Sample Scheme of Work: GCSE Mathematics B J567: Foundation Initial Stage 4

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Sample Scheme of Work: GCSE Mathematics B J567: Foundation Initial Stage 4

© OCR 2010 Contents

Introduction 3 Sample Scheme of Work: GCSE Mathematics B J567: Foundation Initial Stage 4 Sample Lesson Plan: GCSE Mathematics B J567: Foundation Initial Stage 19 Published Resources 21

2 of 28 GCSE Mathematics B Introduction

In order to help you plan effectively for the implementation of the new specification we have produced sample schemes of work and lesson plans for Mathematics B. These support materials are designed for guidance only and play a secondary role to the specification.

Each sample scheme of work and lesson plan is provided in Word format. You should use it as a foundation to build upon, and amend or add to the content to suit your teaching style and learners’ needs.

This booklet provides examples of how to structure the teaching of this Stage; the teaching hours are suggestions only.

The specification is the document on which assessment is based and specifies what content and skills need to be covered in delivering the course. At all times, therefore, this support material booklet should be read in conjunction with the specification. If clarification on a particular point is sought then that clarification should be sought in the specification itself.


SUGGESTED TEACHING 2 HOURS TOPIC FIN12 – INTRODUCING NEGATIVE NUMBERS TIME SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES Order positive and negative  Lists of positive and negative numbers  Although the focus is generally on temperatures  Worksheet: each line has / temperatures, students should explore positive/negative numbers. Students cut Select number, then negative numbers negative numbers in other relevant them out and stick in their books in the  Weather maps and lists of cities’ temperatures contexts where possible. correct order Solve problems involving  Worksheet, or questions on whiteboard  World temperatures temperature change  Statistics relating to the Winter of 2009/2010

SUGGESTED TEACHING 2 HOURS TOPIC FIS1 – PROBABILITY WORDS AND THE PROBABILITY SCALE TIME SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES Understand and use the  Put the terms certain, likely, evens,  The PowerPoint goes on to use measures vocabulary of probability unlikely and impossible on cards on the Select ‘Probability (AB)’ of probability, which is beyond the scope of board  Cards with probability words on this Stage.  Each students is given an event written on  Cards with events on a card and places it under the relevant heading Understand the probability  Explain scale by relating the words to the  Above PowerPoint scale scale (or asking students to do this)  Questions from published text  Students to place events on the scale, and can be challenged to think about ranking them by likelihood

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SUGGESTED TEACHING 2 HOURS TOPIC FIN5 – BASIC FRACTIONS TIME SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES Identify a fraction of a  Questions on shapes identifying shaded  Worksheet of shapes divided into different Students need to understand the meaning quantity fractions of shapes (or shading a given fractions of the numerator and the denominator to do fraction)  As above but students shade in a given fraction this well. of each shape Calculate a fraction of a  Questions on finding a fraction of a  Worksheet or questions from a textbook given quantity quantity

SUGGESTED TEACHING 2 HOURS TOPIC FIG1 - MEASURES AND SCALES TIME SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES Use metric measurements  Students to explain which items would be  Work sheet matching units to items and convert from one metric measured in which units  Work sheet on conversions unit to another  Converting between metric units  Interpret scales on a range  Weighing, measuring, reading scales  Practical lesson using measuring jugs, scales of measuring instruments and balances, and tape measures  Items to weigh or measure  Worksheet on reading scales


SUGGESTED TEACHING 2 HOURS TOPIC FIa1 – INTRODUCING PATTERNS AND SEQUENCES TIME SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES Recognise and describe  Describe the rules for number sequences  Students should see and describe a range patterns in number Select Number, then Patterns of patterns, eg  Exercise from textbook 99 × 99 = 9801 999 × 999 = 998001 9999 × 9999 = 99980001 Continue simple sequences  Sequences for students to complete may  Exercise from textbook and explain how to find the be gaps in the middle not just at the end  Students work in pairs with individual next number in a simple  Describe in words how to find the next whiteboards. One makes up a sequence; pattern number in a pattern partner completes it, and describes the rule

SUGGESTED TEACHING 2 HOURS TOPIC FIN7 – INTRODUCING PERCENTAGES AS OPERATORS TIME SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES Calculate simple  Introduce idea of simple percentages  : Percentage This is most likely to be linked with FIN6, in percentages of quantities 50%, 25%, 10%, 5% and multiples cards the sense that many will introduce 50% and 1 1  Exercise from textbook 25% as being equivalent to and without the use of a 2 4 calculator respectively.

