8 Grade Science Regular/Honors

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8 Grade Science Regular/Honors


Mr. Brown 8 Grade Science Regular/Honors Room # 323 Period 7: Prep Email- [email protected] School Phone- 765-521-7230 Ext: 164

Vision Statement: My goal as a middle school teacher is to spark the creativity and passion of the student body for the subject of science and learning in general. Since science is a constantly changing subject I will keep myself up to date with current events pertaining to science. I will also attempt to better my ability to teach by continuing to study methods for education and through collaboration with my fellow educators.

Classroom Procedure

Attendance As middle school students you are not only expected to come to class every day, you are required to. In order to learn you must be present in my classroom from the time the bell rings to start the class to the time when it rings at the end of the class. Tardiness Should you come into class late, meaning after the bell has rung, you will need to fill out and sign the tardy sheet on the clip board near the door. If you are tardy three times in the semester you will be given an after school detention. Any more than three and I will inform the office. Leaving the Classroom The only time you should leave the classroom during the period would be with a pass from the office, another teacher, or a restroom emergency. In any of these situations I must be informed and sign all passes including a restroom pass. You need to go to the restroom and your locker before class. Materials Pen and Pencil 2 separate spiral notebooks (I saw them on 08/12/2011 for 20 cents at Wal-Mart) Calculator 1 Roll of paper towel for the science labs 1 folder for your science papers Assignments All assignments in the class should have the student’s name, period, date due, and assignment title on the upper right hand corner (if not already present on some worksheets). I follow the school policy on missing assignments and will give out HOT Room passes if you don’t bring your work to class. Extra credit MUST be turned in on the date due and will not be accepted afterwards. Tests All my tests have different structures and may contain multiple choice questions, diagrams, short answer, matching, true and false questions, and other formats for questions. I will provide some review time in class the day before the test. Eyes should remain on your own test at all times. Cheating during tests will not be tolerated and will result in a grade of zero on the exam and possibly further disciplinary action. Grading I will try to get all assignments and grades returned to you in a timely. If your assignment states that you should see me then I expect you to come see me during the class during the time I provide for students to do some homework in class or at the end of the period. If you have a problem with a grading mistake or have a question as to why you received that grade please come see me. You will have your own grading sheet that you can keep up with so that you always know your grade. Absences If the absence is excused then the student will be expected to turn in any assignments due on the date missed when they return, and one day extra to turn any assignments given on that day. All assignments affected by excused absences should be turned in directly to me. Remember most of my notes and assignments can be found on my moodle. Moodle My moodle is very similar to a website and contains weekly summaries, class notes, class assignments, and extra science information. The link to my moodle is: http://elearning.nccsc.k12.in.us/course/view.php?id=731 Cheating Don’t do it. When caught cheating on an assignment then both students involved in the cheating will receive a zero. This applies to tests and exams as well. Any student caught participating in cheating during an exam will receive zeros on that test and serve a detention. When caught a second time cheating, not only will that assignment or test receive a zero they will be sent to the office. Classroom Respect All students will maintain respect to each other and to the teacher at all times, whether or not it is me or a substitute. This extends to all guests in the class. I expect you to keep your hands/your possessions to yourself. Talking in the classroom should only occur if you are asking me a question; this is done by raising your hand and waiting till called on. Students will be expected to stay seated at all times unless I state otherwise. Appropriate school language and volume will be used in my class. There is a no tolerance for bullying in my classroom. Should I catch or be informed of any bullying disciplinary actions will be taken. This applies to physical violence as well as verbal. Beginning/Ending the Class When the bell students should be seated working on bell work quietly. At the end of the class I dismiss you, not the bell. When everyone is seated and quite I will allow you to leave. Things That Do Not Belong In My Classroom Cell phones, music players, video games, inappropriate Internet use, inappropriate dress, and horsing around will not be tolerated in my classroom/ laboratory. You must abide by all the safety rules when in the laboratory or your laboratory privileges will be revoked. All the school dress codes and Internet use rules apply in my classroom. Drills and Emergencies All the schools emergency plans will be enforced in my classroom. The emergency information is on the left side of my classroom door. With all that said, I know this will be a great year to learn science!

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