APWA Santa Fe Branch
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APWA Santa Fe Branch
Minutes of Meeting Doyle Rehberg; Chair April 16, 2008 Stewart Pearson; Vice-chair
Thomas G. Frisbie, Secretary/ Treasurer Telephone (352) 334-2161 FAX (352) 334-3110
The Santa Fe Branch met on Wednesday April 16, 2008 at the Gainesville Regional Utilities Wastewater Collections Ready Room which is located behind the 528 SE 5th Avenue Building, Gainesville, FL. .
Prior to the Meeting, lunch was provided by Gainesville Regional Utilities. Thanks to the Chefs, Mr. Patrick Dougherty and Mr. Dennis Norton. The food was great. The Florida Chapter video was shown during the meal.
Chair Doyle Rehberg opened the meeting at 12:00. The 19 members and guests present introduced themselves. Three were first time attendees; Bart Ciambella of IBI Group, Delphia Hodge of High Springs and Chris Towne of Dyer Riddle Mills & Precourt. Please make them feel welcome.
Minutes of January 28, 2008 Meeting were reviewed. Motioned by Gina Hawkins and second by Doug Dycus; approved
The Treasurer presented the report showing a balance of $5,694.36.
Consensus was to approve the Branch Logo presented at the previous meeting.
Gina and Doug discussed the actions they had taken to get the Scholarship applications out to various groups and encourage all to spread the word. Deadline for this year is May 1.
Chair Rehberg presented Stewart Pearson’s name for approval as incoming Chair. Motioned by Gina Hawkins, second by John Gifford,; approved.
Requests for nominations for the remaining positions we made and the slate presented as:
Vice-chair: Doug Dycus Sec/ Treasurer: Thomas Frisbie Executive Committee (2 year) Bob Siffert Executive Committee (2 year) Bart Ciambella Executive Committee (1 year) Kathy Thrash Need to reaffirm this selection.
Motion to approve the slate by Gina Hawkins, second by John Gifford, approved.
There was discussion as to Membership and what can be done to increase it as well as broadening the base of the organization. There needs to be a Membership team. It was decided that the Chair would assign the task of developing a plan for membership growth to the Executive Committee.
Adjournment: The Chair adjourned the Meeting at 12:50.