To Analyze the Probability of SEO Authorized, We May First Analyze the Financial Factors

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To Analyze the Probability of SEO Authorized, We May First Analyze the Financial Factors

The Behavior Analysis of Supervisory Department and Listed Company of Seasoned Equity Offerings Application with the Game Theory

Wu Shu-tong1, Luo Yong-tai2, Yao Yi-na3 1 Doctor of School of Commerce, Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, P.R. China, 300222 2 Professor of School of Commerce, Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, P.R. China, 300222 3 Graduate of School of Economics, Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, P.R. China, 300222

Abstract: With great increase of stock index in domestic shown in Fig.1. The real estate companies played the stock market, more and more liquidity flows into stock leading role in the aspect of fundraising amount. Beijing market and meanwhile, amount of listed companies Urban Construction Group Co., Ltd., Financial Street come into refinancing. At present, SEO (Seasoned Equity Holding Co., Ltd., Chongqing YuKaifa Co., Ltd. are the Offerings) has already been the mainstream in the mode three of six companies which financed over a hundred of listed companies’ equity refinancing. Until May, 2007, million respectively in the first quarter of 2007. 167 listed companies have brought SEO into effect. Form Jan, 2006 to Jun, 2007, 76 listed companies Nevertheless, more than 20 listed companies’ SEO put forward the SEO , in which 65 were passed and 10 schemes were voted down at the same time, which were voted down, and Shandong Chenming Paper means the process of SEO is not the royal road. To Holdings Ltd., AnHui BBCA Biochemical Co., Ltd. illustrate the signaling process of SEO between listed stopped and withdrew respectively because of their own companies and supervisory department in China, reasons. Until Jul, 2007, there were 20 applications were influences caused to the SEO authorized probability by voted down, which means the process of SEO is not the financial and non-financial factors were analyzed by royal road. using logistic model in this paper, and a signaling model which is one of dynamic games of incomplete 2. Influence of financial factors to the information was constructed combining the factors probability of SEO authorized which influence SEO authorized. At last, to improve the validity of signal in SEO, some advices were put To analyze the probability of SEO authorized, we forward, such as listed companies must increase the may first analyze the financial factors which affect the transparence of management, supervisory department probability. should improve the qualification of SEO application and increase punishment to the illegal operation of listed 2.1 Selecting the data of samples companies, which in order to improve the quality of The financial data of the year before SEO of 106 listed companies of SEO application. listed companies was selected as the authorized data, Keywords:Influence Factors, SEO, Signaling Model which successfully brought SEO into effect of domestic stock market at stock exchange in Shenzhen Stock 1. The general situation of SEO in China Exchange and Shanghai Stock Exchange from Jan. 1, 2006 to Jul.31, 2007. At the same time, the financial data With great increase of stock index in domestic stock of the year before SEO of 25 rejected listed companies market, more and more liquidity flows into stock market was selected as the rejected data. The source of all the and meanwhile, amount of listed companies come into data in this paper was from GuoTaian Database, Annals refinancing. At present, there are 3 main methods to of Listed Company, the Website of Shenzhen Stock refinance: SEO (Seasoned Equity Offerings), right Exchange and Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Website offerings and transferable bonds. Before 2000, the of China Securities Regulatory Commission, and all of primary method to refinance of listed company is in form them were analyzed by using SPSS11.5 software. of right offerings, SEO is only used by unqualified ones to assets restructuring, and therefore only 12 companies 2.2 Model establishment brought SEO into effect in 1998 and 1999. Until March, Because of the dummy dependent variables 2001, when was issued by the supervisory econometrics was used in this paper, and the logistic department of China, the requirement for listed model was used to analyze the relationship between companies to refinance is lowered, and SEO became the dummy variables and influencing factors. mainstream to refinance. Up to May, 2007, the number of (1) Explained variable: listed companies through SEO is increased to 167, as 0 and 1 were introduced as the dummy variable. If shown in Tab.1. application of SEO was authorized,, the dummy variable 121 companies brought SEO into effect from Jan. was 1; otherwise, the dummy variable was 0. Y was 2006 to Jul., 2007, most of which are manufacturing, as Tab.1 Yearly SEO situation THE NUMBER OF COMPANIES APPLIED YEAR ( ) SEO FUNDRAISED 10 thousand 1998 7 304630 1999 5 551001 2000 0 0 2001 0 0 2002 29 1662214 2003 15 1144986 2004 12 1686600 2005 5 2787700 2006 52 8471000 2007.1-5 42 3684400 From: Website of China Securities Regulatory Commission on Aug. 8, 2007

