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More information Discover a How to use this Packet language  Some interesting sites in a week … This packet consist of the followin parts:  The pack: The document in your hands, and which presents the language and how to use the packet  The gram’: the basics of the whole  Bibliography : grammar of Esperanto on a single A4 sheet  The exer’: Some exercises (worked out “Esperanto: Language, Literature & further down) for training and to srart Community” by Pierre Janton & Humphrey practicing the language a little Tonkin  The words: a short two-way vocabulary, “Esperanto, Interlinguistics & Planned containing only a few words to start with. Language” by Humphrey Tonkin You can find complete dictionaries at your “Esperanto: A Language for the Global Village” local Esperanto Association, or on the by Sylvan Zaft internet!

 Contact with the Associations : On The gram’ and The exer’, Every number in the margin indicates a • Australian Esperanto Association 81 Lalla Road, Lilydale TAS 7268 - Australia lesson. Every time you start with [email protected] reading the lesson of the day on The gram’ sheet. And then, you can work • Esperanto League for North America out the exercise on that lesson in P. O. Box 1129, El Cerrito CA 94530 - USA The exer’ sheet, possibly with the [email protected] help of the vocabulary The words, if • Esperanto Association of Britain you wish. Esperanto House, Station Road, If you dedicate about a quarter of an hour Barlaston Staffordshire, ST12 9DE - England daily, you can, after a week understand a [email protected] simple text as well as construct some phrases yourself. This is not a full course, but more precisely an introduction. That Local contact: will give you a general idea of the language (later, you can follow it up with a full course, or just start practising the language, by for example chatting on the internet on : Esperanto, what’s this? What is it for? How do you learn it?

Esperanto is a language. But a somewhat Esperanto is recognised by the With this « Esperanto Pack» special one. It came into being at the end UNESCO; today spoken in more This short document teaches you in a of the 19th century, in order to create than 100 countries of about few days the basics of Esperanto and communication between persons of 6 million people. you will thus quickly understand and different languages. And as it was built for So it can be used in a number express yourself a little in Esperanto (see this purpose, it is therefore very easy to of ways ; as for instance : chapter «How to use this Packet »). learn. Using internet In fact, Esperanto is the easiest of all  : free downloadable living languages; not a single exception,  Discuss and correspond with program, with many sounds and no irregular verbs, and you can still persons of different countries at the interactive exercises. express yourself on anything! Since it is same time, without being hampered by  : an internet platform biult most logically, you can learn it in a the language barrier. containing many courses at different very short time and quickly be able to use levels, and a messenger to chat on line phrases in Esperanto.  Discover other cultures and be with other students. informed globally on, among other Thus. You will have more time to do things, reviews and books translated Using books (and cassettes or videos) other things ! Not only that, but with this from many other languages.  “Teach Yourself Esperanto”, by John advantage in your pocket, it has been Cresswell & John Hartley, published by the Ntc Pub Group. proved that learning Esperanto actually  Travel on the cheap thanks to a little  “Esperanto - Learning and Using the helps with the learning of other foreign booklet called "Pasporta Servo", for languages. So, there are only advantages! International Language”, by David free accomodation for those who speak Richardson, published by the Esperanto Esperanto. League of North America. So much so, since this language belongs to no particular country, and anybody  “Mazi in Gondlando ”, adapted from de  Participate in international gatherings video-course of the BBC. can learn it, one can therefore speak it and festivals, with music and always on an equal level ; it is so spectacle in Esperanto and other Through a course with an instructer. sympthetic ! languages. It is very likely that close to your home or work there is an Esperanto course available.  And many more uses... To find out, contact your local Esperanto Association – see the addresses on the back of this brochure!

