Texas State Outreach Workplan
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TMCN Outreach Workplan
Goal: To improve access to healthcare for migrant workers through education of families and the development of a network of out-of-state providers in the Texas Migrant Care Network
Objective 1: Educate Health Center board members and staff including Management staff, Outreach and Eligibility staff, Clinicians, and Administrative Staff about the Texas Migrant Care Network in order to ensure consistent messaging and effective functioning of the program. No. Activities Timeline Expected Outcomes Responsible Comments Party All health center staff have access to TMCN information, 1 Make each CHC aware of the TMCN information on including patient and Outreach . By March 2009 and ongoing Ongoing TACHC website. provider enrollment, as well Coordinator as archived webcasts and conference calls CHC staff will understand Develop and provide webcast training for front-line how the TMCN functions Outreach or 2 staff, outreach staff, eligibility workers CEOs, CFOs, and how to appropriately Training Program Webcast Training: March . COOs, CMO, CDO, billing staff and others at March 30, 2010 educate migrants about Coordinators; 30, 2010 community health centers in and out-of-state using their TX Medicaid TACHC before migrants leave. benefits out of state Identify an appropriate person at each Streamline communication migrant health center in Texas to serve as 1a. March 2009 and increase efficient Administration Completed lead contact for planning and coordination communication Developed policy paper and outreach materials (flyers, provider Each trainee has a packet of Compile educational/outreach materials to Outreach Coord. w/ postcards). All available resource materials to assist 1b. provide for webcast participants and March 2009 and ongoing support from adm. on TACHC website. Add’l in their outreach efforts others. asst webcast materials to be with migrants finalized before March 30th.
Develop up-to-date list of out-of-state Texas Completed list. Need to Outreach and eligibility TACHC provide list 3 Medicaid providers. Post list on TACHC website disseminate to workers know where to designated . and update regularly. Send updated information to February 2010 and ongoing appropriate staff and migrants can access care contact person for health centers and others through listserves and website. Will be updated outside of Texas each center other means. as sites enroll.
1 Objective 1: Educate Health Center board members and staff including Management staff, Outreach and Eligibility staff, Clinicians, and Administrative Staff about the Texas Migrant Care Network in order to ensure consistent messaging and effective functioning of the program.
OEWs will understand how the TMCN functions and how 4 Conduct webcasts for outstationed eligibility to appropriately educate Initiated and waiting for . workers (OEWs) at FQHCs. Include commission May 2010 TACHC migrants about using their dates from HHSC. representative. TX Medicaid benefits out of state
Webcast Training: March 5 Educate CHC staff, including and other staff about Consistency of the TMCN 30, 2010 . the TMCN via annual conference, email, listservs or May 2010 and ongoing message from all CHC staff TACHC Announcements via staff memos. to migrant families listserv and annual conference. At least 2 updates have 6 Provide CHC board members with information Build support with Board for been given to TACHC Bd. . about Texas Migrant Care Network through board By May 1, 2010 and ongoing CEOs support of Texas MCN Need to ensure that local meetings. CHC boards?
Objective 2: Community Health Centers and partner agencies will identify eligible migrants for Texas Medicaid and increase enrollment in Texas Medicaid. No. Activities Timeline Expected Outcomes Responsible Party Comments
Increase number of Develop screening tool to assist in identification of migrants identified as Draft screening tool due 1 HOP & TACHC to eligible migrants. Should determine: 1) if patient is eligible for Texas Medicaid. Feb 2010. Training on . By March 2010 develop screening a migrant; 2) where he/she migrates for work; and TACHC learns findings to tool to be included on tool 3) if they have or may qualify for TX Medicaid support out-of state March 30th webcast. enrollment. Increase the number of 2 Developing screening Provide In-Reach to identify current non-enrolled migrants identified and Eligibility Workers; . By April 2010 tool to help assist with migrant patients. enrolled under Texas OEWs this activity. Medicaid Complete survey through door-to door contact, at From organizational level Should brief survey tool 3 community centers, and at Migrant Head Starts across the state share (3-5 questions) be Promotoras and . and Schools to determine location of migration, By April 2010 findings with TACHC to developed to help Outreach Workers what services are needed, and what health centers support out-of-state community assessment are visited while out of state. (See Objective 4.3) enrollment process?
