Selma Cemetery District
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SELMA CEMETERY DISTRICT 2430 Floral Ave. /P.O. Box 1383 Selma, CA 93662 *(559)896-2412*Fax (559)896-3349*Email: [email protected]
Regular Meeting of the BOARD OF TRUSTEES Thursday May 25, 2017 4:30p.m. AGENDA
1. Call to Order: 2. Roll Call: Chair: Robert Allen Vice-Chair: Una Tristan Trustee: Ron Baker Trustee: Alan Langstraat Trustee: Alfonso Caro Staff Present: General Manager: Sandi Miller
Date of Next Board Meeting: Thursday June 22, 2017
3. Public Comment: Members of the general public may address the Board of Trustees.
Please be advised, the Brown Act prohibits action on items that are not listed on the agenda, or properly added to the agenda under the provisions of the Brown Act. The Board may set such items for consideration at some future Board meeting. Members of the general public may address the Board. Please observe a time limit of five (5) minutes pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.3(b)
CONSENT AGENDA : All items on the consent agenda are to be routine and non-controversial. However, if discussion is required, the item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be discussed after the consent agenda is approved.
1. Minutes: of the Thursday April 27, 2017 Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees 2. Disbursements:4/01/17 through 4/30/17
OLD BUSINESS: Discussion/Action
NEW BUSINESS: Discussion/Action
1. Signature Sheet: It’s time once again to sign the signature page for the County of Fresno Auditors. 2. Draw from Wells Fargo: GM Sandi Miller will explain the error made on the draw to finish the month of April. 3. Wells Fargo: Our representative from Wells Fargo Sandra Wheeler will be here to present our annual report. 4. Legislative Days: Chairman Robert Allen and Vice-Chair Una Tristan to report on this conference. 5. Preliminary Budget: Please see the attached preliminary budget for 2017/2018 for review. 6. Manager’s report: Sandi Miller-General Manager: Report attached
1. Cemetery Expansion: Pursuant to California Government Code Section 54956.8; Char Tucker of Tucker and Associates will be attending to update us on the status of the property.
2. Reportable Action:
3. Trustees’ reports: Trustee: Robert Allen Trustee: Alfonso Caro Trustee: Ron Baker Trustee: Alan Langstraat Trustee: Una Tristan 4. Adjournment:
INFORMATION REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS: Copies of the staff reports or other written documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the agenda are on file in the office of the District Secretary and are available for public information. Any person who has a question concerning any of the agenda items may call the District Secretary at 559-896-2412 ADA: A person with a qualifying disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 may request the District to provide a disability- related modification or accommodation in order to participate in any public meeting of the District. Such assistance includes appropriate alternative formats for the agendas and agenda packets used for any public meetings of the District. Requests for such assistance and for agendas and agenda packets shall be made in person, by telephone, facsimile, or written correspondence to Sandi Miller at the District office, at least 48 hours before any public meeting of the District
14/15 15/16 16/17
SINGLE 27% 36% 33%
COMP 1ST 27% 26% 20%
COMP 2ND 18% 20% 24%
NICHE 8% 6% 6%
ACTUAL BUDGET AS OF 5/10/17 2017/2018
