Bylaws of the Tau Beta Pi Association
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Constitution and Bylaws of the Tau Beta Pi Association Texas Delta Chapter
Article I – Name This organization shall be known as THE TAU BETA PI ASSOCIATION TEXAS DELTA CHAPTER.
Article II – Object The object of this organization shall be to mark in a fitting manner those who have conferred honor upon their Alma Mater by distinguished scholarship and exemplary character as undergraduates in engineering, to promote engineering, liberal culture in the engineering college, and good fellowship among the members, and as set forth in the Constitution and Bylaws of the Tau Beta Pi Association and in accordance with the rules and regulations of Texas A&M University.
Article III – Eligibility for Membership Members shall be elected by the procedures set forth in the Constitution and Bylaws of the Tau Beta Pi Association and the Bylaws of the Texas Delta Chapter. An initial list of eligible students shall be obtained from the Registrar of Texas A&M University. The following students are eligible for election: 1. Seniors, as classified by Texas A&M University, who are in the top one- fifth of their engineering class. Furthermore, the student must have completed or be enrolled in two 400-level courses in his/her major department. 2. Juniors, as classified by Texas A&M University, who are in the top one- eighth of their engineering. Furthermore, the student must have completed or be enrolled in two 300-level courses in his/her major department. 3. Graduate students who meet the requirements of the National Constitution and Bylaws and who have a grade point ratio of at least 3.75. 4. Alumni shall be considered under the provisions of the National Constitution and Bylaws. 5. Undergraduate and Graduate students in approved engineering curricula (Article VIII Section 2 & 3) shall be eligible for membership. At Texas A&M University this includes the following majors: Aerospace Engineering (AERO), Agricultural Engineering (AGEN), Biological and Agricultural Engineering (BAEN), Biological Systems Engineering (BSEN), Biomedical Engineering (BMEN), Chemical Engineering (CHEN), Civil Engineering (CVEN), Computer Engineering (CECN & CEEN), Electrical Engineering (ECEN & ELEN), Industrial Engineering (INEN & ISEN), Materials Science and Engineering (MSEN), Mechanical Engineering (MEEN), Nuclear Engineering (NUEN), Ocean Engineering
1 (OCEN), Petroleum Engineering (PETE), Radiological Health Engineering (RHEN), and Safety Engineering (SENG). 6. Transfer students may be elected to membership according to national constitution Article VIII, Section 2. Transfer students must have completed at least 24 credit hours at Texas A&M to be eligible for membership.
Article IV – Officers—Election and Removal of Officers 1. Selection of a Nominating Committee – On or before March 1st of each year a nominating committee shall be designated by the President of the Chapter. It shall consist of three members selected with particular regard to their interest in the Chapter and its advancement to the exclusion of personal aspirations. Announcement of the appointment of a nominating committee shall be made at the earliest possible date preceding the election. 2. The Nominating Committee – The nominating committee shall nominate active members for the following offices: President, Vice President, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and the Chairs, and four advisors to serve on the Advisory Board. Nominees shall come from a list of volunteers for each office. If no volunteers for an office are forthcoming, the nominating committee shall nominate an active member for that office. 3. Committee nominations A. The nominating committee shall nominate no more than two persons for each office. B. In the event that the nominating committee is unanimous in its choice, only one person shall be nominated for the office in question. In the event that the nomination committee is not unanimous in its choice, then it shall agree on two nominees for that office. C. Nominations agreed upon by the nomination committee shall be signed by each member of the nomination committee and delivered in writing to the recording secretary of the chapter on or before April 1 following the appointment of the committee. D. The recording secretary shall read the report of the nomination committee at the regular meeting of the chapter immediately preceding the election meeting. 4. Other nominations A. Any active member in active standing may nominate a candidate for any office from the floor of the meeting immediately preceding the election. B. No member may be nominated from the floor unless the member is present at the meeting to accept or decline his/her nomination. 5. Voting A. Voting shall be by a show of hands.
