Frelinghuysen Township PTO Meeting s1
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Frelinghuysen Township PTO Meeting MINUTES Thursday, April 14, 2016 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 1:35 pm.
QUORUM CHECK OF EXECUTIVE BOARD President Gene Jones Present Vice President Stacy Galante Present Vice President Lisa Naomi Present Secretary Lenore Hicok Present Treasurer Shannon Maza Present
*0 APPROVAL OF MINUTES *1 1st motion – Gene Jones; 2nd motion – Shannon Maza: Minutes approved.
*2 APPROVAL OF TREASURER’S REPORT *3 1st motion – Lenore Hicok; 2nd motion – Ruth Toronzi: Report approved.
*4 PRESENTATION OF FUNDS FOR CHROME BOOKS The PTO has designated $12,500 of fundraising money to be donated to the school. Chrome Books are approximately $250 each. IT will be here an additional day next year to help with the Chrome Books. The Chrome Books have a life of 3 to 5 years. The Vote was put forward to all in attendance was voted unanimously.
Gertrude Hawk earned $1,278 Yankee Candle earned $710 approximately. Online orders still being accepted till July. It has been decided to do Yankee Candle in the fall.
Plant Sale – Sale will be May 6th, volunteers are needed to set up Pre-Sales and Tents the day before.
Artist in Residency – to be done the 2nd and 3rd week of May. 2 sections will be selected by Mr. Diaz and Abby Gurba. Nothing can be painted in the lobby. One location to be outside the music room. Abby will speak with all the classes the last week of April to discuss the project what they will be doing. Looking to Home Depot for donation of supplies. This project has a budget of $1,750.
Teacher Appreciation week is May 2nd- 6th. PTO will offering the staff baked good and a package with a lottery ticket, candy and plant sale certificates.
Field Day will be May 23rd. Donna Kronen to chair. Lenore has ordered the shirts for the kids. This year t- shirts were offered to the volunteers for $5. Field Day has a budget of $1,600. This is for the shirts, lunches, cups and water. Volunteer breakfast not be done this year.
BOGO Book Fair will be held 5/25 and 5/26th. Volunteers are needed.
Kindergarten Orientation will be held May 26th. It will be called the Kindergarten Round-Up this year. Juice and water is needed. Volunteers are needed for set-up. Currently 17 kids registered. Science and Art Clubs – clubs are ending and ice pops will be offered at the last meetings.
Tent for Graduation – the rental company needs to be contacted about the change of date for the graduation. Gene to contact them.
Ice pops to be offered to the students once testing is completed.
Teacher Appreciation for retiring teachers – Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Lacken, Mrs. I and possible one more. Mrs. Jones would like a new bush to be donated in her name to replace the one that was damaged in front of the parking lot. Mrs. I and Mrs. Lacken would like something for the children. Ideas are being considered. A presentation can be made at the BOE meeting.
Science Fair to be held 5/24. Amazon gift cards need to be purchased.
Yearbook and school pictures – The PTO has decided to use Lifetouch next year for school pictures and yearbook prep. PTO Board members to meet with Lifetouch, Stacy will contact them to schedule a meeting. Lisa to contact Royal Photographers of the decision.
Casino Night Donation – The PTO made a basket donation for the Casino Night tricky tray.
Audit – Jessica Dabrowski and Joyce Hardy are currently doing the audit. Then will be passed on to Pete Kronen for review
Spirit Day will be on April 26th. This month’s theme will be Superheroes.
Applebees Breakfast Fundraiser – it has been brought to the Board that maybe a breakfast fundraiser can be done. The Board’s concern is the amount of volunteers that are needed. Maybe we can do this in the fall. Eleni Peterson to get more information.
Stacy Galante and Lenore Hicok were sworn in as Board Vice President and Secretary.
CSA REPORT: None CORRESPONDENCE: None OPEN PUBLIC DISCUSSION: None ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 2:55 pm.
IN ATTENDANCE: Abbi Gurba, Barbara Butrymowicz, Dana Paseler, Ruth Toronzi and Nicholas Diaz
Respectfully submitted by: Lenore Hicok, Secretary