Or by correspondence and many other ways... Ever seen the Vi parol +is = past = you spoke mi iras Parizon (Pariz+o+n) = I go to Paris li/ŝi parol+os = future = he/she will speak mi venos lundon(lund+o+n)=I shall come on Monday grammar of any ni parol+us = conditional =we would speak vi parol +u = imperative = speak INTERROGATIVE (?) language on one parol +i = infinitive = to speak For the interrogative, you start the phrase with -ĉu.. ? single sheet of paroli, mi parolas = to speak, I speak ĉu li manĝas? = Is he eating? vi parolas = you(s) speak , you(p) speak - jes, li manĝas = yes, he is eating paper? li parolus, ŝi parolus =he/she would speak - ne, li trinkas = no, he is drinking ni parolis,ili parolis = we spoke, they spoke oni parolos = people will talk, (vi) parolu! = speak ! NEGATIVE THE ALFABET AND ITS PRONUNCIATION For the negative you add the word ne just infront of the Every letter must be sounded and all is written exactly as THE PARTICIPLES appropriate word. heard (phonetically) – always ; so much so that you present past future mi ne kantas = I am not singing cannot make a mistake in orthography ! But in indicative +as +is +os ne mi kantas = It is not me who is singing Esperanto, the letters Q, W, X and Y are not used active +ant-a +int-a +ont-a Instead, there are six letters with an accent on them (a passive +at-a +it-a +ot-a THE CORRELATIVES chinese hat – except for the U which has the lower part i- ki- Ti- Ĉi neni- of another u instead) These special letters have a active participles : indefinite relative demonstra- Collec- negative different sound from the usual. The vowels have each a mi estas kantinta = I was singing question tive tive single, pure, unchangeable sound not at all like English. mi estas kantanta = I am singing +u iu kiu tiu ciu neniu A,(ah) ; B, C,(ts), Ĉ(ch) ; D, E,(Eh) ; F, G, Ĝ(J) ; H ; mi estas kantonta = I shall be singing one some who ? that one every no one Ĥ(kh) ; I,(ee) ; J,(y) ; Ĵ(french je) ; K, L, M, N, O,(au); vi estis skribinta = you were writing one one P, R, S, Ŝ(sh) ; T, U,(00) Ŭ(w) ; V, Z. vi estis skribanta = you had been writing +o io kio tio cio nenio In Esperanto, the accent or stress on every word always vi estis skribonta = you were going to write thing some what ? that every nothing falls on the syllable before last, without exception. ŝi estos foririnta = she will have left thing thing thing Esperanto, naskigdato, dormĉambro. ŝi estos foriranta = she will be leaving +a ia kia tia cia nenia ŝi estos forironta = she will be on the point of leav.. quality some what that every no kind THE WORD ENDINGS kind kind ? kind kind of… No exceptions in Esperanto ! passive participles : +e ie kie tie cie nenie Every noun ends in -o vort+o = word la akvo estas trinkita = the water drank place some where ? there every nowhere Every adgective ends in -a bel+a = beautiful la akvo estas trinkata = the water is being drank where where Every adverb ends in -e fort+e = strongly la akvo estas trinkota = the water is to be drank +am iam kiam tiam ciam neniam Every infinitive ends in -i parol+i = to speak la pano estis manĝita = the bread was eaten time some when ? then always never Every plural ends in -j vort+o+j = words la pano estis manĝata = the bread was being eaten time As in English, there is only one definite article « the » for la pano estis manĝota = the bread was to be eaten +el iel kiel tiel ciel neniel both singular and plural and for masculine and feminine., la foto estos vidita = the photo will have been seen how some- how ? thus any no way which is la. Eg.: la vorto = the word, la vortoj = the la foto estos vidata = the photo will be seen how how words. There is no indefinite articlet. Eg. vorto = word, la foto estos vidota= the photo will be on the point of +al ial kial tial cial nenial vortoj = words. reason for why ? be- for for no some cause every reason PERSONAL PRONOUNS THE ACCUSATIVE reason reason mi (I), vi (you), li (he), ŝi (she), ĝi (it), oni (one,they), ni For the accusative the lettrer -n is added to the noun +om iom kiom tiom ciom neniom (we), vi (you), ili (they), si (self, reflecsive). and its adjective, or the personal pronoun. The quantity few how that all none For the pssessive you add –a to the pronoun: mia, accusative -n after the adverb or place is used to show many ? many via, lia... = mine, yours, his … etc.. movement from place to place; It can also be used +es ies kies ties cies nenies instead of a preposition. whose some whose? his/hers every- no- CONJUGATION mi trinkas akvon (akv+o+n) = I drink water one’s body’s body’s Same ending for each person in every tense. No irregular verbs whatsoever !. mi amas vin (vi+n) = I love you THE NUMBERS Mi parol+as = present = I speak Cardinal: + ebl (able):mangi = to drink, mangebla = drinkable subordinating: ĉar = for, because, since, kvankam = unu (1), du (2), tri (3), kvar (4), kvin (5), ses (6), sep + em : kredi = to believe, kredema = credible although, ke = that, kvazaŭ = almost, se = if (7), ok (8), naŭ (9), dek (10), cent (100), mil (1000), + ind : ridi = to laugh, ridinda = laughable coordinating: sed = but, aŭ = or, kaj = and, do = so, miliono (million), miliardo (milliard) + end (due): pagi = to pay, pagenda = due therefore, nu = now then, nek = neither dek du (ten two) = 12, dudek unu (twenty one) = 21 Verbs: mil naŭcent naŭdek sep = 1997 + ig : sidi = to sit dawn, sidigi = to UNCHANGEABLE ADVERBS make someone sit down hieraŭ = yesterday preskaŭ = nearly consecutive : = number +a + iĝ : (reflexive): sidiĝi = to sit down yourself hodiaŭ = today apenaŭ = hardly (la) unua, dua... = first, second... morgaŭ = tomorrow nur = only adverbs = number +e Universal suffixes: nun = now almenaŭ = at least unue, due... = firstly, secondly... + et (small): domo = house, dometo =cottage ĵus = just now ankaŭ = also substantive = number +o + eg (big): domego = mansion tuj = right away eĉ = even deko, dekduo, cento = ten, twelve, hundred + aĉ (pejorative): domaĉo = hut baldaŭ = soon tre = very multiple = number+obl+a + ad (continuous): paroli = speak, jam = already tro = too much duobla, triobla... = double, treble... parolado = (long)talk ankoraŭ = yet, still for = far away fraction = number+on+o + um (general): akvo = water, akvumi = to water duono, triono, kvarono... = half, third, quarter... FIXED PREPOSITIONS gruppi = numru +op+o PREFIXES apud = near por = for post = after, behind duopo, triopo, kvaropo... = pair, trio, quartet... Letters infront of the root word: ĉe = at ĉirkaŭ = around ekster = outside bo+ (parental): bopatro = father in law de = of dum = during ekde = SUFFIXES ge+ (both masculine & feminine): gepatroj = parents since(time) Letters between the root and the ending of the word : eks+ (former): eksministro = ex-minister el = from en = in, ĝis=till,until Animate beings: pra+ (ancestor): avo = grandfather, inter = inside kontraŭ = against krom = besides + ul (individual): juna = young, praavo = great grandfather kun = with sen = without tra=through junulo = young person fi+ (pejorative): knabo = boy, fiknabo = bad boy pri = about por = for sub = under + an (member): urbo = city, urbano = cityzen dis+ (distributive): doni = to give, disdoni=distribute sur = on super=above trans = across + ist (profession): pano = bread, panisto = baker mal+ (opposite): bela = beautiful, malbela = ugly laŭ= along, according to malgraŭ = in spite of + in (feminine): patro = father, patrino = mother mis+ (do badly): fari = to do, misfari = to botch per = by means of anstataŭ = instead + id (offspring): koko = cock, kokido = chicken ek+ (suddenly): ridi = laugh, ekridi = burst in antaŭ = before, infront malantaŭ = wara + estr (head): urbo = city, urbestro = mayor re+ (again): fari = to do, refari = redo al = to, towards Inanimate things: + aĵ (thing): trinki = to drink, trinkaĵo = drink WORD BUILDING DIALOG + il (tool): tranĉi = cut, tranĉilo = knife Esperanto is like a LEGO game; all you need to form a saluton! = Hello ! ĝis revido! = Good bye ! + ar (group): arbo = tree, arbaro = wood word is to join prefixes and suffixes as well as an ending bonan tagon! = good day ! + er (particle): neĝo = snow, neĝero = flake to the root word. You can even join rootr together to form bonan nokton! = good night! + ej (place): pano = bread, panejo = bakery new words. mi nomiĝas... = my name is … + uj (receptacle): supo = soup,supujo=suoptureen vapor+ŝip+o (steam+ship) kiel vi fartas? = how do you do? + ing ( holder): kandelo = candle, okul+vitr+o+j (eye+glases) bone, dankon = well, thank you ! kandelingo = candle holder sam+temp+e (same+time) ju pli... des pli... = the more… the… Abstract nouns: nek... nek... = neither… nor… + ec (quality): bela = beautiful, beleco = beauty COMPARATIVES ĉu... ĉu... = whether… or... + ism (system): nacio = nation, naciismo = nationalizm Less : malpli... ol = less than Ĉu vi komprenis ĉion? if yes, this means that you More : pli...ol = more than now know all the basics of Esperanto, and that you pli granda ol mi = bigger than me can now begin to practise a little! equal : tiel... kiel = same … as … tiel stulta kiel li = as stupid as him superlattiv: la plej = the most, la malplej = the least Qualitatives: CONJUNCTIONS : Some exercises to d) the mouse will have been eaten = la muso est-.... [months]: januaro, februaro, marto, aprilo, majo, junio mang-..... (jun’i’yo not junyo – stress on the –i-), julio,(same) practice what you e) we were going to drink = ni est-.... trink-..... aŭgusto, septembro, oktobro, novembro, decembro. f) my arm is boken = mia brako est-.... romp-..... have learnt … g) the photo had been hidden = la foto est-.... kas-..... Eg: 15/12/1859 > la dek-kvina de decembro h) the dentist has been working=la dentisto est-....labor-. mil okcent kvindek naŭ i) you were running = vi est-.... kur-..... (The solution is found later on) k) the cake is going to be eaten = la kuko est-.... mang- a) 73 b) 101 Add on the ending letter/s: Translate into Esperanto : c) 20 th d) 655 Eg: the beautiful flowers = la bel-AJ flor-OJ Eg: He hides the photo. > Li kaŝas la foton. e) 14/07/1789 f) 9 999 a) the white horse = la blank-.... ceval-.... a) The fire is hot = g) ¼ b) blue balloons = blu-.... balon-.... b) She writes a word =. h) Wed, 27th Feb. c) to speak rapidly = rapid-.... parol-.... c) They were eating vegetables i) 2,046 d) dogs and cats = hund-.... kaj kat-.... d) He will help me j) 18,442 e) at length = long-.... e) Did you see my brother? k) 75,793 f) the big birds = la grand-.... bird-.... f) the birds fly quckly l) 2,088,405 g) A good cake = bon-.... kuk-.... g) Do you want to drink? h) toeat well = bon-.... mang-.... h) I do not sleep, I am tired Translate into English: i) a