2 B. Nominees shall be voted on in alphabetical order. C. No voting by proxy will be allowed. D. Each office shall be filled in the order that they appear in Section 2 before voting for another office is begun. E. Only active members in good standing are eligible to vote. 6. The Officer Election Meeting A. The officers of the chapter shall set the date, place, and time of the election meeting. B. Nominees must be enrolled at least half-time in order to be eligible. C. The presiding officer at the election meeting shall read the names of each nominee for an office before voting begins. If only one person is nominated for that office, then the presiding officer will automatically declare him/her elected to that office. D. Prior to the election, the nominees shall introduce themselves and may speak on their own behalf. Chapter members shall be allowed to speak on behalf of particular candidates. E. During the voting for each office, if no candidate receives a majority of votes, then the candidate receiving the fewest votes will be deleted from all subsequent ballots until one candidate receives a majority of votes. Any person receiving a majority of votes on any ballot shall be declared elected by the presiding officer. 7. Officer Installation – Persons duly elected shall assume all duties, rights, and privileges of their respective office on the date and in the manner specified by the Bylaws of this chapter and the Constitution and Bylaws of the Tau Beta Pi Association. The five offices outlined in the Constitution and Bylaws must be filled every semester in order for the Chairs to be elected or appointed and for the Chapter to retain an active status. Chairs are ad hoc offices not specified in the governing documents and shall not impact the status of the chapter should they remain vacant. 8. Officer Duties A. President - Obtain list of eligible candidates from advisor and notify such candidates. Hold and run officer meetings. Do reports on eligibility, election, and final action. Make sure other officers do their respected responsibilities. Schedule and oversee induction ceremony, informational sessions, and elections meetings. B. Vice President - Take President’s position in case of absence or in- ability to complete duties. Compile and update the semester schedule of events to the membership. Make sure officers are attending the functions they plan. Schedule and oversee the semester mixer and the end of semester banquet. C. Corresponding Secretary - Submit Report of Eligibility (within first 5 weeks of class) to Nationals. Submit Report of Election (6 weeks before induction) to Nationals. Submit Report of Final
3 Action (within 10 day after induction) to Nationals. Order merchandise, bent polishing, and office supplies from Nationals. D. Recording Secretary - Take minutes of each officer meeting. E-mail notes from meeting to Vice-President within one week’s time of meeting. Collect all event tracking sheets from officers and file accordingly. Manage the chapter’s online presence in Maroonlink, Facebook, and other portals. F. Treasurer - Deposit all dues from candidates on a daily basis. Collect receipts and reimburse officers for expenses related to TBP. Pay all outstanding balances to Nationals and other financial institutes. Work closely with the President and Advisors on the financial stability of TBP. Schedule and oversee fundraising events for the membership every semester. G. Candidate Chair - Collect all candidate information forms (catalog cards, candidate information packet forms, travel waivers, etc.) and give all names and data to Corresponding Secretary. Submit reports to nationals when applicable. Serve as the main channel of communication between candidates and the chapter, and keep an updated record of candidates’ and members’ participation points. H. Corporate Chair – Represent the chapter in professional external affairs. Invite industry, business, and academic speakers to professional meetings offered throughout the semester to the TBP membership. Maintain professionalism and courtesy on all communication with professional guests. Schedule at least one TBP Engineering Futures session per semester. I. Service Chair – Represent the chapter in community external affairs. Schedule and oversee community Service events for the membership every semester including but not limited to: The Big Event, Tau Beta Pi Day, and K-12 MindSET initiatives. J. Communications Chair - Send out weekly emails to members, candidates, and officers about career and academic opportunities as well as upcoming chapter activities and events. Manage and update membership, candidates, and officer listservs. K. Projects (a.k.a. Social) Chair – Reserve rooms for scheduled on- campus events. Document events by taking pictures and completing project forms, which should be compiled into a semester chapter survey reported to Nationals. Schedule and oversee semester social events for the membership. L. Advisory Board Advisors- Participate in the Advisory Board (See Article V). 9. Officer Removal A. Should an officer be negligent in completing his/her duties, the chapter president will submit a request for removal to the removal committee. The committee will consist of the non-offending officers, president included, and the primary advisor.
4 B. The offending officer will be notified when the request for removal is submitted. He/she will be allowed to give an argument at the meeting of the removal committee. After the offending officer has been given this opportunity, the removal committee will vote to remove or pardon the officer.
Article V- Advisory Board 1. The Advisory Board shall be comprised of the elected President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary and four alumnus advisors. 2. The Advisory Board shall act as an advisory and judiciary committee.
Article VI – Convention Delegates The President of the Chapter shall be designated as the Chapter’s Convention delegate to represent the Chapter at the regular Convention of the Association. The Vice President shall be designated as the alternate for the President. If neither the President nor the Vice President is able to act as delegate, the Chapter shall elect a delegate. In accordance with Texas Delta tradition, each year a vote shall be taken to determine if the Chapter shall send the alternate to the Convention with the delegate.
