Lauderdale Manors Elementary
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STAFF HANDBOOK 2015 - 2016
“Home of the Remarkable Rockets”
Destination Learning …..Go, Grow, Know, Show!! Go (setting a goal), Grow (moving toward that goal), Know (self-evaluating progress toward the goal), and Show (celebrating accomplishments)
Stephen DeCotis, Principal Erica Levine - Rawls, Assistant Principal
Dear Faculty and Staff, It is our pleasure to present to you to best, most comprehensive faculty and staff handbook. We are sure that each of you will appreciate the amount of hard work that went in to its preparation.
The purpose of this staff handbook is to provide you directly with information specific to our policies, procedures, and personnel at Rock Island Elementary. It should be noted that these policies and procedures fall directly in line with SBBC policies and procedures and do not conflict with district information already distributed.
We fully recognize the importance of clear communication and how important it is to know whom to see for what. As a result, we would like for each of you to take the time to read through this handbook to either affirm or reaffirm our points of contact and procedures specific to our campus. We also urge you to use it as a quick reference for questions that might arise throughout the school year. If you have questions pertaining to items not covered in this handbook, please see administration. As a staff member, it is your responsibility to read and adhere to information and directives within this handbook.
Stephen DeCotis Erica Levine-Rawls Principal Assistant Principal
2 INTRODUCTION The Rock Island Elementary Faculty and Staff Handbook is designed to provide employees with basic information concerning the operations of the school. Not all district policies and procedures are included. Those that are have been summarized. It is not designed as a complete resource of school policies and procedures and thus should be viewed as a companion document to your contract, Broward School Board Policies, Code of Ethics and the Principles of Professional Conduct of the Education Profession in Florida. All staff must familiarize themselves with all policies related to their job function. We are here to do whatever we can to make this the best year ever for Rock Island Elementary.
ROCK ISLAND ELEMENTARY’S CORE VALUES The Core Value of Rock Island Elementary is to provide a quality education for all students, motivating them to reach their fullest potential to become productive members of our multicultural and technological.
ROCK ISLAND ELEMENTARY’S MISSION The mission of Rock Island Elementary School is to provide quality education for all students, motivating them to reach their fullest potential to become productive members of our multicultural and technological society. Staff, parents, community members, and the other stakeholders will work together to provide a creative learning environment for all students to enhance maximum academic and social development.
OUR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (SIP) GOALS The School Improvement Plan is a living, breathing document at Rock Island Elementary. It serves as a roadmap designed to help us recognize where we are and where we want to be as it relates to student achievement and teacher professional development. In order to celebrate our successes and to determine our plan of action, faculty, staff and the School Advisory Council will constantly monitor this plan.
Target: 53% (Reading) 60% (Math) 60% (Science)
Please familiarize yourself with our school-wide goals and objectives. It is essential that you make sure you are completing the action steps outlined based on your area.
Introduction...... ……………………...... ….. 2 Vision and Mission...... ……………………………………………...... ….. 2 Our School Improvement Plan (SIP) Goals...... ……....… 2 Absences...... ……….……………...…… 6 Academic Nights ...... ………………..…7 Accident/Incident Reports...... …………… 7 Agenda Books...... ……………..…………………..7 Americans with Disabilities Act...... ……….……… 7 Anti-Bullying...... …..…………………………. 8 Assessment...... ………………………………8 Attendance ...... …………….…………………… 8 Audio-Visual...... ………………………………..… 9 Bicycles...... …..…………………………………10 Birthday Parties ...... …………………………..… 10 Breakfast Program ...... …..……………. 10 Broward Truancy Intervention Program...... …..……... 10 Building Usage ...... …...... …………….…..……………………... 10 Bulletin Boards...... …..… ……………... 10 Bus Procedures ...... ……………………. 11 Cafeteria Plan ...... …...... ………………...………………… 11 Calls to the Classroom...... …..…………………….. 13 Cellular Phones...... ………………...…………………………………….. 13 Certification ...... …..…………………... 13 Child Abuse Reporting...... …...... ………………...…………….. 13 Child Study ...... …...... ………………….………………………….. 14 Classroom Care ...... …………….………………… 14 Classroom Walkthrough...... ……………………………………………………. 15 Clinic Referrals ...... …...... …………….…………………… 15 Code of Ethics...... ………………………………….15 Collection of Money...... ………………………...… 15 Committees ...... …………………………………… 16 Computer and Internet Use ...... …...... ………………………………. 16 Conferencing with Parents ...... …………………… 16 Confidentiality ...... …...... …………….………….. 17 Contagious Disease...... …...... …………….……………………………..17 Copy Machines...... ……….… ……………... 18 Copyrights...... ……….……………. 18
4 Corporal Punishment ...... …...... ……………..………………………… 18 Corresponding with Parents...... …...... …………….………. 18 Cumulative (CUM) Records...... …...... …………….…………18 Curriculum...... …...... …………….……………….. 19 Discipline Plan...... …...... …………...... 19 Dismissal Plan ...... …...... ….………………...23 Dress Code ...... …...... ….…………………………24 Drug Free Workplace ...... …...... …...... 25 Early Sign-out ...... …...... …...... …...……………… 26 Email Etiquette ...... …...... …………….…………. 26 Employee Assistance Program (EAP)...... …...... …………….…………. 26 End of Year Checklist...... …...... …………….………….27 Evacuation Procedures...... …...... …………….…………….. 27 Fax Machine...... ……………………………...... … 27 Field Trips...... ………….………………………28 Fire Drills ...... …...... ……………………………………..29 Gradebooks ...... …...... ……...………………..… 29 Guidance...... …...... …………….……………………..… 29 Hall Passes...... …...... …………….………………….… 30 HIPAA / HIV / AIDS...... …...... …………………….…… 30 H1N1 ...... …...... …………….…………………… 30 Homebound...... …...... …………….……………..… 31 Homework...... ……………………………………………………………….… 31 Honor Roll Criteria...... …...... …………….…………. 32 Intercommunications System...... …...... …………….…… 32 Interoffice Mail System (PONY)...... …...... …………….…… 32 Interim Reports ...... …...... …...……………………. 32 Inventory ...... …...... …...…………….…33 Keys...... …...... …………………………………… 33 Laptops ...... …...... ………………………………..…… 33 Late Arrival...... …...... …………….……………………………33 Lesson Plan Book...... …………………………… 33 Limited English Proficiency (LEP)...... …...... …………….……… 34 Lounge...... ……………………………………… 34 Mailboxes ...... …...... …………………..……………………34 Mathematics Block...... …………………………….…..…………...… 35 Medication...... ………………………………..… 35 Microwaves / Coffee Pots / Stoves...... …………………………..… 35 Morning Announcements ...... …...... …………...... 35 Morning Supervision ...... …...... ….…………………….. 35 Open House ...... …...... ………….…..……. 36
5 Ordering Materials ...... …………………..…... 36 Parental Concerns...... ……………………………..….. 36 Parent Teacher Association (PTA) ...... …...... 36 Parent-Teacher Conferences...... …………………………………………..... 37 Parties...... …………………………………….… 37 Personnel Information...... ……………………… 38 Planning Days / Common Planning...... ……………………………….… 38 Planning Periods...... ………………………..…………..… 38 Playground Safety...... ……………………..…… 38 Professional Conduct ...... ……………………...... … 38 Professional Development...... ………………………… 38 Professional Growth Plan...... …………………… 39 Progress Monitoring Plan (PMP)...... …...... 40 Progress Reports ...... …...... ……...... ….. 40 Reading Block ...... …...... …….…….………………40 Recess...... …………………………………..…… 40 Report Cards ...... …...... …….…………….... 41 Safety Plan...... ………………………………..… 41 School Advisory Council (SAC)..... …...... ……………..……………….. 42 School Advisory Forum (SAF)...... …...... ……………...…………….. 42 School Board Policies...... ……………………………………42 Self-Reporting Rule-Arrests/Charges and Final Dispositions..……...... ….…..... 42 Social Worker...... …………………………….… 43 Special Projects ...... …...... ….…...... 43 Staff Members’ Children ……………….…………………………………………….…… 43 Student Teachers ...... ….…...... …………………………. 43 Sunshine Committee ...... ………………………………...… 44 Supplies...... …………………………………...…44 Supervision of Students...... …………………...… 44 Tardy Policy ...... …...... …………………………...…44 Teaching Certificates ...... ………………………………….… 44 Technical Equipment...... …………………….… 45 Telephone Calls ...... …………………………………………..… 45 Temporary Duty Assignment (TDA)...... …...... …………………….… 45 Tobacco-Free Workplace ...... …...... 45 Tornado Drill ...... ……….…………………….… 45 Tutoring...... ……………………………………….… 46 Uniforms ...... ……………………………………….……...… 46 Video Usage...... …...... ……………….……………………..… 46 Visitors ...... …...... ………………….…………………..…47
6 Volunteers ...... …...... ………………….…………………. 47 Work Hours ...... …...... ……………………………...……. 47
7 Workmans Compensation...... ………………… 47ABSENCES Clerical Each clerical person is responsible for contacting the Office Manager/Supervisor prior to their absence, so that coverage may be obtained.
Clerical personnel must sign a Certificate of Absence at the end of each payroll period if an absence occurred. Please be reminded that taking days off before or after a School Board approved holiday is not allowed without administrative approval.
No time is allotted during the school day for leaving and returning to school. If you have a concern, you must see the Office Manager/Administration for approval to leave during the school day and complete a Request to Leave Early sheet. If you are given permission to leave, you must sign out and in again when you return.
Facilities Personnel Each facilities serviceperson is responsible for contacting the Head Facilities Serviceperson/Supervisor prior to their absence so that a replacement may be obtained.
Facilities personnel must sign a Certificate of Absence at the end of each payroll period if an absence occurred. Please be reminded that taking days off before or after a School Board approved holiday is not allowed without administrative approval.
No time is allotted during the school day for leaving and returning to school. If you have a concern, you must see Administration for approval to leave during the school day and complete a Request to Leave Early sheet. If you are given permission to leave, you must sign out and in again when you return.
Teachers Each teacher will be responsible for recording all absences on the Smart Find Express System. These absences should be recorded in advance of the absence. A “Job Number” must be recorded for each substitute. Teachers not requiring a substitute MUST also record their absences on the Smart Find Express System. This also includes TDA’s. A TDA must be submitted two weeks (10 school days) in advance, prior to TDA for principal’s signature and approval.
The Substitute Coordinator will monitor the Smart Find Express System recording each evening and again in the morning to obtain a list of absences for the day. If a teacher has a concern using the system, please contact the Substitute Coordinator for instructions. It is the classroom teacher’s responsibility to provide substitutes with appropriate and current lesson plans, pupil rosters and clear information on daily schedules and emergency procedures.