2 Objective 2: Community Health Centers and partner agencies will identify eligible migrants for Texas Medicaid and increase enrollment in Texas Medicaid. Get updates from Adv. 4 Increase number of Provide application assistance opportunities for Mornings/Evenings during Outreach Workers / Committee. 5-8 . Medicaid-enrolled migrants eligible migrants during PTA and PTO meetings. October 2010-March 2011 Promotoras coordinate with prior to leaving Texas Objective 3 (education) Outreach Workers / 5 Increase number of Provide door-to-door outreach efforts to assist Promotoras Developing screening . October 2010-March 2011 Medicaid-enrolled migrants eligible migrants in applying for TX Medicaid. tool. prior to leaving Texas Outreach Workers / 6 Provide opportunities for application assistance at Increase number of Evenings (PM) during Promotoras . migrant events (ex: welcome and farewell school Medicaid-enrolled migrants October 2010-March 2011 parties). prior to leaving Texas
7 Increase number of Provide opportunities for enrollment during health Mornings/Evenings during . Medicaid-enrolled migrants Outreach/Promotoras fairs. October 2010-March 2011 prior to leaving Texas.
Some school districts w/migrant programs Survey Texas School districts to identify potential have system integrating eligible migrants migrant children (one does exist for when families come in late) 8 Increase number of returning into school Did get TEA data, but HHSC/health plans are Outreach worker, . October 2010-March 2011 Medicaid-enrolled migrants system. This would be having difficult time identifying the migrant school personnel prior to leaving Texas. good source for families-have either moved, or say they are not identifying eligible migrants, etc. Need to get another update from migrants that could HSHC on this issue. benefit from information on the TMCN
When enrolled migrants are identified and are 9 Provide migrants with Outreach workers, traveling to areas with enrolled providers, provide . By April 2010 accurate information on how promotoras, eligibility referral information and education regarding Texas to best use Texas Medicaid workers Medicaid Portability
Objective 3: Educate migrants and other community and professional organizations that work directly with the migrant population about the Texas Migrant Care Network including information about eligibility, benefits, and maximizing use. No. Activities Timeline Expected Outcomes Responsible Party Comments
3 Objective 3: Educate migrants and other community and professional organizations that work directly with the migrant population about the Texas Migrant Care Network including information about eligibility, benefits, and maximizing use. Participate in local coalitions (migrant health Bring local agencies together TACHC provides coalition, indigent health care coalition, etc.), giving to streamline limited 1. March 2009 and ongoing CHC updates via the state regular updates about the TMCN and discussing resources and provide coalition opportunities for collaboration. information and assistance
Maintain and consistently access an updated Ensure staff has accurate current listing of all out-of-state providers to assist Completed list. Need to 2. February 2010 and ongoing provider information to TACHC in informing eligible and enrolled migrants of Texas disseminate further. share with migrants. Medicaid providers. (see Obj. 1, #1c)
Educate migrants regarding exceptions re: periodicity. (i.e. immunization table exceptions Increase accurate Need to review HHSC granted for migrants who need to leave area. information on proper use of 3. March 2010 and ongoing OEWs policy that was just These migrants can go through TMHP and work Texas Medicaid and how to released Feb. 2010. with caseworker to complete checkups prior to maximize benefits leaving.) TACHC to develop Increase migrant awareness Provide targeted Press Releases about the TMCN templates; Outreach March - April 2010, and about Texas Medicaid 4. and what a migrant is to local newspapers and Coordinator to tailor October 2010-March 2011 portability using media media outlets and send to local messaging media Reviewing HHSC policy Increase currently enrolled Eligibility Workers; to determine out-of- Mass mail-out of notification letters to currently migrant workers to keep 5. By April 2010 OEWs; Administrative state renewal process. enrolled migrant workers. Medicaid and seek renewal assistants TACHC can draft sample while out of state letter. This is mainly at schools Students receive information Outreach coordinator w/ large migrant School nurses provide information about TMCN in about TMCN through provides info to 6. April 2010 populations in the every migrant family’s “Red Bag” before they leave. schools, migrant ed before nurses; nurses put Valley. Vicenta stated leaving TX. info in Red Bags. she could help with this. Completed. Print and disseminate flyers to important contact Disseminated over 6k Increase migrant awareness Outreach Coordinator, points within community (i.e. stores, churches, flyers via CHCs, about Texas Medicaid Outreach Workers, 7. schools, WIC, Social Service office, colonias, May 2009 and ongoing churches, schools, portability through print Administrative farmworker organizations, child care centers, adult laundromats, etc for media Assistants day care, work places-TWC, factories, bodegas 2009 season. Repeat for 2010. Completed. Sent to Develop and distribute inserts for church bulletins. Church-goers learn about Advisory committee CHCs to distribute 8. Be sure to include appropriate health center May 2009 and ongoing the TMCN and know who to w/ support from locally to their churches contact person. call for more information TACHC for 2009 season. Repeat for 2010.
