Blended Learning: What Works

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Blended Learning: What Works

Blended Learning: What Works™

Blended Learning: What Works?

By Bersin & Associates


After nearly 2 years of research in blended learning, and detailed interviews with more than 30 companies, we find that blended learning is replacing “e-learning” as the next big thing. Our research finds that blended learning programs are perhaps the highest impact, lowest cost way to drive major corporate initiatives. Companies have discovered unique and powerful methodologies for selecting the “right media” to solve a given business problem. The biggest challenges companies face include technology and the change management and business processes required to roll out major programs. Results: Blended Learning solves the problem of speed, scale, and impact – and leverages e-learning where it’s most appropriate, without forcing e-learning into places it does not fit.

Blended Learning is the latest buzzword in corporate training. It sounds so simple – mixing e-learning with other types of training delivery. But now that internet-training is so widespread, where does it fit? What are the best ways to “blend” delivery types? Will the term “blended learning” replace e-learning?

In 2002 and 2003 we set out to understand these issues – and conducted a very large study of more than 30 corporate blended learning programs to understand “what works.” Some interesting findings we uncovered:

1. Blended Learning IS the next big thing.

In the late 90’s everyone jumped on the e-learning craze. In reality the promise was a little immature. Internet-based training grew up in the IT world – where people are used to spending hours in front of their computers.

Now we know that different problems require different solutions (different mixes of media and delivery) – and we believe that the key is to apply the RIGHT MIX to a given business problem. Hence blended learning is effectively replacing e-learning.

Unlike traditional education, corporate training exists primarily to improve business performance. We are not in the business of making employees smarter, but rather in the business of increasing revenue or reducing costs.

We deal primarily with adults – people who want and need to learn just enough to become more effective at their jobs. The science of “how to teach adults through the internet” is still being developed. We know that people learn in different ways, and different media applies to different people.

© Bersin & Associates 1 May 2003 Blended Learning: What Works™

“Blended Learning” is really the natural evolution of e-learning into an integrated program of multiple media types, applied toward a business problem in an optimum way, to solve a business problem.

I believe that every successful e-learning program is or will become a blended learning program.

2. Blended Learning optimizes your resources.

As we talked to companies embarking on blended learning, we found them asking the same questions. What combination of tools and media will give me the biggest impact for the lowest investment?

In some cases, like Cisco’s reseller certification program – which must reach nearly 900,000 people, the audience is so large and the problem so complex that a major web- based curriculum is needed. In others, like Siemens’ global change in accounting practices, the audience was nearly 10,000 financial professionals and a simulation-based solution was needed.

These projects cost $Millions to develop – and are cost-justified based on the large audience and huge business drivers required.

In other cases, however, when a company like Kinko’s rolls out a new product to their field sales offices, a conference call and series of job aids will do the trick.

>>> The key to blended learning is selecting the right combination of media that will drive the highest business impact for the lowest possible cost.

So how do you decide the mix?

We found a variety of methodologies. One of the simplest approaches is to create electronic content and “surround” it with human, interactive content. This approach of “surrounding” e-learning with human enables you to create high interest, accountability, and real assessment of the results of the e-learning program.

© Bersin & Associates 2 May 2003 Blended Learning: What Works™

The Simplest Approach

Instructor Instructor E-Learning Led Led Courseware Introduction Exercise Or Online Program (or conference call) or Assessment

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This approach was used by many companies when rolling out ERP application training. An initial conference call and series of meetings was used to explain the project and why the new system is so important – then the users took an online course – then there was a follow-up meeting and evaluation by the manager before the system was actually rolled out.

3. Each media type has its own strengths and weaknesses.

To make blended learning more powerful, you can start looking at all the media as options: classroom training, web-based training, webinars, CD-ROM courses, video, EPSS systems, and simulations. Other media which is less exciting but just as important includes books, job aids, conference calls, documents, and PowerPoint slides.

One lesson we learned is that the highest impact programs (such as the training program provided for new sales reps at British Telecom) blend a more complex media with one or more of the simpler media. A web-based course for introduction followed by a real “hands-on” interactive class is an obvious mix.