REVENU E District Taxes & Other Secured $ $ Roll 160,594.83 169,395.85 Unsecure d Roll $ 8,263.14 $ 9,473.11 Homeown ers $ 2,209.52 $ 1,023.10 Prior Year Secured & Unsecure d $ 1,293.52 $ 457.75 Interest (2030) Fresno County General Fund $ 972.73 $ 1,034.16 RDA $ 10,317.88 $ 4,768.29 ABX126 / Homeown ers/ $ Housing 2,410.00 $ 67.10 DISTRIC T PROPER TY TAX $ $ TOTAL 186,061.62 186,219.36 Interest (2030) Fresno County General Fund $ - $ - Endowme nt Care Interest $ Account - $ - Main Purchase Account Wells $ Fargo - $ - DISTRIC T TAXES & OTHER $ $ TOTAL 186,061.62 186,219.36
FUNDS TRANSF ERRED FOR PURCHA SES Wells Fargo Main Purchase $ Account - $ - 2030 General Fund Fresno $ $ County 183,000.00 186,000.00 Endowme nt Care Interest $ Account 25,000.00 $ - TOTAL FUNDS TRANSF $ $ ERRED 208,000.00 186,000.00
1.SALARI ES & BENEFIT S: Payroll $ Monthly $ 20,237.29 24,770.45 Payroll $ $ Annual 242,847.45 297,245.40 Group $ Health $ 44,986.28 50,000.00 Retireme $ 59,386.04 $ nt 43,000.00 amount includes back pay from audit Workers Compens $ ation $ 16,063.00 12,074.00 Payroll $ Taxes $ 37,162.14 38,760.00 SALARIE S & BENEFIT $ $ S TOTAL 400,444.91 441,079.40
2.EXPEN DITURES Repair & Maintena $ nce $ 11,433.05 12,000.00 Gas & Diesel $ 5,117.00 $ 7,000.00 Laundry $ 2,112.10 $ 3,500.00 Vaults/Ma rker Foundatio $ ns $ 45,051.00 46,250.00 Shop Supplies $ 2,163.96 $ 3,000.00 $ $ Utilities 15,234.72 16,250.00 $ $ Insurance 11,023.00 11,500.00 Telephon $ e 5,515.63 $ 5,500.00 Legal & Accountin $ $ g 11,396.00 12,000.00 Contract $ $ Labor 28,054.70 36,000.00 Office $ 3,191.83 $ 3,000.00 Other $ 8,027.42 $ 5,000.00 Travel & $ Meetings $ 14,451.15 16,500.00 Property $ 4,308.98 $ 1,500.00 Fixed $ Assets - $ - Depreciat $ 37,982.00 $ ion 45,000.00 TOTAL EXPENSE $ $ S 205,062.54 179,000.00
ACTUAL BUDGET 2016/2017 2017/2018 AS OF 5/10/17 3.CEMET ERY OPERATI ONS REVENU E Sale of $ $ Plots 62,825.00 76,000.00 Vaults/Ur $ $ ns 67,152.00 80,000.00 Opening/ $ $ Closing 106,595.00 108,000.00 Marker $ Setting $ 27,711.00 30,000.00 Other $ $ Income 120,421.46 140,000.00 $ $ TOTAL 384,704.46 434,000.00
4.Appro priations of continge ncies (cannot exceed 15% of total budget expenditu $ $ res) 85,128.82 93,011.91 Act. 2030 $ $ General 208,000.00 186,000.00 Fund/ Purchases Wells Fargo Endowme nt Care Interest $ Account $1 ,384,956.02 1,384,956.02 Wells Fargo Main Purchase $ $ Account 602,688.38 602,688.38 TOTAL $ RESERVE 2,280,773.2 $ S 2 2,266,656.31 $ - TOTAL BUDGET (total 1 $ $ thru 4) 3,270,985.13 3,320,735.71 Salary & $ $ Wages 400,444.91 441,079.40 $ $ Expenses 167,080.54 179,000.00 TOTAL EXPENSE $ $ S 567,525.45 620,079.40 TOTAL INCOME OVER EXPENSE $ $ S: 25,179.01 139.96
ESTIMAT 153 BURIALS @ 165 BURIALS AV. ED $2,514.41 $2,440.06 This Budget does not reflect the needed improvem ents to the new Cemetery .
General Manager: Sandi Miller Burials as of 4/30/17: 134 Preneed Contracts: 11
Property update: The month of May has been very busy and the grounds crew has not had time to keep up with the yard at the ranch. Char Tucker of Tucker and Associates will be having her yard man care for the yards. Memorial Day Service: The grounds crew has been working to get the grounds ready for the program that day. As usual the office will be open 8am until the crowd starts to clear out. The program starts at 9am, and usually about an hour or so. Please join us for the service. Family Members and Students on the grounds: We had a couple of complaints from families about the parents and students using our drives to avoid the stop light when school is out. One family member was almost hit by a fast moving car. I spoke to the school and Grounds Supervisor Alvaro Salazar: the grounds crew will be putting the chain up at the east end of Floral Memorial Park to stop them from using our driveways. SELMA CEMETERY DISTRICT RECORD OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting Thursday April 27, 2017 Consent Agenda1 4:30p.m.
