Record of Proceedings s10

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Record of Proceedings s10

RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS ______Page one (1) MEEKER SANITATION DISTRICT Regular Session October 5, 2016 Chairperson Hoke called to order the Board Meeting. The regular meeting of the Meeker Sanitation District Board of Directors was held Wednesday evening October 5, 2016 at 7:00 P.M. at the Meeker Sanitation District Board Room at 265 8th Street. Notices were posted prior to the meeting at the County Courthouse, Town Hall, Post Office, and the Office of the Meeker Sanitation District and published in the Rio Blanco Herald Times. The following persons were present: Chairperson Hoke Director Hooper Plant Manager Nielsen Secretary Day Attorney Borchard Office Manager Frantz

Director Overton and Director Balloga were both absent with them being excused.

Additions or Changes to the Agenda: MOTION TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS WRITTEN WAS MADE BY DIRECTOR HOOPER, SECONDED BY DIRECTOR DAY. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Approval of Minutes MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 7, 2016 BOARD MEETING WAS MADE BY DIRECTOR HOOPER, SECONDED BY DIRECTOR DAY. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Health Insurance: Renewal information on the health, dental, vision and life insurance premiums was presented for review and discussion. The rate increased by 3.5% for 2017 for health insurance and 0% for dental insurance. MOTION TO ACCEPT THE RENEWAL WITH NO CHANGES WAS MADE BY DIRECTOR DAY, SECONDED BY DIRECTOR HOKE. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. State Comp Insurance: Renewal efforts have been made for the State Comp Insurance as well as the Property and Liability Insurance. Our State Comp Insurance provider always calls to go over the renewal procedures and requirements, asking questions about District policies and programs. Last year questions were asked pertaining to the Safety Program. Office Manager Frantz was able to answer most questions positively with the exception of regular safety meetings and documentation pertaining to them. It was requested at that time to work on getting those safety meetings held regularly with documentation. Plant Manager Nielsen was talked with about it and then unfortunately was not followed up on. So this year the same questions were asked and it was explained that there is no documentation on any safety meetings happening. She said she would send the Cost Containment Certification Employers Guide, and could she count on this becoming a reality this year. The program must be in effect for one year to realize the 5% discount in the premium. Office Manager Frantz contacted Plant Manager Nielsen and the first safety meeting was held on the 29th of September, with documentation being done. A safety policy statement was presented for approval and signatures by the Board MOTION TO ACCEPT THE SAFETY POLICY STATEMENT FOR THE MEEKER SANITATION DISTRICT WAS MADE BY DIRECTOR HOOPER, SECONDED BY DIRECTOR HOKE. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Regular Board Meeting Page Two (2) October 5, 2016

The District also needs to have a safety committee or a safety coordinator. We aren’t large enough for a separate safety committee, so it was suggested that we go with a safety coordinator and that coordinator be Office Manager Frantz. Office Manager Frantz is the person that always talks with the insurance provider and also the person who files all necessary forms and documentation MOTION TO DESIGNATE GAIL FRANTZ AS THE SAFETY COORDINATOR WAS MADE BY DIRECTOR HOKE, SECONDED BY DIRECTOR DAY. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.

Shop for Equipment: The new shop is moving along. Plant Manager Nielsen explained the water and gas needs to be run to the building, and the electric is almost finished. The District is in receipt of an invoice in the amount of $37,234.50 for 25% progress payment with a retainage of 5% of $1,861.30 taken out, with the amount to be paid of $35,372.77. MOTION TO PAY RENNINGER FOR THE INVOICE IN THE AMOUNT OF $37,234.50 WITH $1.861.30 RETAINAGE OF 5% TAKEN OUT FOR A PAYMENT OF $35,372.77 WAS MADE BY DIRECTOR HOOPER, SECONDED BY DIRECTOR DAY. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.

Retaining Wall, Parking & Driveway: CCITF requests, the District will meet with the county on October 13th at 10:30 am, with Director Hoke and Director Hooper agreeing to be present along with Office Manager Frantz and Plant Manager Nielsen. Work is being done on the energy impact grant, waiting to get the information for the engineering preliminary report. Along with the application we will need the Preliminary Engineering Reports, Architectural Drawings, Cost Estimates, Detailed Budget, Map showing location of the Project, Attorney’s Tabor Decision, and HPCP Registration, Modification or Waiver Form. The Board asked Office Manager Frantz to look into any “green grants” that we might be able to use, new better insulation will be put in to conserve energy and the District may look at putting new energy efficient heaters in as well.

Plant Manager Report: All lab results were within permit limits.

Office Manager Report: The SDA Conference was attended by Director Day, Director Hoke and Attorney Borchard. Discussion was had on what they learned. They all felt it was a very worthwhile conference to attend. Director Day explained about the delinquent list and to make sure that only the Board saw the list and it was destroyed after the Board Meeting. In checking on the interest rates for savings and CD’s there is no place right now that is paying better than COLOTRUST @.8%. Called Karen Arnold the County Treasurer and she said she checks quite often and she has not found anywhere that is paying better than COLOTRUST. Bank of the San Juans did call a while back and wanted the county to invest more money in the bank, but they couldn’t pay what COLOTRUST was paying. Director Hoke asked if he could have the hospital financial person provide some information to the District, with that being alright.

Regular Board Meeting Page Three (3) October 5, 2016

Attorney: Attorney Borchard had nothing new to report.

Board: The Board reviewed the Delinquent Accounts, Profit and Loss Statement, Balance Sheet, and Bank Statements. The Board reviewed the current bills, and Quickbooks Accounts Payable Report. Office Manager Frantz explained $50,000.00 had been transferred from the Colotrust System Improvement Account to help pay for the bills for September, with the Shop having an invoice due of $35,372.77. MOTION TO PAY THE BILLS FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 2016 FOR THE AMOUNT OF $98,753.60 WAS MADE BY DIRECTOR HOOPER, SECONDED BY DIRECTOR DAY. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Director Hoke signed the checks and Director Day gave Office Manager Frantz permission to use signature stamp. Meeting was adjourned, next regular Board meeting will be held on November 9, 2016.

______Chairperson ATTEST


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