614 Maintaining Traffic

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614 Maintaining Traffic

614 Maintaining Traffic

Description (614.01) Traffic Facilities (614.02) Traffic Control General (614.03) Flaggers (614.08) Asphalt Concrete for Maintaining Traffic (614.13) Performance (614.14) Method of Measurement (614.15) Basis of Payment (614.16) Documentation Daily Documentation Requirements – 614 Maintaining Traffic

Description (614.01) This work consists of maintaining and protecting vehicular and pedestrian traffic according to these provisions. For through traffic, the Special Provisions or the plans will designate whether the highway will be closed with detours, roads and run-arounds provided or whether traffic will be maintained through all or portions of the project.

Traffic Facilities (614.02) Vehicular and pedestrian ingress and egress for all property adjacent to any improvement shall be provided at all times. Contractor maintenance responsibilities, including pothole patching begins for a section of highway when the Contractor begins the Work in that section and ends with the acceptance of the Work under 109.11 or 109.12. The two directions of a divided highway are considered separate highway sections and the start of Work on one direction does not begin maintenance responsibilities on the other direction.

Traffic Control General (614.03) The traffic control shall conform to the requirements of the plan, standard construction drawings shown on the plans, and the OMUTCD for Streets and Highways, hereinafter called the Ohio Manual, for the installation, maintenance, and operation of all traffic controls and traffic control devices. When the plans or standard construction drawings do not cover a specific traffic control situation, the necessary traffic control devices shall be placed according to the Ohio Manual and use the procedures required by the Ohio Manual. The OMUTCD (Ohio Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) has three levels of compliance to indicate the type of standard and whether it is mandatory, recommended, or optional:  All mandatory conditions are listed under the section heading “Standard”  All recommended conditions are listed under the section heading “Guideline”  All allowed conditions are listed under the section heading “Option”  A fourth grouping was added, “Support,” to include statements that were not mandatory, recommended or optional, but rather general information Supplement 1061 prequalifies the portable changeable message boards. Only two panel of information shall be allowed. Drums, signs, sign supports, barricades, impact attenuators, and other traffic control devices that are certified to meet NCHRP 350 safe-crash standards or as modified by Contract Documents shall be used. Do not allow heavy non-yielding devices or supports that do not conform to the current standards of NCHRP 350 unless allowed by Contract Documents. Ensure the drums are furnished with Type G reboundable reflective sheeting complying with the requirements of 730.191. Ensure that owner identification markings on construction drums are no more than 1 inch (25 mm) in character height and are located at least 2 inches (50 mm) below the reflectorized bands or on the top or bottom horizontal surfaces of the drum. Ensure the drums are ballasted according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. If equipment, vehicles, and material are stored or parked on highway rights-of-way, they shall be located not less than 6 feet (2 m) behind existing guardrail or not less than 30 feet (9 m) beyond the traveled way unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer. At night if any such material or equipment is stored between the side ditches, or between lines 6 feet (2 m) behind any raised curbs, they shall be clearly outlined with dependable lighted devices that are approved by the Engineer. Flaggers (614.08) Whenever one-way traffic is established, at least two flaggers shall be used unless the Engineer authorizes otherwise, and signs, cones, barricades, and other traffic control devices shall be erected according to the Ohio Manual. Flaggers shall maintain positive and quick means of communication at the opposite ends of the restricted area.

Asphalt Concrete for Maintaining Traffic (614.13) The Contractor may use either a Type 1 or Type 2 mix of Item 448 asphalt concrete PG 64-22, or an asphalt concrete surface course the Engineer approves. Surface course materials shall be placed where the Engineer directs for maintenance of the existing pavement, shoulders, or structures. Where materials are placed in small quantities or under adverse conditions, the Engineer may waive specification requirements for placing and finishing if, in the judgment of the Engineer, it is determined that the Contractor can obtain satisfactory results in providing a smooth and durable pavement surface.

