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Croft Parish Council Page 10 Minutes of the Council Meeting held in the Pavilion on 10 August 2017 at 7.00 pm Present: Councillors C Mawby (Chair), S Amey, C Holmes, R Howard, C King (later), M Ratcliffe, P Smith and A Spence.
In attendance: Mr S C Blackburn (Clerk), District Cllr D Freer, Mr M Lee, Chairman, FVNP and 13 members of the public.
17-158 Apologies for absence: Cllr C Holmes (late arrival).
RESOLVED: that the apologies be accepted.
17-159 Declarations of Interest and requests for dispensations:
Cllr Howard declared an interest in the topic of parking in Brookes Avenue as his mother owns one of the houses in the area under discussion.
17-160 To sign as an accurate record the minutes of the previous meeting
RESOLVED: that the minutes of the meeting held on 13 July 2017 be signed as a correct record.
Public Participation
17-161 (a) Proposed development adj. 7 Winston Avenue:
A number of residents attended to express concern about the proposed development of three houses. An extension to the deadline has been agreed and Cllr Freer has asked for determination by the Planning Committee, provisionally fixed for 14 September. It was confirmed that there is no right to park in the deeds of nearby houses but concerns were expressed firstly about the claim by EMH that the car park was not used, which is not the case, secondly about access to the village which will be more difficult for less mobile residents and thirdly about more difficult ambulance access, should it be needed for a specific elderly resident.
A resident enquiring about how the decision was made to sell the land was referred to Blaby District Council.
Cllr Freer stated that residents need sound and material planning objections which could include lack of sunlight, the effect on the highway and on access for emergency services. It was agreed that the Parish Council should be represented if possible and that residents should object individually rather than by way of petition.
17-162 (b) Parking in Brookes Avenue
The recent letter from the Parish Council to residents had prompted the suggestion that creation of parking spaces could be paid for by the residents. An informal indication of £20-25k had been obtained, plus relocation of one telegraph pole and two lighting columns, to provide 16 spaces, two per house. The land is owned by Blaby DC but Leics CC could object as the highway authority. Cllr Freer referred to a fund established from the sale of car parks, although this has subsequently been stated to have been spent elsewhere, but felt that the Council could consider selling or gifting the land, possibly to the Parish Council.
Issues to be taken up with relevant parties include the safety of children going to the school, access for emergency vehicles and poor visibility due to current parking limitations. A resident Ms Julie Daly offered to put together a business case for the transfer of the land.
Cllr Holmes arrived at the meeting.
It was agreed that residents would liase with Cllr Freer to establish whether residents were serious about providing the money and whether Blaby DC would be willing to sell the land.
17-163 (c) Mr Thomas produced a design for commemorative seats and asked for consideration by the Parish Council. It was agreed to place this request on a future agenda.
17-164 (d) Mr Thomas made an appeal for garage space for Royal British Legion equipment as his current garage is no
Page 10 Croft Parish Council Page 11 longer available. Cllr Howard agreed to look into possible options.
17-165 (e) Attention was drawn to a notice proposing revised restrictions in the Winston Avenue car park. It was noted that these would not necessarily apply once ownership has passed to the Parish Council.
17-166 To receive a report from the Clerk
In addition to the printed summary, the Clerk reported on a request by the widow of the late Michael Cross for an 18” memorial stone which exceeded the height dimension of 12” for cremation plots. The rules are vague in this respect and have not always been followed in recent years, leaving the Council in a weak position to refuse.
RESOLVED: to permit in principle the erection of a stone, subject to normal requirements to agree the wording and style.
It was agreed that the Clerk would produce proposals to clarify the rules setting out the permitted dimensions of monuments for consideration at a future meeting.
RESOLVED: that the report be noted.
17-167 Reports:
County Councillor: No report.
District Councillor: Cllr Freer is now portfolio holder for corporate services, open spaces and refuse and recycling and warned that some changes to refuse collection arrangements were inevitable.
Police: No report.
17-168 Planning Applications
(a) 17/0908/HH – Single storey side and rear extension – Brookes Avenue
RESOLVED: to make no comment on this application.
(b) 17/0596 /FUL – Amended parking layout – Adj 7 Winston Avenue
The current position was as outlined under ‘Public Participation’.
(c) 17/1002/VAR – Revised layout at properties adj. 8 Dovecote Road
Although it was commented that the planning department was short staffed, this appeared to regularise what had already been built and was viewed with dismay. Cllr Freer suggested that the Head of Planning and the Portfolio holder should be invited to a future meeting to explain themselves.