Teachers will be responsible for completing a substitute folder that will remain in their classroom. It is the teacher’s responsibility to keep this folder up to date and readily accessible for the substitute. Teachers must sign a Certificate of Absence at the end of each payroll period if an absence occurred. Please be reminded that taking days off before or after a School Board
8 approved holiday is not allowed without administrative approval. No time is allotted during the school day for leaving and returning to school. If you have a concern, you must see Administration for approval to leave during the school day and complete a Request to Leave Early sheet. The importance of regular attendance cannot be overstated, and in order for students to meet their academic potential they need consistent and regular instruction from the same teacher. If you are given permission to leave, you must sign out and in again when you return.
ACADEMIC NIGHTS Family-school-community partnerships are critical to our school's success. Academic Nights involve parents, community members, and children in a variety of fun hands-on educational activities. Teacher, parent, student and community support and participation are the cornerstone of our school's success. Meet and Greet 8/20/15, Open House Title One Meeting 9/9/15, Math Night 10/14/15, Science & Technology Night 12/16/15, Literacy Night 1/30/16.
ACCIDENT/INCIDENT REPORTS When an accident occurs it is important that the teacher takes care of the injured child first. If the student is badly hurt, call the office immediately. If outside, use your cell phone or radio to call the office and a person skilled in first aid will be sent to help the teacher.
The teacher should never try to move a child with a possible broken limb, head injury or back injury. Before the end of the school day, the teacher or staff member who witnessed the accident must complete an official accident report and submit it to the Office Manager. In the event of an accident involving injury to a student, or serious illness of an emergency nature, the school board employee closest to the situation should use reasonable action as deemed necessary to avert further injury to the person.
Payment for such medical care should at all times be the responsibility of parents or legal guardians of the injured student. The parent or guardian shall be contacted immediately in the event of any student accident or serious illness of a student.
It is essential that all employees immediately report all accidents regardless of seeming insignificance at the time. If procedure is followed, the report is on record in the event complications develop at a later date.
AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended (ADA), the District is required to make a reasonable accommodation to the known physical or mental limitations of a qualified individual with a disability unless it can show that the accommodation would cause an undue hardship. Reasonable Accommodation is a critical component of the ADA’s assurance of nondiscrimination.
In order to assist principals, department heads and supervisors with this complex task, the Equal Educational Opportunities (EEO) Department has developed Reasonable Accommodation Request Procedures. These procedures ensure smooth, legal, and consistent handling of requests
9 for accommodation.
The guidelines are to be followed whenever an employee requests a reasonable accommodation. EEO staff will work with the employee and immediate supervisor in determining if the employee is a qualified individual with a disability and what effective form of accommodation can be provided.
This procedure does not replace other procedures, such as the one utilized when an employee is currently on or returns from a leave due to Worker’s Compensation injury, when an employee requests Family Medical Leave, or when an employee requests other medical leave benefits. These requests should continue to be handled through the usual channels.
ANTI-BULLYING POLICY The School Board adopted Policy #5.9 on July 22, 2008. Training will be provided to all staff members to ensure that this policy is enforced. This policy can be accessed at http://web/sbbcpolicies/.
ASSESSMENT Students should be assessed after each standard has been taught and the opportunity for practice has been provided. Students who do not demonstrate mastery of focus standards should receive remediation (see school – wide assessment calendar) time provided by the teacher, a support staff member, paraprofessional, or computerized instruction.
ATTENDANCE Students Regular school attendance is vitally important to a student’s academic achievement. Each teacher is expected to encourage regular attendance of all children except when absence is due to illness or family emergency. If a child is absent from school, Florida State Law states the same day the child returns to school requires a written excuse from the parent or guardian.
Any time a child will be absent from school for an extended period of time (three or more days,) parents must have permission from the principal or designee five (5) days prior to the absence. The request must be submitted in writing.
As per the Code of Student Conduct, students must be given the opportunity to make up the work when they return from being absent. Please refer to School Board Policy 5.5 and/or Florida Statute 1003.27. Teachers should phone student’s home to determine cause of any unexplained absences after three consecutive days. After ten consecutive absences, please notify the administration. In such cases, a social worker will be sent to determine the cause of the excessive absences.
Please familiarize yourself with Broward County newly revised attendance policy, which can be found on the Broward Schools website. Attendance cards are legal documents. Therefore, these documents must be accurate. Attendance information should also be recorded in your gradebook under the section entitled “Attendance”. Use proper coding and follow instructions. Attendance folders are due to the office within the first thirty minutes of each
10 morning. (F.S.1003.23(1) and F.S.1003.23(2))
If it is determined by a school that a student has developed a “pattern of non-attendance”, (see School Board Policy 5.5) sanctions may be imposed. Sanctions may range, for an elementary age student, from having his or her report card withheld if they were in school for less than 25 days in a marking period, to the child’s parent being required to appear in court.
Daily Attendance Instructions: If a student is present and on time – do nothing to the student’s attendance record. If the student is absent and it is excused – put a “F” in the correct box for that day. If the student is absent and it is unexcused – put a “U” in the correct box for that day. If the student is tardy – put a “T” in the correct box for that day. If a student suspended and attending the Alternative to External Suspension Program (AES) – put a “A” in the correct box for that day. Please see the Assistant Principal with questions or need for verification. PLEASE NOTE THAT IF A STUDENT ATTENDS THE AES PROGRAM – THEY ARE CONSIDERED PRESENT AND THESE DAYS SHOULD BE INCLUDED WITH THE NUMBER OF DAYS PRESENT ON THE STUDENT’S REPORT CARD. If a student is suspended and not attending the Alternative to External Suspension Program (AES) – put a “S” in the correct box for that day. Please see the Assistant Principal with questions or need for verification.
**Attendance must be completed every morning in Pinnacle by 8:30 a.m.** Note : It is the teacher’s responsibility to accurately record student attendance.
AUDIO-VISUAL The media specialist serves as the key person in coordinating A.V. materials and equipment. Many materials and services are available through the County Materials Center and Graphics Department. Discuss any needs or ideas with the media specialist. Teachers are encouraged to learn to operate as many A.V. machines as possible.
BICYCLES Students may ride bicycles to school. Their bicycles must be parked in the designated bicycle area and locked. Students who bicycle to school must wear an approved safety helmet. The school is not responsible for the theft of a bicycle.
No bicycle riding will be allowed on school grounds. Students must walk bikes to and from the public roadway.
BIRTHDAY PARTIES Birthdays are special days in the lives of our students. In order to maintain instructional focus, all birthday celebrations will be held in the cafeteria during the students’ lunch time. Parents/Guardians are responsible for serving and cleaning up after the birthday celebration. Parents must bring store bought food such as cupcakes, cookies, donuts/donut holes, or fresh fruit/healthy snacks to celebrate their child’s birthdays. No knives, candles, balloons, goodie bags or any other party supplies can be brought it. *At no time should birthday parties be 11 celebrated in the classroom.
Parents/guardians must sign-in in the front office prior to reporting to the cafeteria.
BREAKFAST PROGRAM Breakfast is available daily to all students interested between 7:15 a.m. and 7:50 a.m.
If a car rider, walker, or biker arrives late to school, he/she will not be permitted to participate. However, students arriving on late buses must be allowed to participate.
BROWARD TRUANCY INTERVENTION PROGRAM (BTIP) The Broward Truancy Intervention Program (BTIP) is a partnership between the Broward State Attorney’s Office and the School Board of Broward County. The purpose of this program is to prevent excessive student absences and is administered by the assistant principal. Parents who do not comply with Florida Statute 1003.27 and do not communicate with the school regarding their child’s absences are committing a second-degree misdemeanor, punishable by law.
BUILDING USAGE Student activities during or after school hours must be cleared with an administrator. A master calendar will be maintained on CAB.
Students must be under adult supervision at all times. If a teacher lets a student in the building after hours, that teacher is responsible for the student. Teachers must remain with students until they have secured transportation after any school activity.
BULLETIN BOARDS Bulletin Boards both in the classrooms and hallways should be current and display student work and have an academic focus (word walls, calendar math, etc.) Boards should be changed and updated regularly (monthly). Holiday bulletin boards should be taken down within 1 day after the holiday has passed and cannot be left up over the holiday break. It is imperative that all lights be turned off daily when you leave your classrooms. Also, please make sure that you have checked with the head facilities serviceperson to ensure that the lights meet proper codes. PLEASE NOTE: All bulletin boards are to be changed on a monthly bases.
BUS PROCEDURES Bus students load and unload at the designated bus loading area. Bus students are dismissed promptly at 1:55 p.m.. Students moving to the bus-loading zone are to be supervised by paraprofessionals.
Students who ride a school bus may not be kept in for any reason without notification to the parent and with a signed agreement returned to the teacher that the student may remain after school for the specified time. Adequate transportation arrangements must be made for the student by the parent.
12 CAFETERIA PLAN Keeping of a tight lunch schedule in the cafeteria is necessary. Hundreds of students must be fed in a short period of time. Teachers may eat with their students if they wish.
Cafeteria manners are to be taught in the classroom as part of school rules. Students are expected to eat with reasonable tidiness, speak quietly with those immediately around them and leave the area clean and free of litter.
All staff members should familiarize themselves with the cafeteria expectations.
Please review the Cafeteria Expectations found on the following page with your students. The class with the best behavior at the end of the two week period for each grade level will earn the privilege of receiving a special treat.
Permission to use the restroom will only be given in emergency cases.
Teacher Responsibilities: We need your assistance and cooperation. Please adhere to the following guidelines: 1. Be on time to drop off and pick up your class. 2. Review cafeteria behavioral expectations with student as well as seating arrangements. 3. Escort your students to the serving line and ensure they are in line appropriately. 4. Pick up your students at the proper location. 5. Provide rewards and consequences to your class based on cafeteria points earned.
Cafeteria Monitor Responsibilities: Your presence and alertness will ensure the success of the program. In order to assist us in providing a safe environment for students, staff, and visitors we are asking that you adhere to the following guidelines and procedures: 1. Be on time for your duties. 2. Be actively supervising at your assigned area of the cafeteria (walk around and between your assigned tables). 3. Be proactive when you observe safety concerns or gaps (teacher/substitutes late drop off or pick ups). 4. Dismiss your tables at least 2 minutes before pick-up time (to allow time for clean up and preparation for the next class). 5. Do not leave before you scheduled time unless arrangements have made for coverage.
13 Rock Island Elementary Cafeteria Meals Expectations Conversation Quiet Voice Silent in Serving Line Help Raise Your Hand Ask an Adult Activity Wait for Food Eat Throw Away Trash Movement Walk to Table Sit Eat Walk to Exit Participation Sitting Eating Properly Keeping Area Clean Signal Open Hand in the Air 1. Stop talking. 2. Look at the adult. 3. Raise your hand. 4. Follow directions.