Performance (614.14) If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the Contractor is not furnishing proper maintenance of traffic facilities and proper provisions for traffic control, the Department may take the necessary steps to place them in proper condition, and the Department will deduct the cost of such services from any money that may be due or become due the Contractor.

Method of Measurement (614.15) The Department will measure Work Zone Marking Signs as the number of sign installations, including the sign, necessary supports, and all attachment hardware. The Department will include all other work zone signs under Maintaining Traffic unless separately itemized. The Department will measure Work Zone Pavement Markings complete in place, by class and material, in the units designated. The Department will measure line quantities as the length of the completed stripe, including gaps, intersections, and other sections of pavement not normally marked.

Basis of Payment (614.16) Unless separately itemized, the lump sum price bid for Maintaining Traffic shall include the cost of removal or covering of conflicting pavement markings and layout, application and removal of pavement markings when required, maintaining the existing highway in a safe condition for public use, removing abrasive and salt residue remaining from snow and ice control performed by the Department or local governments, providing flaggers; and their equipment; and furnishing, maintaining in an acceptable condition, and subsequently removing the following work zone traffic control items as required by the Contract Documents: 1. Signs, supports, and warning lights. 2. Drums, cones, gates, barricades, and vertical panels. 3. Flashing arrow panels. 4. Work zone traffic signals. 5. Lighting for work zone signals and flaggers. If traffic permanently damages beyond use, any of the following items, the Department will compensate the Contractor for the fair market value of the damaged item according to 109.05 provided the Contractor has pursued but failed to obtain compensation from the motorist. Follow the procedures given in 107.15 for compensation for traffic damage to completed permanent items of Work, to obtain compensation from the motorist before requesting compensation from the Department. 1. Flashing arrow panel. 2. Work zone signal, pole, or controller. 3. Lighting unit or pole. 4. Changeable message sign. 5. Work Zone Impact Attenuator The lump sum price bid for Detour Signing includes the cost of the Contractor furnishing, installing, maintaining, and removing the detour signing shown on the plans and their necessary supports. The Department will pay for the following items under their associated item numbers: 502 Bridges, 615 Roads and Pavement, 622 Portable Concrete Barrier. The Department will pay for aggregate and calcium chloride authorized by the Engineer and used for Maintaining Traffic under Items 410 and 616.

Documentation Use the ODOT Long Term Inspection Form (CA-D-8) for long-term projects that are under temporary traffic control 24/7. Below are the guidelines of how and when to fill out the form. Purpose of form: To document the condition of the work zone traffic control. When to review:  At the beginning of each project;  Immediately following a change to the work zone traffic control (construction phase change); and  Weekly through the duration of the project. It is suggested that the review be performed on the morning of the day prior to the last work day for the week. (Example: If the project normally works Monday through Friday, then perform the review on Thursday morning; if the project normally works Monday through Thursday, then perform the review on Wednesday morning.)  All inspections are to include a nighttime review (preferably twice a month).  Following receipt of information regarding a reported crash.  Who is to use this form:  ODOT Project personnel – in accordance with the inspection schedule  Contractor personnel – if a Worksite Traffic Control Supervisor is specified in the contract documents, the review is to be performed and documented on a daily basis.  ODOT District Work Zone Traffic Manager – in conjunction with routine program responsibilities.  ODOT County Managers – to document permit or ODOT maintenance work zones.

GENERAL: “ODOT Project No:” Self-explanatory; record all information accordingly. Contractor 1. Fill in the contractor name who is in charge of the zone. “Date” 1. Fill in the date when the zone was inspected. “Time” & “AM / PM” 1. Fill in the time of the review. “Weather” This information in important since weather and ambient lighting conditions affect the visibility of pavement markings and signs. 1. Circle or fill in the weather conditions. “Visibility” Describe issues with visibility “Received By:” The ODOT inspector/engineer who received the inspection form, or who performed the inspected if no WTS is specified in the contract documents. “Date” 1. The date the ODOT inspector received the form from the WTS or the date the inspector performed the review.

