Vermont Elite Futbol Club

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Vermont Elite Futbol Club



1.1. CORPORATE NAME. The name of the corporation is VERMONT ELITE FUTBOL CLUB , organized pursuant to the applicable provisions of the VERMONT Revised Statutes.

1.2. BUSINESS NAME. The corporation will do business as VERMONT ELITE FUTBOL CLUB


2.1. GENERAL. The corporation is organized exclusively for charitable and education purposes and may engage in any such activities and exercise such other powers as are permitted by non-profit corporations pursuant to the applicable provisions of VERMONT Revised Statutes and which are not inconsistent with the following sections of these Bylaw or the qualifications necessary to preserve the tax exempt status of this corporation pursuant to the applicable provisions of United States internal revenue law.

2.2. SPECIFIC. The corporation is organized to facilitate youth soccer, in keeping with the following mission:

2.2.1. To develop, promote and regulate youth soccer in the RUTLAND and surrounding communities; and

2.2.2. To provide a well structured soccer program that will give the maximum exposure to the game of soccer; that will allow each child the opportunity to develop soccer skills and sound character to the child's fullest potential; and that will involve the RUTLAND and surrounding communities.


1. MAILING ADDRESS. The mailing address of the registered office is 75 Edgerton ST Rutland VT 05701


1. RESPONSIBILITIES. The Board of Directors shall manage all the business affairs of the corporation and may exercise all such powers of the corporation which are neither prohibited nor directed or required to be performed by others under the laws of the State of Vermont, the Articles of Incorporation or these Bylaws.

2. DIRECTORS. There shall be no fewer than four and no more than eleven directors of the corporation, as determined by the Board of Directors. All directors shall be officers or shall be assigned to one or more Board functions as identified in the corporation's operating policies and procedures.

2.1. ELECTION. All directors shall be elected by a majority vote of the Directors in attendance at the annual meeting. Vacancies on the Board of Directors shall be filled by the Board of Directors as necessary.

2.2. TERM. The term of a director shall be one to three years, beginning on the First day of January following the annual meeting.

2.3. COMPENSATION. The directors of the corporation shall serve without compensation.

2.4. REMOVAL. The president may recommend to the Board of Directors the removal of any director who has three unexcused absences during the director's term, or who has acted in violation of the corporation's policies. Any director may be removed by a majority vote of all other directors serving at the time of the vote.


3.1. Voting power. The officers & Directors shall have voting power on all matters pertaining to Vermont elite futbol club. Committees that are approved by the board shall constitute as one vote on matters pertaining to the committee’s creation. (Example): IF there are seven committee members appointed to the fund-raising committee and 4 voted yes in favor of a particular fund raising event and 3 voted no.... when the committee reports to the next board meeting and the board votes on the fund-raising activities, the board of directors & officers will vote and the committee will vote yes representing one vote.

3.1.A. COMMITTEES. The board of directors (through a vote) can create committees with no more than five committees at one time. All committee members must receive nominations from the board of directors (with exception to parents, coaches & assistant coaches who automatically become affiliated with the clubs Permanent committees).

Committees have no limits on the amount of committee members. All committee members do not need to be present to conclude their voting, all committees shall have at least three voting committee members present to conduct business and deliver a vote to the board.

The job of the committee is to report to the board on matters created by the board.

A committee (with the majority votes) may make proposals to the board & officers in which the board & officers will listen and vote to support or abolish the proposal within 30 days of the proposal.

A person can only serve on two committees at once. Permanent committees. Have been created & adopted within the bylaws to represent key decision-making affiliated with Vermont elite futbol club. The Board of Directors may designate committees of to act on behalf of the Board of Directors on particular matters.

Current permanent committees.

A) Fundraising committee, all members are nominated by the board and officers. B) Coaching committee. All coaches including assistant coaches are automatically appointed upon coaching background check being approved and completed. C) Player/parent committee. Parents who have children enrolled with Vermont elite shall have a maximum of two votes (one for each parent), are automatically appointed upon registration. The Board of Directors & Officers appointed committees can be dissolved by a simple majority vote of the Board of Directors & officers at any time (except permanent committees in which a unanimous vote is needed)

3.1.B. NON-VOTING (ASSOCIATE) MEMBERSHIP: Sponsors, referees, skill trainers and NON- committee members, who do not qualify under 3.1., shall have associate membership status. All members (voting and non- voting) shall have the privilege to attend VEFC and Board meetings (unless a private board meeting in created) and be allowed as guests to address the governing body. An Associate Member cannot vote.

