Unit of Hotel Corporation of India Ltd
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Tender No. CFCM/PUR/058 Date: 24 .06.2016 Due date: 11.07.2016 at 1530 hrs
Sub: Laundry Services at Chefair Flight Catering, Mumbai
Hotel Corporation of India Limited, referred as ‘HCIL’, a wholly owned subsidiary of “Air India Ltd” invites sealed/closed quotations in Two Bid System i.e. Technical Bid & Price Bid for Laundry Services at Chefair Flight Catering, Mumbai offering best institutional price. Offers made should be best/lowest rates as applicable to Public Sector Co’s, Govt. Depts or Institutional bulk buyers.
Earnest Money Deposit: Rs. 2,000/-(Rupees Two Thousand Only) is applicable which can be paid by D.D. / pay order or by cash to Chefair Flight Catering, Mumbai.
Method of submission of quotations in two bid system:
1) Envelope No. 1 ( TECHNICAL BID ): Should contain duly filled Technical Bid Format Part “A” and Part “B” unconditional acceptance of terms and conditions format, Declaration Form and EMD receipt.
2) Envelope No. 2 (PRICE BID): should contain duly filled Price Bid Format
3) Envelope No. 3 (MASTER ENVELOPE) : The above two sealed / closed envelopes (Envelope One and Envelope Two) must be put in the “Third - Master Envelope” which should be super scribed with “Quotation for Tender No., Date, Due Date, Company’s Name, Addresses, E-mail Id and Contact number.
The tender should be submitted at the PURCHASE TENDER BOX at Reception Gate, Chefair Flight Catering, CSI Airport, Opp. Indian Oil Depot, Sahar Road, Andheri (East) on or before Due date up to 1530 hrs.
The prospective bidder/s may send their offer in sealed/closed envelope through courier services. However, responsibility of late receipt or non receipt of Bids in time shall be of the bidder’s.
4) Extension of Due Date: The due date of the tender may be extended at the sole discretion of ‘HCIL’. In case of Extension / Amendment, if any, the tenderer will be informed by e-mail and also shall be hosted on HCI web site. Hence, prospective bidder, in their own interest may keep visiting HCI web site www.centaurhotels.com till tender is opened.
5) HCIL’ reserves the right to reject any or all tenders in part or full or annul the tender process without assigning any reason.
6) For further details, refer general terms and conditions and annexure
General Terms and Conditions
1) The “Tenderer/s/s/Bidder” and / or “Party”, as used in the Tender document, shall mean the one who has signed the tender form and submitted the quotation in response to our tender.
2) It is further clarified that individual signing the tender or other documents in connection with the tender must certify whether he signs as:
(i) A "Sole Proprietor" of the firm or constituted attorney of such sole proprietor.
(ii) A partner of the firm if it is a partnership must have authority to refer to arbitration, disputes concerning the business of the partnership either by virtue of the partnership agreement or a power of attorney. In the alternative, the tender should be signed by all the Partners.
(iii) Constituted attorney of the firm, if it is a Company.
(iv) Authorized signatory of the firm.
3) The tenderer/s must study the tender documents carefully. Submission of tender shall be deemed to have been done after careful study and examination of the tender documents with full understanding of its implications. The bids should be neatly filled/typed. Corrections, if any, should be duly authenticated with full signatures of the person signing the tender.
4) The tenderer/s/s should sign on all the pages of the technical bid and the price bid as a proof of acceptance of terms & conditions
5) On the date of opening of the tender only the technical bids would be opened, and the price bids would be kept in the custody of ‘HCIL’ in the same sealed/closed condition as received from the tenderer/s. The technical bid should not contain any indication of the price.
6) Tenderer /s who wish to attend tender opening may do so OR send their representative with authorization letter on their Company’s letter head signed by their authorized signatory which should be produced at the time of opening of tender at above address/time.
7) The Price Bids of only those Tenders’ /Bidders, who are found technically qualified / suitable by our User Department, will be opened. Date and time will be informed to the qualifying vendors only. No enquiries/correspondence shall be entertained in this regard with unsuccessful bidders
8) ‘HCIL’ is not registered with Sales Tax Authorities, hence 'D' form and 'C' form cannot be provided.
9) Validity of the quotations: The Quotations must be valid for 120 days.
….3/- 10) Earnest Money Deposit: No interest will be payable on EMD. The EMD of unsuccessful Tenderer/s will be refunded only after finalization of the Tender without any Interest i) Exemption from payment of EMD and Security Deposit (SD): It may be noted that Exemption from payment of EMD and Security Deposit shall be available only to those SSI Units in India which are registered with the NSIC under its single point registration scheme up to the monetary limit as specified by the NSIC. The tenderer/s are required to attach a self attested copy of the NSIC valid certificate wherein the specific production unit/item registered along with the monetary limit for which the SSIC unit has been covered. It may also be noted that this benefit would only be extended to those units which were registered with NSIC as on date of closing of the tender. ii) Forfeiture of EMD: EMD will be forfeited, if the bidder withdraws their bid, within 120 days, from opening of Technical Bid of the tender or does not accept PO within the validity period of rates.