Some of the questions you should ask when selecting media are shown below:

© Bersin & Associates 3 May 2003 Blended Learning: What Works™

Findings: How to Select the Blend? Classroom-based instruction

Web-based courseware (with or Audience without simulations) •Skills The Right Mix is… 2 or 3 of…. •Time available CD-ROM-based courseware (with •Motivation • Classroom Instruction or without simulations) • Web-based courseware Time • CD-ROM-based courseware Live virtual classes/Webinars •Time to develop? • Live virtual classes/Webinars •Time to roll out? • Onsite labs Hardware/software simulation •Time to complete? • Conference calls • Virtual labs On-site labs • Text-based job aids • EPSS Scale Conference calls •Audience size • Portals •Need to update frequently? • Communities of practice • Mentors Job aids (e.g., manuals, checklists)

Electronic performance support Business Application systems(EPSS) •Need to assess learners? •Need to certify? Online portals with supplemental •Need to track completion? materials •Impact of “not learning”? Content Resources •Are SMEs available? •Budget? Communities of practice - Chat •Shelf life of content? •SMEs? rooms and online message boards •Simulation/labs available? •Content developers? Mentors (in-person, over the phone, or over the Web)

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In fact, from this research we developed a “media selection guide” which can help companies identify which media to use for a given problem.

Media Type Instructional Scalability Time to Cost to Cost to Assessment Trackable Value Develop Develop Deploy Capable

How to C lassroom High Low 3-6 weeks Medium High Medium Low Design based training WBT Course- High High 4-20 weeks High Low High High and ware

Architect CD ROM High High 6-20 weeks High Medium High Low your C ourseware

Blended Conference Low Medium 0-2 weeks Low Low No No Calls Learning Program Webinars Medium Medium 3-6 weeks Low Medium Low Low Software / Very High Medium 8-20 weeks High Medium High High Online Simu- lations Lab-based Very High Low 3-6 weeks High High Medium Medium Simulations Media Job Aids Low High 0-3 weeks Low Low None None

Selection Web Pages Low High 1-8 weeks Low Low None None Guide W eb Sites Low High 1-8 weeks Low Low None None Mentors Medium Low 2-3 weeks High High Low Low

Chat- Medium Low Medium 4-6 weeks Medium Medium None Low Discussion- C ommunity Services Video (VC R High Medium 6-20 weeks High High None Low or Online) EPSS Medium Medium 8-20 weeks Medium Medium None Medium

Blended Learning: What Works™ Checklist page 3 © Bersin & Associates, 2003

© Bersin & Associates 4 May 2003 Blended Learning: What Works™

4. Blended Learning forces you to think about the business problem.

One of the big things we found was that once you have to make “media” or “blend” decisions, you are essentially doing “portfolio management.” Just like the problem of balancing your 401K account, people need a methodology to help decide when to use a webinar, when to use a conference call, and when to build a complex simulation or online course. When you create a financial portfolio, you start with your goals – factor in risk, time, and budget. In blended learning, the factors are similar:

 Specifically what is the business problem or goal? (Need to increase sales revenue for a new product)  What is the learning problem which you believe is creating this business problem? Can you be sure it is a “learning” problem or a problem of distributing new information? (Need to train sales reps on value proposition and pricing of this new product)  What are the characteristics of the audience? (How much time will they have to use the content? What connectivity will they have? What kind of learning style and education level do they need? What do they respond to? How motivated are they?)  What are the characteristics of the content? (How long before it goes out of date? Are we “informing, developing skills, or creating competencies? – We developed a paradigm describing the 4 types of corporate training which helps with this – located at , Where is this content? What SME’s do we need to use? How much time will be able to get with them?)  What kind of measurement do we need? And how much? What amount of measurement does the business problem justify? (Measurement is expensive – what do we really need to measure in order to solve this business problem? Completion? Scores? Certifications? Nothing at all?)

© Bersin & Associates 5 May 2003 Blended Learning: What Works™

The Blended Learning Process

Characterize Implement Launch Identify Audience Infrastructure Program Business (see infrastructure Challenge Develop Diagram) Track Learning Plan Develop Progress Define Or Learning Develop Buy Measure Challenge Measurement Content Results Strategy

1 2 3 4

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Each of these questions can be thorny. But you cannot hope to answer these questions rationally without understanding what business cost, benefit, and processes you need to be successful.

5. Technology is not as “easy” or “ubiquitous” as people think.

Here is an amazing fact. Nearly every company we talked to told us about many technology hurdles they had to overcome. In the process diagram above, in step 3 we identify how companies implement infrastructure. Infrastructure is very problematic in most corporations.