 Calculate multiples of 5% of quantities  Exercise from textbook  Spider diagrams; building up other  The ‘Standards Unit’ Box

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percentages from easier percentages  GCSE MATHEMATICS B J567: FOUNDATION INITIAL STAGE

SUGGESTED TEACHING 2 HOURS TOPIC FIa3 – FUNCTION MACHINES AND ONE-STEP EQUATIONS TIME SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES Use simple function  Arithmetic practice to start  Mini whiteboards machines to deal with inputs  Move into function machine notation  Sample lesson plan attached to this scheme of and outputs  Extend into determining the input from work given output Solve simple equations  Can move into algebraic notation from  Mini whiteboards The balancing method may make the move involving one operation either  Worksheet or textbook exercises into notation such as “2x” easier, but  function machines, replacing the input demonstrating division and subtraction is with x before showing that the machine more difficult. can be removed, or  balancing puzzles with equal weights on either side of the puzzles (one of which is x)

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SUGGESTED TEACHING 2 HOURS TOPIC FIN2 – ADDING AND SUBTRACTING TIME SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES Add and subtract three-digit  Range of methods for doing this  Mini whiteboards numbers without the use of a (traditional; splitting into hundreds, tens,  Worksheet or textbook exercise calculator units; number lines; counting on) Add and subtract numbers  At this level, relate the questions to  Coins, rulers, scales – and objects to measure or with up to two decimal money, length or mass etc weigh places without the use of a  Recap previous lesson’s work on calculator arithmetic


SUGGESTED TEACHING 2 HOURS TOPIC FIG6 - mAPS AND PLANS TIME SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES Use and interpret street  Students describe their route from school  Street plans Can make cross-curricular links to plans and simple maps, left to home  Web-based satellite image/mapping/street-level Geography in this topic (OCR GCSE right and clockwise and anti  Students have street maps: teacher viewing program Geography A units A672, A673 and A674 or OCR GCSE Geography B unit B562) clockwise questions students about the map, using left, right, clockwise, and anti-clockwise Grid references, and  Introduce the idea of grid references  Small grids using numbers and letters on the grid compass directions  Introduce compass directions  Picture of compass with 8 points labelled  Select Shape, space and Measures, then Grids  Exercise from textbook

SUGGESTED TEACHING 2 HOURS TOPIC FIS2 – lISTING OBJECTS TIME SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES Find all possible ways of  Students make as many 4 digit numbers  4 cards with different numbers listing up to 4 objects as possible from the 4 digits  Exercise from textbook  Introduce systematic listing  Different ideas and contexts eg choices of menu


SUGGESTED TEACHING 4 HOURS TOPIC FIN3 & FIN4 - mULTIPLYING AND DIVIDING TIME SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES Multiply and divide by 10,100  Multiply by 10, 100, 1000  Exercise from textbook and 1000 without a  Divide by 10, 100, 1000 calculator Multiply and divide numbers  Multiply whole numbers and decimals by  Exercise from textbook with no more than one an integer decimal digit by an integer  Divide whole numbers and decimals by an between 1 and 10 without a integer calculator Multiply and divide a three-  Use a variety of methods, eg ‘traditional’  Recent Principal Examiners’ reports have digit number by a two-digit algorithms, gelosia/lattice, grid, chunking Select “Chinese Multiplication”, Russian, or noted that students using the grid or number. for division, etc Egyptian gelosia methods for multiplication tend to  Exercises from textbook be more successful. Multiply numbers with up to  Use money contexts for two decimal digits Exercises from textbook two decimal digits by an integer, with (or without) a calculator

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SUGGESTED TEACHING 2 HOURS TOPIC FIN1 – ROUNDING TIME SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES Round numbers to a given  Place numbers on a number line and ask  Newspaper and internet articles are a good power of 10 questions, eg what is the nearest 100? source of rounded numbers  Move into decimals, again starting with  Worksheet or textbook money or measurement contexts