11) Security Deposit: The successful Vendor will have to submit 5% of the Purchase Order value towards Interest Free Security Deposit to Chefair Flight Catering Mumbai; alternatively, Bank Guarantee of equivalent amount can be submitted.
i) In case, Security Deposit is in the form of Bank Guarantee (BG), the BG shall be valid for contract period plus 3 months time.
ii) The cost of submission of the Security Deposit or Bank Guarantee would be borne by the successful bidder. iii) In case Security Deposit is not deposited by the vendor, it may be deducted from their running bills @ 5%.
iv) Security Deposit will not carry any interest.
v) Security Deposit will be refunded only on successful completion of contract and on completion of all contractual obligations. In case, there is any lapse or unsatisfactory performance, the applicable penalties shall be deducted from Security Deposit.
12) P ayment: The normal terms of payment are 30 days credit from the date of receipt of material / bills. No advance payment shall be made in any case.
13) Validity of Price: The agreed rates as mentioned in our PO shall remain fixed for a period of 12 months from the date of PO and no increase in price, due to whatsoever reason, will be allowed irrespective of the change in our requirement.
No request for price increase will be entertained during the contract period, except on account of increase of statutory Duties / taxes if any that may be imposed / revised by the Govt. The documentary proof of this effect will have to be produce.
In case of reduction of Statutory Taxes / Govt. levy during the contract period, the successful tenderer/s would pass on to ‘HCIL’, the benefit of reduction in statutory taxes / levies, if any.
…4/- 14) Rejection Of Tender: Bids may be rejected, on following grounds: -
i) In case the price bid and the technical bid are enclosed in the same envelope instead of in two separate sealed / closed envelopes. ii) In case, there is a price indication in the technical bid iii) Quotations received by fax / email. iv) Quotations received in an unsealed/open condition. v) Quotations received without EMD (without valid proof of exemption) and receipt of EMD. vi) Quotations received after the due date and time of the tender. vii) Non compliance of Technical parameters. viii) Non acceptance of General Terms and Conditions of the tender. ix) In case the tender offer is conditional.
15) Penalties:
a) Liquidated damages/ late delivery: - Timely delivery is the essence of the Contract. In case of delay in deliveries, or not conforming to other terms, liquidated damages will be charged from the defaulting tenderer/s at the rate of ½% (half percent) per week or part thereof of the value of delayed supplies subject to maximum of 5% of the value of the delayed supplies. In case, the supply is not made on the prescribed date/time, ‘HCIL’ reserves the right to get the item supplied through a third party at the “COST & RISK” of the supplier.
‘ HCIL’ further reserves the right to cancel the Purchase Order in the event of delayed deliveries, and to issue a fresh Purchase Order on any other source at the “cost and risk” of the tenderer/s.
b) Rejection of Supplies: On delivery of laundered material, at the time of inspection, if it is found that some of the items are not properly washed/ laundered then such item will have to be re-washed/ laundered without any charge. ….5/- ANNEXURE - II
Quantity, Scope of work and Delivery Schedule
1) Our annual requirement is as under:
Sr. No. Descriptions Qty 1 Terrene Silk Sarees 100 nos. 2 T/Cotton Blouse 25 nos. 3 T/Cotton Drivers' Coat 50 nos. 4 T/Cotton Chef's Coat / Cook's Coat 7200 nos. 5 T/Wool Pant 300 nos. 6 T/Cotton Full Sleeves Shirts/Bush Shirt 18000 nos. 7 T/Cotton Pant 16750 nos. 8 Boiler Suit T/C Drill 150 nos. 9 T/Cotton Tie 50 nos. 10 Cotton Unstarched Drill Apron 3500 nos. 11 Cotton Car Seat Cover 50 nos. Cotton Unstarched Swab Duster 12 2000 nos. 20"x20" 13 T/Cotton Scarves 30 nos. 14 Cotton Chair Cover 50 nos. 15 Turkish Hand Towel 75 nos. 16 Non-wear Bed Sheet 99"x75" 200 nos. 17 Turkish Bath Towel 50"x70" 300 nos. 18 Non-wear Glass Cloth 21"x21" 3000 nos. 19 Non-wear Heavy Curtain 7 feet x 3 feet 50 nos. 20 Mosco Coat (heavy weight) 25 nos. 21 Mosco Hand Gloves 50 nos. 22 Frill Silk 20 Feet 25 nos. 23 Flourocent Jacket 200 nos. 24 Sofa Cover 5 feet 50 nos. 2) Scope of work:
i) All the items mentioned above to be washed/ laundered properly.
ii) Stubborn stain if any, to be removed. iii) All uniform Pants, Shirts, Sarees, and Coat etc. to be properly ironed after washing.