1. Call to Order: 4:30PM 2. Roll Call: Chair: Robert Allen - Present Vice-Chair: Una Tristan - Present Trustee: Ron Baker - Present Trustee: Alan Langstraat - Present Trustee: Alfonso Caro - Present Staff Present: General Manager: Sandi Miller - Present
Date of Next Board Meeting: Thursday May 25, 2017
3. Public Comment: Members of the general public may address the Board of Trustees. No members of the public present at this meeting
1. Minutes: of the Wednesday February 22, 2017 Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees 2. Disbursements:2/01/17 through 2/28/17 3. Disbursements:3/01/17 through 3/31/17
Motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented by Trustee Ron Baker, Second by Trustee Alan Langstraat. Vote: Vice-Chair Una Tristan - AYE , Chair Robert Allen – AYE - Trustee Ron Baker - AYE– Trustee Alan Langstraat – AYE, –Trustee Alfonso Caro-AYE Motion Carried
OLD BUSINESS: Discussion/Action
1. Property update: I have attached copies the new listing for the Bethel property, showing the new reduced price. We have also received another check from Sun Maid in the amount of $63.45. GM Sandi Miller also reported that she has spoken with our realtor Char Tucker of Tucker and Associates; she would like to attend the next meeting to decide where to go from here.
NEW BUSINESS: Discussion/Action
1. CAPC Conference: Vice-Chair Una Tristan to report on the conference. Vice-Chair Una Tristan reported that it was a great conference. That GM Sandi Miller spoke about our cemetery as the featured Cemetery. One of the sessions had three attorneys there to answer questions and it was good to hear their opinions on things. That during the CAPC Board meeting GM Sandi Miller was elected to Treasurer of CAPC. 2. Nomination to CSDA Board: As you know when I was elected to the CSDA Board, they placed me in the remainder of a term. I am up for re-election; this requires permission from the board. Motion to ratify decision to allow GM Sandi Miller to run again for the CSDA board of Directors. By Trustee Alan Langstraat, Seconded by Vice- Chair Una Tristan. Motion Carried.
3. Expiration Dates: Please see the attached copy of expiration dates. The board went over the needed documents, Trustee Alfonso Caro reported he had just completed his AB1234 at work and will have them send the documents to the district office.
4. Manager’s report: General Manager: Sandi Miller Burials as of 3/31/17: 124 Preneed Contracts: 13
Stop Sign: On March 2nd Grounds man Henry Luna came in and reported that a lady backed into the stop sign by the shop. She left without informing any of the staff. A walker saw it and got part of her plate but not enough to find her. Grounds man Henry Luna and Francisco Escalrea removed the debris, went to the city and got a new sign. They rest the new pole. CAPC Conference: As usual they kept me hoping at the conference. Our District was the featured Cemetery so I did a presentation about our district. On Saturday morning Bill Nelson and I ran the manager /Trustee breakout session for two hours. At the board election meeting, I was elected to the position of Secretary/Treasurer. Trustee/ Manager Responsibility: I have attached a copy of the papers given to us at the CAPC conference for this session. The reviews from the conference on this topic were that most of the trustees didn’t know all of the responsibilities, so I thought I would share them with the full board. Door at North Cemetery: On Wednesday March 8th, Grounds man Henry Luna and Francisco Escalrea came into the office with pictures of the restroom door at the North Cemetery. Someone had kicked it in to use the restroom. Nothing was missing or damaged other than the door. A new door was purchased and installed. We bought a metal door this time. Transparency Certification: I have completed the application and attached the needed documents to renew our Transparency Certification. Take Action: I have attached the Take Action update for March 2017. This will show you the status of current bills and the position CSDA is taking on them. I have also attached the latest sheet on Special District having a sunset date. This is a new hot topic. Meyers Nave: Latest update on the use of private electronic devices and accounts. Any communication vis private accounts or devices that are district related are now considered Public Record. GSRMA LEEP Program: I have completed and returned all the necessary paper work we will be getting a higher percentage of discounts this year. I also received notice that our insurance will be going down by a little over 7%. Stray Dogs: For months now the Second Chance Shelter has been trying to catch three stray dogs that have been living in our shop area. One of them had puppies and when it rained around the first of the month it chased the puppies out of the whole they were living in. We called Second Chance and they picked up the puppies and set a trap to catch the mom, they haven’t gotten the mom but have caught two of the other dogs.
5. Trustees’ reports: Trustee: Robert Allen – Nothing to report Trustee: Alfonso Caro – Nothing to report Trustee: Ron Baker - Nothing to report Trustee: Alan Langstraat _ AS he was driving by the North Cemetery he noticed an upright head stone in the shape of a cross had been knocked down. He saw that it had already been repaired as he was coming to the meeting. SM Sandi Miller reported that Grounds Supervisor Alvaro Salazar noticed it while putting the flag up and repaired it right away. There was no there damage anywhere so we are unsure as to how it happened. Trustee: Una Tristan – Nothing to report
6. Adjournment: 4:59pm
Respectfully submitted
Sandi Miller General Manager-recording secretary
Robert Allen Chairman of the Board