Automotive Technology Classroom Rules

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Automotive Technology Classroom Rules

Automotive Technology Classroom Rules

1. Students must follow all rules in the Anderson District 1 & 2 Career and Technology Center Handbook. 2. Students must be on time and prepared for class. Including but not limited to safety glasses and notebook. 3. Absolutely NO horseplay will be tolerated in the classroom, shop, or break area. 4. Students must not abuse tools/equipment and return them to their proper location after use. 5. Do not operate equipment until you have received proper training AND permission from the instructor. 6. Students must respect towards the instructor and other students at all times. 7. Foul language, excessive loud talking, and distracting students will not be tolerated. 8. Students are responsible for cleaning their individual work area at the end of each class.


First offense: Verbal warning/ Loss of break Second offense: Shop privileges revoked Third offense: Parent contact Fourth offense: Office referral


1. “Innocent” fooling around, running, fighting or throwing things can have disastrous results in a shop or anywhere around tools. NO HORSEPLAY ALLOWED!!!

2. Each machine has specific procedures for start up, operation and shut down, learn, and follow them.

3. Bystander injuries are common. Wear eye protection whenever you are around potentially dangerous activities.

4. Remove rings, watches, and jewelry before beginning work. No loose clothing. Long hair much be secured with a hat or hair net.

5. A major cause of accidents is a disorderly and messy work place. Keep your work area clean.

6. Clean up any spilled fluids immediately. Oil/Antifreeze can be very slippery on the shop floor.

7. Personal protective equipment can’t always keep you from harm. Following safe operating procedures and knowing safety principals are essential.

8. Students who have unpaid fees and/or a failing overall grade will not participate in shop/ hands on projects and will be given written assignments until the grade improves.

See Dress code Below Automotive Technology Dress Code

1. Eye protection must be worn at all times in the workshop area

2. Long pants and closed toe shoes are to be worn to class each day

3. Any pants with holes above the knees are prohibited

4. Tank tops are not permitted

5. No suggestive emblems, profane, obscene, distracting symbols, drawing, pictures or writing will be tolerated on any clothing. This prohibits and reference to beer, whiskey, drugs, etc. on any clothing

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