ENVI 121 – Fall 2005 Review Sheet - Second Exam I. Prokaryotes A. Bacteria – Shapes, sizes, blooms 1. Heterotrophic Bacteria – Decomposers, nutrient cycling, dietary component 2. Autotrophic Bacteria – Photosynthetic (photoautotrophic), chemosynthetic (chemoautotrophic) 3. Cyanobacteria – Pigments, growth forms, characteristics, stromatolites, habitats (endolithic, epiphytic, endophytic), nitrogen fixation

II. Archaea - Characteristics, decomposers, extremophiles (acidophiles, thermophiles, barophiles, psychrophiles)

III. Unicellular Algae A. Eukaryotes – Characteristics B. Diatoms (Bacillariophyta) – Structure (frustules, test, spines), reproduction (asexual, sexual), blooms (including consequences), sediments (oozes), distribution C. Dinoflagellates (Dinoflagellata/Pyrrophyta) – Structure (theca, flagella), trophic modes (autotrophic, heterotrophic, mixotrophic), red tides, distribution, zooxanthellae, Pfiesteria D. Other Algae a. Silicoflagellates (Chrysophyta) – Structure b. Coccolithophorids (Haptophyta) – Structure (coccoliths), sediments c. Cryptomonads (Cryptophyta) – Structure

IV. Protozoa A. Foraminifera – Test (structure, composition), forms (pelagic, benthic, calcareous, agglutinated), feeding (pseudopodia), sediments (oozes), B. Radiolaria – Test (structure, composition), feeding C. Ciliophora – Locomotion, feeding, habitats, lorica

V. Fungi - Unicellular/Multicellular, heterotrophic, decomposers, symbiotic

VI. Multicellular Algae (Seaweeds, macroalgae) A. General Structure – Thallus, blade, stipe, holdfast, pneumatocyst, differences between algae and true plants B. Green Algae (Chlorophyta) – Distribution, structure, pigments, habitat, coralline forms, examples (familiar) C. Brown Algae (Phaeophyta) – Distribution, structure, pigments, habitat, examples (familiar) D. Red Algae (Rhodophyta) – Distribution, structure, pigments, coralline forms, habitat, examples (familiar), flavor E. Life History – Life cycles, reproduction (asexual, sexual), spores, zoospores, haploid (gametophyte), diploid (sporophyte), life cycles (four), carposporophyte F. Economic Importance – Food source, Products (phycocolloids – algin, carrageenan, agar)

VII. Flowering Plants (Angiosperms) A. Characteristics – True leaves, stems, roots, challenges of life in sea water B. Seagrasses – Structure (rhizome, blade), habitat, ecological impostance, eelgrass, surf grass, turtle grass C. Salt Marsh Plants – Halophytes, characteristics of cord grass (Spartina) and pickleweed (Salicornia), salt marsh ecology (brief), ENVI 121 – Fall 2005 Review Sheet - Second Exam D. Mangroves – Characteristics (prop roots, pneumatophores), distribution, reproduction (viviparity), ecology, functions ENVI 121 – Fall 2005 Review Sheet - Second Exam VIII. Invertebrates - General characteristics

IX. Porifera (Sponges) - Cellular organization, Diversity (encrusting, glass, boring, sclerosponges) A. Body Plan – Radial or irregular symmetry, ostia, osculum, pinacocytes, porocytes, choanocytes, spongin, spicules, amebocytes B. Feeding – Sessile, suspension feeders (filter feeders), pump water, ingest plankton and particles C. Reproduction – Asexual, sexual (hermaphroditic, internal fertilization, parenchymula, life cycle

X. Cnidaria A. Body Plan – Radial symmetry, true tissues, polyp, medusa, systems (nervous, digestive), incomplete digestive tract, body layers (epidermis, mesoglea, gastrodermis), nematocysts B. Hydrozoa – Characteristics, polyp specialization, reproduction, siphonophores, toxicity, feeding C. Scyphozoa – Medusa stage, size, swimming (bell), feeding D. Anthozoa – Most diverse, growth forms (solitary, colonial), feeding (septa), anemones, corals (stony – massive, branching, soft), precious corals, gorgonians (sea whips, sea fans), sea pens, sea pansies E. Cubozoa – Sea wasps, box jellyfish, highly toxic

XI. Ctenophora - Radial symmetry, locomotion, ciliary combs, diet, prey capture, colloblasts, ecology (swarms) - Body forms (tentaculate - planktivores, lobate – eat other ctenophores)

XII. Platyhelminthes - Body shape, bilateral symmetry, cephalization, organs, organ systems, central nervous system, incomplete digestive system, three cell layers (ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm) A. Turbellaria – Characteristics (free-living), some commensal species B. Trematoda – Characteristics (parasitic), life cycles (vertebrate host, intermediate host) C. Cestoda – Characteristics (parasitic), structure

XIII. Nemertea - Complete digestive tract, circulatory system, trophic mode (proboscis), lifestyle (cryptic), distribution

XIV. Nematoda - Distribution, abundance, hydrostatic skeleton, locomotion (longitudinal muscles), distribution

XV. Other Worms A. Sipuncula (Peanut Worms) – Distribution, structure (unsegmented, introvert), behavior (cryptic), deposit feeding B. Echiura (Spoon Worms) – Distribution, feeding, ecology C. Pogonophora (Beard worms) – Structure, no mouth/gut, ecology, Vestimentifera

XVI. Annelida - Segmented, coelom, radial muscles, hydrostatic skeleton, locomotion A. Polychaeta – Parapodia, setae, gills, closed circulatory system, trochophore larva, lifestyle (free living, burrowing, tube dwelling), feeding (predator, deposit feeder, suspension feeder) B. Oligochaeta – Distribution, appearance, ecology C. Hirudinea (Leeches) – Distribution, appearance, feeding