Lecturer: David Yellin College

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Lecturer: David Yellin College

Dr. Dror Abend-David Lecturer: David Yellin College Adjunct: Hebrew University; Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya; Kibbutzim College 4 Mashabim St. Apt. 8 Hod HaSharon, 45201 Israel

Phone: + (972) 54-8082246; + (972) 77-3211955 e-mail: [email protected]

Curriculum Vitae

Education: New York University, 1995–2001 Ph.D. in Comparative Literature, May 2001 SUNY Binghamton, 1993–1995 M.A. in English Literature, May 1995 Tel Aviv University, 1990–1993 B.A., Magna cum Laude, in English Literature, June 1993

Certificates: Certificate of Translation, SUNY Binghamton, May 1997

Dissertation: “‘Scorned my Nation:’ A Comparison of Translations of The Merchant of Venice into German, Hebrew, and Yiddish.” New York University. 2001. Dissertation advisor: Professor Richard Sieburth.

Published as a book under the same title by Peter Lang in 2003.

Teaching Experience: 2011- Lecturer, David Yellin College (Hebrew Literature, 2011-) 2008- Adjunct Lecturer (current): - Hebrew University (English Writing, 2012-) - Kibbutzim College (Translation, 2011-) - Interdisciplinary Center in Herzlia (Communications; 2009-)

Adjunct Lecturer (previous): - The Open University [Eshkolot] in Haifa (Yiddish; 2011) - Tel Aviv University (Translation and Communications; 2008-2010) - Bar Ilan University (Yiddish and Hebrew; 2008-2010) - Hadassah College in Jerusalem (Photographic Communication; 2008-2009) 2008.2010 Lecturer and Department Chair: Ohalo College (English Literature) 2005-2008 Assistant Professor – Department of English Literature and Humanities, Eastern Mediterranean University. 2004.2005 Lecturer: Achva College (English Language and Literature) Adjunct Lecturer: Haifa University (Comparative and Hebrew Literature). 2003-2004 Visiting Assistant Professor – Jewish Studies Program, Wellesley College. 2001–2003 Assistant Professor – Program in Cultures, Civilizations and Ideas, Bilkent University. 1993.2001 (MA and Ph.D Student) Teaching Assistant, Preceptor and Graduate Instructor at SUNY Binghamton and New York University.

Authoring Study Programs: 2008-2010 A B.Ed. program in English Education at Ohalo College in Katzrin (approved by the Israeli Ministry of Education). 2004-2005 A certificate program in translation at Achva College (not implemented).

Publications: Books: ‘Scorned my Nation:’ A Comparison of Translations of The Merchant of Venice into German, Hebrew, and Yiddish. New York: Peter Lang, 2003.

Book Chapters: "Reality vs. Reality TV: News Coverage in Israeli Media at the Time of Reality TV," in Amir Hetsroni, Ed., Reality Television: Merging the Global and the Local. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, 2010. 115-122. “The Occupational Hazard: Loss of Historical Context in Twentieth Century Feminist Readings, and a Re-examination of the Heroine’s Story in The Color Purple.” In Pygmalion in Reverse: Essays on Alice Walker. ed. Ikenna Dieke. New York: Greenwood Press, November 1999. 13-20. “Louis Zukofsky.” in Jewish American Writers: A Bio-Bibliographical Source- Book. eds. Shatzky and Taub, NY: Greenwood Press, 1999. 597-603.

Academic Articles:

Under Review: "Life as Seen from the Parking Lot: Media and Translation in Yiddish Preludes in The West Wing and A Serious Man." Under review with the International Journal of Media and Translation Studies. "Gender Benders and Unrequited Offerings: Two Hebrew Poems by Rachel Bluwstein-Sela and Dovid Hofshteyn." Under review with Prooftexts: A Journal of Jewish Literary History. Forthcoming: "The Merchant of Venice in the Jewish Diaspora," in Smith, Bruce et. al., Eds., Cambridge World Shakespeare Encyclopedia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. In press. "Sholem Naumovich Rabinovich (Sholem Aleichem)," in Haya Bar-Itzhak, Ed., Encyclopedia of Jewish Folklore. M.E. Sharpe. 2011. In press. "Yiddish Theatre," in Patricia Parker, Ed., The Shakespeare Encyclopedia. Greenwood Press. January 2011. In press.


Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals: "Louis Zukofsky and The West Wing: Metaphors of Mentorship, Yiddish, and Translation at Street Level," Forum: International Journal of Interpretation and Translation, vol. 8, no. 1, 2010. 1-35. “A Comparison of Translations and Adaptations of Shylock’s Speech in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice, Into German, Hebrew, and Yiddish.” Canadian Review of Comparative Literature. vol. 26, no.1. March, 1999. 7-19. “Solipsism in Israeli Women’s Poetry.” World Literature Today. vol. 68, no. 3. Summer 1994. 505-508.

Book Reviews in Peer-Reviewed Journals: “Shakespeare and the Language of Translation,” ed. Ton Hoenselaars, London: The Arden Shakespeare, 2004. In The Translator, Volume 13, Number 1, 2007. 113-117. "Nation, Language, and the Ethics of Translation," eds. Sandra Bermann and Michael Wood (eds.). Princeton and Oxford: Princeton and Oxford University Press, 2005. In Translation Studies Abstracts, vol. 10. 2007. 20, 47, 221, 278. “Proletpen: America’s Rebel Yiddish Poets,” Ed. Amelia Glaser and David Weintraub, Trans. Amelia Glaser. Madison, Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2005. In Bridges: A Jewish Feminist Journal, vol. 11, No. 2, Autumn 2006. 158-161. “Yiddish Theatre: New Approaches,” ed. Joel Bekowitz, Oxford: The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 2003. In Chulyot: Journal of Yiddish Research, no. 9, Summer 2005. 407-409. In Hebrew.

Articles and Book Reviews in other Journals: “‘Pardon me, you are hacking my neck’: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight’ığn Üçüncü Bölümünün Homoerotik Okuması (Pardon Me, You Are Hacking My Neck—A Homoerotic Reading of Part Three of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and of the Creation of a Homophobic Tradition in the Poem).” tr. N. Kıvılcım Yavuz. Pasömen: Kültür Edebiyat Dergisi. vol. 3, no. 1, 2002. 106-125. In Turkish. “The Defiant Muse: Hebrew Feminist Poems from Antiquity to the Present,” eds. Hasan-Rokem, Hess and Kaufmann, London: Loki Books, 1999, in Near East Review, vol. 1, no. 1–2, 2002. 82-85 “ ‘ Don’t Over Estimate Yourself, Tracy’ or ‘Malice: Men in Danger’ – Representation of Gender Relations and the Construction of Masculinity in Harold Becker’s Film, Malice.” Deep South. vol. 1, no. 2. May, 1995.

Poems and Short Stories: “Loitering,” Bridges: A Jewish Feminist Journal, Spring 2010, vol. 15, no. 1. 42- 43. "New Wreck," "Regrets for Bread," Voices Israel 2011. In press. “In Feminist Theory Class,” “Who is V. J. Landano?” and “What has Poetry Done for my Living Room?” Arc 18 (Journal of the Israeli Association of Writers in English), 2006. 11-13. “Second Impression,” The Morpo Review, volume 1, issue 3, May 17, 1994. “Green Poem,” The Morpo Review, volume 1, issue 5, Nov. 15, 1994. “The Nightcap,” ARS - A Magazine of Poetry and Prose at Tel Aviv University, June, 1993. 25. “Tradition,” ARS - A Magazine of Poetry and Prose at Tel Aviv University, Oct., 1992. 44-48. “Histaklu ma SheKore Li BaDerech,” Ah’shav Literary Review, vol. 57, fall - winter 1991. In Hebrew. “Festival,” Al Hamishmar (Literary Section), July 22 ,1988. In Hebrew. “Befa’tey Mizrach,” and “Overet Bi,” Al Hamishmar (Literary Section), Dec. 25, 1987. In Hebrew.