CALLS TO CLASSROOMS Instructional time with students is to be valued and respected at all times. Please refrain from using classroom phones to call colleagues when they are teaching students. Copies of specials/lunch schedules are provided to everyone in order to verify when a teacher will not be directly instructing students. Front office personnel are instructed not to pass phone calls into the classroom unless it is of an emergency nature. Please notify the office if there is a phone call that you would like passed through.
CELLULAR PHONES Cell phones should not be used during student contact hours and should be left in the off position in classrooms when classroom instruction is taking place. It is against school policy for staff to use cell phones during student contact hours.
Advise family/friends to call the office in an EMERGENCY situation and the call will be sent to your classroom.
Students are allowed to bring cell phones to school, but they should be kept in the OFF position and bestowed out of sight. Failure to do so may result in the phone being confiscated by school staff. The Code of Conduct and Discipline Matrix outlines specific procedures for students who
14 violate cellular phone policies.
CERTIFICATION It is imperative that each teacher has an updated copy of his/her teaching certificate on file in the school. Any time a teacher receives a new updated certificate, please bring it to the office for copying. By Florida State Statute, it is the professional responsibility of each teacher to keep his/her certificate current. Failure to renew your teaching certificate can result in non-renewal of your contract. All teachers must maintain a Highly Qualified status of teaching.
CHILD ABUSE REPORTING Florida Statute requires educators to report any alleged or actual child abuse/neglect to the Department of Children and Family Services. If you suspect a student is being abused or neglected, it is strongly advised that you discuss your feelings or suspicions with the guidance counselor(s) or administration, or you may directly report the case to the State by calling the Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800 - 96-ABUSE. Per school board policy, a Child Abuse Reporting Form must be completed and sent to Student Services. A copy of this form and directions can be obtained from the Guidance Counselor. If you choose to discuss this or wish to have us call with you, you can be assured that you have the complete and ethical support of the guidance and administrative staffs. The Guidance Counselor can assist you in telephoning in an abuse case and completing the written report.
It is strongly advised that you do not question the child. You are only reporting your suspicion of abuse. It is not your responsibility to investigate or substantiate the abuse.
The following information is as per the Broward Sheriffs Office Child Protective Investigations Section and Broward County Public Schools Child Abuse Services.
Abuse, Abandonment, and Neglect Tips When calling in a report to the hotline, please ensure that the most current contact information for the child and the family is provided. Check the emergency card in the front office to be sure that you are using the most recent address and contact names/phone numbers. The reporter should provide contact information at the school and another means to contact at all times. When calling in an abuse report, please do so as soon as possible and as early in the day as possible. The earlier we get the information the easier it is for the investigators to reach the child, preferably at the school. Do not wait until Friday afternoon to call in reports if you can avoid it. Be as specific with the allegations as possible and any other issues surrounding the complaint, i.e. how long the reporter has noticed the allegations or any behavior that substantiates the allegations. When in doubt whether to report or not, consult with the Guidance Counselor or Administrators.
15 CPST (Comprehensive Problem Solving Team)/ RtI (Response to Intervention) The Child Study Team at Rock Island Elementary is a school site team, which reviews individual student strengths and problem areas. The CPST plans strategies, interventions and organizes resources for addressing student problems and concerns.
If you have a student who is not achieving or having behavior concerns, please see the Guidance Counselor for RtI referral procedures and BASIS / RtI.
CLASSROOM CARE It is the responsibility of instructional personnel to establish a neat, attractive environment for learning. This will encourage proper pupil respect for neatness and order. Teachers should have all books, workbooks, scraps of paper or pieces of crayons picked up by students before dismissal time. All chairs must be stacked each night. Teachers should maintain an orderly classroom by having students keep books and materials off the floor. Teachers should take particular care when using supplies such as water, paint and glue. The little things that you do to take care of the room help to make it easier to clean. Stoves and refrigerators should not be used as storage (SAFETY VIOLATION). Circuit breakers should be on the “off” position unless they are being used and supervised.
Teachers and staff please make every effort to conserve energy, and turn off the lights when leaving the room. Students should be encouraged to walk through the hallways without touching the walls, bulletin boards and displayed work. Students should not be allowed out of the classroom with pens, pencils, markers, etc. to help avoid marks on the walls.
Our custodial staff is charged with the responsibility of maintaining our buildings in a clean and attractive manner, but of course, your assistance with maintaining an orderly room is always greatly appreciated. They may be expected to empty trashcans, sweep/vacuum and mop floor daily, dust weekly, clean as needed, supply soap and paper towels daily to your classroom, and to cooperate with any reasonable request made by the instructional staff.
Custodial requests can be made by emailing the Facilities Serviceperson assigned to your area or the Head Facilities Serviceperson. Please cc, Mrs. Levine-Rawls on any and all request made to the custodial staff.
Please assist us with your room by alerting the Head Facilities Service person or administration if you have repair or cleaning needs, such as lights not working, dust build up, excessive stains on floors or if your room is not being cleaned properly.
CLASSROOM WALKTHROUGH To maintain academic focus, the principal, assistant principal, and leadership team will use classroom walkthrough procedures when visiting classrooms. These procedures are designed to assist teachers with the most effective methods of data analysis, maintaining instructional focus and enhancing curricula decisions. Information will be shared school-wide and with staff at leadership meetings, faculty/focus meetings and in data chats. This process is ongoing and
16 collaborative in nature. Teamwork is the key to its success. Please consult with administration at any time to discuss this process.
CLINIC REFERRALS All students sent to the clinic must have a clinic referral form unless there is a medical emergency. Please notify the office when you are sending a child to the clinic.
If a student or a staff member is seriously injured, the staff member is to immediately report the incident to the front office. The staff member will be asked to complete an accident/incident report prior to leaving on the day of the injury.
CODE OF ETHICS Please read and adhere to the Code of Ethics information in your first day packet and sign the verification form, which acknowledges that you have read it.
COLLECTION OF MONEY All money collected must be personally turned in to the Ms. Badger. Money may never be left on the bookkeeper’s desk or mailbox. Children are never to transport money.
No money can be collected by a teacher without prior consent/approval from administration and the bookkeeper.
A student receipt will be mandatory when a faculty member or sponsor receives money from a student no matter how small an amount.
Examples of instances in which student activity receipts are compulsory are: STUDENT PICTURES: Students are to make payments for photos directly to the photographer on the day the photo is taken. FIELD TRIPS: Record keeping of field trip payments is kept on the trip envelope. Student permission forms have a receipt printed/attached.
When planning your field trip, if the amount of your field trip comes to odd cents, round off to the next highest dollar.
Substitute Teachers are not allowed to collect money for field trips. If a teacher is absent, the Team Leader is responsible for collecting money for the absent teacher. The teacher will make collections of money for the purposes of field trips and any other instance(s) approved by administration. Money collected by a teacher for field trips must be recorded on an official monies collected envelope.
All money, and the monies collected envelope, must be turned into the office by 11:00 a.m. All monies received by the school bookkeeper from teachers, sponsors, or other school personnel must be substantiated by: • Report of Monies Collected Form • Student Activities Receipts • Numbered Official Receipt prepared by bookkeeper when money is received
17 If you have any questions, please contact the bookkeeper.
COMMITTEES Committee assignments are made at the beginning of each school year. All committees should have grade level representation. These responsibilities should be shared among the faculty.
COMPUTER AND INTERNET USE Electronic mail transmissions and other use of the electronic communications systems are not confidential and can be monitored at any time to ensure appropriate use. Employees and students who are authorized to use the systems are required to abide by the provisions of the district’s communications systems policy and procedures. Failure to do so can result in suspension or termination of privileges and may lead to disciplinary action.
Teachers must monitor student computer usage. The main reason for close monitoring are: 1. To ensure student are utilizing the instructional program as assigned 2. To ensure students are not accessing inappropriate materials 3. To make sure students are not disclosing personal information on-line
CONFERENCING WITH PARENTS Conferences are an important part of reporting pupil progress to parents and can be great help in furthering home/school understandings.
Teachers must hold a minimum of two (2) conferences each school year with parents. A person- to-person conference is always most desirable; however there are times when parents are unable to come in. Therefore, a telephone conference will be acceptable. Results of conferences must be written on conference forms, signed by the parent and placed in the student's cum folder. (This applies to telephone conferences also). Any alternate form of conferences must be approved by administration.
Please be proactive when dealing with parents of students with deficiencies. When notifying a parent tell them what you have done, and your plan of action to correct deficiencies.
Conferences involving unusual concerns should be relayed to administration. These conferences should not be held during student contact time.
We are charged with the responsibility of being honest with parents and tactfully "telling it like it is”. If you feel you are in an uncomfortable situation with a parent, you may professionally end the conference and contact administration or support staff for assistance. Part of your conference must be pre-written to keep the meeting focused.
The administration and leadership team are always available to assist you with conferences.
CONFIDENTIALITY HIPPA regulations require all employees to maintain the strictest confidentiality when discussing student academic and behavioral records. This information should be dispersed only on a need to
18 know basis, unless written permission has been given by the legal guardian and must be signed in the presence of the teacher or approved personnel. Teachers should not discuss a student's behavior, academic progress, or concerns in the teachers' lounge or other social places.
It is important to remember not to point out a child’s deficiencies. This is also very important as it relates to children who are enrolled in all special classes. Please refer to the teacher’s class as opposed to the title of the group. For example: “It is time to go to Ms. Fortney’s class.” as opposed to “It is time to go to Speech.
CONTAGIOUS DISEASES No one may attend school with a contagious disease. This includes, but is not limited to: ringworm, chicken pox, head lice, scabies, and conjunctivitis (pink eye).
A student or staff member suspected of having a contagious disease is to be sent to the office immediately. Many of these diseases spread rapidly and are not recognized by parents. Teachers are not to diagnose such diseases, but must report all suspected cases immediately. Diagnosis is to be done by the appropriate medical personnel and the school office. If a student enters your classroom he/she is to be sent to the office immediately and not re-admitted without approval from the office.
Do not put yourself in jeopardy of contracting these contagious diseases by not following procedures. All staff members are required to wear gloves when treating any injury involving body fluids, blood or contagious diseases.
Teachers should not attempt to recognize symptoms of skin disease or other communicable diseases. Any lingering condition that is suspicious should be reported to the front office school Health technician, or Broward Schools Health Education Services Department.
COPY MACHINE A copy machine is available in the work room for all staff. Each teacher or team will be provided with a number that must be utilized when activating the copy machine. The copy machine in the Office Manager’s is reserved for administration and clerical personnel.
COPYRIGHTS Book Copyrights Reproduction of copyright material without prior written approval of the author or publishing company is a violation of copyright laws and can be extremely costly in legal fees.
