Spanish 4430.001: Sexualities in Contemporary Spanish Cinema. T 3:30-6:20-pm, LANG 212 Fall 2013. UNT. Dr. Cristina Sánchez-Conejero. [email protected]. Office hours: T 12-12:30, Th 3:30-5pm. Office: L401-H


Required materials: Class reader and English/Spanish, Spanish/English dictionary.

Week 1

Welcome and course presentation. Franco and Sexuality in Spain. Sex and the Postmodern Revolution. Pedro Almodóvar.

Week 2

Laberintos de pasiones (1982) by Pedro Almodóvar.

Week 3

Friday: QUIZ #1. Cultural activity.

Week 4

Sexualities in Spain II Republic. Fernando Trueba. Belle Epoque (1992) by Fernando Trueba.

Week 5

Sex, Nation and Personal Identity. Imanol Uribe. La muerte de Mikel (1984) by Imanol Uribe.

Week 6

La muerte de Mikel (1984) by Imanol Uribe.

Week 7

QUIZ #2. Sex, “Others” and Fatal Attractions. Bigas Luna. . Week 8

La teta y la luna (1994) by Bigas Luna.

Week 9

La teta y la luna (1994) by Bigas Luna.

Week 10

Sex, Social Class and Politics. Vicente Aranda. Juana la loca (2001) by Vicente Aranda.

Week 11

QUIZ #3. Sex and Eroticism.Julio Médem.

Week 12

Lucía y el sexo (2002) by Julio Médem.

Week 13

Sex, Gender and Feminism.Todo sobre mi madre (1998) by Pedro Almodóvar.

Week 14

QUIZ #4. Todo sobre mi madre (1998) by Pedro Almodóvar. Spanish 4430.001: Sexualities in Contemporary Spanish Cinema. T 3:30-6:20-pm, LANG 212 Fall 2013. UNT. Dr. Cristina Sánchez-Conejero. [email protected]. Office hours: T 12-12:30, Th 3:30-5pm. Office: L401-H

Week 15

Sex, Pathology and Crime. Hable con ella (2003) by Pedro Almodóvar.

COURSE BREAKDOWN 30%  Quizzes (3). Your lowest grade will be dropped.

40%  Essays (4)

*Please notice: all essays must be original (not copied from any printed source or the internet), typed, double spaced, Times New Roman 12).

10%  Student performance/active participation in class.

20%  Final exam on Tuesday, Dec. 10, 1:30-3:30

A 90.0+ B 80.0+ C 70.0+ D 60.0+ The student participates The student participates The student participates The student seldom constructively every day and constructively often, but not constructively sometimes, but participates constructively often every day not often and not every day

*Attendance is mandatory. You are only allowed three absences. After the 3rd absence, your final grade will be dropped 1% for each additional absence.

*There is no extra-credit in this course.

*Please notice that no early quizzes will be given and there are NO make-ups for any quiz (NO exceptions) . Keep in mind when planning your work schedule and other personal activities. As I drop your lowest quiz, if you miss a quiz, that will be the one I drop.

*Academic dishonesty: your academic integrity is important. Dishonesty, including plagiarism or any other forms of cheating, is taken very seriously and may result in an automatic failing of the course and/or expulsion from the university. Please review the university’s academic dishonesty policies on the web at and

* Disability accommodation: The Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures cooperates with the Office of Disability Accommodation to make reasonable accommodations for qualified students with disabilities, as required by the American with Disabilities Act and Section 504, Rehabilitation Act. Please present your written accommodation request to your professor on or before the 6th class day.

This fall UNT is launching a new campaign - “Succeed at UNT” ( to provide students with consistent student success messages, and user-friendly, accessible links to student support services. The following six focused messages: -Show Up -Find Support -Take Control -Be Prepared -Get Involved -Be Persistent