17-169 Parking in Brookes Avenue
The current position was as outlined under ‘Public Participation’.
17-170 Cricket
Four approaches have been received to use the ground in the 2018 season. All have been made aware of the importance to the Parish Council of encouraging cricket amongst residents, particularly juniors, in Croft.
Enderby CC would like to locate a team which currently plays at Sharnford. They play only on Saturdays. UT XI have made a further request, and other requests have come from Leicester All Stars (Safwan Patel) and from Mr Imran Patel who runs a team comprised of police and businessmen.
RESOLVED: That Enderby CC be offered the use of the ground on the basis that their local base offers a greater chance of Croft residents becoming involved.
Page 11 Croft Parish Council Page 12 The discussion turned to the care of the ground. Mr Daniel reported that he had spoken to the Enderby Groundsman who proposed, if successful, to use half of the square in 2018 and then bring the remainder into use for 2019 at which time a second team, playing alternate Saturdays might be feasible, thus saving on care costs.
He felt that the container and its contents of cricket equipment including the mower should now be owned by the Parish Council but could be maintained by the Enderby Cricket Club. It was agreed that a meeting should take place with the club to establish the way forward.
The Clerk reported that he had formed the impression that Mr Daniel was bowing out of involvement but, having been assured otherwise, proposed that a vote of thanks was still in order for the work he had done in the past. This was gratefully agreed by the Parish Council.
17-171 Fosse Villages Neighbourhood Plan
Mr Lee explained that Orbit Housing had contacted FVNP regarding land behind Sparkenhoe and their wish to have it as a development site for affordable/social housing. According to residents, they have been approached to see if a house could be purchased and demolished to enable access to the site. They have also approached FVNP with a view to having this site included in the options plan. The housing will not necessarily be tied to local need and there may be a risk of new residents being found from areas with no local connection.
Mr Lee pointed out that there was no consideration or suggestion of including this site in development area proposals, either at the initial village exhibition or when the original consultation work was done. The original consultation identified housing sites which covered the known need. This was continued into the current Issues and Options consultation process, recently completed, when not a single suggestion of the inclusion of this site was put forward, as opposed to the quarry offices and the land adjacent to the school, which were again confirmed as the village’s preferred development sites.
The Council decided at the July meeting not to have further consultation and felt that to do so now might merely cause displacement of existing sites and confusion. In view of the village’s decision Mr Lee undertook to develop the villager’s and Parish Council’s comments and objections, in conjunction with the FVNP’s planning consultant, into the strongest possible planning-based case for the rejection of any application that was received. These are likely to include, as a minimum, the poor site access either from Sopers Road/Sparkenhoe or The Bridle, the current upgrading of flood risks, the lack of sewer capacity and the lack of requirement for houses in Croft, as opposed to the Blaby District area on which Orbit seemed to be basing their claim.
To date apparently no approach or formal application has been made to Blaby DC or to Croft PC although a letter sent by email and addressed to Croft PC was delivered to FVNP although the copies were shown on the circulation list. [Later: no trace of this letter being received by Croft PC has been found].
It was agreed that the draft case would be drawn up by Mr Lee and circulated to Councillors for approval before being sent to Orbit Housing with a copy to Blaby DC and Leics CC when an application had been submitted.
17-172 Christmas Lights Switch On (9 December 2017)
Discussion took place on the need to lay a duct to take the electricity supply from the telephone box to the trees. This would not have wires all year but would be left with a rope to pull them through when needed. This work may be done in house but if necessary contractors may have to be used.
RESOLVED: to provide a budget of upto £1,000 for this work.
17-173 New sports pavilion and village hall
The architect is dealing with two potential objections, firstly from the Lead Flood Authority who require further work to confirm how flood water will be dealt with. In response he is dealing with Severn Trent by way of a developer request in the hope that he can persuade them that the required ‘BRE365 Infiltration Testing’ is not required. If it is required the cost will be about £1,500. Secondly, from Blaby DC who are concerned that noise may reach the nearest houses. This has been dealt with by the following points:
1. The proposal is located adjacent to the existing pavilion, the new pavilion is to offer similar functions to this existing 2. The existing and the proposed pavilion are some 102m away from the closest residential properties. Page 12 Croft Parish Council Page 13 3. The parish council is not intending to offer a party venue and will be guided by the feasibility study conducted by Rural Community Council. The study concluded that the new pavilion should primarily aim to provide meeting spaces for older residents and toddlers which are to be held during the day. 4. In the evening, the proposed multi-purposed room are predominantly used by parish council and local affiliated groups for meetings 5. We will be content to install heavy acoustic curtains to all windows and doors to the function room 6. The proposed room is only 8 metres by 9 metres, if amplified voice is required, it will only be at a minimum level.
