Chapter 8 the High Middle Ages: High Times, Low Times

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Chapter 8 the High Middle Ages: High Times, Low Times

Church History Chapter 8 The High Middle Ages: High Times, Low Times

Part One: A New World in the Making: Cities and Powerful Kings (pages 147-9) A. Review Questions 1. How did the Cistercians improve the quality of life in Europe during the High Middle Ages? 2. What were guilds? How did they contribute to the church? 3. In what way did the role of kings change after the year 1000?

B. Vocabulary a) usury

C. Key Concepts, Events, Dates, People and Places b) The High Middle Ages c) Cistercians

Part Two: Church Institutions Flourish (pages 150-8) A. Review Questions 4. What was the controversy over lay investiture? How was it resolved? 5. Summarize the five reforms in the papacy and clergy from the era of Gregory VII. 6. How were the cathedrals used, other than for celebrating Masses and baptisms? 7. What things impressed Sheriff William Hamleigh about the cathedral at Kingsbridge? 8. Explain the evolution of the university. 9. How did the Medieval-style university differ from university life today? 10. How did Muslim scholars contribute to learning?

B. Vocabulary: d) lay investiture e) celibacy f) nave

C. Key Concepts, Events, Dates, People and Places g) Pope Gregory VII h) Emperor Henry IV i) Pope Innocent III j) College of Cardinals  cathedral – seat (“cathedra”) of the bishop k) Divine Office

Part Three: A Church Divided, Zeal Misguided (pages 159-64) A. Review Questions 11. Explain six differences that had been building between Eastern and Western Christians and contributed to the split of the church. 12. What was the fundamental issue that led to the final break in 1054? Why did Pope Leo IX’s representative fail in his attempt at reconciliation with the East? 13. What was the original purpose of the Crusades? 14. Explain how most Christians at the time understood the crusades. 15. Explain how the crusades were a moral failure. 16. What good came from the crusades?

B. Vocabulary: l) indulgences C. Key Concepts, Events, Dates, People and Places m) iconoclast controversy  1054 break between the Eastern and Western churches n) Michael Cerularius o) Pope Leo IX p) Pope Urban II q) Cardinal Humbert r) King Richard “the Lion-Hearted” s) the just-war theory t) the Peace of God u) the Truce of God

Part Four: Heresy and Inquisition (pages 165-8)

A. Review Questions 17. What did the Albigensians believe? What’s one reason the group grew in number? 18. Why was heresy considered such a great evil during the Middle Ages? 19. What was the purpose of the Papal Inquisition? 20. In what respect was Hildegard of Bingen a healer, a preacher, and a visionary? 21. What trial process was used with a person accused of heresy during the Inquisition?

B. Vocabulary: v) interdict

C. Key Concepts, Events, Dates, People and Places w) Hildegard of Bingen x) Pope Gregory IX

Part Five: Mendicant Friars: From the Monasteries to the Streets (pages 169-73)

A. Review Questions 22. How did the mendicant orders differ from earlier religious orders? 23. How did the Dominicans get started? 24. Summarize how Francis lived as a friar. 25. Who was Clare, and how did she carry on Francis’s vision? 26. What were Thomas Aquinas’s contributions to Christian theology? 27. Explain the four implications of some of the developments that occurred in the church of this era. (One sentence of each.)

B. Vocabulary: y) friars minor z) mendicant

C. Key Concepts, Events, Dates, People and Places aa) Dominic de Guzman bb) Dominicans cc) Francis of Assisi dd) Clare ee) The Poor Clares ff) Thomas Aquinas gg) Monte Casino hh) Albert the Great ii) Summa Theologiae

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