Video Tape Copyrights Videotapes with copyrights cannot be shown over closed circuit television unless there is prior written permission from the producer. However, they may be used for planned direct instructional activities if they are part of the educational program and reflected in lesson plans.
19 CORPORAL PUNISHMENT Under no circumstances will staff members administer corporal punishment.
CORRESPONDING WITH PARENTS Communicating with parents is essential to a successful year. Teachers are highly encouraged to send information letters and correspondence throughout the year. Any notes or written communication to parents, with the exception of Interim/Conference Reports and Agenda Book notes from the teacher, must be approved by an administrator in advance. If you maintain a class website, please make sure that the content is current and that a colleague has previewed it for accuracy.
Information letters and letters of request that are being sent as a team or school-wide MUST be approved by administration prior to being copied. Please make sure that all correspondence is professional in nature and is grammatically correct with proper spelling. However, because we are an elementary school, please make sure that it is parent and student friendly. You might want to add graphics to enhance the look of the document.
CUMULATIVE (CUM) RECORDS Every child enrolled in the Broward County Schools is assigned a cumulative folder. This folder contains information regarding the child’s academic career from Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12. Cumulative folders are kept in a secured room. The information contained therein is confidential. It is the teacher’s responsibility to ensure that all necessary documents are included and filed correctly in the cumulative folder and that the information contained is current. Cum Folders cannot leave the building. Requests to view a student’s cum folder should be made through the office. Cum folders can only be handled by school personnel. Please see the data processing clerk (DPC) for cum sign-out procedures.
20 CURRICULUM Curriculum Standards of Service as set forth by the Broward County School Board should be incorporated in your plans. (School Board Policy #6001.1) The Reading Police mandates each student must receive 90 minute reading block each day. Physical Education policy mandates that students are to receive PE for 150 minutes per week.
Critical thinking skills and project-based learning shall be included in the content areas where applicable.
The Individualized Education Plan (IEP) staffing and review committee may modify the standards of service for an individual exceptional student if it is determined that modification would be in the best interest of the student. A decision to modify the standards of service shall be documented on the student's IEP.
Please refer to the School Improvement Plan for school-wide goals and required action steps.
DISCIPLINE PLAN Rock Island Elementary will be utilizing the CHAMPs program (3-5) and PAX (K-2) as our school-wide Discipline Plan. CHAMPS assists teachers with designing (or fine tuning) a proactive and positive classroom management plan that will overtly teach students how to behave responsibly. When implemented correctly, CHAMPS strategies will: Reduce classroom disruptions and office referrals Improve classroom climate Increase student on-task behavior Establish respectful and civil interactions Teachers develop methods for clearly communicating their expectations on every classroom activity and transition by following the effective, research-based practices outlined in CHAMPs. Expectations to clarify are: Conversation: Can students talk to each other during this activity? Help: How do students get the teacher’s attention and their questions answered? Activity: What is the task/objective? What is the end product? Movement: Can students move about during this activity? Participation: How do students show they are fully participating? What does the work behavior look/sound like? Signal: What signal will you give when you need everyone’s attention?
Conversation Voice Levels 0: Silent / No Talking 1: Whisper 2: Quiet Conversation 3: Presentation 4: Stadium
21 Rock Island Elementary’s school-wide signal is: Open hand held in the air.
1. Stop talking. 2. Look at the adult. 3. Raise your hand to show you are listening. 4. Follow directions.
Key Benefits of CHAMPs: * Teachers establish clear expectations with logical and fair responses to misbehavior. * Teachers spend less time disciplining and more time teaching. * Teachers learn tools to motivate students to do their best. * Students are taught how to behave responsibly.
In order for this system to be even more effective the following guidelines are suggested: Respond calmly and consistently to each instance of inappropriate behavior. Use reinforcement to encourage appropriate behavior. Make sure that students understand the school-wide rules and have an understanding of what cooperation, respect and self-discipline are. Keep students’ attention focused on the fact that they are behaving responsibly rather than focusing on the reward. Keep your focus on the positive behavior. Interact frequently with students behaving well. “Catch” the students who have the greatest tendency to misbehave when they are not misbehaving and let them know how responsible they are being. The goal should be 3 positive interactions for every negative interaction. If a student argues with you when you assign a consequence, let him/her know that if he/she feels something is unfair he/she may make an appointment to talk to you about it at a later time. Teach the students how the rules relate to each type of classroom activity.
22 Rock Island Elementary Assembly Expectations Conversation Silence
Help Raise Your Hand Ask an Adult
Activity Active Listening and Viewing
Movement Sit up tall
Participation Shown by using proper manners
Signal Open Hand in the Air 1. Stop talking. 2. Look at the adult. 3. Raise your hand.
4. Follow directions.
Rock Island Elementary Hallway Expectations Conversation Quiet Voice
Help Ask an Adult
Activity Walk
Movement Walk on the Right Side
Participation Shown by Following Direction
Signal Open Hand in the Air 1. Stop talking. 2. Look at the adult. 3. Raise your hand.
23 4. Follow directions.
Positive Programs/Rewards/Incentives Character Education Dress code “Pop Up” Dances Compliments Citizenship Recognition Daily Morning Show Safety Patrol Special activities earned in classrooms “Lunch Bunch” (Lunch with the principal and/or assistant principal) Student of the Month
Teacher Responsibilities Create a positive classroom culture by incorporating CHAMPs and PAX (Primary grades) strategies. CHAMP and post expectations for classroom, hallway, and recess activities. Focus on positive behavior and try to bring out the best in each student Clearly explain expectations, procedures, and rules to students daily and to parents as appropriate. Document inappropriate behavior, phone calls, and conferences. Communicate with parents during the year. Review Cafeteria, Assembly Expectations with students.
Low Level Offenses (should be handled by classroom teacher) Refusal to complete work Not being truthful Not staying in seat Not following directions/procedures Eating candy/gum without teacher approval
Suggested Interventions - but not limited to the following: Warning Time out in classroom or in another classroom Reflection Sheet Exclusion from special activity Change seat Individual Behavior Plan Parent contact by phone Counseling Referral Parent conference Parent conference with administration and teacher Restriction of privilege
24 Level 2 Offenses : Discipline Referral should be written Teachers should immediately refer any students who commit major offenses to administration. Below are some examples of offenses that should be referred: Significant talking back (disrespect) or defiant behavior Profanity Bullying Fighting-defined as an angry dispute involving physical contact other than just shoving or pushing another student Physical abuse or bodily harm to teacher or another student Drugs, weapons, inappropriate sexual conduct, harassment – Refer to Code of Student Conduct / Curriculum Guide Refer to the Code of Student Conduct / Curriculum Guide and Discipline Matrix for additional qualifying offenses.
If a student demonstrates self-destructive behavior (hits, scratches self, destroys personal property or clothing – Consider the following strategies: Specify what behavior is expected and what reinforcement will be made available when the terms have been met Try to prevent frustrating or anxiety-producing situations from occurring (give the student tasks on his/her ability level, give the number of tasks she/he can tolerate in one sitting) Refer to the guidance counselor for possible counseling Parent conference with teacher and administration
If a student is known to have Temper Tantrums: Speak with the student to explain that you recognize the she/he is unhappy and suggest appropriate ways to deal with the unhappiness Reinforce the student for dealing with the unhappiness in an appropriate manner based on the number of times she/he can be successful. Gradually increase the amount of time required for reinforcement as the student demonstrates success Parent conference Loss of privilege Temporarily place the student in another classroom (another audience usually works) The following procedures must be taken when writing Discipline Referrals that are not of a violent nature:
1. Enter the Discipline Referral in Virtual Counselor. ONLY use the student’s name on the referral. Use general descriptions for other students such as: “another male/female student” or “a student from another class. The previous teacher action section of the Discipline Referral must be completed. There should be evidence that the classroom management plan was utilized and failed to effectively desist the behavior concern(s).
2. Call the front office and notify administration a referral has been entered.
3. Notify parent/guardian their child received a referral and provide details of incident. Remember you may not provide names of other students involved. 25 4. Document intervention and the student’s response to the intervention.
* All violent offenses should be reported to the front office immediately.
** Any teacher that has more than 4 referrals will need to meet with the principal. At that meeting, please bring supporting documents of communication and interventions (signed conference forms, child study packet or other related information). Please contact the assistant principal with any questions or concerns regarding the discipline referral process.
26 DISMISSAL PLAN Children are not to be dismissed early or released to the custody of anyone without clearance from the front office. Adults coming to remove children from sign them out in the front office. Students are not to be released to parents who come to the classroom and bypass the front office. In addition, students cannot be dismissed within the last half hour of the school day.
Children are released on the basis of a written or typed note provided by the person is listed on the registration. Changes to a child’s established dismissal procedure will not be followed without notification by the parent/guardian. Make every effort to encourage your parents to make these changes in writing; however, we understand emergency situations.
Please adhere to the following dismissal procedures. 1. 2:45 p.m., please wrap up instruction to prepare for the closing of the day. 2. Teachers will dismiss the Broward County School bus and private daycare van students to the bus area on the south side of the campus at 2:55p.m. or when announcement is made. 3. Teachers will partner up with a neighboring teacher. One teacher should escort car riders, YMCA , or Urban League. The other teacher should escort walkers and car riders together at the 3:00 p.m. bell 4. Note: Please note that all students attending the YMCA will be escorted by a teacher with the exception of grade PreK and kindergarten. A YMCA staff person will pick all PreK and kindergarten students. 5. Dismissal Locations: Car Riders (Front of school); Broward County School bus riders and Private Daycare Vans (West side of the campus – in the bus loop ); YMCA and Urban League (Cafeteria); walkers (West side of the campus)
Rainy Day Dismissal The safety of school personnel and our students is our first priority. In the event of severe weather during dismissal, students may be retained until an all clear has been given. Directions will be given via the intercom system. Parents will be permitted on campus to pick up students in the front office on very inclement days.
Walkers will not be permitted to leave campus when thunder or lightning is near the school. Students will remain at school until the inclement weather has passed. Initially, students will be supervised by the teacher responsible for escorting walkers and car riders.
In cases where the weather is severe for a lengthy period of time, students will be escorted to the main hallway. Please wait for directions via the intercom system before moving students.
DRESS CODE Staff: We take pride in the fact that our personnel maintain a high standard of professionalism. Teachers and staff members are expected to dress appropriately and professionally at school. Teachers should always be aware of the fact that he/she is constantly influencing students’ minds and may become a model that is emulated by one or many of his/her students.
27 Staff should be aware of the fact that they are dealing with students with young impressionable minds, and should dress and groom themselves to reflect professionalism. Teachers should naturally attempt to set a good example in matters of grooming and appropriate dress. Good grooming is taught by example. All staff members are asked to dress in a professional manner and use good judgment in the selection of attire. You may reference the dress code for students as outlined in the Code of Student Conduct Guide.