Into English: Astrinsky and Zalkin, Mattityahu Strashun, 1817–1885: Scholar, Leader, and Book Collector, ed. Yermiyahu Ahron Taub, New York: YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, 2001. Avidan, David, “Re: The Wretched Love of J. Alfred Prufrock,” Near East Review, vol. 1, no. 1–2, 2002. “Commissioned Poetry,” Jewish Currents, January 2000. “Four Poems,” Prairie Schooner, winter 1998. “Kas Buvo-Tai Nebus,” The Massachusetts Review, Autumn 1998. David, Sandu, “The Creator of Images,” “Reaching 70,” “Instead of an Editorial,” “At Times, the Clouds,” P. E. N. Israel 2000, Israel: Tirosh, 2000. “Time to Remember,” P. E. N. Israel 1995, Israel: Tirosh, 1995. Davidovitch, Sigalit, “Saturday Morning,” Concourse, vol. 9, fall 1994. Kaufman, Azriel, “A Man,” P. E. N. Israel 1993, Israel: Tirosh, 1993. Ravikovitch, Dahlia, “Mechanical Doll,” Near East Review, vol. 1, no. 1–2, 2002. Zelda (Schneersohn Mishkovsky), “The Old House,” Near East Review, vol. 1, No. 1–2, 2002. "The Old House," Concourse, vol. 9, fall 1994.

Into Hebrew: Mandel, Jerome, “Third Time - Ice Cream (a Short Story),” Nativ - A Route to Literature, Art, and Criticism, fall 1995. Alkalay-Gut, Karen, “Noon,” “In the Absence of a Metaphor,” “Sympathy for the Devil,” Davar - Masa: Literary Section, November 18, 1994. Har, Solo, Poems, Tel Aviv: Springs - A Collection by The Writers Association, 1992.

