 & 2007 (appointed position)
American Psychological Association, Internship Site Visits Chair of Site Visit to University Counseling Services, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA. November, 2004 Chair of Site Visit to Student Counseling Service at Miami of Ohio University, Oxford, OH. March, 2004 Chair of Site Visit to Southern Louisiana Internship Consortium, LSU Student Health Center, Baton Rouge, LA. March 2002 Chair of Site Visit to University of Delaware Center for Counseling and Student Development, Newark, DE. November, 2001 Chair of Site Visit to University Counseling Center at The George Washington University, Washington, DC. September, 2000 Chair of Site Visit to Counseling and Psychological Services California State University, Long Beach, CA. February, 1999 Member of Site Visit to Southern Mississippi Psychology Internship Consortium, Hattiesburg, MS. February, 1999 Member of Site Visit to Counseling and Psychological Services Indiana University Health Center, Bloomington, IN. October, 1998 Member of Site Visit to Student Counseling Services Center at University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN. April, 1998
Association of Counseling Center Training Agencies (ACCTA) President-Elect, President, and Past President, 1989-1993 (elected position) Secretary, 1987-1989 (elected position) Host and Organizer, Fall Conference at Alta, UT, 1990 Member Fall Conference Committee, Estes Park, CO, 1997 Liaison to CCPTP, 1991, 1992 Liaison to APA Division 17, 1988 Liaison to Association of University and College Counseling Center Directors (AUCCCD) 1988, 1990 and 1991 Developed ACCTA Policies and Procedures Manual, 1989-1990 16
Education Advocacy Committee, 1996-1999
Utah Psychological Association (UPA) Board of Directors, 1986-1989 (elected position) Chair of Membership Committee, 1986-1989 Chair of Nominations and Awards Committee, 1988-1989
American College Personnel Association, Commission VII: Counseling and Psychological Services Member of Directorate Body, 1988-1991 (elected position) Chair of Professional Development Committee, 1988-1991 Designed evaluation forms for Commission VII Meetings in Washington, D.C. (1989), St. Louis (1990), and Atlanta (1991) Compiled responses and wrote report articles for Commission VII Newsletters
International Association of Counseling Services, Inc. (IACS) Chair of Site Visit to Counseling Services: A Multicultural Center at University of Colorado, Boulder. January, 1998 Chair of Site Visit to Counseling Center at Utah State University, Logan, UT. January, 1996 Chair of Site Visit to Counseling and Psychological Services at Montana State University, Bozeman, MT. January, 1993 Member of Site Visit Team to Counseling and Consultation at Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. May, 1990
Contributions to Psychology Education and Training Conferences APPIC/APA Supply and Demand Conference, November, 1998. Orlando, FL (delegate selected to attend conference) APA National Conference on Postdoctoral Education and Training in Psychology, January, 1994. Norman, OK (one of 130 delegates selected to attend conference) The National Conference on Postdoctoral Fellowship Training in Professional Psychology, October, 1992. Ann Arbor, MI (one of 60 delegates selected to attend conference) The National Conference on Scientist-Practitioner Education and Training for the Professional Practice of Psychology, January, 1990. Gainesville, FL (one of 55 delegates selected to attend conference) National Conference for Graduate Education in Psychology, June 1987, University of Utah (served on local planning committee and assisted in hosting the conference) National Conference on Internship Training in Psychology, February/March, 1987. Gainesville, FL (one of 48 delegates selected to attend Conference)
Community Counseling Center. Salt Lake City, UT Board of Trustees, 1988-1994 Committee on Promoting Agency Services Reorganization Committee Committee on Review, Evaluation, and Compensation of Executive Director Chair of Nominating Committee for Board Chair-elect Chair of Policy and Procedures Review Committee
Utah Counseling Centers' Conference Chair of State-wide Planning Committee, 1988 17
International Conference on Women and Organizations Program Review Committee, 1986
Interpretation and Counseling Application of the MBTI to ESC PS 8130: Psychological Assessment of Adults, University of Missouri-Columbia. April 2007.
Team Building with the MBTI to ELPA 9445: College Student Development, University of Missouri-Columbia. April, 2006
Team Building with the MBTI to CE 4980: Civil Engineering Systems Design, University of Missouri-Columbia. September 2004; September, 2005; April, 2006
External Reviewer for Brigham Young University (BYU) Women’s Services and Resources, and Counseling and Career Center including the seven areas of: Clinical Services, Career and Learning Information Center, University Advisement Center, Career Placement Services, Academic Support Office, Pre-Law Advisement Center, and Training plus the five functional areas of: Teaching Credit Courses in Student Development; Research, Evaluation and Scholarly Activity, Testing Services; Website, and Biofeedback and Stress Management Lab. October, 2003.
