Course Outcomes Form Northwest Indian College

Follow the Instructions for Completing the Course Outcomes Form, which is available on the NWIC Assessment Website at Please submit this form electronically to the chair of the Curriculum Committee It is important to keep the following principles in mind when completing this form:  Regardless of the mode of learning (i.e., face-to-face, Independent learning, ITV, online, etc.) or the location of a course, only one course outcomes form is to be created for each course.  Regardless of the mode of learning or the location of a course, the NWIC outcomes and the Course outcomes must be the same for each course.  The Instructional activities and the Assessment/evaluation strategies may differ depending on the mode of learning. Please indicate the Instructional activities and the Assessment/evaluation strategies that are different from the face-to-face class (e.g., “IL: Essay”).

Last date this form was updated or edited March 25, 2014 Course Number (e.g., ENGL 101) ENVS 310 Course Name (e.g., English Composition I) Shellfish Ecology List the names of all instructor(s) who Jeff Campbell, John Rombold, Brian Compton participated in creating and approved these course outcomes (please consult with at least one other person) List the main textbooks, readings or other Milne, P.H. 1972. Fish and Shellfish Farming in resources used in this course (including title, Coastal Waters. Fishing News (Books) Ltd., year and publisher) London.

Buchsbaum, R. 1988. Animals Without Backbones (3rd ed.). University of Chicago Press.

Schink, T.D, K.A. McGraw, & K.K. Chew. 1983. Pacific Coast Clam Fisheries. Washington Sea Grant Technical Report.

Standish, A., S.L. Dowling, K.K. Chew. 1989. Hatchery Manual for Producing Triploid Oysters. Washington Sea Grant Publications.

0ad1b515dbe9b4ee442044c5e07cec3b.doc p. 1 of 2 A. NWIC outcomes: From the List of NWIC Outcomes, select the most important outcomes you assess in this course (at least one NWIC outcome must be chosen- maximum of four).

Instructional Activities: How Assessment/Evaluation Strategies: NWIC outcome # (e.g., “Written will students master this How will you measure this communication: 2a. Write Standard outcome? (e.g., solving outcome? (e.g., student English”) problems, group activity) presentations, essays) Meet the technological challenges of a modern world – (Community- Minded – To Utilize Education Field work Research projects, quizzes and exams Through Work)

B. Course outcomes: In order of priority, list the most important other learning outcomes for this course that you assess (a maximum of 10).

Other course outcomes: Instructional Activities: How Assessment / Evaluation Strategies: Complete the sentence – will students master this How will you measure this As a result of this course, outcome? (e.g., solving outcome? (e.g., student students will be able to… problems, group activity) presentations, essays) Identify locally important Observing organisms in the quizzes, midterm, research project shellfish to the species level. field, using dichotomous keys. and final exams. Analyze species-limiting Examine various habitat types, environmental factors. and discuss observations on species diversity at each. Describe anatomical features Observing organisms in the quizzes, midterm, research project of a variety of locally field, harvesting, and preparing and final exams important shellfish species species for consumption. Demonstrate knowledge of Readings, interviews with quizzes, midterm, research project historical and modern tribal harvesters, and and final exams methods used by coastal conversations with local peoples to harvest various harvest managers species. Describe the linkage between Field surveys and exclusion quizzes, midterm, research project habitat quality and shellfish experiments. and final exams abundance.

C. List the NWIC outcomes and course outcomes from above on your syllabus.

D. Assess the NWIC outcomes and course outcomes, which are listed above, in your classes.

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