90 Manufacturing 82 80 Real estate

70 Producing and Supplying of 60 electric power, gas and water Mineral industry 50 Architecture 40 Finance and Insurance 30 20 Orher Service 12 9 10 5 Integration 3 3 3 3 1 0 Farming, Forest, Herd and Fig.1 Distribution of industry of listedFishing companies

p Manufacturing, Real estate, Service and others. When the denoted as dependent variable, i.e. Y=Ln ( ). 1 p company was of Manufacturing, ZZY was 1, otherwise, (2) Explanatory variables: ZZY was 0; When the company was of Real estate, FDC was 1, otherwise, FDC was 0; When the company was of X1 represents the size of company, denoted by the natural logarithm of the assets of the year before SEO; Service, FWY was 1, otherwise, FWY was 0. Therefore the regression model was established as X2 represents ROE (Rate of Return on Common Stockholders’ Equity), denoted by the average of 3 years follows: Y=f(X1, X2, X3, X4, ZZY, FDC, FWY) before SEO; X3 represents liquidity ratio of the year before SEO; X4 represents P/E (Price/Earning) of the year before SEO. In addition, industry was introduced as 2.3 Results and Analysis the dummy variable, and 131 companies who have It was shown from Tab.2 that the Wald results- passed SEO were divided to 4 categories: P(Sig) of X1, X2, X4,ZZY、FDC and FWY were exceed 0.05,

Tab.2 Result of logistic model B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B) Step 1(a) X1, .197 .287 .474 1 .491 1.218 X2,, .197 .322 .376 1 .540 1.218

