WIU Phys 124 - Syllabus
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Physics 124 General Physics I Fall 2011 Syllabus
Instructor: Dr. Brian M. Davies Instructor's office: Currens 532 (top floor, NW corner) Phone: 309-298-1307 Physics Dept. Fax: 309-298-2850 Office Hours: MTuWF 11:00 a.m. – 11:50 a.m. Instructor's e-mail address: [email protected] Instructor’s web site: http://faculty.wiu.edu/BM-Davies/ Required textbook: College Physics, Wilson, Buffa, and Lou, 7th edition. (CD not needed) Laboratory book: Physics 124 Lab Manual, available at the Union bookstore Class Schedule: Lecture: M W F 10:00 – 10:50 a.m. in room: Currens 205 Discussion sections: Tues. 9:00 – 9:50 a.m. or 10:00 – 10:50 a.m. in room: Currens 205 Laboratory sections: Wed. 3 – 4:50 p.m., Thurs. 10 – 11:50 a.m., 1 – 2:50 p.m. or 4 – 5:50 p.m., Lab rooms: Currens 302 or 314 Lab sections 022 and 023 instructor is Dr. Saisudha Mallur, 309-298-1375, office: Currens 527
Course Objective: To introduce the student to basic concepts in mechanics: motion, equilibrium, work and energy, rotational motion, fluid motion, thermodynamics, vibrations, waves, and sound. Principles and problem solving techniques will be emphasized, and reinforced in the laboratory sessions.
ADA policy: “In accordance with University policy and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), academic accommodations may be made for any student who notifies the instructor of the need for an accommodation. For the instructor to provide the proper accommodation(s), you must obtain documentation of the need for an accommodation through Disability Resource Center (DRC) and provide it to the instructor. It is imperative that you take the initiative to bring such needs to the instructor's attention, as he/she is not legally permitted to inquire about such particular needs of students. Students who may require special assistance in emergency evacuations (i.e. fire, tornado, etc.) should contact the instructor as to the most appropriate procedures to follow in such an emergency. Contact Disability Resource Center (DRC) at 298-2512 for additional services.”
The material on the following web pages should be considered part of this syllabus:
Student rights and responsibilities: http://www.wiu.edu/provost/students.php
Academic Integrity Policy: http://www.wiu.edu/policies/acintegrity.php Physics 124 General Physics I Fall 2011 Syllabus p. 2
Grading Scheme: 4 exams: 15 % each, for a subtotal of 60% Homework sets and quizzes: 20 % 10 Laboratory exercises: 2 % each, for a subtotal of 20%
Assignment of Grades: A 100% 85 5% B 855% 755% C 755%655% D 655% 55 5% (Plus and minus will be given for the top and bottom 3% or so of these ranges, but there is no A+.) The exact cutoff for letter grades will be determined so that small differences in points will not change letter grades. You must pass the lab part of the course to pass the entire course. Homework is due at the beginning of your discussion section on Tuesday morning. Late homework will lose 20% of the possible points for each day it is late. Late homework can only be turned in during class, during lab, or to the folder by my office door, Currens 532. Please do not give homework sets or late lab reports to the secretary in the Physics office.
Additional policy for teacher education students, from the Teacher and Professional Education Program (TPEP) at WIU. See http://www.wiu.edu/tpep/index.html
TPEP vision statement: “Our graduates will be empowered educational professionals deeply committed to continuous learning and the empowerment of all learners.”
TPEP mission statement: “The WIU Teacher and Professional Education Program empowers candidates to become educational practitioners who engage in informed action that is grounded in knowledge and reflection; who are deeply committed to the highest standards of professional practice; who are able to adapt to emerging social, economic, and cultural landscapes; who are skilled in the use of technological tools that promote teaching and learning; and who are committed to empowering all learners.”
“In accordance with Illinois State Board of Education certification rules, all candidates seeking teacher certification are required by Western Illinois University to obtain a grade of “C” or better in all directed general education courses, all core courses, and all courses in the option. Note: A “C- ” is below a “C”.” Physics 124 Class Schedule Fall 2011
Lecture Content
1 Chapter 1 Measurement and Problem Solving 2, 3, 4 Chapter 2 Kinematics: Description of Motion 5, 6, 7, 8 Chapter 3 Motion in Two Dimensions 9, 10, 11, 12 Chapter 4 Force and Motion Exam 1 September 21 (Ch. 1-4) 13, 14, 15 Chapter 5 Work and Energy 16, 17, 18 Chapter 6 Linear Momentum and Collisions 19, 20 Chapter 7 Circular Motion and Gravitation 21, 22, 23 Chapter 8 Rotational Motion and Equilibrium Exam 2 October 19 (Ch. 5-8) 24, 25, 26 Chapter 9 Solids and Fluids 27, 28, 29 Chapter 10 Temperature and Kinetic Theory 30, 31, 32 Chapter 11 Heat Exam 3 November 11 (Ch. 9-11) 33, 34, 35 Chapter 12 Thermodynamics 36, 37, 38 Chapter 13 Vibrations and Waves 39, 40, 41 Chapter 14 Sound Final Exam December 12, 10 a.m. (Ch. 12-14)
Physics 124 Laboratory Schedule
Date Lab number Title of Laboratory Exercise Room
Aug. 24-25 Lab 1 Introduction to Linear Motion (314) Aug. 31-Sept. 1 Lab 2 Freely Falling Bodies and Graphical Analysis (314) Sept. 7-8 Lab 3 Force Table and the Addition of Vectors (314) Sept. 14-15 Lab 4 Force Transducer and Newton’s Second Law (314) Sept. 21-22 No Lab Sept. 28-29 Lab 5 Motion Detector, Force Sensor, Work, and Energy (314) Oct. 5-6 Lab 6 Impulse-Momentum and Conservation of Momentum (314) Oct. 12-13 Lab 7 Torque, Equilibrium, and Center of Gravity (314) Oct. 19-20 No Lab Oct. 26-27 No Lab Nov. 2-3 Lab 8 Archimedes' Principle and Buoyancy (302) Nov. 9-10 Lab 9 Thermal Coefficient of Linear Expansion (302) Nov. 16-17 No Lab Nov. 23-24 No Lab (Thanksgiving Break) Nov. 30-Dec. 1 Lab 10 Spring Force and Simple Harmonic Motion (314) Dec. 7-8 Makeup lab period (maximum of one makeup lab)