red and green wall = rug-.... kaj verd-.... mur-.... i) Was not the film good? j) good = la bon-.... j) I am not reading the paper. La 5-an de majo, mia fratino iris al la malsanulejo. Ŝi k) to laugh and cry = rid-.... kaj plor-.... k) Can you work? No, I can’t ne estis malsana : ŝi nur iĝis patrino. l) really happy = ver-.... felic-.... l) We often use the telephone. Ŝia ido estas knabeto. Li eble iam iĝos fiŝkaptisto aŭ ŝipestro, kial ne? Translate into English: Translate into Esperanto : Mia fratinido multe ŝatas manĝi kaj li ofte dormas. Kiam li aŭskultas rakontojn, tio tuj dormigas lin. En mia Eg: Ili lernas. > they learn Eg: Who are you? > Kiu vi estas ? rakont-libro, estas kelkaj poemoj, kiujn mi ŝatas legi al li. a) La domo estas granda. a) Why do you prefer fish? Dum la matenmanĝo, li kelkfoje ludas anstataŭ manĝi. b) Ni rapide skribas. b) Someone has found some paper Li tiam uzas la manĝilojn, kiel ludilojn. Tio multe ridigas c) La birdo estas blanka, ĝi flugas. c) The book is hidden there nin : li estas tiom ludema! d) Mi estas juna viro. d) We are always clean e) Li atendu kaj aŭskultu! e) He listens to music, like me. Translate into Esperanto: f) Ŝi iros, manĝos kaj dormos. f) My father eats nothing g) Rigardu : pluvas forte! g) They repeat every word Hello ! h) Ili estis vivaj. h) Such is our hope My name is Mary. I live in Paris ; a very big city. i) Nia granda ĉevalo multe manĝas. i) How many flowers do you see ? I have no car, but I do not go to work by bus. I prefer to j) Mi volus kanti. j) When I shall understand the language, I shall speak walk because my home is near the place of work. I am k) La blua akvo estas pura. k) What is a house? a translator, so I speak many languages. I like to travel l) Li estos bona patro. l) Whose is that car? very much, and during my travels, I often speak Esperanto with my friends. To travel I go by train. I also Finish the word: Write the numbers and dates in words: like to listen to music or go to the theatre. The theatre is the most interesting art…according to me. Eg: I shall have learnt = mi est-OS lern-INTA N.B. In Esperanto dates are written thus: « The[number Good bye! of the day] 6 -a de [month] marto, [year] 2004» a) he had caught the fish = li est-.... kapt-..... la fison [days of the week]: lundo, mardo, merkredo, ĵaŭdo, b) he is going to buy = li est-.... acet-..... vendredo, sabato, dimanĉo. c) it is being built = gi est-.... konstru-..... Answers : l) your children will have played = viaj infanoj est-os lud- 7. intaj On the 5th of May, my sister went to hospital. She was Note that there is always more than one way to not unwell ; she just became a mother. Her baby is a tiny boy. May be one day he will become a fisherman say the same thing - especially in Esperanto! 4. a) La fajro estas varma. or a captain, why not?My nephew[the son of my sister], Some alternative answers can be seen in likes to eat a lot and sleeps often. brackets. b) Ŝi skribas vorton. c) Ili manĝis [estas manĝintaj] la legomojn. When he hears a story, that, immediately makes him d) Li helpos min. sleep. In my history book there are some poems 1. e) Ĉu vi vidis mian fraton? which I like reading to him. During breakfast, a) the white horse = la blank-a ceval-o f) (La) Birdoj rapide flugas. sometimes instead of eating he plays. He then uses b) blue balloons = blu-aj balon-oj g) Ĉu vi deziras [volas] trinki? utensils instead of toys. This makes us laugh a lot; he c) to speak rapidly = rapid-e parol-i h) Mi ne dormas, mi lacas [estas laca]. is so playful ! d) dogs and cats = hund-oj kaj kat-oj i) Ĉu la filmo ne estis bona ? e) at length = long-e j) Mi ne estas leganta la gazeton. 