Programming Logic - Intermediate

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Programming Logic - Intermediate

Name Score / 20 Update Value Make all corrections and resubmit to earn update points Programming Logic - Intermediate 152-101

Text File Processing Evaluation Form

 Update Recommended

Form Objects  (½ point) Due date field converted to a Date Picker  (½ point) Fill due date code removed  (½ point) Buttons added to form to open and save assignment lists  (½ point) Buttons are appropriately named and captioned  (½ point) Open dialog added to project, appropriately named  (½ point) Save dialog added to project, appropriately named  (½ point) Tab order is appropriate

Class Definition  (½ point) Class file name is appropriate  (½ point) Class appropriately named  (½ point) Three class members appropriately named and described  (½ point) Three class members have appropriate types (string, string, DateTime)  (½ point) Three properties appropriately created and typed

 (½ point) ToString Override created  (½ point) ToString correctly formats data  (½ point) ToString formats date yyyy-MM-dd

Clear Button Click  (½ point) Any changes made (optional) are correct

Complete Button Click  (½ point) Assignment(s) correctly copied from assignments due list to done list  (½ point) Assignment(s) removed from assignments due list Open Lists Button Click  (½ point) Open dialog box displayed  (½ point) Processing skipped if dialog Cancel button clicked  (½ point) List boxes cleared (or user prompted before clear)  (½ point) File is opened for Read, using Open dialog File Name  (½ point) Assignments Due correctly read from file  (½ point) Completed Assignments correctly read from file  (½ point) Processing handles case where no assignments due  (½ point) Processing handles case where no completed assignments  (½ point) File is closed  (½ point) Assignments due number display updated

Save Assignment Button Click  (½ point) Class instantiated for each new assignment  (½ point) Form inputs correctly transferred to new class instance  (½ point) Class instance added to assignments list  (½ point) Assignments stored using same type as btnOpen (string or class)

Save Lists Button Click  (½ point) Save dialog File Name set appropriately  (½ point) Save dialog box displayed  (½ point) Processing skipped if dialog Cancel button clicked  (½ point) File is opened for Create, using Save dialog File Name  (½ point) Assignments due list correctly written to file using a For loop  (½ point) Each assignment saved on a separate line  (½ point) Completed assignments list correctly written to file using a For loop  (½ point) Due/Completed are separated in an appropriate manner  (½ point) File is closed  (½ point) Message box displayed informing user save was successful

Form Closing  (½ point) Form closing ensures latest changes have been saved  (½ point) If changes haven’t been saved, user is given the option to save them

Form Load  (½ point) Open dialog initial directory set  (½ point) Open dialog filter set  (½ point) Open dialog file name set  (½ point) Save dialog filter set to match Open dialog filter  (½ point) Save dialog initial directory set to match Open dialog initial directory

Changes Saved Recognition  (½ point) Reset in btnSaveLists  (½ point) Set in btnSave (new record)  (½ point) Set in btnComplete Indentation  (½ point) Source code indented properly

Form Level Documentation  (½ point) Methods alphabetized  (½ point) Variables are appropriately named and described  (½ point) Spacing used to make code readable  (½ point) Appropriate in-line comments included

 (½ point) Each method includes a purpose description.  (½ point) Purpose descriptions use complete sentences, grammatically correct, without spelling errors.  (½ point) Purpose descriptions are accurate

Program Documentation  (½ point) Documentation module created  (½ point) Documentation appearance is professional  (½ point) Program name included  (½ point) Student’s name included  (½ point) Program date included  (½ point) Program’s purpose uses complete sentences, is grammatically correct, without spelling errors.  (½ point) Program’s purpose is accurate and complete

 (½ point) Forms listed alphabetically  (½ point) Form purpose descriptions use complete sentences, grammatically correct, without spelling errors.  (½ point) Form purpose descriptions are accurate and complete

 (½ point) Change log included  (½ point) Updates documented in change log

Program Design Program design matches implementation  (½ point) Pseudocode/flowcharts match program  (½ point) Challenge Point  (+1 point) If all requirements met  (½ point) User asked if existing assignments should be removed before inputting new assignment list  (½ point) Lists cleared properly when appropriate

Challenge Point  (+2 points) If all requirements met  (½ point) Constructor included in class that accepts one string as input  (½ point) Constructor parses string and extracts fields correctly  (½ point) Date parts correctly extracted and converted to DateTime  (½ point) Constructor used when reading strings from file

Challenge Points  (+2 points) If all requirements met  (½ point) Button created to print list (name, caption, access key)  (½ point) Print Document created (appropriate name)  (½ point) Print Preview dialog created (appropriate name)  (½ point) Print Preview dialog linked to Print Document  (½ point) Report appearance is professional  (½ point) Report includes title that is formatted differently than rest of text  (½ point) Report includes a piece of clip art

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