3) Delivery Schedule:
i) Approx. 250 - 300 Cloth material for washing to be collected at 8.00 am on working day thrice a week from Chefair flight Catering. In case of emergency, the Vendor will have to provide services on any of the day as informed by Linen department.
ii) Cloth material for washing to be checked before collecting. If any piece found torn, it should be brought to the notice immediately. At the time of delivery, any cloth material is found torn, the cost of material will be recovered. ….6/- ANNEXURE-III
The prospective bidders / tenderer/s who fulfill the following pre-qualification requirements and provide information and supporting documents as required in “Annexure IV, Bidder’s details” and “Annexure V, Plant, Machinery and Production Capacity” shall be eligible for the above tender:
1. The tenderer/s should be experienced of providing laundry Services for last three years. A list of customers together with the Order copies may be enclosed in support of experience.
2. The tenderer/s must have Tin No., PAN /GIR No. Self Certified copy of each to be enclosed.
3. The tenderer/s must furnish EMD of Rs. 2,000/- by way of DD/Pay Order / Cash Receipt. DD/ Pay Order has to be in favor of Chefair Flight Catering, Mumbai and payable at Mumbai. In case, EMD is paid in cash, it is mandatory to pay EMD to CFCM before submission of tender and original receipt to be enclosed with the tender.
4. Note: EMD in any other form shall not be acceptable and non-compliance of this condition shall lead to rejection of tender. SSI Units seeking exemption of EMD shall have to enclose valid certificate of Regn. with NSIC under their “Single Point Regn. Program” (Parties Regd. With SSIC are not eligible for EMD Rebate).
5. The tenderer/s must enclose self certified copies of all necessary documents with the duly filled “Bidder’s Detail” and “Plant, Machinery and Production Capacity” of the Technical Bid.
6. The tenderer/s must also enclose signed copy of General Terms & Conditions, Work Scope along with the Technical Bid, as proof of unconditional acceptance of Terms and Conditions of the Tender.
8. Copy of documentary proof as required above is mandatory to be furnished along with Technical Bid and replies such as “Applied for “or “under process” shall not be acceptable. In such cases and in case of not furnishing required information and documents with the Technical Bid, the tender shall be rejected.
9. The tenderer/s should be registered under Maharashtra / Mumbai Shop & Establishment Act / SSIC / NSIC/ Sales Tax, etc.
BIDDER’S DETAILS 1 Name of the Bidder / Co.
3 Complete Address of the bidder/Co.
4 Telephone No. / Mobile No./ Fax No/email ID
5 Name of Contact Person & mobile.
7 Whether EMD of Rs. 2,000/- enclosed. Original Yes/ No DD/Cash Receipt No. …… DD/Cash receipt to be enclosed. Date…………………. 8 Whether EMD exemption sought Yes / No
9 In case, yes to 8 above, whether the bidder is regd Yes / No with NSIC under its single point regn. programme. 10 In case, yes to 9 above, whether self attested Yes / No copy of valid NSIC Regn. Certificate enclosed. 11 Whether having 3 yrs experience in Laundry Yes/ No Services. 12 Whether having PAN regn No. A self attested Yes/ No Regn No……,Date…. copy to be enclosed. 13 Copy of Maharashtra/ Mumbai Shop and Yes / No Reg. No. Establishment Certificate 14 Whether Certificate for unconditional acceptance of Yes/ No all the terms and conditions of the tender on the Bidder’s letter head enclosed as per format (Annexure-II) 15 Are you already doing business with HCI or any of Yes/ No HCI Units under some other name? If so, what name? 16 List of Customers (Please attach the list) Yes / No 17 Has your company been Black Listed by any Yes / No If yes, details. ……………… agency of the Airport or elsewhere? If yes, please give details. 18 Any other information which you feel would qualify you to be enlisted in our list of suppliers.
Signature: ______
Name & Designation: ______
Co. Name & Seal: ______
Date: ______Place: ______…8/- A NEXU RE - V
Sr. No. Description Please specify 1. No. of manpower 2. No. of Washing Machines 3. No. of Hand Ironing Machine 4. No. of Rolling Press Machine 5. No. of Delivery Vehicles 6. Washing & Ironing capacity per day 7. Type of cleaning material will be used 8. Type of water used- BMC or Borewell 9. Storage capacity 10. Whether you meet the capacity of laundering 250-300 cloths and delivering the same on third day
Signature: ______
Name & Designation: ______
Co. Name & Seal: ______
Date: ______
Place: ______9/-
1) TECHNICAL BID EVALUATION CRITERIA: i) Technical bids of the responding tenderer/s shall be evaluated based on the parameters mentioned in the tender and based on the information and supporting documents submitted by the tenderer/s.
ii) As a part of the technical evaluation, HCI reserves the right to inspect your facility.