8. f) the big birds = la grand-aj bird-oj k) Ĉu vi povas labori? Ne, mi ne povas. Saluton! g) a good cake = bon-a kuk-o l) Ni ofte uzas la telefonon. Mi nomiĝas [mi estas / mia nomo estas] Maria. Mi h) to eat well = bon-e mang-i vivas en Paris [Parizo]; (ĝi) estas tre [ege] granda i) a red and green wall = rug-a kaj verd-a mur-o 5. urbo. Mi ne havas aŭton, sed mi ne iras al la laboro j) the good = la bon-o a) Kial vi preferas (la) fiŝon? aŭtobuse [per aŭtobuso]. Mi preferas iri piede ĉar mia k) to laugh and cry = rid-i kaj plor-i b) Iu trovis [estas trovinta] paperon. domo estas apud [proksime de] mia laborejo. l) really happy = ver-e felic-a c) La libro estas kaŝita tie. Mi estas tradukistino [tradukisto], mi do parolas plurajn d) Ni ĉiam estas puraj. lingvojn. Mi multe ŝatas vojaĝi, kaj dum miaj vojaĝoj, 2. e) Li aŭskultas muzikon, kiel mi. mi ofte parolas Esperante [en Esperanto] kun miaj a) The house is big. f) Mia patro manĝas nenion. amikoj. Por vojaĝi, mi iras per vagonaro [per trajno]. b) We write rapidly. g) Ili ripetas ĉiun vorton. Mi ŝatas ankaŭ aŭskulti muzikon aŭ iri teatron [al c) the bird is white, it flies. h) Tia estas nia espero! teatro]. (La) Teatro est la plej interesa arto... laŭ mi :-) d) I am a youg man. i) Kiom da floroj vi vidas? Ĝis revido! e) Let him wait and listen! j) Kiam mi komprenos la lingvon, mi parolos. f) She will go, eat and sleep. k) Kio estas domo? g) Look ! It is raining hard! l) Kies estas tiu aŭto? h) They were alive. i) Our big horse eats a lot. 6. j) I would like to sing. a) 73 = sepdek tri k) The blue water is clean. b) 101 = cent unu l) He will be a good father. c) 20th = dudeka

d) 655 = sescent kvindek kvin 3. e) 14/07/1789 = la dekkvara de julio a) he had caught the fish = li est-is kapt-inta la fison mil sepcent okdek nau b) he is going to buy = li est-as acet-onta f) 9999 = naumil naucent naudek nau c) it is being built = gi est-as konstru-ata g) ¼ = unu kvarono d) the mouse will have been eaten = la muso est-os h) Wed. 27th Feb. = merkredo la dudek sepa mang-ita de februaro e) we were going to drink = ni est-is trink-ontaj i) 2 046 = dumil kvardek ses f) my arm is broken = mia brako est-as romp-ita j) 18 442 = dek okmil kvarcent kvardek du g) the photo was hidden = la foto est-is kas-ita k) 75 793 = sepdek kvinmil sepcent naudek tri h) the dentist has been working = la dentisto est-as l) 2 088 405 = du milionoj okdek okmil kvarcent kvin labor-inta i) you were running = vi est-is kur-anta(j) k) the cake is going to be eaten = la kuko est-as mang- ota A two-way short ĝust-a Correct leg-i Read (ne...) plu no...) more sub Under halt-i Stop legom-o Vegetable plur-aj Diverse sufiĉ-a Enough vocabulary hav-i Have lern-i Learn poem-o Poem sukces-o success hejm-o Home libr-o Book popol-o People sun-o Sun help-o Help lig-i Read post After super Above Espéranto  English histori-o Hi/story lign-o Wood poŝt-a Postal sur On hor-o Hour,time lingv-o Language pov-i able, can ŝajn-i To seem aer-o Air direkt-i Direct ide-o Idea lud-i Play precip-e principally ŝanĝ-i To change ag-i Do divers-a Different inform-i Inform man-o Hand prefer-i To prefer ŝat-i To like akcept-i Accept dolĉ-a Sweet instru-i Teach manĝ-i Eat pret-i be ready ŝip-o Ship akv-o Water dom-o House interes-i Interest mank-o Want of pri About ŝtat-o State al To don-i Give ir-i Go mar-o Sea produkt-o Product tabl-o Table ali-a Other dorm-i Sleep jar-o Year maten-o morning proksim-e Near tag-o Day alt-a High dum