Some of the places which can trip you up include:

 Some learners do not have high bandwidth connectivity because they are in foreign countries or remote locations – therefore some content will not run.  PC’s each have different browser versions and plugins, so content standards must be set which specify browser version, plugins, bandwidth, memory, and cpu speed needed.  LMS systems are expensive and complex to implement, and if you rely on LMS- driven features for your program you may find that some are missing (i.e. Assessments for example)  When you deploy a large program you have to be ready for massive throughput in a short period of time.  Measurement is difficult if you haven’t thought about what metrics you want to measure up front, because LMS’s have fairly unsophisticated reporting systems.

© Bersin & Associates 6 May 2003 Blended Learning: What Works™

Blended Learning Infrastructure

1 Target Audience 3

Development Tools Simulation Tools Portal: Catalog, Login, Launch (Macromedia,(Macromedia, InfoPak…)

SAP Cisco ISO 9000 Sales Training Training Training Training LCMS Content Development System

2 4 5

3rd Party Learning Management Content Delivery Hosted Content System (LMS) System (NETg, KnowledgeNet …)

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6. Think Deployment Processes!

The single biggest issue we found which companies spent time and money on is the marketing, launch, and deployment process. In order to be successful you must develop an integrated “go to market” plan for your program. This must include:

 Executive support so that line managers give workers time to take courses  A launch program (webinars, phone calls, email blasts) so that people understand the importance and urgency of your program  Education to local coordinators – so that line managers and line training people can support your program. You cannot launch a company-wide e-learning program alone, nor can you get it done from your corporate office.  Rapid feedback. You will find problems immediately. They must be addressed in hours, not days. If someone cannot get content to work, they are likely to leave and never come back.  Business process integration. You have to think about how this training integrates with your company’s existing business processes. For example, in one company the sales people were not given time by their managers to take training – because they were too busy. How are you going to incent people to take time for training? Do you need to integrate training into peoples’ performance plans? Are you going to give out certificates? Bonuses?  Marketing. Too much is made of “marketing” e-learning. The real “marketing” is all of these steps. Sending out emails alone will not do it. You have to make sure that you have answered the question: “why would a busy worker stop what

© Bersin & Associates 7 May 2003 Blended Learning: What Works™

they’re doing to take this course or program?” What’s in it for them? Once you know that, how do you communicate that to them and their managers?

Deployment and Support

• Every possible deployment method is needed: • CD-Rom • Conference Calls Deployment processes • Performance Aids make or break • Webinars the program. • Web-based courses • Do NOT assume that learners have access to the internet • Do NOT assume that learners have high bandwidth • Do NOT assume that learner’s PCs are “ready”

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7. Blended learning does not have to cost Millions. You can build your own content.

Another interesting finding. Many companies outsource major e-learning projects – and sometimes spend millions of dollars. One of our research companies spent millions of dollars creating a business simulation which trained financial professionals how to use new accounting principles. In this particular case, the problem was global – and the cost of failure was very high – so it was worth the cost. If you have a very large audience and a very big problem, you can cost-justify a lot of money on content.

(The simple cost equation for blended learning is the tradeoff between development cost and delivery cost. For web-based training, for example, high development costs can be amortized by low delivery costs if the audience is large. For classroom training, lower development costs and higher delivery costs are justified when the audience is small.)

However in most cases what we found was the opposite. Companies are now developing web-based content for $100’s per instructor hour (we used to charge $30-70,000 per instructor hour in my prior life!). How do they do this? They often hire a vendor to “teach them” how to build courseware – then they get a small team together (3-4 people) and build the content internally. This appears to be a major trend.

One company developed a major SAP upgrade program which was business critical across more than 10,000 employees for a total development cost of $75,000. This is less than $7.50 per employee for development cost – the cost of lunch in most big cities.

© Bersin & Associates 8 May 2003 Blended Learning: What Works™

Development Processes

• There are no “standard” tools Developm ent C osts • In-house development is ½-1/5 the cost of outsourced development Minimum cost $35,000 Cost per course $4,000-22,000 • Develop In House: hour • Content with short shelf life • “Disposable” content • Informational content T here are no “standard” tools • Outsource: used overall. • Highly instructionally rich • Very long-lasting content Companies are bringing content development in-house with • Simulation-based solutions excellent results. • You can drive content development costs below $1000 per course hour

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8. Huge Impact is Possible

The most fascinating of all findings from our work was that Blended Learning in fact has huge and measurable business impact. Most of the companies we studied told us that the blended learning programs they built solved problems which were impossible to solve in any other way.