A n update had been requested but had not been forthcoming in time for the meeting.
17-174 Repairs and Maintenance
(a) Grass cutting
The Clerk reported on a meeting with Mark Gardner who is responsible for grass cutting etc at Blaby DC. The poor quality of work in recent months was blamed on damage to a large machine which has been replaced by smaller mower causing a backlog to build up. Discussion took place on the need for strimming which is not in the contract and it was agreed that this would be ordered for the Fun Park as a one-off item.
It was also agreed that alternative contractors would be asked to quote with a view to the contract being offered elsewhere.
(b) Allotment hedges
The two contractors who have been asked to quote for hedge work at the allotments both asked to wait until Ground Control had cleared growth away from the power lines. This will delay the work until the autumn.
(c) Purchase of lawn mower
Although second-hand machines could be got for £2.5k, Cllr Spence felt that about £10.0k would be the minimum to get a reliable machine. A suggestion was made that the item be deferred until a new contractor had been given a chance to improve the quality of cutting.
(d) To consider recruitment of a handyman
Complexities of employment law, pension contributions etc militate against recruiting a member of staff and the Clerk had begun to enquire of larger councils in the locality as to whether they had spare capacity. An update would be provided at the next meeting.
(e) Outstanding sports ground issues
Initial work on the risk assessment review had highlighted one or two minor issues and these would be dealt with by a meeting of the working party to establish a way forward.
(f) Other issues raised by inspections
The tennis court has been marked out by persons unknown and quotations from companies recommended by local tennis clubs of £240, £250 and £330 had been obtained for re-marking. One offer was of a significant work for binding the surface and colouring the playing areas. It was agreed that, pending the construction work, there would be no point in incurring major expense.
RESOLVED: to accept the quote of £240 from Fosse Contracts Ltd.
17-175 Review of the Village Action Plan
The 2011 action plan now had been circulated; the items are now mostly closed or relate to work such as monitoring planning applications which will always be ‘ongoing’.
Cllr Smith felt that the Council needed a medium term action/strategy plan and Councillors were invited to review the document and make suggestions as to what should be included in a further revision. Page 13 Croft Parish Council Page 14
17-176 Narborough Station User Group
A pressure group has been formed to campaign for longer trains to increase seating capacity and a meeting is to be held at Littlethorpe. Cllr Mawby will endeavour to attend.
17-177 Speeding Traffic
Cllr Amey again referred to speeding in Huncote Road and at the railway bridge. A suggestion of traffic calming options such as white lining on the bridge to make the road appear narrower, and other options such as traffic lights, and speed humps were made. These would be put to the County Council and the Police would be asked again to carry out Fatal Four activity in the village.
17-178 Finance and Accounts:
(a) To note the financial situation as at 31 July 2017
RESOLVED: that the situation be noted.
(b) To approve accounts for payment
RESOLVED: that the schedule of accounts appended to these minutes be authorised.
(c) To note the situation with regard to the new electricity supplier
After sourcing a supplier through USwitch, it later emerged that a more competitive rate might have been obtained by approaching EDF direct. The Clerk noted that the deal included a contract by which USwitch would automatically look for and select a supplier at the end of the contract and he intended to revoke this. He alerted the meeting to the pressured sale including setting consumption much higher than previous actuals, presumably to increase the commission received from EDF.
17-179 Other reports and items for discussion at the next meeting
Use of the website’s Members Area and possible creation of a repository for data.
17-180 Date of next meeting: Thursday 14th September 2017 at 7.00 pm.
The meeting closed at 9.40 pm.
Appendix – Payments Authorised
Date Chq No To For Net VAT Gross
10-08-17 S C Blackburn Expenses - July 94.95 11.99 106.94 10-08-17 S C Blackburn Salary - August 649.36 649.36 10-08-17 Davina Meade Pavilion Cleaning - July 65.00 65.00 10-08-17 E-On Electricity Pavilion (M) 25.31 1.27 26.58 10-08-17 LRALC Councillor Training (SA) 19 June 35.00 35.00 10-08-17 ESPO Stationery 13.50 2.70 16.20 10-08-17 Blaby DC Wheels Skate Park 1 August 249.90 49.98 299.88 10-08-17 Blaby DC Grass Cutting April - June 604.40 120.88 725.28 10-08-17 P Smith Cemetery edging stones 16.50 3.30 19.80 10-08-17 K T Plumbing & Heating Repairs kitchen tap 24.00 24.00
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