3.1.C. ANNUAL MEETINGS. An annual meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held at the conclusion of the VSL fall season. Notice of the date and time of the annual meeting shall be delivered in person or by mail to each director at least ten days prior to the meeting.

3.2. ADDITIONAL MEETINGS. Additional meetings of the Board of Directors may be held when convened by the President or when requested in writing by at least three directors. Notice of the date and time of such meetings shall be delivered in person or by mail to each director at least two days prior to the meeting.

3.3. QUORUM. A majority of the directors then serving on the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for transacting business at any meeting.

3.4. ACTION. A majority of the quorum present shall be required in order to take action on any matter brought before the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may take any action by written consent. In order to take action by written consent, a writing setting forth the action taken shall be signed by all of the directors, and such written consent shall have the same force and effect as a unanimous vote of all directors.

3.5. COMMITTEE MEETINGS The order of business and the procedure under which the meeting is conducted will be documented in the Committee’s manual, which shall be approved by the Board of Directors at the month of June regular meeting.

3.6. OPERATING POLICIES. Policies relating to operating matters including, but not limited to, registration, team formation, eligibility, player and coach conduct, equipment and uniforms and Board of Director assignments shall be maintained and updated as needed by the Board of Directors.

4. OFFICERS. The officers of the corporation shall be a president, a vice president, a secretary and a treasurer and shall be elected by a majority of directors at the annual meeting.


5.1. PRESIDENT. Convenes and runs meetings, oversees the work of other directors, and is responsible for the overall operation of the corporation.

5.2. VICE PRESIDENT. Presides in the absence of the president and assists the president as needed.

5.3. SECRETARY. Maintains minutes of all proceedings of the Board of Directors. Provides notice of all meetings of the Board of Directors as required by Oregon law, the Articles of Incorporation and these Bylaws.

5.4. TREASURER. Maintains the corporation's funds and accounts, prepares monthly statements and develops the annual budget.


1. Matters of parliamentary procedure not prescribed by Vermont law, the Articles of Incorporation or these Bylaws shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order (revised). Insofar as possible, the ordinary business of the corporation shall be conducted by procedures designated to foster consensus within the Board of Directors.


1. These Bylaws may be amended, in all or in part, at any meeting of the Board of Directors by the majority vote of all directors serving at the time of the vote.

Approved by the Board of Directors on the 19th day of August, 2011. Club Operating Policies VERMONT ELITE FUTBOL CLUB OPERATING POLICIES Revised August, 2011


PRESIDENT: Convenes and runs meetings, oversees the work of other directors, and is responsible for the overall operation of the Club.

VICE PRESIDENT: Presides in the absence of the president and assists the president as needed.

SECRETARY: Maintains minutes of all proceedings of the Board of Directors. Provides notice of all meetings of the Board of Directors.

TREASURER: Maintains the Club's funds and accounts, prepares monthly statements and develops the annual budget.

REGISTRAR: Oversees all aspects of player and team registration. Insures compliance with VSA and OYSA registration requirements. Maintains records of teams and players. Provides information to prospective players.

COACH DIRECTOR: Assists teams in identifying, enlisting and retaining competent and reliable coaches for all teams. Works to improve the skill levels of Club coaches by coordinating training and clinic opportunities, and by maintaining information and resources available to all Club coaches. Reviews requests for financial support by coaches participating in training activities.

TEAM PARENT REPRESENTATIVE: Assists teams in identifying, enlisting and retaining team parents. Communicates with team parents as necessary to coordinate Club activities such as team pictures and fundraising events.

FIELDS director: Maintains inventory of available fields. Participates in PYSA field allocations. Schedules and assigns practice fields to all teams within the Club.

UNIFORMS REPRESENTATIVE: Purchases, inventories, distributes and recovers all uniforms provided by the Club to the teams.