SUGGESTED TEACHING 3 HOURS TOPIC FIG4 – RECOGNISING SHAPES, SOLIDS AND PARTS OF CIRCLES TIME SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES Recognise regular polygons  For each area, matching games are a  Flash cards (pentagon, hexagon, good way to help learners remember the  Shapes and solids octagon) different names of the shapes and parts  Mini whiteboards  There may be mental associations Recognise types of triangle students can make to help them (isosceles, equilateral, remember the names scalene)  “Splat” game. Write the names you want to test on the board. Two students stand Recognise the terms circle, by the board. Show students a picture centre, radius, diameter and corresponding to one of the words – the circumference first one to “splat” the word wins, and a new challenger comes up to the front Recognise simple solids (cube, cuboid, sphere,

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12 of 28 GCSE Mathematics B Sample GCSE Scheme of Work GCSE MATHEMATICS B J567: FOUNDATION INITIAL STAGE

SUGGESTED TEACHING 2 HOURS TOPIC FIG3 – INTRODUCTION TO ANGLES TIME SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES Measure and draw angles to  Students name types of angles  the nearest degree  Students measure angles drawn on a / Select Shape, space and measures, then Angles Identify types of angle worksheet  Paired work: one student gives an angle  Worksheet with angles drawn: Students cut them size; partner draws it; first student checks out and stick them onto a sheet under headings it acute, obtuse etc – or a similar card sorting activity  Mini whiteboards, pens, protractors  Pictures (of anything – could be taken by the students themselves outside the classroom). Either project them or print them, and ask students to estimate angles in the picture, and then to measure them Recall and use angle  Angle facts: straight line, round a point,  Link to pictures above: ensure you have some properties opposite angles, perpendicular lines good examples in the set illustrating the  Fit together angle cards on a straight line, properties round a point, etc  Exercise from textbook

SUGGESTED TEACHING 2 HOURS TOPIC FIN10 - tIME TIME SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES Familiarisation of 24 hour  Use the 24 hour clock, changing to and  Exercise on am/pm and 24 hour clock Analogue as well as digital from 12 hour clock

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SUGGESTED TEACHING 2 HOURS TOPIC FIN10 - tIME TIME SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES clock Work out starting times,  Problems involving time calculating  Any source of timetables on the internet finishing times and intervals intervals and start/finish times  Instructions (for anything) that include timings

14 of 28 GCSE Mathematics B Sample GCSE Scheme of Work GCSE MATHEMATICS B J567: FOUNDATION INITIAL STAGE

SUGGESTED TEACHING 2 HOURS TOPIC FIA2 - fORMULA TIME SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES Use formulae expressed in  Use simple word formula  Exercise from textbook words or symbols  Discuss where formulae are used Substitute positive numbers  Introduce symbols into formula  Exercise from textbook into formula to find the value of the subject

SUGGESTED TEACHING 2 HOURS TOPIC FIN11 - oRDER OF OPERATIONS TIME SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES Perform calculations  Write a calculation on the board eg 16 + 4  Exercise from textbook involving the use of brackets × 2·12 ÷ 4 and ask students to work out and the order of operations the answer  Discuss answers  Try on scientific and non scientific calculators  Introduce the order of operations  Introduce brackets and the reasons for  Exercise from textbook using them

GCSE Mathematics B 15 of 28 Sample GCSE Scheme of Work GCSE MATHEMATICS B J567: FOUNDATION INITIAL STAGE

SUGGESTED TEACHING 2 HOURS TOPIC FIS5 – TWO-WAY TABLES TIME SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES Extract and use information  Introduce idea of two-way tables  from two-way tables  Students use two-way tables to answer  Bus and train timetables including timetables questions  Mileage charts  Worksheet with questions from above or exercise from a textbook  Students plan a holiday or trip using a  Holiday brochures variety of two way tables