During Remem- propr-a Personal tamen however jes Yes memor-o am-o Love edz-o Husband brance prov-i To try teatr-o Theatre amik-o Friend ekster Outside jun-a Young met-i To place publik-a Public telefon-o Telephone ankoraŭ Yet,still ekzempl-o Example ĵet-i Throw metod-o Method pur-a Clean ten-i keep,hold anstataŭ Instead elekt-i Choose kaj And mez-o Middle rakont-i Recount ter-o Land,earth antaŭ before en In kamp-o Field mir-o Wonder rapid-a Fast,quick tim-o Fear apart-a Apart esper-i Hope kant-i Sing mon-o Money redakt-i Edit tra Through aper-i Appear est-i Be kap-o Head mult-a Many regul-o Rule traduk-i Translate apud Near facil-a Easy kapt-i Catch naci-a National rekomend-i Recommend tranĉ-i To cut art-o Art fajr-o Fire kar-a Dear natur-o Nature rimark-i remark trink-i To drink artikol-o Article fakt-o Fact kaŝ-i Hide ne No ripet-i Repeat trov-i To find Association asoci-o fal-i Fall kaŭz-o Cause neces-a Necessary river-o River tuj At once atend-i Wait far-i Do,make kelk-a Some nom-o Noun rond-a Round tuk-o Cloth aŭ Or fenestr-o Window klas-o Class nov-a New romp-i To break turn-i To turn aŭd-i Hear fest-o Feast knab-o Boy nur Only salon-o Hall tuŝ-i To touch aŭskult-i listen film-o Film kolekt-i Collect oft-e Pften sam-a same universal-a Universal aŭtobus-o Bus fin-i Finish kolor-o Colour okaz-o Occasion san-a Healthy urb-o City aŭt(mobil)- Car fiŝ-o Fish komerc-o Business ol Than sci-i To know uz-i To use aŭtun-o Autumn flank-o Side Under- seĝ-o Chair vagon-o wagon kompren-i opini-o Opinion baldaŭ Soon flav-a Yellow stand sen Without varm-a Warm best-o animal flor-o Flower komun-a Common ordinar-a Ordinary send-i Send vend-i Sell bezon-o Need flug-i To fly kon-i Know organiz-i Organise serĉ-i Search ver-a True bild-o Picture foj-o Once kongres-o congress pac-o Peace serv-o Service vesper-o Evening bird-o Bird forges-i Forget konsent-i Consent paĝ-o Page sid-a sitting vest-o Dress bon-o Good fort-a Strong konsil-o Counsel pan-o Bread signif-i Signify viand-o Meat bril-i Shine frap-i Hit kontraŭ Against paper-o Paper sinjor-o Mr. vid-i See cel-o Aim frat-o Brother kost-i Cost pardon-i Forgive situaci-o situation vir-o Man cert-a Certain fru-e Early kresk-i Grow part-o Part skatol-o Box vitr-o Glass ĉef-a Main frukt-o Fruit krom Besides patr-o Father skrib-i Write viv-o Life (question)? ĉu ? funkci-i To function kuir-i Cook pec-o Piece sol-a Only,lone vizit-i To visit da (quantity) gazet-o newspaper kultur-o Culture pens-o Thought son-o Sound voj-o Road,way decid-i decide glas-o Glass special-a special Vojaĝ-i To travel dekstr-a Right grand-a Grand, big Kun With perd-i lose spert-o Experience vok-i To call demand-o Question grav-a Important kuŝ-a Reclining pet-i Ask star-i To stand vol-i To want dezir-i Desire grup-o group la The pied-o Foot ĝeneral-a General land-o Country labor-o Work plen-a Full strat-o Street vort-o Word ĝis Until last-a Last lac-a Tired pli (...ol) More.. than stud-i To study zorg-o care Send send-i Young jun-a Part part-o To signify signif-i English  Espéranto Husband edz-o To play lud-i Country land-o situation situaci-o To Al However tamen To hope esper-i Day tag-o During dum Evening vesper-o Through Tra Certain cert-a To try prov-i n…paper gazet-o Though pens-o Sun sun-o Near apud Field kamp-o (question)? ĉu ? Until ĝis To lose perd-i Sound son-o Accept akcept-i to change ŝanĝ-i And kaj Correct(a) ĝust-a Father patr-o Care zorg-o Do ag-i Sing kant-i State ŝtat-o Language lingv-o Personal propr-a Under sub help help-o Warm varm-a Wonder mir-o The la People popol-o often oft-e Air