EQUIPMENT REPRESENTATIVE: Purchases, inventories and distributes all equipment, other than uniforms, provided by the Club to teams.

FUNDRAISING REPRESENTATIVE: Solicits sponsorships and coordinates other fundraising activities by the Club.

VSA REPRESENTATIVE: Represents the Club at Vermont Soccer Association monthly meetings, and communicates between VSA and the Club.

Positions on the board may be combined as necessary and desirable.


2.1 The Club has authority to establish requirements for, assign, discipline and remove coaches. No coach shall supervise players until the coach has completed a background check as required.

2.1 The Club strongly encourages all coaches to improve their coaching skills by participation in Club approved clinics and by obtaining USSF licenses and National Youth Module Training. The Club will provide financial support to coaches participating in Club approved training by reimbursing coaches the first $25.00 plus 50% of the additional cost of successfully completing a USSF national license (through the "D" level), and/or a national youth module. Requests for financial support should be addressed to, and must be approved by the Coach Coordinator.

2.2 Coaches are volunteers and serve without compensation. This rule does not prohibit a team from paying for specialized training performed in the presence of, and under the supervision of the team coach.


3.1 No player shall participate in any club sponsored activity, including practice, until the player has completed registration with the Club.

3.2 Kick & Chase players are not divided by gender. All teams U-7 and older are designated as "Boys" or "Girls" teams. Girls may play on Boys teams. Boys shall not play on Girls teams.

3.3 Players shall be placed with teams according their ages or grades in school in accordance with the rules of VSA. Individuals may "play up" with an older team only with the permission of the Club. In determining whether to allow a player to "play up", the Club may consider the player's age, size, skills, and emotional level, and the level of play and coaching of the team on which the player has requested to be placed.

3.4 Partial or full registration scholarships may be available to players upon written request to the Club.

3.5 To assist in retaining existing volunteers, the Club may waive the registration fee for one player/child of each coach or board member.

4. PLAYER SAFETY 4.1 At least two adults shall be present at all Club sponsored activities including games, practices, meetings and social events. This requirement does not apply to travel to and from Club activities where parents have made specific arrangements for transportation of their children.

4.2 Any coach, assistant coach, or board member who observes, suspects or receives allegations of illegal or improper conduct involving a player, or sexual or physical abuse of a player registered with the Club, shall report the alleged conduct to the president of the Club. Any questions involving such allegations from media or members of the public shall be referred to the president, or the president's designee. Upon receiving information of such conduct, the president shall notify the president of VSA, and shall take reasonable steps to investigate the alleged or suspected conduct. Investigation may include, but is not limited to: temporary suspension of suspected individuals; interviewing individuals involved and witnesses; and appointment of individuals from within or outside of the Club to make factual determinations. Any investigation shall be conducted in confidence, with disclosure only to those with a need to know.


5.1 The Club shall form teams in a manner consistent with USYSA, OYSA, and VSA policies.

5.2 The Club has authority to establish, modify and dissolve teams. The Registrar, Coach Coordinator, and President shall work together to form teams. The Registrar has full discretion in assigning players to teams, consistent with club policies.

5.3 The Club tries to enable and encourage participation by as many youth in our community as possible.

5.4 The Club tries to form as many teams as possible, consistent with minimum roster size guidelines.

5.5 For the VSA & VSL league:

(a) Roster sizes shall not exceed two times (2x) the maximum number of players that can be playing at one time in a match situation.

(b) Players shall be grouped into teams based on locality of residence, school attended, team history, or by lot. The club will consider forming teams based upon personal preference as long as the club believes it is not an attempt at player selection based on merit or on illegally discriminatory or unethical criteria.

(c) When roster size doubles , teams will be divided into an A” & B” TEAM. The 18 will be the more talented and competitive players. The team will consist of players less talented in need of more coaching.

(d) Notwithstanding section 8.5(c), the Club may permit an existing team formed under recreational guidelines to stay together.

5.6 For participation in the VSL League: (a) An VSL team may be an VEFC team that has existed for a year or more. The VSL roster shall contain only players rostered on the VEFC team for the current VSL season, the previous VSL spring season, or the previous VSL or VSL fall season.