Team Building with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) to the Management Staff of the Radiopharmaceutical Research & Development Program at the Research Reactor, University of Missouri-Columbia (MURR). November, 2002
Team Building with the MBTI to the Management Staff of the Registrar’s Office, University of Missouri-Columbia. August, 2001
Team Building with the MBTI to the Support Staff of Research Reactor, University of Missouri-Columbia (MURR). May, 2001
Team Building with the MBTI to the Management Team of Research Reactor at the University of Missouri-Columbia (MURR). February, 2001
Department of Veterans Affairs Regional Office. Provided vocational and educational evaluations for veterans and their dependents. 1992-1999
Consultant to the Counseling Center at Brigham Young University, Provo, UT. Issues related to training and accreditation of their psychology internship program. July, 1990
Career Development Workshops for Alliance for Employee Growth and Development, Inc. A Cooperative Venture of AT&T, CWA and IBEW. 1989-1991
Consultant to Center for Adult Development, Division of Continuing Education, University of Utah. Counseling with community clients seeking career changes. 1988-1991
Consultant to Eclecon and Organizational Consultants to Management (OCM), Salt Lake City. Assessment, counseling, and interpretation of personality and 18 interest inventories to executive clients of organizational development consulting firm. 1988-1999
Consultant to the Center for Student Development at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu. Issues related to their psychology internship program and career development counseling. December, 1989
Represented State of Utah on the Advisory Committee for the Experienced-Based Education Implementation Research project involving post-secondary institutions in California, Nevada, and Utah. Project sponsored by Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and Development, San Francisco l980-l98l
Career Education Consultant to National Computer Systems, Minneapolis. Field tested and evaluated the instructor's manual and materials for My career, myself: A career development workshop. February-March l979
Career Education Consultant to The National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID), Rochester, NY. February, l979
Career Education Consultant to the Upper Midwest Institute of Co-op Management and Training under a Title VIII Grant for l978-1979, Normandale Community College, Bloomington, MN.
Career Education Consultant to University of Wisconsin-Fox Valley Center. Evaluated a proposed career development course, LEA l04: Career Planning and Preparation, and recommended changes. August, l978
Career Education Consultant to Roosevelt University, Chicago. Designed a career workshop for cooperative education students. November, l977
Career Education Consultant to Lakeland College, Sheboygan, WI. Made a presentation on The importance of career education for a liberal arts college to the faculty. Made a presentation on Career counseling and interpretation of the Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory to high school guidance counselors. Prepared handouts on seven interest inventories for the counselors. Conducted a 6-hour career development workshop for students and faculty at the college. Met with faculty to discuss career issues. Worked with Director of Admissions and Director of Placement/Career Center about special concerns. Individual counseling with 6 students. May and November, l977
Career Education Consultant to Northeastern University, Boston. Helped to design and present a national workshop for cooperative education directors - Career Development Through Cooperative Education. January and March, l977
Career Education Consultant to Dugway Proving Ground, Dugway, UT. Presented career development and communication skills workshops to military and civilian employees. July, September, November, l976
Career Education Consultant for the Influence of Occupational Toys on Career Aspirations (OE WEEA Grant No. G007605075), Utah State University, Logan, UT. Wrote and field-tested descriptions of l7 occupations for fourth-grade students. l976
School Psychologist Consultant, Granite School District. Salt Lake County. Individual diagnostic assessment of children. l966-l970 19
Current: MU Difficult Dialogues Faculty Fellow, 2006-2007 High Flyer Award for Teaching Excellence, College of Education, University of Missouri-Columbia, Fall 2001, Fall 2002 Wakonse Fellow, Conference for Excellence in College Teaching, 2001 National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology, l983-present American Psychological Association, Divisions 17: Society of Counseling Psychology, and 45: Society for Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues American Counseling Association (ACA)
Former: Association of University and College Counseling Center Directors (AUCCCD) Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (APPIC) Association of Counseling Center Training Agencies (ACCTA) Utah Psychological Association (UPA) American College Personnel Association (ACPA)- Commission VII: Counseling and Psychological Services International Career Assessment Network Phi Kappa Phi
American Diabetes Association Volunteer, 2006 Arthritis Foundation, Organized Neighborhood Donations, 2002 March of Dimes, Mothers March Volunteer, 2006-2008 Meredith Watershed Partnership of the Community Storm Water Project, 2000- present Rockbridge High School, presentations on careers in psychology to two AP Psychology classes taught by Tim Drennan, May 2003