Lectures: "Shakespeare, Nicole Kidman, and Contemporary Translation Theory." First International Conference on Fictional Translators in Literature and Film. Organized by the Center of Translation Studies of the University of Vienna. 15 - 17 September 2011 "Media and Translation: Yiddish Preludes in The West Wing and A Serious Man." Invisible Presences: Translation, Dramaturgy and Performance. Organized by the School of Languages, Literatures & Performing Arts at Queen’s University in Belfast. April 18-20, 2011. "Shakespeare, Nicole Kidman, and Contemporary Translation Theory." Public Lecture for the Israeli Society for Translation Studies. Bar Ilan University (Department of Translation Studies). November 24, 2010. "Louis Zukofsky and The West Wing: Metaphors of Mentorship, Yiddish, and Translation at Street Level," ACLA annual meeting at New Orleans, LA. April 1-4, 2010. "Reality vs. Reality TV: News Coverage in Israeli Media at the Time of Reality TV," Public Lecture for the Department of Communications, Ben Gurion University in the Negev, July 2, 2009. “Translating at Street Level: Louis Zukofsky and The West Wing, ” 6th International ITA Conference [Israeli Transltor's Association], February 5- 6, 2008. “Pound, Zukofsky and a City of Poets: A Negotiation of Literary and National Identities,” ACLA annual meeting at Puebla, Mexico. April 19-22, 2007. “'A Foin Lass Bodders Me:' Zukofsky Translating Pound Translating Cavalcanti,” Public Lecture for the Department of Comparative Literature, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, November 9, 2004 “'A Foin Lass Bodders Me:' Zukofsky Translating Pound Translating Cavalcanti,” Public Lecture for the Department of Comparative Literature, Haifa University, November 24, 2004. “The Foreign Teaching the Foreign – American Faculty, Turkish Students and a Single Israeli on a Mountaintop at the Outskirts of Ankara,” 5th ETAI International Conference, in Jerusalem, July 11–14, 2004 “Louis Zukofsky Among Three Fathers – Pinchos, Yehoash and Pound.” 34th Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies, in Los Angeles, California, December 15–17, 2002 “‘Not that the Rabbis give a Damn’ – Yiddish Tradition and Jewish Identity in the Poetry of Louis Zukofsky.” Modern Language Association Annual Meeting in New York City, December 27–30, 2002. “How I Became an Archivist: The Preparation of a Special Collection Containing 12 Yiddish Manuscript Translations of The Merchant of Venice,” 37th Annual Convention of the Association of Jewish Librarians, at the Denver Adam’s Mark Hotel, June 23–26, 2002. “Writing as Rice: The Translation of ‘Chinese into Yiddish’ via the Interpretations of Ernest Fenollosa and Ezra Pound,” 33rd Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies, Hilton Washington and Towers in Washington, DC, December 16–18, 2001. “Morris Schwartz’s Adaptation of The Merchant of Venice, Shyloks Tokhter – 1947,”13th World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, August 12–17, 2001. “Daytshmerish, German Elements, and Jewish Identity in three translations of The Merchant of Venice (an updated version),” Modern Language Association Annual Meeting in Washington DC, December 27–30, 2000. “Jewish Dramatic Transformation of Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice,” 32nd Annual Conference of the Association of Jewish Studies, at the Sheraton Boston Hotel, December 17–19, 2000. “Daytshmerish, German Elements, and Jewish Identity in Three Translations of The Merchant of Venice into Yiddish,” International Workshop on Yiddish Drama, Theatre, and Performing Arts, organized by Joel Berkowitz and Dov-Ber Kerler at the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, June 29–July 2, 1999. “A Comparison of Translations and Adaptations of Shylock’s Speech in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice into German, Hebrew, and Yiddish,” ACLA 1999 Annual Meeting, organized by Emily Apter at The Sheraton Center in Montreal, Quebec, April 8–11, 1999. “Early Translations of Emily Dickinson and Other Modern American Poets into Yiddish, and Their Role in Modern Hebrew Poetry,” Translation and Globalization, organized by Paul Bouissac, University of Toronto, Oct. 2–6, 1996. “The Occupational Hazard: Loss of Historical Context in Twentieth Century Feminist Readings, and a Re-examination of the Heroine’s Story in The Color Purple,” Philosophy in the Twentieth Century, organized by Stephen David Ross, Department of Philosophy at SUNY Binghamton. April 22–23, 1994. “Empire of Ideologies or: The Great Male Writer, Toni Morrison,” After Empire, organized by Isabella Matsikidze, Department of English Literature, University of Tulsa, Oklahoma. March 24–27, 1994. “Feminism as Solipsism in the Poetry of Cultural Provinces,” The Exploding Eye/I, organized by Laura Foster, Department of Art History in SUNY Binghamton, March 18, 1994.

Panel Organizer: “Teaching/Reading Yiddish Literature,” arranged by the American Association of Professors of Yiddish at the Modern Language Association Annual Meeting in San Diego, December 27–30, 2003. “Contextualizing Judaism,” Sixth Annual Graduate Conference, organized by Susan A. Matthias, department of Comparative Literature, New York University, April 10, 1999.

Poetry Readings: "Voices," An annual reading by the Voices Israel Group of Poets in English. Organized by Michael Dickel in Jerusalem. December 30, 2010. "Contemporary Writers Reading," A reading organized by the Department of English at Ohalo College, April 8, 2010. “Impressions: Poems,” A reading organized by the Department of English Literature and Humanities at Eastern Mediterranean University, May 16, 2006. “Impressions: Poems,” Cultural Cartographies - Mapping the Post-colonial Moment, organized by Caitlin Cary, English Department - North Carolina State University at Raleigh, March 24–26, 1995. “Poets on the Roof,” A group reading at the Horace Richter Gallery in Jaffa, Israel, September 15, 1990.