Should the yearly budget of the chapter allow it, additional non-voting delegates may be invited to attend the National Convention with as little as 10% and as much as 50% of expenses covered by the chapter. Invitations shall be sent first to the non-Chair officers, followed by the chairs, and thereafter to the members with the most participation points, without exceeding budgeted travel funds.
Representatives for the regional District 10 Conference shall be determined in a similar manner and no later than the fifth week of the spring semester. Once a primary delegate has been determined, invitation to attend the District Conference should be sent to members or candidates with the most participation points, with full or partial expenses covered by the chapter. Should there be numerous candidates or members with the same number of participation points, priority should be given to those with particular regard to their interest in the Chapter and its advancement, as determined by the primary delegate. Any candidate or member interested in funding their own travel expenses to either National Convention or Regional Conference shall be encouraged to travel with sponsored delegates. Sponsored delegates shall help self-funded delegates to minimize traveling costs such as through carpooling or shared lodging.
All students traveling as delegates of the Chapter must complete a Risk Waiver Form and Travel Information Form as required by University Rules. The voting or primary delegate shall work with the office of the Dean of Engineering to document any travelers’ days of absence as University Excused.
5 Article VII – Character Evaluation Procedure In addition to the national Tau Beta Pi Association requirements, the following chapter procedures shall be followed in the election of new members: 1. Letters shall be sent to scholastically eligible candidates inviting them to an introductory meeting. 2. An introductory meeting shall be held at which the candidates will be introduced to the purposes and activities of Tau Beta Pi and invited to a get-acquainted meeting (mixer). 3. The mixer shall be held as a get-acquainted meeting at which the chapter members will meet and socialize with the candidates. 4. The candidates will receive a resume/questionnaire form requesting information concerning their scholastic record, their interest in Tau Beta Pi, and their involvement in other activities. 5. The candidates shall submit their completed resumes and pay fees by a date specified at the first meeting. Upon payment, the candidates shall be given copies of the Constitution, National and Chapter Bylaws, and rough bents, and candidate projects will be chosen. 6. Each candidate shall be required to take part in an activity recommended or approved by the chapter officers to foster a spirit of liberal culture. The candidates shall also be required to read the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association and the Chapter Bylaws. 7. A member of the chapter shall serve as candidate participation coordinator for each of the projects. 8. Projects that involve physical violence, offense to dignity or decency, and/or public exercises that make the candidate ridiculous in any way shall be strictly prohibited. 9. An examination prepared by the initiation committee covering general information in the National Constitution and Bylaws and the Chapter Bylaws shall be taken. The initiation committee shall determine the passing grade. This exam shall be in the spirit of National Bylaw VII, Section 3, and shall be approved by the Chapter Advisory Board. 10. After the specified deadline, the officers and initiation committee shall review all resumes and participation in projects and formulate a recommendation on each candidate. 11. The initiation committee shall make their recommendation known at the election meeting. 12. At the time of election, the Eligibility Code shall first be read. 13. The names of eligible candidates will be submitted to the chapter membership in groups by the officers along with the initiation committee’s recommendation of each candidate in the group. The initiation committee shall determine the size of the groups. 14. If any active member has a question about any of the candidates in a group, that candidate’s name shall be removed from the group and considered separately. 15. A chapter vote shall be taken on the remainder of the group.
6 16. Each candidate removed from a group shall be considered separately after all groups have been voted on. Each name shall be presented for discussion and voted on before the following name is considered. 17. After all names have been considered and voted on, there shall be a second ballot for each candidate who failed election on the first ballot. 18. No candidate who fails election on the second ballot shall be considered further unless twenty-five percent of the members present so request. 19. No candidate who fails election on the third ballot shall be considered again at that election. The candidate may be considered again at the next election, if eligible. 20. All members shall keep the election results in absolute confidence so that no candidate shall learn of his/her election except by official notification. No candidate shall be informed of the details of the vote, especially concerning the personal matters discussed at the time of voting. 21. At the first meeting of electees, the President shall explain the requirements, objectives, and activities of the Association and of the Chapter. Those electees desiring to accept election shall formally state their acceptance. 22. Each electee who refuses initiation for financial reasons shall be interviewed by the Advisory board, as required by C-VIII, 10(a). 23. Once inducted into the Chapter, a member cannot lose his/her membership unless drastic measures arise in which case the officers will converse on further action.