aer-o Dear kar-a To be est-i vegetable legom-o Fear tim-o Special special-a To go ir-i To lookfor serĉ-i To study stud-i To join lig-i Foot pied-o success sukces-o Friend amik-o choose elekt-i Example ekzempl-o To read leg-i Full plen-a Enough sufiĉ-a Love am-o Heaven ĉiel-o Experience spert-o Book libr-o more(…than) pli (...ol) On sur animal best-o class klas-o Easy facil-a Hand man-o (no...) more (ne...) plu Principally precip-e Year jar-o Commerc komerc-o Do far-i House dom-o Many plur-aj Table tabl-o To appear aper-i common komun-a fact fakt-o Eat manĝ-i Poem poem-o Telephone telefon-o To call vok-i understand kompren-i Tired lac-a Want(n) mank-o Fish fiŝ-o Time temp-o To like ŝat-i congress kongres-o Window fenestr-o Morning maten-o Postal poŝt-a To hold ten-i Learn lern-i To know kon-i To close ferm-i Memory memor-o Be able to pov-i Land ter-o After,behin post Advice konsil-o feast fest-o Sea mar-o Prefer prefer-i Head kap-o Tree arb-o accept konsent-i Fire fajr-o Method metod-o Ready pret-a Theatre teatr-o money mon-o Against kontraŭ Sheet,leaf foli-o To put met-i Principal ĉef-a cloth tuk-o To stop halt-i Body korp-o Film film-o half mez-o Product produkt-o To fall fal-i Art art-o Side flank-o To finish fin-i Mr. sinjor-o Near proksim-a Early fru-e Article artikol-o Reclining kuŝ-a flower flor-o Piece pec-o Public publik-o To touch tuŝ-i Sitting sid-a colour kolor-o Once foj-o Word vort-o clean pur-a To turn turn-i association asoci-o To cut tranĉ-i To function funkci-i Music muzik-o Than ke / ol / kion At once tuj To wait atend-i To cost kost-i Strong fort-a national naci-a Few kelk-aj Totranslate traduk-i To catch kapt-i To grow kresk-i Crazy frenez-a Nature natur-o Demand demand-o Work labor-o Above super To cook kuir-i Home hejm-o No ne To recount rakont-i Hole tru-o Instead anstataŭ culture kultur-o To hit frap-i Necessary neces-a Fast rapid-a To find trov-i about pri In En Brother frat-o Noun nom-o Collect kolekt-i Only nur bus aŭtobus-o (quantity) da (kvanto) fruit frukt-o Plenty mult-a recommend rekomend-i Universal universal-a Autumn aŭtun-o Standing star-a Boy knab-o Different divers-a To edit redakt-i To use uz-i Other ali-a To decide decid-i General(a) ĝeneral-a New nov-a Rule regul-o To sell vend-i before antaŭ Ask, beg pet-i Big, great grand-a Occasion okaz-o To remark rimark-i Tumbler glas-o With kun Last last-a group grup-o bird bird-o To repeat ripet-i To al To have hav-i To desire dezir-i High alt-a Opinion opini-o River river-o Dress vest-o Ship ŝip-o To direct direkt-i Hour hor-o Ordinary ordinar-a round rond-a Meat viand-o Need bezon-o Diverse divers-a history histori-o organise organiz-i Road, way voj-o Life viv-o Soon baldaŭ Of don-i Man vir-o Or aŭ Street strat-o Cityt urb-o To drink trink-i To sleep dorm-i Idea ide-o Forget forges-i Healthy san-a To visit vizit-i wood lign-o sweet dolĉ-a same sam-a yes jes hall salon-o Glass vitr-o box skatol-o Right(side) dekstr-a picture bild-o page paĝ-o Without sen To see vid-i Good bon-a Water akv-o Important grav-a Bread pan-o Besides krom car aŭt(omobil)-o To shine bril-i Listen aŭskult-i Inform Inform-i Peace pac-o To know sci-i To fly flug-i Aim cel-o To write skrib-i Teach instru-i paper paper-o Seem ŝajn-i To want vol-i To hide kaŝ-I Outside Ekster To interess interes-i Forgive pardon-i Service serv-o To travel vojaĝ-i To break romp-i Again Ankoraŭ Yellow flav-a Speak parol-i Alone sol-a True ver-a Cause kaŭz-o To hear aŭd-i To throw ĵet-i apart apart-a chair seĝ-o wagon vagon-o

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