Kindergarten Number Corner Planner s1

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Kindergarten Number Corner Planner s1

Grade 1 Number Corner Planner YEAR: 2012-2013 MONTH: April This planner uses calendar markers that are Pre-Made. See


Notes: If your school/district has a planning day this month, try to find time to work the missed activities in.

The new calendar markers C8, Geometry: Congruent Shapes, challenges students to determine whether two shapes are congruent or not, and to examine their defining attributes. The page numbers refer to directions supplied with markers if purchased or if downloaded from web (they differ). See Advance Preparation on p. C8.1 or 51.

1 2 3 4 5 CG Put 1st marker in chart, CG Put 2nd marker in chart; CG Follow same pro-cedure CG Congruent? Pair share CG Continue with same pair-share, group obser- congruent? as yesterday and discuss; chart. See bulletprocedure as before; is vations, record Date, (1st yes, 2nd, no). Chart & (not congruent); see bullet points on pp. C8.5-C8.6/55- chart up to date? Shapes, & whether shapes predict tomorrow’s points on pp. C8.5-C8.6/55- 56 are Congruent on chart; 56 FF Challenge 1 use clear geoboard. See TTT Challenge 1 TT Challenge 1 Continues with same pp. C8.1-C8.3/51-53 Looking at Hours, Half Hours WW Challenge 1 Add & Subtract Ten components as last month & Minutes Practice the Facts Advice Being able to fluently(TG p. 384) MM Challenge 1 –Make Advice Stress start counting Advice Try to use both sets navigate around It Equal Advice Can be a at the 12; with inattentive of cards - illustrates number a 100 grid is a powerful hard task - take plenty of class consider running off sentences in both directions;+ & - tool for children time manipulating coins in overhead as a record sheet stress relationship (TG p. 377) pocket chart (TG p. 359) (TG p. 366) (TG p. 372)

8 9 10 11 12 CG Post markers for CG Sometime this week CG Did you introduce CG Use bullet points on pp. CG Use bullet points on pp. weekend and today, introduce symbols for symbols for congruence and C8.5-C8.6/55-56; chart up to C8.5-C8.6/55-56 to guide determine congruency, congruence and non- non-congruence? date? discussion chart all 3 congruence (pp. C8.6/56) (pp. C8.6/56) FF Challenge 2 MM Challenge 2 TTT Challenge 2 WW Challenge 2 TT Challenge 2 (TG p. 384) Make It Equal A Looking at 5’s on the Doubles & Neighbors How Many Ways Can Worksheet Clock - A Worksheet Advice Display number You Make 9? Advice Use coins, (NCSB p. 43) sentences both horizon-tally (Odd & Even pieces are in illustrate first problem, Do first one together; rest and vertically Work Place 2D if have then have students can be an assessment, as (TG p. 373) Bridges kit) or use Blackline complete NCSB p. 40, not included in final NC 39 making coins available assessment (TG p. 368) (TG p. 379; esp. p.380) (TG p. 361) 15 16 17 18 19 CG Post markers for CG See bullet points, study CG Use bullet points to CG Use bullet points to CG Use bullet points to weekend and today; patterns guide discussion guide discussion; keep chart guide discussion; study determine congruency, (C8.5-C8.6/55-56) up to date patterns record WW Challenge 3 TTT Challenge 3 Practice the Facts TT Challenge 3 FF Challenge 3 MM Challenge 3 Today is . . . (NCSB p. 45) Advice This is not assessed Geoboards How Much Is it Ask children to make Share & Share Alike Advice Make list of children at the end Worth? Do two of the equations on their own Advice Try to do all three who don't do well; give of the month; can shapes on the overhead this (TG p. 384, especially 385 sets of coins - use coins them additional attention use NCSB p. 48 as such; week (TG p. 381) (bottom)-386) with whole group if last during daily routines (TG p. make Unifix cubes available Duplicate Blackline Use Blackline NC 21 week's NCSB p. 40 was 369) as needed NC 25 = to # geoboards you to record if haven't started difficult (TG p. 363) (TG p. 374) have (save) already

*TG=Teachers Guide, OPT=optional, CG=Calendar Grid, MM=Monday’s Money, TTT=Tuesday’s Time, Temperature & Tally, WW=Wednesday’s Workout, TT=Thursday’s Thinking, FF=Friday’s Figuring, NCSB=Number Corner Student Book Bridges in Mathematics Number Corner Planner © The Math Learning Center Grade 1 Number Corner Planner (cont.) YEAR: 2012-2013 MONTH: April This planner uses calendar markers that are Pre-Made. See


22* 23* 24* 25* 26* CG Post markers for CG Continue using bullet CG Continue using bullet CG Continue using bullet CG Continue using bullet weekend and today, points; perhaps build points; look for examples of points, charting, analyzing points, charting, analyzing determine congruency, examples of congruent and congruent and non- patterns patterns chart all 3 non-congruent shapes on congruent shapes on geoboards playground, gym, cafeteria, TT Challenge 4 FF Challenge 4; if you MM Challenge 4 etc. Geoboards How Much Is collected samples Share & Share Alike – TTT Challenge 4 It Worth? throughout year, analyze A Worksheet Counting by 2’s on a WW Challenge 4 Do the second two shapes growth, etc. Advice Work one example Thermometer - get out Subtracting Doubles . . . on overhead/doc camera TG pp. 385 (bottom)-386 in pocket chart, then do cardstock student & Advice A powerful lesson - this week (TG p. 381) NCSB p. 41; fold page in teaching thermometers; consider recording + and - half to avoid confusion save NCSB p. 47 for May (TG equations for each card (TG p. 365) p. 370) (TG p. 375)

20 30 CG Post markers for CG Hold final discussion on weekend and today, congruency using chart and determine congruency, explore all patterns get chart up to date for discussion tomorrow After congruency discussion, use today Use today to make up to make up any earlier any activities missed activities missed or earlier, especially the complete independent independent FF FF assessment assessment

Notes: *Sometime during this week try to squeeze in Assessment 9, TG p. 387, using results to plan Student Support activities 9A-9C.

*TG=Teachers Guide, OPT=optional, CG=Calendar Grid, MM=Monday’s Money, TTT=Tuesday’s Time, Temperature & Tally, WW=Wednesday’s Workout, TT=Thursday’s Thinking, FF=Friday’s Figuring, NCSB=Number Corner Student Book Bridges in Mathematics Number Corner Planner © The Math Learning Center

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