Standard Agenda for a Committee Meeting of the MG Car Club Canberra Inc s1

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Standard Agenda for a Committee Meeting of the MG Car Club Canberra Inc s1

MG Car Club Canberra Inc Committee Meeting Minutes 1st July 2014

President: Peter Dechaineux (PDx), Vice President & Sporting Secretary: Kent Brown (KB), Treasurer: Laurie Gardiner (LG), Secretary: Greg Whitfield (GW), Assistant Secretary (Display Events): Graeme Rossiter (GR), Editor: Mark Horsfield (MH), Social Secretary: Peter Daley (PD)

Item Minutes Action 1. Attendance PDx, KB, GW, MH, LG, GR, Gail Argyle Apologies: Peter Daley 2. Confirm Minutes Minutes of the 3rd June 2014 were confirmed. Proposed by MH. 2nd LG. 3. Matters Arising The following provides a summary of new matters arising from the last committee meeting as well as ongoing action items.

(a) Full financial review of club matters and membership LG categories. See Item 6.2. Ongoing. (b) Letter forwarded to Marie Darke regarding her preferences KB for proposals to honour the memory of Brian Darke and his passion for the marque. Committee to progress trophy procurement. KB has forwarded material to Brian’s family for consideration. Ongoing. (c) MH to update the Facebook Code of Conduct following MH Committee clarification of the role of moderator. GW to forward the document to members with the Financial Review as noted in 3 (a). Complete. (d) PDx to distribute revised by-laws to the Committee for PD review. Ongoing. (e) KB to contact Penrite to see if a speaker is available for either the July or August meetings. Ongoing. See Item 7.2. (f) PDx to approach potential nominees to determine their interest in taking on the Social Secretary role following the next AGM. Ongoing. 4. Matters Under Review 4.1. Monthly Meeting Minutes Nil. Review 4.2. Review of By-Laws Ongoing. PDx to further consider the membership category PDx description for family members and advise accordingly. 4.2. Risk management KB advised that the wheel balancer safety and operating instructions had been affixed to the wall next to the machine. 5. President PDx advised that more copies of the MG Troubleshooting Guide GW might be necessary to replenish stocks. GW to follow up regarding availability of new stock or permission to reprint the document from the authors. Tony Laughton is expected to be under medical treatment for some time yet. Tony and Sue Roberts have volunteered to assist with Tony’s regalia role in his absence for the short term. PDx also advised that Geoff Nickols intends resigning from the Library role at the next AGM. John Cooper has volunteered to 1 take on this role from Geoff. Denis Sargent has also been hospitalised on the Gold Coast and GW remains under treatment. GW to organise a Get Well card for signing at the next club meeting. 6. Treasurer The Treasurer tabled the financial report for June and explained LG that most transactions related to membership renewals, the Presentation Dinner and MG TYme registrations. 6.1. Accounts for approval TC printing and mailing costs (approx. $450-$500) yet to be LG invoiced, $500 donation to St Peter’s for use of the church hall for the remainder of the calendar year was approved last meeting and will now be paid out of the FY14/15 funds. 6.2. Membership review/costs The MGCCC Financial Review 2014 was forwarded to members LG,GW, for information. Feedback was received from a number of MH, members. This was discussed by the Committee with LG, MH PDx and GW to formulate responses as appropriate based upon the Committee’s deliberations. PDx will also present a précis of the feedback received together with an overview of the responses provided to those who made submissions regarding the Review. The Committee also agreed to conduct a full review of the future of Tappet Chatter. This was not included in the Financial Review TOR however was subject to feedback from some members noting financial aspects of Tappet Chatter were included in the Review. The Tappet Chatter review will examine format, publishing frequency, printing provider and so on. A Sub- committee will be called for with MH to act as advisor to the group. Terms of Reference will be required. PDx to call for volunteers at the next club meeting. 6.3. Other 7. Secretary 7.1. Correspondence See attached register of incoming/outgoing correspondence. GW 7.2. Monthly meeting schedule for KB advised that Penrite had replied to an approach however had KB next 3 months: only provided promotional material and no confirmation of a speaker. KB will again clarify our request for a speaker with Penrite. If unsuccessful, GW to ask Kevin Kirk if he would like to present GW his video and pictures of the recent MG Challenge held in SA at Mallala and Collingrove Hillclimb. KB advised he has a number of motoring YouTube videos for use in future meetings. Possible speakers for future meeting: Tools, Frank Marshall, Archives, servicing a modern car, another Trivia night, mini swap meet. DVD video that KB has featuring an MG TD. 7.3. Membership Memberships 204 Members 303 , 6 Life, 7 Honorary GW 8. Sporting Secretary KB advised that the entry form for motorkhana registrations has KB been redesigned to conform to CAMS requirements (NCR77). KB advised he will be leaving on an extended holiday soon and offered his apologies for the next two Committee meetings and Aug/Sep club meetings. 9. Social Secretary Gail Argyle attended the meeting as the Social Secretary PD

2 representative. Gail explained that social calendar events have now been scheduled up to and including the annual Café Injoy breakfast in January. Planning beyond this event will be required by whomever takes over the Social Secretary role. 10. Asst Sec (Display) GR advised that a new date for the postponed Battle of Waterloo GR display is yet to be advised. 11. Magazine Editor MH advised that new quotes have been obtained for printing MH Tappet Chatter. After some discussion of the quotes it was agreed that with the forthcoming review into Tappet Chatter (see Item 6.2) it would be premature to make any changes to provider and that the quotes may help inform the review into the magazine. 12. Website Nil to report. 13. Standing Business 12.1. CACTMC Nil 12.2. Natmeet Nil 12.3. CRS event approvals MG Car Club Sydney T Type Register run to the Southern Highlands. Father’s Day 7th September 12.4 MG TYme 2014 KB reported that the event run to Tidbinbilla has been reconnoitred. Approximately 50 entrants thus far. Shannons have LG asked for an invoice for the $1000 sponsorship of this event. All planning is progressing well to date. 13. General Business 13.1 Presentation Dinner Trophies GW asked for advice and approval to proceed with the perpetual GW trophy mementos. Glass coasters were agreed. Laurie Gardiner was agreed as the recipient of the 2014 Historic Trophy. 13.2 Membership % of MG Owners GW advised the Committee that the percentage of non-MG GW owners allowed in the club is nearing its limits with only 4-5 non- owners required to reach the maximum number allowed as provided in the Constitution. GW to continue to monitor the situation and report accordingly.

14. Next Meeting The next Committee Meeting will convene at 6:00pm for dinner prior to the meeting proper on Tuesday 5th August 2014 at the Raider’s Club Weston.

Signed as a true and accurate record of the Committee Meeting held on 1st July 2014 by:

Peter Dechaineux President 8th July 2014




Item Referred to Feedback from T. Finklaire re 2014 Financial Review GW/LG Feedback from B. Calder re 2014 Financial Review GW/LG Feedback from T. Clement re 2014 Financial Review GW/LG Request from Mr P Toet re assistance for MG L Type Sports Opinion GW CACTMC advice re 2014 Battle of Waterloo event 15 June GR CACTMC advice re Registrar Specimen Signatures for RTA GW/RC Invitation for Lunch Time natter at Silverstone MG90 Celebrations PD Penrite Sponsorship promotional material KB


Item Author Email to CACTMC re update Club details on the CACTMC website GW Email to Peter Dalton approving roll over of 2014 WEA funds to 2015 LG Email to Mr Toet re opinion on MG L Sports Type M. Robertson


Matter Action

Greg Whitfield Secretary 30th June 2014


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