SUGGESTED TEACHING 2 HOURS TOPIC FIn6 – fRACTIONS, DECIMALS AND PERCENTAGES TIME SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES Recall fraction to decimal  Introduce idea of conversion  Fraction decimal dominoes conversions of simple  Use a fraction and decimal wall to show  Card matching fractions equivalence  Fraction/decimal wall  Exercise form textbook Convert simple fractions of a  Use a fraction and percentage wall to  Fraction percentage dominoes Links to earlier work on FIN7. whole to percentage and show equivalence  Card matching vice versa Convert decimals to a  Convert decimals to a percentage  Exercise from published text percentage and vice versa  Convert percentages to a decimal

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GCSE Mathematics B 17 of 28 Sample GCSE Scheme of Work GCSE MATHEMATICS B J567: FOUNDATION INITIAL STAGE

SUGGESTED TEACHING 2 HOURS TOPIC fIa4 - cOORDINATES TIME SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES Use axes and coordinates in  Drawing and labelling axes  Work sheets four quadrants, including  Recap on coordinates in first quadrant  using points identified by  Introduce other quadrants Select Algebra, then Graphs: Basic Skills geometrical information  Identify and plot coordinates  Plotting points to give named shapes,  Exercise from published text identify shapes from coordinates

SUGGESTED TEACHING 2 HOURS TOPIC fIg2 - eSTIMATING ANGLES AND LENGTHS TIME SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES Make sensible estimates of a  Students are shown a 30 cm and 1 metre  Classroom and around school, eg car park range of measures in ruler. They are then asked to estimate everyday settings the length/width/height of various items in the classroom  Estimating angles  Worksheet  Students given angles to estimate give 2  Could also include length of lines points if within 10°, 1 point if within 20°

18 of 28 GCSE Mathematics B Sample GCSE Scheme of Work GCSE MATHEMATICS B J567: FOUNDATION INITIAL STAGE

SUGGESTED TEACHING 2 HOURS TOPIC fIa5 - CONSTRUCT AND INTERPRET SIMPLE GRAPHICS INCLUDING CONVERSION GRAPHS TIME SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES Construct and interpret  Introduce ideas of conversion, eg Pounds  Fact sheets, exchange rates conversion graphs to Euros  Unit comparisons, eg miles to km etc  Show how to construct and use a conversion graph  Reading/using simple graphs and  Exercise from textbook conversion graphs

SUGGESTED TEACHING 2 HOURS TOPIC fIg7 & Fig8 - REFLECTION AND REFLECTION SYMMETRY TIME SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES Recognise and complete  Introduce idea of reflection  Work sheets reflection symmetry of 2-D  Students identity reflection symmetry  Exercise from published text shapes  Give patterns on grids for students to  Students make up their own patterns Understand that reflections complete are specified by a mirror line Transform triangles and  Mirror lines  Worksheets Mirrors may help at the early stages but are other 2-D shapes by  Reflect shapes in a given line not permitted in the final examination (you reflection using a given line  Draw a mirror line on a diagram may wish to allow them in the Stage Test). Tracing paper can always be used, however, and is another useful tool for completing reflections.

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20 of 28 GCSE Mathematics B Sample GCSE Scheme of Work GCSE MATHEMATICS B J567: FOUNDATION INITIAL STAGE

SUGGESTED TEACHING 2 HOURS TOPIC fIs4 - rEPRESENTING DATA TIME SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES Draw and interpret simple  Collecting data, tally/frequency charts  There are opportunities to use ICT in frequency tables, charts,  Use the tally chart to draw a bar chart Select Handling data, then Collecting and producing the graphs as well. pictograms and bar charts collect data from the class eg number of recording for discrete data pets owned  Exercise from published text Cross-curricular links can be made to, eg  Science, Business, Geography. Select Handling data, then Representing data  Pictograms  Exercise from published text  Select Handling data, then Representing data

SUGGESTED TEACHING 2 HOURS TOPIC fIG5 - pERIMETER AREA AND VOLUME TIME SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES Find the perimeter of straight  Find the perimeter of straight sided  Worksheet: adding lengths to find the perimeter sided shapes. shapes  Measuring sides to find the perimeter  Measuring sides to find the perimeter  Calculate one side given the perimeter and the other sides

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SUGGESTED TEACHING 2 HOURS TOPIC fIG5 - pERIMETER AREA AND VOLUME TIME SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES Find areas of irregular  Find the area of irregular shapes by  Worksheet shapes by counting squares counting squares  Transparent square grid and volumes of simple  Find the area of a rectangle  Cubes: students make models with cubes shapes by counting cubes.  Find the volume by counting cubes Find the area of a rectangle.