X3, 2.802 .845 11.010 1 .001 16.482

X4, .006 .007 .630 1 .427 1.006 ZZY .431 .644 .449 1 .503 1.540 FDC -.313 .669 .219 1 .640 .731 FWY -.335 .300 1.243 1 .265 .716 Constant -5.684 6.563 .750 1 .387 .003 a Variable(s) entered on step 1: X1,X2, X3, X4, ZZY, FDC, FWY. improve the EPS. If the EPS will be diluted, the which means at the 95% significant level, the size of significance l of the financing can not be fulfilled. At company, ROE, P/E and industry category could not present, private placement plus purchasing big notably affect the probability of SEO authorized, but the shareholders’ assets is the most popular mode of SEO. liquidity ratio could. It was shown from the verified But this mode may result in increasing the big result that when liquidity ratio increased one unit, the shareholders’ liquidity and do harm to minority proportion of probability of authorized and rejection shareholders. So supervisory department is prudent in would increase e times, i.e. 16.482 times. So when the examining this mode of private placement applications and applies a compulsory guideline that EPS can not be supervisory department censors application of SEO, the diluted as well as the asset value can not be decreased risk of repayment in short term of the company is more after SEO. It is obvious that, to the SEO scheme in which concerned. big shareholders purchase their assets, if the EPS will decrease, the scheme may not be authorized. 3.Influence of other factors to the (4) The issuing price can not be too low to keep the probability of SEO authorized benefit of shareholders of circulating shares. Low price will arouse chances of easily gained profit and the Reviewed some of the SEO schemes which has emergence of great space for arbitrage,which may hurt been voted down, the writer recognizes that except for minority shareholders’ benefits, while the protection of the requirement of relative rules, such as , , to the supervisory censors the SEO scheme. During this process, they will department, what is more important is whether the SEO stop the listed company from hiding the profit, releasing is propitious to the development of the whole security the news which harm to the share price to bring down the market, to the interest of minority shareholders, to the cost of SEO holders, and finally, issuing the stocks to the adjustment and development of the corporation structure. affiliated stockholders with low price. For example, the The key factors gather up as follow: price of Gree’s SEO can not be lower than 90% of (1) Whether the listed company has a bright arithmetic mean price of 20 exchanging days before anticipation of profit in the future or not. Nothing but the when the board reported it(Aug.8, 2006), that is ¥7.7. movement of the fund to the company which has higher But its stock price had rose up high from the end of Oct., profit in the future favors the allocation of resources and 2006, i.e. from ¥8.26 of closing price on October.30 to protects minority shareholders’ interest. That is, bad ¥ 13.66 --- one day before the SEO was voted down. performance will weaken the SEO scheme’s competition The increasing ratio is up to 65.38% and 77.4% higher power, and that is why Yeland Group Co., Ltd.’s SEO ¥ scheme was voted down. In 2005, Yeland’s aggregate than the issuing price 7.70. Likewise, Chongqing asset is 2458.92 million, and it increased by19.16% Titanium Industry Co., Ltd. of PanGang Group’s SEO compared with that in 2004. However, its prime scheme was not authorized, one of the reasons is the operating revenue was only 680.6 million, decreased by issuing price of ¥ 4.6 is much lower than the market 71.62%, and the net profit was 32.19 million, decreased price ¥8.17. by 80.13%, and the EPS (earning per share) was 0.11, (5) The usage of fund of SEO should contribute to decreased by 80.70%, and ROE was 4.67%, decreased enhance the ability to develop and benefit the enterprise by 80.51%. The big drop of the corporation profit has itself, not malice purchase or aiming at looping money. affected market’s anticipation. For example, SEO scheme of Hongda Shares schemed to (2) The debt-to-asset ratio of the listed company issue fewer than 120,000,000 stocks to their biggest should not be too high. If it is too high, the burden of shareholder, with issuing price of ¥13.22. Calculate on repayment is heavy and there will be higher repayment this price they will finance ¥1.586 billion. Before SEO, risk. For example, Gree Corporation’s SEO scheme was total shares held by top holder are too few to fulfill its not authorized, and one of the reasons was the role of controlling. If this SEO scheme was authorized, company’s high debt-to-asset ratio. At the end of 2005, Hongda Shares will issue stocks to the top shareholder Gree’s debt-to-asset ratio reached to 78.03%. And at the with a low price, and the equity proportion of the top third quarter of 2006, Gree’s aggregate asset was about shareholder will rise from 26.92% to 43.82%, showing 16 billion, while its liability had reached to 13 billion. its suspicion of malice purchase. In addition, if the listed Although Gree had the highest ROE among all electric company applies SEO aiming at paying back the capital appliances makers in china, its high debt-to-asset ratio of the bank, then it will be suspected looping money resulted from high equity multiplier compared with using the capital market. This is no good for market Midea by Du Pont Analysis. That is, Gree relies more on resource strategy of deploying better resources to financial lever which will bring heavy burden to daily qualified corporation and goes against the rules of business. invisible hands in market economy. Within Hongda’s 3 (3) Private placement should not dilute the EPS. usages of raised fund, they only invested ¥0.966 billion After private placement, listed company should advance to the project which ¥ 1.352 billion are needed. ¥ 0.3 its operation ability and profitability as a whole to billion from the fund left is used to pay back the bank by SEO for a new project, the investment and profit of loan, ¥0.234 billion to supplement the working capital. which are supposed to be I and R. To be more attractive, Although the equity of Hongda expanded 28.85% after R must satisfy the equation R>I(1+r), where r is the yield SEO, they paid back ¥ 0.3 billion to the bank and of other projects. The game can be expressed as follows: ¥ 0.234 billion as working capital. This great amount (1)Nature chooses the type of profit in the future of will definitely affect the relevant benefit. listed company, i.e. the type space of the listed company   {H, L} P(   H )  p, P(   L)  1 p (6) Others. Nowadays, the government and the is , where . society pay more attention to the environmental issues. (2) The listed company sees its type  , and issues During the censoring process, the supervisory the new stock at proportion‘s’. department will also take environmental requirement into (3) Supervisory department can only see‘s’ and the account. In addition, the SEO scheme of the list company probability that   is of H or L while he can not see   which has the important trading or the competition with exactly. Suppose P(H /s)  q and P(L /s)  1 q . Then the top shareholders is also hard to get approval if the supervisory department decides to approve or reject this company fails to provide a relevant resolution in scheme. application. (4) If the application is approved, the benefit of 4. Constructing dynamic games of listed company is (1 s)(  R) and that of supervisory   R incomplete information department is  s(  R) . Otherwise, the former A Signaling model which is one of dynamic games of  is   and the latter is  I(1 r) . incomplete information is cited to analyze the behaviors (1 s)A of that whether the SEO schemes can be authorized Game tree and payoffs (denoted as ‘Z’) of between supervisory department and listed company. supervisory department and listed company are shown in There are two parties in this model: sender -- listed Fig.2 and Tab.3. company and receiver -- supervisory department. We Because of asymmetric information, the listed suppose that former net profit of listed company is  . company knows that its type is either H or L, while the Profit in the future without SEO of listed company have supervisory department can only deduce at the only two possibilities:    H or   L , where probability ‘q’. H    L  0 . Now a listed company wants to refinance