The biggest business benefits of blended learning which we found are:

 Scale: You can roll out a new initiative or program to global audiences and reach more people than ever possible before. This is the promise of e-learning and it is true.  Speed: If you need to train people within months, you can reach thousands of people simultaneously. Although there is a fixed time to develop content, the time to deploy is fast. If the business problem is NOW and the content will become stale, blended learning is the answer.  Throughput: If your training problem is bottlenecked (one telecommunications company had such a backlog of training that technicians were driving around in trucks drinking coffee for weeks waiting for new-hire training slots), you can eliminate that bottleneck and improve training throughput by orders of magnitude.  Complexity: many training challenges are just too complex for a single web- based course or PowerPoint based webinars. If the material is complex and your

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business need demands that people internalize and change their behavior, using multiple media will get much higher completion and results.  Cost: I believe that many companies have found that e-learning may not really save as much money as they thought. By the time you buy and LMS, implement the LMS, buy tools, buy a content catalog, and start building lots of web-based courses – you may find that the total cost has just shifted – from instructors to infrastructure and web development. By using the blended approach you can avoid this explosion. One of our research companies starts with job aids first, and then moves up the scale to more expensive media only if the problem demands it. By thinking about every problem as a “blending” challenge, you can select the lowest cost media which solves the problem.

Bottom line: Blended Learning is here to say. I believe it is the natural evolution of e- learning – understanding the business problem and selecting the right “portfolio” of technologies and processes to drive impact. As companies focus on understanding the processes of blending media, they will find that e-learning is more powerful than they ever though.

Appendix: companies included in the study include:

Company Business Challenge Industry Audience Size LMS Major Vendors Mix

Siemens Company Transformation Manufacturing 10,000 No LMS Accenture Simulations Tellabs ERP Application Rollout Manufacturing 450 Docent RWD WBT, Conf Calls Roche ERP Application Rollout Pharmaceuticals 1,800 I-Academy RWD WBT, ILT WW Grainger ERP Application Rollout Distribution 5,000 Saba RWD WBT, Lab, Conf Calls Ent Software Co. Field Sales Training Software 1,100 Saba Saba WBT, VC, ILT British Telecom Field Sales Training Telecomm 260 Docent Accenture WBT, ILT, Conf Calls Royal Sun Field Sales Training Insurance 1,500 Saba Saba WBT, ILT Kinkos Field Sales Training Retail 20,000 Saba Saba WBT Cisco Field Sales Training Manufacturing 860,000 Intellinex KnowledgeNet WBT, Labs, ILT, Assessment EMC Field Sales Training Manufacturing 1,000 Saba KnowledgeNet WBT, Conf Calls Verizon Field Service Training Telecomm 100,000 Home Grown NETg WBT, ILT, Hands On NCR Field Service Training - Certification Service 370 Edcor NETg WBT, Labs, Assessment Chip Manufacturer Manufacturing Training Manufacturing 25,000 Home Grown KnowledgeNet WBT, Lab Bell Canada Enterprises Reduce Cost of Training Telecomm 42,000 Technomedia NETg WBT, ILT Peoplesoft Sales and Employee Training Software 5,500 Home Grown NETg WBT, Discussion Groups Novell Channel Sales Training Manufacturing 5,600 No LMS Macromedia PowerPoint Based with Audio

About Bersin & Associates

Bersin & Associates is a leading provider of corporate and vendor consulting services in e-learning technology and implementation. With more than 20 years of experience in e- learning, training, and enterprise technology, Bersin & Associates provides a wide range of services including product development, product marketing, industry research, corporate workshops, corporate implementation plans, and sales and marketing programs. Some of Bersin & Associates’ innovations include a complete methodology for LMS

© Bersin & Associates 10 May 2003 Blended Learning: What Works™ selection and application usage, an end-to-end architecture and solution for e-learning analytics, and one of the industry’s largest research studies on blended learning implementations. Bersin & Associates can be reached at or at (510) 654-8500.

© Bersin & Associates 11 May 2003

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