Section A: “Drive Through:” Drive through the work zone at the posted speed and take note of the traffic’s movements and reactions to the traffic control devices. Space for additional comments and/or recommendations if provided at the bottom of page 2. “1. Work zone free of difficult or unexpected maneuvers?” Based on the drive through and observation of the traffic, make a determination of the adequacy of the overall work zone traffic control. If problems are observed, check the box & record the observed problem in the comments section. “2. Adequate warning of conditions?” Do the signs provide adequate reaction time? If no, check the box & record the observed problem in the comments section. “3. Is signing clear / uncluttered and properly spaced?” Are the warning signs visible and easy to read and understand? If no, check the box & record the observed problem in the comments section. “4. Traffic control devices sufficiently visible?” Are all the traffic control devices (signs, cones, plastic drums, tubular markers, arrow panels, etc.) visible? If not, check the box & record the observed problem in the comments section. “5. Is project free of traffic accidents” Are all accidents if any being documented and reported to the project engineer? “6. Equipment/materials properly stored off roadway” Is equipment and materials properly stored according to specification? “7. Are congestion points absent from within project limits” Did you observe any congestion or delay (as defined by the policy)? If so, check the box and record the observed problem in the comments section. “8. Work vehicles properly interacting with traffic” Are work vehicles entering and leaving the work zone without causing any confusion with the travelling public?

Section B: “Signs/Lights” “1. Working properly/visible?” Are all of the signs and lights visible and appropriate? “2. Are all permanent/temporary signs consistent with one another?” “3. Proper size” Are signs and fonts the proper size as per contract documents?

Section C: “Portable Changeable Message Signs/Arrow Panel” “1. Application Meet Guidelines?” Does the message on the PCMS is giving conflicting information or guidance. Note the message in the comments section. If there is more than one PCMS on the project, also note the location. “2. Correct Placement?” Based on your observations made during the drive through (Section A), was the PCMS/Arrow panel located correctly or necessary? Include your recommendation for the correct location or need. “3. Delineated with No Cones / Drums” Is the the PCMS/Arrow panel delineation with cones/drums? “4. Dimmed At Night” Is the PCMS is dimmed at night? “5. All boards/signs working properly (bulbs correctly aligned, no bulbs out, etc)” Self explanatory

Section D: “Drums/Barricades/PCB/Impact Attenuators “1. Acceptable taper length” Refer to Chapter 6, Section 6C.08 of the OMUTCD. Check the box if the taper length is too short for the conditions (speed & lane width). If not acceptable, note the location, deficiency & recommendation in the comments section. “2. Spacing acceptable” Refer to Chapter 6, Section 6F.55 of the OMUTCD. When using 42” reflectorized cones at night, the spacing between devices shall be 40’ in the tangent section (the cones should not be used in the taper). Based on your observations made during the drive through (Section A), check the box applicable to that device if the space between devices exceeds the maximum length based on the conditions (speed). Note the location and recommendation in the comments section. “3. Properly aligned/cleaned/secured?” Based on your observations made during the drive through (Section A), check the box if the drums, cones or tubular markers are out of alignment in either the transition or tangent areas. Note the location and recommendations in the comments section. “4. Adequate number of devices?”. Based on your observations made during the drive through (Section A), if hazards are not adequately protected or delineated, check the box under the letter heading for that device. Note the location and recommendations in the comments section. ”5. Object markers/barrier reflectors in-place/visible?” Based on your observations made during the drive through (Section A), are the markers/ reflectors performing as intended? “6. Attenuators in place?” Based on your observations made during the drive through (Section A), are the attenuator placed in the appropriate location? “7. Attenuators secured and in good condition?” Based on your observations made during the drive through (Section A), are the attenuators placed according to contract documents and free from damage?