References and Reviews for my book, Scorned my Nation:

Reviews: Weissbrod, Rachel, “Dror Abend-David: ‘Scorned My Nation.’ A Comparison of Translations of The Merchant of Venice into German, Hebrew, and Yiddish,” Target, vol. 17, no. 1, 2006. 193–196. Delabastita, Dirk, “Dror Abend-David: ‘Scorned My Nation.’ A Comparison of Translations of The Merchant of Venice into German, Hebrew, and Yiddish,” The Translator, vol. 11, no. 1, 2005. 93-97. Simon, Sherry, “Dror Abend-David. ‘Scorned My Nation’. A Comparison of Translations of The Merchant Of Venice into German, Hebrew, and Yiddish,” TTR : traduction, terminologie, rédaction, vol 18, no 1, 2005. Fekry Hanna, Sameh, “Translation and Cultural Identity,” Translation Studies Abstracts, vol. 7, No. 2, 2004. Compiled by St. Jerome Publishing and combined with Bibliography of Translation Studies, 2004 Edition. 153. Anonymous, “Scorned My Nation,” SirReadaLot.org, November 3, 2003. http://www.sirreadalot.org/judaism/jewishartsR.htm. (Reprinted at Wordtrade.com. http://www.wordtrade.com/religion/judaism/- jewishartsR.htm).

References: Orkin, Martin, "Rendering Shakespeare, war and race in present-day Israel," Shakespeare, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2010. 84. Delabastita, Dirk, "Shakespeare." In Baker and Saldanha, Eds., Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies, 2nd Edition, US: Routledge. 2009. 268-9. Delabastita, Dirk et. al., Eds., Shakespeare and European Politics, forward by Ton Hoenselaars, US: Rosemont Publishing, 2008. 16, 26, 143, 154. Heschel, Susannah, "The Merchant of Venice and the Theological Construction of Christian Europe," In Strauss and Brenner, Eds., Mediating Modernity: Challenges and Trends in the Jewish Encounter. US: Wayne State University Press. 2008. 91. Levinson, Julian, Exiles on Main Street: Jewish American Writers and American Literary Culture, Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2008. 215. Bayer, Mark, "The Merchant of Venice, the Arab-Israeli Conflict, and the Perils of Shakespearean Appropriation," Comparative Drama, Vol. 41 No. 4, Winter 2007/2008. Horowitz, Arthur. “Shylock after Auschwitz: The Merchant of Venice on the Post-Holocaust Stage—Subversion, Confrontation, and Provocation.” Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory, vol. 8 no. 3 (Fall, 2007): 7- 19. Elias Schulman and Leonard Prager, “Bovshover, Joseph,” Encyclopaedia Judaica, Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, vol. 4, no. 2, 2007. 108. Amit-Kochavi, Hannah, "Performing Arabic Plays on the Israeli Hebrew Stage (1945-2006): Some Case Studies and Reviews," The Mercurian: A Theatrical Translation Review, vol. 1, no. 1, 2007. 172-190. Quint, Alyssa Pia, “The Currency of Yiddish Ettinger's Serkele and the Reinvention of Shylock,” Prooftexts, vol. 24, no. 1, 2004. 114-15. ff. 19. Youb, Nina C., “New Scholarly Books,” Chronicle of Higher Education, vol. 49, no. 26, March 7, 2003. A16. Anonymous, Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts, Vol. 40, Issue 4. 2006. 1939. ——, “Book Notes,” Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies, vol. 22, no. 2, 2004. 208-209. ——, “Books Received,” Modern Judaism, vol. 24, no.2, May 2004. 183. ——, “Other Books Received,” Target, Vol. 16, no. 1, 2004. 199. ——, Deutsche Nationalbibliographie, Vol. 1, Part 2. 2003. n. p. ——, Livre Suisse, issues 7-12. 2003. 1450; 1464. ——, “Scorned My Nation,” Reference and Research Book News, vol. 18, 2003. 234. ——, “Translations and Adaptations,” Shakespeare Quarterly, 2003. 2001 World Shakespeare Bibliography, vol. 53, no. 5. 842. ——, German Books in Print 2001-2002: Spring Supplement 2002. n.p.