4 Objective 3: Educate migrants and other community and professional organizations that work directly with the migrant population about the Texas Migrant Care Network including information about eligibility, benefits, and maximizing use. Local organizations Make contact with local agencies, businesses, understand what the TMCN 9. schools, etc., to explain the TMCN and secure June 2010 Outreach Director is and agree to allow commitments for presentations to staff and clients. presentations Identify community sites (parks, Wal-Mart, Increase knowledge of Walgreens, grocery stores) and set up tables to migrant population 10. July 2010 – October, 2010 Outreach Department provide information about the TMCN and Involvement of opportunities for application assistance. community organizations Conduct X number of presentations to various Increase # of Medicaid community organizations i.e. churches, housing Each site will have to recipients, 11. authority, school districts, Head Starts, TMC, July 2010 – October, 2010 Outreach Department put in their own target increase community providing information and/or MCN enrollment number awareness opportunities Educate hospitals, private providers, OEWs/3rd Education - increase access party, and other non-CHC Texas Medicaid providers to care for migrant Outreach No specific strategy 12. July 2010 – October, 2010 about the TMCN. Work through local Medical farmworkers and their Coordinator? TACHC? suggested. Society to get private providers involved. families Coordinate with STPA/consulado and other Public participation and Adv. Cmte: can you community agencies during National Farmworker increased knowledge by explain this event? 2nd week in August CHCs, other 13. Health Day to conduct health fair to promote joining CHCs together to Does it happen at community partners education and increase enrollment in Medicaid. provide education and multiple locations? Have a table with information enrollment opportunities. Dates? What is STPA? Schedule and complete presentations about the Update from Adv. TMCN and what a migrant is to: rancheros, field Outreach Committee. TACHC was workers, parent liaisons, etc. at stores, churches, Increase migrant awareness Coordinator/Training approached at the MHS schools, Head Starts, WIC, Social Service offices, 14. October 2010-March 2011 about Texas Medicaid Program Coordinator, conference to speak colonias, child care centers, adult day care centers, portability Outreach workers, with Texas migrant camps and other work places-TWC, factories, promotoras families about the bodegas, housing authority, farmworker TMCN. organizations, income tax centers
Objective 4: Enroll out-of-state FQHC sites into Texas Medicaid that are identified by community or national partners as health centers that provide health care services to Texas migrant families. No. Activities Timeline Expected Outcomes Responsible Party Comments
5 Objective 4: Enroll out-of-state FQHC sites into Texas Medicaid that are identified by community or national partners as health centers that provide health care services to Texas migrant families.
Use National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) to market/make contacts National health advocates 1. May 2009 and ongoing TACHC/NACHC Completed. Ongoing regarding enrollment as a Texas Medicaid Provider educate their constituencies through presentations and networking.
Health center CEOs and other staff attending the Present session at NACHC National 1a. May 12-14, 2009 National Farmworker Health TACHC Completed. Farmworker Health Conference Conference learn about the TCMN Health center CEOs and NACHC promote TMCN through other staff attending the appropriate committee structure May 12-14, 2009 National Farmworker Health NACHC Completed. (Farmworker Cmte, Health Policy cmte, 1b. Conference learn about the etc). TCMN Ongoing. Sent letters October 2009. Using PCA contacts to encourage CHC participation. Getting Identify and contact out-of-state health centers referrals from Texas Increase number of enrolled that may serve Texas migrants. Initiate contact CEOs and enrolled sites 2. October 2009 and ongoing centers as Texas Medicaid TACHC, CEOs with center directors to encourage enrollment as from other states. Have Providers providers in Texas Medicaid. had about 15 new sites enroll since May 2009. Also exhibiting at migrant forum conferences (S. Padre and Seattle)