It is strongly suggested that faculty and staff refrain from hats, leggings, shorts, flip flops, and sunglasses during the regular student day.
OUR UNIFIED DRESS CODE POLICY Docker style pants, shorts or skirts are acceptable in solid khaki or navy. Cotton knit (collared) polo shirts in hunter blue, red, or white. School logo on a (collared) polo shirt is preferred but not manditory. There is a grace period of ten days after enrollment. Oversized clothing is not acceptable. This includes athletic shorts of any kind. Students who are not in uniform are in violation of the Broward County School Board Code of Student Conduct Dress Code Policy. Teachers shall contact the parents of students who are in violation of the uniform policy. If a student continues to arrive at school without a uniform after parents have been contacted, referral should be written (see Discipline Matrix).
DRUG FREE WORKPLACE Rock Island Elementary is a drug-free workplace and adheres to the requirements set forth in School Board Policy 2400. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance, including alcohol, is prohibited at all School Board of Broward County work sites and school activities.
Employees are required to self-report in writing to the Executive Director of Professional Standards and Special Investigative Unit within forty-eight (48) hours of any arrests, citations or charges involving the sale and/or possession of a controlled substance. Such notice shall not be considered as admission of guilt nor shall such notice be admissible for any purpose in any proceeding, civil or criminal, administrative or judicial.
All employees in violation of School Board Policy 2400 will be referred to the Executive Director of Professional Standards & Special Investigative Unit for appropriate disciplinary action. For additional information, see School Board Policy 2400.
EARLY SIGN-OUT Leaving campus for personal matters during the school day is discouraged. In an instance where a teacher or any staff member must leave school during the instructional day, prior arrangements must be made with the principal or designee via a Personnel Absence form. PLEASE NOTE:
28 all approvals must be done by Mr. DeCotis, if he is not on campus, then Mrs. Levine-Rawls will be the designee to seek approval from. All staff leaving campus must sign out in the Staff Sign-Out Book located in the office. An administrator must sign the Personnel Absence form before leaving campus. This form is to be submitted to the principal’s confidential secretary. (You must verbally inform the office staff that you have permission to leave campus.)
E-MAIL ETIQUETTE Email is a great tool that when used properly can make our lives easier, but when used carelessly, can overburden us and become difficult to manage. If we can all agree to use these few simple procedures, we will avoid overtaxing the server and increase our academic focus. • Avoid sending E-cards, chain letters, poems, virus warnings, and personal notices • Direct all emails to only the specific people you want to receive the e-mail • Make certain any group e-mails are related to school business • Delete old e-mail or save to a local folder • Make your own personal groups
You are responsible for all information relayed through CAB e-mail. Therefore, you must check your email daily, at a minimum.
EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (EAP) The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is designed to help employees solve personal concerns that may or may not affect job performance. The School Board recognizes that employees experience problems such as marital or family conflict, abuse of alcohol and/or drugs, stress and many other difficulties. Any employee may call EAP for assistance at any time. The administration need not be consulted or advised of such calls. With help, most employees can solve their concerns and lead happier, more productive lives. Supervisors are encouraged to refer employees to the EAP for humanitarian reasons and when work performance concerns arise that do not seem to be caused by the work itself. The EAP offers support in resolving the problems such as: • Physical Illness • Marital/Family Distress and Conflicts • Emotional Issues, e.g. Depression/Stress/Anxiety • Bereavement/Grief and Loss • Eating Disorders • Parenting Issues • Interpersonal Problems • Work Related Problems • Medical/Pain Management with Illness • Relationship Problems • Alcohol and/or Substance Abuse or Dependency
The EAP has developed a Community Resource Guide giving employees information and referrals currently available to help with issues facing them and to help improve the employees and their families’ quality of life.
The offices are located at 4100 South Hospital Drive, Suite 205, Plantation, Florida 33317.
29 Phone Number is 754-322-9900. All referrals are in the strictest confidence. There will not be any reference to an EAP referral or record of counseling on any employee evaluation.
END OF YEAR CHECKLIST We recommend you begin thinking about end-of-the year responsibilities early in the fourth quarter. You will receive a list of exact requirements during the month of May. The following list will give you a general idea of the requirements. Cumulative Folders are to be updated. Grade books, attendance cards, and lessons plans are to be turned in to the office. (Attendance cards and attendance records in your grade books are to match exactly.) Prepare student articulation cards at the appropriate time. Turn in room key. Rooms are to be neat and orderly to facilitate summer school and summer cleaning. Student desks are to be thoroughly emptied and cleaned. Further details regarding closing procedures will be given to all faculty members prior to the end of school in May.
EVACUATION PROCEDURES The signal of an evacuation drill will be a loud continuous buzzing sound. Staff, students, and visitors will exit according to evacuation map. Detailed procedures can also be found in the Safety Plan, which is distributed in the beginning of the school year.
An evacuation drill will be conducted with the first few days of school. Evacuation routes are posted in every classroom near the primary evacuation door. Teachers are expected to practice evacuation procedures with their students the first day of school.
Students are not permitted to talk or run during an evacuation or drill. Teachers are responsible for accounting for their students and maintaining discipline while outside. Please bring gradebook, which includes attendance and parent contact information.
Re-entry to the building will be made after clearance bell sounds and a SAFE Team member gives the “Code Green”.
FAX MACHINE The FAX machine should be used only for official school business. No personal materials may be faxed. Confidential materials, such as psychological reports, IEP's and school records, may only be faxed with the Principal/Assistant Principal's permission and an identified person at the receiving end.
FIELD TRIPS Field trips should be planned to reinforce the basic curriculum. You must discuss with administration any children not permitted on the trip because of lack of self-discipline. Any student who is unable to pay should not be deprived of the trip. See administration for special arrangements for these students.
30 Students must have access to all educational programs and curriculum that are offered by the school or district. This includes field trips. Please do not remove a student from any activity without parent or administrative consent. If you feel a student will be in danger or will endanger others on a field trip, contact administration for the appropriate course of action.
Field Trips are coordinated at the grade level and should reflect crossed referencing between grade levels over a multiple year period to avoid field trip destination repetition. Specific dates are agreed on by grade level teams. Field trips may not be scheduled during testing blackout periods. See the bookkeeper for these dates.
Forms for field trips are provided by the bookkeeper. Permission for the trip must be obtained from administration.
Completed forms must be submitted at least two weeks before the trip. No arrangements or commitments should be made until permission is approved by Principal. The teacher coordinating the trip then needs to meet with the bookkeeper to get all paperwork. The grade chair should send an e-mail to the Office Manager and Assistant Principal so the trip can be posted on the master calendar. The cafeteria manager must be notified two weeks in advance of a trip in writing. Remind the cafeteria manager one week before a field trip.
In the event a parent will not sign a permission slip, the teacher will make arrangements for the student to visit another classroom for the day and provide assignments. In addition, two days prior to the day of the trip, copies of the field trip permission forms must be furnished to the bookkeeper and trip student rosters should be given to the front office including information regarding students who are spending the day in another class. Please make sure that any amended information is provided to the office staff on the day of the trip (i.e. absent students, room changes for students who are remaining on campus, etc.) The teacher should also take a copy of the roster on the bus.
All children should receive a permission slip to attend. No child will be permitted to go unless a signed completed permission form has been obtained from the parent. The office will not take permission over the phone. The number of chaperones should be sufficient to ensure the safety of students. One adult is needed for every ten students. There must be a teacher in charge of a class for every trip. Additionally, all chaperones must have completed an official SBBC volunteer form via the computer and received clearance from the school district before they may chaperone a school trip.
If you have any questions when planning a field trip, please refer to School Board Policy 6303 or contact the bookkeeper.
FIRE DRILLS Each teacher is responsible for informing his/her students of the fire drill regulations. Impress upon the students that these drills are serious business. Be sure to discuss the proper route of evacuation with students the first day of class. All evacuation maps should be located next to or on the primary evacuation exit door. Be sure to review unusual locations such as bathrooms, assemblies, recess, etc. with students.
31 Teachers are responsible for knowing the whereabouts of all students for whom they are responsible at all times. Should students be in the restrooms or in the halls when the fire alarm sounds, they should know to exit the building at the nearest exit door, then find their teacher outside or check in with a nearby adult.
Teachers should take their daily attendance record (data binder) the red and green safety cards with them to verify the presence/absence of all students; missing students should be reported to the principal (or designee). When teaching children what to do in the event of a fire drill, also discuss with them that emergencies of many kinds can occur and the importance of knowing how to react in such instances.
The exit for each room should be discussed with students on the first day of school. Please demonstrate exit procedures for your room. Maps will be posted in the classroom. Students should be taken to the location designated for that classroom in an orderly fashion and should remain under the supervision of the assigned teacher. Staff and students remain outside the building until the bell is rung. The importance of taking the fire drill seriously should be stressed to all students.
We must have at least 10 fire drills per year. These drills will be conducted at various times during the school day throughout the year.
GRADEBOOKS Gradebooks are to be accurate and kept up to date by each teacher. Gradebooks are considered legal documents. Grades for each nine-week marking period should be recorded in separate sections labeled: Reading, Language Arts / Writing , Mathematics, Science/Social Studies, and Attendance. The period average, or the grade recorded on the report card, is to be recorded for each subject area in the book. All records are to be neat and accurate and are subject to principal review and may be used in parent conferences. A minimum of nine (9) grades/marks shall be recorded for each subject and catagory so that a reasonable average can be attained (at least one grade/mark per week
GUIDANCE The responsibility for making certain the individual concerns of a child are properly and fairly addressed rests with the classroom teacher. In situations where extra counseling or assistance is needed, teachers should discuss the matter with the guidance counselor.
The counselor is available to attend a parent conference, if requested to do so. When the counselor meets with a parent or student, the counselor will provide relevant information to the teacher but may have to adhere to confidentiality, if the parent or child desires.
HALL PASSES Students are never to be out of the classroom without a pass. Any student(s) found in the hallway or restroom without a pass, (i.e. hall pass, speech pass, SLD pass) will be taken to the office and the teacher will be notified. For safety and security, limit your students running errands unless it is an emergency.
32 HIPAA / HIV / AIDS In accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and accountability Act (HIPAA), the School District continues to safeguard students’ and employees’ Protected Health Information (PHI). To ensure all employees aware of privacy regulations, a new privacy rights video will be available for you to view. In addition, please read School Board Policy #4019 on Protected Health Information.
In accordance with Florida Statute 384.29, all clinical (medical/health) records dealing with HIV or AIDS must be kept confidential. All health records, notes, and other documents that reference a person’s HIV/AIDS status will be kept under lock and key. Information regarding HIV status should not be added to student’s permanent educational or health record without written consent of the student’s parent(s) or legal guardian (s).