References to my Work (other than my book): Kusch, James, Ed., Knowledge, Differences and Identity in the Time of Globalization:Institutional Discourse and Practices. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2011. xv. Koss, Andrew Noble, World War I and the Remaking of Jewish Vilna, 1914-1918. A Dissertation Thesis submitted at Stanford University in 2010. 28 (ff. 24). Denny, Apryl, "Alice Walker's Womanist Reading of Samuel Richardson's Pamela in The Color Purple." In Kheven LaGrone, Ed., Alice Walker's The Color Purple. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 2009. 252. Douglas C. MacLeod (Jr), "De-Politicization: A Process in Film Adaptation." Thesis submitted at State University of New York at Albany. 2008. 73-4. Pagan, Nicholas O., " Arthur Miller and the Rhetoric of Ethnic Self-Expression," Journal of American Studies, No. 42, 2008. 89. Braun, Sarah Alisa, "Jews, Writing and the Dynamics of Literary Affiliation, 1880--1940." Thesis submitted at the University Of Michigan. 2007. iv. Cokal, Susann, "In Plain View and the Dark Unknown: Narratives of the Feminine Body in Malice." In, Thomas Fahy, Ed., Considering Aaron Sorkin: Essays on the Politics, Poetics and Sleight of Hand in the Films and Television Series, US: McFarland & Company, 2005. 59-60. Berkowitz, Joel, Yiddish Theatre – New Approaches, Oxford: Litttman Library of Jewish Civilization, 2003. 221. ——, Shakespeare on the American Yiddish stage: Studies in theatre history and culture, Iowa: University of Iowa Press, 2002. Singerman, Robert, Jewish Translation History: A Bibliography of Bibliographies and Studies, Introduction by Gideon Toury. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2002. 191; 365. Sabin Hill, Brad, “Yiddish Shakespeare Manuscripts Digitized,” YIVO News, Winter 2002. 18. Shapiro, Gary, “The Knickerbocker,” Forward, July 13, 2001. Krawiecka, Ewa, “Mıêdzynarodowe Warsztaty Akademıckıe Na Temat Dramatu, Teatru I Przedstawıeñ W Jıdysz (Oxford 29 VI . 2 VII 1999),” Studia Judaica, vol. 2, no. 4, 1999. 273. In Polish. Anonymous, Dissertation Abstracts International, 2002. 1. ——, Biuletyn Żydowskiego Instytutu Historycznego, Vol. 193-196. 2000. 130. In Polish. ——, "Literary Criticism," The Literary griot, Vol. 11-12. 1999. 138. ——, “Art atop a Jaffa Roof,” The Jerusalem Post, September 14, 1990. 5.

Other Work Experiences: Spring 1999 Office Assistant - Department of Comparative Literature, New York University. Spring 1998 Office Assistant - Department of Comparative Literature, New York University. 1992–1993 Co-editor of ARS, a bilingual magazine of poetry and prose at Tel Aviv University. 1991–1992 In charge of the Isaiah Avrekh archives in the Gnazim - Bio Bibliographic Institute in Tel Aviv. 1990–1990 Translator of financial documents for Eurocard Israel (a MasterCard affiliated Credit Company). Summer 1990 Personal assistant to the Israeli poet, David Avidan. 1987–1990 Head Clerk, Military Correspondent, and Junior Editor in the Israeli Defense Force.