22 of 28 GCSE Mathematics B Sample GCSE Scheme of Work GCSE MATHEMATICS B J567: FOUNDATION INITIAL STAGE

SUGGEST ED TOPI 2 HOURS fIn8 - oRDERING DECIMALS TEACHIN C G TIME SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES Ordering decimals  Order decimals  Mini whiteboards  Give each student a mini whiteboard with a  Exercise from textbook decimal written on. Five students stand at the front and the class has to place them in order

SUGGESTED TEACHING 2 HOURS TOPIC FIN9 - sOLVING PROBLEMS TIME SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES Solve problems using the  Identify the problem and find a strategy  Exercise from textbook A chance to introduce functional maths and four operations on integer  Students produce their own sheets of  A good source of problems to solve is the nrich a range of contexts. and decimal numbers using problems for others to solve website: a calculator mm=1

GCSE Mathematics B 23 of 28 Sample GCSE Scheme of Work GCSE MATHEMATICS B J567: FOUNDATION INITIAL STAGE

SUGGESTED TEACHING 2 HOURS TOPIC FIS3 - aVERAGES AND RANGE TIME SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES Calculate the mean, median,  Calculate the mode of discrete data  Students often come unstuck remembering mode and range of discrete  Calculate the median of discrete data  Select Handling data, then measures of average which averages is which. A consideration data  Calculate the mean of discrete data  Exercises from textbook of why each of the averages are used can be helpful – and of course the range is not  Calculate the range of discrete date an average.  Consolidate above ideas  Exercise from textbook Interpretation of these statistics is not a requirement of this Stage (see FBS2).

SUGGESTED TEACHING 2-3 HOURS TOPIC REVISION, TESTING AND FEEDBACK TIME SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES Revision  Revision of topics  Worksheets  ExamQuest Test  OCR Foundation Initial Stage Test  Download the test securely from: Your examinations officer can set up a teacher/tutor account for you. Feedback  Feedback on Stage Test


Function Machines and Equations

OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification above will vary greatly from school to school and from teacher to teacher. With that in mind this lesson plan is offered, as a possible approach but will be subject to modifications by the individual teacher.

Lesson length is assumed to be one hour.

Learning Objectives for the Lesson

Objective 1 To draw one stage function machines Objective 2 To draw the inverse of one stage function machines Objective 3 To use function machines to solve one step equations

Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge

 To know the inverse of simple functions  To be able to add and subtract integers to 20  To be able to multiply and divide integers to 10 × 10


Time Content 5 minutes Review of single digit addition, subtraction, multiplication and division using whiteboards and, if necessary, pre-printed addition and multiplication tables. Ask questions like 3 + 5, 9 – 4, 5 × 6, 8 ÷ 2 and so on. The range of numbers can be increased depending on the ability of the group. You could use PowerPoint with a loop to present the questions; answers to be noted in exercise books. 15 minutes Use whiteboards for this activity. Read a simple scenario/story and ask them to write the answer on their whiteboards, eg “I think of a number, add 3 and the answer is 12. What is my number?” or “Some children are playing football and 5 more join in. There are now 11 playing football. How many were there originally?” or “I have some money. I spend £4. I now have £5. How much did I have to begin with?” When many are giving the correct response ask for the method used. If correct inverse is given move on without comment, allowing each student to make his/her own decisions.

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20 minutes Review some of the previous section’s ‘stories’. Ask the students how to write them on the board. Use ? or a rectangle or ‘stick a piece of card’ where the ‘x’ goes, eg write “? + 3 = 12” on the board. Introduce a function machine and show inverse but do not write the inverse operation in. Ask for suggestions eg +

3 ? 12

Repeat with other operations. Students to use whiteboards to do this. 15 minutes Review of single digit addition, subtraction, multiplication and division using whiteboards and, if necessary, pre-printed addition and multiplication tables. Ask questions like 3 + 5, 9 – 4, 5 × 6, 8 ÷ 2 and so on. The range of numbers can be increased depending on the ability of the group. You could use PowerPoint with a loop to present the questions and answers noted in exercise books.