Every employee has a duty to treat as highly confidential, any knowledge or speculation concerning the HIV status of a student or staff member. Violation of their privacy is cause for disciplinary action and/ or personal liability for a civil suit. It is the intent of the School Board of Broward County’s policies and procedures to maintain confidentiality when dealing with HIV/AIDS issues in a school situation. If you have any questions regarding HIV/AIDS issues in a school situation, call Health Education Services at (754) 321-2273.
H1N1 The symptoms of H1N1 flu are similar to seasonal flu; only a healthcare provider can confirm H1N1. The symptoms are as follows: • High fever (greater than 100 degrees) • Headache • Fatigue and weakness • Sore throat, cough, chest discomfort, difficulty breathing, sneezing • Stuffy or runny nose • Muscle aches and pains
If a student has two or more of the above symptoms they should be removed to a location away from other students and picked up by the parent immediately. If a staff member is ill they should notify the office, make arrangements for their students, and go home immediately.
The student or staff member who has had influenza-like symptoms should stay home for 7 days, unless advised by a health-care provider. They should be fever-free for a minimum of 24 hours. A note is not required to return to school. Proper and frequent hand washing is the most important thing we can do as individuals to prevent the spread of the flu virus.
HOMEBOUND Students with valid medical conditions maybe eligible to receive homebound services. See guidance staff for information if you have a student who is in need of these services.
33 HOMEWORK Homework is an extension of what is taught during the school day. Homework may include reading, activities in any subject, special projects or any assignment the teacher deems appropriate to enhance instruction. Homework is important and should be completed in a timely manner in order to ensure student success. Failure to complete homework will be reflected on the report card. Each grade level’s homework policy should be explained in detail during the Open House at the beginning of the school year.
Homework assignments should be directed at the independent work level of the student. The teacher should carefully explain them so that parents do not have to become “the teacher”. Examples of such assignments include but are not limited to daily reading logs, spelling, vocabulary, math facts and problem solving, and reading assignments in content area. At times a student may experience difficulty with a program objective or concept. Requesting assistance from parents by assigning an individual student additional work is appropriate. However, if this becomes too frequent, the teacher needs to alert the parent and review his/her group placement, grade level placement or investigate the learning problem further with the ESE Specialist, Curriculum Specialist, Reading Resource Specialist, Guidance Counselor, Assistant Principal or Principal.
Teachers should always encourage students to do extra work by providing ideas for voluntary projects, reports or pleasure reading. The teacher should give recognition, praise or extra credit grades when a student shows initiative.
When allotting homework assignments, teachers are also formulating student responsibility. Therefore, when an assignment is given, it is imperative that it is collected, assessed, and reviewed with students. The student must not be led to think it is not important. Inconsistency from teachers’ actions will contribute to poor student study habits.
Below are listed some generalizations concerning the amount of time students should spend studying at home:
Grade # of Minutes # of Days Per Week K 10 4 (some weekends) 1 15 4 (some weekends) 2 20 4 (some weekends) 3 25 4 (some weekends) 4,5 30-40 4 (some weekends)
Kindergarten parent/student activities are experience-oriented or materials-gathering activities. Their objective is to bridge the home and school, provide activities, which develop student responsibility and provide students with a means of communication about their school day with parents.
Appropriate homework activities will result in a satisfying session for both parent and student.
34 HONOR ROLL CRITERIA Rock Island Elementary recognizes its third, fourth and fifth grade students each quarter with two types of honor roll awards. Students who have earned A’s and B’s are honored with the Honor Roll Award. Students who have earned all A’s are honored with the Principal’s Honor Roll Award. Honor Roll students must have all 1’s and/or 2’s in the areas of study skills and social growth.
INTERCOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM If you need to reach the front office via the intercommunications system: press the buzzer intercom button, release the button, and wait for a greeting. You may speak from any point in the room. Use a normal voice tone.
We make every effort not to interrupt classroom instructional time. Intercom announcements will only be made when necessary. Respectful attention by students and staff is expected.
INTEROFFICE MAIL SYSTEM (PONY) Messages and small materials are moved between the schools and county offices by means of a truck delivery route called the "PONY". Special envelopes are available for this in the office.
INTERIM REPORTS Interim Reports are to be sent to every parent during the mid-point of the first nine-week period. Interim Reports are to be sent to parents of students who are not achieving academically or their behavior is interfering with academic progress during the mid-point of the second, third, and fourth nine-week periods. Lengthy written communication concerning a student’s poor behavior or poor academic progress should be avoided. Interim reports are to arrive home on the dates printed on the school calendar. Since the interim form is concise, it may be used any time during the marking period.
An interim report should be sent to parents of students who are experiencing difficulty including but not limited to the following: Failing grades Students who have a Progress Monitoring Plan (PMP) A drop of two or more grades Unacceptable behavior Excessive absences and/or tardies Other academic concerns
Proper signatures are important. Be sure to place original Interim Reports in the students’ cum folders.
INVENTORY Teachers are responsible for the inventory that is assigned to each room. An inventory sheet should be posted in each room. Please verify this information is correct. Inventory items include: computers, printers, laptops, projectors, etc. Contact the Technology Specialist if you have any questions or concerns regarding inventory procedures.
35 KEYS Keys are issued to a teacher and are not to be used by anyone but the teacher, unless approved by administration. Teachers are not to allow students to use their keys. It is a violation of School Board Policy to duplicate school keys. Teachers are responsible for any key lost during the school year. Administration must be notified of all lost, stolen, misplaced keys.
Our school security system is activated all weekend. No one is to enter the building unless you have confirmed in advance that administration and/or the custodial staff will be on campus. The building is opened by 6:00 a.m. every regular school day by our Head Custodian. The building is then secured by 9:00 p.m. by the night custodial staff. Please do not attempt to enter the building at any other times. The alarm will alert police. The Principal, Assistant Principal, or the Head Custodian will have to respond to the call and secure the building.
Employees who retire, resign, transfer, are suspended, are on a leave of absence or terminated will return all keys for School Board owned facilities no later than their last day of active Employment. LAPTOPS Each teacher will be provided with a laptop. The laptop is the teacher’s responsibility. Each teacher assigned a laptop must sign a property pass and a copy will be kept on file in the office. All teachers are expected to familiarize themselves with policy 5306 which outlines specific procedures for technology use. LATE ARRIVAL Any staff member who will be arriving at work late must contact the front office prior to their scheduled time.
LESSON PLANS Daily lesson plans are to be accurate and kept up to date by each teacher. They are legal documents. Their purpose is to give direction for instruction, ensure logical presentation of skills, and provide a pacing schedule.
The following guidelines govern teachers’ lesson plans: 1. Weekly plans must be current, available, and up-to-date at all times. 2. Lesson plans should be available the Friday before implementation. 3. Plans must include ESE accommodations and ELL strategies. Students who require the services should be clearly indentified. 4. Lesson plans may be checked by the principal/assistant principal during classroom visitations or may be periodically requested to be turned into the office. 5. All teachers must submit lesson plans to administrator when periodically requested. 6. Must be checked into the assistant principal’s office at the close of the school year.
The following guidelines should be considered when preparing the substitute teacher folder: 1. Class schedule 2. List of pupils who may be helpful 3. List of pupils who may present behavior problems 4. List of pupils who attend exceptional education classes, Speech, or pull-out services and
36 the time schedule 5. Location of needed materials (attendance cards, for example) 6. Skill Grouping List-in subjects where skill groups have been formed. 7. Be complete. Include all materials necessary for the lessons 8. The plans should be easy to follow. 9. Name of another teacher close by who can assist if a problem arises
In addition to daily plans, a clearly labeled five-day emergency lesson plan folder should be on file in the Assistant Principal’s office. These emergency plans are due by September 1st. These plans should also meet the guidelines of the substitute folder.
LIMITED ENGLISH PROFICIENCY (LEP) An LEP folder shall be completed by the ELL contact person for each child classified as ELL. Required forms will also be completed and maintained by the ELL contact person. Teachers will be provided with a list of students who have an ELL classification along with a list of strategies that must be used with these students.
LOUNGE This lounge is set aside and available during the work day in the cafeteria building. It is not a planning area or a conference room. Please use your classroom for planning / conference time. Space is limited and people taking their relief period wish to relax. Volunteers will occasionally use the lounge for purchasing items from the vending machine. This is the only place available to them. Please be aware of their presence. Teachers and staff are not to discuss students and/or students’ parents in the faculty lounge. Comments taken out of context can destroy professional credibility.
Do not leave your valuables in the lounge. A refrigerator is available for use by the faculty and staff. Each Friday all perishable food in non-airtight containers is thrown away.
Students are never allowed in the teacher’s lounge.
MAILBOXES Incoming: Staff will be responsible for checking your mailbox a minimum of twice daily. Checking your mailbox must not prevent you from opening your classroom door to greet students or picking up your students from lunch/special on time.
Outgoing: Any outgoing mail may be placed in the outgoing slot on the front desk.
The PONY/Inter-office mail bag is located at the front desk.
MATHEMATICS BLOCK A hands-on, developmentally appropriated approach to mathematics instruction is encouraged at Rock Island Elementary. Teachers are also encouraged to use multimedia (e.g., Acti-votes,
37 Activ- Expressions, Promethean Boards) and manipluative to enhance the mathematics lessons. All lessons should be differentiated.
1. Encourage positive beliefs and attitudes about mathematics 2. Build a community of mathematics learners 3. Focus on important mathematical concepts or ‘Big Ideas’ 4. Introduce and consolidate concepts through problem solving 5. Incorporate a variety of resources 6. Emphasize a balanced approach 7. Include opportunities for shared, guided and independent mathematics 8. Link assessment to instruction seamlessly 9. Include a variety of assessment strategies 10.Recognize the importance of gathering data by observing students doing and talking about mathematics.
MEDICATION NO medication of any kind (including cough drops) may be taken by students or administered to students in the classroom. If a student is found with medication, please confiscate it and notify administrators immediately. Students with specific medication authorization on file must report to the clinic for authorized personnel to administer it.
MICROWAVES /COFFEE POTS AND STOVES The safety department has requested that no microwaves or coffee pots are to be kept in the classrooms.
MORNING ANNOUNCEMENTS (W.R.O.C) Our morning announcements, WROC, will be broadcast from our Media Production room via closed circuit T.V., channel 15, to all classrooms beginning promptly at 8:05 a.m. It is expected that the entire school’s faculty/staff and students tune in for the Pledge of Allegiance, news, information, upcoming events, pertaining to our school program. If you would like to have an announcement made during the morning program, please see the technology specialist.