Price Bids of only those tenderer/s who qualify in technical bid and who are found technically suitable shall be opened and processed further.
L-1 Vendor will be determined on the basis on total lowest landed cost.
The purchase order / contract shall be awarded to the L-1 Vendor only.
5) PAYMENT TERMS: Payment will be made after 30 days of receipt of Bills. …10/- ANNEXURE - VII
Sr. Descriptions Yearly Qty Unit Rate Total Amount No. 1 Terrene Silk Sarees 100 nos. 2 T/Cotton Blouse 25 nos. 3 T/Cotton Drivers' Coat 50 nos. 4 T/Cotton Chef's Coat / Cook's Coat 7200 nos. 5 T/Wool Pant 300 nos. 6 T/Cotton Full Sleeves Shirts/Bush Shirt 18000 nos. 7 T/Cotton Pant 16750 nos. 8 Boiler Suit T/C Drill 150 nos. 9 T/Cotton Tie 50 nos. 10 Cotton Unstarched Drill Apron 3500 nos. 11 Cotton Car Seat Cover 50 nos. 12 Cotton Unstarched Swab Duster 20"x20" 2000 nos. 13 T/Cotton Scarves 30 nos. 14 Cotton Chair Cover 50 nos. 15 Turkish Hand Towel 75 nos. 16 Non-wear Bed Sheet 99"x75" 200 nos. 17 Turkish Bath Towel 50"x70" 300 nos. 18 Non-wear Glass Cloth 21"x21" 3000 nos. 19 Non-wear Heavy Curtain 7 feet x 3 feet 50 nos. 20 Moscow Coat (heavy weight) 25 nos. 21 Moscow Hand Gloves 50 nos. 22 Frill Silk 20 Feet 25 nos. 23 Flourocent Jacket 200 nos. 24 Sofa Cover 5 feet 50 nos. Service Tax @ Transportation charges Total Value
Note: If Taxes/Levies and other details are not mentioned, it will be treated as net price/all inclusive.
Signature : ______
Name & Designation: ______
Co. Name & Seal : ______
Date : ______Place : ______…..11/-
Mrs. Asha Varadhan, Executive Secretary-Purchase Hotel Corporation of India Ltd, Chefair Flight Catering, CSI Airport, Sahar Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai-400 099 Dated:
SUB: CERTIFICATE FOR UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS & CONDITIONS, SPECIFICATIONS OF THE Tender No. CFCM/PUR/ Dated: .06.2016 for Laundry Services at Chefair Flight Catering, CSI Airport, Sahar Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai-400 099.
It is certified that we have studied and understood and hereby agree for the terms and conditions, Scope of work and specifications of the subject Tender/s for Laundry Services at Chefair Flight Catering, CSI Airport, Sahar Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai- 400 099.
I) Exit Clause / Termination of Purchase Order (PO)/Contract:
i) The Purchase Order may be terminated under the following circumstances:
ii) ‘HCIL’ reserves the right to terminate the Contract / cancel the PO by giving one month written notice but without assigning any reason and without any liability on it. iii) In the event of unsatisfactory performance in terms of quality/delivery etc, ’HCIL’ reserves the right to cancel the Contract / PO at a short notice and make alternative arrangement, with a right reserved, to recover the additional cost incurred from such defaulting supplier.
If there is a change in ‘HCIL’ requirement, the PO shall be terminated with one month’ advance notice but without any liability on ‘HCIL’.
II) Arbitration: Subsequent to award of contract against this Tender, any dispute or differences, whatsoever arising between the parties out of or relating to the construction, interpretation, application, meaning, scope, operation or effect of the Contract / Service Agreement or validity or the breach thereof, which despite best efforts cannot be amicably settled between the parties shall be referred to ``SCOPE FORUM OF CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION – GOVT OF INDIA`` and the award made in pursuance thereof shall be binding on the parties to the arbitration.
III) Jurisdiction: The construction, interpretation, validity and performance of such Contract/Agreement shall be governed by the laws of land of India. Any disputes arising out of implementation of the Contract between HCIL and Service Provider whatsoever shall be subject to the Jurisdiction of Mumbai Courts Only.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully, for Chefair Flight Catering, Mumbai
Asha Varadhan, Executive Secretary-Purchase, Purchase Department, Chefair Flight Catering, CSI Airport, Opp. Indian Oil Depot, Sahar Road, Andheri (E), Mumbai 400099 Tel: 022-2682 8183 / 2831 8904