Section E: “Pavement Markings / Raised Pavement Markers (RPMs) “1. Pavement markings visible and in good condition?” Self explanatory “2. Is striping free of conflict?” Based on your observations made during the drive through (Section A), check the appropriate box if any conflicts are observed between the permanent and temporary pavement markings which could cause driver confusion. Note the location(s) in the comments section. “3. RPM's in good condition, proper number and correspond to pavement markings?” Based on your observations made during the drive through (Section A), check the box if additional raised pavement markers are needed to provide positive guidance to the motorists. Note the location(s) in the comments section. Based on your observations made during the drive through (Section A), check the box if either existing or temporary raised pavement markers that do not correspond to the current pavement markings are observed. Note the location(s) in the comments section. Videos/Photos of workzone: Mark the box for documentation purposes and list the photogragher. Corrective Action Needed Note if any corrective action is needed in the comments section Describe Traffic Accidents (if any): Self explanatory

Damaged or Missing MOT items: Document and missing or damaged MOT items that was witnessed during the review. Lane Closures/ Rollong Road Blocks: Document any lane closures/ rolling road blocks that occurred during the review. LEO’s: Document the number of LEO’s , the total hours the LEO’s are present and what their activities are. Inspected By: Ensure that the form is signed and dated by the contractor’s worksite traffic supervisor as specified in the contract documents. The ODOT Short-Term Form (CA-D-7) is for those projects that are typically set up and torn down daily. Below is the guidelines of how and when to fill out the form. For projects where the MOT is set up new each day, such as mill and fill operation, form CA-D-7 (Short Term Work Zone Review) should be completed each day with each new setup. (for maintenance, utility, permit and daily contract operations) “County / Route / Section / Project No.” Self-explanatory; record all information accordingly. “Date” Fill in the date “Time & AM/PM.” Fill in the time of the review. Circle "AM or PM" “Weather Conditions” Fill in the weather conditions. “TYPE OF OPERATION / TRAFFIC CONTROL” Circle the type of Operation / Traffic Control that is being performed at the time of the review. Use "Other" to document situations not described. “WORK BY” Document who is working on the roadway, in the case of a contractor or utility, include the company name. “TRAFFIC CONTROL / SAFETY DEVICES” (Signs, Flagger, Cones, Drums, Arrow Board, Signals, PCMS, Other....) Used to describe the effectiveness of the traffic control devices. Drive through the work zone at the posted speed and take note of the traffic's movements and reactions to the traffic control devices. “CONDITION” Used to describe any inadequacies or deficiencies with the Condition of the Traffic Control and Safety Devices. If no inadequacies or deficiencies are noted check "NONE" and continue to Placement. If Conditions are not adequate record deficiencies and corrective action to be taken. When deficiencies have been corrected record date. Examples of items to review. 1. Are the traffic control devices legible? 2. Are they clean and reflective? 3. Do any of them need to be replaced? 4. Are any non-standard? 5. Are they the correct size? “PLACEMENT” Used to describe any inadequacies or deficiencies with the Placement of the Traffic Control and Safety Devices. If no inadequacies or deficiencies are noted check "NONE" and continue to Visibility. If Placement is not adequate record deficiencies and corrective action to be taken. When deficiencies have been corrected record date. Examples of items to review. 1. Are the traffic control devices appropriate? 2. Do they provide adequate reaction time? 3. Are any of the messages conflicting? 4. Are the maneuvers difficult or unexpected? “VISIBILITY” Used to describe any inadequacies or deficiencies with the Visibility of the Traffic Control and Safety Devices. If no inadequacies or deficiencies are noted check "NONE" and continue to Flagger. If Visibility is not adequate record deficiencies and corrective action to be taken. When deficiencies have been corrected record date. Examples of items to review. 1. Are all traffic control devices visible? 2. Are they easy to read? 3. Are they blocked by vegetation or other signs? 