Article VIII – Fines and Discipline Requirements for Active Status: 1. Active/inactive status within the local chapter shall be assigned to each of the chapter’s members at the completion of each semester, spring and fall. 2. Active status within the local chapter will be conferred upon those members that meet any of the following requirements: a. Attend two or more Tau Beta Pi events in a semester b. Hold an officer position in the chapter and meet its required duties 3. All other members shall be considered inactive within the local chapter. 4. A member may be suspended or expelled through a report written the National Tau Beta Pi Executive Council upon majority vote of the active members of the Texas Delta Chapter and the Advisory Board. a. The following reasons permit expulsion or suspension from the chapter: i. Continued and inexcusable absence from meetings ii. Not attending assigned or elected duties to the Chapter iii. Morally delinquent iv. Failure to meet financial responsibilities v. Other just causes after a fair trial b. Suspension entails: i. Return of the badge and certificate ii. Loss of voting privileges
7 iii. Suspension will be terminated after the candidate process is repeated c. A member may appeal their case at the next regular Convention of the Association.
Article IX – Texas A&M Requirements 1) In addition to the national Tau Beta Pi Association requirements, the officers of this organization must meet the following requirements: (a). Have a minimum grate point ratio (GPR) as stated below and meet that minimum GPR in the semester immediately prior to the election/appointment, the semester of election/appointment and semesters during the term of office.
1. For undergraduate students, the minimum GPR is 2.00. In order for this provision to be met, at least six hours (half-time credits) must have been taken for the semester under consideration. In one limited circumstance, summer semester hours may be applied to this provision. In order for summer coursework to qualify toward a grade point ratio prior to election/appointment, at least six credit hours must have been taken during the course of either the full or two summer session(s). 2. For graduate students, the minimum GPR is 3.00. In order for this provision to be met, at least four hours (half-time credits) must have been taken for the semester under consideration. In one limited circumstance, summer semester hours may be applied to this provision. In order for summer coursework to qualify toward a grade point ratio prior to election/appointment, at least four credit hours must have been taken during the course of either the full or two summer session(s) unless fewer credits are required as they complete the final stages of their degree. (b). Be in good standing with the university and enrolled: 1. at least half time (six or more credit hours), if an undergraduate student (unless fewer credits are required to graduate in the spring and fall semesters) during the term of office, and 2. at least half time (four or more credits), if a graduate level student (unless fewer credit hours are required in the final stages of their degree as defined by the Continuous Registration Requirement) during their term of office. (c) Be ineligible to hold an office should the student fail to maintain the requirements as prescribed in (a) and (b).
Article X – Advisor Expectations The advisor for Tau Beta Pi is expected to: 1. Be a Texas A&M University employee. 2. Maintain awareness of the organization’s financial situation by communicating with the Student Organization Finance Center. 3. Advise students and participate in chapter events. 4. Serve as a chair of constitutional amendment and disciplinary committees.
8 Article XI- Financial Expectations All monies belonging to this organization shall be deposited and disbursed through a bank account established for this organization at the Student Organization Finance Center and/or the Fiscal Office. All funds must be deposited within 24 hours after collection. Funds from cash advances must be reconciled with the SOFC within 5 days.
The advisor to this organization must approve and sign each expenditure before payment. The treasurer is responsible for keeping a record of all transactions and reconciling with the SOFC records at least once every three months or twice per terms in office. The President or Treasurer may not sign their own reimbursement forms.
Tax-exempt status is indispensable for yearly chapter operation. Chapter officers must submit an IRS form 990-N every year prior to the 15th of October, which is 5 months after the closing of the chapter’s fiscal year, in order to maintain a 501(c)(3) status.
Article XII- Annual Review This constitution is reviewed annually and subject to the approval of the Department of Student Activities. A copy of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association shall be made available to the Department of Student Activities as those documents become updated.
9 Article XIII – Amendments
These Bylaws may be amended at any time by a seventy-five percent vote of the active membership, subject to the approval of the proper authorities and subject to review by the Department of Student Activities annually and/or when it is amended.
These Bylaws were enacted September 10, 1948. They were last amended March 31st, 2017.
President ______Jose C. Davila Labastida
Advisor ______Ray W. James