(b) An VSL team may be formed from all VEFC players currently registered with VSA teams within an age division. At the request of a coach, the Club shall notify all registered players in that age division of the availability of an VSL team. Players eligible in the division who "played up" in the preceding fall or spring season shall also be notified. In the case of a male division, notification to females shall be limited to females who played in the male division in the last fall or spring season. Additional teams shall not be formed if coaches are not available. If sufficient players apply, a team or teams shall be formed. If too many players apply, but an additional team cannot be formed, applicants are accepted on a first-come first-served basis, or by lot in case of a tie, to be determined by the club registrar. If more than one team can be formed, players shall be grouped into teams based on the criteria set out in section 8.5(b) above.

(c) The first priority of the Club is to support the VSA program. When considering the formation of teams for VSL, the club will first consider the need to form VEFC teams in the same age division. In particular, the club will work to avoid a situation where the formation of an VSL team VSL team includes players also registered on a recreational team, the players' first obligation is to participate with, and avoid forfeitures by their VEFC(s); and VEFC coaches shall ensure that their players understand and fulfill that obligation. In the absence of special circumstances, no player shall participate in an VSL game if that player has failed to participate in the player's VEFC game scheduled on the same day.


Players and teams shall participate in all scheduled activities at the scheduled time and place. Inclement weather shall not be a basis for failing to participate in scheduled activities unless the weather creates a danger to the participants; e.g., lightning in the vicinity of the activity.


7.1 The parents are responsible for ordering the appropriate complete soccer uniform including all costs associated to order the complete uniform. Players may wear Club jerseys only during participation in Club sponsored activities, or when specifically authorized by the Club. The Club may charge a player a fee, up to the cost of replacement, for any jersey that is lost or that is damaged during use not authorized by the Club. Teams wishing to use jerseys other than those designated by the Club may do so only with the permission of the Club. In deciding whether to allow the use of jerseys other than those designated by the Club, the Club shall consider: The reason(s) for the request; the Club's goal of promoting public awareness and identification of the Club; the possible impact of the decision on other players registered with the Club; and other practical considerations.

7.2 The Club may authorize the use of the Club jerseys, for a fee, for activities not sponsored or sanctioned by the Club. Any team wishing to use Club jerseys for activities not sponsored by the Club, shall apply to the Uniform Representative and shall pay a fee of $20.00 or such other amount as the Club may require.

7.3 Players shall provide their own approved shoes, socks, shorts, shin guards and ball. The Club may provide required equipment to individual players on the basis of financial need upon written request.

7.4 The Club shall provide each team with necessary equipment including, but not limited to, nets, cones or discs, practice pinnies and game ball. Equipment provided by the Club remains the property of the Club and shall be used only in activities sponsored or specifically authorized by the Club.

7.5 The Club will reimburse up to $20.00 to a team for the purchase of a goalkeeper jersey, and up to $10.00 for the purchase of goalkeeper gloves. Submit receipts to the Club for reimbursement.


8.1 The Club shall maintain bank accounts necessary to conduct Club business and preserve Club funds. Club bank accounts shall have three authorized signers: the treasurer, the president and one additional board member. Monthly account statements shall be reviewed by the treasurer and one additional board member designated by the board, who shall initial each statement.

8.2 Expenditures in excess of $500.00 shall be specifically authorized by the board. Checks for amounts in excess of $50.00 shall be signed by two authorized signers. Exception’s: Internet purchases for team orders shall be approved by the Treas. no special board meeting is required on team orders. The Treas. shall make sure the funds created by the team have cleared and remedied available before the order's takes place. Once treasurer has confirmed funds are cleared and available the president or vice president must give approval for the order to take place.

8.3 In order to avoid the situation of teams competing with the Club for available sponsorship funds, individual teams are prohibited from obtaining sponsorships without Board approval.


Players, coaches and parents shall conduct themselves at all times in a manner which: Demonstrates respect for referees, players and opposing teams and players; Recognizes that the referee is the final authority in the game; and Encourages players to respect the referee, their coaches, teammates, opponents and the game of soccer.

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