Natur e H L

Listed Company Listed Company


Supervisory Supervisory Department Department

Approve Reject Approve Reject

Z Z Z Z 1 2 3 4 Fig.2 Game tree

Tab. 3 Payoffs of supervisory department and listed company Listed Company Supervisory Department H  R Z (1 s)(H  R)  s(H  R) 1 A  Z2 H  I(1 r) (1 s)A L  R Z (1 s)(L  R)  s(L  R) 3 A L  R Z4 L  I(1 r) A 4.1 Pooling Equilibrium I(1 r) R  L    s  (7) For listed company, the equilibrium strategy of SEO L  R L  R at proportion‘s’ must satisfy (1 s)( /  R)   / . Because i.e. R  I(1 r)  (  L) (8) R R R R   L  , if s  , then s  . When  H  I(1 r)  (  L) , R satisfies that H  R L  R L  R H  R H   For supervisory department, authorizing SEO   L I(1 r)  (  L)  R   H and pooling equilibrium schemes must be based on two considerations. One is H   that ensure the benefits of investors, namely,   L exists. When  H  I(1 r)  (  L) , pooling sqH  (1 q)L  R I(1 r) . The other is that EPS can H   H  R L  R  equilibrium does not exist. not be diluted, namely, q  (1 q)  . A A (1 s)A Analyses above means supervisory department will So, supervisory department authorizes the SEO only if approve the SEO scheme at a lower equity proportion if I(1 r) qH  (1 q)L  R   he believes that the future profit of listed company is H.  s  . qH  (1 q)L  R qH  (1 q)L  R Otherwise, SEO scheme is required to be at a higher Therefore, the pooling equilibrium condition of equity proportion. Even though the real profit in the future of listed company is H, he also pays the cost putting forward the SEO scheme for listed company and authorizing SEO scheme for supervisory department is: because supervisory department do not believe it. If the cost exceeds the profit of the new project, listed  I(1 r) qH  (1 q)L  R    s  company has to give up. qH  (1 q)L  R qH  (1 q)L  R  (1) R 4.2 Separating Equilibrium s   H  R When listed company anticipates that its profit in I(1 r) (1) Condition (1) can be transferred to be (2) when the future is H, the equity proportion of SEO is , q 1: H  R I(1 r) I(1 r) R  H   i.e. s  . The SEO scheme will be voted down  s  H  R  H  R H  R  (2) I(1 r) I(1 r) R because  . s  H  R qH  (1 q)L  R  H  R R  H   R When listed company anticipates that its future Because H   , R  H    R and  . I(1 r) I(1 r) H  R H  R profit is L, the equity of SEO is , i.e. s  . Condition (2) transfers to be (3): L  R L  R I(1 r) R I(1 r) I(1 r)  s  (3) Although  , separating H  R H  R L  R qH  (1 q)L  R For R  I(1 r) , condition (3) is satisfied. So, the pooling equilibrium will also need the condition that: equilibrium of the model must exist. I(1 r) qH  (1 q)L  R    (9) (2) Condition (1) transfers to be (4) when q  0 : L  R qH  (1 q)L  R I(1 r) R  L   Because H  R  qH  (1 q)L  R and  s   L  R L  R R  L    qH  (1 q)L  R   ,  (4) R R  L   qH  (1 q)L  R   I(1 r) R  L   s   . If   H  R H  R qH  (1 q)L  R L  R H  R R  L   R   L I(1 r) qH  (1 q)L  R   a. If  , i.e. R   H , is established,  is also L  R H  R H   L  R qH  (1 q)L  R R R  L   s   . Condition (4) transfers to be: established. So, condition (7) transfers to be: H  R L  R I(1 r) R  L    (10) I(1 r) R L  R H  R  s  (5) L  R H  R H  R So, R  I(1 r)    L (11) I(1 r) R   H  L  I(1 r) (6) L  R R Therefore, if profit in the future is L, the SEO scheme So, pooling equilibrium exists only if H  R R  I(1 r)    L I(1 r) would be authorized when . R   H  L  I(1 r) . L  R R Analyses above means that the listed company of R  L   R   L higher profit in the future has to give up when  R   H b. If , i.e. , H  R L  R H  R H   R  I(1 r)    L , because he can not project R  L   R L  R s   . Condition (1) transfers to be (7): L  R H  R himself; while listed company of lower profit in the future can carry SEO out successfully. Fund flows to right offering of listed company in stock A of China company of lower efficiency so as to this separating (Chinese) (J), Money China, pp. 138-139, Jun. 2006. equilibrium is the failure signaling mechanism. [4] Ji Yu-min, Research and empirical analyses on equity 5. Conclusion and suggestion refinancing of listed company (Chinese) (J), HLJ Foreign Economic Relation & Trade, vol. 131, no. 5, In case of pooling equilibrium, both companies of pp. 77-78, May. 2005. the higher and lower profit will put forward the SEO [5] Timothy B. Folta and Jay. J. 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