Languages: English, German, Hebrew, and Yiddish

Professional Service: Member, Academic and Pedagogical Committee, Ohalo College. 2009-2010 Member, Forum for English Department Heads (MOFET Institute, Israel). 2009- 2010. Chair, program in Program of English Education, Ohalo College; developing and organizing a study program for a degree granting department (B.Ed.) in English Teaching; Conferece organizaion. Ohalo College, 2008-2010. Guest Lecture Coordinator: A guest Lecture by Prof. Djelal Kadir, Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of Comparative Literature at Pennsylvania State University. Department of English Literature and Humanities, Eastern Mediterranean University. June 11-12, 2007. Member of the Currriculum Committee, department of English Literature and Humanities, Eastern Mediterranean University, 2007. Associate Editor, Woman 2000, Journal for Woman Studies at Eastern Mediteranean University. 2007. Advisory Board member: Center for women’s Studies, Eastern Mediterranean University, 2007. Developing and Organizing a Translation Certificate Program for Achva College, 2004-2005. Member of the Language Chairs’ Committee, Wellesley College. 2003-2004. Guest Lecturers Coordinator. Jewish Studies Program, Wellesley College. Presentations by: - Israeli Author Sami Michael. November 10, 2003. - Israeli Novelist Ronit Matalon. February 18, 2004. - Professor Amir Hetsroni, Department of Communication, Yezreel Valley College. February 19, 2004. Member of the Hiring Advisory Committee and Colloquium Committee, Program in Cultures, Civilizations and Ideas, Bilkent University, Spring 2002. Colloquium Talk: “Shylock’s Mother – The Translation of a Silent Film,” Program in Cultures, Civilizations and Ideas, Bilkent University. March 13, 2002. Guest Seminar Coordinator. Program in Cultures, Civilizations and Ideas, Bilkent University. Presentation by Professor Deniz Şengel of the department of Comparative Literature at Istanbul Bilgi University. November 29, 2001.

Thesis Defense Committees: “Deconstructing The Dice Man: Rolling Dice, Randomizing Fate and Re-casting Free Will.” Submitted by Nalan İçten in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts in English Studies at Eastern Mediterranean University. Defense date: May 17, 2006. “To ‘Domesticate’ or to ‘Foreinize?’ Neşe Yaşın’s novel, The Secret History of the Sad Girls: A Transliteral Case Study Concerning the Study and Practice of Translation.” Submitted by Murat Bülbülcü in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts in English Studies at Eastern Mediterranean University. Defense date: September 12, 2005. “Thanatophobia or Pathophilia: A Psych-Romantic Approach to Wuthering Heights and Madame Bovary.” Submitted by Ahmet Gildir in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts in English Studies at Eastern Mediterranean University. Defense date: September 6, 2005.

Honors and Awards: Koret Jewish Publications Program Award, Spring 2001– For my book, ‘Scorned my Nation:’ A Comparison of Translations of The Merchant of Venice into German, Hebrew, and Yiddish. New York: Peter Lang, 2003. Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst – A travel scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service to conduct research at the Freie Universitaet Berlin, Summer 2000. Keren Lerner – Scholarship from the Israeli Lerner foundation, Spring 1998.

Professional Memberships: International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies – Since 2010 Israeli Society for Translation Studies – Since 2009 American Comparative Literature Association – Since 1998 Modern Language Association – Since 1993 Israel’s Translators Association – Since 2005 English Teachers' Association of Israel – Since 2004 Association for Jewish Studies – Since 2000

Recommendations / Referees: 1. Prof. Avidov Lipsker, Chair, The Rena Costa Center for Yiddish Studies, Department Jewish Literature, Bar-Ilan University. 2. Dr. Nitsa Ben-Ari, Chair, Diploma Studies for Translation and Revision, The Porter School of Cultural Studies, Tel-Aviv University. 3. Prof. Jérôme Bourdon, Department of Communication, Tel Aviv University. 4. Dirk Delabastita, Professeur ordinaire, Langues et Littératures Germaniques - Unité d'Anglais, Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix. 5. Prof. Chaya Shacham, Chair, Department of Hebrew and Comparative Lliterature, Haifa University. 6. Richard Sieburth, Professor of Comparative Literature and French, Department of Comparative Literature, New York University.

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