Time Content 5 minutes Use a self-checking technique to present three equations to the students. Solutions on whiteboards or in exercise books.  Three equations with different operations and three solutions. Match equation to solution.  Three equations, two with same solution, third different. Find the odd one out.  Write a story and a solution to give an answer of 6. Homework/  Use an exercise from an approved text book or homework book project  Ask each student to write 5 questions with their solutions  Project: Produce a simple game, squares round perimeter of board and with ‘go forward 3’ or ‘go back 5’. Players pick a card on turn. Each card is an equation. Correct solution leads to player moving the number of squares consistent with the solution (ie ‘x’ = 3 so move forward 3 squares). Team produces game, board and cards.

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Published Resources

OCR offers centres a wealth of quality published support for new specifications with a fantastic choice of ‘Official Publisher Partner’ and ‘Approved Publication’ resources, all endorsed by OCR.

Publisher partners

We work in close collaboration with our three publisher partners Hodder Education, Heinemann and Oxford University Press to ensure you have access to quality materials, written by experts, when you need it. The publisher partnerships are not exclusive (see Approved Publications below).All OCR endorsed resources undergo our thorough quality assurance process to ensure they cover the specification.

Hodder Education is the publisher partner for OCR GCSE Mathematics B.

Hodder Education is producing the following resources for OCR GCSE Mathematics B for first teaching in September 2010.

OCR Mathematics for GCSE Specification B – Student Book 1 Foundation Initial & Bronze Howard Baxter, Michael Handbury, John Jeskins, Jean Matthews, Mark Patmore ISBN: 9781444118506, Published: 25/06/2010

OCR Mathematics for GCSE Specification B – Student Book 2 Foundation Silver & Gold and Higher Initial & Bronze ISBN: 9781444118513, Published: 25/06/2010

OCR Mathematics for GCSE Specification B – Student Book 3 Higher Silver & Gold Howard Baxter, Michael Handbury, John Jeskins, Jean Matthews, Mark Patmore ISBN: 9781444118520, Published: 25/06/2010

OCR Mathematics for GCSE Specification B – Teacher and Assessment Pack 1 Foundation Initial & Bronze Howard Baxter, Michael Handbury, John Jeskins, Jean Matthews, Mark Patmore ISBN: 9781444118568, Published: 27/08/2010

OCR Mathematics for GCSE Specification B – Teacher and Assessment Pack 2 Foundation Silver & Gold and Higher Initial & Bronze Howard Baxter, Michael Handbury, John Jeskins, Jean Matthews, Mark Patmore ISBN: 9781444118575, Published: 27/08/2010

GCSE Mathematics B 27 of 28

OCR Mathematics for GCSE Specification B – Teacher and Assessment Pack 3 Higher Silver & Gold Howard Baxter, Michael Handbury, John Jeskins, Jean Matthews, Mark Patmore ISBN: 9781444118582, Published: 27/08/2010

OCR Mathematics for GCSE Specification B – Homework Book 1 Foundation Initial & Bronze Howard Baxter, Michael Handbury, John Jeskins, Jean Matthews, Mark Patmore ISBN: 9781444118537, Published: 24/09/2010

OCR Mathematics for GCSE Specification B – Homework Book 2 Foundation Silver & Gold and Higher Initial & Bronze Howard Baxter, Michael Handbury, John Jeskins, Jean Matthews, Mark Patmore ISBN: 9781444118544, Published: 24/09/2010

OCR Mathematics for GCSE Specification B – Homework Book 3 Higher Silver & Gold Howard Baxter, Michael Handbury, John Jeskins, Jean Matthews, Mark Patmore ISBN: 9781444118551, Published: 24/09/2010

Dynamic Learning The unique online assessment allows you to track learners' progress, highlighting routes to achieve success. The reports not only identify students' areas of strength and weakness, but provide links to print and digital resources that will help them improve their knowledge and skills.

Approved publications

OCR still endorses other publisher materials, which undergo a thorough quality assurance process to achieve endorsement. By offering a choice of endorsed materials, centres can be assured of quality support for all OCR qualifications.

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Recommended publications