MORNING SUPERVISION 1. Supervision begins at 7:30 a.m. 2. All students must report to the cafeteria if they arrive prior to 7:50 a.m., whether they are eating breakfast or waiting for teacher pick-up. 3. Each grade level is responsible for having a teacher report to the cafeteria at 7:50 to escort students to their classrooms. 4. If parents or staff wants to conference with you during your supervision time, please ask them to see you during planning or after school. It will only take one second with our backs turned for a crisis to occur. 5. If you know that you are going to be absent, please make arrangements for another team member to perform your morning duty ahead of time. 6. Teachers, teacher assistants/paraprofessionals, and support staff must be on time reporting to your duty. If you find you are running late, please contact a team member, the Assistant Principal, or the front office prior to your scheduled time.
38 OPEN HOUSE All faculty members are required to attend the Open House (date to be announced). Prior approval from the principal is required for release from attendance of this function and would require participation in a similar school function.
ORDERING MATERIALS The school will provide instructional materials to teachers to help instruct students. General office supplies are kept in the storage closet. Any teacher needing supplies from the storage closet will need to fill out a “Supply List Request Form” located on the CAB conference in the forms folder. Then the “Supply List Request Form” will be given to the team leader for submission to the bookkeeper. Any supply or material not located in the storage closet may be considered by administration for purchase.
Ordering Procedure: 1. Obtain an order form and fill it out completely (the bookkeeper will assist is necessary). 2. Submit the order to team leader for signature. 3. The team leader will then submit it to bookkeeper to get administrative signature. 4. The bookkeeper will notify you if your purchase was approved or disapproved. 5. If approved, the bookkeeper will place the order. 6. When delivery is made, the bookkeeper will check it in and notify you.
PARENTAL CONCERNS It is expected that teachers communicate in a professional manner at all times. If a conflict occurs with a parent, please see administration. Our administration will be happy to assist you with a parent who may perceive a situation in a different way than you do. Maintain your professional integrity at all times.
If a parent comes to administration, either prior or after contacting you, the administration will always ask if that parent has discussed the situation with you first. The administration will make every effort to gain information before responding to parent.
PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION (PTA) In order to keep lines of communication open and to adequately serve the public the faculty must be active in the PTA. Those persons truly interested in improving parent-teacher relationships will join the organization promptly.
PARENT- TEACHER CONFERENCES Accurate, personable and concise communication between the home and school is essential at the elementary school level. The communication of the child’s social and academic progress can best
39 be accomplished by the face-to-face conference. The teacher, parent, or student may request a conference. All conferences must be scheduled during the pre or post-student hours, not during student instructional times. Teachers may schedule conferences during their planning period, if desired. If parents greet teachers at their classroom door unannounced, the teacher must politely inform them of the school policy and refer them to the front office. Should the teacher suspect an emergency exists, please contact.
Conferences with parents or guardians are a required part of the reporting system. Teachers will have two (2) conferences per year per student. The first conference should be completed during the first marking period. There are instances where more conferences are necessary. Teachers shall request a conference with a parent on or before the end of the third quarter, for each student being considered for retention. Conferences concerning the possibility of student retention shall begin after the second grading period. Samples of the student’s work, test results, recorded grades and computer printouts should be used to support teachers’ statements. In cases where a child is failing, it is suggested that both parents attend the conference. If a teacher is unable to contact a parent after repeated attempts, please complete the “Parent Contact Form” located in the work room and return it to the Community Liaison.
Teachers have the right to request the presence of an administrator, guidance counselor, curriculum support personnel, and/or the ESE Specialist at scheduled conferences. Some students may require a daily report to be sent home to parents concerning assignment completion or behavior. If such a system is necessary, it should be easily manageable by the teacher and require a parent’s signature. The teacher is to keep the signed forms on file. Remember, the sole objective of this type of behavior management plan is to eliminate it as soon as possible.
The Parent-Teacher Conference Form is to be used for all conferences. Be sure to get proper signatures. Telephone conferences are to be documented in the same manner as in-school conferences. Teachers should also document attempted conferences.
Copies of Interim Reports must be filed in the students’ cum folders.
PARTIES School Board policy allows two parties per year: holiday and end of year. School-wide dates will be decided on by the leadership team and shared with the teams. Promote healthy snacks. Please make sure that you leave your room in an orderly manner. Extra trash bags may be requested. Remember to pour all leftover drinks down the sink. Everything MUST be store bought. Absolutely NOTHING may be served to the students that have been cooked outside of school.
40 PERSONNEL INFORMATION Each staff member is responsible for keeping all personal information current both in the district database and the school. To change information in the district, such as name, address, etc., use Employee Self Service (ESS). Benefits information will also be found on this site. You may access ESS by: Internet: Intranet: web/erp
To change information at the school, please notify the Office Manager/Confidential Secretary.
PLANNING DAYS Planning days must be spent on-campus unless approval is given by the Principal to attend off- campus professional development events. Upon approval, a TDA will be required.
PLANNING PERIODS Planning periods and conference periods are provided before and after school. The time during the school day when a teacher’s class is in a special subject (Physical Education, Music, Art, etc.) is also designated as a planning period. Planning periods are to be used as a time for curriculum planning or conference time. It is not considered a break.
PLAYGROUND SAFETY It is imperative that all playground safety rules are followed at all times. Please refer to the rules and procedures in the Playground Safety Manual that is posted on the CAB Conference.
PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT Professionalism should guide each staff member’s behavior in the discharge of his or her responsibilities. Show respect to your fellow staff members. Be fair to others by being on time for school, meetings, and conferences. Support and uphold your school when speaking to others. In the presence of others (substitutes, parents, visitors) uphold members of your profession. For additional information, please see the Professional Standards brochure.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT It is the duty and responsibility of each teacher to constantly update knowledge and skills so that you may better serve the students at Rock Island. A professional development course is defined as an activity having a specific start and end date with a specific amount of time in learning, that results in participants earning inservice credit for completing all requirements of the course. Registration for courses takes place in ESS via the BRITE Portal. Instructions are available at:
Prior to a Professional Development Course Participants will: Determine their professional growth needs. Verify that they have a valid email listed in their ESS account in order to receive email notifications. Register for courses in ESS via the BRITE Portal (internal and external participants) &
41 verify the course start and end date (to ensure proper validation for re-certification). Read and retain a copy of the Notification of Your Training Provider registration email if needed for verification of registration. Cancel registration at least three business days prior to the start date of the course. If participant needs to cancel his/her registration on the day of the event, he/she will contact the Course Organizer/Inservice Facilitator. The name and number are available in ESS. If a course is changed or canceled, the management system will automatically notify participant via email.
During a Professional Development Course Participants will adhere to the following course attendance guidelines: Arrive on time Sign in at the beginning of each session (a.m. and p.m.) on the signature line Attend ALL scheduled sessions Work with the trainer, a peer, and/or a coach as needed to ensure correct implementation of learning. Collect data to determine the effectiveness of implementation. Adhere to the norms in the course
Participants can be denied admission if: 1. Their name is not printed on the sign-in sheet. 2. They arrive more than 15 minutes after start time and/or return time from lunch/dinner break. 3. The course capacity has been reached. 4. They have not met course prerequisites
Following a Professional Development Course Participants will: 1. Successfully complete follow-up implementation activities and submit evidence of such to the trainer by the due date as established by the trainer 2. Complete the Course Appraisal in ESS before the end date listed in the course schedule
PROFESSIONAL GROWTH PLAN Every teacher will have a Professional Growth Plan. It is designed to increase your professional knowledge and ability. Administration will meet with teachers the beginning of the year to development the plan and again at the end of the year to evaluate the progress towards the plan.
Administration is dedicated to providing the means and support for the successful completion of the PGP. Please communicate any needs as they arise.
Faculty: Faculty PDS are scheduled during weekly common planning on designated days. This is an important learning community and no outside appointments or obligations should be scheduled. Individual situations should be discussed with the principal. If a teacher is absent, she/he is still responsible for obtaining all information disseminated at the meeting.
Team Meeting: Grade level teachers will collaborate weekly to review and interpret student data, indentify interventions, group students, and plan differentiated instruction. A copy of the minutes is to be submitted by the team leader or designee to administration within 3 work days.
PROGRESS MONITORING PLAN (PMP) School Board Policy 6000.1 requires teachers to develop a Progress Monitoring Plan (PMP) for students who are not meeting grade level expectations in reading, writing, mathematics and/or science. These plans are to be developed with parent input as soon as the deficiency is determined. Each student’s PMP is to be entered into Virtual Counselor and a copy must be provided to the parent and administration in a timely manner.
PROGRESS REPORTS Progress Reports are issued on a quarterly basis, except for Kindergarten students. Kindergarten students will receive a Progress Report at the end of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarters only. A student must be in attendance at least 25 days in order to receive a Progress Report. Progress Reports indicate whether the child is performing on, above, or below grade level. Continued below grade level performance is an indication of possible retention and proper documentation is essential. Progress Reports also provide information on the student’s conduct, behavior, and attendance (including absences and tardies). Progress Reports shall be signed by the parent/guardian and returned to the teacher.
The ESE Teacher and Special Area Teachers will send grades to the team leaders. The classroom teachers will complete report cards by the deadline provided by administration. A signed Interim Report/Conference Form must be obtained when any student’s Progress Report reflects a below level grade, a PMP, an area of concern, or a letter grade drop of 2 or more levels. Teachers should contact administration if you are unable to reach a parent. Teachers should refer to the booklet Evaluating, Reporting and Recording Pupil Progress in the Elementary School and School Board Policy 6000.1 for additional grading procedures.
43 READING BLOCK Teachers must offer classroom instruction in reading in a dedicated, uninterrupted block of time of at least 90 minutes duration. Teachers must also differentiate instruction focusing on the needs of students using the Comprehensive Core Reading Program (CCRP) or Supplemental Reading Program (SRP). In addition to the 90 minute reading block, the classroom teacher, ESE teacher, paraprofessional, or support staff member will provide immediate intensive intervention (iii) to students who are working below grade level. The curriculum support team will provide each teacher with a daily schedule and daily essentials (non-negotiables) that must be followed. Any deviation from the grade level schedule must be approved by administration in advance.
REPORT CARDS Report Cards are issued on a quarterly basis. A student must be in attendance at least 25 days in order to receive a Report Card. Report Cards indicate whether the child is performing on, above, or below grade level. Continued below grade level performance is an indication of possible retention and proper documentation is essential. Report Cards also provide information on the student’s conduct, behavior, and attendance (including absences and tardies). Report Cards shall be signed by the parent/guardian and returned to the teacher.
The ESE Teacher and Special Area Teachers will send students grades to the team leaders. The classroom teacher will complete report cards by the deadline provided by administration. A signed Interim Report/Conference Form must be obtained when any student’s Report Card reflects a below level grade, a PMP, an area of concern, or a letter grade drop of 2 or more levels. Teachers should contact administration if you are unable to reach a parent. Teachers should refer to the booklet Evaluating, Reporting and Recording Pupil Progress in the Elementary School and School Board Policy 6000.1 for additional grading procedures.