4. Do any need to be repositioned? “FLAGGER” Used to describe any inadequacies or deficiencies with the Flagger or the Flagger Operations. If no inadequacies or deficiencies are noted check "NONE" and continue to Traffic Flow Problems. If the Flagger or the Flagger Operations are not adequate, record deficiencies and corrective action to be taken. When deficiencies have been corrected record date. Examples of items to review. 1. Are the flaggers positioned correctly and highly visible? 2. Are they attentive to oncoming traffic? 3. Are they flagging properly? 4. Are they properly attired? 5. Are the paddles / flags visible and clean? 6. If temporary traffic signal, are signal heads visible? “TRAFFIC FLOW PROBLEMS” Review for evidence of crashes, incidents, congestion points, delays, violations of PLCM, etc. If no evidence is noted check "NONE" and continue to the CONFORMANCE / ADEQUANCY WITH TRAFFIC CONTROL STANDARDS section. Record any evidence of crashes, incidents, congestion points, If Traffic Flow Problems exist record corrective action to be taken. Examples of items to review: 1. Are lane closures in accordance with allowed hours (PLCM, ) a. Permit, Plans, Contract)? 2. Is there evidence of skid marks and / or accident debris? 3. Is there damage or reoccurring damage to traffic control devices? “CONFORMANCE / ADEQUANCY WITH TRAFFIC CONTROL STANDARDS” Review for non-compliances with OMUTCD, SCD, plans or permit. If no non-compliances are noted check "NONE" and continue to INTERACTION OF WORK VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC section. If the Standards are not adequate record corrective action to be taken. Examples of items to review. 1. Proper spacing between signs? 2. Is the taper rate and drum spacing correct? 3. Is there adequate buffer space? 4. Is the work area protected? “INTERACTION OF WORK VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC” Review the interaction of work vehicles entering and exiting the work zone. If no inadequacies or deficiencies are noted check "NONE". If interactions are not adequate or safe record deficiencies and record corrective action to be taken. Examples of items to review. 1. Is there excessive braking for vehicles entering or exiting the work zone? 2. Is there sufficient area in the work zone for work vehicles? 3. Is there excessive dirt or mud on the road? “PROPER STORAGE OF EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS” Review the storage area of the equipment and materials in the work zone. If no inadequacies or deficiencies are noted check "NONE". If storage area is not adequate or safe record deficiencies and record corrective action to be taken. Examples of items to review. 1. Is the equipment and material properly protected or outside the clear zone? 2. Is the equipment and material to close to open travel lanes? “MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC DEFICIENCES AND ACTION TAKEN” Notification: Verbal / Written - To whom 1. Circle how corrective action information was provided. 2. Record to whom the notification was provided to. “Correct by date” Provide the date by which the corrections need to be made. “Corrected in a timely manner” 1. Circle Yes if the corrections were made by the date established at the time of the inspection. 2. Circle No if the corrections were not made by that date. “Date corrected” Record date corrected. “Section(s) requiring correction(s)” Circle the letter which represents the section(s) which require remedial action. “Field review by” Note your name and the date of the review. “Copy to: DWZTM / County Manager /Contractor / Construction or Other” Circle the entity and note who the copy(s) of the report form was given to.

Daily Documentation Requirements - 614 Maintaining Traffic 1. Carry on inspector's diary (Form CA-D-3) items of work performed by contractor. Erecting barricade fences, traffic zones established, flagger, or off-duty patrolmen used to control traffic 2. What kind of sheeting do the signs have? G or H 3. All barricades and barrels are in good shape and have adequate reflectivity 4. When road is closed document all items used (barrels, barricades, signs, etc.). If a camera is available, taking a couple of snap shots is a good idea. 5. A statement should be recorded daily on the Inspector’s diary that traffic control was adequate for work performed. Any accidents should be accurately documented 6. Locations required when placing temporary striping, reflectors, and barrier wall 7. Pay as per 614.16 of the C&MS

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