SAFETY PLAN A complete copy of the Safety Plan will be provided for each staff member at the beginning of the school year. All staff will implement the following safety procedures: Lock classroom doors at all times. All staff staying later than 5:00 P.M. should notify the night custodian of their presence and projected length of time they are staying for safety and security purposes. Purses and other personal valuables should be kept locked up and out of sight at all times. All rooms must have a fire drill and tornado drill maps posted in their room. There will be a fire drill the first and second week of school and a tornado drill the first week of school. All teachers are to review proper procedures prior to these drills.
In case of an emergency, you are to follow the following emergency procedures: Buzz/call the front office. Announce: I have an emergency in my classroom. The front office will locate an administrator/support staff member who will respond immediately. If the emergency requires medical attention, be sure to tell the front office
44 when you call so rescue can be contacted. Emergencies are of paramount importance. All meetings or activities will be interrupted when an emergency arises with a student or staff member.
Chain of Command 1. Principal 2. Assistant Principal SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL (SAC) The purpose of our School Advisory Council is to look at aspects of our school as suggested by the priorities and to come up with a written plan for school improvement. The council must look at what is known about their school and decide which areas need improvement. The SAC will then develop strategies for improving the areas most important to their school. Finally, they will decide how to measure the results of what they plan to do. Staff participation on the SAC team is essential.
SCHOOL BOARD POLICIES All staff members should be aware of and familiar with School Board policies that affect their job. Current Policies are available online on the Broward County School website. Any questions about School Board policies may be directed to administration. Please be familiar with these School Board policies. It is also required that all teachers read and become familiar with the Student Code of Conduct as it outlines the most important district policies as it related to students.
SELF-REPORTING RULE-ARRESTS /CHARGES AND FINAL DISPOSITIONS Below is the revised Broward County School Policy 2405.
All personnel shall self-report in writing to the Director of Professional Standards and Special Investigative Unit within forty-eight (48) hours of any arrests, citations or charges involving the abuse of a child or the sale and/or possession of a controlled substance or charges involving Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Battery, Possession (includes e-mail transmissions) or Sale of Pornography Involving Minors and Sexual Relations with students. Such notice shall not be considered an admission of guilt nor shall such notice be admissible for any purpose in any proceeding, civil or criminal, administrative or judicial.
In addition, all personnel shall self-report, in writing to the Executive Director of Professional Standards & Special Investigative Unit any conviction, finding of guilt, withholding of adjudication, commitment to a pretrial diversion intervention program, or entering a plea of guilty or Nolo Contendere for any criminal offense other than a minor traffic violation (driving under the influence (DUI) and driving while intoxicated (DWI) convictions are not minor and must be reported) within forty-eight (48) hours after final judgment. The Superintendent shall establish and maintain administrative procedures for implementing this policy.
Failure to comply with the self-reporting rule shall result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. 45 RULES 1. When self-reporting an arrest or charge involving child abuse or sale and/or possession of a controlled substance or sexual misconduct, the employee’s written statement shall include name, social security number, date of arrest/charges, specific charges, the arresting agency and employment status. 2. When self-reporting an arrest or charge of DUI/DWI by an employee who holds a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) as a condition of employment, the employee’s written statement shall include name, social security number, date of arrest/charges, the arresting agency and employment status. 3. When self-reporting the final judgment of a criminal offense, the employee’s written information shall include name, social security number, date of arrest/charge, the arresting agency and a copy of the police report, the court disposition of the case and employment status. 4. Based on a review of all documentation and information related to a criminal offense, the Superintendent shall make his/her recommendation for disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment with the School Board of Broward County.
SOCIAL WORKER A School Social Worker who is employed by the School Board serves our school. The School Social Worker will make home visits to discuss school concerns such as attendance, student welfare or neglect, obtaining parent signatures, and other school/student related items. To request the services of the School Social Worker, see the guidance counselor. An administrator must sign the referral form.
SPECIAL PROJECTS Teachers need to monitor the number of projects assigned during the year. When assigned, the majority of work must be done during class-time. Gathering of materials and some parts of a project may be completed at home, however, it must be understood that we want the child’s work, not the parents.
STAFF MEMBERS’ CHILDREN Staff members who have children enrolled at Rock Island Elementary are asked to be responsible for their supervision before and after regular student hours. Children should not be given free access to the school. Children are not allowed outside or on playground equipment. They are to be in a classroom, NOT playing in hallways. All rules and regulations that apply to the student body also apply to children of staff members. Staff members’ children must not be present on work days (including planning days) unless permission is received from the principal.
SUNSHINE COMMITTEE The Sunshine Committee includes all Rock Island Elementary Staff members. The function of the Sunshine Committee is to coordinate and promote staff social activities and occasions. Dues for the school year will be collected by a Sunshine Committee representative.
46 SUPPLIES The district budgets a set amount for books, materials and supplies each year for each school. This is based on enrollment figures. Requests for supplies or material may be made at any time to the principal or the bookkeeper. Requests will be granted or denied on a basis of availability of funds.
SUPERVISION OF STUDENTS If you must leave your classroom for any length of time, be sure that another teacher or paraprofessional supervises your students. If you need assistance at any time, please call the front office.
No child or groups of children are to be left in a classroom without an adult staff member for any length of time.
TARDY POLICY Rock Island Elementary students shall be marked tardy if they report to class after 8:05 a.m. without a pass from an administrator or the cafeteria (please return passes to the appropriate basket next to the mailboxes). It is the teacher’s responsibility to accurately record student tardies.
It is the teacher’s responsibility to accurately record student attendance.
TEACHING CERTIFICATES It is imperative that each teacher has an updated copy of his/her teaching certificate on file in the school. Any time a teacher receives a new updated certificate, please bring it to the office for copying. By Florida State Statute, it is the professional responsibility of each teacher to keep his/her certificate current. Failure to renew your teaching certificate can result in non-renewal of your contract. All teachers must maintain a Highly Qualified status of teaching.
TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT Coffee, soda, etc. should only be in your classroom away from computer/technology/ media areas, during your planning/break times, class snack times or approved celebrations. With the high amount of technology in the classroom, you will need to be especially careful to avoid spills. Students are not allowed to eat, drink, or have empty food and drink containers placed around the room - neither should teachers.
TELEPHONE CALLS Specific telephones are designated for faculty and staff use. Please do not use the front counter or secretaries’ phones for business or personal calls during business hours. Directory assistance calls are prohibited. Emergency long distance calls can be made with permission from principal (all long distance calls must be logged). Faculty and staff members will not be called to the phone except for emergencies. A note will be emailed to you and placed in your mailbox. If you are waiting on a returned phone call, please notify the front office and the call will be transferred to your extension.
47 TEMPORARY DUTY AUTHORIZATION (TDA) All instructional or noninstructional personnel must complete a TDA form when not performing their usual duties in their regularly assigned work area or location. (Exception: Inservice workshops attended in the home facility on planning days or after the regular students’ instructional day.) The principal must approve all TDAs. Upon approval, the teacher must give the TDA to the office manager. All TDAs require a two-week notice to administration.
TOBACCO-FREE WORK PLACE We at Rock Island Elementary seek to foster the health and safety of all employees, students and visitors. Smoking poses a significant risk to the health of the smoker. It can damage sensitive technical equipment and can be a safety hazard, in sufficient concentrations; side-stream smoke can be hazardous to non-smokers in the work environment. It may be harmful to individuals with heart and respiratory diseases or allergies related to tobacco smoke. Use of other tobacco products also poses a significant risk to the health of the user. Smoking or using tobacco products is prohibited on all district-owned property and at school-related or school-sanctioned activities, on or off campus. This includes all buildings, playground areas, parking facilities, and facilities used for athletics and other activities.
TORNADO DRILL Each teacher is responsible for informing his or her students of the tornado drill regulations. Impress upon the students that these drills are serious business. Be sure to discuss the proper location and position with students the first day of class. Be sure to cover unusual locations such as bathrooms, assemblies, recess, etc.
Teachers are responsible for knowing the whereabouts of all students for whom they are responsible at all times. Should students be in the restrooms or in the halls when the tornado alarm sounds, they should know to report to the nearest classroom and notify the student’s homeroom teacher.
Directions: All students will crouch on elbows and knees and place hands over back of head. Please make sure students are stationed under their desk if you will remain in your classroom. If students are in specials, make sure they are against those walls considered the safest.
Physical Education Classes: Teachers should escort students to the cafeteria, where students will line up along the wall - away from the doors. All students will crouch on elbows and knees and place hands over back of head
Second Floor: All second floor classes must report to their designated areas on the first floor lined up against the wall, crouch on elbows and knees, and place hands over back of head.
TUTORING School Board Policy #4202 prohibits a teacher from receiving reimbursement for tutoring a
48 student in any of his/her classes. A teacher tutoring a child not in his/her class may not use school facilities or materials for this tutoring without receiving written permission from administration. Administration may give this permission after conferring with the concerned teacher.
VIDEO USAGE Audiovisual materials selected for student instruction and classroom use must be age appropriate and relevant to the specific instructional goal. Teachers must preview audiovisual material in its entirety, find the materials exhibit clear educational purpose, are “G” rated and obtain administrative approval prior to use with students.
VISITORS All visitors must enter the campus through the front office entrance and sign in. Authorized visitors will receive directions or be escorted to their destination. Employees who observe an unauthorized individual on the premises should immediately direct him or her to the front office or contact an administrator.
VOLUNTEERS All volunteers must complete the district’s Volunteer Security Process. All volunteers must be cleared based on the type of student contact and staff supervision. Volunteers must be supervised and observed at all times. Employees who observe an unauthorized individual on the premises should immediately direct him or her to the front office and/or contact an administrator.
WORK HOURS The standard work day hours at Elementary are 7:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Any variations to this schedule must be pre-approved by the principal. Board Policy requires a 7-1/2 hour day for instructional personnel unless otherwise contracted. A 30-minute duty-free lunch period is also provided. Personnel may not leave campus for lunch when students are in attendance. Refer to School Board Policy 4008 for additional information.
WORKMANS COMPENSATION Safety is everyone’s first priority. The School Board is subject to provisions of the Workers Compensation Act (Charter 440 F.S.), the same as any other employer. This act requires that all work connected injuries be reported promptly. Failure to do so will result in penalties. The fines and penalties will be assessed against the school or department responsible for the late reporting. If you are injured, report the accident that day to the office. Any person going to a doctor not authorized by the employer and/or workers compensation insurance carrier will be responsible for his or her own medical expenses. Important phone numbers to call for instructions are 1-800- 374-4810 and (954) 302-4800.